// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: O N C O M M A N D . C P P
// Contents: Command handlers for the context menus, etc.
// Notes:
// Author: jeffspr 4 Nov 1997
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "upsres.h"
#include "oncommand.h"
#if DBG // Debug menu commands
#include "oncommand_dbg.h" //
#include "shutil.h"
#include <upsres.h>
#include "tfind.h"
//---[ Externs ]--------------------------------------------------------------
extern const WCHAR c_szUPnPUIDll[]; extern const TCHAR c_sztUPnPUIDll[];
//---[ Prototypes ]-----------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrCreateDevicePropertySheets( HWND hwndOwner, NewDeviceNode * pNDN);
//---[ Constants ]------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT HrCommandHandlerThread( FOLDERONCOMMANDPROC pfnCommandHandler, LPITEMIDLIST * apidl, ULONG cidl, HWND hwndOwner, LPSHELLFOLDER psf) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPITEMIDLIST * apidlCopy = NULL; ULONG cidlCopy = 0;
// If there are pidls to copy, copy them
if (apidl) { hr = HrCloneRgIDL((LPCITEMIDLIST *) apidl, cidl, &apidlCopy, &cidlCopy); }
// If either there were no pidls, or the Clone succeeded, then we want to continue
if (pfocp) { pfocp->pfnfocp = pfnCommandHandler; pfocp->apidl = apidlCopy; pfocp->cidl = cidlCopy; pfocp->hwndOwner = hwndOwner; pfocp->psf = psf; pfocp->hInstFolder = NULL;
// This should be Release'd in the thread called.
// This will always succeed in retail, but will test the flag in debug
if (!FIsDebugFlagSet (dfidDisableShellThreading)) { // Run in a thread using the QueueUserWorkItem
HANDLE hthrd = NULL; HINSTANCE hInstFolder = LoadLibrary(c_sztUPnPUIDll);
if (hInstFolder) { pfocp->hInstFolder = hInstFolder;
DWORD dwThreadId; hthrd = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)FolderCommandHandlerThreadProc, (LPVOID)pfocp, 0, &dwThreadId); }
if (NULL != hthrd) { CloseHandle(hthrd); } else { pfocp->hInstFolder = NULL; FolderCommandHandlerThreadProc(pfocp); } } else { // Run directly in this same thread
FolderCommandHandlerThreadProc((PVOID) pfocp); } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } }
// Don't release the psf here. This should have been taken care of by the called ThreadProc
TraceError("HrCommandHandlerThread", hr); return hr; }
hr = CoInitializeEx (NULL, COINIT_DISABLE_OLE1DDE | COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // We don't care if this is S_FALSE or not, since we'll soon
// overwrite the hr. If it's already initialized, great...
fCoInited = TRUE;
// Call the specific handler
hr = pfocp->pfnfocp( pfocp->apidl, pfocp->cidl, pfocp->hwndOwner, pfocp->psf); }
// Remove the ref that we have on this object. The thread handler would have addref'd
// this before queueing our action
if (pfocp->psf) { ReleaseObj(pfocp->psf); }
// Release apidl
if (pfocp->apidl) { FreeRgIDL(pfocp->cidl, pfocp->apidl); }
// Remove this object. We're responsible for this now.
HINSTANCE hInstFolder = pfocp->hInstFolder; pfocp->hInstFolder = NULL;
delete pfocp;
if (fCoInited) { CoUninitialize(); }
if (hInstFolder) { FreeLibraryAndExitThread(hInstFolder, hr); }
return hr; }
// Function: HrFolderCommandHandler
// Purpose: Command handler switch -- all commands come through this
// point.
// Arguments:
// uiCommand [in] The command-id that's been invoked.
// apidl [in] PIDL array (item 0 is our item to work on)
// cidl [in] Size of the array
// lpici [in] Command context info
// hwndOwner [in] Owner hwnd
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 11 Feb 1998
// Notes:
HRESULT HrFolderCommandHandler( UINT uiCommand, LPITEMIDLIST * apidl, ULONG cidl, HWND hwndOwner, LPCMINVOKECOMMANDINFO lpici, LPSHELLFOLDER psf) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
CWaitCursor wc; // Bring up wait cursor now. Remove when we go out of scope.
