// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: I C O N T E X T M . C P P
// Contents: IContextMenu implementation for CUPnPDeviceFolderExtractIcon
// Notes:
// Author: jeffspr 24 Oct 1997
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "upsres.h"
#include "oncommand.h"
#include "cmdtable.h"
struct ContextMenuEntry { INT iMenu; INT iVerbMenu; INT iDefaultCmd; };
static const ContextMenuEntry c_CMEArray[] = { // standard (no menu deviances yet)
const DWORD g_dwContextMenuEntryCount = celems(c_CMEArray);
// Member: CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu::CreateInstance
// Purpose: Create an instance of the CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu object
// Arguments:
// riid [in] Interface requested
// ppv [out] Pointer to receive the requested interface
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 7 Aug 1998
// Notes:
HRESULT CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu::CreateInstance( REFIID riid, void** ppv, CMENU_TYPE cmt, HWND hwndOwner, UINT cidl, LPCITEMIDLIST * apidl, LPSHELLFOLDER psf) { HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu * pObj = NULL;
TraceTag(ttidShellFolderIface, "OBJ: CCFCM - IContextMenu::CreateInstance");
pObj = new CComObject <CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu>; if (pObj) { // Do the standard CComCreator::CreateInstance stuff.
pObj->SetVoid (NULL); pObj->InternalFinalConstructAddRef (); hr = pObj->FinalConstruct (); pObj->InternalFinalConstructRelease ();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pObj->HrInitialize(cmt, hwndOwner, cidl, apidl, psf); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pObj->QueryInterface (riid, ppv); } }
if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pObj; } }
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu::CreateInstance"); return hr; }
// Member: CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu::CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu
// Purpose: Constructor for CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu. Initialize
// data members
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 7 Aug 1998
// Notes:
CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu::CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu() { m_psf = NULL; m_cidl = 0; m_apidl = NULL; m_hwndOwner = NULL; m_cmt = CMT_OBJECT; // arbitrary. Just make sure it's something
// Member: CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu::HrInitialize
// Purpose: Initialization for the context menu object. Make copies of
// the pidl array, etc.
// Arguments:
// hwndOwner [in] Our parent hwnd
// cidl [in] Count of objects
// apidl [in] Pidl array of selected items
// psf [in] Our shell folder pointer
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 7 Aug 1998
// Notes:
HRESULT CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu::HrInitialize( CMENU_TYPE cmt, HWND hwndOwner, UINT cidl, LPCITEMIDLIST * apidl, LPSHELLFOLDER psf) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR;
// Grab and addref the folder object
Assert(psf); psf->AddRef(); m_psf = static_cast<CUPnPDeviceFolder *>(psf);
// Copy the context menu type (object -vs- background)
m_cmt = cmt;
// Note: This will be NULL if the context menu is invoked from the desktop
m_hwndOwner = hwndOwner;
if (cidl) { Assert(CMT_OBJECT == cmt);
// Clone the pidl array
hr = HrCloneRgIDL(apidl, cidl, &m_apidl, &m_cidl); if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrCloneRgIDL failed on apidl in " "CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu::HrInitialize"); } } else { Assert(CMT_BACKGROUND == cmt); }
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu::HrInitialize"); return hr; }
// Member: CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu::~CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu
// Purpose: Destructor. Free the pidl array and release the shell folder
// object
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 7 Aug 1998
// Notes:
CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu::~CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu() { if (m_apidl) { FreeRgIDL(m_cidl, m_apidl); m_apidl = NULL; m_cidl = 0; }
if (m_psf) { ReleaseObj(reinterpret_cast<LPSHELLFOLDER>(m_psf)); } }
// Member: CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu::QueryContextMenu
// Purpose: Adds menu items to the specified menu. The menu items should
// be inserted in the menu at the position specified by
// indexMenu, and their menu item identifiers must be between
// the idCmdFirst and idCmdLast parameter values.
// Arguments:
// hmenu [in] Handle to the menu. The handler should specify this
// handle when adding menu items
// indexMenu [in] Zero-based position at which to insert the first
// menu item.
// idCmdFirst [in] Min value the handler can specify for a menu item
// idCmdLast [in] Max value the handler can specify for a menu item
// uFlags [in] Optional flags specifying how the context menu
// can be changed. See MSDN for the full list.
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 7 Aug 1998
// Notes:
HRESULT CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu::QueryContextMenu( HMENU hmenu, UINT indexMenu, UINT idCmdFirst, UINT idCmdLast, UINT uFlags) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; QCMINFO qcm = {hmenu, indexMenu, idCmdFirst, idCmdLast}; INT iDefaultCmd = 0; BOOL fValidMenu = FALSE; BOOL fVerbsOnly = !!(uFlags & CMF_VERBSONLY); INT iMenuResourceId = 0; INT iPopupResourceId = 0;
TraceTag(ttidShellFolderIface, "OBJ: CCFCM - IContextMenu::QueryContextMenu");
if (!(uFlags & CMF_DVFILE)) { if (CMT_OBJECT == m_cmt) { PUPNPDEVICEFOLDPIDL pudfp = NULL;
if (FIsUPnPDeviceFoldPidl(m_apidl[0])) { pudfp = ConvertToUPnPDevicePIDL(m_apidl[0]); }
if(pudfp) { DWORD dwLoop = 0;
for (dwLoop = 0; (dwLoop < g_dwContextMenuEntryCount) && !fValidMenu; dwLoop++) {
// Leave dwLoop alone, since this is how we pick the menu below
fValidMenu = TRUE;
if (fValidMenu) { iPopupResourceId = 0; if (fVerbsOnly) { iMenuResourceId = c_CMEArray[dwLoop].iVerbMenu; } else { iMenuResourceId = c_CMEArray[dwLoop].iMenu; }
iDefaultCmd = c_CMEArray[dwLoop].iDefaultCmd; } } } } else { if (CMT_BACKGROUND == m_cmt) { AssertSz(m_hwndOwner, "Background context menu requires a valid HWND"); if (m_cidl > 0) { AssertSz(FALSE, "We shouldn't be getting this interface if connections are selected"); } else { fValidMenu = TRUE; iMenuResourceId = MENU_MERGE_FOLDER_BACKGROUND; iPopupResourceId = POPUP_MERGE_FOLDER_BACKGROUND; } } else { AssertSz(FALSE, "Don't support context menus for this CMENU_TYPE. Not background or object?"); } }
// If we have a valid menu to give to the user, then do the merge,
// enable or disable as appropriate, and set the appropriate HR to
// specify the number of items added.
