Copyright (c) 1998 - 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: cbridge.cpp Abstract:
Contains the CALL_BRIDGE-related common definitions (not specific to Q931 or H245). The call bridge calls the event manager for async winsock operations and the event manager calls the overlapped processor with the results.
Revision History: 1. created Byrisetty Rajeev (rajeevb) 12-Jun-1998 2. q931.cpp and h245.cpp were created with functions in this file on 21-Aug-1998. This was done to reduce file sizes and remote unnecessary tapi, rend, atl dependencies.
/* TO DO -
4. Need fn on Q931_INFO and H245_INFO to simplify modify a PDU from the opposite instance and forward it to its remote end. 6. Clearly define when and where we should return if in shutdown mode 7. Need to use the oss library free methods to free the pdu structs 9. Must receive be queued (always) after state transition? Does it matter? 10. Should try to recover from error situations, but should initiate clean up in case of unrecoverable situations. 11. Need to isolate recoverable error situations. 12. Use a table to handle PDUs in a given state - look at the destination instance's (q931) methods for the same.
DONE - 1. Should the state transition be fired immediately or after the actions have been taken Ans: Should be done after the actions as, in case of error, if the state transition is still fired, the actions will never be retried. So failure should either be handled by resetting the member variables or by always using temporary variables and copying the results into member variables after state transition. 5. IMPORTANT: Need to send the RELEASE COMPLETE PDU before initiating termination Ans: We first pass on the PDU to the other instance and then perform state transitions as well as initiate termination. 8. Call reference value should be 1-3 bytes, its a WORD currently in both the q931pdu.h file as well as the cbridge class Ans: The h225 spec defines the call ref field to be 2 bytes (WORD).
NOT DONE - 2. Should we try to consolidate all actions taken in response to an event in a single fn instead of spreading it around in the src and dest instances? Can this be done via inline fns instead (to maintain some encapsulation) 3. Should we handle timer events in the same fns as the PDU events? */
#include "stdafx.h"
// CALL_BRIDGE --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT CALL_BRIDGE::Initialize ( IN SOCKET Socket, IN SOCKADDR_IN * LocalAddress, IN SOCKADDR_IN * RemoteAddress, IN NAT_KEY_SESSION_MAPPING_EX_INFORMATION * RedirectInformation ) /*++
Routine Description: Initializes an instance of CALL_BRIDGE
Arguments: Socket - Socket on which connection was accepted LocalAddress - Address of the local side of the session RemoteAddress - Address of the remote side of the session RedirectInformation - Information about the redirect (obtained from NAT)
Return Values: Passes through return value of another method
{ HRESULT Result;
Result = InitializeLocked ( Socket, LocalAddress, RemoteAddress, RedirectInformation);
return Result; } // CALL_BRIDGE::Initialize
HRESULT CALL_BRIDGE::InitializeLocked ( IN SOCKET Socket, IN SOCKADDR_IN * LocalAddress, IN SOCKADDR_IN * RemoteAddress, IN NAT_KEY_SESSION_MAPPING_EX_INFORMATION * RedirectInformation ) /*++
Routine Description: Initializes an instance of CALL_BRIDGE
Arguments: Socket - Socket on which connection was accepted LocalAddress - Address of the local side of the session RemoteAddress - Address of the remote side of the session RedirectInformation - Information about the redirect (obtained from NAT)
Return Values: S_OK if successful E_UNEXPECTED if the instance has already been initialized
Otherwise, passes through status code returned by other functions/methods
Notes: To be called for a locked instance
{ HRESULT Result; ULONG Error;
assert (Socket != INVALID_SOCKET); assert (LocalAddress); assert (RemoteAddress);
if (State != STATE_NONE) { DebugF(_T("Q931: 0x%x has already been initialized, cannot do so again.\n"), this); return E_UNEXPECTED; }
DebugF (_T ("Q931: 0x%x connection accepted on adapter %d.\n"), this, RedirectInformation -> AdapterIndex);
SourceInterfaceAddress = H323MapAdapterToAddress (RedirectInformation -> AdapterIndex);
if (INADDR_NONE == SourceInterfaceAddress) {
DebugF (_T ("Q931: 0x%x failed to get source interface address (via H323MapAdapterToAddress).\n"), this);
return E_FAIL;
// Address of the best interface to the destination will be determined when alias in Q.931 Setup PDU is
// mapped to the real destination address.
