Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Abstract: This module contains functions used by the COMSYS and NMS components of WINS. It also contains functions used by both the Pull and Push handler components of the Replicator
Functions: RplInit RplInsertQue RplFindOwnerId RplPushProc
This module is portable
Pradeep Bahl (PradeepB) Jan-1993
Revision History:
Modification date Person Description of modification ----------------- ------- ---------------------------- --*/
* Includes */ #include "wins.h"
#include <winsock2.h>
#include "nms.h"
#include "nmsdb.h"
#include "winsmsc.h"
#include "winsevt.h"
#include "winscnf.h"
#include "winsque.h"
#include "winsthd.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "nmsnmh.h"
#include "rpl.h"
#include "rplmsgf.h"
#include "rplpull.h"
#include "rplpush.h"
* Local Macro Declarations */ #define INIT_REC_BUFF_HEAP_SIZE 1000 //1000 bytes
// defines for the local message sent by the replicator to the Push/Pull
// thread and for setting the opcode in such a message
#define SET_OPCODE_M(pBuff, Opc) { \
*((pBuff) + LOCAL_RPL_MSG_SZ + 3) = \ (Opc); \ } #define USER_PORTION_M(pMsg) (pMsg + COMM_BUFF_HEADER_SIZE + sizeof(LONG))
#define USER_LEN_M(TotalLen) (TotalLen - COMM_BUFF_HEADER_SIZE - sizeof(LONG))
* Local Typedef Declarations */
* Global Variable Definitions */ HANDLE RplWrkItmHeapHdl; #if 0
HANDLE RplRecHeapHdl; #endif
HANDLE RplSyncWTcpThdEvtHdl; //Sync up with the TCP thread
// critical section to guard the RplPullOwnerVersNo array
* Local Variable Definitions */
// Critical Section that is instantiated only if this WINS server has
// one or more Push Partners
* Local Function Prototype Declarations */
/* prototypes for functions local to this module go here */ STATUS ERplInit( VOID )
Routine Description: This function is called to initialize the replicator.
It creates the PULL and PUSH threads
Arguments: pRplConfigRec - A list of configuration records
Externals Used: None
Return Value:
Success status codes -- WINS_SUCCESS Error status codes -- WINS_FAILURE
Error Handling:
Called by: Init() in nms.c
Side Effects:
Comments: Replicator connections are dynamic. They are initiated when needed and terminated when they have served their purpose.
If the connections were to be made STATIC, we would do the following in the above function:
Start a dialogue with each pull partner. Also creates a dialogue with each of the WINS servers that we have to send a notification to. --*/ {
// Make a copy of the magic number
RplPullCnfMagicNo = WinsCnf.MagicNo;
* Create heap for allocating Rpl work items */ DBGPRINT0(HEAP_CRDL, "ERplInit: Rpl Wrk. Item. Heap\n"); RplWrkItmHeapHdl = WinsMscHeapCreate( 0, /*to have mutual exclusion */ RPL_WRKITM_BUFF_HEAP_SIZE );
#if 0
* Create heap for allocating memory for names that are longer * than 17 characters and for storing group members when the * number of members are > 5 */ RplRecHeapHdl = WinsMscHeapCreate( 0, /*to have mutual exclusion */ INIT_REC_BUFF_HEAP_SIZE ); #endif
We create a PULL thread regardless of whether or not there was a PULL record in the configuration info (in the registry). This is because another WINS could send this WINS a push notification. This push notification will be received by the PUSH thread which will forward it to the PULL thread.
Considering that a situation where an RQ server in a multi-RQ configuration not getting Push notifications or not pulling from another RQ server is rare, we go ahead and create the PULL thread.
A redundent PULL thread is not much overhead. Creating a PULL thread on demand is going to be messier. */ WinsMscCreateEvt( TEXT("RplPullSynchWTcpThdEvtHd"), FALSE, //auto-reset
&RplSyncWTcpThdEvtHdl );
// Initialize the critical section that guards the
// RplPullOwnerVersNo Table.
RetStat = WinsMscSetUpThd( &QueRplPullQueHd, RplPullInit, &WinsCnf, &WinsThdPool.RplThds[WINSTHD_RPL_PULL_INDEX].ThdHdl, &WinsThdPool.RplThds[WINSTHD_RPL_PULL_INDEX].ThdId );
if (RetStat == WINS_SUCCESS) { WinsThdPool.RplThds[WINSTHD_RPL_PULL_INDEX].fTaken = TRUE; WinsThdPool.ThdCount++; //increment the thread count
// initialize the sPushNtfCrtSec Critical Section. This is
// used by ERplPushProc
CHECK("Is this critical section needed. I don't think so") InitializeCriticalSection(&sPushNtfCrtSec);
We create the PUSH thread regardless of whether or not there was any PUSH record in the configuration info in the registry. This is because, other WINS servers could pull from this WINS or send it a push notification.
Perhaps we should wait until the first connection from a PULL partner is received. That however will complicate the design a bit more. Considering that a situation where nobody is pulling from the RQ server is going to be rare in a multi-RQ server configuration, we just go ahead and create the PUSH thread now and keep the design simple and clean. */ PERF("Don't create the thread here. Let WinsQueInsertRplPushWrkItm create it")
// Set it to TRUE here before creating the thread instead of after
// it has been created to escape the window where another thread
// creates it from inside WinsQueInsertRplPushWrkItm (Not the
// case currently)
fRplPushThdExists = TRUE; RetStat = WinsMscSetUpThd( &QueRplPushQueHd, RplPushInit, &WinsCnf, &WinsThdPool.RplThds[WINSTHD_RPL_PUSH_INDEX].ThdHdl, &WinsThdPool.RplThds[WINSTHD_RPL_PUSH_INDEX].ThdId );
if (RetStat == WINS_SUCCESS) { WinsThdPool.RplThds[WINSTHD_RPL_PUSH_INDEX].fTaken = TRUE; WinsThdPool.ThdCount++; //increment the thread count
} else { fRplPushThdExists = FALSE; } return(WINS_SUCCESS); }
STATUS RplFindOwnerId ( IN PCOMM_ADD_T pWinsAdd, IN OUT LPBOOL pfAllocNew, OUT DWORD UNALIGNED *pOwnerId, IN DWORD InitpAction_e, IN DWORD MemberPrec )
Routine Description:
The function finds the owner id correponding to a WINS server.
It searches the OwnerIdAddTbl for a match. If none is found, it creates a mapping in the table and returns with the same.
Arguments: pWinsAdd -- Address of WINS whose owner id is sought pfAllocNew -- On input, if TRUE, assign an owner id. if this WINS is not known. On output indicates whether a new entry was allocated or old one (deleted one) reused pOwnerId -- Owner Id of WINS pNewStartVersNo - Start vers. no of this WINS. pOldStartVersNo - Start vers. no of this WINS that we have. pNewUid - Uid of the WINS pOldUid - Old Uid of the WINS
Externals Used: NmsDbOwnAddTbl
Return Value:
Success status codes -- WINS_SUCCESS Error status codes -- WINS_FAILURE
Error Handling:
Called by: NmsDbGetDataRecs, HandleUpdVersNoReq in rplpush.c
Side Effects:
Comments: This function is always called with either the last 4 arguments being NULL or non-NULL. --*/
{ DWORD i; STATUS RetStat = WINS_SUCCESS; DWORD NoOfOwners; PNMSDB_ADD_STATE_T pOwnAddTbl = pNmsDbOwnAddTbl; BOOL fDelEntryFound = FALSE; DWORD OwnerIdOfFirstDelEntry;
EnterCriticalSection(&NmsDbOwnAddTblCrtSec); NoOfOwners = NmsDbNoOfOwners; try { /*
* check OwnerIdAddTbl for a mapping */ for (i = 0; i < NoOfOwners; i++, pOwnAddTbl++) { if ( (ECommCompAdd( pWinsAdd, &(pOwnAddTbl->WinsAdd) ) == COMM_SAME_ADD) || (pOwnAddTbl->WinsState_e == NMSDB_E_WINS_DELETED) ) {
// if the state of WINS in the in-memory table is
// deleted, then we check if we are allowed (by the
// client of this function) to allocate a new
// entry (or reuse one that is deleted). If yes,
// we change the state of this WINS to ACTIVE
// and also update the database table
if (pOwnAddTbl->WinsState_e == NMSDB_E_WINS_DELETED) { if (!fDelEntryFound) { fDelEntryFound = TRUE; OwnerIdOfFirstDelEntry = i; } continue; } else // state is not deleted (means we found our entry)
{ #if 0
ModifyRec(); #endif
// Since we did not reuse an old one, set
// *pfAllocNew to FALSE
*pfAllocNew = FALSE; } *pOwnerId = i; break; } }
// if we did not find any entry in the table ...
