// -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- (for GNU Emacs)
// Copyright (c) 1985-2000 Microsoft Corporation
// This file is part of the Microsoft Research IPv6 Network Protocol Stack.
// You should have received a copy of the Microsoft End-User License Agreement
// for this software along with this release; see the file "license.txt".
// If not, please see http://www.research.microsoft.com/msripv6/license.htm,
// or write to Microsoft Research, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399.
// Abstract:
// Raw IP interface code. This file contains the code for the raw IP
// interface functions, principally send and receive datagram.
#include "oscfg.h"
#include "ndis.h"
#include "ip6imp.h"
#include "ip6def.h"
#include "tdi.h"
#include "tdistat.h"
#include "tdint.h"
#include "tdistat.h"
#include "queue.h"
#include "transprt.h"
#include "addr.h"
#include "raw.h"
#include "info.h"
#include "route.h"
#include "security.h"
#define NO_TCP_DEFS 1
#include "tcpdeb.h"
// REVIEW: Shouldn't this be in an include file somewhere?
#ifdef ExAllocatePool
#undef ExAllocatePool
#define ExAllocatePool(type, size) ExAllocatePoolWithTag(type, size, '6WAR')
#endif // POOL_TAGGING
extern KSPIN_LOCK AddrObjTableLock;
//* RawSend - Send a raw datagram.
// The real send datagram routine. We assume that the busy bit is
// set on the input AddrObj, and that the address of the SendReq
// has been verified.
// We start by sending the input datagram, and we loop until there's
// nothing left on the send queue.
void // Returns: Nothing.
RawSend( AddrObj *SrcAO, // Address Object of endpoint doing the send.
DGSendReq *SendReq) // Datagram send request describing the send.
{ KIRQL Irql0; RouteCacheEntry *RCE; NetTableEntryOrInterface *NTEorIF; NetTableEntry *NTE; Interface *IF; IPv6Header UNALIGNED *IP; PNDIS_PACKET Packet; PNDIS_BUFFER RawBuffer; void *Memory; IP_STATUS Status; NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus; TDI_STATUS ErrorValue; uint Offset; uint HeaderLength; int Hops;
CHECK_STRUCT(SrcAO, ao); ASSERT(SrcAO->ao_usecnt != 0);
// Loop while we have something to send, and can get
// the resources to send it.
for (;;) {
CHECK_STRUCT(SendReq, dsr);
// Determine NTE to send on (if user cares).
// We do this prior to allocating packet header buffers so
// we know how much room to leave for the link-level header.
if (!IsUnspecified(&SrcAO->ao_addr)) { //
// We need to get the NTE of this bound address.
NTE = FindNetworkWithAddress(&SrcAO->ao_addr, SrcAO->ao_scope_id); if (NTE == NULL) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_USER_ERROR, "RawSend: Bad source address\n")); ErrorValue = TDI_INVALID_REQUEST; ReturnError: //
// If possible, complete the request with an error.
// Free the request structure.
if (SendReq->dsr_rtn != NULL) (*SendReq->dsr_rtn)(SendReq->dsr_context, ErrorValue, 0); KeAcquireSpinLock(&DGSendReqLock, &Irql0); FreeDGSendReq(SendReq); KeReleaseSpinLock(&DGSendReqLock, Irql0); goto SendComplete; } } else { //
// We are not binding to any address.
NTE = NULL; } NTEorIF = CastFromNTE(NTE); //
// If this is a multicast packet, check if the application
// has specified an interface. Note that ao_mcast_if
// overrides ao_addr if both are specified and they conflict.
if (IsMulticast(&SendReq->dsr_addr) && (SrcAO->ao_mcast_if != 0) && ((NTE == NULL) || (NTE->IF->Index != SrcAO->ao_mcast_if))) { if (NTE != NULL) { ReleaseNTE(NTE); NTE = NULL; } IF = FindInterfaceFromIndex(SrcAO->ao_mcast_if); if (IF == NULL) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_USER_ERROR, "RawSend: Bad mcast interface number\n")); ErrorValue = TDI_INVALID_REQUEST; goto ReturnError; } NTEorIF = CastFromIF(IF); } else { IF = NULL; } //
// Get the route.
