// Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
// File: ifip1.c
// Abstract:
// This module implements the helpers for if/ip apis
// Author: K.S.Lokesh (lokeshs@) 8-1-99
#include "precomp.h"
#include "ifip.h"
#include <iphlpapi.h>
#include <iptypes.h>
#include "ifstring.h"
const WCHAR c_wszListSeparatorComma[] = L","; const WCHAR c_wListSeparatorComma = L','; const WCHAR c_wListSeparatorSC = L';'; const WCHAR c_wszListSeparatorSC[] = L";"; const WCHAR c_wcsDefGateway[] = L"DefGw="; const WCHAR c_wcsGwMetric[] = L"GwMetric="; const WCHAR c_wcsIfMetric[] = L"IfMetric="; const WCHAR c_wcsDns[] = L"DNS="; const WCHAR c_wcsDdns[] = L"DynamicUpdate="; const WCHAR c_wcsDdnsSuffix[] = L"NameRegistration="; const WCHAR c_wcsWins[] = L"WINS="; const WCHAR c_wEqual = L'=';
BOOL g_fInitCom = TRUE;
HRESULT HrUninitializeAndUnlockINetCfg ( INetCfg* pnc ) /*++
Routine Description
Uninitializes and unlocks the INetCfg object Arguments
pnc [in] INetCfg to uninitialize and unlock Return Value
S_OK if success, OLE or Win32 error otherwise
Author: danielwe 13 Nov 1997
--*/ { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
hr = pnc->lpVtbl->Uninitialize(pnc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { INetCfgLock * pnclock;
// Get the locking interface
hr = pnc->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(pnc, &IID_INetCfgLock, (LPVOID *)(&pnclock)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Attempt to lock the INetCfg for read/write
hr = pnclock->lpVtbl->ReleaseWriteLock(pnclock);
if (pnclock) { pnclock->lpVtbl->Release(pnclock); } pnclock = NULL; } }
// TraceResult("HrUninitializeAndUnlockINetCfg", hr);
return hr; }
// Function: HrUninitializeAndReleaseINetCfg
// Purpose: Unintialize and release an INetCfg object. This will
// optionally uninitialize COM for the caller too.
// Arguments:
// fUninitCom [in] TRUE to uninitialize COM after the INetCfg is
// uninitialized and released.
// pnc [in] The INetCfg object.
// fHasLock [in] TRUE if the INetCfg was locked for write and
// must be unlocked.
// Returns: S_OK or an error code.
// Author: shaunco 7 May 1997
// Notes: The return value is the value returned from
// INetCfg::Uninitialize. Even if this fails, the INetCfg
// is still released. Therefore, the return value is for
// informational purposes only. You can't touch the INetCfg
// object after this call returns.
HRESULT HrUninitializeAndReleaseINetCfg ( BOOL fUninitCom, INetCfg* pnc, BOOL fHasLock ) /*++
Routine Description
Arguments Return Value
--*/ { // Assert (pnc);
if (fHasLock) { hr = HrUninitializeAndUnlockINetCfg(pnc); } else { hr = pnc->lpVtbl->Uninitialize (pnc); }
if (pnc) { pnc->lpVtbl->Release(pnc); } pnc = NULL;
if (fUninitCom) { CoUninitialize (); } // TraceResult("HrUninitializeAndReleaseINetCfg", hr);
return hr; }
HrGetIpPrivateInterface - Author: TongLu, KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT HrGetIpPrivateInterface(INetCfg* pNetCfg, ITcpipProperties **ppTcpProperties ) /*++
Routine Description
Arguments Return Value
--*/ { HRESULT hr; INetCfgClass* pncclass = NULL;
if ((pNetCfg == NULL) || (ppTcpProperties == NULL)) return E_INVALIDARG;
hr = pNetCfg->lpVtbl->QueryNetCfgClass (pNetCfg, &GUID_DEVCLASS_NETTRANS, &IID_INetCfgClass, (void**)(&pncclass)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { INetCfgComponent * pnccItem = NULL;
// Find the component.
hr = pncclass->lpVtbl->FindComponent(pncclass, TEXT("MS_TCPIP"), &pnccItem); //AssertSz (SUCCEEDED(hr), "pncclass->Find failed.");
if (S_OK == hr) { INetCfgComponentPrivate* pinccp = NULL; hr = pnccItem->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(pnccItem, &IID_INetCfgComponentPrivate, (void**)(&pinccp)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pinccp->lpVtbl->QueryNotifyObject(pinccp, &IID_ITcpipProperties, (void**)(ppTcpProperties)); pinccp->lpVtbl->Release(pinccp); } }
if (pnccItem) pnccItem->lpVtbl->Release(pnccItem); }
if (pncclass) pncclass->lpVtbl->Release(pncclass);
// S_OK indicates success (interface returned)
// S_FALSE indicates Ipx not installed
// other values are errors
// TraceResult("HrGetIpPrivateInterface", hr);
return hr; }
HRESULT HrCreateAndInitializeINetCfg ( BOOL* pfInitCom, INetCfg** ppnc, BOOL fGetWriteLock, DWORD cmsTimeout, LPCWSTR szwClientDesc, LPWSTR * ppszwClientDesc ) /*++
Routine Description
Cocreate and initialize the root INetCfg object. This will optionally initialize COM for the caller too.
pfInitCom [in,out] TRUE to call CoInitialize before creating. returns TRUE if COM was successfully initialized FALSE if not. If NULL, means don't initialize COM. ppnc [out] The returned INetCfg object. fGetWriteLock [in] TRUE if a writable INetCfg is needed cmsTimeout [in] See INetCfg::LockForWrite szwClientDesc [in] See INetCfg::LockForWrite ppszwClientDesc [out] See INetCfg::LockForWrite Return Value
S_OK or an error code. --*/ { HRESULT hr;
// Initialize the output parameter.
*ppnc = NULL;
if (ppszwClientDesc) *ppszwClientDesc = NULL;
// Initialize COM if the caller requested.
hr = S_OK; if (pfInitCom && *pfInitCom) { hr = CoInitializeEx( NULL, COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE | COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED ); if (RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE == hr) { hr = S_OK; if (pfInitCom) { *pfInitCom = FALSE; } } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Create the object implementing INetCfg.
INetCfg* pnc; hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_CNetCfg, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_INetCfg, (void**)(&pnc)); // TraceResult("HrCreateAndInitializeINetCfg - CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CNetCfg)", hr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { INetCfgLock* pnclock = NULL; if (fGetWriteLock) { // Get the locking interface
hr = pnc->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(pnc, &IID_INetCfgLock, (LPVOID *)(&pnclock)); // TraceResult("HrCreateAndInitializeINetCfg - QueryInterface(IID_INetCfgLock", hr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Attempt to lock the INetCfg for read/write
hr = pnclock->lpVtbl->AcquireWriteLock(pnclock, cmsTimeout, szwClientDesc, ppszwClientDesc); // TraceResult("HrCreateAndInitializeINetCfg - INetCfgLock::LockForWrite", hr);
if (S_FALSE == hr) { // Couldn't acquire the lock
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Initialize the INetCfg object.
hr = pnc->lpVtbl->Initialize (pnc, NULL); // TraceResult("HrCreateAndInitializeINetCfg - Initialize", hr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *ppnc = pnc; if (pnc) pnc->lpVtbl->AddRef(pnc); } else { if (pnclock) { pnclock->lpVtbl->ReleaseWriteLock(pnclock); } } // Transfer reference to caller.
if (pnclock) { pnclock->lpVtbl->Release(pnclock); } pnclock = NULL;
if (pnc) { pnc->lpVtbl->Release(pnc); } pnc = NULL; }
// If we failed anything above, and we've initialized COM,
// be sure an uninitialize it.
