'//+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- '// '// File: loadreg.frm '// '// Module: pbadmin.exe '// '// Synopsis: The regions dialog. '// '// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation '// '// Author: quintinb Created Header 09/02/99 '// '//+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
VERSION 5.00 Object = "{F9043C88-F6F2-101A-A3C9-08002B2F49FB}#1.2#0"; "COMDLG32.OCX" Object = "{6B7E6392-850A-101B-AFC0-4210102A8DA7}#1.3#0"; "COMCTL32.OCX" Begin VB.Form frmLoadRegion BorderStyle = 3 'Fixed Dialog ClientHeight = 4665 ClientLeft = 135 ClientTop = 1545 ClientWidth = 4485 Icon = "LoadReg.frx":0000 LinkTopic = "Form1" LockControls = -1 'True MaxButton = 0 'False MinButton = 0 'False PaletteMode = 1 'UseZOrder ScaleHeight = 4665 ScaleWidth = 4485 ShowInTaskbar = 0 'False WhatsThisButton = -1 'True WhatsThisHelp = -1 'True Begin VB.CommandButton cmbEdit Caption = "edit" Height = 345 Left = 3120 TabIndex = 2 Top = 630 WhatsThisHelpID = 90010 Width = 1215 End Begin VB.CommandButton cmbDelete Caption = "del" Height = 345 Left = 3120 TabIndex = 3 Top = 1125 WhatsThisHelpID = 90020 Width = 1215 End Begin VB.CommandButton cmbregsave Caption = "add" Height = 330 Left = 3120 TabIndex = 1 Top = 120 WhatsThisHelpID = 90000 Width = 1215 End Begin VB.Frame Frame1 Height = 60 Left = 3120 TabIndex = 7 Top = 1680 Width = 1245 End Begin VB.CommandButton cmbOK Caption = "ok" Height = 345 Left = 3120 TabIndex = 5 Top = 3720 WhatsThisHelpID = 10030 Width = 1215 End Begin VB.CommandButton cmbCancel Cancel = -1 'True Caption = "cancel" Height = 345 Left = 3120 TabIndex = 6 Top = 4200 WhatsThisHelpID = 10040 Width = 1230 End Begin VB.CommandButton loadReg Caption = "import" Height = 375 Left = 3120 TabIndex = 4 Top = 1920 WhatsThisHelpID = 90030 Width = 1215 End Begin ComctlLib.ListView RegionList Height = 4455 Left = 120 TabIndex = 0 Top = 105 WhatsThisHelpID = 90040 Width = 2835 _ExtentX = 5001 _ExtentY = 7858 View = 3 LabelWrap = -1 'True HideSelection = 0 'False _Version = 327682 ForeColor = -2147483640 BackColor = -2147483643 Appearance = 1 BeginProperty Font {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851} Name = "MS Sans Serif" Size = 8.25 Charset = 0 Weight = 400 Underline = 0 'False Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty NumItems = 1 BeginProperty ColumnHeader(1) {0713E8C7-850A-101B-AFC0-4210102A8DA7} Key = "" Object.Tag = "" Text = "region" Object.Width = 4022 EndProperty End Begin MSComDlg.CommonDialog commonregion Left = 3480 Top = 2640 _ExtentX = 847 _ExtentY = 847 _Version = 393216 DialogTitle = "Open Region File" Filter = "*.pbr Region file| *.pbr" End End Attribute VB_Name = "frmLoadRegion" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit
Dim intMaxRegionID As Integer
Dim EditList As EditLists
Dim bEditMode As Boolean Dim nNewOne As Integer
Dim FirstEntry As Boolean Dim dbDataRegion As Database Dim rsDataRegion As Recordset
Function FillRegionList()