Status = RouteToDestination(&SendReq->dsr_addr, SendReq->dsr_scope_id, NTEorIF, RTD_FLAG_NORMAL, &RCE); if (IF != NULL) ReleaseIF(IF); if (Status != IP_SUCCESS) { //
// Failed to get a route to the destination. Error out.
if ((Status == IP_PARAMETER_PROBLEM) || (Status == IP_BAD_ROUTE)) ErrorValue = TDI_BAD_ADDR; else if (Status == IP_NO_RESOURCES) ErrorValue = TDI_NO_RESOURCES; else ErrorValue = TDI_DEST_UNREACHABLE; if (NTE != NULL) ReleaseNTE(NTE); goto ReturnError; }
// If our address object didn't have a source address,
// take the one of the sending net from the RCE.
// Otherwise, use address from AO.
if (NTE == NULL) { NTE = RCE->NTE; AddRefNTE(NTE); }
// Allocate a packet header to anchor the buffer list.
NdisAllocatePacket(&NdisStatus, &Packet, IPv6PacketPool); if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_NTOS_ERROR, "RawSend: Couldn't allocate packet header!?!\n")); //
// If we can't get a packet header from the pool, we push
// the send request back on the queue and queue the address
// object for when we get resources.
OutOfResources: ReleaseRCE(RCE); ReleaseNTE(NTE); KeAcquireSpinLock(&SrcAO->ao_lock, &Irql0); PUSHQ(&SrcAO->ao_sendq, &SendReq->dsr_q); PutPendingQ(SrcAO); KeReleaseSpinLock(&SrcAO->ao_lock, Irql0); return; }
InitializeNdisPacket(Packet); PC(Packet)->CompletionHandler = DGSendComplete; PC(Packet)->CompletionData = SendReq;
// Create our header buffer.
// It will contain the link-level header and possibly the
// IPv6 header. The user has the option of contributing
// the IPv6 header, otherwise we generate it below.
Offset = HeaderLength = RCE->NCE->IF->LinkHeaderSize; if (!AO_HDRINCL(SrcAO)) HeaderLength += sizeof(*IP); if (HeaderLength > 0) { Memory = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, HeaderLength); if (Memory == NULL) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_NTOS_ERROR, "RawSend: couldn't allocate header memory!?!\n")); NdisFreePacket(Packet); goto OutOfResources; } NdisAllocateBuffer(&NdisStatus, &RawBuffer, IPv6BufferPool, Memory, HeaderLength); if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_NTOS_ERROR, "RawSend: couldn't allocate buffer!?!\n")); ExFreePool(Memory); NdisFreePacket(Packet); goto OutOfResources; } //
// Link the data buffers from the send request onto the buffer
// chain headed by our header buffer. Then attach this chain
// to the packet.
NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(RawBuffer) = SendReq->dsr_buffer; NdisChainBufferAtFront(Packet, RawBuffer); } else NdisChainBufferAtFront(Packet, SendReq->dsr_buffer);
// We now have all the resources we need to send.
// Prepare the actual packet.
if (!AO_HDRINCL(SrcAO)) { //
// We can not allow the user to supply extension headers.
// IPv6Send assumes that any extension headers are
// syntactically correct and resident in the first buffer.
// Currently TCPCreate prevents the user from opening raw
// sockets with extension header protocols.
// We need to provide the IPv6 header.
// Place it after the link-layer header.
IP = (IPv6Header UNALIGNED *)((uchar *)Memory + Offset); IP->VersClassFlow = IP_VERSION; IP->NextHeader = SrcAO->ao_prot; IP->Source = NTE->Address; IP->Dest = SendReq->dsr_addr;
// Apply the multicast or unicast hop limit, as appropriate.
if (IsMulticast(AlignAddr(&IP->Dest))) { //
// Also disable multicast loopback, if requested.
if (! SrcAO->ao_mcast_loop) PC(Packet)->Flags |= NDIS_FLAGS_DONT_LOOPBACK; Hops = SrcAO->ao_mcast_hops; } else Hops = SrcAO->ao_ucast_hops; if (Hops != -1) IP->HopLimit = (uchar) Hops; else IP->HopLimit = (uchar) RCE->NCE->IF->CurHopLimit;
// Everything's ready. Now send the packet.
// Note that IPv6Send does not return a status code.
// Instead it *always* completes the packet
// with an appropriate status code.
IPv6Send(Packet, Offset, IP, SendReq->dsr_size, RCE, 0, SrcAO->ao_prot, 0, 0); } else { //
// Our header buffer contains only the link-level header.
// The IPv6 header and any extension headers are expected to
// be provided by the user. In some cases the kernel
// will attempt to access the IPv6 header so we must
// ensure that the mappings exist now.
if (! MapNdisBuffers(NdisFirstBuffer(Packet))) { KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_NTOS_ERROR, "RawSend(%p): buffer mapping failed\n", Packet)); IPv6SendComplete(NULL, Packet, IP_GENERAL_FAILURE); } else { //
// Everything's ready. Now send the packet.
IPv6SendND(Packet, HeaderLength, RCE->NCE, &(RCE->NTE->Address)); } }
// Release the route.
ReleaseRCE(RCE); ReleaseNTE(NTE);
// Check the send queue for more to send.
KeAcquireSpinLock(&SrcAO->ao_lock, &Irql0); if (!EMPTYQ(&SrcAO->ao_sendq)) { //
// More to go. Dequeue next request and loop back to top.
DEQUEUE(&SrcAO->ao_sendq, SendReq, DGSendReq, dsr_q); KeReleaseSpinLock(&SrcAO->ao_lock, Irql0); } else { //
// Nothing more to send.
CLEAR_AO_REQUEST(SrcAO, AO_SEND); KeReleaseSpinLock(&SrcAO->ao_lock, Irql0); return; } } }
//* RawDeliver - Deliver a datagram to a user.
// This routine delivers a datagram to a raw user. We're called with
// the AddrObj to deliver on, and with the AddrObjTable lock held.
// We try to find a receive on the specified AddrObj, and if we do
// we remove it and copy the data into the buffer. Otherwise we'll
// call the receive datagram event handler, if there is one. If that
// fails we'll discard the datagram.
void // Returns: Nothing.
RawDeliver( AddrObj *RcvAO, // Address object to receive the datagram.
IPv6Packet *Packet, // Packet handed up by IP.
uint SrcScopeId, // Scope id for source address.
KIRQL Irql0) // IRQL prior to acquiring AddrObj table lock.
{ Queue *CurrentQ; KIRQL Irql1; DGRcvReq *RcvReq; uint BytesTaken = 0; uchar AddressBuffer[TCP_TA_SIZE]; uint RcvdSize; EventRcvBuffer *ERB = NULL; uint Position = Packet->Position; uint Length = Packet->TotalSize;
KeAcquireSpinLock(&RcvAO->ao_lock, &Irql1); KeReleaseSpinLock(&AddrObjTableLock, Irql1);
if (AO_VALID(RcvAO)) {
CurrentQ = QHEAD(&RcvAO->ao_rcvq);
// Walk the list, looking for a receive buffer that matches.
while (CurrentQ != QEND(&RcvAO->ao_rcvq)) { RcvReq = QSTRUCT(DGRcvReq, CurrentQ, drr_q);
CHECK_STRUCT(RcvReq, drr);
// If this request is a wildcard request (accept from anywhere),
// or matches the source IP address and scope id, deliver it.
if (IsUnspecified(&RcvReq->drr_addr) || (IP6_ADDR_EQUAL(&RcvReq->drr_addr, Packet->SrcAddr) && (RcvReq->drr_scope_id == SrcScopeId))) {
// Remove this from the queue.
// We're done. We can free the AddrObj lock now.
KeReleaseSpinLock(&RcvAO->ao_lock, Irql0);
// Copy the data, and then complete the request.