if (fValidMenu) { MergeMenu(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), iMenuResourceId, iPopupResourceId, (LPQCMINFO)&qcm);
// Enable/Disable the menu items as appropriate. Ignore the return from this
// as we're getting it for debugging purposes only.
hr = HrEnableOrDisableMenuItems( m_hwndOwner, (LPCITEMIDLIST *) m_apidl, m_cidl, hmenu, idCmdFirst);
if (CMT_OBJECT == m_cmt) { // $$REVIEW: Find out why I'm only doing this for CMT_OBJECT instead of for background.
// Pre-icomtextm|mb combine, mb had this commented out.
SetMenuDefaultItem(hmenu, idCmdFirst + iDefaultCmd, FALSE); }
hr = ResultFromShort(qcm.idCmdFirst - idCmdFirst); } }
// Ignore this trace if it's a short, basically.
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, SUCCEEDED(hr), "CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu::QueryContextMenu"); return hr; }
// Member: CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu::InvokeCommand
// Purpose: Carries out the command associated with a context menu item.
// Arguments:
// lpici [in] Address of a CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO structure containing
// information about the command.
// Returns: Returns NOERROR if successful, or an OLE-defined
// error code otherwise.
// Author: jeffspr 27 Apr 1999
// Notes:
HRESULT CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu::InvokeCommand( LPCMINVOKECOMMANDINFO lpici) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; UINT uiCmd = 0;
TraceTag(ttidShellFolderIface, "OBJ: CCFCM - IContextMenu::InvokeCommand");
Assert(lpici); Assert(lpici->lpVerb);
if (HIWORD(lpici->lpVerb)) { // Deal with string commands
PSTR pszCmd = (PSTR)lpici->lpVerb;
// Only folder objects currently support string-based invoke commands.
// (The background does not)
if (CMT_OBJECT == m_cmt) { if (0 == lstrcmpA(pszCmd, "delete")) { uiCmd = CMIDM_DELETE; } else if (0 == lstrcmpA(pszCmd, "properties")) { uiCmd = CMIDM_PROPERTIES; } else if (0 == lstrcmpA(pszCmd, "rename")) { uiCmd = CMIDM_RENAME; } else if (0 == lstrcmpA(pszCmd, "link")) { uiCmd = CMIDM_CREATE_SHORTCUT; } }
if (0 == uiCmd) { TraceTag(ttidError, "Unprocessed InvokeCommand<%s>\n", pszCmd); hr = E_INVALIDARG; } } else { uiCmd = (UINT)LOWORD((DWORD_PTR)lpici->lpVerb); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Handle the actual command
hr = HrFolderCommandHandler(uiCmd, m_apidl, m_cidl, m_hwndOwner, lpici, m_psf); }
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu::InvokeCommand"); return hr; }
HRESULT CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu::GetCommandString( UINT_PTR idCmd, UINT uType, UINT * pwReserved, PSTR pszName, UINT cchMax) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; // Not handled
TraceTag(ttidShellFolderIface, "OBJ: CCFCM - IContextMenu::GetCommandString");
// note(cmr): GCS_HELPTEXT is defined as GCS_HELPTEXTW on UNICODE builds
// and GCS_HELPTEXTA otherwise.
// When we get GCS_HELPTEXTW, we really need to return a PWSTR
// in pszName (yes, even though it's defined as a PSTR).
// When we get GCS_HELPTEXTA, we just return a PSTR in pszName.
// GCS_VERB has the same semantics (with GCS_VERBW and GCS_VERBA)
// Basically, we just treat pszName as a PTSTR, and everything
// works fine.
*((PTSTR)pszName) = TEXT('\0');
if (uType == GCS_HELPTEXT) { int iLength = LoadString( _Module.GetResourceInstance(), idCmd + IDS_CMIDM_START, (LPTSTR)pszName, cchMax); if (iLength > 0) { hr = NOERROR; } else { AssertSz(FALSE, "Resource string not found for one of the connections folder commands"); } } else { if (uType == GCS_VERB && idCmd == CMIDM_RENAME) { // "rename" is language independent
_tcsncpy((LPTSTR)pszName, TEXT("rename"), cchMax); pszName[cchMax - 1] = TEXT('\0');
hr = NOERROR; } }
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, (hr == E_FAIL), "CUPnPDeviceFolderContextMenu::GetCommandString"); return hr; }