On Error GoTo ErrTrap Dim strTemp As String Dim intRowID As Integer Dim itmX As ListItem RegionList.ListItems.Clear RegionList.Sorted = False intMaxRegionID = 0 If rsDataRegion.BOF = False Then rsDataRegion.MoveFirst Do While Not rsDataRegion.EOF Set itmX = RegionList.ListItems.Add() intRowID = rsDataRegion!ID With itmX .Text = rsDataRegion!Region strTemp = "Key:" & intRowID .Key = strTemp End With If intMaxRegionID < intRowID Then intMaxRegionID = intRowID End If rsDataRegion.MoveNext If rsDataRegion.AbsolutePosition Mod 40 = 0 Then DoEvents Loop End If RegionList.Sorted = True
Exit Function ErrTrap: Exit Function End Function
Function LoadRegionRes()
On Error GoTo LoadErr Me.Caption = LoadResString(2003) & " " & gsCurrentPB RegionList.ColumnHeaders(1).Text = LoadResString(2005) cmbregsave.Caption = LoadResString(1011) cmbEdit.Caption = LoadResString(1012) cmbDelete.Caption = LoadResString(1013) loadReg.Caption = LoadResString(2004) cmbOK.Caption = LoadResString(1002) cmbCancel.Caption = LoadResString(1003) ' set fonts SetFonts Me RegionList.Font.Charset = gfnt.Charset RegionList.Font.Name = gfnt.Name RegionList.Font.Size = gfnt.Size
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
LoadErr: Exit Function End Function
Function SaveEdit(ByVal Action As String, ByVal ID As Integer, ByVal NewRegion As String, Optional ByVal OldRegion As String) As Integer
' populate the array - for performance reasons Dim intX As Integer Dim bFound As Boolean On Error GoTo SaveErr bFound = False If Action = "U" Or Action = "D" Then intX = 1 Do While intX <= EditList.Count If ID = EditList.ID(intX) Then ' this handles Adds that have been Updated before being ' written to the db. If Action = "U" And EditList.Action(intX) = "A" Then Action = "A" 'If EditList.Region(intX) = "" And _ EditList.Action(intX) = "A" Then Action = "A" End If bFound = True Exit Do End If intX = intX + 1 Loop End If If Not bFound Then intX = EditList.Count + 1 EditList.Count = intX ReDim Preserve EditList.Action(intX) ReDim Preserve EditList.ID(intX) ReDim Preserve EditList.Region(intX) ReDim Preserve EditList.OldRegion(intX) End If EditList.Action(intX) = Action EditList.ID(intX) = ID EditList.Region(intX) = NewRegion If Action = "U" Then EditList.OldRegion(intX) = OldRegion End If On Error GoTo 0 Exit Function SaveErr: Exit Function
End Function
Private Sub cmbCancel_Click()
Unload Me End Sub
Private Sub cmbDelete_Click()
Dim intX As Integer On Error Resume Next intX = MsgBox(LoadResString(6024), vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2) If intX = 6 Then SaveEdit "D", _ Right(RegionList.SelectedItem.Key, Len(RegionList.SelectedItem.Key) - 4), _ RegionList.SelectedItem.Text RegionList.ListItems.Remove RegionList.SelectedItem.Key End If RegionList.SetFocus
End Sub
Private Sub cmbEdit_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrTrap RegionList.SetFocus RegionList.StartLabelEdit
Exit Sub ErrTrap: Exit Sub End Sub
Private Sub cmbOK_Click()
