Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file implements a pseudo winfax interface. The COM interfaces call winfax using the regular winfax.h header file and include the cpp file as part of the build. This module provides winfax interfaces that talk to the fax server through http/ftp via isapi instead of the coventional rpc methods. This allows the COM interfaces to work on the internet and across a proxy too.
If you add any winfax interfaces to this file you must be sure to correctly update the faxisapi.h header file and add the corresponding function in the faxisapi dll.
Wesley Witt (wesw) 1-June-1997
User Mode
#include <windows.h>
#include <wininet.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "faxutil.h"
#include "winfax.h"
#include "faxisapi.h"
#define FixupStringIn(_s,_buf) if ((_s)) { (_s) = (LPWSTR) ((DWORD)(_s) + (DWORD)(_buf)); }
HINTERNET hInternet; HINTERNET hConnection; HANDLE hHeap;
VOID StoreString( LPWSTR String, LPDWORD DestString, LPBYTE Buffer, LPDWORD Offset ) { if (String) { wcscpy( (LPWSTR) (Buffer+*Offset), String ); *DestString = *Offset; *Offset += StringSize( String ); } else { *DestString = 0; } }
DWORD PortInfoSize( PFAX_PORT_INFOW PortInfo ) { DWORD Size = sizeof(FAX_PORT_INFOW);
Size += StringSize( PortInfo->DeviceName ); Size += StringSize( PortInfo->Tsid ); Size += StringSize( PortInfo->Csid );
return Size; }
VOID Flush( HINTERNET hSession ) { BOOL Rslt; DWORD Size; LPBYTE Buffer[32];
do { Size = sizeof(Buffer); Rslt = InternetReadFile( hSession, Buffer, Size, &Size ); } while( Rslt && Size ); }
BOOL GetResponse( HINTERNET hSession, LPBYTE Buffer, DWORD BufferSize ) { BOOL Rslt; DWORD Size; IFAX_RESPONSE_HEADER Response;
Rslt = InternetReadFile( hSession, (LPVOID) &Response, sizeof(IFAX_RESPONSE_HEADER), &Size ); if (!Rslt) { return FALSE; }
if (Response.ErrorCode) { SetLastError( Response.ErrorCode ); return FALSE; }
if (Response.Size) { Rslt = InternetReadFile( hSession, Buffer, min( BufferSize, Response.Size - sizeof(IFAX_RESPONSE_HEADER)), &Size ); if (!Rslt) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL GetResponseAlloc( HINTERNET hSession, LPBYTE *Buffer ) { BOOL Rslt; DWORD Size; IFAX_RESPONSE_HEADER Response;
Rslt = InternetReadFile( hSession, (LPVOID) &Response, sizeof(IFAX_RESPONSE_HEADER), &Size ); if (!Rslt) { return FALSE; }
if (Response.ErrorCode) { SetLastError( Response.ErrorCode ); return FALSE; }
*Buffer = (LPBYTE) MemAlloc( Response.Size ); if (*Buffer == NULL) { return FALSE; }
Rslt = InternetReadFile( hSession, *Buffer, Response.Size - sizeof(IFAX_RESPONSE_HEADER), &Size ); if (!Rslt) { MemFree( *Buffer ); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
HINTERNET OpenRequest( VOID ) { HINTERNET hSession = HttpOpenRequestA( hConnection, "GET", "/scripts/faxisapi.dll", "HTTP/1.0", "", NULL, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD | INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE, 0 ); if (!hSession) { return NULL; }
return hSession; }
BOOL SendRequest( HINTERNET hSession, LPVOID Buffer, DWORD BufferSize ) { BOOL Rslt = HttpSendRequestA( hSession, NULL, 0, Buffer, BufferSize ); if (!Rslt) { return FALSE; }
DWORD Code, Size; Size = sizeof(DWORD); if (!HttpQueryInfoA( hSession, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE | HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER, &Code, &Size, NULL )) { return FALSE; }