DebugF (_T("Q931: 0x%x arrived on interface %08X.\n"), this, SourceInterfaceAddress);
Result = EventMgrBindIoHandle (Socket); if (Result != S_OK) { DebugErrorF (Result, _T("Q931: 0x%x failed to bind I/O handle to completion port\n"), this); return Result; }
DebugF (_T("Q931: 0x%x bound I/O handle to socket %x.\n"), this, Socket); // init source call state
m_SourceH323State.Init (*this);
Result = m_SourceH323State.GetSourceQ931Info().SetIncomingSocket( Socket, const_cast <SOCKADDR_IN *> (LocalAddress), const_cast <SOCKADDR_IN *> (RemoteAddress));
// init dest call state
Result = m_DestH323State.Init (*this); if (Result != S_OK) { return Result; }
return Result; } // CALL_BRIDGE::InitializeLocked
void CALL_BRIDGE::Terminate ( void ) /*++
Routine Description: Terminates the instance
Arguments: None
Return Values: None
Notes: 1. To be called for a locked instance only. 2. Not to be called when Q.931 Release Complete PDU is received
switch (State) { case STATE_NONE: DebugF (_T("Q931: 0x%x terminates. STATE_NONE --> TERMINATED\n"), this); State = STATE_TERMINATED;
CallBridgeList.RemoveCallBridge (this);
case STATE_TERMINATED: DebugF (_T("Q931: 0x%x terminates. TERMINATED --> TERMINATED\n"), this);
// no transition
case STATE_CONNECTED: DebugF (_T("Q931: 0x%x terminates. STATE_CONN --> TERMINATED\n"), this);
// call is currently active
// begin the process of tearing down call state
m_SourceH323State.GetQ931Info().SendReleaseCompletePdu(); m_DestH323State.GetQ931Info().SendReleaseCompletePdu();
// cancel all timers, ignore error code
CancelAllTimers ();
// close each socket
m_SourceH323State.GetH245Info().GetSocketInfo().Clear(TRUE); m_DestH323State.GetH245Info().GetSocketInfo().Clear(TRUE); CallBridgeList.RemoveCallBridge (this);
default: assert (FALSE); break; } } // CALL_BRIDGE::Terminate
void CALL_BRIDGE::TerminateExternal ( void ) /*++
Routine Description: Terminates the instance
Arguments: None
Return Values: None
Notes: Not to be called when Q.931 Release Complete PDU is received
--*/ { Lock();
Terminate ();
Unlock(); } // CALL_BRIDGE::TerminateExternal
BOOL CALL_BRIDGE::IsConnectionThrough ( IN DWORD InterfaceAddress // host order
) /*++
Routine Description: Determines whether the connection goes through the interface specified
Arguments: InterfaceAddress - address of the interface for which the determination is to be made.
Return Values: TRUE - if the connection being proxied goes through the interface specified
FALSE - if the connection being proxied does not go through the interface specified
{ BOOL IsThrough; IsThrough = (InterfaceAddress == SourceInterfaceAddress) || (InterfaceAddress == DestinationInterfaceAddress);
return IsThrough;
} // CALL_BRIDGE::IsConnectionThrough
void CALL_BRIDGE::OnInterfaceShutdown ( void ) /*++
Routine Description: Performs necessary actions when a network interface through which the connection being proxied goes down.