Dim rsTemp As Recordset Dim intX, intY As Integer Dim intRegionID As Integer Dim itemY As ListItem Dim bUpdates As Boolean Dim PerformedDelete As Boolean Dim rsTempPop As Recordset, rsTempDelta As Recordset Dim i As Integer, deltnum As Integer Dim deltasql As String, popsql As String PerformedDelete = False If bEditMode Then RegionList.SetFocus SendKeys "{ENTER}", True RegionList_AfterLabelEdit 1, RegionList.SelectedItem.Text 'bEditMode = False End If On Error GoTo SaveErr Me.MousePointer = 11 frmLoadRegion.Enabled = False bUpdates = False Set rsTemp = gsyspb.OpenRecordset("Region", dbOpenDynaset) 'Debug.Print ("editlist.count = " & EditList.Count) For intX = 1 To EditList.Count Select Case EditList.Action(intX) Case "D" 'delete gsyspb.Execute "Delete from Region Where RegionID =" & EditList.ID(intX) popsql = "Select * from DialUpPort where RegionID = " & EditList.ID(intX) Set rsTempPop = gsyspb.OpenRecordset(popsql, dbOpenDynaset) If Not (rsTempPop.BOF And rsTempPop.EOF) Then rsTempPop.MoveFirst Do Until rsTempPop.EOF rsTempPop.Edit rsTempPop!RegionID = 0 rsTempPop.Update If rsTempPop!status = 1 Then Set rsTempDelta = gsyspb.OpenRecordset("Select * from Delta order by DeltaNum", dbOpenDynaset) If rsTempDelta.RecordCount = 0 Then deltnum = 1 Else rsTempDelta.MoveLast deltnum = rsTempDelta!deltanum If deltnum > 6 Then deltnum = deltnum - 1 End If End If For i = 1 To deltnum deltasql = "Select * from delta where DeltaNum = " & i & _ " AND AccessNumberId = '" & rsTempPop!AccessNumberId & "' " & _ " order by DeltaNum" Set rsTempDelta = gsyspb.OpenRecordset(deltasql, dbOpenDynaset) If Not (rsTempDelta.BOF And rsTempDelta.EOF) Then rsTempDelta.Edit Else rsTempDelta.AddNew rsTempDelta!deltanum = i rsTempDelta!AccessNumberId = rsTempPop!AccessNumberId End If If rsTempPop!status = 1 Then rsTempDelta!CountryNumber = rsTempPop!CountryNumber rsTempDelta!AreaCode = rsTempPop!AreaCode rsTempDelta!AccessNumber = rsTempPop!AccessNumber rsTempDelta!MinimumSpeed = rsTempPop!MinimumSpeed rsTempDelta!MaximumSpeed = rsTempPop!MaximumSpeed rsTempDelta!RegionID = rsTempPop!RegionID rsTempDelta!CityName = rsTempPop!CityName rsTempDelta!ScriptId = rsTempPop!ScriptId rsTempDelta!Flags = rsTempPop!Flags rsTempDelta.Update End If Next i End If rsTempPop.MoveNext Loop End If LogRegionDelete EditList.Region(intX), EditList.Region(intX) & ";" & EditList.ID(intX) PerformedDelete = True bUpdates = True Case "U" 'update If EditList.Region(intX) <> "" Then gsyspb.Execute "Update Region set RegionDesc='" & EditList.Region(intX) & _ "' Where RegionID =" & EditList.ID(intX) LogRegionEdit EditList.OldRegion(intX), EditList.Region(intX) & ";" & EditList.ID(intX) bUpdates = True End If Case "A" 'add If EditList.Region(intX) <> "" Then With rsTemp .AddNew !RegionID = EditList.ID(intX) !RegionDesc = EditList.Region(intX) .Update End With LogRegionAdd EditList.Region(intX), EditList.Region(intX) & ";" & EditList.ID(intX) End If End Select If intX Mod 5 = 0 Then DoEvents Next If PerformedDelete Then If Not ReIndexRegions(gsyspb) Then GoTo SaveErr End If rsTemp.Close If bUpdates Then frmMain.FillPOPList frmLoadRegion.Enabled = True Me.MousePointer = 0 On Error GoTo 0 Unload Me
Exit Sub
SaveErr: frmLoadRegion.Enabled = True Me.MousePointer = 0 MsgBox LoadResString(6056) & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Err.Description, vbExclamation Exit Sub
'GsysPb.Execute "Delete from Region", dbFailOnError 'Set rsTemp = GsysPb.OpenRecordset("Region", dbOpenDynaset) 'For intX = 1 To RegionList.ListItems.Count ' Set itemY = RegionList.ListItems(intX) ' With rsTemp ' .AddNew ' !regionID = Right(itemY.Key, Len(itemY.Key) - 4) ' !regiondesc = Left$(itemY.Text, 30) ' .Update ' End With ' If intX Mod 25 = 0 Then DoEvents 'Next 'rsTemp.Close 'Set rsTemp = Nothing