#if 0
// refresh all permission so subsequent calls can use cached value
RefreshAllPermission(); #endif
switch(uiCommand) { case CMIDM_INVOKE: Assert(apidl); hr = HrCommandHandlerThread(HrOnCommandInvoke, apidl, cidl, hwndOwner, psf); break;
case CMIDM_ARRANGE_BY_NAME: ShellFolderView_ReArrange(hwndOwner, ICOL_NAME); break;
case CMIDM_ARRANGE_BY_URL: ShellFolderView_ReArrange(hwndOwner, ICOL_URL); break;
case CMIDM_CREATE_SHORTCUT: Assert(apidl); hr = HrCommandHandlerThread(HrOnCommandCreateShortcut, apidl, cidl, hwndOwner, psf); break;
case CMIDM_DELETE: Assert(apidl); hr = HrCommandHandlerThread(HrOnCommandDelete, apidl, cidl, hwndOwner, psf); break;
case CMIDM_PROPERTIES: Assert(apidl); hr = HrCommandHandlerThread(HrOnCommandProperties, apidl, cidl, hwndOwner, psf); break;
#if DBG
case CMIDM_DEBUG_TRACING: hr = HrOnCommandDebugTracing(apidl, cidl, hwndOwner, psf); break;
case CMIDM_DEBUG_REFRESH: hr = HrOnCommandDebugRefresh(apidl, cidl, hwndOwner, psf); break;
case CMIDM_DEBUG_TESTASYNCFIND: hr = HrOnCommandDebugTestAsyncFind(apidl, cidl, hwndOwner, psf); break; #endif
default: AssertSz(FALSE, "Unknown command in HrFolderCommandHandler"); hr = E_FAIL; }
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrFolderCommandHandler"); return hr; }
// Function: HrOnCommandInvoke
// Purpose: Command handler for CMIDM_INVOKE
// Arguments:
// apidl [in] PIDL array (item 0 is our item to work on)
// cidl [in] Size of the array
// hwndOwner [in] Owner hwnd
// psf [in] Our IShellFolder *
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 8 Sep 1999
// Notes:
HRESULT HrOnCommandInvoke( LPITEMIDLIST * apidl, ULONG cidl, HWND hwndOwner, LPSHELLFOLDER psf) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fResult = FALSE; PUPNPDEVICEFOLDPIDL pudfp = ConvertToUPnPDevicePIDL(apidl[0]); IUPnPDeviceFinder * pdf = NULL; LPTSTR szUrl = NULL;
Assert(pudfp); Assert(cidl > 0);
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_UPnPDeviceFinder, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IUPnPDeviceFinder, (LPVOID *)&pdf); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IUPnPDevice * pdev = NULL; CUPnPDeviceFoldPidl udfp;
hr = udfp.HrInit(pudfp); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { PCWSTR szUDN = udfp.PszGetUDNPointer(); Assert(szUDN); BSTR bstrUDN = ::SysAllocString(szUDN); if (bstrUDN) { hr = pdf->FindByUDN(bstrUDN, &pdev); if (S_OK == hr) { BSTR bstrUrl;
hr = pdev->get_PresentationURL(&bstrUrl); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Note: PresentationURL might be NULL
if (S_OK == hr) { Assert(bstrUrl);
szUrl = TszFromWsz(bstrUrl); }
SysFreeString(bstrUrl); }
ReleaseObj(pdev); } else if (hr == S_FALSE) { PTSTR pszText = NULL; PTSTR pszTitle = NULL;
if( pszText && pszTitle ) { MessageBox(hwndOwner, pszText, pszTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING ); } delete pszText; delete pszTitle; TraceTag(ttidError, "Can not bring up control page for device UDN=%S because FindByUDN returns S_FALSE.", szUDN); }
::SysFreeString(bstrUDN); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; TraceError("HrOnCommandInvoke: SysAllocString", hr); } }
ReleaseObj(pdf); }
if (szUrl) { SHELLEXECUTEINFO sei = {0};
// Check these masks if we ever need to use different icons and such
// for the instances that we launch. SEE_MASK_ICON is a possibility.
// SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI can be used if we don't want to show an error
// on failure.
sei.cbSize = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO); sei.fMask = SEE_MASK_FLAG_DDEWAIT; sei.hwnd = hwndOwner; sei.lpFile = szUrl; sei.nShow = SW_SHOW;
fResult = ShellExecuteEx(&sei); if (!fResult) { hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); }
delete [] szUrl; }
TraceHr(ttidShellFolder, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrOnCommandInvoke"); return hr; } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: HrOnCommandProperties
// Purpose: Command handler for the CMIDM_PROPERTIES command
// Arguments:
// apidl [in] PIDL array (item 0 is our item to work on)
// cidl [in] Size of the array
// hwndOwner [in] Owner hwnd
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 4 Nov 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrOnCommandProperties( LPITEMIDLIST * apidl, ULONG cidl, HWND hwndOwner, LPSHELLFOLDER psf) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; PUPNPDEVICEFOLDPIDL pudfp = ConvertToUPnPDevicePIDL(apidl[0]); IUPnPDeviceFinder * pdf = NULL;
Assert(pudfp); Assert(cidl > 0);
// instantiate device finder
hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_UPnPDeviceFinder, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IUPnPDeviceFinder, (LPVOID *)&pdf );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CUPnPDeviceFoldPidl udfp;
hr = udfp.HrInit(pudfp); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // retrieve the device object associated with UDN
IUPnPDevice * pdev = NULL; PCWSTR szUDN = udfp.PszGetUDNPointer(); Assert(szUDN); BSTR bstrUDN = ::SysAllocString(szUDN); if (bstrUDN) { hr = pdf->FindByUDN(bstrUDN, &pdev); if (hr == S_OK) { NewDeviceNode * pNDN = NULL;
// convert device object to device node
hr = HrCreateDeviceNodeFromDevice(pdev, &pNDN); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // display property pages for given device node
hr = HrCreateDevicePropertySheets(hwndOwner, pNDN);
// nuke device node
delete pNDN; }
ReleaseObj(pdev); } else if (hr == S_FALSE) { PTSTR pszText = NULL; PTSTR pszTitle = NULL;
if( pszText && pszTitle ) { MessageBox(hwndOwner, pszText, pszTitle, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); } delete pszText; delete pszTitle; TraceTag(ttidError, "Can not bring up property for device UDN=%S because" " FindByUDN returns S_FALSE.", szUDN); } ::SysFreeString(bstrUDN); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; TraceError("HrOnCommandInvoke: SysAllocString", hr); } }
ReleaseObj(pdf); }
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrOnCommandProperties"); return hr; }
// Function: HrOnCommandDelete
// Purpose: Command handler for the CMIDM_DELETE command
// Arguments:
// apidl [in] PIDL array (item 0 is our item to work on)
// cidl [in] Size of the array
// hwndOwner [in] Owner hwnd
// psf [in] Our folder
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 3 Dec 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrOnCommandDelete( LPITEMIDLIST * apidl, ULONG cidl, HWND hwndOwner, LPSHELLFOLDER psf) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwLoop = 0; INT iMBResult = 0;
#if 0
// Bring up the prompt for the delete
if (cidl > 1) { WCHAR wszItemCount[8];
// Convert the item count to a string
_itow( cidl, wszItemCount, 10 );
// Bring up the message box
// Convert the pidl to a confoldentry, and use the name
// to bring up the confirm message box
hr = HrPidlToCConFoldEntry(apidl[0], &pccfe); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Don't let them try to delete a wizard
delete pccfe; goto Exit; } else { // Check to see if this connection is in the process of activating.
// If so, then we won't allow the delete.
hr = HrCheckForActivation(NULL, pccfe, &fActivating); if (S_OK == hr) { if (!fActivating) { if ((pccfe->m_ncs == NCS_CONNECTING) || (pccfe->m_ncs == NCS_CONNECTED) || (pccfe->m_ncs == NCS_DISCONNECTING)) { // You can't delete an active connection
delete pccfe; goto Exit; } else { // Ask for delete confirmation
iMBResult = NcMsgBox( _Module.GetResourceInstance(), NULL, IDS_CONFOLD_DELETE_CONFIRM_SINGLE_CAPTION, IDS_CONFOLD_DELETE_CONFIRM_SINGLE, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION, pccfe->m_pszName); } } else { // Bring up the MB about "Hey, you can't delete while
// the connection is activating."
delete pccfe; goto Exit; } } else { // If the connection wasn't found, then we should just drop out of here
// because we sure can't delete it.
if (S_FALSE == hr) { delete pccfe; goto Exit; } }
delete pccfe; pccfe = NULL; } } else { AssertSz(FALSE, "Couldn't get ConFoldEntry from pidl in HrOnCommandDelete"); goto Exit; } } else { // No connections were specified. Take a hike.
