- FAXAB . H - * Purpose: * Header file for the Microsoft At Work Fax Address Book. * * Yoram Yaacovi, 1/94 */
* Windows headers */
#ifdef WIN95
#define TAPI_CURRENT_VERSION 0x00010004
#ifdef WIN32
#define INC_OLE2 /* Get the OLE2 stuff */
#define INC_RPC /* harmless on Daytona; Chicago needs it */
#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <commdlg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <mbstring.h>
#define itoa _itoa // MSVCNT libs export _itoa, not itoa.
* MAPI headers */ #include <mapiwin.h>
#include <mapidefs.h>
#include <mapicode.h>
#include <mapitags.h>
#include <mapiguid.h>
#include <mapispi.h>
#include <mapiutil.h>
#include <mapival.h>
* TAPI headers */ #include <tapi.h>
* At Work Fax common headers */ #include <awfaxab.rh>
#include <awrc32.h>
#include <property.h> // At Work Fax MAPI properties
//#include <uiutil.h> // At Work Fax UI (awfxcg32.dll) exports
//#include <mem.h> // At Work Fax UI (awfxcg32.dll) memory handling
#include <debug.h> // At Work Fax UI (awfxcg32.dll) debug macros and functions
#include <entryid.h> // At Work Fax various entry IDs
* Macros */ #define SIZEOF(x) sizeof(x)
#define ARRAYSIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0]))
**** Common address book objects members **** *********************************************/
* IUnknown base members */ #define FAB_IUnknown \
LONG lcInit; \ HRESULT hResult; \ UINT idsLastError; \ HINSTANCE hLibrary; \ LPALLOCATEBUFFER lpAllocBuff; \ LPALLOCATEMORE lpAllocMore; \ LPFREEBUFFER lpFreeBuff; \ LPMALLOC lpMalloc; \ CRITICAL_SECTION cs
#define FAB_IUnkWithLogon \
FAB_IUnknown; \ LPABLOGON lpABLogon
#define FAB_Wrapped \
FAB_IUnkWithLogon; \ LPMAPIPROP lpPropData
* At Work Fax AB headers */ #include "wrap.h"
#include "tblwrap.h"
#include "abp.h"
#include "abeid.h"
#include "abcont.h"
#include "abctbl.h"
#include "root.h"
#include "status.h"
#include "abuser.h"
#include "oouser.h"
#include "tid.h"
#include "ootid.h"
/**** Constants ***/
#define STRING_MAX 256 // Maximum size of string in the
// resource file string table or in the .ini file
#define SEL_STRING_MAX 50 // Maximum size of string for drop-down box selections
// Maximum sizes for various properties
#define MAX_DISPLAY_NAME 150 // Maximum size of display names (??)
#define MAX_ADDRTYPE 25 // Maximum size of address type (??)
#define MAX_EMAIL_ADDRESS MAX_PATH // Maximum size of an email addr (fax #)
#define MAX_MACHINE_CAPS 30 // Maximum size for fax capability string
#define MAX_SEARCH_NAME 50
// Display Table stuff
#define LABEL_TEXT_SIZE 40
#define TAB_TEXT_SIZE 15
// TAPI-ish defines
#define AREA_CODE_SIZE 10
typedef struct tagPARSEDTELNUMBER { TCHAR szCountryCode[COUNTRY_CODE_SIZE+1]; // country code
TCHAR szAreaCode[AREA_CODE_SIZE+1]; // area code
TCHAR szTelNumber[TELEPHONE_NUMBER_SIZE+1]; // telephone number
TCHAR szRoutingName[ROUTING_NAME_SIZE+1]; // routing name within the tel number destination
BOOL EncodeFaxAddress(LPTSTR lpszFaxAddr, LPPARSEDTELNUMBER lpParsedFaxAddr); BOOL DecodeFaxAddress(LPTSTR lpszFaxAddr, LPPARSEDTELNUMBER lpParsedFaxAddr);
* Function pointer prototypes for fax config functions */ typedef BOOL (* PFN_DECODE_FAX_ADDRESS)(LPTSTR lpszFaxAddr, LPPARSEDTELNUMBER lpParsedFaxAddr); typedef BOOL (* PFN_ENCODE_FAX_ADDRESS)(LPTSTR lpszFaxAddr, LPPARSEDTELNUMBER lpParsedFaxAddr);
********* Properties ************** ****************************************/
// CHECK: Move to property.h ?
// #define EFAX_PR_OPTIONS_BASE 0x6600
* Prop Tag associated with my szFileName in the profile */ #define PR_FAB_FILE_A PROP_TAG(PT_STRING8,0x6600)
/****** Display table related properties ******/
// Drop Down list box for country codes
// Template Buttons
// Address components properties moved to property.h. They are
// now used by chicago\security\chicago.c
// 0x6607-0x660a
****** Cross program Globals ******/
#ifdef _FAXAB_ABP
LCID lcidUser; // The Local Identifier
// HINSTANCE hInst; // This provider instance
LPTSTR lpszEMT = TEXT("FAX"); // This provider's Email Type
BOOL fDebugTrap = FALSE; // Deubg trap flag
BOOL fExposeFaxAB = FALSE; // Whether or not to expose the Fax AB
* structures and filters defined for display tables */
DTBLLABEL dtbllabel = { sizeof(DTBLLABEL), 0 }; DTBLPAGE dtblpage = { sizeof(DTBLPAGE), 0, 0, 0 }; DTBLGROUPBOX dtblgroupbox = { sizeof(DTBLGROUPBOX), 0 }; CHAR szNoFilter[] = "*"; CHAR szDigitsOnlyFilter[] = "[0-9]"; CHAR szTelephoneNumberFilter[] = "[0-9\\-\\. ,\\|AaBbCcDdPpTtWw\\*#!@\\$\\?;]"; CHAR szAddrTypeFilter[] = "[~:]"; CHAR szFileNameFilter[] = "[~ \\\\]"; /* ends up [~<space><tab>\\] */
* Standard column set is straight from the spec of required columns * for Display Tables */
extern LCID lcidUser; extern MAPIUID muidABMAWF; // extern HINSTANCE hInst;
extern LPTSTR lpszEMT; extern BOOL fDebugTrap; extern BOOL fExposeFaxAB; extern DTBLLABEL dtbllabel; extern DTBLPAGE dtblpage; extern DTBLGROUPBOX dtblgroupbox; extern CHAR szNoFilter[]; extern CHAR szDigitsOnlyFilter[]; extern CHAR szTelephoneNumberFilter[]; extern CHAR szAddrTypeFilter[]; extern CHAR szFileNameFilter[]; // ends up [~\\]
extern SPropTagArray DetInitColSet;
#endif // _FAXAB_ABP
****** Common functions prototypes ****** ****************************************/
* Creates a new contents table object */ HRESULT HrNewIVTAbc (LPMAPITABLE * lppIVTAbc, LPABLOGON lpABLogon, LPABCONT lpABC, HINSTANCE hLibrary, LPALLOCATEBUFFER lpAllocBuff, LPALLOCATEMORE lpAllocMore, LPFREEBUFFER lpFreeBuff, LPMALLOC lpMalloc );
* Creates/Updates the SAB's root hierarchy */ HRESULT HrBuildRootHier(LPABLOGON lpABLogon, LPMAPITABLE * lppMAPITable);
* Sets an error string associated with a particular hResult on an object. * It's used in conjunction with the method GetLastError. */ VOID SetErrorIDS (LPVOID lpObject, HRESULT hResult, UINT ids);
* Loads a string from a resource. Optionally allocates room for the string * if lpAllocBuff is not NULL. See ABP.C. */ SCODE ScLoadString( UINT ids, ULONG ulcch, LPALLOCATEBUFFER lpAllocBuff, HINSTANCE hLibrary, LPTSTR * lppsz);
* Calls TAPI to get current location area code and returns a pointer * to a string for it. */ LPTSTR GetCurrentLocationAreaCode( void );
* Calls TAPI to get current location country id */ DWORD GetCurrentLocationCountryID( void );
/* ***************************************************************************
* GetCountry * * - gets the a country or a country list from TAPI * * Parameters: dwReqCountryID - a TAPI country ID. 0 for all countries * * Returns: TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. *lppLineCountryList must * be freed with LocalFree. */ BOOL GetCountry( DWORD dwReqCountryID, LPLINECOUNTRYLIST *lppLineCountryList );
/* ***************************************************************************
* GetCountryCode * * - gets a country code when given a country ID * * Parameters: dwReqCountryID - a TAPI country ID * lpdwCountryCode - an address of a DWORD in which to store the country code * * Returns: TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. */
BOOL GetCountryCode( DWORD dwReqCountryID, DWORD *lpdwCountryCode );
FUNCTION: MakeMessageBox
PURPOSE: Gets resource string and displays an error message box.
PARAMETERS: hInst - Instnace of the caller (for getting strings) hWnd - Handle to parent window ulResult - Result/Status code 0: information message 100-499: warning message 500 and up: error message idString - Resource ID of message in StringTable fStyle - style of the message box
RETURNS: the return value from MessageBox() function
****************************************************************************/ int MakeMessageBox( HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hWnd, DWORD ulResult, UINT idString, UINT fStyle, ... );
/* ***************************************************************************
* EncodeFaxAddress * * - encodes fax address components into the format name@+country-code (area-code) fax-number * * Parameters: lpszFaxAddr - address of a buffer in which to fill the encoded fax number * lpParsedFaxAddr - an address of a PARSEDTELNUMBER structure which contains * the components of the address that need to be encoded * * Returns: TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. * * CHECK: will need localization */
BOOL EncodeFaxAddress( LPTSTR lpszFaxAddr, LPPARSEDTELNUMBER lpParsedFaxAddr );
/* ***************************************************************************
* DecodeFaxAddress * * - parses a fax address of the format name@+country-code (area-code) fax-number * * Parameters: lpszFaxAddr - a Fax address in the above format * lpParsedFaxAddr - an address of a PARSEDTELNUMBER structure in which to * fill the parsed information * * Returns: TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. * success: full address * no routing name * no area code * failure: no '+country-code ' * no telephone number * * CHECK: will need localization */
BOOL DecodeFaxAddress( LPTSTR lpszFaxAddr, LPPARSEDTELNUMBER lpParsedFaxAddr );
/* ***************************************************************************
* InitTAPI * * initializes TAPI by calling lineInitialize. enumerates all the available * lines to set up pt_lpVdts->lprgLineInfo. also opens up each available line for * monitoring. sets up pt_lpVdts->iLineCur and pt_lpVdts->iAddrCur by checking the * preferred line/address name stored in the ini file against the available * line/address names. * * Parameters: hInst - the instance of the calling module * hWnd - window handle for UI * lpszAppName - the name of the calling module * * returns NO_ERROR if success and the corresponding error code otherwise. */
* DeinitTAPI * * frees up the memory allocated, closes all the lines we have opened for * monitoring and calls lineShutDown to disconnect from TAPI. */
BOOL DeinitTAPI();
typedef struct _TagPTGData { CRITICAL_SECTION csInstance; // Critical section ro control access to hInst
WORD wInvocationFlags; // MAWFSettingsDialog invocation flags
HINSTANCE hInst; // DLL instance
HWND hWnd; // Application main window
LPPROPSTORAGE lpPropStorage; // Profile Section pointer
tThreadParam threadParam; // parameter passed to the wait-for-app thread
TCHAR szDefCoverPage[MAX_PATH]; // the default cover page file name
MEMALLOCATIONS *lpMemAllocations; // pointer to the allocations array
DEVICETYPE aDeviceTypes[NUMBER_OF_DEVICE_TYPES]; // the device types array
WORD cDeviceTypes; // number of device types
PARSEDMODEM aDevices[NUMBER_OF_DEVICES]; // The devices array
WORD iDeviceIndex; // index (in the aDevices) of the active fax device