if (FAILED(hr) && pfInitCom && *pfInitCom) { CoUninitialize (); }
return hr; }
DWORD GetTransportConfig( INetCfg ** pNetCfg, ITcpipProperties ** pTcpipProperties, REMOTE_IPINFO **pRemoteIpInfo, GUID *pGuid, LPCWSTR pwszIfFriendlyName ) /*++
Routine Description
Arguments Return Value
--*/ { WCHAR wszDesc[] = L"Test of Change IP settings"; HRESULT hr;
// Create the INetCfg, we get the write lock because we need read and write
hr = HrCreateAndInitializeINetCfg(&g_fInitCom, /* &g_fInitCom, */ pNetCfg, TRUE /* fGetWriteLock */, 500 /* cmsTimeout */, wszDesc/* swzClientDesc */, NULL /* ppszwClientDesc */); if (hr == S_OK) { hr = HrGetIpPrivateInterface(*pNetCfg, pTcpipProperties); }
DisplayMessage( g_hModule, EMSG_NETCFG_WRITE_LOCK ); return ERROR_SUPPRESS_OUTPUT; } if (hr == S_OK) { hr = (*pTcpipProperties)->lpVtbl->GetIpInfoForAdapter(*pTcpipProperties, pGuid, pRemoteIpInfo);
if (hr != S_OK) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, EMSG_PROPERTIES, pwszIfFriendlyName); hr = ERROR_SUPPRESS_OUTPUT; } }
return (hr==S_OK) ? NO_ERROR : hr; }
VOID UninitializeTransportConfig( INetCfg * pNetCfg, ITcpipProperties * pTcpipProperties, REMOTE_IPINFO *pRemoteIpInfo ) /*++
Routine Description
Arguments Return Value
--*/ { if (pTcpipProperties) pTcpipProperties->lpVtbl->Release(pTcpipProperties);
if (pNetCfg) { HrUninitializeAndReleaseINetCfg(FALSE, pNetCfg, TRUE /* fHasLock */); }
if (pRemoteIpInfo) CoTaskMemFree(pRemoteIpInfo); return; } DWORD IfIpAddSetAddress( LPCWSTR pwszIfFriendlyName, GUID *pGuid, LPCWSTR wszIp, LPCWSTR wszMask, DWORD Flags ) /*++
Routine Description
Arguments Return Value
--*/ { INetCfg * pNetCfg = NULL; ITcpipProperties * pTcpipProperties = NULL; DWORD dwNetwork; HRESULT hr = S_OK; REMOTE_IPINFO *pRemoteIpInfo = NULL; REMOTE_IPINFO newIPInfo;
if (pGuid == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
hr = GetTransportConfig( &pNetCfg, &pTcpipProperties, &pRemoteIpInfo, pGuid, pwszIfFriendlyName );
while (hr == NO_ERROR) { //breakout block
PWCHAR ptrAddr, ptrMask; DWORD Found = FALSE; PWCHAR pszwRemoteIpAddrList=NULL, pszwRemoteIpSubnetMaskList=NULL, pszwRemoteOptionList=pRemoteIpInfo->pszwOptionList;//i copy options list
PWCHAR IpAddrListEnd; ULONG Length = wcslen(wszIp);
// currently in static mode
if (pRemoteIpInfo->dwEnableDhcp == FALSE) {
pszwRemoteIpAddrList = pRemoteIpInfo->pszwIpAddrList; pszwRemoteIpSubnetMaskList = pRemoteIpInfo->pszwSubnetMaskList; IpAddrListEnd = pszwRemoteIpAddrList + wcslen(pszwRemoteIpAddrList); }
// if adding ipaddr, check if the IpAddr and Mask is already present
if (Flags & ADD_FLAG) {
// make sure it is in static mode
if (pRemoteIpInfo->dwEnableDhcp == TRUE) {
DisplayMessage(g_hModule, EMSG_ADD_IPADDR_DHCP);
hr = ERROR_SUPPRESS_OUTPUT; break; } ptrAddr = pszwRemoteIpAddrList; ptrMask = pszwRemoteIpSubnetMaskList;
while (ptrAddr && (ptrAddr + Length <= IpAddrListEnd) ){
if (wcsncmp(ptrAddr, wszIp, Length) == 0) {
if ( *(ptrAddr+Length)==0 || *(ptrAddr+Length)==c_wListSeparatorComma){
Found = TRUE; break; } }
ptrAddr = wcschr(ptrAddr, c_wListSeparatorComma); ptrMask = wcschr(ptrMask, c_wListSeparatorComma);
if (ptrAddr){ ptrAddr++; ptrMask++; } } if (Found) {
PWCHAR MaskEnd; MaskEnd = wcschr(ptrMask, c_wListSeparatorComma); if (MaskEnd) *MaskEnd = 0; DisplayMessage(g_hModule, EMSG_IPADDR_PRESENT, wszIp, ptrMask);
if (MaskEnd) *MaskEnd = c_wListSeparatorComma; hr = ERROR_SUPPRESS_OUTPUT; break; } } memcpy(&newIPInfo, pRemoteIpInfo, sizeof(newIPInfo)); newIPInfo.dwEnableDhcp = FALSE;
// copy ip addr list
if (Flags & ADD_FLAG) { ULONG IpAddrListLength = 0; if (pszwRemoteIpAddrList) IpAddrListLength = wcslen(pszwRemoteIpAddrList); newIPInfo.pszwIpAddrList = IfutlAlloc (sizeof(WCHAR) * (IpAddrListLength + Length + 2), TRUE);
if (!newIPInfo.pszwIpAddrList) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; newIPInfo.pszwIpAddrList[0] = 0; if (pszwRemoteIpAddrList) { wcscat(newIPInfo.pszwIpAddrList, pszwRemoteIpAddrList); wcscat(newIPInfo.pszwIpAddrList, c_wszListSeparatorComma); } wcscat(newIPInfo.pszwIpAddrList, wszIp); } else { newIPInfo.pszwIpAddrList = IfutlAlloc (sizeof(WCHAR) * (Length + 1), FALSE);
if (!newIPInfo.pszwIpAddrList) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; wcscpy(newIPInfo.pszwIpAddrList, wszIp); }
// copy subnet mask list
if (Flags & ADD_FLAG) { ULONG RemoteIpSubnetMaskListLen = 0; if (pszwRemoteIpSubnetMaskList) RemoteIpSubnetMaskListLen = wcslen(pszwRemoteIpSubnetMaskList); newIPInfo.pszwSubnetMaskList = IfutlAlloc (sizeof(WCHAR) * (RemoteIpSubnetMaskListLen + wcslen(wszMask) + 2), TRUE);
if (!newIPInfo.pszwSubnetMaskList) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
newIPInfo.pszwSubnetMaskList[0]= 0; if (pszwRemoteIpSubnetMaskList) { wcscpy(newIPInfo.pszwSubnetMaskList, pszwRemoteIpSubnetMaskList); wcscat(newIPInfo.pszwSubnetMaskList, c_wszListSeparatorComma); } wcscat(newIPInfo.pszwSubnetMaskList, wszMask); } else { newIPInfo.pszwSubnetMaskList = IfutlAlloc (sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(wszMask) + 1), FALSE); if (!newIPInfo.pszwSubnetMaskList) return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
wcscpy(newIPInfo.pszwSubnetMaskList, wszMask); }
// copy old options list
newIPInfo.pszwOptionList = _wcsdup(pszwRemoteOptionList);
// set the ip address
hr = pTcpipProperties->lpVtbl->SetIpInfoForAdapter(pTcpipProperties, pGuid, &newIPInfo);
if (hr == S_OK) hr = pNetCfg->lpVtbl->Apply(pNetCfg);
if (newIPInfo.pszwIpAddrList) IfutlFree(newIPInfo.pszwIpAddrList); if (newIPInfo.pszwSubnetMaskList) IfutlFree(newIPInfo.pszwSubnetMaskList); if (newIPInfo.pszwOptionList) free(newIPInfo.pszwOptionList);
break; //breakout block
} //breakout block
UninitializeTransportConfig( pNetCfg, pTcpipProperties, pRemoteIpInfo );
return (hr == S_OK) ? NO_ERROR : hr; }
VOID AppendDdnsOptions( PWCHAR ptrDstn, PWCHAR ptrOptionList, DWORD Flags, DWORD dwRegisterMode ) /*++
Routine Description
Adds the appropriate "DynamicUpdate=...;NameRegistration=...;" string to a net config option list.