goto Exit; }
// If the user said "Yes" to the prompt
if (iMBResult == IDYES) { CConnectionFolder * pcf = static_cast<CConnectionFolder *>(psf); LPITEMIDLIST pidlFolder = pcf ? pcf->PidlGetFolderRoot() : NULL; BOOL fShowActivationWarning = FALSE; BOOL fShowNotDeletableWarning = FALSE;
for (dwLoop = 0; dwLoop < cidl; dwLoop++) { PCCONFOLDENTRY pccfe = NULL;
hr = HrPidlToCConFoldEntry(apidl[dwLoop], &pccfe); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // If this is a LAN connection the user doesn't have rights
if ((NCM_LAN == pccfe->m_ncm) || (pccfe->m_fWizard)) { fShowNotDeletableWarning = TRUE; continue; }
// If this is a RAS connection and the user doesn't have rights
// then skip
if (NCM_LAN != pccfe->m_ncm) { if ((!FHasPermission(NCPERM_DeleteConnection)) || ((pccfe->m_dwCharacteristics & NCCF_ALL_USERS) && !FHasPermission(NCPERM_DeleteAllUserConnection))) { fShowNotDeletableWarning = TRUE; continue; } }
hr = HrCheckForActivation(NULL, pccfe, &fActivating); if (S_OK == hr) { // Only allow deletion if this connection is inactive and
// it allows removal.
if (fActivating || (pccfe->m_ncs == NCS_CONNECTING) || (pccfe->m_ncs == NCS_CONNECTED) || (pccfe->m_ncs == NCS_DISCONNECTING)) { fShowActivationWarning = TRUE; } else if (pccfe->m_dwCharacteristics & NCCF_ALLOW_REMOVAL) { hr = HrNetConFromPidl(apidl[dwLoop], &pNetCon); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pNetCon->Delete(); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pcf) { hr = HrDeleteFromCclAndNotifyShell(pidlFolder, apidl[dwLoop], pccfe); }
ReleaseObj(pNetCon); } } else { // The selected item is not deletable
fShowNotDeletableWarning = TRUE; } } } }
if (fShowNotDeletableWarning) { // You can't delete an item that doesn't support it
NcMsgBox( _Module.GetResourceInstance(), NULL, IDS_CONFOLD_ERROR_DELETE_CAPTION, (1 == cidl) ? IDS_CONFOLD_ERROR_DELETE_NOSUPPORT : IDS_CONFOLD_ERROR_DELETE_NOSUPPORT_MULTI, MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } else if (fShowActivationWarning) { // You can't delete an active connection. Note, if more
// than one are being deleted, then we put up the warning
// that says 'one or more are being ignored'.
TraceError("HrOnCommandDelete", hr); return hr; }
HRESULT HrCreateShortcutWithPath( LPITEMIDLIST * apidl, ULONG cidl, HWND hwndOwner, LPSHELLFOLDER psf, PCWSTR pszDir) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPDATAOBJECT pdtobj = NULL; LPITEMIDLIST * apidlInternal = NULL; ULONG cidlInternal = 0; DWORD dwLoop = 0;
if (cidl > 0) { apidlInternal = new LPITEMIDLIST[cidl]; if (apidlInternal) { for (;dwLoop < cidl; dwLoop++) { apidlInternal[cidlInternal++] = apidl[dwLoop]; }
hr = psf->GetUIObjectOf( hwndOwner, cidlInternal, (LPCITEMIDLIST *) apidlInternal, IID_IDataObject, NULL, (LPVOID *) &pdtobj); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { SHCreateLinks(hwndOwner, pszDir, pdtobj, SHCL_USEDESKTOP | SHCL_USETEMPLATE | SHCL_CONFIRM, NULL);
ReleaseObj(pdtobj); }
delete apidlInternal; } }
TraceError("HrCreateShortcutWithPath", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrOnCommandCreateShortcut
// Purpose: Command handler for the CMIDM_CREATE_SHORTCUT command.
// Arguments:
// apidl [in] PIDL array (item 0 is our item to work on)
// cidl [in] Size of the array
// hwndOwner [in] Owner hwnd
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 13 Mar 1998
// Notes:
HRESULT HrOnCommandCreateShortcut( LPITEMIDLIST * apidl, ULONG cidl, HWND hwndOwner, LPSHELLFOLDER psf) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
hr = HrCreateShortcutWithPath( apidl, cidl, hwndOwner, psf, NULL);
TraceHr(ttidShellFolder, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrOnCommandCreateShortcut"); return hr; }