// Name: netstat.c
// Description: Source code for netstat.exe.
// History:
// 12/29/93 JayPh Created.
// 12/01/94 MuraliK modified to use toupper instead of CharUpper
// Copyright (c) 1993-2000 by Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
// Include Files
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <snmp.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#include <icmp6.h>
#include "common2.h"
#include "tcpinfo.h"
#include "ipinfo.h"
#include "llinfo.h"
#include "tcpcmd.h"
#include "netstmsg.h"
#include "mdebug.h"
//#include <iphlpstk.h>
DWORD AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack( OUT PVOID *ppTcpTable, IN BOOL bOrder, IN HANDLE hHeap, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN DWORD dwFamily );
DWORD AllocateAndGetUdpExTableFromStack( OUT PVOID *ppUdpTable, IN BOOL bOrder, IN HANDLE hHeap, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN DWORD dwFamily );
// Definitions
#define PROTO_NONE 0
#define PROTO_TCP 1
#define PROTO_UDP 2
#define PROTO_IP 4
#define PROTO_ICMP 8
#define PROTO_TCP6 0x10
#define PROTO_UDP6 0x20
#define PROTO_IP6 0x40
#define PROTO_ICMP6 0x80
#define MAX_ID_LENGTH 50
#define MAX_RETRY_COUNT 10
// Presently FQDNs are of maximum of 255 characters. Be conservative,
// and define the maximum size possible as 260
// MuraliK ( 12/15/94)
#define MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE ( 260)
#define MAX_SERVICE_NAME_SIZE ( 200)
// Private ASSERT macro that doesn't depend on NTDLL (so this can run
// under Windows 95) -- KeithMo 01/09/95
#if DBG
#ifdef ASSERT
#undef ASSERT
#endif // ASSERT
#define ASSERT(exp) if(!(exp)) MyAssert( #exp, __FILE__, (DWORD)__LINE__ )
void MyAssert( void * exp, void * file, DWORD line ) { char output[512];
wsprintf( output, "\n*** Assertion failed: %s\n*** Source file: %s, line %lu\n\n", exp, file, line );
OutputDebugString( output ); DebugBreak(); }
#endif // DBG
// Structure Definitions
// Function Prototypes
ulong DoInterface( ulong VerboseFlag ); ulong DoIP( DWORD Type, ulong VerboseFlag ); ulong DoTCP( DWORD Type, ulong VerboseFlag ); ulong DoUDP( DWORD Type, ulong VerboseFlag ); ulong DoICMP( DWORD Type, ulong VerboseFlag ); ulong DoConnections( ulong ProtoFlag, ulong ProtoVal, ulong NumFlag, ulong AllFlag ); ulong DoConnectionsWithOwner( ulong ProtoFlag, ulong ProtoVal, ulong NumFlag, ulong AllFlag ); ulong DoRoutes( void ); void DisplayInterface( IfEntry *pEntry, ulong VerboseFlag, IfEntry *ListHead ); void DisplayIP( DWORD Type, IpEntry *pEntry, ulong VerboseFlag, IpEntry *ListHead ); void DisplayTCP( DWORD Type, TcpEntry *pEntry, ulong VerboseFlag, TcpEntry *ListHead ); void DisplayUDP( DWORD Type, UdpEntry *pEntry, ulong VerboseFlag, UdpEntry *ListHead ); void DisplayICMP( IcmpEntry *pEntry, ulong VerboseFlag, IcmpEntry *ListHead ); void DisplayICMP6( Icmp6Entry *pEntry, ulong VerboseFlag, IcmpEntry *ListHead ); void DisplayTcpConnEntry( TCPConnTableEntry *pTcp, ulong InfoSize, ulong NumFlag ); void DisplayTcp6ConnEntry( TCP6ConnTableEntry *pTcp, ulong NumFlag ); void DisplayUdpConnEntry( UDPEntry *pUdp, ulong InfoSize, ulong NumFlag ); void DisplayUdp6ListenerEntry( UDP6ListenerEntry *pUdp, BOOL WithOwner, ulong NumFlag ); void Usage( void );
// Global Variables
uchar *PgmName; extern long verbose; // in ../common2/snmpinfo.c
// Name: main
// Description: Entry point for netstat command.
// Parameters: int argc: count of command line tokens.
// char argv[]: array of pointers to command line tokens.
// Returns: void.
// History:
// 12/29/93 JayPh Created.
void __cdecl main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { ulong VerboseFlag = FALSE; ulong AllFlag = FALSE; ulong EtherFlag = FALSE; ulong NumFlag = FALSE; ulong StatFlag = FALSE; ulong ProtoFlag = FALSE; ulong ProtoVal = PROTO_TCP | PROTO_UDP | PROTO_IP | PROTO_ICMP | PROTO_TCP6 | PROTO_UDP6 | PROTO_IP6 | PROTO_ICMP6; ulong RouteFlag = FALSE; ulong OwnerFlag = FALSE; ulong IntervalVal = 0; ulong LastArgWasProtoFlag = FALSE; ulong ConnectionsShown = FALSE; ulong Result; long i; char *ptr; WSADATA WsaData;
DEBUG_PRINT(( __FILE__ " built " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ "\n" )); verbose = 0; // Default for snmpinfo.c
// Convert arguments to Oem strings (whatever that means)
ConvertArgvToOem( argc, argv );
// Save the name of this program for use in messages later.