ptrDstn [in] Buffer to which to append DDNS options. ptrOptionList [in] Old option list. Flags [in] Used to tell whether this is in a SET or ADD. dwRegisterMode [in] New mode to convert to options values. Return Value
--*/ { PWCHAR ptrBegin, ptrEnd;
// Insert DynamicUpdate=...;
wcscat(ptrDstn, c_wcsDdns); if ((Flags & SET_FLAG) && (dwRegisterMode != REGISTER_UNCHANGED)) { //
// Insert the new value.
if (dwRegisterMode == REGISTER_NONE) { wcscat(ptrDstn, L"0"); } else { wcscat(ptrDstn, L"1"); } } else { //
// Copy the previous value.
ptrBegin = wcsstr(ptrOptionList, c_wcsDdns) + wcslen(c_wcsDdns); ptrEnd = wcschr(ptrBegin, c_wListSeparatorSC);
ptrDstn += wcslen(ptrDstn); wcsncpy(ptrDstn, ptrBegin, (DWORD)(ptrEnd - ptrBegin)); ptrDstn += (ULONG)(ptrEnd - ptrBegin); *ptrDstn = 0; } wcscat(ptrDstn, c_wszListSeparatorSC);
// Insert NameRegistration=...;
wcscat(ptrDstn, c_wcsDdnsSuffix); if ((Flags & SET_FLAG) && (dwRegisterMode != REGISTER_UNCHANGED)) { //
// Insert the new value.
if (dwRegisterMode == REGISTER_BOTH) { wcscat(ptrDstn, L"1"); } else { wcscat(ptrDstn, L"0"); } } else { //
// Copy the previous value.
ptrBegin = wcsstr(ptrOptionList, c_wcsDdnsSuffix) + wcslen(c_wcsDdnsSuffix); ptrEnd = wcschr(ptrBegin, c_wListSeparatorSC);
ptrDstn += wcslen(ptrDstn); wcsncpy(ptrDstn, ptrBegin, (DWORD)(ptrEnd - ptrBegin)); ptrDstn += (ULONG)(ptrEnd - ptrBegin); *ptrDstn = 0; } wcscat(ptrDstn, c_wszListSeparatorSC); }
DWORD IfIpSetDhcpModeMany( LPCWSTR pwszIfFriendlyName, GUID *pGuid, DWORD dwRegisterMode, DISPLAY_TYPE Type ) /*++
Routine Description
Arguments Return Value
--*/ { INetCfg * pNetCfg = NULL; ITcpipProperties * pTcpipProperties = NULL; DWORD dwNetwork; HRESULT hr = S_OK; REMOTE_IPINFO *pRemoteIpInfo = NULL; REMOTE_IPINFO newIPInfo; if (pGuid == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
hr = GetTransportConfig( &pNetCfg, &pTcpipProperties, &pRemoteIpInfo, pGuid, pwszIfFriendlyName );
while (hr == NO_ERROR) { //breakout block
PWCHAR pszwBuffer; PWCHAR ptr, newPtr; PWCHAR pszwRemoteOptionList=pRemoteIpInfo->pszwOptionList;
try { pszwBuffer = (PWCHAR) _alloca(sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(pszwRemoteOptionList) + 100)) ; } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// if setting ipaddr, check if dhcp already enabled. return.
if (Type==TYPE_IPADDR && pRemoteIpInfo->dwEnableDhcp) {
DisplayMessage(g_hModule, EMSG_DHCP_MODE);
memcpy(&newIPInfo, pRemoteIpInfo, sizeof(REMOTE_IPINFO)); newIPInfo.dwEnableDhcp = pRemoteIpInfo->dwEnableDhcp; newIPInfo.pszwOptionList = pszwBuffer;
pszwBuffer[0] = 0; switch(Type) { case TYPE_DNS: wcscpy(pszwBuffer, c_wcsDns); wcscat(pszwBuffer, c_wszListSeparatorSC);
AppendDdnsOptions(pszwBuffer + wcslen(pszwBuffer), pRemoteIpInfo->pszwOptionList, SET_FLAG, dwRegisterMode); break; case TYPE_WINS: wcscpy(pszwBuffer, c_wcsWins); wcscat(pszwBuffer, c_wszListSeparatorSC); break; case TYPE_IPADDR:
newIPInfo.dwEnableDhcp = TRUE;
newIPInfo.pszwIpAddrList = NULL; newIPInfo.pszwSubnetMaskList = NULL;
wcscpy(pszwBuffer, c_wcsDefGateway); wcscat(pszwBuffer, c_wszListSeparatorSC); wcscat(pszwBuffer, c_wcsGwMetric); wcscat(pszwBuffer, c_wszListSeparatorSC); break; } DEBUG_PRINT_CONFIG(&newIPInfo);
// set the ip address
hr = pTcpipProperties->lpVtbl->SetIpInfoForAdapter(pTcpipProperties, pGuid, &newIPInfo);
if (hr == S_OK) hr = pNetCfg->lpVtbl->Apply(pNetCfg);
break; } //breakout block
UninitializeTransportConfig( pNetCfg, pTcpipProperties, pRemoteIpInfo );
return (hr == S_OK) ? NO_ERROR : hr; }
DWORD IfIpAddSetDelMany( PWCHAR wszIfFriendlyName, GUID *pGuid, PWCHAR pwszAddress, DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwRegisterMode, DISPLAY_TYPE Type, DWORD Flags ) /*++
Routine Description
Arguments Return Value
--*/ { INetCfg * pNetCfg = NULL; ITcpipProperties * pTcpipProperties = NULL; DWORD dwNetwork; HRESULT hr = S_OK; REMOTE_IPINFO * pRemoteIpInfo = NULL; REMOTE_IPINFO newIPInfo;
if (pGuid == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
hr = GetTransportConfig( &pNetCfg, &pTcpipProperties, &pRemoteIpInfo, pGuid, wszIfFriendlyName );
while (hr==NO_ERROR) { //breakout block
PWCHAR ptrBegin, ptrEnd, ptrTmp, ptrDstn, ptrDel; DWORD Found = FALSE; const WCHAR * Token;
switch (Type) {
case TYPE_DNS: Token = c_wcsDns; break;
case TYPE_WINS: Token = c_wcsWins; break; } ptrBegin = wcsstr(pRemoteIpInfo->pszwOptionList, Token) + wcslen(Token); ptrEnd = wcschr(ptrBegin, c_wListSeparatorSC); //
// check if the address is already present
if ( (Flags & (ADD_FLAG | DEL_FLAG)) && (pwszAddress)) { ULONG Length = wcslen(pwszAddress), Found = FALSE; ptrTmp = ptrBegin;
while (ptrTmp && (ptrTmp+Length <= ptrEnd) ){
if (ptrTmp = wcsstr(ptrTmp, pwszAddress)) {
if ( ((*(ptrTmp+Length)==c_wListSeparatorComma) || (*(ptrTmp+Length)==c_wListSeparatorSC) ) && ( (*(ptrTmp-1)==c_wListSeparatorComma) || (*(ptrTmp-1)==c_wEqual)) ) { Found = TRUE; ptrDel = ptrTmp; break; } else { ptrTmp = wcschr(ptrTmp, c_wListSeparatorComma); } } }
if (Found && (Flags & ADD_FLAG)) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, EMSG_SERVER_PRESENT, pwszAddress); hr = ERROR_SUPPRESS_OUTPUT; break; //from breakout block
} else if (!Found && (Flags & DEL_FLAG)) {
DisplayMessage(g_hModule, EMSG_SERVER_ABSENT, pwszAddress); hr = ERROR_SUPPRESS_OUTPUT; break; //from breakout block
} } // breakout block
memcpy(&newIPInfo, pRemoteIpInfo, sizeof(newIPInfo));
