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/********************************************************************/ /** Copyright(c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. **/ /********************************************************************/
// Filename: util.c
// Description: Various miscillaneous routines
// History: May 11,1995 NarenG Created original version.
#include "dimsvcp.h"
// Call: GetTransportIndex
// Returns: Index of the tansport entry in the interface object
// Description: Given the id of a protocol return an index.
DWORD GetTransportIndex( IN DWORD dwProtocolId ) { DWORD dwTransportIndex;
for ( dwTransportIndex = 0; dwTransportIndex < gblDIMConfigInfo.dwNumRouterManagers; dwTransportIndex++ ) { if ( gblRouterManagers[dwTransportIndex].DdmRouterIf.dwProtocolId == dwProtocolId ) { return( dwTransportIndex ); } }
return( (DWORD)-1 ); }
// Call: GetDDMEntryPoint
// Returns: Pointer to entry point into DDM - success
// NULL - failure
// Description: Will return the entry point into the DDM if there is one.
FARPROC GetDDMEntryPoint( IN LPSTR lpEntryPoint ) { DWORD dwIndex;
for ( dwIndex = 0; gblDDMFunctionTable[dwIndex].lpEntryPointName != NULL; dwIndex ++ ) { if ( _stricmp( gblDDMFunctionTable[dwIndex].lpEntryPointName, lpEntryPoint ) == 0 ) { return( gblDDMFunctionTable[dwIndex].pEntryPoint ); } }
return( NULL ); }
// Call: GetSizeOfDialoutHoursRestriction
// Returns: size in bytes of lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction
// Description: Utility to calculate the size in bytes of the MULTI_SZ pointed
// to by lpwsDialoutHoursRestriction.
DWORD GetSizeOfDialoutHoursRestriction( IN LPWSTR lpwsMultSz ) { LPWSTR lpwsPtr = lpwsMultSz; DWORD dwcbBytes = 0; DWORD dwCurCount;
if ( lpwsMultSz == NULL ) { return( 0 ); }
while( *lpwsPtr != L'\0' ) { dwCurCount = ( wcslen( lpwsPtr ) + 1 ); dwcbBytes += dwCurCount; lpwsPtr += dwCurCount; }
// One more for the last NULL terminator
dwcbBytes *= sizeof( WCHAR );
return( dwcbBytes ); }
// Call: IsInterfaceRoleAcceptable
// Returns: TRUE if the interface plays a role that is compatible with the
// given transport and router configuration.
// FALSE otherwise.
// Description: Some interfaces are only acceptable to some transports when
// the router is running in a certain mode. The classic example
// is the internal ip interface which will be rejected by the IP
// router manager when in lan-only mode.
// The acceptable roles are hardcoded in this function.
// At the time this function was written, there was only one
// interface (internal ip) whose role was important to any
// transport. In the future, instead of harcoding more roles
// into this function, we should consider adding "role" as a
// per-interface property both to the runtime structures
// and to the permanant store.
BOOL IsInterfaceRoleAcceptable( IN ROUTER_INTERFACE_OBJECT* pIfObject, IN DWORD dwTransportId) { if (pIfObject == NULL) { return FALSE; } if ((gblDIMConfigInfo.dwRouterRole == ROUTER_ROLE_LAN) && (dwTransportId == PID_IP) && (pIfObject->IfType == ROUTER_IF_TYPE_INTERNAL)) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Call: DebugAlloc
// Returns: return from HeapAlloc
// Description: Will use the memory table to store the pointer returned by
// LocalAlloc
LPVOID DebugAlloc( DWORD Flags, DWORD dwSize ) { DWORD Index; LPVOID pMem = HeapAlloc(gblDIMConfigInfo.hHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY,dwSize+4);
if ( pMem == NULL ) { return( pMem ); }
for( Index=0; Index < DIM_MEM_TABLE_SIZE; Index++ ) { if ( DimMemTable[Index] == NULL ) { DimMemTable[Index] = pMem; break; } }
// Our signature
*(((LPBYTE)pMem)+dwSize) = 0x0F; *(((LPBYTE)pMem)+dwSize+1) = 0x0E; *(((LPBYTE)pMem)+dwSize+2) = 0x0A; *(((LPBYTE)pMem)+dwSize+3) = 0x0B;
return( pMem ); }
// Call: DebugFree
// Returns: return from HeapFree
// Description: Will remove the pointer from the memeory table before freeing
// the memory block
BOOL DebugFree( PVOID pMem ) { DWORD Index;
for( Index=0; Index < DIM_MEM_TABLE_SIZE; Index++ ) { if ( DimMemTable[Index] == pMem ) { DimMemTable[Index] = NULL; break; } }
return( HeapFree( gblDIMConfigInfo.hHeap, 0, pMem ) ); }
// Call: DebugReAlloc
// Returns: return from HeapReAlloc
// Description: Will change the value of the realloced pointer.
LPVOID DebugReAlloc( PVOID pMem, DWORD dwSize ) { DWORD Index;
if ( pMem == NULL ) { RTASSERT(FALSE); }
for( Index=0; Index < DDM_MEM_TABLE_SIZE; Index++ ) { if ( DdmMemTable[Index] == pMem ) { DdmMemTable[Index] = HeapReAlloc( gblDDMConfigInfo.hHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, pMem, dwSize+8 );
pMem = DdmMemTable[Index];
*((LPDWORD)pMem) = dwSize;
((LPBYTE)pMem) += 4;
// Our signature
*(((LPBYTE)pMem)+dwSize) = 0x0F; *(((LPBYTE)pMem)+dwSize+1) = 0x0E; *(((LPBYTE)pMem)+dwSize+2) = 0x0A; *(((LPBYTE)pMem)+dwSize+3) = 0x0B;
break; } }
return( (LPVOID)pMem ); }