'check for deletes 'Set rsTemp = GsysPb.OpenRecordset("Region", dbOpenDynaset) 'If Not (rsTemp.BOF And rsTemp.EOF) Then ' rsTemp.MoveLast ' rsTemp.MoveFirst ' For intX = 1 To rsTemp.RecordCount ' intRegionID = rsTemp!regionID ' intY = 1 ' Do While intY <= RegionList.ListItems.Count ' Set itemY = RegionList.ListItems(intY) ' If Val(Right(itemY.Key, Len(itemY.Key) - 4)) = intRegionID Then ' Exit Do ' End If ' intY = intY + 1 ' Loop ' If intY > RegionList.ListItems.Count Then ' no find - didn't fall out of loop early 'clear region id ' GsysPb.Execute "Update DialUpPort set RegionID = 0 WHERE RegionID =" & intRegionID ' GsysPb.Execute "Update Delta set RegionID = 0 WHERE RegionID ='" & intRegionID & "'" ' End If ' rsTemp.MoveNext ' If intX Mod 25 = 0 Then DoEvents ' Next 'End If 'rsTemp.Close 'Set itemY = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub cmbregsave_Click() Dim itmX As ListItem Dim strNewKey, strOldKey, strOldText, strNewRegion As String On Error GoTo ErrTrap If bEditMode Then RegionList.SetFocus SendKeys "{ENTER}", True bEditMode = False End If strNewRegion = LoadResString(2006) Set itmX = RegionList.FindItem(strNewRegion, lvwText) If Not itmX Is Nothing Then itmX.Selected = True Set RegionList.SelectedItem = RegionList.ListItems(itmX.Key) RegionList.SetFocus itmX.EnsureVisible Exit Sub Else strNewKey = "Key:" & intMaxRegionID + 1 'If RegionList.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then Set itmX = RegionList.ListItems.Add() With itmX .Text = strNewRegion .Key = strNewKey .Selected = True End With Set RegionList.SelectedItem = RegionList.ListItems(itmX.Key) RegionList.SetFocus itmX.EnsureVisible 'Else 'jump thru hoops to make listview work right. ' With RegionList.SelectedItem ' strOldText = .Text ' .Text = strNewRegion ' strOldKey = .Key ' .Key = strNewKey ' End With ' Set itmX = RegionList.ListItems.Add() ' With itmX ' .Text = strOldText ' .Key = strOldKey ' End With 'End If SaveEdit "A", intMaxRegionID + 1, "" ' save an empty region to key on later intMaxRegionID = intMaxRegionID + 1 End If Set RegionList.SelectedItem = RegionList.ListItems(itmX.Key) RegionList.SetFocus RegionList.StartLabelEdit ' The second StartLabelEdit causes this to work ??? RegionList.StartLabelEdit On Error GoTo 0 Exit Sub
ErrTrap: Me.MousePointer = 0 Exit Sub End Sub
Private Sub Form_Activate() Screen.MousePointer = 11 Me.Enabled = False FillRegionList Me.Enabled = True Screen.MousePointer = 0 If RegionList.ListItems.Count = 0 Then RegionList.TabStop = False End If End Sub
Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) Dim ShiftDown ShiftDown = (Shift And vbShiftMask) > 0 If KeyCode = 222 And ShiftDown Then Beep KeyCode = 0 End If End Sub
Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) CheckChar KeyAscii End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error GoTo LoadErr bEditMode = False CenterForm Me, Screen EditList.Count = 0 Me.Enabled = False LoadRegionRes 'new Set dbDataRegion = OpenDatabase(gsCurrentPBPath) Set rsDataRegion = dbDataRegion.OpenRecordset("Select RegionDesc as Region, RegionID as ID from Region order by RegionDesc") Me.Enabled = True Screen.MousePointer = 0 FirstEntry = True Exit Sub LoadErr: Me.Enabled = True Screen.MousePointer = 0 Exit Sub End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