// copy ip addr list
{ newIPInfo.pszwIpAddrList = pRemoteIpInfo->pszwIpAddrList; }
// copy subnet mask list
{ newIPInfo.pszwSubnetMaskList = pRemoteIpInfo->pszwSubnetMaskList; }
try { newIPInfo.pszwOptionList = (PWCHAR) _alloca(sizeof(PWCHAR) * (wcslen(pRemoteIpInfo->pszwOptionList)+ (pwszAddress?wcslen(pwszAddress):0) + 1));
// copy token in all cases
ptrDstn = newIPInfo.pszwOptionList; ptrDstn[0] = 0; wcscpy(ptrDstn, Token); ptrDstn += wcslen(Token); if (Flags & ADD_FLAG) {
DWORD i; ptrTmp = ptrBegin; for (i=0; i<dwIndex-1 && ptrTmp && ptrTmp<ptrEnd; i++) {
ptrTmp = wcschr(ptrTmp, c_wListSeparatorComma); if (ptrTmp) ptrTmp++; }
if (!ptrTmp) {
ptrTmp = wcschr(ptrBegin, c_wListSeparatorSC); }
if (*(ptrTmp-1) == c_wListSeparatorComma) ptrTmp--; // copy addresses before index
if (ptrTmp>ptrBegin) { wcsncpy(ptrDstn, ptrBegin, (DWORD)(ptrTmp-ptrBegin)); ptrDstn += (ULONG) (ptrTmp - ptrBegin);
ptrTmp++; *ptrDstn++ = c_wListSeparatorComma; *ptrDstn = 0; } }
// copy new address
if (Flags & (ADD_FLAG|SET_FLAG) ) {
if (pwszAddress) { wcscat(ptrDstn, pwszAddress); ptrDstn += wcslen(pwszAddress); } } // copy addresses after index
if (Flags & ADD_FLAG) {
if (ptrTmp < ptrEnd) { *ptrDstn++ = c_wListSeparatorComma; *ptrDstn = 0;
wcsncpy(ptrDstn, ptrTmp, (DWORD)(ptrEnd - ptrTmp)); ptrDstn += (ULONG)(ptrEnd - ptrTmp); *ptrDstn = 0; } }
if (Flags & (ADD_FLAG|SET_FLAG) ) { wcscat(ptrDstn, c_wszListSeparatorSC); }
if (Flags & DEL_FLAG) {
if (pwszAddress) {
BOOL AddrPrepend = FALSE; if (ptrDel > ptrBegin) { wcsncat(ptrDstn, ptrBegin, (DWORD)(ptrDel-ptrBegin)); ptrDstn += (ULONG)(ptrDel-ptrBegin); AddrPrepend = TRUE; if ( *(ptrDstn-1) == c_wListSeparatorComma) { *(--ptrDstn) = 0; } } ptrTmp = ptrDel + wcslen(pwszAddress); if (*ptrTmp == c_wListSeparatorComma) ptrTmp++;
if (AddrPrepend && *ptrTmp!=c_wListSeparatorSC) *ptrDstn++ = c_wListSeparatorComma;
wcsncat(ptrDstn, ptrTmp, (DWORD)(ptrEnd - ptrTmp)); ptrDstn += (ULONG)(ptrEnd - ptrTmp); *ptrDstn = 0; } wcscat(ptrDstn, c_wszListSeparatorSC); }
if (Type == TYPE_DNS) { AppendDdnsOptions(ptrDstn, pRemoteIpInfo->pszwOptionList, Flags, dwRegisterMode); }
// set the ip address
hr = pTcpipProperties->lpVtbl->SetIpInfoForAdapter(pTcpipProperties, pGuid, &newIPInfo);
if (hr == S_OK) hr = pNetCfg->lpVtbl->Apply(pNetCfg);
break; } //breakout block
UninitializeTransportConfig( pNetCfg, pTcpipProperties, pRemoteIpInfo ); return (hr == S_OK) ? NO_ERROR : hr; }
DWORD IfIpAddSetGateway( LPCWSTR pwszIfFriendlyName, GUID *pGuid, LPCWSTR pwszGateway, LPCWSTR pwszGwMetric, DWORD Flags ) /*++
Routine Description
Arguments Return Value
--*/ { INetCfg * pNetCfg = NULL; ITcpipProperties * pTcpipProperties = NULL; DWORD dwNetwork; HRESULT hr = S_OK; REMOTE_IPINFO *pRemoteIpInfo = NULL; REMOTE_IPINFO newIPInfo; PWCHAR Gateways, GatewaysEnd, GwMetrics, GwMetricsEnd;
if (pGuid == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
hr = GetTransportConfig( &pNetCfg, &pTcpipProperties, &pRemoteIpInfo, pGuid, pwszIfFriendlyName ); while (hr==NO_ERROR) { //breakout block
PWCHAR ptrAddr, ptrMask; DWORD bFound = FALSE; PWCHAR pszwRemoteIpAddrList=NULL, pszwRemoteIpSubnetMaskList=NULL, pszwRemoteOptionList=NULL;
pszwRemoteIpAddrList = pRemoteIpInfo->pszwIpAddrList; pszwRemoteIpSubnetMaskList = pRemoteIpInfo->pszwSubnetMaskList; pszwRemoteOptionList = pRemoteIpInfo->pszwOptionList;
Gateways = wcsstr(pszwRemoteOptionList, c_wcsDefGateway) + wcslen(c_wcsDefGateway); GatewaysEnd = wcschr(Gateways, c_wListSeparatorSC); GwMetrics = wcsstr(pszwRemoteOptionList, c_wcsGwMetric) + wcslen(c_wcsGwMetric); GwMetricsEnd = wcschr(GwMetrics, c_wListSeparatorSC);
// check if the gateway is already present
if (Flags & ADD_FLAG) { ULONG Length = wcslen(pwszGateway), Found = FALSE; PWCHAR TmpPtr; TmpPtr = Gateways;
while (TmpPtr && (TmpPtr+Length <= GatewaysEnd) ){
if (TmpPtr = wcsstr(TmpPtr, pwszGateway)) {
if ( ((*(TmpPtr+Length)==c_wListSeparatorComma) || (*(TmpPtr+Length)==c_wListSeparatorSC) ) && ( (*(TmpPtr-1)==c_wListSeparatorComma) || (*(TmpPtr-1)==c_wEqual)) ) { Found = TRUE; break; } else { TmpPtr = wcschr(TmpPtr, c_wListSeparatorComma); } } }
if (Found) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, EMSG_DEFGATEWAY_PRESENT, pwszGateway); hr = ERROR_SUPPRESS_OUTPUT; break; //from breakout block
} } memcpy(&newIPInfo, pRemoteIpInfo, sizeof(newIPInfo));
// copy ip addr list
newIPInfo.pszwIpAddrList = pRemoteIpInfo->pszwIpAddrList;
// copy subnet mask list
newIPInfo.pszwSubnetMaskList = pRemoteIpInfo->pszwSubnetMaskList;
// copy old options list
if (Flags & ADD_FLAG) { newIPInfo.pszwOptionList = IfutlAlloc (sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(pszwRemoteOptionList) + wcslen(pwszGateway) + wcslen(pwszGwMetric) + 3), TRUE); if (!newIPInfo.pszwOptionList) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; //from breakout block
wcsncpy(newIPInfo.pszwOptionList, pszwRemoteOptionList, (DWORD)(GatewaysEnd - pszwRemoteOptionList));
*(newIPInfo.pszwOptionList + (GatewaysEnd - pszwRemoteOptionList)) = 0; if (*(GatewaysEnd-1) != c_wEqual) { wcscat(newIPInfo.pszwOptionList, c_wszListSeparatorComma); } wcscat(newIPInfo.pszwOptionList, pwszGateway); wcscat(newIPInfo.pszwOptionList, c_wszListSeparatorSC);
{ ULONG Length; Length = wcslen(newIPInfo.pszwOptionList); wcsncat(newIPInfo.pszwOptionList, GatewaysEnd+1, (DWORD)(GwMetricsEnd - (GatewaysEnd+1))); Length += (DWORD) (GwMetricsEnd - (GatewaysEnd+1));
