#ifndef __h323ics_logchan_h
#define __h323ics_logchan_h
// This decides the maximum number of T120 TCP/IP Connections
// to be allowed. We create so many NAT redirects.
// Logical channel states. These are
// H245 related but there is one per
// logical channel
// NOTE: there is no enum value for the final closed state
// as the logical channel is destroyed when that state is reached
// Media Types of the logical channels
MEDIA_TYPE_DATA = MEDIA_TYPE_T120 | 0x1, //0x2000
inline BOOL IsMediaTypeRtp(MEDIA_TYPE MediaType) { return (MediaType & MEDIA_TYPE_RTP); }
inline BOOL IsMediaTypeT120(MEDIA_TYPE MediaType) { return (MediaType & MEDIA_TYPE_T120); }
// //
// Logical Channel //
// //
// This is an abstract base class which defines the operations
// for different types of logical channels.
// RTP_LOGICAL_CHANNEL and T120_LOGICAL_CHANNEL are derived from
// this class.
// Only OpenLogicalChannel and OpenLogicalChannelAck PDUs need
// to be handled differently for the RTP and T.120 Logical channels
// So all the other methods are defined in this class.
class LOGICAL_CHANNEL : public TIMER_PROCESSOR { public:
HRESULT CreateTimer(DWORD TimeoutValue);
// the event manager tells us about timer expiry via this method
virtual void TimerCallback();
virtual HRESULT HandleCloseLogicalChannelPDU( IN MultimediaSystemControlMessage *pH245pdu );
// This is a pure virtual function which is different
// for the RTP and T.120 logical channels.
virtual HRESULT ProcessOpenLogicalChannelAckPDU( IN MultimediaSystemControlMessage *pH245pdu )= 0;
virtual HRESULT ProcessOpenLogicalChannelRejectPDU( IN MultimediaSystemControlMessage *pH245pdu );
virtual HRESULT ProcessCloseLogicalChannelAckPDU( IN MultimediaSystemControlMessage *pH245pdu );
// releases any pending associations
inline BYTE GetSessionId();
inline WORD GetLogicalChannelNumber();
inline MEDIA_TYPE GetMediaType();
inline LOGICAL_CHANNEL_STATE GetLogicalChannelState(); void IncrementLifetimeCounter (void); void DecrementLifetimeCounter (void);
// Initializes member variables
inline void InitLogicalChannel( IN H245_INFO *pH245Info, IN MEDIA_TYPE MediaType, IN WORD LogicalChannelNumber, IN BYTE SessionId, IN LOGICAL_CHANNEL_STATE LogicalChannelState ); // returns a reference to the source H245 info
inline H245_INFO &GetH245Info();
inline CALL_BRIDGE &GetCallBridge();
inline void DeleteAndRemoveSelf();
// the logical channel belongs to this H245 channel
// this supplies the ip addresses needed for NAT redirect
H245_INFO *m_pH245Info;
// handle for any active timers
// TIMER_HANDLE m_TimerHandle;
// state of the logical channel
LOGICAL_CHANNEL_STATE m_LogicalChannelState;
// logical channel number
// cannot be 0 as that is reserved for the h245 channel
WORD m_LogicalChannelNumber;
// The type of the media (currently Audio/Video/Data)
MEDIA_TYPE m_MediaType;
// session id - this is used to associate with a
// logical channel from the other end if any
BYTE m_SessionId; }; // class LOGICAL_CHANNEL
inline void LOGICAL_CHANNEL::InitLogicalChannel( IN H245_INFO *pH245Info, IN MEDIA_TYPE MediaType, IN WORD LogicalChannelNumber, IN BYTE SessionId, IN LOGICAL_CHANNEL_STATE LogicalChannelState ) { m_pH245Info = pH245Info; m_MediaType = MediaType; m_LogicalChannelNumber = LogicalChannelNumber; m_SessionId = SessionId; m_LogicalChannelState = LogicalChannelState; }
inline BYTE LOGICAL_CHANNEL::GetSessionId( ) { return m_SessionId; }
inline WORD LOGICAL_CHANNEL::GetLogicalChannelNumber( ) { return m_LogicalChannelNumber; }
inline MEDIA_TYPE LOGICAL_CHANNEL::GetMediaType( ) {
return m_MediaType; }
inline LOGICAL_CHANNEL_STATE LOGICAL_CHANNEL::GetLogicalChannelState( ) { return m_LogicalChannelState; }
// returns a reference to the source H245 info
inline H245_INFO & LOGICAL_CHANNEL::GetH245Info( ) { _ASSERTE(NULL != m_pH245Info); return *m_pH245Info; }
// //
// RTP Logical Channel //
// //
// all of these are available in the OPEN LOGICAL CHANNEL message
// except the associated logical channel, which if supplied provides
// the member m_Own*RTP/RTCP Ports. If not, these are allocated.