rsDataRegion.Close dbDataRegion.Close End Sub
Private Sub loadReg_Click()
Dim fileopen As String Dim maxindex As Integer Dim indexcount, intY As Integer Dim Count As Integer Dim itmX As ListItem Dim strTemp As String Dim bFlag As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrTrap maxindex = 200 ReDim Region(maxindex) As String commonregion.Filter = LoadResString(2007) commonregion.FilterIndex = 1 commonregion.Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly commonregion.ShowOpen fileopen = commonregion.FileName If fileopen = "" Then Exit Sub Open fileopen For Input Access Read As #1 If EOF(1) Then Close #1 Exit Sub End If Input #1, Count indexcount = 1 Do While indexcount <= Count And Not EOF(1) Input #1, Region(indexcount) Region(indexcount) = Left(Trim(Region(indexcount)), 30) If Region(indexcount) <> "" Then indexcount = indexcount + 1 End If Loop Close #1 Count = indexcount - 1 For indexcount = 1 To Count ' check for dups intY = 1 bFlag = False Do While intY <= RegionList.ListItems.Count If LCase(RegionList.ListItems(intY)) = LCase(Region(indexcount)) Then bFlag = True Exit Do End If intY = intY + 1 Loop ' add if not a dup If Not bFlag Then Set itmX = RegionList.ListItems.Add() With itmX .Text = Left(Region(indexcount), 30) strTemp = "Key:" & intMaxRegionID + 1 .Key = strTemp End With SaveEdit "A", intMaxRegionID + 1, Left(Region(indexcount), 30) intMaxRegionID = intMaxRegionID + 1 End If Next indexcount RegionList.Sorted = True Exit Sub
ErrTrap: If Err.Number = 62 Or Err.Number = 3163 Then Exit Sub Else Exit Sub End If
End Sub
Private Sub RegionList_BeforeLabelEdit(Cancel As Integer) 'Debug.Print ("BeforeLabelEdit") bEditMode = True 'Debug.Print ("working on " & RegionList.SelectedItem.index) nNewOne = RegionList.SelectedItem.index End Sub
' This doesn't get called if no changes are made to the default text ' Private Sub RegionList_AfterLabelEdit(Cancel As Integer, NewString As String)
'Debug.Print ("AfterLabelEdit") Dim itmX As ListItem bEditMode = False If Trim(NewString) = "" Then Cancel = True RegionList.StartLabelEdit Exit Sub End If ' null indicates the user canceled the edit If Not IsNull(NewString) Then NewString = Left(Trim(NewString), 30) ' check for dups Set itmX = RegionList.FindItem(NewString, lvwText) If Not itmX Is Nothing Then If itmX.index <> nNewOne Then MsgBox LoadResString(6025), vbExclamation Cancel = True RegionList.StartLabelEdit Exit Sub End If End If 'Debug.Print (NewString) Set itmX = RegionList.SelectedItem 'Debug.Print (itmX.Key) SaveEdit "U", Right(itmX.Key, Len(itmX.Key) - 4), NewString, itmX RegionList.SortKey = 0 RegionList.Sorted = True End If
End Sub
Private Sub RegionList_ItemClick(ByVal Item As ComctlLib.ListItem) If bEditMode Then RegionList_AfterLabelEdit 1, RegionList.ListItems.Item(nNewOne).Text End If End Sub
Private Sub RegionList_LostFocus() If RegionList.ListItems.Count > 0 Then RegionList.TabStop = True End If End Sub