PgmName = argv[0];
// Initialize the Winsock interface
Result = WSAStartup( 0x0101, &WsaData ); if ( Result == SOCKET_ERROR ) { PutMsg( STDERR, MSG_WSASTARTUP, PgmName, GetLastError() ); exit( 1 ); }
// Process command line arguments
for ( i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { if ( LastArgWasProtoFlag ) { // Process a protocol argument following the protocol flag
_strupr( argv[i] );
if ( strcmp( argv[i], "TCP" ) == 0 ) { ProtoVal = PROTO_TCP; } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "TCPV6" ) == 0 ) { ProtoVal = PROTO_TCP6; } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "UDP" ) == 0 ) { ProtoVal = PROTO_UDP; } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "UDPV6" ) == 0 ) { ProtoVal = PROTO_UDP6; } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "IP" ) == 0 ) { ProtoVal = PROTO_IP; } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "IPV6" ) == 0 ) { ProtoVal = PROTO_IP6; } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "ICMP" ) == 0 ) { ProtoVal = PROTO_ICMP; } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "ICMPV6" ) == 0 ) { ProtoVal = PROTO_ICMP6; } else { Usage(); }
LastArgWasProtoFlag = FALSE; continue; }
if ( ( argv[i][0] == '-' ) || ( argv[i][0] == '/' ) ) { // Process flag arguments
ptr = &argv[i][1]; while ( *ptr ) { if ( toupper( *ptr ) == 'A' ) { AllFlag = TRUE; } else if ( toupper( *ptr ) == 'E' ) { EtherFlag = TRUE; ProtoVal = PROTO_TCP | PROTO_UDP | PROTO_ICMP | PROTO_IP | PROTO_TCP6 | PROTO_UDP6 | PROTO_ICMP6 | PROTO_IP6; } else if ( toupper( *ptr ) == 'N' ) { NumFlag = TRUE; } else if ( toupper( *ptr ) == 'O' ) { OwnerFlag = TRUE; } else if ( toupper( *ptr ) == 'S' ) { StatFlag = TRUE; ProtoVal = PROTO_TCP | PROTO_UDP | PROTO_IP | PROTO_ICMP | PROTO_TCP6 | PROTO_UDP6 | PROTO_IP6 | PROTO_ICMP6; } else if ( toupper( *ptr ) == 'P' ) { ProtoFlag = TRUE; LastArgWasProtoFlag = TRUE; } else if ( toupper( *ptr ) == 'R' ) { RouteFlag = TRUE; } else if ( toupper( *ptr ) == 'V' ) { VerboseFlag = TRUE; #ifdef DBG
verbose++; #endif
} else { Usage(); }
ptr++; } } else if ( IntervalVal == 0 ) { // This must be the interval parameter
Result = sscanf( argv[i], "%d", &IntervalVal ); if ( Result != 1 ) { Usage(); } } else { Usage(); } }
// Initialize the SNMP interface.
Result = InitSnmp();
if ( Result != NO_ERROR ) { PutMsg( STDERR, MSG_SNMP_INIT_FAILED, Result ); exit( 1 ); }
// This loop provides the 'repeat every <interval> seconds' functionality.
// We break out of the loop after one pass if the interval was not
// specified.
while ( TRUE ) { // If interface statistics requested, give them
if ( EtherFlag ) { // Show ethernet statistics
DoInterface( VerboseFlag ); }
// If a specific protocol is requested, provide info for only that
// protocol. If no protocol specified, provide info for all protocols.
// ProtoVal is initialized to all protocols.
if ( StatFlag ) { // Show protocol statistics
if ( ProtoVal & PROTO_IP ) { DoIP( TYPE_IP, VerboseFlag ); } if ( ProtoVal & PROTO_IP6 ) { DoIP( TYPE_IP6, VerboseFlag ); } if ( ProtoVal & PROTO_ICMP ) { DoICMP( TYPE_ICMP, VerboseFlag ); } if ( ProtoVal & PROTO_ICMP6 ) { DoICMP( TYPE_ICMP6, VerboseFlag ); } if ( ProtoVal & PROTO_TCP ) { DoTCP( TYPE_TCP, VerboseFlag ); } if ( ProtoVal & PROTO_TCP6 ) { DoTCP( TYPE_TCP6, VerboseFlag ); } if ( ProtoVal & PROTO_UDP ) { DoUDP( TYPE_UDP, VerboseFlag ); } if ( ProtoVal & PROTO_UDP6 ) { DoUDP( TYPE_UDP6, VerboseFlag ); } }
// If a protocol is specified and that protocol is either TCP or UDP,
// OR none of (route, statistics, interface ) flags given (this is the
// default, no flags, case )
if ( ( ProtoFlag && ( ( ProtoVal & PROTO_TCP ) || ( ProtoVal & PROTO_UDP ) || ( ProtoVal & PROTO_TCP6 ) || ( ProtoVal & PROTO_UDP6 ) ) ) || ( !EtherFlag && !StatFlag && !RouteFlag ) ) { // Show active connections
if (OwnerFlag) { DoConnectionsWithOwner( ProtoFlag, ProtoVal, NumFlag, AllFlag ); } else { DoConnections( ProtoFlag, ProtoVal, NumFlag, AllFlag ); } ConnectionsShown = TRUE; }
// Provide route information if requested
if ( RouteFlag ) { // Show connections and the route table
DoRoutes(); }
// If interval was not supplied on command line then we are done.
// Otherwise wait for 'interval' seconds and do it again.
if ( IntervalVal == 0 ) { break; } else { DEBUG_PRINT(("Sleeping %d ms\n", IntervalVal )); Sleep( IntervalVal * 1000 ); } } }
// Name: DoInterface
// Description: Display ethernet statistics.
// Parameters: ulong VerboseFlag: indicates whether settings data should be
// displayed.
// Returns: ulong: NO_ERROR or some error code.
// History:
// 01/21/93 JayPh Created.
ulong DoInterface( ulong VerboseFlag ) { IfEntry *ListHead; IfEntry *pIfList; IfEntry SumOfEntries; ulong Result;
// Get the statistics
ListHead = (IfEntry *)GetTable( TYPE_IF, &Result ); if ( ListHead == NULL ) { return ( Result ); }
// Clear the summation structure
ZeroMemory( &SumOfEntries, sizeof( IfEntry ) );
// Traverse the list of interfaces, summing the different fields
pIfList = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListHead->ListEntry.Flink, IfEntry, ListEntry );
while (pIfList != ListHead) { SumOfEntries.Info.if_inoctets += pIfList->Info.if_inoctets; SumOfEntries.Info.if_inucastpkts += pIfList->Info.if_inucastpkts; SumOfEntries.Info.if_innucastpkts += pIfList->Info.if_innucastpkts; SumOfEntries.Info.if_indiscards += pIfList->Info.if_indiscards; SumOfEntries.Info.if_inerrors += pIfList->Info.if_inerrors; SumOfEntries.Info.if_inunknownprotos += pIfList->Info.if_inunknownprotos; SumOfEntries.Info.if_outoctets += pIfList->Info.if_outoctets; SumOfEntries.Info.if_outucastpkts += pIfList->Info.if_outucastpkts; SumOfEntries.Info.if_outnucastpkts += pIfList->Info.if_outnucastpkts; SumOfEntries.Info.if_outdiscards += pIfList->Info.if_outdiscards; SumOfEntries.Info.if_outerrors += pIfList->Info.if_outerrors;
// Get pointer to next entry in list
pIfList = CONTAINING_RECORD( pIfList->ListEntry.Flink, IfEntry, ListEntry ); }
DisplayInterface( &SumOfEntries, VerboseFlag, ListHead );
// All done with list, free it.
FreeTable( (GenericTable *)ListHead );
return ( NO_ERROR ); }
// Name: DoIP
// Description: Display IP statistics.