Arguments: None
Return Value: None
{ Lock ();
switch (State) { case STATE_NONE: DebugF (_T("Q931: 0x%x terminates (interface goes down). STATE_NONE --> TERMINATED\n"), this); State = STATE_TERMINATED;
CallBridgeList.RemoveCallBridge (this);
case STATE_TERMINATED: DebugF (_T("Q931: 0x%x terminates (interface goes down). TERMINATED --> TERMINATED\n"), this);
// no transition
case STATE_CONNECTED: DebugF (_T("Q931: 0x%x terminates (interface goes down). STATE_CONN --> TERMINATED\n"), this);
// call is currently active
// begin the process of tearing down call state
m_SourceH323State.GetH245Info().SendEndSessionCommand (); m_DestH323State.GetH245Info().SendEndSessionCommand (); m_SourceH323State.GetQ931Info().SendReleaseCompletePdu(); m_DestH323State.GetQ931Info().SendReleaseCompletePdu();
// cancel all timers, ignore error code
CancelAllTimers ();
CallBridgeList.RemoveCallBridge (this);
default: assert (FALSE); break; }
Unlock ();
} // CALL_BRIDGE::OnInterfaceShutdown
void CALL_BRIDGE::TerminateCallOnReleaseComplete ( void ) /*++
Routine Description: Terminate the instance when Q.931 Release Complete PDU is received
Arguments: None
Return Values: None
--*/ { if (State != STATE_TERMINATED) { State = STATE_TERMINATED; CancelAllTimers ();
// CODEWORK: When we are in a terminating state we need not process
// any more PDUs. We can just drop them.
// CODEWORK: When the proxy is originating the call shutdown (because
// of an error or timeout, it should send ReleaseComplete PDUs and
// endSessionCommand PDUs to either side. Do we need to send
// closeLC PDUs also ?
// We probably need a state called RELEASE_COMPLETE_SENT and after
// this any more errors means we just mercilessly shut down everything.
// close H245 sockets, if any as they may have outstanding
// async receive/send requests pending
// NOTE: the source H245 info may be listening for incoming connections
// in which case we just close the listen socket
m_SourceH323State.GetH245Info().GetSocketInfo().Clear(TRUE); m_DestH323State.GetH245Info().GetSocketInfo().Clear(TRUE);
CallBridgeList.RemoveCallBridge (this); } } // CALL_BRIDGE::TerminateCallOnReleaseComplete
DWORD CALL_BRIDGE::GetSourceInterfaceAddress ( void ) const /*++
Routine Description: Accessor method
Arguments: None
Return Values: Address of the interface on which the connection was accepted
--*/ { return SourceInterfaceAddress; } // CALL_BRIDGE::GetSourceInterfaceAddress
VOID CALL_BRIDGE::GetSourceAddress ( OUT SOCKADDR_IN* ReturnSourceAddress ) /*++
Routine Description: Accessor method
Arguments: None
Return Values (by reference): Address of the remote party that initiated the call
--*/ { _ASSERTE(ReturnSourceAddress);
ReturnSourceAddress->sin_family = SourceAddress.sin_family; ReturnSourceAddress->sin_addr.s_addr = SourceAddress.sin_addr.s_addr; ReturnSourceAddress->sin_port = SourceAddress.sin_port; }
void CALL_BRIDGE::GetDestinationAddress ( OUT SOCKADDR_IN * ReturnDestinationAddress ) /*++
Routine Description: Accessor method
Arguments: ReturnDestinationAddress (out) - Destination address of the session this instance proxies Return Values: None
{ assert (ReturnDestinationAddress);
*ReturnDestinationAddress = DestinationAddress; }
Routine Description: Constructor for CALL_BRIDGE class
Arguments: RedirectInformation - original source/destination before the NAT redirect was satisfied
Return Values: None
Notes: Passes pointer to associated global sync counter to the base class
{ SourceInterfaceAddress = 0; DestinationInterfaceAddress = 0;
DestinationAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; DestinationAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = RedirectInformation -> DestinationAddress; DestinationAddress.sin_port = RedirectInformation -> DestinationPort;
SourceAddress.sin_family = AF_INET; SourceAddress.sin_addr.s_addr = RedirectInformation -> SourceAddress; SourceAddress.sin_port = RedirectInformation -> SourcePort;
DebugF (_T("Q931: 0x%x created.\n"), this);
Routine Description: Destructor for CALL_BRIDGE class
Arguments: None
Return Values: None
{ DebugF (_T("Q931: 0x%x destroyed.\n"), this);
void Q931_INFO::IncrementLifetimeCounter ( void ) /*++
Routine Description: Increments reference counter to the parent CALL_BRIDGE on its own behalf
Arguments: None
Return Values: None
{ GetCallBridge().AddRef(); } // Q931_INFO::IncrementLifetimeCounter
void Q931_INFO::DecrementLifetimeCounter ( void ) /*++
Routine Description: Decrements reference counter to the parent CALL_BRIDGE on its own behalf
Arguments: None
Return Values: None
--*/ { GetCallBridge().Release (); } // Q931_INFO::DecrementLifetimeCounter
HRESULT Q931_INFO::SendCallback ( IN HRESULT CallbackResult ) /*++
Routine Description: Handle completion of the send operation
Arguments: CallbackResult -- status of the async operation invoked
Return Values: S_OK if the parent call-bridge was already terminated; passes back the value of CallbackResult otherwise
Notes: Virtual
{ CALL_BRIDGE *pCallBridge = &GetCallBridge(); HRESULT Result = S_OK;
if (!pCallBridge -> IsTerminated ()) { if (FAILED(CallbackResult)) { pCallBridge->Terminate ();
Result = CallbackResult; } } else { // This is here to take care of closing the socket
// when callbridge sends ReleaseComplete PDU during
// termination path.
GetSocketInfo ().Clear (TRUE); } pCallBridge->Unlock(); return Result; } // Q931_INFO::SendCallback
HRESULT Q931_INFO::ReceiveCallback( IN HRESULT CallbackResult, IN BYTE *Buffer, IN DWORD BufferLength ) /*++
Routine Description: Handles completion of a receive operation
Arguments: CallbackResult -- status of the async operation Buffer -- BufferLength --
Return Values: Result of decoding of the received data, if the receive was successful Otherwise just returns the status code passed.
Notes: 1. Virtual 2. This function is responsible for freeing Buffer
{ Q931_MESSAGE *pQ931msg = NULL; H323_UserInformation *pDecodedH323UserInfo = NULL; CALL_BRIDGE *pCallBridge = &GetCallBridge();
if (!pCallBridge -> IsTerminated ()) {
if (SUCCEEDED(CallbackResult)) { CallbackResult = DecodeQ931PDU(Buffer, BufferLength, &pQ931msg, &pDecodedH323UserInfo);
if (SUCCEEDED(CallbackResult)) { // Process the PDU
ReceiveCallback(pQ931msg, pDecodedH323UserInfo); FreeQ931PDU(pQ931msg, pDecodedH323UserInfo); } else { // An error occured. Terminate the CALL_BRIDGE
EM_FREE (Buffer); DebugF( _T("Q931: 0x%x terminating on receive callback. Error=0x%x."), pCallBridge, CallbackResult);
pCallBridge->Terminate (); } } else { // An error occured. Terminate the CALL_BRIDGE
EM_FREE (Buffer); DebugF( _T("Q931: 0x%x terminating on receive callback. Error=0x%x."), pCallBridge, CallbackResult); pCallBridge->Terminate (); }
} else {
EM_FREE (Buffer); }
return CallbackResult; } // Q931_INFO::ReceiveCallback
HRESULT Q931_INFO::QueueSend ( IN Q931_MESSAGE *pQ931Message, IN H323_UserInformation *pH323UserInfo ) /*++
Routine Description: Encodes the Q.931 PDU into a buffer and sends it on the socket. Once the send completes the buffer is freed
Arguments: pQ931Message -- pH323UserInfo --
Return Values:
Notes: This function does NOT free the Q.931 PDU. --*/
{ BYTE *pBuf = NULL; DWORD BufLen = 0;
// This should be the only place where CRVs are replaced.