// the association is implied by a matching session id in a logical
// channel in the other call state
// it modifies the RTCP address information in the OLC PDU
// and passes it on to the other H245 instance for forwarding.
HRESULT HandleOpenLogicalChannelPDU( IN H245_INFO &H245Info, IN MEDIA_TYPE MediaType, IN DWORD LocalIPv4Address, IN DWORD RemoteIPv4Address, IN DWORD OtherLocalIPv4Address, IN DWORD OtherRemoteIPv4Address, IN WORD LogicalChannelNumber, IN BYTE SessionId, IN RTP_LOGICAL_CHANNEL *pAssocLogicalChannel, IN DWORD SourceRTCPIPv4Address, IN WORD SourceRTCPPort, IN MultimediaSystemControlMessage *pH245pdu );
virtual HRESULT ProcessOpenLogicalChannelAckPDU( IN MultimediaSystemControlMessage *pH245pdu );
// releases any pending associations
inline DWORD GetSourceRTCPIPv4Address();
inline WORD GetSourceRTCPPort();
inline WORD GetOwnSourceSendRTCPPort();
inline WORD GetOwnSourceRecvRTCPPort();
inline WORD GetOwnSourceRecvRTPPort();
inline WORD GetOwnDestSendRTCPPort();
inline WORD GetOwnDestRecvRTCPPort();
inline WORD GetOwnDestSendRTPPort();
inline DWORD GetDestRTCPIPv4Address();
inline WORD GetDestRTCPPort();
inline DWORD GetDestRTPIPv4Address();
inline WORD GetDestRTPPort();
// points to the associated logical channel from the other end if any
// non-NULL iff associated
// need to ensure that the AssocLogicalChannel also points
// to this logical channel
// CODEWORK: Do assertion checks for this condition.
RTP_LOGICAL_CHANNEL *m_pAssocLogicalChannel;
// local and remote addresses for the h245 instance this logical
// channel is associated with (source side)
DWORD m_OwnSourceIPv4Address; DWORD m_SourceIPv4Address;
// local and remote addresses for the other h245 instance
// (dest side)
DWORD m_OwnDestIPv4Address; DWORD m_DestIPv4Address;
// these ports are negotiated in h245 OpenLogicalChannel and
// OpenLogicalChannelAck. They are given to NAT for redirecting
// RTP and RTCP traffic
// while the RTP packets flow only one way (source->dest), RTCP
// packets flow both ways
// we only know the source's receive RTCP port. the send port
// is not known
DWORD m_SourceRTCPIPv4Address; WORD m_SourceRTCPPort;
// these are the send/recv RTP/RTCP ports on the interface that
// communicates with the source. since we don't deal with the
// reverse RTP stream, we don't need a send RTP port
WORD m_OwnSourceSendRTCPPort; WORD m_OwnSourceRecvRTCPPort; WORD m_OwnSourceRecvRTPPort;
// these are the send/recv RTP/RTCP ports on the interface that
// communicates with the source. since we don't deal with the
// reverse RTP stream, we don't need a recv RTP port
WORD m_OwnDestSendRTCPPort; WORD m_OwnDestSendRTPPort; WORD m_OwnDestRecvRTCPPort;
WORD m_OwnAssocLCRecvRTPPort; // this is used to allocate consecutive
// ports for RTP/RTCP.
