Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Common initialization functions for IPXPROMN.DLL Author:
V Raman 1/5/1998
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// {d3fcba3a-a4e9-11d2-b944-00c04fc2ab1c}
static const GUID g_MyGuid = { 0xd3fcba3a, 0xa4e9, 0x11d2, { 0xb9, 0x44, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xc2, 0xab, 0x1c } };
static const GUID g_IpxGuid = IPXMONTR_GUID;
// ipxmon functions
PIM_DEL_INFO_BLK_IF DeleteInfoBlockFromInterfaceInfo ; PIM_DEL_INFO_BLK_GLOBAL DeleteInfoBlockFromGlobalInfo ; PIM_DEL_PROTO DeleteProtocol ; PIM_GET_INFO_BLK_GLOBAL GetInfoBlockFromGlobalInfo ; PIM_GET_INFO_BLK_IF GetInfoBlockFromInterfaceInfo ; PIM_SET_INFO_BLK_GLOBAL SetInfoBlockInGlobalInfo ; PIM_SET_INFO_BLK_IF SetInfoBlockInInterfaceInfo ; PIM_IF_ENUM InterfaceEnum ; PIM_GET_IF_TYPE GetInterfaceType ; PIM_PROTO_LIST GetProtocolList ; PIM_ROUTER_STATUS IsRouterRunning ; PIM_MATCH_ROUT_PROTO MatchRoutingProtoTag ;
ULONG StartedCommonInitialization, CompletedCommonInitialization ;
HANDLE g_hModule;
// Handle to router being administered
HANDLE g_hMprConfig; HANDLE g_hMprAdmin; HANDLE g_hMIBServer;
BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hInstDll, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID pReserved ) { HANDLE hDll; switch (fdwReason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { // printf("Trying to attach\n");
g_hModule = hInstDll;
break; } case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: { //
// Clean up any structures used for commit
break; }
default: { break; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL IA64VersionCheck ( IN UINT CIMOSType, IN UINT CIMOSProductSuite, IN LPCWSTR CIMOSVersion, IN LPCWSTR CIMOSBuildNumber, IN LPCWSTR CIMServicePackMajorVersion, IN LPCWSTR CIMServicePackMinorVersion, IN UINT CIMProcessorArchitecture, IN DWORD dwReserved ) { if (CIMProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL)// IA64=6 (x86 == 0)
return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
DWORD WINAPI IpxpromonStartHelper( IN CONST GUID *pguidParent, IN DWORD dwVersion ) { DWORD dwErr; NS_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES attMyAttributes; //
// If you add any more contexts, then this should be converted
// to use an array instead of duplicating code!
// Register the RIP context
ZeroMemory(&attMyAttributes, sizeof(attMyAttributes));
attMyAttributes.pwszContext = L"rip"; attMyAttributes.guidHelper = g_MyGuid; attMyAttributes.dwVersion = 1; attMyAttributes.dwFlags = 0; attMyAttributes.ulNumTopCmds= 0; attMyAttributes.pTopCmds = NULL; attMyAttributes.ulNumGroups = g_ulIpxRipNumGroups; attMyAttributes.pCmdGroups = (CMD_GROUP_ENTRY (*)[])&g_IpxRipCmdGroups; attMyAttributes.pfnDumpFn = IpxRipDump; attMyAttributes.pfnConnectFn= ConnectToRouter; attMyAttributes.pfnOsVersionCheck = IA64VersionCheck; dwErr = RegisterContext( &attMyAttributes ); //
// Register the SAP context
ZeroMemory(&attMyAttributes, sizeof(attMyAttributes)); attMyAttributes.pwszContext = L"sap"; attMyAttributes.guidHelper = g_MyGuid; attMyAttributes.dwVersion = 1; attMyAttributes.dwFlags = 0; attMyAttributes.ulNumTopCmds= 0; attMyAttributes.pTopCmds = NULL; attMyAttributes.ulNumGroups = g_ulIpxSapNumGroups; attMyAttributes.pCmdGroups = (CMD_GROUP_ENTRY (*)[])&g_IpxSapCmdGroups; attMyAttributes.pfnDumpFn = IpxSapDump; attMyAttributes.pfnConnectFn= ConnectToRouter; attMyAttributes.pfnOsVersionCheck = IA64VersionCheck;
dwErr = RegisterContext( &attMyAttributes );
// Register the NB context
ZeroMemory(&attMyAttributes, sizeof(attMyAttributes)); attMyAttributes.pwszContext = L"netbios"; attMyAttributes.guidHelper = g_MyGuid; attMyAttributes.dwVersion = 1; attMyAttributes.dwFlags = 0; attMyAttributes.ulNumTopCmds= 0; attMyAttributes.pTopCmds = NULL; attMyAttributes.ulNumGroups = g_ulIpxNbNumGroups; attMyAttributes.pCmdGroups = (CMD_GROUP_ENTRY (*)[])&g_IpxNbCmdGroups; attMyAttributes.pfnDumpFn = IpxNbDump; attMyAttributes.pfnConnectFn= ConnectToRouter; attMyAttributes.pfnOsVersionCheck = IA64VersionCheck;
dwErr = RegisterContext( &attMyAttributes ); return dwErr; }
DWORD WINAPI InitHelperDll( IN DWORD dwNetshVersion, OUT PNS_DLL_ATTRIBUTES pDllTable ) { DWORD dwErr; NS_HELPER_ATTRIBUTES attMyAttributes;
pDllTable->dwVersion = NETSH_VERSION_50; pDllTable->pfnStopFn = NULL;
// Register helpers. We could either register 1 helper which
// registers three contexts, or we could register 3 helpers
// which each register one context. There's only a difference
// if we support sub-helpers, which this DLL does not.
// If we later support sub-helpers, then it's better to have
// 3 helpers so that sub-helpers can register with 1 of them,
// since it registers with a parent helper, not a parent context.
// For now, we just use a single 3-context helper for efficiency.
ZeroMemory( &attMyAttributes, sizeof(attMyAttributes) ); attMyAttributes.guidHelper = g_MyGuid; attMyAttributes.dwVersion = IPXPROMON_HELPER_VERSION; attMyAttributes.pfnStart = IpxpromonStartHelper; attMyAttributes.pfnStop = NULL;
dwErr = RegisterHelper( &g_IpxGuid, &attMyAttributes );
return dwErr; }
DWORD WINAPI ConnectToRouter( IN LPCWSTR pwszRouter ) { DWORD dwErr; //
// Connect to router config if required
// (when is this ever required)
if ( !g_hMprConfig ) { dwErr = MprConfigServerConnect( (LPWSTR)pwszRouter, &g_hMprConfig );
if ( dwErr isnot NO_ERROR ) { return ERROR_CONNECT_REMOTE_CONFIG; } }
// Check to see if router is running. If so, get the handles
do { if ( MprAdminIsServiceRunning( (LPWSTR)pwszRouter ) ) { if ( MprAdminServerConnect( (LPWSTR)pwszRouter, &g_hMprAdmin ) == NO_ERROR ) { if ( MprAdminMIBServerConnect( (LPWSTR)pwszRouter, &g_hMIBServer ) == NO_ERROR ) { // DEBUG("Got server handle");
break; }
else { MprAdminServerDisconnect( g_hMprAdmin ); } } }
g_hMprAdmin = g_hMIBServer = NULL;
} while (FALSE);
return NO_ERROR; }