if (Code != HTTP_STATUS_OK) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
extern "C" VOID WINAPI FaxFreeBuffer( LPVOID Buffer ) { MemFree( Buffer ); }
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI FaxClose( IN HANDLE FaxHandle ) { HINTERNET hSession = OpenRequest(); if (!hSession) { return FALSE; }
iFaxGeneral.Command = ICMD_CLOSE; iFaxGeneral.FaxHandle = FaxHandle;
BOOL Rslt = SendRequest( hSession, (LPVOID) &iFaxGeneral, sizeof(IFAX_GENERAL) ); if (!Rslt) { InternetCloseHandle( hSession ); return FALSE; }
Rslt = GetResponse( hSession, NULL, 0 );
Flush( hSession ); InternetCloseHandle( hSession );
return Rslt; }
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI FaxConnectFaxServerW( IN LPWSTR MachineName OPTIONAL, OUT LPHANDLE FaxHandle ) { CHAR MachineNameA[64];
if (hInternet) { InternetCloseHandle( hInternet ); }
if (hConnection) { InternetCloseHandle( hConnection ); }
if (!hHeap) { hHeap = HeapInitialize( NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 ); }
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, MachineName, -1, MachineNameA, sizeof(MachineNameA), NULL, NULL );
hInternet = InternetOpenA( "FaxCom", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, NULL, NULL, 0 ); if (!hInternet) { return FALSE; }
hConnection = InternetConnectA( hInternet, MachineNameA, INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0 ); if (!hConnection) { return FALSE; }
HINTERNET hSession = OpenRequest(); if (!hSession) { return FALSE; }
iFaxConnect.Command = ICMD_CONNECT; wcscpy( iFaxConnect.ServerName, MachineName );
BOOL Rslt = SendRequest( hSession, (LPVOID) &iFaxConnect, sizeof(IFAX_CONNECT) ); if (!Rslt) { InternetCloseHandle( hSession ); return FALSE; }
DWORD Code, Size; HttpQueryInfo( hSession, HTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE | HTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER, &Code, &Size, NULL );
Rslt = GetResponse( hSession, (LPBYTE)FaxHandle, sizeof(HANDLE) );
Flush( hSession ); InternetCloseHandle( hSession );
return Rslt; }
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI FaxEnumPortsW( IN HANDLE FaxHandle, OUT LPBYTE *PortInfoBuffer, OUT LPDWORD PortsReturned ) { HINTERNET hSession = OpenRequest(); if (!hSession) { return FALSE; }
iFaxGeneral.Command = ICMD_ENUM_PORTS; iFaxGeneral.FaxHandle = FaxHandle;
BOOL Rslt = SendRequest( hSession, (LPVOID) &iFaxGeneral, sizeof(IFAX_GENERAL) ); if (!Rslt) { InternetCloseHandle( hSession ); return FALSE; }
Rslt = GetResponse( hSession, (LPBYTE)PortsReturned, sizeof(DWORD) ); if (Rslt) { Rslt = GetResponseAlloc( hSession, PortInfoBuffer ); }
if (Rslt) { PFAX_PORT_INFOW PortInfo = (PFAX_PORT_INFOW) *PortInfoBuffer;
for (DWORD i=0; i<*PortsReturned; i++) { FixupStringIn( PortInfo[i].DeviceName, PortInfo ); FixupStringIn( PortInfo[i].Tsid, PortInfo ); FixupStringIn( PortInfo[i].Csid, PortInfo ); } }
Flush( hSession ); InternetCloseHandle( hSession );
return Rslt; }
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI FaxOpenPort( IN HANDLE FaxHandle, IN DWORD DeviceId, IN DWORD Flags, OUT LPHANDLE FaxPortHandle ) { HINTERNET hSession = OpenRequest(); if (!hSession) { return FALSE; }
iFaxOpenPort.Command = ICMD_OPEN_PORT; iFaxOpenPort.FaxHandle = FaxHandle; iFaxOpenPort.DeviceId = DeviceId; iFaxOpenPort.Flags = Flags;