RcvdSize = CopyToBufferChain(RcvReq->drr_buffer, 0, Packet->NdisPacket, Position, Packet->FlatData, MIN(Length, RcvReq->drr_size));
ASSERT(RcvdSize <= RcvReq->drr_size);
Status = UpdateConnInfo(RcvReq->drr_conninfo, Packet->SrcAddr, SrcScopeId, 0);
(*RcvReq->drr_rtn)(RcvReq->drr_context, Status, RcvdSize);
return; // All done.
// Not a matching request. Get the next one off the queue.
CurrentQ = QNEXT(CurrentQ); }
// We've walked the list, and not found a buffer.
// Call the receive handler now, if we have one.
if (RcvAO->ao_rcvdg != NULL) { PRcvDGEvent RcvEvent = RcvAO->ao_rcvdg; PVOID RcvContext = RcvAO->ao_rcvdgcontext; TDI_STATUS RcvStatus; ULONG Flags = TDI_RECEIVE_COPY_LOOKAHEAD; int BufferSize = 0; PVOID BufferToSend = NULL; uchar *CurrPosition;
REF_AO(RcvAO); KeReleaseSpinLock(&RcvAO->ao_lock, Irql0);
BuildTDIAddress(AddressBuffer, Packet->SrcAddr, SrcScopeId, 0);
// If the IPV6_PKTINFO or IPV6_HOPLIMIT options were set, then
// create the control information to be passed to the handler.
// Currently this is the only place such options are filled in,
// so we just have one buffer. If other places are added in the
// future, we may want to support a list or array of buffers to
// copy into the user's buffer.
if (AO_PKTINFO(RcvAO)) { BufferSize += TDI_CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(IN6_PKTINFO)); } if (AO_RCV_HOPLIMIT(RcvAO)) { BufferSize += TDI_CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(int)); } if (BufferSize > 0) { CurrPosition = BufferToSend = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, BufferSize); if (BufferToSend == NULL) { BufferSize = 0; } else { if (AO_PKTINFO(RcvAO)) { DGFillIpv6PktInfo(&Packet->IP->Dest, Packet->NTEorIF->IF->Index, &CurrPosition); // Set the receive flag so the receive handler knows
// we are passing up control info.
Flags |= TDI_RECEIVE_CONTROL_INFO; } if (AO_RCV_HOPLIMIT(RcvAO)) { DGFillIpv6HopLimit(Packet->IP->HopLimit, &CurrPosition); Flags |= TDI_RECEIVE_CONTROL_INFO; } } }
RcvStatus = (*RcvEvent)(RcvContext, TCP_TA_SIZE, (PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS)AddressBuffer, BufferSize, BufferToSend, Flags, Packet->ContigSize, Length, &BytesTaken, Packet->Data, &ERB);
if (BufferToSend) { ExFreePool(BufferToSend); }
// We were passed back a receive buffer. Copy the data in now.
// Receive event handler can't have taken more than was in the
// indicated buffer, but in debug builds we'll check this.
ASSERT(ERB != NULL); ASSERT(BytesTaken <= Packet->ContigSize);
// For NT, ERBs are really IRPs.
IrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(ERB); DatagramInformation = (PTDI_REQUEST_KERNEL_RECEIVEDG) &(IrpSp->Parameters);
// Copy data to the IRP, skipping the bytes
// that were already taken.
Position += BytesTaken; Length -= BytesTaken; RcvdSize = CopyToBufferChain(ERB->MdlAddress, 0, Packet->NdisPacket, Position, Packet->FlatData, Length);
// Update the return address info.
RcvStatus = UpdateConnInfo( DatagramInformation->ReturnDatagramInformation, Packet->SrcAddr, SrcScopeId, 0);
// Complete the IRP.
ERB->IoStatus.Information = RcvdSize; ERB->IoStatus.Status = RcvStatus; IoCompleteRequest(ERB, 2);
} else { ASSERT((RcvStatus == TDI_SUCCESS) || (RcvStatus == TDI_NOT_ACCEPTED)); ASSERT(ERB == NULL); }
} else UStats.us_inerrors++;
// When we get here, we didn't have a buffer to put this data into.