if (i == NoOfOwners) { //
// If we are authorized to create an entry and we have one or
// more vacant slots to do this ..
if (*pfAllocNew) { //
// If we have a deleted entry, reuse it
if (fDelEntryFound) { pOwnAddTbl = pNmsDbOwnAddTbl+OwnerIdOfFirstDelEntry; pOwnAddTbl->WinsState_e = NMSDB_E_WINS_ACTIVE; pOwnAddTbl->WinsAdd = *pWinsAdd;
#if 0
AssignStartVersNo() #endif
* Write the record into the database table */ NmsDbWriteOwnAddTbl( NMSDB_E_INSERT_REC, OwnerIdOfFirstDelEntry, pWinsAdd, NMSDB_E_WINS_ACTIVE, &pOwnAddTbl->StartVersNo, &pOwnAddTbl->Uid ); //
// The above function has incremented the
// number of owners. Since we reused
// a deleted entry, let us correct the
// count
NmsDbNoOfOwners--; *pOwnerId = OwnerIdOfFirstDelEntry; } else // we don't have a deleted entry
{ /*
* If mapping could not be found, create one and store it * * Enter the critical section first since an RPC thread * may be accessing this table (WinsStatus()) */
if (i >= NmsDbTotNoOfSlots) {
WINSMSC_REALLOC_M( sizeof(NMSDB_ADD_STATE_T)*(NmsDbTotNoOfSlots * 2), (LPVOID *)&pNmsDbOwnAddTbl ); pOwnAddTbl = pNmsDbOwnAddTbl + NmsDbTotNoOfSlots; NmsDbTotNoOfSlots *= 2; DBGPRINT1(DET, "RplFindOwnerId: NO OF SLOTS IN NMSDBOWNASSTBL HAS BEEN INCREASED TO %d\n", NmsDbTotNoOfSlots);
RplPullAllocVersNoArray(&pRplPullOwnerVersNo, (RplPullMaxNoOfWins * 2)); RplPullMaxNoOfWins *= 2; DBGPRINT2(DET, "RplFindOwnerId: NO OF SLOTS IN NMSDBOWNADDTBL and in RPL_OWNER_VERS_NO_ARRAY HAS BEEN INCREASED TO (%d and %d)\n", NmsDbTotNoOfSlots, RplPullMaxNoOfWins);
} pOwnAddTbl->WinsAdd = *pWinsAdd; pOwnAddTbl->WinsState_e = NMSDB_E_WINS_ACTIVE; #if 0
InitStartVersNo() #endif
*pOwnerId = i;
* Write the record into the database table. The following * call will increment NmsDbNoOfOwners */ NmsDbWriteOwnAddTbl( NMSDB_E_INSERT_REC, i, pWinsAdd, NMSDB_E_WINS_ACTIVE, &pOwnAddTbl->StartVersNo, &pOwnAddTbl->Uid );
} } else //can't allocate a new one
// if we weren't asked to allocate a new one, return a
// failure code. If we were asked to allocate a new one,
// raise an exception (serious error)
RetStat = WINS_FAILURE; *pfAllocNew = FALSE; } } } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DBGPRINTEXC("RplFindOwnerId"); RetStat = WINS_FAILURE; //
// log a message
} //
// if we were able to find the member or inserted it
if (RetStat != WINS_FAILURE) { if ( (InitpAction_e == WINSCNF_E_INITP) || ( (InitpAction_e == WINSCNF_E_INITP_IF_NON_EXISTENT) && (*pfAllocNew) ) ) { pOwnAddTbl->MemberPrec = MemberPrec; }
} LeaveCriticalSection(&NmsDbOwnAddTblCrtSec); return(RetStat); }
STATUS ERplInsertQue( WINS_CLIENT_E Client_e, QUE_CMD_TYP_E CmdType_e, PCOMM_HDL_T pDlgHdl, MSG_T pMsg, MSG_LEN_T MsgLen, LPVOID pClientCtx, DWORD MagicNo )
Routine Description: This function is called to queue a replicator request
Arguments: Client_e - Client that is inserting the work item CmdType_e - Type of command to be specified in the work item pDlgHdl - Dlg Hdl if relevant to the work item pMsg - Message if this function is executing in a comm thread Msglen - Length of the message pClientCtx - Context of the client to insert in the work item
Externals Used: None
Return Value:
Success status codes -- WINS_SUCCESS Error status codes -- WINS_FAILURE
Error Handling:
Called by: ParseMsg() in comm.c, HandleUpdNtf() in rplpush.c, etc
Side Effects:
Comments: None --*/
FUTURES("Move all this to queue.c; Enter and leave critical sections")
