Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file implements wrappers for all mapi apis. The wrappers are necessary because mapi does not implement unicode and this code must be non-unicode.
WIN32 User Mode
Wesley Witt (wesw) 7-Aug-1996
#include "faxcpl.h"
#include <mapiwin.h>
#include <mapix.h>
static HMODULE MapiMod = NULL; static LPMAPIADMINPROFILES MapiAdminProfiles = NULL; static LPMAPIINITIALIZE MapiInitialize = NULL; static LPMAPIUNINITIALIZE MapiUnInitialize = NULL; static LPMAPIFREEBUFFER pMAPIFreeBuffer = NULL; static LPPROFADMIN lpProfAdmin;
BOOL isMapiEnabled = FALSE;
static LPWSTR AnsiStringToUnicodeString( LPSTR AnsiString, LPWSTR UnicodeString ) { DWORD Count;
// first see how big the buffer needs to be
Count = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, AnsiString, -1, NULL, 0 );
// i guess the input string is empty
if (!Count) { return NULL; }
// convert the string
Count = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, AnsiString, -1, UnicodeString, Count );
// the conversion failed
if (!Count) { return NULL; }
return UnicodeString; }
static LPSTR UnicodeStringToAnsiString( LPWSTR UnicodeString, LPSTR AnsiString ) { DWORD Count;
// first see how big the buffer needs to be
Count = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, UnicodeString, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL );
// i guess the input string is empty
if (!Count) { return NULL; }
// convert the string
Count = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, UnicodeString, -1, AnsiString, Count, NULL, NULL );
// the conversion failed
if (!Count) { return NULL; }
return AnsiString; }
VOID FreeSRowSet( LPSRowSet prws ) { ULONG irw;
if (!prws) { return; }
for(irw = 0; irw < prws->cRows; irw++) { pMAPIFreeBuffer( prws->aRow[irw].lpProps ); }
pMAPIFreeBuffer( prws ); }
ULONG MLCRelease( LPUNKNOWN punk ) { return (punk) ? punk->lpVtbl->Release(punk) : 0; }
BOOL ValidateProp( LPSPropValue pval, ULONG ulPropTag ) { if (pval->ulPropTag != ulPropTag) { pval->ulPropTag = ulPropTag; pval->Value.lpszA = "???"; return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL GetDefaultMapiProfile( LPWSTR ProfileName ) { BOOL rVal = FALSE; LPMAPITABLE pmt = NULL; LPSRowSet prws = NULL; LPSPropValue pval; DWORD i;
// get the mapi profile table object
if (lpProfAdmin->lpVtbl->GetProfileTable( lpProfAdmin, 0, &pmt )) { goto exit; }
// get the actual profile data, FINALLY
if (pmt->lpVtbl->QueryRows( pmt, 4000, 0, &prws )) { goto exit; }
// enumerate the profiles looking for the default profile
for (i=0; i<prws->cRows; i++) { pval = prws->aRow[i].lpProps; if (pval[2].Value.b) { //
// this is the default profile
AnsiStringToUnicodeString( pval[0].Value.lpszA, ProfileName ); rVal = TRUE; break; } }
exit: FreeSRowSet( prws ); MLCRelease( (LPUNKNOWN)pmt );
return rVal; }
BOOL InitializeMapi( VOID ) { MAPIINIT_0 MapiInit;
// load the mapi dll
MapiMod = LoadLibrary( TEXT("mapi32.dll") ); if (!MapiMod) { return FALSE; }
// get the addresses of the mapi functions that we need
MapiAdminProfiles = (LPMAPIADMINPROFILES) GetProcAddress( MapiMod, "MAPIAdminProfiles" ); MapiInitialize = (LPMAPIINITIALIZE) GetProcAddress( MapiMod, "MAPIInitialize" ); MapiUnInitialize = (LPMAPIUNINITIALIZE) GetProcAddress( MapiMod, "MAPIUninitialize" ); pMAPIFreeBuffer = (LPMAPIFREEBUFFER) GetProcAddress( MapiMod, "MAPIFreeBuffer" ); if (!MapiAdminProfiles || !MapiInitialize || !MapiUnInitialize || !pMAPIFreeBuffer) { return FALSE; }
// initialize mapi for our calls
MapiInit.ulVersion = 0; MapiInit.ulFlags = 0;
if (MapiInitialize( &MapiInit )) { return FALSE; }
// get the admin profile object
if (MapiAdminProfiles( 0, &lpProfAdmin )) { MapiUnInitialize(); FreeLibrary(MapiMod); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
VOID ShutdownMapi( VOID ) { if (isMapiEnabled) {
MapiUnInitialize(); FreeLibrary(MapiMod);
isMapiEnabled = FALSE; } }
BOOL GetMapiProfiles( HWND hwnd ) { BOOL rVal = FALSE; HMODULE MapiMod = NULL; LPMAPITABLE pmt = NULL; LPSRowSet prws = NULL; LPSPropValue pval; DWORD i;
// get the mapi table object
if (lpProfAdmin->lpVtbl->GetProfileTable( lpProfAdmin, 0, &pmt )) { goto exit; }
// get the actual profile data, FINALLY
if (pmt->lpVtbl->QueryRows( pmt, 4000, 0, &prws )) { goto exit; }
// enumerate the profiles and put the name
// of each profile in the combo box
for (i=0; i<prws->cRows; i++) { pval = prws->aRow[i].lpProps;
SendMessageA( hwnd, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) pval[0].Value.lpszA );
rVal = TRUE;
exit: FreeSRowSet( prws ); MLCRelease( (LPUNKNOWN)pmt );
return rVal; }