// Parameters: ulong VerboseFlag: indicates whether settings data should be
// displayed.
// Returns: ulong: NO_ERROR or some error code.
// History:
// 01/21/93 JayPh Created.
ulong DoIP( DWORD Type, ulong VerboseFlag ) { IpEntry *ListHead; IpEntry *pIpList; ulong Result;
// Get the statistics
ListHead = (IpEntry *)GetTable( Type, &Result ); if ( ListHead == NULL ) { return ( Result ); }
pIpList = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListHead->ListEntry.Flink, IpEntry, ListEntry );
DisplayIP( Type, pIpList, VerboseFlag, ListHead );
// All done with list, free it.
FreeTable( (GenericTable *)ListHead );
return ( NO_ERROR ); }
// Name: DoTCP
// Description: Display TCP statistics.
// Parameters: ulong VerboseFlag: indicates whether settings data should be
// displayed.
// Returns: ulong: NO_ERROR or some error code.
// History:
// 01/21/93 JayPh Created.
ulong DoTCP( DWORD Type, ulong VerboseFlag ) { TcpEntry *ListHead; TcpEntry *pTcpList; ulong Result;
// Get the statistics
ListHead = (TcpEntry *)GetTable( Type, &Result ); if ( ListHead == NULL ) { return ( Result ); }
pTcpList = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListHead->ListEntry.Flink, TcpEntry, ListEntry );
DisplayTCP( Type, pTcpList, VerboseFlag, ListHead );
// All done with list, free it.
FreeTable( (GenericTable *)ListHead );
return ( NO_ERROR ); }
// Name: DoUDP
// Description: Display UDP statistics.
// Parameters: ulong VerboseFlag: indicates whether settings data should be
// displayed.
// Returns: ulong: NO_ERROR or some error code.
// History:
// 01/21/93 JayPh Created.
ulong DoUDP( DWORD Type, ulong VerboseFlag ) { UdpEntry *ListHead; UdpEntry *pUdpList; ulong Result;
// Get the statistics
ListHead = (UdpEntry *)GetTable( Type, &Result ); if ( ListHead == NULL ) { return ( Result ); }
pUdpList = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListHead->ListEntry.Flink, UdpEntry, ListEntry );
DisplayUDP( Type, pUdpList, VerboseFlag, ListHead );
// All done with table, free it.
FreeTable( (GenericTable *)ListHead );
return ( NO_ERROR ); }
// Name: DoICMP
// Description: Display ICMP statistics.
// Parameters: ulong VerboseFlag: indicates whether settings data should be
// displayed.
// Returns: ulong: NO_ERROR or some error code.
// History:
// 01/21/93 JayPh Created.
ulong DoICMP( DWORD Type, ulong VerboseFlag ) { IcmpEntry *ListHead; IcmpEntry *pIcmpList; ulong Result;
// Get the statistics
ListHead = (IcmpEntry *)GetTable( Type, &Result ); if ( ListHead == NULL ) { return ( Result ); }
pIcmpList = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListHead->ListEntry.Flink, IcmpEntry, ListEntry );
if (Type == TYPE_ICMP) { DisplayICMP( pIcmpList, VerboseFlag, ListHead ); } else { DisplayICMP6((Icmp6Entry *)pIcmpList, VerboseFlag, ListHead ); }
// All done with list, free it.
FreeTable( (GenericTable *)ListHead );
return ( NO_ERROR ); }
// Name: DoConnections
// Description: List current connections.
// Parameters: BOOL ProtoFlag: TRUE if a protocol was specified.
// ulong ProtoVal: which protocol(s) were specified.
// Returns: Win32 error code.
// History:
// 01/04/93 JayPh Created.
ulong DoConnections( ulong ProtoFlag, ulong ProtoVal, ulong NumFlag, ulong AllFlag ) { ulong Result = NO_ERROR;
if ( !ProtoFlag || ( ProtoFlag && ( ProtoVal == PROTO_TCP ) ) ) { TcpConnEntry *pTcpHead, *pTcp;
// Get TCP connection table
pTcpHead = (TcpConnEntry *)GetTable( TYPE_TCPCONN, &Result ); if ( pTcpHead == NULL ) { return ( Result ); }
// Get pointer to first entry in list
pTcp = CONTAINING_RECORD( pTcpHead->ListEntry.Flink, TcpConnEntry, ListEntry );
while (pTcp != pTcpHead) { if ( ( pTcp->Info.tct_state != TCP_CONN_LISTEN ) || (( pTcp->Info.tct_state == TCP_CONN_LISTEN ) && AllFlag) ) { // Display the Tcp connection info
DisplayTcpConnEntry( &pTcp->Info, sizeof(TCPConnTableEntry), NumFlag ); }
// Get the next entry in the table
pTcp = CONTAINING_RECORD( pTcp->ListEntry.Flink, TcpConnEntry, ListEntry ); }
FreeTable( (GenericTable *)pTcpHead ); }
if ( !ProtoFlag || ( ProtoFlag && ( ProtoVal == PROTO_TCP6 ) ) ) { Tcp6ConnEntry *pTcpHead, *pTcp;
// Get TCP connection table
pTcpHead = (Tcp6ConnEntry *)GetTable( TYPE_TCP6CONN, &Result ); if ( pTcpHead == NULL ) { return ( Result ); }
// Get pointer to first entry in list
pTcp = CONTAINING_RECORD( pTcpHead->ListEntry.Flink, Tcp6ConnEntry, ListEntry );
while (pTcp != pTcpHead) { if ( ( pTcp->Info.tct_state != TCP_CONN_LISTEN ) || (( pTcp->Info.tct_state == TCP_CONN_LISTEN ) && AllFlag) ) { // Display the Tcp connection info
DisplayTcp6ConnEntry( &pTcp->Info, NumFlag ); }
// Get the next entry in the table
pTcp = CONTAINING_RECORD( pTcp->ListEntry.Flink, Tcp6ConnEntry, ListEntry ); }
FreeTable( (GenericTable *)pTcpHead ); }
if ( !ProtoFlag || ( ProtoFlag && ( ProtoVal == PROTO_UDP ) ) ) { UdpConnEntry *pUdpHead, *pUdp; // Get UDP connection table
pUdpHead = (UdpConnEntry *)GetTable( TYPE_UDPCONN, &Result ); if ( pUdpHead == NULL ) { return ( Result ); }
// Get pointer to first entry in list
pUdp = CONTAINING_RECORD( pUdpHead->ListEntry.Flink, UdpConnEntry, ListEntry );
while (pUdp != pUdpHead) { // Display the Udp connection info
if (AllFlag) { DisplayUdpConnEntry( &pUdp->Info, sizeof(UDPEntry), NumFlag ); }
// Get the next entry in the table
pUdp = CONTAINING_RECORD( pUdp->ListEntry.Flink, UdpConnEntry, ListEntry ); }
FreeTable( (GenericTable *)pUdpHead ); }
if ( !ProtoFlag || ( ProtoFlag && ( ProtoVal == PROTO_UDP6 ) ) ) { Udp6ListenerEntry *pUdpHead, *pUdp;
// Get UDP listener table
pUdpHead = (Udp6ListenerEntry *)GetTable( TYPE_UDP6LISTENER, &Result ); if ( pUdpHead == NULL ) { return ( Result ); }
// Get pointer to first entry in list
pUdp = CONTAINING_RECORD( pUdpHead->ListEntry.Flink, Udp6ListenerEntry, ListEntry );
while (pUdp != pUdpHead) { // Display the Udp connection info
if (AllFlag) { DisplayUdp6ListenerEntry( &pUdp->Info, FALSE, NumFlag ); }
// Get the next entry in the table
pUdp = CONTAINING_RECORD( pUdp->ListEntry.Flink, Udp6ListenerEntry, ListEntry ); }
FreeTable( (GenericTable *)pUdpHead ); }
return( Result ); }
// Name: DoConnectionsWithOwner
// Description: List current connections and the process id associated with
// each.