QueAllocWrkItm( RplWrkItmHeapHdl, sizeof(QUE_RPL_REQ_WRK_ITM_T), (LPVOID *)&pWrkItm );
switch(CmdType_e) { /*
Wrk item queues by COMSYS (tcp listener thread) -- when a replicator message has been received */ case(QUE_E_CMD_REPLICATE_MSG):
pWrkItm->pMsg = pMsg; pWrkItm->MsgLen = MsgLen; pWrkItm->DlgHdl = *pDlgHdl; pWrkItm->CmdTyp_e = CmdType_e;
QueInsertRplPushWrkItm( (PLIST_ENTRY)pWrkItm, FALSE //we are not in the crit. sec.
); break;
// Work items are also queued as a result of
// administrative action
DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "RplInsertQue: PULL Trigger command from administrator\n" );
pWrkItm->CmdTyp_e = CmdType_e; pWrkItm->pClientCtx = pClientCtx; pWrkItm->MagicNo = MagicNo; QueInsertWrkItm( (PLIST_ENTRY)pWrkItm, QUE_E_RPLPULL, NULL ); break;
* Wrk items queued by the Timer Manager thread -- when a timeout * has occurred. */
// Currently, not being used by TMM. This if for future extensibility
// Tmm interfaces with different clients and it is better that
// that it be unaware of who the client is (see wintmm.c). When
// in the future, there is a case where TMM acquires knowledge
// of who the client is, it can use the ERplInsertQue function
// for Rpl Client to notify it if the timer expiration.
pTmmWrkItm = pClientCtx;
pWrkItm->pClientCtx = pTmmWrkItm->pClientCtx; pWrkItm->CmdTyp_e = CmdType_e;
QueInsertWrkItm( (PLIST_ENTRY)pWrkItm, QUE_E_UNKNOWN_TYPQ, pTmmWrkItm->pRspQueHd ); break;
* Wrk item queues by the main thread -- when configuration * has changed */ case(QUE_E_CMD_CONFIG): //fall through
pWrkItm->pClientCtx = pClientCtx; pWrkItm->CmdTyp_e = CmdType_e; QueInsertWrkItm( (PLIST_ENTRY)pWrkItm, QUE_E_RPLPULL, NULL ); break;
Wrk item queued by an NBT thread -- when a certain number of updates have been exceeded
It can also be queued by an RPC thread as a result of administrative action. */ case(QUE_E_CMD_SND_PUSH_NTF): case(QUE_E_CMD_SND_PUSH_NTF_PROP):
#ifdef WINSDBG
if (Client_e == WINS_E_WINSRPC) { DBGPRINT0(FLOW, "RplInsertQue: PUSH trigger command from administrator\n");
} #endif
pWrkItm->pClientCtx = pClientCtx; pWrkItm->pMsg = pMsg; pWrkItm->CmdTyp_e = CmdType_e; pWrkItm->MagicNo = MagicNo;
QueInsertSndNtfWrkItm( (PLIST_ENTRY)pWrkItm); break;
// Work item queued by the Push thread on getting an update
// notification message from a remote WINS
PERF("currently we are not passing any pClientCtx. So we can take off this") PERF("assignment") pWrkItm->pClientCtx = pClientCtx; pWrkItm->CmdTyp_e = CmdType_e; pWrkItm->DlgHdl = *pDlgHdl; pWrkItm->pMsg = pMsg; pWrkItm->MsgLen = MsgLen; pWrkItm->MagicNo = MagicNo;
QueInsertNetNtfWrkItm( (PLIST_ENTRY)pWrkItm); break;
default: DBGPRINT1(ERR, "ERplInsertQue: Invalid client Id (%d)\n", Client_e ); WINSEVT_LOG_M(WINS_FATAL_ERR, WINS_EVT_SFT_ERR); break; }
return(WINS_SUCCESS); }
FUTURES("Optimize so that records with Invalid metric are not looked at") VOID ERplPushProc( BOOL fAddDiff, LPVOID pCtx, PCOMM_ADD_T pNoPushWins1, PCOMM_ADD_T pNoPushWins2 )
Routine Description: This function is called in an NBT thread or in the PULL thread to push notifications to remote WINS servers (Pull pnrs)
Arguments: fAddDiff - Indicates whether this function got called as a result of address change pCtx - ctx to be passed in the work item pNoPushWins1 - Add of wins to which a trigger should not be sent pNoPushWins2 - Add of wins to which a trigger should not be sent
Externals Used: None