WORD m_OwnAssocLCSendRTPPort; // destination's RTCP ip address, port
DWORD m_DestRTCPIPv4Address; WORD m_DestRTCPPort;
// destination's RTP ip address, port
DWORD m_DestRTPIPv4Address; WORD m_DestRTPPort;
// SetAssociationRef, ResetAssociationRef methods can be accessed
// by other LOGICAL_CHANNEL instances but not by other instances of
// classes that are not derived from LOGICAL_CHANNEL
inline void SetAssociationRef( IN RTP_LOGICAL_CHANNEL &LogicalChannel );
inline void ResetAssociationRef();
inline void ReleaseAssociationAndPorts();
private: // set the RTP and RTCP ports. if there is an associated channel,
// we must share the RTCP ports
HRESULT SetPorts();
HRESULT CheckOpenLogicalChannelAckPDU( IN MultimediaSystemControlMessage &H245pdu, OUT BYTE &SessionId, OUT DWORD &DestRTPIPv4Address, OUT WORD &DestRTPPort, OUT DWORD &DestRTCPIPv4Address, OUT WORD &DestRTCPPort );
// opens the forward RTP, forward RTCP and reverse RTCP streams
HRESULT OpenNATMappings();
// closes any NAT mappings
void CloseNATMappings(); };
inline RTP_LOGICAL_CHANNEL::RTP_LOGICAL_CHANNEL( ) : m_pAssocLogicalChannel(NULL), //m_TimerHandle(NULL),
m_OwnSourceIPv4Address(0), m_SourceIPv4Address(0), m_OwnDestIPv4Address(0), m_DestIPv4Address(0), m_SourceRTCPIPv4Address(0), m_SourceRTCPPort(0), m_OwnSourceSendRTCPPort(0), m_OwnSourceRecvRTCPPort(0), m_OwnSourceRecvRTPPort(0), m_OwnDestSendRTCPPort(0), m_OwnDestRecvRTCPPort(0), m_OwnDestSendRTPPort(0), m_DestRTCPIPv4Address(0), m_DestRTCPPort(0), m_DestRTPIPv4Address(0), m_DestRTPPort(0) { InitLogicalChannel(NULL, MEDIA_TYPE_UNDEFINED, 0,0,LC_STATE_NOT_INIT); }
inline void RTP_LOGICAL_CHANNEL::SetAssociationRef( IN RTP_LOGICAL_CHANNEL &LogicalChannel ) { // if the source or dest terminal is generating two logical
// channels (in the same direction) with the same session id, we'll
// find a prior logical channel in the array with the same session id
// and thus never reach here
_ASSERTE(NULL == m_pAssocLogicalChannel); m_pAssocLogicalChannel = &LogicalChannel; }
inline void RTP_LOGICAL_CHANNEL::ResetAssociationRef( ) { _ASSERTE(NULL != m_pAssocLogicalChannel); m_pAssocLogicalChannel = NULL;
// we, now, own the RTP/RTCP ports that were being shared so far
inline DWORD RTP_LOGICAL_CHANNEL::GetSourceRTCPIPv4Address( ) { return m_SourceRTCPIPv4Address; }
inline WORD RTP_LOGICAL_CHANNEL::GetSourceRTCPPort( ) { return m_SourceRTCPPort; }
inline WORD RTP_LOGICAL_CHANNEL::GetOwnSourceSendRTCPPort( ) { return m_OwnSourceSendRTCPPort; }
inline WORD RTP_LOGICAL_CHANNEL::GetOwnSourceRecvRTCPPort( ) { return m_OwnSourceRecvRTCPPort; }
inline WORD RTP_LOGICAL_CHANNEL::GetOwnSourceRecvRTPPort( ) { return m_OwnSourceRecvRTPPort; }
inline WORD RTP_LOGICAL_CHANNEL::GetOwnDestSendRTCPPort( ) { return m_OwnDestSendRTCPPort; }
inline WORD RTP_LOGICAL_CHANNEL::GetOwnDestRecvRTCPPort( ) { return m_OwnDestRecvRTCPPort; }
inline WORD RTP_LOGICAL_CHANNEL::GetOwnDestSendRTPPort( ) { return m_OwnDestSendRTPPort; }
inline DWORD RTP_LOGICAL_CHANNEL::GetDestRTCPIPv4Address( ) { return m_DestRTCPIPv4Address; }
inline WORD RTP_LOGICAL_CHANNEL::GetDestRTCPPort( ) { return m_DestRTCPPort; }
inline DWORD RTP_LOGICAL_CHANNEL::GetDestRTPIPv4Address( ) { return m_DestRTPIPv4Address; }
inline WORD RTP_LOGICAL_CHANNEL::GetDestRTPPort( ) { return m_DestRTPPort; }
// //
// T.120 Logical Channel //
// //
class T120_LOGICAL_CHANNEL : public LOGICAL_CHANNEL { public:
inline T120_LOGICAL_CHANNEL();
// all of these are available in the OPEN LOGICAL CHANNEL message
// it modifies the OLC PDU and passes it on to the other H245
// instance for forwarding ???