WORD cDevices; // number of devices in the aDevices array
NONTAPIDEVICE aNonTAPIDevices[NUMBER_OF_DEVICES]; // the non-TAPI devices array
WORD iLastDeviceAdded; // type of the last device added
HWND hAddModemDlg; // handle of the DeviceAdd dialog
HWND hDeviceListDlg; // handle of the dialog that contains the device list
LPDTS lpVdts; // TAPI info structure
LPMALLOC lpMalloc; // IMalloc memory allocator
****** Constants ************* *********************************/
#define NOT_SIGNED FALSE // for SetDlgItemInt()
#define MAPI_ERROR_MAX 30
#define MAX_SENDER_NAME_SIZE 255 // maximum size fo the sender name
#define MAX_BILLING_CODE_SIZE 8 // Maximum size of billing code
#define MAX_NUMBER_OF_BILLING_CODES 10 // Maximum number of billing codes in prev list
#define NUMBER_OF_MV_STRINGS 20 // Maximum number of strings in a multi value property
#define NUMBER_OF_DEVICES 20 // Maximum # of devices I can handle
#define NUMBER_OF_DEVICE_TYPES 20 // Maximum # of devices types I can handle
#define NUM_OF_PROPERTIES 70 // Number of properties
#define SIZE_OF_PROP_STRINGS 1000 // Size of buffer allocated for ALL string properties
#define SIZE_OF_PROP_SAVE_NAMES 400 // Size of buffer allocated for the property save names
#define NUM_OF_MAWF_PROPERTY_PAGES 4 // Number of At Work Fax Property Sheet pages
#define MAWF_SHORT 1 // Display one page MAWF property sheet
#define MAWF_FULL NUM_OF_MAWF_PROPERTY_PAGES // Display all pages MAWF property sheet
#define INIT_BUF_SIZE 1024
#define szAWKey "Software\\Microsoft\\At Work Fax"
// this should only happen if the thread did not have private storage, and
// an attempt to allocate one failed
#define CHECK_THREAD_STORAGE_POINTER(ptr,func,result) \
if (!(ptr)) \ { \ Assert((ptr)); \ DEBUG_TRACE("%s: bad thread storage pointer. thread %x\n", (func), GetCurrentThreadId()); \ return ((result)); \ }
#define pt_csInstance lpPTGData->csInstance // per-thread critical section (for hInst)
#define pt_wInvocationFlags lpPTGData->wInvocationFlags // per-thread invocation flags
#define pt_hInst lpPTGData->hInst // per-thread instance handle
#define pt_hWnd lpPTGData->hWnd // per-thread main window handle
#define pt_lpPropStorage lpPTGData->lpPropStorage // per-thread property storage object
#define pt_threadParam lpPTGData->threadParam // per-thread CPE thread parameters
#define pt_szDefCoverPage lpPTGData->szDefCoverPage // per-thread default cover page
#define pt_lpMemAllocations lpPTGData->lpMemAllocations // per-thread memory allocations tracker
#define pt_aDeviceTypes lpPTGData->aDeviceTypes // per-thread device types list
#define pt_cDeviceTypes lpPTGData->cDeviceTypes // per-thread # of device types
#define pt_aDevices lpPTGData->aDevices // per-thread fax devices list
#define pt_cDevices lpPTGData->cDevices // per-thread # of fax devices
#define pt_iDeviceIndex lpPTGData->iDeviceIndex // per-thread current fax device index
#define pt_aNonTAPIDevices lpPTGData->aNonTAPIDevices // per-thread non-TAPI devices array
#define pt_iLastDeviceAdded lpPTGData->iLastDeviceAdded // per-thread type of last device added
#define pt_hAddModemDlg lpPTGData->hAddModemDlg // per-thread AddModem dlg handle
#define pt_hDeviceListDlg lpPTGData->hDeviceListDlg // per-thread device list dlg handle
#define pt_lpVdts lpPTGData->lpVdts // per-thread TAPI state
#define pt_lpMalloc lpPTGData->lpMalloc