Return Value: None
Error Handling:
Called by: NmsNmhNamRegInd, NmsNmhNamRegGrp, NmsNmhReplRegInd, NmsNmhReplGrpMems, NmsNmhUpdVersNo, PullEntries in rplpull.c
Side Effects:
Comments: This function is called inside of the NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec section. There is no need for the thread to be within the WinsCnfCnfCrtSec since the thread (main thread) that changes WinsCnf structure enters the NmsNmsNamRegCrtSec (besides the WinsCnfCnfCrtSec) prior to changing WinsCnf.
if (fAddDiff) { if (pNoPushWins1) { IPAdd1 = pNoPushWins1->Add.IPAdd; } if (pNoPushWins2) { IPAdd2 = pNoPushWins2->Add.IPAdd; } }
// The trigger needs to be sent to all our Push Pnrs
pCnfRec = WinsCnf.PushInfo.pPushCnfRecs;
DBGPRINT2(RPL, "ERplPushProc: CurrVersNo is %d %d \n", NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo.HighPart, NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo.LowPart); if (!pCnfRec) { return; } //
// Loop over all our Push pnrs
for ( ; pCnfRec->WinsAdd.Add.IPAdd != INADDR_NONE; pCnfRec = (PRPL_CONFIG_REC_T)( (LPBYTE) pCnfRec + RPL_CONFIG_REC_SIZE ) ) {
// If the replication is not being done as a result of
// an address change, then compare our current max. version
// number with the last one at which we sent triggers to see
// if the requisite number of updates have been made to
// justify another trigger.
if (!fAddDiff) { //
// If the Update count field is invalid, go to the next
// record
if (pCnfRec->UpdateCount == RPL_INVALID_METRIC) { continue; }
// This function is always called from the macro, RPL_PUSH_NTF_M().
// When called, NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo is always the version # to be given
// to the next record. pCnfRec->LastVersNo is the version
// that was given to the first record after the last update
// notification or the first update since WINS invocation if
// no update notification was sent on WINS invocation.
if( (LiSub(NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo, pCnfRec->LastVersNo)/pCnfRec->UpdateCount) == 0 )
{ DBGPRINT0(RPL, "ERplPushProc: Update Count notification threshold not reached yet\n"); continue; } } else { //
// If fAddDiff flag is TRUE, it can either mean that
// this function got invoked as a result of a
// name registration done by an NBT thread that changed
// the address after conflict resolution or it can mean
// that replication trigger was sent by an administrator
// who desires its propagation along a fan out tree
// of WINS servers (we might be at the starting point of
// the tree (root of the tree triggered by the admin) or
// at another level. If we are not at the root, we need
// to check the Push Partners to which we must not
// propagate (we don't want to propagate to the WINS that
// that propagated the trigger to us.
if ( (pCnfRec->WinsAdd.Add.IPAdd == IPAdd1) || (pCnfRec->WinsAdd.Add.IPAdd == IPAdd2) ) { continue; }
FUTURES("Check whether we have just done replication with this WINS") FUTURES("This check can be madei if we store the version numbers of") FUTURES("all owners - in our db - that we replicated to this WINS in the") FUTURES("last replication cycle in the configuration record of this WINS") CHECK("Is storing this information - more memory - more cycles at replication") CHECK("more cycles at reinitialization - etc worth the saving in cycles") CHECK("at propagation time")
} CHECK("Do we need this critical section ??")