// Fall through to the return case.
} else UStats.us_inerrors++;
KeReleaseSpinLock(&RcvAO->ao_lock, Irql0); }
//* RawReceive - Receive a Raw datagram.
// This routine is called by IP when a Raw datagram arrives. We
// lookup the protocol/address pair in our address table, and deliver
// the data to any users we find.
// Note that we'll only get here if all headers in the packet
// preceeding the one we're filtering on were acceptable.
// We return TRUE if we find a receiver to take the packet, FALSE otherwise.
int RawReceive( IPv6Packet *Packet, // Packet IP handed up to us.
uchar Protocol) // Protocol we think we're handling.
{ Interface *IF = Packet->NTEorIF->IF; KIRQL OldIrql; AddrObj *ReceivingAO; AOSearchContext Search; AOMCastAddr *AMA, *PrevAMA; int ReceiverFound = FALSE; uint SrcScopeId, DestScopeId; uint Loop;
// This being the raw receive routine, we perform no checks on
// the packet data.
// Verify IPSec was performed.
if (InboundSecurityCheck(Packet, Protocol, 0, 0, IF) != TRUE) { //
// No policy was found or the policy found was to drop the packet.
KdPrintEx((DPFLTR_TCPIP6_ID, DPFLTR_NET_ERROR, "RawReceive: IPSec Policy caused packet to be refused\n")); return FALSE; // Drop packet.
// Set the source's scope id value as appropriate.
SrcScopeId = DetermineScopeId(Packet->SrcAddr, IF);
// At this point, we've decided it's okay to accept the packet.
// Figure out who to give this packet to.
if (IsMulticast(AlignAddr(&Packet->IP->Dest))) { //
// This is a multicast packet, so we need to find all interested
// AddrObj's. We get the AddrObjTable lock, and then loop through
// all AddrObj's and give the packet to any who are listening to
// this multicast address, interface & protocol.
// REVIEW: We match on interface, NOT scope id. Multicast is weird.
KeAcquireSpinLock(&AddrObjTableLock, &OldIrql);
for (Loop = 0; Loop < AddrObjTableSize; Loop++) { for (ReceivingAO = AddrObjTable[Loop]; ReceivingAO != NULL; ReceivingAO = ReceivingAO->ao_next) {
CHECK_STRUCT(ReceivingAO, ao);
if (ReceivingAO->ao_prot != Protocol) continue;
if ((AMA = FindAOMCastAddr(ReceivingAO, AlignAddr(&Packet->IP->Dest), IF->Index, &PrevAMA, FALSE)) == NULL) continue;
// We have a matching address object. Hand it the packet.
RawDeliver(ReceivingAO, Packet, SrcScopeId, OldIrql);
// RawDeliver released the AddrObjTableLock, so grab it again.
KeAcquireSpinLock(&AddrObjTableLock, &OldIrql); ReceiverFound = TRUE; } }
} else { //
// This is a unicast packet. Try to find some AddrObj(s) to
// give it to. We deliver to all matches, not just the first.
DestScopeId = DetermineScopeId(AlignAddr(&Packet->IP->Dest), IF); KeAcquireSpinLock(&AddrObjTableLock, &OldIrql); ReceivingAO = GetFirstAddrObj(AlignAddr(&Packet->IP->Dest), DestScopeId, 0, Protocol, &Search); for (; ReceivingAO != NULL; ReceivingAO = GetNextAddrObj(&Search)) { //
// We have a matching address object. Hand it the packet.
RawDeliver(ReceivingAO, Packet, SrcScopeId, OldIrql);
// RawDeliver released the AddrObjTableLock, so grab it again.
KeAcquireSpinLock(&AddrObjTableLock, &OldIrql); ReceiverFound = TRUE; } }
KeReleaseSpinLock(&AddrObjTableLock, OldIrql);
return ReceiverFound; }