// replace the CRV for all calls (incoming and outgoing)
pQ931Message->CallReferenceValue = m_CallRefVal; // This function also encodes the TPKT header into the buffer.
HRESULT HResult = EncodeQ931PDU( pQ931Message, pH323UserInfo, // decoded ASN.1 part - could be NULL
&pBuf, &BufLen ); if (FAILED(HResult)) { DebugF( _T("Q931: 0x%x EncodeQ931PDU() failed. Error=0x%x\n"), &GetCallBridge (), HResult); return HResult; }
// call the event manager to make the async send call
// the event mgr will free the buffer.
HResult = EventMgrIssueSend (m_SocketInfo.Socket, *this, pBuf, BufLen); if (FAILED(HResult)) { DebugF(_T("Q931: 0x%x EventMgrIssueSend failed: Error=0x%x\n"), &GetCallBridge (), HResult); }
return HResult; } // Q931_INFO::QueueSend
HRESULT Q931_INFO::QueueReceive ( void ) /*++
Routine Description: Issues an asynchronous receive
Arguments: None
Return Values: Passes through the result of calling another function
--*/ { // call the event manager to make the async receive call
HRESULT HResult; HResult = EventMgrIssueRecv (m_SocketInfo.Socket, *this);
if (FAILED(HResult)) { DebugF (_T("Q931: 0x%x Async Receive call failed.\n"), &GetCallBridge ()); }
return HResult; } // Q931_INFO::QueueReceive
HRESULT Q931_INFO::SendReleaseCompletePdu ( void ) /*++
Routine Description: Encodes and sends Q.931 Release Complete PDU
Arguments: None
Return Values: Passes through the result of calling another function
{ Q931_MESSAGE ReleaseCompletePdu; H323_UserInformation ReleaseCompleteH323UserInfo; HRESULT HResult;
HResult = Q931EncodeReleaseCompleteMessage( m_CallRefVal, &ReleaseCompletePdu, &ReleaseCompleteH323UserInfo ); if (FAILED(HResult)) { DebugF(_T("Q931: 0x%x cCould not create Release Complete PDU.\n"), &GetCallBridge ()); return HResult; }
HResult = QueueSend( &ReleaseCompletePdu, &ReleaseCompleteH323UserInfo ); if (FAILED(HResult)) { DebugF(_T("Q931: 0x%x failed to send ReleaseComplete PDU. Error=0x%x\n"), &GetCallBridge (), HResult); }
return HResult; } // Q931_INFO::SendReleaseCompletePdu
HRESULT Q931_INFO::CreateTimer ( IN DWORD TimeoutValue ) /*++
Routine Description: Creates a Q.931 timer
Arguments: TimeoutValue - self-explanatory
Return Values: S_OK if timer was created successfully Otherwise, passes back error code from another method
--*/ { DWORD RetCode;
RetCode = TimprocCreateTimer(TimeoutValue);
return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(RetCode); } // Q931_INFO::CreateTimer
void Q931_INFO::TimerCallback ( void ) /*++
Routine Description: Called when Q.931 timer expires
Arguments: None
Return Values: None
Notes: Virtual
{ // We keep a copy of the CALL_BRIDGE to be able to unlock it.
// DeleteAndRemoveSelf() will delete the LOGICAL_CHANNEL and
// so we can not access the CALL_BRIDGE through the member variable
// after the CALL_BRIDGE is deleted.
CALL_BRIDGE *pCallBridge = &GetCallBridge();
// Clear the timer - Note that Termninate () will try to
// cancel all the timers in this CALL_BRIDGE
DebugF (_T("Q931: 0x%x cancelled timer.\n"), &GetCallBridge ());
// Don't do anything if the CALL_BRIDGE is already terminated.
if (!pCallBridge->IsTerminated()) { // initiate shutdown
pCallBridge->Terminate ();
_ASSERTE(pCallBridge->IsTerminated()); }
pCallBridge -> Unlock ();
pCallBridge -> Release (); } // Q931_INFO::TimerCallback (