BOOL Rslt = SendRequest( hSession, (LPVOID) &iFaxOpenPort, sizeof(IFAX_OPEN_PORT) ); if (!Rslt) { InternetCloseHandle( hSession ); return FALSE; }
Rslt = GetResponse( hSession, (LPBYTE)FaxPortHandle, sizeof(HANDLE) );
Flush( hSession ); InternetCloseHandle( hSession );
return Rslt; }
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI FaxGetPortW( IN HANDLE FaxPortHandle, OUT LPBYTE *PortInfoBuffer ) { HINTERNET hSession = OpenRequest(); if (!hSession) { return FALSE; }
iFaxGeneral.Command = ICMD_GET_PORT; iFaxGeneral.FaxHandle = FaxPortHandle;
BOOL Rslt = SendRequest( hSession, (LPVOID) &iFaxGeneral, sizeof(IFAX_GENERAL) ); if (!Rslt) { InternetCloseHandle( hSession ); return FALSE; }
Rslt = GetResponseAlloc( hSession, PortInfoBuffer );
if (Rslt) { PFAX_PORT_INFOW PortInfo = (PFAX_PORT_INFOW) *PortInfoBuffer; FixupStringIn( PortInfo->DeviceName, PortInfo ); FixupStringIn( PortInfo->Tsid, PortInfo ); FixupStringIn( PortInfo->Csid, PortInfo ); }
Flush( hSession ); InternetCloseHandle( hSession );
return Rslt; }
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI FaxSetPortW( IN HANDLE FaxPortHandle, IN LPBYTE PortInfoBuffer ) { PFAX_PORT_INFOW PortInfo = (PFAX_PORT_INFOW) PortInfoBuffer;
HINTERNET hSession = OpenRequest(); if (!hSession) { return FALSE; }
DWORD Size = sizeof(IFAX_SET_PORT) + PortInfoSize( PortInfo ); DWORD Offset = sizeof(IFAX_SET_PORT);
PIFAX_SET_PORT iFaxSetPort = (PIFAX_SET_PORT) MemAlloc( Size ); if (!iFaxSetPort) { return FALSE; }
iFaxSetPort->Command = ICMD_SET_PORT; iFaxSetPort->FaxPortHandle = FaxPortHandle; iFaxSetPort->PortInfo.SizeOfStruct = PortInfo->SizeOfStruct; iFaxSetPort->PortInfo.DeviceId = PortInfo->DeviceId; iFaxSetPort->PortInfo.State = PortInfo->State; iFaxSetPort->PortInfo.Flags = PortInfo->Flags; iFaxSetPort->PortInfo.Rings = PortInfo->Rings; iFaxSetPort->PortInfo.Priority = PortInfo->Priority;
StoreString( PortInfo->DeviceName, (LPDWORD)iFaxSetPort->PortInfo.DeviceName, (LPBYTE)iFaxSetPort, &Offset ); StoreString( PortInfo->Csid, (LPDWORD)iFaxSetPort->PortInfo.Csid, (LPBYTE)iFaxSetPort, &Offset ); StoreString( PortInfo->Tsid, (LPDWORD)iFaxSetPort->PortInfo.Tsid, (LPBYTE)iFaxSetPort, &Offset );
BOOL Rslt = SendRequest( hSession, (LPVOID) iFaxSetPort, Size );
MemFree( iFaxSetPort );
if (!Rslt) { InternetCloseHandle( hSession ); return FALSE; }
Rslt = GetResponse( hSession, NULL, 0 );
Flush( hSession ); InternetCloseHandle( hSession );
return Rslt; }
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI FaxGetRoutingInfoW( IN HANDLE FaxPortHandle, IN LPWSTR RoutingGuid, OUT LPBYTE *RoutingInfoBuffer, OUT LPDWORD RoutingInfoBufferSize ) { HINTERNET hSession = OpenRequest(); if (!hSession) { return FALSE; }
iFaxGetRoutingInfo.Command = ICMD_GET_ROUTINGINFO; iFaxGetRoutingInfo.FaxPortHandle = FaxPortHandle; wcsncpy( iFaxGetRoutingInfo.RoutingGuid, RoutingGuid, MAX_GUID_STRING_LEN );
BOOL Rslt = SendRequest( hSession, (LPVOID) &iFaxGetRoutingInfo, sizeof(IFAX_GET_ROUTINGINFO) ); if (!Rslt) { InternetCloseHandle( hSession ); return FALSE; }
Rslt = GetResponse( hSession, (LPBYTE)RoutingInfoBufferSize, sizeof(DWORD) ); if (Rslt) { Rslt = GetResponseAlloc( hSession, RoutingInfoBuffer ); }
Flush( hSession ); InternetCloseHandle( hSession );
return Rslt; return TRUE; }
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI FaxGetDeviceStatusW( IN HANDLE FaxPortHandle, OUT LPBYTE *StatusBuffer ) { HINTERNET hSession = OpenRequest(); if (!hSession) { return FALSE; }