// Parameters: same as for DoConnections.
// Returns: Win32 error code.
// History:
// 02/11/00 ShaunCo Created.
ulong DoConnectionsWithOwner( ulong ProtoFlag, ulong ProtoVal, ulong NumFlag, ulong AllFlag ) { ulong Result = NO_ERROR; HANDLE hHeap = GetProcessHeap(); ulong i; PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_CONN_HDR_EX );
if ( !ProtoFlag || ( ProtoFlag && ( ProtoVal == PROTO_TCP ) ) ) { TCP_EX_TABLE *pTcpTable; TCPConnTableEntryEx *pTcp; // Get TCP connection table with onwer PID information
Result = AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack( &pTcpTable, TRUE, hHeap, 0, AF_INET ); if ( NO_ERROR == Result ) { for ( i = 0; i < pTcpTable->dwNumEntries; i++ ) { pTcp = &pTcpTable->table[i]; if ( ( pTcp->tcte_basic.tct_state != TCP_CONN_LISTEN ) || (( pTcp->tcte_basic.tct_state == TCP_CONN_LISTEN ) && AllFlag) ) { // DisplayTcpConnEntry needs the port info in host byte
// order.
pTcp->tcte_basic.tct_localport = (ulong)ntohs( (ushort)pTcp->tcte_basic.tct_localport); pTcp->tcte_basic.tct_remoteport = (ulong)ntohs( (ushort)pTcp->tcte_basic.tct_remoteport); // Display the Tcp connection info
DisplayTcpConnEntry( (TCPConnTableEntry*)pTcp, sizeof(TCPConnTableEntryEx), NumFlag ); } } HeapFree(hHeap, 0, pTcpTable); } }
if ( !ProtoFlag || ( ProtoFlag && ( ProtoVal == PROTO_TCP6 ) ) ) { TCP6_EX_TABLE *pTcpTable; TCP6ConnTableEntry *pTcp; // Get TCP connection table with onwer PID information
Result = AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack( &pTcpTable, TRUE, hHeap, 0, AF_INET6 ); if ( NO_ERROR == Result ) { for ( i = 0; i < pTcpTable->dwNumEntries; i++ ) { pTcp = &pTcpTable->table[i]; if ( ( pTcp->tct_state != TCP_CONN_LISTEN ) || (( pTcp->tct_state == TCP_CONN_LISTEN ) && AllFlag) ) { // DisplayTcpConnEntry needs the port info in host byte
// order.
pTcp->tct_localport = ntohs( (ushort)pTcp->tct_localport); pTcp->tct_remoteport = ntohs( (ushort)pTcp->tct_remoteport); // Display the Tcp connection info
DisplayTcp6ConnEntry(pTcp, NumFlag); } } HeapFree(hHeap, 0, pTcpTable); } }
if ( !ProtoFlag || ( ProtoFlag && ( ProtoVal == PROTO_UDP ) ) ) { UDP_EX_TABLE *pUdpTable; UDPEntryEx *pUdp; // Get UDP connection table with owner PID information
Result = AllocateAndGetUdpExTableFromStack ( &pUdpTable, TRUE, hHeap, 0, AF_INET ); if (NO_ERROR == Result) { for ( i = 0; i < pUdpTable->dwNumEntries; i++ ) { pUdp = &pUdpTable->table[i]; if (AllFlag) { // DisplayUdpConnEntry needs the port info in host byte
// order.
pUdp->uee_basic.ue_localport = (ulong)ntohs( (ushort)pUdp->uee_basic.ue_localport); DisplayUdpConnEntry( (UDPEntry*)pUdp, sizeof(UDPEntryEx), NumFlag ); } } HeapFree(hHeap, 0, pUdpTable); } }
if ( !ProtoFlag || ( ProtoFlag && ( ProtoVal == PROTO_UDP6 ) ) ) { UDP6_LISTENER_TABLE *pUdpTable; UDP6ListenerEntry *pUdp; // Get UDP connection table with owner PID information
Result = AllocateAndGetUdpExTableFromStack ( &pUdpTable, TRUE, hHeap, 0, AF_INET6 ); if (NO_ERROR == Result) { for ( i = 0; i < pUdpTable->dwNumEntries; i++ ) { pUdp = &pUdpTable->table[i]; if (AllFlag) { // DisplayUdp6ListenerEntry needs the port info in host byte
// order.
pUdp->ule_localport = (ulong)ntohs( (ushort)pUdp->ule_localport); DisplayUdp6ListenerEntry(pUdp, TRUE, NumFlag); } } HeapFree(hHeap, 0, pUdpTable); } } return( Result ); }
// Name: DoRoutes
// Description: Display the route table. Uses the system() API and route.exe
// to do the dirty work.
// Parameters: void.
// Returns: ulong: NO_ERROR or some error code.
// History:
// 01/27/94 JayPh Created.
ulong DoRoutes( void ) { ulong Result;
Result = system( "route print" );
return ( Result ); }
// Name: DisplayInterface
// Description: Display interface statistics.
// Parameters: IfEntry *pEntry: pointer to summary data entry.
// ulong VerboseFlag: boolean indicating desire for verbosity.
// IfEntry *ListHead: pointer to list of entries. Used if
// verbosity desired.
// Returns: void.