HRESULT HandleOpenLogicalChannelPDU( IN H245_INFO &H245Info, IN MEDIA_TYPE MediaType, IN WORD LogicalChannelNumber, IN BYTE SessionId, IN DWORD T120ConnectToIPAddr, IN WORD T120ConnectToPort, IN MultimediaSystemControlMessage *pH245pdu );
virtual HRESULT ProcessOpenLogicalChannelAckPDU( IN MultimediaSystemControlMessage *pH245pdu );
// releases any pending associations
virtual ~T120_LOGICAL_CHANNEL();
// We store all the address and port information in host order.
// We need to convert them to network order before we pass them
// to the NAT functions.
// These are the IP Address and port the T.120 end point is listening
// on for the T.120 connection. We need to connect to this address.
DWORD m_T120ConnectToIPAddr; WORD m_T120ConnectToPort; // These are the IP Address and port we will be listening on.
// We send this information in the OLC or OLCAck PDU and the T.120
// end point will connect to this address.
DWORD m_T120ListenOnIPAddr; WORD m_T120ListenOnPort;
// These are the IP Address and port we will be using in the NAT
// redirect as the new source address of the TCP connection.
// Once the remote T.120 end point receives a TCP conection,
// it thinks that the connection is "from" this address.
// CODEWORK: Any better names ??
DWORD m_T120ConnectFromIPAddr; WORD m_T120ConnectFromPorts[MAX_T120_TCP_CONNECTIONS_ALLOWED];
// Note that we do not know the actual source address and port
// from which the T.120 endpoint connects. This address is only
// established when the T.120 endpoint actually calls connect.
// We pass 0 (wild card) for these fields in the NAT redirect.
private: // Allocate m_T120ConnectFromPorts and m_T120ListenOnPort
HRESULT SetPorts( DWORD T120ConnectToIPAddr, WORD T120ConnectToPort, DWORD T120ListenOnIPAddr, DWORD T120ConnectFromIPAddr );
// Free m_T120ConnectFromPorts and m_T120ListenOnPort
// if they have been allocated.
HRESULT FreePorts(); // opens the bidirectional NAT redirect for the TCP stream
HRESULT CreateNatRedirect();
// closes any NAT redirect
void CancelNatRedirect();
HRESULT CheckOpenLogicalChannelAckPDU( IN OpenLogicalChannelAck &OlcPDU, OUT DWORD &T120ConnectToIPAddr, OUT WORD &T120ConnectToPort ); };
inline T120_LOGICAL_CHANNEL::T120_LOGICAL_CHANNEL( ) : m_T120ConnectToIPAddr(INADDR_NONE), m_T120ConnectToPort(0), m_T120ListenOnIPAddr(INADDR_NONE), m_T120ListenOnPort(0), m_T120ConnectFromIPAddr(INADDR_NONE) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_T120_TCP_CONNECTIONS_ALLOWED; i++) { m_T120ConnectFromPorts[i] = 0; } InitLogicalChannel(NULL,MEDIA_TYPE_UNDEFINED, 0,0,LC_STATE_NOT_INIT); }
// expandable array of pointer values
template <class T> class DYNAMIC_POINTER_ARRAY { public:
// number of blocks allocated for a new addition
// when the array becomes full
// assumption: other member variables are all 0/NULL
inline void Init( IN DWORD BlockSize = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE );
inline T **GetData() { return m_pData; }
inline DWORD GetSize() { return m_NumElements; }
DWORD Find( IN T& Val ) const;
HRESULT Add( IN T &NewVal );
inline T *Get( IN DWORD Index ); inline HRESULT RemoveAt( IN DWORD Index );
inline HRESULT Remove( IN T &Val );
T **m_pData; DWORD m_NumElements;
DWORD m_AllocElements;
DWORD m_BlockSize; };
template <class T> inline DYNAMIC_POINTER_ARRAY<T>::DYNAMIC_POINTER_ARRAY( ) : m_pData(NULL), m_NumElements(0), m_AllocElements(0), m_BlockSize(0) { }
template <class T> inline void DYNAMIC_POINTER_ARRAY<T>::Init( IN DWORD BlockSize /* = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE */ ) { _ASSERTE(NULL == m_pData); if (0 != BlockSize) { m_BlockSize = BlockSize; } else { m_BlockSize = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE; } }
// NOTE: uses realloc and free to grow/manage the array of pointers.