EnterCriticalSection(&sPushNtfCrtSec); try { { pCnfRec->LastVersNo = NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo; DBGPRINT0(RPL, "ERplPushProc: Update Count notification BEING SENT\n"); ERplInsertQue( WINS_E_NMSNMH, fAddDiff ? QUE_E_CMD_SND_PUSH_NTF_PROP : QUE_E_CMD_SND_PUSH_NTF, NULL, //no need to pass dlg hdl
pCtx, //ctx
0, //msg length
pCnfRec, pCnfRec->MagicNo ); } } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DWORD ExcCode = GetExceptionCode(); DBGPRINT1(EXC, "ERplPushProc: Got Exception (%x)\n", ExcCode); //
// log a message
WINSEVT_LOG_M(ExcCode, WINS_EVT_PUSH_TRIGGER_EXC); } LeaveCriticalSection(&sPushNtfCrtSec);
} // end of for loop
} // ERplPushProc()
PRPL_CONFIG_REC_T RplGetConfigRec( RPL_RR_TYPE_E TypeOfRec_e, PCOMM_HDL_T pDlgHdl, PCOMM_ADD_T pAdd ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function is called to search the list of pull/push pnrs and return with the address of the pnr corresponding to the address passed in.
Arguments: RPL_RR_TYPE_E Type of record (pull/push) PCOMM_HDL_T Dlg Hdl (implicit) of Pnr
Externals Used: None
Return Value: Address of Pnr's config structure or NULL
Error Handling:
Called by: Push thread & CheckIfDel() in Pull thread Side Effects:
Comments: None --*/
{ PRPL_CONFIG_REC_T pPnr; BOOL fRplPnr = FALSE; COMM_ADD_T WinsAdd; PCOMM_ADD_T pWinsAdd = &WinsAdd;
EnterCriticalSection(&WinsCnfCnfCrtSec); if (TypeOfRec_e == RPL_E_PULL) { pPnr = WinsCnf.PullInfo.pPullCnfRecs; } else { pPnr = WinsCnf.PushInfo.pPushCnfRecs; }
try { if (pPnr != NULL) { if (pAdd == NULL) { COMM_INIT_ADD_FR_DLG_HDL_M(pWinsAdd, pDlgHdl); } else { pWinsAdd = pAdd; }
// Search for the Cnf record for the WINS we want to
// send the PUSH notification to/Replicate with.
for ( ; (pPnr->WinsAdd.Add.IPAdd != INADDR_NONE) && !fRplPnr; // no third expression
) { //
// Check if this is the one we want
if (pPnr->WinsAdd.Add.IPAdd == pWinsAdd->Add.IPAdd) { //
// We are done. Set the fRplPnr flag to TRUE so that
// we break out of the loop.
// Note: Don't use break since that would cause
// a search for a 'finally' block
fRplPnr = TRUE; continue; //so that we break out of the loop
// Get the next record that follows this one sequentially
pPnr = WinsCnfGetNextRplCnfRec( pPnr, RPL_E_IN_SEQ //seq. traversal
); } } } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DBGPRINTEXC("GetConfigRec"); WINSEVT_LOG_M(GetExceptionCode(), WINS_EVT_EXC_PULL_TRIG_PROC); } LeaveCriticalSection(&WinsCnfCnfCrtSec);
#ifdef WINSDBG
if (fRplPnr) { DBGPRINT1(RPLPUSH, "LEAVING GetConfigRec - Pnr with address %x is in our list\n", pWinsAdd->Add.IPAdd); } else { if (pDlgHdl) { COMM_INIT_ADD_FR_DLG_HDL_M(pWinsAdd, pDlgHdl); DBGPRINT1(RPLPUSH, "LEAVING GetConfigRec - Pnr with address %x is NOT in our list\n", pWinsAdd->Add.IPAdd); }
} #endif
return(fRplPnr ? pPnr : NULL); }
#if 0
VOID ERplPushCompl( PCOMM_ADD_T pNoPushWins )
Routine Description: This function is called by the PULL thread to push notifications to remote WINS servers that have an INVALID_METRIC in their UpdateCount field (Pull pnrs)
Arguments: pNoPushWins - Add of wins to which a trigger should not be sent
Externals Used: None
Return Value: None
Error Handling:
Called by:
Side Effects:
Comments: This function is called inside of the NmsNmhNamRegCrtSec section. There is no need for the thread to be within the WinsCnfCnfCrtSec since the thread (main thread) that changes WinsCnf structure enters the NmsNmsNamRegCrtSec (besides the WinsCnfCnfCrtSec) prior to changing WinsCnf.