newIPInfo.pszwOptionList[Length] = 0; } if (*(GwMetricsEnd-1) != c_wEqual) { wcscat(newIPInfo.pszwOptionList, c_wszListSeparatorComma); } wcscat(newIPInfo.pszwOptionList, pwszGwMetric); wcscat(newIPInfo.pszwOptionList, c_wszListSeparatorSC); wcscat(newIPInfo.pszwOptionList, GwMetricsEnd+1); } else {
ULONG Length; Length = sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(c_wcsDefGateway) + wcslen(c_wcsGwMetric) + 3); if (pwszGateway) Length += sizeof(WCHAR) * (wcslen(pwszGateway) + wcslen(pwszGwMetric)); newIPInfo.pszwOptionList = (PWCHAR) IfutlAlloc (Length, FALSE); if (newIPInfo.pszwOptionList == NULL) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; //from breakout block
} newIPInfo.pszwOptionList[0] = 0;
// cat gateway
wcscat(newIPInfo.pszwOptionList, c_wcsDefGateway); if (pwszGateway) wcscat(newIPInfo.pszwOptionList, pwszGateway);
wcscat(newIPInfo.pszwOptionList, c_wszListSeparatorSC);
// cat gwmetric
wcscat(newIPInfo.pszwOptionList, c_wcsGwMetric); if (pwszGateway) wcscat(newIPInfo.pszwOptionList, pwszGwMetric);
wcscat(newIPInfo.pszwOptionList, c_wszListSeparatorSC); }
// set the ip address
hr = pTcpipProperties->lpVtbl->SetIpInfoForAdapter(pTcpipProperties, pGuid, &newIPInfo);
if (hr == S_OK) hr = pNetCfg->lpVtbl->Apply(pNetCfg);
if (newIPInfo.pszwOptionList) IfutlFree(newIPInfo.pszwOptionList);
break; } //breakout block
UninitializeTransportConfig( pNetCfg, pTcpipProperties, pRemoteIpInfo );
return (hr == S_OK) ? NO_ERROR : hr; }
// Display an IP address in Unicode form. If First is false,
// a string of spaces will first be printed so that the list lines up.
// For the first address, the caller is responsible for printing the
// header before calling this function.
VOID ShowUnicodeAddress( BOOL *pFirst, PWCHAR pwszAddress) { if (*pFirst) { *pFirst = FALSE; } else { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_ADDR2); } DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_ADDR1, pwszAddress); }
// Same as ShowUnicodeAddress, except that the address is passed
// in multibyte form, such as is used by IPHLPAPI
VOID ShowCharAddress( BOOL *pFirst, char *chAddress) { WCHAR pwszBuffer[16];
if (!chAddress[0]) { return; }
MultiByteToWideChar(GetConsoleOutputCP(), 0, chAddress, strlen(chAddress)+1, pwszBuffer, 16);
ShowUnicodeAddress(pFirst, pwszBuffer); }
DWORD IfIpShowManyExEx( LPCWSTR pwszMachineName, ULONG IfIndex, PWCHAR pFriendlyIfName, GUID *pGuid, ULONG Flags, HANDLE hFile ) /*++
Routine Description
Arguments Return Value
--*/ { INetCfg * pNetCfg = NULL; ITcpipProperties * pTcpipProperties = NULL; DWORD dwNetwork, dwSize = 0, dwErr; HRESULT hr = S_OK; REMOTE_IPINFO *pRemoteIpInfo = NULL; REMOTE_IPINFO newIPInfo; PWCHAR pQuotedFriendlyIfName = NULL; PIP_PER_ADAPTER_INFO pPerAdapterInfo = NULL; PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdaptersInfo = NULL, pAdapterInfo = NULL; DWORD dwRegisterMode;
if (pGuid == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (hFile && pwszMachineName) { // not currently remotable
return NO_ERROR; }
if (!hFile && !pwszMachineName) { //
// If we're not doing a "dump", and we're looking at the local
// machine, then get active per-adapter information such as the
// current DNS and WINS server addresses
GetPerAdapterInfo(IfIndex, NULL, &dwSize); pPerAdapterInfo = (PIP_PER_ADAPTER_INFO)IfutlAlloc(dwSize,FALSE); if (!pPerAdapterInfo) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } dwErr = GetPerAdapterInfo(IfIndex, pPerAdapterInfo, &dwSize); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { IfutlFree(pPerAdapterInfo); pPerAdapterInfo = NULL; }
dwSize = 0; GetAdaptersInfo(NULL, &dwSize); pAdaptersInfo = (PIP_ADAPTER_INFO)IfutlAlloc(dwSize,FALSE); if (!pAdaptersInfo) { IfutlFree(pPerAdapterInfo); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } dwErr = GetAdaptersInfo(pAdaptersInfo, &dwSize); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { IfutlFree(pAdaptersInfo); pAdaptersInfo = NULL; } if (pAdaptersInfo) { for (pAdapterInfo = pAdaptersInfo; pAdapterInfo && pAdapterInfo->Index != IfIndex; pAdapterInfo = pAdapterInfo->Next); } }
hr = GetTransportConfig( &pNetCfg, &pTcpipProperties, &pRemoteIpInfo, pGuid, pFriendlyIfName ); while (hr==NO_ERROR) { //breakout block
PWCHAR ptrAddr, ptrMask, ptrAddrNew, ptrMaskNew;
if (hr != NO_ERROR) break;
pQuotedFriendlyIfName = MakeQuotedString( pFriendlyIfName );
if ( pQuotedFriendlyIfName == NULL ) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; }
if (hFile) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, DMP_IFIP_INTERFACE_HEADER, pQuotedFriendlyIfName); } else { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IFIP_HEADER, pQuotedFriendlyIfName); }
// display ipaddress list
if (Flags & TYPE_IPADDR) {
if (hFile) { DisplayMessageT( (pRemoteIpInfo->dwEnableDhcp) ? DMP_DHCP : DMP_STATIC, pQuotedFriendlyIfName ); } else { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, (pRemoteIpInfo->dwEnableDhcp) ? MSG_DHCP : MSG_STATIC); }
if (!pRemoteIpInfo->dwEnableDhcp) { ptrAddr = pRemoteIpInfo->pszwIpAddrList; ptrMask = pRemoteIpInfo->pszwSubnetMaskList; } else if (!pwszMachineName) { // If on the local machine, get the active list
ptrAddr = NULL; ptrMask = NULL; }
if (ptrAddr && ptrMask) {
DWORD First = TRUE; while (ptrAddr && ptrMask && *ptrAddr!=0 && *ptrMask != 0) { ptrAddrNew = wcschr(ptrAddr, c_wListSeparatorComma); ptrMaskNew = wcschr(ptrMask, c_wListSeparatorComma);
if (ptrAddrNew) *ptrAddrNew = 0; if (ptrMaskNew) *ptrMaskNew = 0;
if (hFile) {
if (First) { DisplayMessageT( DMP_IPADDR1, ptrAddr, ptrMask ); First = FALSE; } else { DisplayMessageT( DMP_IPADDR2, pQuotedFriendlyIfName, ptrAddr, ptrMask ); } } else { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IPADDR_LIST1, ptrAddr, ptrMask); } ptrAddr = ptrAddrNew ? ++ptrAddrNew : NULL; ptrMask = ptrMaskNew ? ++ptrMaskNew : NULL; } } } // end display ipaddr
// display options list
{ PWCHAR IfMetric1, Gateways1, GwMetrics1, Dns1, Wins1, Ptr1, Ptr2, Equal, SemiColon, Ddns1, DdnsSuffix1, End1;
if (hr != NO_ERROR) break; Ptr1 = pRemoteIpInfo->pszwOptionList; IfMetric1 = wcsstr(Ptr1, c_wcsIfMetric); Gateways1 = wcsstr(Ptr1, c_wcsDefGateway); GwMetrics1 = wcsstr(Ptr1, c_wcsGwMetric); Dns1 = wcsstr(Ptr1, c_wcsDns); Wins1 = wcsstr(Ptr1, c_wcsWins); Ddns1 = wcsstr(Ptr1, c_wcsDdns); DdnsSuffix1 = wcsstr(Ptr1, c_wcsDdnsSuffix);
while (*Ptr1) { Equal = wcschr(Ptr1, c_wEqual); SemiColon = wcschr(Ptr1, c_wListSeparatorSC); if (!Equal || !SemiColon) break;
Ptr2 = Ptr1; Ptr1 = SemiColon + 1; *SemiColon = 0;
// display IfMetric
if (Ptr2 == IfMetric1) {
if (! (Flags & TYPE_IPADDR)) continue;
if (hFile) { } else { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IFMETRIC, Equal+1); } }
// display Gateways
else if (Ptr2 == Gateways1) {
PWCHAR Gateway, GwMetric, GatewayEnd, GwMetricEnd, Comma1, Comma2; BOOL First = TRUE;
if (! (Flags & TYPE_IPADDR)) continue;
// gateways list null
if (SemiColon == (Ptr2 + wcslen(c_wcsDefGateway))) continue;
Gateway = Equal + 1; GatewayEnd = SemiColon;
GwMetric = wcschr(GwMetrics1, c_wEqual) + 1; GwMetricEnd = wcschr(GwMetrics1, c_wListSeparatorSC); *GwMetricEnd = 0;
do { Comma1 = wcschr(Gateway, c_wListSeparatorComma); if (Comma1) *Comma1 = 0;
Comma2 = wcschr(GwMetric, c_wListSeparatorComma); if (Comma2) *Comma2 = 0;
if (hFile) {
if (First) { DisplayMessageT( DMP_GATEWAY2, pQuotedFriendlyIfName, Gateway, GwMetric ); First = FALSE; } else { DisplayMessageT( DMP_GATEWAY3, pQuotedFriendlyIfName, Gateway, GwMetric ); } } else { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_GATEWAY, Gateway, GwMetric); } if (Comma1) *Comma1 = c_wListSeparatorComma; if (Comma2) *Comma2 = c_wListSeparatorComma;
Gateway = Comma1 + 1; GwMetric = Comma2 + 1;
} while (Comma1 && Gateway<GatewayEnd);
if (hFile && First) { DisplayMessageT( DMP_GATEWAY1, pQuotedFriendlyIfName ); } *GwMetricEnd = c_wListSeparatorSC; }
else if (Ptr2 == GwMetrics1) {
// display wins and dns
else if ( (Ptr2 == Dns1) || (Ptr2==Wins1)) {
PWCHAR BeginPtr, EndPtr, Comma1; BOOL bDns = Ptr2==Dns1; if (Ptr2==Dns1) { if (! (Flags & TYPE_DNS)) continue; } else { if (! (Flags & TYPE_WINS)) continue; }
BeginPtr = Equal + 1; EndPtr = SemiColon;
// empty list
if (BeginPtr==EndPtr) { if (hFile) { DisplayMessageT( pRemoteIpInfo->dwEnableDhcp ? (bDns?DMP_DNS_DHCP:DMP_WINS_DHCP) : (bDns?DMP_DNS_STATIC_NONE:DMP_WINS_STATIC_NONE), pQuotedFriendlyIfName );
if (bDns) { //
// When generating a DNS (not WINS) line,
// also include the REGISTER=... argument.
// We need to look ahead in the option list
// since the DDNS info may occur after the
// WINS info, but we have to output it before.
if (!wcstol(Ddns1+wcslen(c_wcsDdns), &End1, 10)) { DisplayMessageT(DMP_STRING_ARG, TOKEN_REGISTER, TOKEN_VALUE_NONE); } else if (!wcstol(DdnsSuffix1+wcslen( c_wcsDdnsSuffix), &End1, 10)) { DisplayMessageT(DMP_STRING_ARG, TOKEN_REGISTER, TOKEN_VALUE_PRIMARY); } else { DisplayMessageT(DMP_STRING_ARG, TOKEN_REGISTER, TOKEN_VALUE_BOTH); } } } else { if (pRemoteIpInfo->dwEnableDhcp) { IP_ADDR_STRING *pAddr; DWORD dwErr; BOOL First = TRUE;
if (!pwszMachineName) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, (bDns?MSG_DNS_DHCP_HDR:MSG_WINS_DHCP_HDR) );
// Display active list
if (bDns && pPerAdapterInfo) { for (pAddr = &pPerAdapterInfo->DnsServerList; pAddr; pAddr = pAddr->Next) { ShowCharAddress(&First, pAddr->IpAddress.String); } } else if (!bDns && pAdapterInfo) { if (strcmp(pAdapterInfo->PrimaryWinsServer.IpAddress.String, "")) { ShowCharAddress(&First, pAdapterInfo->PrimaryWinsServer.IpAddress.String); } if (strcmp(pAdapterInfo->SecondaryWinsServer.IpAddress.String, "")) { ShowCharAddress(&First, pAdapterInfo->SecondaryWinsServer.IpAddress.String); } }
if (First) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_NONE); } } else { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, (bDns?MSG_DNS_DHCP:MSG_WINS_DHCP) ); } } else { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, bDns?MSG_DNS_HDR:MSG_WINS_HDR); DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_NONE); }
// For show commands, we output either DNS or WINS
// information but not both, so we can wait until
// we process the DDNS information normally,
// before outputting the DDNS state.
continue; }
{ PWCHAR Comma1; BOOL First = TRUE;
if (!hFile) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, bDns?MSG_DNS_HDR:MSG_WINS_HDR); } do { Comma1 = wcschr(BeginPtr, c_wListSeparatorComma); if (Comma1) *Comma1 = 0; if (hFile) { DisplayMessageT( First ? (First=FALSE,(bDns?DMP_DNS_STATIC_ADDR1:DMP_WINS_STATIC_ADDR1)) : (bDns?DMP_DNS_STATIC_ADDR2:DMP_WINS_STATIC_ADDR2), pQuotedFriendlyIfName, BeginPtr);
if (bDns) { //
// When generating a DNS (not WINS) line,
// also include the REGISTER=... argument.
// We need to look ahead in the option list
// since the DDNS info may occur after the
// WINS info, but we have to output it
// before.
if (!wcstol(Ddns1+wcslen(c_wcsDdns), &End1, 10)) { DisplayMessageT(DMP_STRING_ARG, TOKEN_REGISTER, TOKEN_VALUE_NONE); } else if (!wcstol(DdnsSuffix1+wcslen( c_wcsDdnsSuffix), &End1, 10)) { DisplayMessageT(DMP_STRING_ARG, TOKEN_REGISTER, TOKEN_VALUE_PRIMARY); } else { DisplayMessageT(DMP_STRING_ARG, TOKEN_REGISTER, TOKEN_VALUE_BOTH); } } } else { ShowUnicodeAddress(&First, BeginPtr);
} if (Comma1) *Comma1 = c_wListSeparatorComma; BeginPtr = Comma1 + 1;
} while (Comma1 && BeginPtr<EndPtr); } }
else if (Ptr2 == Ddns1) { if (! (Flags & TYPE_DNS)) continue;
// When we see DynamicUpdate=..., save the value.
// We won't know the complete register mode until
// we see the subsequent NameRegistration=... value.
// NetConfig guarantees that DynamicUpdate will occur
// first.
dwRegisterMode = wcstol(Equal+1, &End1, 10)? REGISTER_PRIMARY : REGISTER_NONE; } else if (Ptr2 == DdnsSuffix1) { if (! (Flags & TYPE_DNS)) continue; if (hFile) { //
// If this is a dump, we've already looked at
// this value, when we processed the DNS=... option.
} else { PWCHAR pwszValue;
// Now that we've seen NameRegistration=...,
// we know the complete register mode and can
// output it accordingly.
if ((dwRegisterMode == REGISTER_PRIMARY) && wcstol(Equal+1, &End1, 10)) { pwszValue = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_BOTH); } else if (dwRegisterMode == REGISTER_PRIMARY) { pwszValue = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_PRIMARY); } else { pwszValue = MakeString(g_hModule, STRING_NONE); }
DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_DDNS_SUFFIX, pwszValue);
FreeString(pwszValue); } } // any other option
else { *Equal = 0;
if (!hFile) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_OPTION, Ptr2, Equal+1); } } } } //end options list
break; } // breakout block
if ( pQuotedFriendlyIfName ) { FreeQuotedString( pQuotedFriendlyIfName ); } UninitializeTransportConfig( pNetCfg, pTcpipProperties, pRemoteIpInfo );
IfutlFree(pPerAdapterInfo); IfutlFree(pAdaptersInfo);
return (hr == S_OK) ? NO_ERROR : hr; }
DWORD IfIpHandleDelIpaddrEx( LPCWSTR pwszIfFriendlyName, GUID *pGuid, LPCWSTR pwszIpAddr, LPCWSTR pwszGateway, ULONG Flags ) /*++
Routine Description
Arguments Return Value
--*/ { INetCfg * pNetCfg = NULL; ITcpipProperties * pTcpipProperties = NULL; DWORD dwNetwork; HRESULT hr = S_OK; REMOTE_IPINFO *pRemoteIpInfo = NULL; PWCHAR Gateways, GatewaysEnd, GwMetrics, GwMetricsEnd;
if (pGuid == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
hr = GetTransportConfig( &pNetCfg, &pTcpipProperties, &pRemoteIpInfo, pGuid, pwszIfFriendlyName ); while (hr==NO_ERROR) { //breakout block
if (Flags & TYPE_ADDR) {
PWCHAR IpAddr, IpAddrEnd; PWCHAR Mask, MaskEnd; PWCHAR pszwRemoteIpAddrList = pRemoteIpInfo->pszwIpAddrList; PWCHAR pszwRemoteSubnetMaskList = pRemoteIpInfo->pszwSubnetMaskList; PWCHAR EndIpAddrList = pszwRemoteIpAddrList + wcslen(pszwRemoteIpAddrList); BOOL Found = FALSE; ULONG Length = wcslen(pwszIpAddr);
IpAddr = pszwRemoteIpAddrList; Mask = pszwRemoteSubnetMaskList; while (IpAddr && (IpAddr + Length <= EndIpAddrList) ){
if (wcsncmp(IpAddr, pwszIpAddr, Length) == 0) {
if ( *(IpAddr+Length)==0 || *(IpAddr+Length)==c_wListSeparatorComma){
Found = TRUE; break; } }
IpAddr = wcschr(IpAddr, c_wListSeparatorComma); Mask = wcschr(Mask, c_wListSeparatorComma);
if (IpAddr){ IpAddr++; Mask++; } }
// IpAddr not present
if (!Found) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, EMSG_ADDRESS_NOT_PRESENT);
// cannot delete addr in dhcp mode
if (pRemoteIpInfo->dwEnableDhcp == TRUE) {
DisplayMessage(g_hModule, EMSG_DHCP_DELETEADDR);
IpAddrEnd = wcschr(IpAddr, c_wListSeparatorComma); MaskEnd = wcschr(Mask, c_wListSeparatorComma); if (*(IpAddr-1) == c_wListSeparatorComma) { IpAddr --; Mask --; } else if (IpAddrEnd) { IpAddrEnd++; MaskEnd++; }
pszwRemoteIpAddrList[IpAddr - pszwRemoteIpAddrList] = 0; pszwRemoteSubnetMaskList[Mask - pszwRemoteSubnetMaskList] = 0; if (IpAddrEnd) { wcscat(pszwRemoteIpAddrList, IpAddrEnd); wcscat(pszwRemoteSubnetMaskList, MaskEnd); }
// should have at least one addr in static mode
if (wcslen(pszwRemoteIpAddrList)==0 && pRemoteIpInfo->dwEnableDhcp == FALSE) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, EMSG_MIN_ONE_ADDR);
} } //end delete ipaddr
if (Flags & TYPE_GATEWAY) {
PWCHAR pszwRemoteOptionList = pRemoteIpInfo->pszwOptionList; PWCHAR Gateways, GatewaysEnd, GwMetrics, GwMetricsEnd, GwMetrics1; BOOL Found = FALSE; Gateways = wcsstr(pszwRemoteOptionList, c_wcsDefGateway) + wcslen(c_wcsDefGateway); GwMetrics1 = GwMetrics = wcsstr(pszwRemoteOptionList, c_wcsGwMetric) + wcslen(c_wcsGwMetric); GatewaysEnd = wcschr(Gateways, c_wListSeparatorSC);
// check if the gateway is present
if (pwszGateway) {
ULONG Length = wcslen(pwszGateway);
while ((Gateways+Length) <= GatewaysEnd) {
if ( (wcsncmp(pwszGateway, Gateways, Length)==0) && ( (*(Gateways+Length)==c_wListSeparatorComma) || (*(Gateways+Length)==c_wListSeparatorSC)) ) {
Found = TRUE; break; } else {
if (Gateways = wcschr(Gateways, c_wListSeparatorComma)) {
Gateways++; GwMetrics = wcschr(GwMetrics, c_wListSeparatorComma) + 1; } else { break; } } } if (!Found) {
DisplayMessage(g_hModule, EMSG_GATEWAY_NOT_PRESENT);
hr = ERROR_SUPPRESS_OUTPUT; break; //from breakout block
} } if (!pwszGateway) {
wcscpy(pszwRemoteOptionList, c_wcsDefGateway); wcscat(pszwRemoteOptionList, c_wszListSeparatorSC); wcscat(pszwRemoteOptionList, c_wcsGwMetric); wcscat(pszwRemoteOptionList, c_wszListSeparatorSC); } else { PWCHAR GatewaysListEnd, GwMetricsListEnd, TmpPtr;
GatewaysListEnd = wcschr(Gateways, c_wListSeparatorSC); GwMetricsListEnd = wcschr(GwMetrics, c_wListSeparatorSC);
GatewaysEnd = Gateways + wcslen(pwszGateway); GwMetricsEnd = wcschr(GwMetrics, c_wListSeparatorComma); if (!GwMetricsEnd || GwMetricsEnd>GwMetricsListEnd) GwMetricsEnd = wcschr(GwMetrics, c_wListSeparatorSC);
if (*(Gateways-1)==c_wListSeparatorComma) { Gateways--; GwMetrics--; } else if (*GatewaysEnd==c_wListSeparatorComma) { GatewaysEnd++; GwMetricsEnd++; } wcsncpy(Gateways, GatewaysEnd, (DWORD)(GwMetrics - GatewaysEnd)); TmpPtr = Gateways + (GwMetrics - GatewaysEnd); *TmpPtr = 0; wcscat(TmpPtr, GwMetricsEnd); } } //end delete gateway
// set the config
if (hr == S_OK) hr = pTcpipProperties->lpVtbl->SetIpInfoForAdapter(pTcpipProperties, pGuid, pRemoteIpInfo);
if (hr == S_OK) hr = pNetCfg->lpVtbl->Apply(pNetCfg);
break; }//end breakout block
UninitializeTransportConfig( pNetCfg, pTcpipProperties, pRemoteIpInfo );
return (hr == S_OK) ? NO_ERROR : hr; }
DWORD OpenDriver( HANDLE *Handle, LPWSTR DriverName ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function opens a specified IO drivers.