// This is better than new/delete as the additional memory is allocated
// in-place (i.e. the array ptr remains same) eliminating the need to copy
// memory from the old block to the new block and also reduces
// heap fragmentation
template <class T> HRESULT DYNAMIC_POINTER_ARRAY<T>::Add( IN T &NewVal ) { if(m_NumElements == m_AllocElements) { typedef T *T_PTR; T** ppT = NULL; DWORD NewAllocElements = m_NumElements + m_BlockSize; ppT = (class LOGICAL_CHANNEL **) realloc(m_pData, NewAllocElements * sizeof(T_PTR)); if(NULL == ppT) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// set the m_pData member to the newly allocated memory
m_pData = ppT; m_AllocElements = NewAllocElements; }
m_pData[m_NumElements] = &NewVal; m_NumElements++; return S_OK; }
template <class T> inline T * DYNAMIC_POINTER_ARRAY<T>::Get( IN DWORD Index ) { _ASSERTE(Index < m_NumElements); if (Index < m_NumElements) { return m_pData[Index]; } else { return NULL; } } template <class T> inline HRESULT DYNAMIC_POINTER_ARRAY<T>::RemoveAt( IN DWORD Index ) { _ASSERTE(Index < m_NumElements); if (Index >= m_NumElements) { return E_FAIL; }
// move all elements (to the right), left by one block
memmove( (void*)&m_pData[Index], (void*)&m_pData[Index + 1], (m_NumElements - (Index + 1)) * sizeof(T *) ); m_NumElements--; return S_OK; }
template <class T> inline HRESULT DYNAMIC_POINTER_ARRAY<T>::Remove( IN T &Val ) { DWORD Index = Find(Val); if(Index >= m_NumElements) { return E_FAIL; }
return RemoveAt(Index); }
template <class T> DWORD DYNAMIC_POINTER_ARRAY<T>::Find( IN T& Val ) const { // search for an array element thats same as the passed
// in value
for(DWORD Index = 0; Index < m_NumElements; Index++) { if(m_pData[(DWORD)Index] == &Val) { return Index; } }
return m_NumElements; // not found
template <class T> /* virtual */ DYNAMIC_POINTER_ARRAY<T>::~DYNAMIC_POINTER_ARRAY( ) { if (NULL != m_pData) { // delete each of the elements in the array
for(DWORD Index = 0; Index < m_NumElements; Index++) { _ASSERTE(NULL != m_pData[Index]); delete m_pData[Index]; }
// free the array memory block
free(m_pData); } }
// //
// Logical Channel Array //
// //
inline LOGICAL_CHANNEL *FindByLogicalChannelNum( IN WORD LogicalChannelNumber );
inline LOGICAL_CHANNEL *FindBySessionId( IN BYTE SessionId );
inline void CancelAllTimers(); };
inline LOGICAL_CHANNEL * LOGICAL_CHANNEL_ARRAY::FindByLogicalChannelNum( IN WORD LogicalChannelNumber ) { // check the logical channel number for each element in the array
// search from back
if (0 == m_NumElements) return NULL; for(DWORD Index = m_NumElements-1; Index < m_NumElements; Index--) { _ASSERTE(NULL != m_pData[Index]); if (m_pData[Index]->GetLogicalChannelNumber() == LogicalChannelNumber) { return m_pData[Index]; } }
// nothing found
return NULL; }
// SessionID is meaningful only for RTP logical channels.
// We look for only RTP logical channels.
inline LOGICAL_CHANNEL * LOGICAL_CHANNEL_ARRAY::FindBySessionId( IN BYTE SessionId ) { // 0 is used by a slave terminal to request a session id from the master
// hence, we shouldn't be searching for a match with 0
_ASSERTE(0 != SessionId);
// check the session for each element in the array
// search from back
if (0 == m_NumElements) return NULL; for(DWORD Index = m_NumElements-1; Index < m_NumElements; Index--) { _ASSERTE(NULL != m_pData[Index]); // SessionID is meaningful only for RTP logical channels.
// We look for only RTP logical channels.
if (IsMediaTypeRtp(m_pData[Index]->GetMediaType()) && m_pData[Index]->GetSessionId() == SessionId) { return m_pData[Index]; } }
// nothing found
return NULL; }
inline void LOGICAL_CHANNEL_ARRAY::CancelAllTimers (void) { for (DWORD Index = 0; Index < m_NumElements; Index++) { m_pData[(DWORD)Index]->TimprocCancelTimer(); } }
#endif // __h323ics_logchan_h