// The trigger needs to be sent to all our Push Pnrs
pCnfRec = WinsCnf.PushInfo.pPushCnfRecs;
// Let us get the current highest version no. of records owned by us
NMSNMH_DEC_VERS_NO_M( NmsNmhMyMaxVersNo, CurrVersNo ); //
// Loop over all our Push pnrs
for ( ; pCnfRec->WinsAdd.Add.IPAdd != INADDR_NONE; pCnfRec = (PRPL_CONFIG_REC_T)( (LPBYTE) pCnfRec + RPL_CONFIG_REC_SIZE ) ) {
// If the Update count field is invalid, go to the next
// record
if ( (pCnfRec->UpdateCount != RPL_INVALID_METRIC) || (pCnfRec->WinsAdd.Add.IPAdd == pNoPushWins) ) { continue; }
EnterCriticalSection(&sPushNtfCrtSec); try { { pCnfRec->LastVersNo = CurrVersNo; ERplInsertQue( WINS_E_NMSNMH, QUE_E_CMD_SND_PUSH_NTF, NULL, //no need to pass dlg hdl
NULL, //no msg is there
0, //msg length
pCnfRec ); } } except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DBGPRINTEXC("ERplPushCompl:"); //
// log a message
LeaveCriticalSection(&sPushNtfCrtSec); }
} // ERplPushCompl()
// Cut and Paste from RplFindOwnerId
VOID ModifyRec() { //
// The entry may have been inserted with a
// 0 start version counter value. If we
// have a valid value now, put that in.
if ( pNewStartVersNo != NULL && ( (LiNeq(pOwnAddTbl->StartVersNo, *pNewStartVersNo)) || (pOwnAddTbl->Uid != *pNewUid) )
) {
* Write the record into the database * table */ NmsDbWriteOwnAddTbl( NMSDB_E_MODIFY_REC, i, pWinsAdd, NMSDB_E_WINS_ACTIVE, pNewStartVersNo, pNewUid );
*pOldStartVersNo = pOwnAddTbl->StartVersNo; *pOldUid = pOwnAddTbl->Uid; //
// Init the in-memory table's field
pOwnAddTbl->StartVersNo = *pNewStartVersNo; pOwnAddTbl->Uid = *pNewUid; } else { if (pOldStartVersNo != NULL) { *pOldStartVersNo = pOwnAddTbl->StartVersNo;
} if (pOldUid != NULL) { *pOldUid = pOwnAddTbl->Uid;
} } } //ModifyRec()
// Cut and paste from RplFindOwnerId
VOID AssignStartVersNo() { //
// If we have a start version number for this
// WINS, use it to initialize the in-memory
// table field, else make the same 0.
if (pNewStartVersNo != NULL) { pOwnAddTbl->StartVersNo = *pNewStartVersNo; pOwnAddTbl->Uid = *pNewUid;
// Assign 0, since we didn't have any s.vers.
// # for this owner
// Assign 0, since we didn't have any Uid
// for this owner
*pOldUid = 0; } else { //
// Assign 0, since we don't have any s.vers.
// # for this owner
WINS_ASSIGN_INT_TO_VERS_NO_M( pOwnAddTbl->StartVersNo, 0 ); //
// Assign 0, since we didn't have any Uid
// for this owner
pOwnAddTbl->Uid = 0; } } //AssignStartVersNo()
// Cut and paste from RplFindOwnerId()
InitStartVersNo() {
if (pNewStartVersNo != NULL) { pOwnAddTbl->StartVersNo = *pNewStartVersNo; WINS_ASSIGN_INT_TO_VERS_NO_M(*pOldStartVersNo,0); pOwnAddTbl->Uid = *pNewUid; *pOldUid = 0; } else { WINS_ASSIGN_INT_TO_VERS_NO_M(pOwnAddTbl->StartVersNo,0); pOwnAddTbl->Uid = 0; } } //InitStartVersNo()