Handle - pointer to location where the opened drivers handle is returned.
DriverName - name of the driver to be opened.
Return Value:
Windows Error Code. Notes: copied from net\sockets\tcpcmd\ipcfgapi\ipcfgapi.c
--*/ { OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock; UNICODE_STRING nameString; NTSTATUS status;
*Handle = NULL;
// Open a Handle to the IP driver.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&nameString, DriverName);
InitializeObjectAttributes( &objectAttributes, &nameString, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, (HANDLE) NULL, (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) NULL );
return( RtlNtStatusToDosError( status ) ); }
NTSTATUS DoIoctl( HANDLE Handle, DWORD IoctlCode, PVOID Request, DWORD RequestSize, PVOID Response, PDWORD ResponseSize ) /*++
Routine Description:
Utility routine used to issue a filtering ioctl to the tcpip driver.
Handle - An open file handle on which to issue the request.
IoctlCode - The IOCTL opcode.
Request - A pointer to the input buffer.
RequestSize - Size of the input buffer.
Response - A pointer to the output buffer.
ResponseSize - On input, the size in bytes of the output buffer. On output, the number of bytes returned in the output buffer.
Return Value:
NT Status Code. Notes: copied from net\sockets\tcpcmd\ipcfgapi\ipcfgapi.c --*/ { IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock; NTSTATUS status;
ioStatusBlock.Information = 0;
status = NtDeviceIoControlFile( Handle, // Driver handle
NULL, // Event
NULL, // APC Routine
NULL, // APC context
&ioStatusBlock, // Status block
IoctlCode, // Control code
Request, // Input buffer
RequestSize, // Input buffer size
Response, // Output buffer
*ResponseSize // Output buffer size
if (status == STATUS_PENDING) { status = NtWaitForSingleObject( Handle, TRUE, NULL ); }
if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) { status = ioStatusBlock.Status; *ResponseSize = (ULONG)ioStatusBlock.Information; } else { *ResponseSize = 0; }
return(status); }
DWORD IfIpGetInfoOffload( ULONG IfIndex, PULONG Flags ) /*++
Routine Description
Arguments Return Value
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; HANDLE Handle; ULONG ResponseBufferSize = sizeof(Flags); Status = OpenDriver(&Handle, L"\\Device\\Ip"); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return(RtlNtStatusToDosError(Status)); }
Status = DoIoctl( Handle, IOCTL_IP_GET_OFFLOAD_CAPABILITY, &IfIndex, sizeof(IfIndex), Flags, &ResponseBufferSize );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return(RtlNtStatusToDosError(Status)); }
return NO_ERROR; }
DWORD IfIpShowManyEx( LPCWSTR pwszMachineName, ULONG IfIndex, PWCHAR wszIfFriendlyName, GUID *guid, DISPLAY_TYPE dtType, HANDLE hFile ) /*++
Routine Description
Arguments Return Value
--*/ { switch (dtType) {
case TYPE_IPADDR: case TYPE_DNS: case TYPE_WINS: case TYPE_IP_ALL: return IfIpShowManyExEx(pwszMachineName, IfIndex, wszIfFriendlyName, guid, dtType, hFile); case TYPE_OFFLOAD: return IfIpShowInfoOffload(IfIndex, wszIfFriendlyName); } return NO_ERROR; }
DWORD IfIpShowInfoOffload( ULONG IfIndex, PWCHAR wszIfFriendlyName ) /*++
Routine Description
Arguments Return Value
--*/ { ULONG Flags; DWORD dwErr; PWCHAR pQuotedFriendlyIfName = NULL;
pQuotedFriendlyIfName = MakeQuotedString( wszIfFriendlyName ); if ( pQuotedFriendlyIfName == NULL ) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
dwErr = IfIpGetInfoOffload(IfIndex, &Flags); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) return dwErr;
DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_OFFLOAD_HDR, pQuotedFriendlyIfName, IfIndex);
if (Flags & TCP_XMT_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_TCP_XMT_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD); }
if (Flags & IP_XMT_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IP_XMT_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD); }
if (Flags & TCP_RCV_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_TCP_RCV_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD); }
if (Flags & IP_RCV_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IP_RCV_CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD); }
if (Flags & TCP_LARGE_SEND_OFFLOAD) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_TCP_LARGE_SEND_OFFLOAD); }
if (Flags & IPSEC_OFFLOAD_AH_ESP) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_AH_ESP); }
if (Flags & IPSEC_OFFLOAD_TPT_TUNNEL) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_TPT_TUNNEL); }
if (Flags & IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V4_OPTIONS) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_V4_OPTIONS); }
if (Flags & IPSEC_OFFLOAD_QUERY_SPI) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_QUERY_SPI); }
if (Flags & IPSEC_OFFLOAD_AH_XMT) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_AH_XMT); }
if (Flags & IPSEC_OFFLOAD_AH_RCV) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_AH_RCV); }
if (Flags & IPSEC_OFFLOAD_AH_TPT) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_AH_TPT); }
if (Flags & IPSEC_OFFLOAD_AH_TUNNEL) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_AH_TUNNEL); }
if (Flags & IPSEC_OFFLOAD_AH_MD5) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_AH_MD5); }
if (Flags & IPSEC_OFFLOAD_AH_SHA_1) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_AH_SHA_1); }
if (Flags & IPSEC_OFFLOAD_ESP_XMT) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_ESP_XMT); }
if (Flags & IPSEC_OFFLOAD_ESP_RCV) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_ESP_RCV); }
if (Flags & IPSEC_OFFLOAD_ESP_TPT) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_ESP_TPT); }
if (Flags & IPSEC_OFFLOAD_ESP_TUNNEL) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_ESP_TUNNEL); }
if (Flags & IPSEC_OFFLOAD_ESP_DES) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_ESP_DES); }
if (Flags & IPSEC_OFFLOAD_ESP_DES_40) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_ESP_DES_40); }
if (Flags & IPSEC_OFFLOAD_ESP_3_DES) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_ESP_3_DES); }
if (Flags & IPSEC_OFFLOAD_ESP_NONE) { DisplayMessage(g_hModule, MSG_IPSEC_OFFLOAD_ESP_NONE); }
if ( pQuotedFriendlyIfName ) { FreeQuotedString( pQuotedFriendlyIfName ); }
return dwErr; }