// History:
// 01/21/94 JayPh Created.
void DisplayInterface( IfEntry *pEntry, ulong VerboseFlag, IfEntry *ListHead ) { char *TmpStr; IfEntry *pIfList; char PhysAddrStr[32];
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IF_OCTETS, pEntry->Info.if_inoctets, pEntry->Info.if_outoctets );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IF_UCASTPKTS, pEntry->Info.if_inucastpkts, pEntry->Info.if_outucastpkts );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IF_NUCASTPKTS, pEntry->Info.if_innucastpkts, pEntry->Info.if_outnucastpkts );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IF_DISCARDS, pEntry->Info.if_indiscards, pEntry->Info.if_outdiscards );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IF_ERRORS, pEntry->Info.if_inerrors, pEntry->Info.if_outerrors );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IF_UNKNOWNPROTOS, pEntry->Info.if_inunknownprotos );
if ( VerboseFlag ) { // Also display configuration info
// Traverse the list of interfaces, displaying config info
pIfList = CONTAINING_RECORD( ListHead->ListEntry.Flink, IfEntry, ListEntry );
while ( pIfList != ListHead ) { PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IF_INDEX, pIfList->Info.if_index );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IF_DESCR, pIfList->Info.if_descr );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IF_TYPE, pIfList->Info.if_type );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IF_MTU, pIfList->Info.if_mtu );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IF_SPEED, pIfList->Info.if_speed );
sprintf( PhysAddrStr, "%02x-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X-%02X", pIfList->Info.if_physaddr[0], pIfList->Info.if_physaddr[1], pIfList->Info.if_physaddr[2], pIfList->Info.if_physaddr[3], pIfList->Info.if_physaddr[4], pIfList->Info.if_physaddr[5] );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IF_ADMINSTATUS, pIfList->Info.if_adminstatus );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IF_OPERSTATUS, pIfList->Info.if_operstatus );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IF_LASTCHANGE, pIfList->Info.if_lastchange );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IF_OUTQLEN, pIfList->Info.if_outqlen );
// Get pointer to next entry in list
pIfList = CONTAINING_RECORD( pIfList->ListEntry.Flink, IfEntry, ListEntry ); } } }
// Name: DisplayIP
// Description: Display IP statistics.
// Parameters: IpEntry *pEntry: pointer to summary data entry.
// ulong VerboseFlag: boolean indicating desire for verbosity.
// IpEntry *ListHead: pointer to list of entries. Used if
// verbosity desired.
// Returns: void.
// History:
// 01/21/94 JayPh Created.
void DisplayIP( DWORD Type, IpEntry *pEntry, ulong VerboseFlag, IpEntry *ListHead ) { char *TypeStr = LoadMsg( (Type==TYPE_IP)? MSG_IPV4 : MSG_IPV6 );
if (TypeStr) { PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IP_HDR, TypeStr ); LocalFree(TypeStr); }
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IP_INRECEIVES, pEntry->Info.ipsi_inreceives );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IP_INHDRERRORS, pEntry->Info.ipsi_inhdrerrors );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IP_INADDRERRORS, pEntry->Info.ipsi_inaddrerrors );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IP_FORWDATAGRAMS, pEntry->Info.ipsi_forwdatagrams );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IP_INUNKNOWNPROTOS, pEntry->Info.ipsi_inunknownprotos );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IP_INDISCARDS, pEntry->Info.ipsi_indiscards );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IP_INDELIVERS, pEntry->Info.ipsi_indelivers );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IP_OUTREQUESTS, pEntry->Info.ipsi_outrequests );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IP_ROUTINGDISCARDS, pEntry->Info.ipsi_routingdiscards );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IP_OUTDISCARDS, pEntry->Info.ipsi_outdiscards );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IP_OUTNOROUTES, pEntry->Info.ipsi_outnoroutes );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IP_REASMREQDS, pEntry->Info.ipsi_reasmreqds );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IP_REASMOKS, pEntry->Info.ipsi_reasmoks );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IP_REASMFAILS, pEntry->Info.ipsi_reasmfails );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IP_FRAGOKS, pEntry->Info.ipsi_fragoks );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IP_FRAGFAILS, pEntry->Info.ipsi_fragfails );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IP_FRAGCREATES, pEntry->Info.ipsi_fragcreates );
if ( VerboseFlag ) { PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IP_FORWARDING, pEntry->Info.ipsi_forwarding );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IP_DEFAULTTTL, pEntry->Info.ipsi_defaultttl );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_IP_REASMTIMEOUT, pEntry->Info.ipsi_reasmtimeout ); } }
// Name: DisplayTCP
// Description: Display TCP statistics.
// Parameters: TcpEntry *pEntry: pointer to data entry.
// ulong VerboseFlag: boolean indicating desire for verbosity.
// TcpEntry *ListHead: pointer to list of entries. Used if
// verbosity desired.
// Returns: void.
// History:
// 01/26/94 JayPh Created.
void DisplayTCP( DWORD Type, TcpEntry *pEntry, ulong VerboseFlag, TcpEntry *ListHead ) { char *TypeStr = LoadMsg( (Type==TYPE_TCP)? MSG_IPV4 : MSG_IPV6 );
if (TypeStr) { PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_TCP_HDR, TypeStr ); LocalFree(TypeStr); }
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_TCP_ACTIVEOPENS, pEntry->Info.ts_activeopens );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_TCP_PASSIVEOPENS, pEntry->Info.ts_passiveopens );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_TCP_ATTEMPTFAILS, pEntry->Info.ts_attemptfails );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_TCP_ESTABRESETS, pEntry->Info.ts_estabresets );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_TCP_CURRESTAB, pEntry->Info.ts_currestab );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_TCP_INSEGS, pEntry->Info.ts_insegs );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_TCP_OUTSEGS, pEntry->Info.ts_outsegs );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_TCP_RETRANSSEGS, pEntry->Info.ts_retranssegs );
if ( VerboseFlag ) { switch ( pEntry->Info.ts_rtoalgorithm ) { case 1: PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_TCP_RTOALGORITHM1 ); break;
case 2: PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_TCP_RTOALGORITHM2 ); break;
case 3: PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_TCP_RTOALGORITHM3 ); break;
case 4: PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_TCP_RTOALGORITHM4 ); break;
default: PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_TCP_RTOALGORITHMX, pEntry->Info.ts_rtoalgorithm ); break;
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_TCP_RTOMIN, pEntry->Info.ts_rtomin );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_TCP_RTOMAX, pEntry->Info.ts_rtomax );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_TCP_MAXCONN, pEntry->Info.ts_maxconn ); } }
// Name: DisplayUDP
// Description: Display UDP statistics.