iFaxGeneral.Command = ICMD_GET_DEVICE_STATUS; iFaxGeneral.FaxHandle = FaxPortHandle;
BOOL Rslt = SendRequest( hSession, (LPVOID) &iFaxGeneral, sizeof(IFAX_GENERAL) ); if (!Rslt) { InternetCloseHandle( hSession ); return FALSE; }
Rslt = GetResponseAlloc( hSession, StatusBuffer );
FixupStringIn( DeviceStatus->CallerId, DeviceStatus ); FixupStringIn( DeviceStatus->Csid, DeviceStatus ); FixupStringIn( DeviceStatus->DeviceName, DeviceStatus ); FixupStringIn( DeviceStatus->DocumentName, DeviceStatus ); FixupStringIn( DeviceStatus->PhoneNumber, DeviceStatus ); FixupStringIn( DeviceStatus->RoutingString, DeviceStatus ); FixupStringIn( DeviceStatus->SenderName, DeviceStatus ); FixupStringIn( DeviceStatus->RecipientName, DeviceStatus ); FixupStringIn( DeviceStatus->StatusString, DeviceStatus ); FixupStringIn( DeviceStatus->Tsid, DeviceStatus );
Flush( hSession ); InternetCloseHandle( hSession );
return Rslt; }
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI FaxEnumRoutingMethodsW( IN HANDLE FaxPortHandle, OUT LPBYTE *RoutingInfoBuffer, OUT LPDWORD MethodsReturned ) { HINTERNET hSession = OpenRequest(); if (!hSession) { return FALSE; }
iFaxGeneral.Command = ICMD_ENUM_ROUTING_METHODS; iFaxGeneral.FaxHandle = FaxPortHandle;
BOOL Rslt = SendRequest( hSession, (LPVOID) &iFaxGeneral, sizeof(IFAX_GENERAL) ); if (!Rslt) { InternetCloseHandle( hSession ); return FALSE; }
Rslt = GetResponse( hSession, (LPBYTE)MethodsReturned, sizeof(DWORD) ); if (Rslt) { Rslt = GetResponseAlloc( hSession, RoutingInfoBuffer ); }
if (Rslt) { PFAX_ROUTING_METHODW RoutingMethod = (PFAX_ROUTING_METHODW) *RoutingInfoBuffer; for (DWORD i=0; i<*MethodsReturned; i++) { FixupStringIn( RoutingMethod[i].DeviceName, RoutingMethod ); FixupStringIn( RoutingMethod[i].Guid, RoutingMethod ); FixupStringIn( RoutingMethod[i].FriendlyName, RoutingMethod ); FixupStringIn( RoutingMethod[i].FunctionName, RoutingMethod ); FixupStringIn( RoutingMethod[i].ExtensionImageName, RoutingMethod ); FixupStringIn( RoutingMethod[i].ExtensionFriendlyName, RoutingMethod ); } }
Flush( hSession ); InternetCloseHandle( hSession );
return Rslt; }
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI FaxEnableRoutingMethodW( IN HANDLE FaxPortHandle, IN LPWSTR RoutingGuid, IN BOOL Enabled ) { HINTERNET hSession = OpenRequest(); if (!hSession) { return FALSE; }
iFaxEnableRouting.Command = ICMD_ENABLE_ROUTING_METHOD; iFaxEnableRouting.FaxPortHandle = FaxPortHandle; iFaxEnableRouting.Enabled = Enabled;
wcsncpy( iFaxEnableRouting.RoutingGuid, RoutingGuid, MAX_GUID_STRING_LEN );
BOOL Rslt = SendRequest( hSession, (LPVOID) &iFaxEnableRouting, sizeof(IFAX_ENABLE_ROUTING_METHOD) ); if (!Rslt) { InternetCloseHandle( hSession ); return FALSE; }
Rslt = GetResponse( hSession, NULL, 0 );
Flush( hSession ); InternetCloseHandle( hSession );
return Rslt; }
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI FaxGetVersion( IN HANDLE FaxHandle, OUT LPDWORD Version ) { HINTERNET hSession = OpenRequest(); if (!hSession) { return FALSE; }
iFaxGeneral.Command = ICMD_GET_VERSION; iFaxGeneral.FaxHandle = FaxHandle;
BOOL Rslt = SendRequest( hSession, (LPVOID) &iFaxGeneral, sizeof(IFAX_GENERAL) ); if (!Rslt) { InternetCloseHandle( hSession ); return FALSE; }
Rslt = GetResponse( hSession, (LPBYTE)Version, sizeof(DWORD) );
Flush( hSession ); InternetCloseHandle( hSession );
return Rslt; }