// Parameters: UdpEntry *pEntry: pointer to summary data entry.
// ulong VerboseFlag: boolean indicating desire for verbosity.
// UdpEntry *ListHead: pointer to list of entries. Used if
// verbosity desired.
// Returns: void.
// History:
// 01/21/94 JayPh Created.
void DisplayUDP( DWORD Type, UdpEntry *pEntry, ulong VerboseFlag, UdpEntry *ListHead ) { char *TypeStr = LoadMsg( (Type==TYPE_UDP)? MSG_IPV4 : MSG_IPV6 );
if (TypeStr) { PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_UDP_HDR, TypeStr ); LocalFree(TypeStr); }
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_UDP_INDATAGRAMS, pEntry->Info.us_indatagrams );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_UDP_NOPORTS, pEntry->Info.us_noports );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_UDP_INERRORS, pEntry->Info.us_inerrors );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_UDP_OUTDATAGRAMS, pEntry->Info.us_outdatagrams ); }
// Name: DisplayICMP
// Description: Display ICMP statistics.
// Parameters: IcmpEntry *pEntry: pointer to summary data entry.
// ulong VerboseFlag: boolean indicating desire for verbosity.
// IcmpEntry *ListHead: pointer to list of entries. Used if
// verbosity desired.
// Returns: void.
// History:
// 01/21/94 JayPh Created.
void DisplayICMP( IcmpEntry *pEntry, ulong VerboseFlag, IcmpEntry *ListHead ) { PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_ICMP_HDR );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_ICMP_MSGS, pEntry->InInfo.icmps_msgs, pEntry->OutInfo.icmps_msgs );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_ICMP_ERRORS, pEntry->InInfo.icmps_errors, pEntry->OutInfo.icmps_errors );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_ICMP_DESTUNREACHS, pEntry->InInfo.icmps_destunreachs, pEntry->OutInfo.icmps_destunreachs );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_ICMP_TIMEEXCDS, pEntry->InInfo.icmps_timeexcds, pEntry->OutInfo.icmps_timeexcds );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_ICMP_PARMPROBS, pEntry->InInfo.icmps_parmprobs, pEntry->OutInfo.icmps_parmprobs );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_ICMP_SRCQUENCHS, pEntry->InInfo.icmps_srcquenchs, pEntry->OutInfo.icmps_srcquenchs );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_ICMP_REDIRECTS, pEntry->InInfo.icmps_redirects, pEntry->OutInfo.icmps_redirects );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_ICMP_ECHOS, pEntry->InInfo.icmps_echos, pEntry->OutInfo.icmps_echos );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_ICMP_ECHOREPS, pEntry->InInfo.icmps_echoreps, pEntry->OutInfo.icmps_echoreps );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_ICMP_TIMESTAMPS, pEntry->InInfo.icmps_timestamps, pEntry->OutInfo.icmps_timestamps );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_ICMP_TIMESTAMPREPS, pEntry->InInfo.icmps_timestampreps, pEntry->OutInfo.icmps_timestampreps );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_ICMP_ADDRMASKS, pEntry->InInfo.icmps_addrmasks, pEntry->OutInfo.icmps_addrmasks );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_ICMP_ADDRMASKREPS, pEntry->InInfo.icmps_addrmaskreps, pEntry->OutInfo.icmps_addrmaskreps );
typedef struct { uint Type; uint Message; } ICMP_TYPE_MESSAGE;
// List of messages for known ICMPv6 types. Entries in this list
// must be in order by Type.
void DisplayICMP6( Icmp6Entry *pEntry, ulong VerboseFlag, IcmpEntry *ListHead ) { uint i = 0, Type, Message;
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_ICMP_MSGS, pEntry->InInfo.icmps_msgs, pEntry->OutInfo.icmps_msgs );
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_ICMP_ERRORS, pEntry->InInfo.icmps_errors, pEntry->OutInfo.icmps_errors );
for (Type=0; Type<256; Type++) {
// Figure out message id
Message = 0; if (Type == Icmp6TypeMessage[i].Type) { Message = Icmp6TypeMessage[i++].Message; } // Skip types with 0 packets in and out
if (!pEntry->InInfo.icmps_typecount[Type] && !pEntry->OutInfo.icmps_typecount[Type]) { continue; } if (Message) { PutMsg( STDOUT, Message, pEntry->InInfo.icmps_typecount[Type], pEntry->OutInfo.icmps_typecount[Type] ); } else { PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_ICMP6_TYPECOUNT, Type, pEntry->InInfo.icmps_typecount[Type], pEntry->OutInfo.icmps_typecount[Type] ); } } }
static DWORD GenerateHostNameServiceString( OUT char * pszBuffer, IN OUT int * lpcbBufLen, IN BOOL fNumFlag, IN BOOL fLocalHost, IN BOOL fDatagram, IN LPSOCKADDR lpSockaddr, IN ulong uSockaddrLen ) /*++
Description: Generates the <hostname>:<service-string> from the address and port information supplied. The result is stored in the pszBuffer passed in. If fLocalHost == TRUE, then the cached local host name is used to improve performance.
Arguments: pszBuffer Buffer to store the resulting string. lpcbBufLen pointer to integer containing the count of bytes in Buffer and on return contains the number of bytes written. If the buffer is insufficient, then the required bytes is stored here. fNumFlag generates the output using numbers for host and port number. fLocalHost indicates if we want the service string for local host or remote host. Also for local host, this function generates the local host name without FQDN. pszProtocol specifies the protocol used for the service. uAddress unisgned long address of the service. uPort unsinged long port number.
Returns: Win32 error codes. NO_ERROR on success.
History: MuraliK 12/15/94 Added this function to avoid FQDNs for local name + abstract the common code used multiple times in old code. Also this function provides local host name caching. --*/ { char LocalBuffer[MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE]; // to hold dummy output
char LocalServiceEntry[MAX_SERVICE_NAME_SIZE]; int BufferLen; char * pszHostName = NULL; // init a pointer.
char * pszServiceName = NULL; DWORD dwError = NO_ERROR; struct addrinfo *ai; int Result; int Flags = 0;
// for caching local host name. getnameinfo doesn't seem to find the
// host name for a local address.
static char s_LocalHostName[MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE]; static BOOL s_fLocalHostName = FALSE;
if ( pszBuffer == NULL) { return ( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); }
*pszBuffer = '\0'; // initialize to null string
if (fNumFlag) { Flags |= NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV; } if (fLocalHost) { Flags |= NI_NOFQDN; } if (fDatagram) { Flags |= NI_DGRAM; }
// This complexity shouldn't be required but unlike the hostname string,
// getnameinfo doesn't automatically include the numeric form
// when a service name isn't found. Instead, it fails.
if (fLocalHost && !fNumFlag) { if ( s_fLocalHostName) { pszHostName = s_LocalHostName; // pull from the cache
} else { Result = gethostname( s_LocalHostName, sizeof( s_LocalHostName)); if ( Result == 0) {
char * pszFirstDot;
// Cache the copy of local host name now.
// Limit the host name to first part of host name.
s_fLocalHostName = TRUE;
pszFirstDot = strchr( s_LocalHostName, '.'); if ( pszFirstDot != NULL) {
*pszFirstDot = '\0'; // terminate string
pszHostName = s_LocalHostName;
} } // if ( s_fLocalhost)
} if (!pszHostName) { Result = getnameinfo(lpSockaddr, uSockaddrLen, LocalBuffer, sizeof(LocalBuffer), NULL, 0, Flags); if (Result != 0) { return Result; } pszHostName = LocalBuffer; } Result = getnameinfo(lpSockaddr, uSockaddrLen, NULL, 0, LocalServiceEntry, sizeof(LocalServiceEntry), Flags); if ((Result == WSANO_DATA) && !fNumFlag) { Result = getnameinfo(lpSockaddr, uSockaddrLen, NULL, 0, LocalServiceEntry, sizeof(LocalServiceEntry), Flags | NI_NUMERICSERV); }
if (Result != 0) { return Result; } pszServiceName = LocalServiceEntry;
// Now pszServiceName has the service name/portnumber
BufferLen = strlen( pszHostName) + strlen( pszServiceName) + 4; // 4 bytes extra for "[]:" and null-character.
if ( *lpcbBufLen < BufferLen ) {
dwError = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } else if ((lpSockaddr->sa_family == AF_INET6) && strchr(pszHostName, ':')) { sprintf( pszBuffer, "[%s]:%s", pszHostName, pszServiceName); } else { sprintf( pszBuffer, "%s:%s", pszHostName, pszServiceName); }
*lpcbBufLen = BufferLen;
return ( dwError);
} // GenerateHostNameServiceString()
static DWORD GenerateV4HostNameServiceString( OUT char * pszBuffer, IN OUT int * lpcbBufLen, IN BOOL fNumFlag, IN BOOL fLocalHost, IN BOOL fDatagram, IN ulong uAddress, IN ulong uPort ) { SOCKADDR_IN sin;
ZeroMemory(&sin, sizeof(sin)); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_addr.s_addr = uAddress; sin.sin_port = htons((ushort)uPort);
return GenerateHostNameServiceString(pszBuffer, lpcbBufLen, fNumFlag, fLocalHost, fDatagram, (LPSOCKADDR)&sin, sizeof(sin)); }
static DWORD GenerateV6HostNameServiceString( OUT char * pszBuffer, IN OUT int * lpcbBufLen, IN BOOL fNumFlag, IN BOOL fLocalHost, IN BOOL fDatagram, IN struct in6_addr *ipAddress, IN ulong uScopeId, IN ulong uPort ) { SOCKADDR_IN6 sin;
ZeroMemory(&sin, sizeof(sin)); sin.sin6_family = AF_INET6; sin.sin6_addr = *ipAddress; sin.sin6_scope_id = uScopeId; sin.sin6_port = htons((ushort)uPort);
return GenerateHostNameServiceString(pszBuffer, lpcbBufLen, fNumFlag, fLocalHost, fDatagram, (LPSOCKADDR)&sin, sizeof(sin)); }
// Name: DisplayTcpConnEntry
// Description: Display information about 1 tcp connection.
// Parameters: TcpConnTableEntry *pTcp: pointer to a tcp connection structure.
// InfoSize: indicates whether the data is a TCPConnTableEntry or
// TCPConnTableEntryEx.
// Returns: void.
// History:
// 12/31/93 JayPh Created.
// 02/01/94 JayPh Use symbolic names for addresses and ports if available
// 12/15/94 MuraliK Avoid printing FQDNs for local host.
void DisplayTcpConnEntry( TCPConnTableEntry *pTcp, ulong InfoSize, ulong NumFlag ) { char *TypeStr; char *StateStr; char LocalStr[MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE + MAX_SERVICE_NAME_SIZE]; char RemoteStr[MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE + MAX_SERVICE_NAME_SIZE]; DWORD dwErr; int BufLen;
TypeStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_TYPE_TCP );
if ( TypeStr == NULL ) { return; }
BufLen = sizeof( LocalStr); dwErr = GenerateV4HostNameServiceString( LocalStr, &BufLen, NumFlag != 0, TRUE, FALSE, pTcp->tct_localaddr, pTcp->tct_localport); ASSERT( dwErr == NO_ERROR);
switch ( pTcp->tct_state ) { case TCP_CONN_CLOSED: StateStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_STATE_CLOSED ); break;
// Tcpip generates dummy sequential remote ports for
// listening connections to avoid getting stuck in snmp.
// MohsinA, 12-Feb-97.
pTcp->tct_remoteport = 0;
StateStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_STATE_LISTENING ); break;
case TCP_CONN_SYN_SENT: StateStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_STATE_SYNSENT ); break;
case TCP_CONN_SYN_RCVD: StateStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_STATE_SYNRECV ); break;
case TCP_CONN_FIN_WAIT1: StateStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_STATE_FIN_WAIT_1 ); break;
case TCP_CONN_FIN_WAIT2: StateStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_STATE_FIN_WAIT_2 ); break;
case TCP_CONN_CLOSING: StateStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_STATE_CLOSING ); break;
case TCP_CONN_LAST_ACK: StateStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_STATE_LAST_ACK ); break;
case TCP_CONN_TIME_WAIT: StateStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_STATE_TIME_WAIT ); break;
default: StateStr = NULL; DEBUG_PRINT(("DisplayTcpConnEntry: State=%d?\n ", pTcp->tct_state )); }
BufLen = sizeof( RemoteStr); dwErr = GenerateV4HostNameServiceString( RemoteStr, &BufLen, NumFlag != 0, FALSE, FALSE, pTcp->tct_remoteaddr, pTcp->tct_remoteport ); ASSERT( dwErr == NO_ERROR);
if ( StateStr == NULL ) { DEBUG_PRINT(("DisplayTcpConnEntry: Problem with the message file\n")); LocalFree(TypeStr); return; }
if (sizeof(TCPConnTableEntryEx) == InfoSize) { ulong Pid = ((TCPConnTableEntryEx*)pTcp)->tcte_owningpid; PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_CONN_ENTRY_EX, TypeStr, LocalStr, RemoteStr, StateStr, Pid ); } else { PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_CONN_ENTRY, TypeStr, LocalStr, RemoteStr, StateStr ); } LocalFree(TypeStr); LocalFree(StateStr);
// Name: DisplayTcp6ConnEntry
// Description: Display information about 1 tcp connection over IPv6.
// Parameters: TCP6ConnTableEntry *pTcp: pointer to a tcp connection structure.
// Returns: void.
// History:
// 24/04/01 DThaler Created.
void DisplayTcp6ConnEntry( TCP6ConnTableEntry *pTcp, ulong NumFlag ) { char *TypeStr; char *StateStr; char LocalStr[MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE + MAX_SERVICE_NAME_SIZE]; char RemoteStr[MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE + MAX_SERVICE_NAME_SIZE]; DWORD dwErr; int BufLen;
TypeStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_TYPE_TCP );
if ( TypeStr == NULL ) { return; }
BufLen = sizeof( LocalStr); dwErr = GenerateV6HostNameServiceString( LocalStr, &BufLen, NumFlag != 0, TRUE, FALSE, &pTcp->tct_localaddr, pTcp->tct_localscopeid, pTcp->tct_localport); ASSERT( dwErr == NO_ERROR);
switch ( pTcp->tct_state ) { case TCP_CONN_CLOSED: StateStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_STATE_CLOSED ); break;
// Tcpip generates dummy sequential remote ports for
// listening connections to avoid getting stuck in snmp.
// MohsinA, 12-Feb-97.
pTcp->tct_remoteport = 0;
StateStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_STATE_LISTENING ); break;
case TCP_CONN_SYN_SENT: StateStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_STATE_SYNSENT ); break;
case TCP_CONN_SYN_RCVD: StateStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_STATE_SYNRECV ); break;
case TCP_CONN_FIN_WAIT1: StateStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_STATE_FIN_WAIT_1 ); break;
case TCP_CONN_FIN_WAIT2: StateStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_STATE_FIN_WAIT_2 ); break;
case TCP_CONN_CLOSING: StateStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_STATE_CLOSING ); break;
case TCP_CONN_LAST_ACK: StateStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_STATE_LAST_ACK ); break;
case TCP_CONN_TIME_WAIT: StateStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_STATE_TIME_WAIT ); break;
default: StateStr = NULL; DEBUG_PRINT(("DisplayTcp6ConnEntry: State=%d?\n ", pTcp->tct_state )); }
BufLen = sizeof( RemoteStr); dwErr = GenerateV6HostNameServiceString( RemoteStr, &BufLen, NumFlag != 0, FALSE, FALSE, &pTcp->tct_remoteaddr, pTcp->tct_remotescopeid, pTcp->tct_remoteport ); ASSERT( dwErr == NO_ERROR);
if ( StateStr == NULL ) { DEBUG_PRINT(("DisplayTcp6ConnEntry: Problem with the message file\n")); LocalFree(TypeStr); return; }
PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_CONN_ENTRY_EX, TypeStr, LocalStr, RemoteStr, StateStr, pTcp->tct_owningpid );
LocalFree(TypeStr); LocalFree(StateStr);
// Name: DisplayUdpConnEntry
// Description: Display information on 1 udp connection
// Parameters: UDPEntry *pUdp: pointer to udp connection structure.
// InfoSize: indicates whether the data is a UDPEntry or
// UDPEntryEx.
// Returns: void.
// History:
// 12/31/93 JayPh Created.
// 02/01/94 JayPh Use symbolic names for addresses and ports if available
void DisplayUdpConnEntry( UDPEntry *pUdp, ulong InfoSize, ulong NumFlag ) { char *TypeStr; char LocalStr[MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE + MAX_SERVICE_NAME_SIZE]; char * RemoteStr; int BufLen; DWORD dwErr;
TypeStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_TYPE_UDP );
if ( TypeStr == NULL ) { return; }
BufLen = sizeof( LocalStr); dwErr = GenerateV4HostNameServiceString( LocalStr, &BufLen, NumFlag != 0, TRUE, TRUE, pUdp->ue_localaddr, pUdp->ue_localport); ASSERT( dwErr == NO_ERROR);
RemoteStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_UDP_FORADDR ); if ( RemoteStr == NULL ) { DEBUG_PRINT(("DisplayUdpConnEntry: no message?\n")); LocalFree(TypeStr); return; }
if (sizeof(UDPEntryEx) == InfoSize) { ulong Pid = ((UDPEntryEx*)pUdp)->uee_owningpid; PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_CONN_ENTRY_EX, TypeStr, LocalStr, RemoteStr, "", Pid ); } else { PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_CONN_ENTRY, TypeStr, LocalStr, RemoteStr, "" ); }
LocalFree(TypeStr); LocalFree(RemoteStr); }
void DisplayUdp6ListenerEntry( UDP6ListenerEntry *pUdp, BOOL WithOwner, ulong NumFlag ) { char *TypeStr; char LocalStr[MAX_HOST_NAME_SIZE + MAX_SERVICE_NAME_SIZE]; char * RemoteStr; int BufLen; DWORD dwErr;
TypeStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_TYPE_UDP );
if ( TypeStr == NULL ) { return; }
BufLen = sizeof( LocalStr); dwErr = GenerateV6HostNameServiceString( LocalStr, &BufLen, NumFlag != 0, TRUE, TRUE, &pUdp->ule_localaddr, pUdp->ule_localscopeid, pUdp->ule_localport); ASSERT( dwErr == NO_ERROR);
RemoteStr = LoadMsg( MSG_CONN_UDP_FORADDR ); if ( RemoteStr == NULL ) { DEBUG_PRINT(("DisplayUdpConnEntry: no message?\n")); LocalFree(TypeStr); return; }
if (WithOwner) { ulong Pid = pUdp->ule_owningpid; PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_CONN_ENTRY_EX, TypeStr, LocalStr, RemoteStr, "", Pid ); } else { PutMsg( STDOUT, MSG_CONN_ENTRY, TypeStr, LocalStr, RemoteStr, "" ); }
LocalFree(TypeStr); LocalFree(RemoteStr); }
// Name: Usage
// Description: Called when a command line parameter problem is detected, it
// displays a proper command usage message and exits.
// WARNING: This routine does not return.
// Parameters: char *PgmName: pointer to string contain name of program.
// Returns: Doesn't return.
// History:
// 01/04/93 JayPh Created.
void Usage( void ) { PutMsg( STDERR, MSG_USAGE, PgmName ); exit( 1 ); }