Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the XPLOGON class implementation.
Wesley Witt (wesw) 13-Aug-1996
#include "faxxp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
CHAR gszProviderName[] = FAX_TRANSPORT_NAME; LPSTR gszFAXAddressType = FAX_ADDRESS_TYPE; LPSTR *gpszXPAddressTypes;
CXPLogon::CXPLogon( HINSTANCE hInstance, LPMAPISUP pSupObj, LPSTR ProfileName )
Routine Description:
Constructor of the object. Parameters are passed to initialize the data members with the appropiate values.
hInstance - Instance of the provider DLL pSupObj - Pointer to IMAPISupport object used in CXPLogon methods
Return Value:
{ m_cRef = 1; m_hInstance = hInstance; m_pSupObj = pSupObj; m_fABWDSInstalled = FALSE;
strcpy( m_ProfileName, ProfileName );
m_pSupObj->AddRef(); }
Routine Description:
Destructor of CXPLogon. Releases memory allocated for internal properties during the life of this transport logon object.
Return Value:
{ // Release the IMAPISupport object
m_pSupObj->Release(); m_pSupObj = NULL; }
STDMETHODIMP CXPLogon::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj )
Routine Description:
Returns a pointer to a interface requested if the interface is supported and implemented by this object. If it is not supported, it returns NULL.
Refer to OLE Documentation on this method.
Return Value:
{ // OLE requires NULLing parameter
*ppvObj = NULL; // If this is one of the two IID return an interface pointer to it
if (riid == IID_IXPLogon || riid == IID_IUnknown) { *ppvObj = (LPVOID)this; // Increase usage count of this object
AddRef(); return S_OK; } // This object does not support the interface requested
STDMETHODIMP CXPLogon::AddressTypes( ULONG * pulFlags, ULONG * pcAdrType, LPTSTR ** pppAdrTypeArray, ULONG * pcMAPIUID, LPMAPIUID ** pppMAPIUIDArray )
Routine Description:
Called by the MAPI Spooler when initializing this XP logon object to allow the transport to register the address it will handle.
Refer to OLE Documentation on this method.
Return Value:
S_OK always
{ *pcAdrType = 1; *pulFlags = 0; gpszXPAddressTypes = &gszFAXAddressType; *pppAdrTypeArray = gpszXPAddressTypes; *pcMAPIUID = 0; *pppMAPIUIDArray = NULL; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CXPLogon::RegisterOptions( ULONG * pulFlags, ULONG * pcOptions, LPOPTIONDATA * ppOptions )
Routine Description:
This transport does not registers any per-recipient or per-message option processing, so we return 0 options. And NULL in the OPTIONDATA structure pointer.
Refer to OLE Documentation on this method.
Return Value:
{ *pulFlags = 0; *pcOptions = 0; *ppOptions = NULL; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CXPLogon::InitializeStatusRow( ULONG ulFlags )
Routine Description:
To initialize or modify the status properties of a CXPLogon object. This function allocates an array with NUM_STATUS_ROW_PROPS properties and initializes them.
ulFlags - 0 if the properties are being created the first time. MODIFY_FLAGS if a change is being made to the properties
Return Value:
SPropValue spvStatusRow[NUM_STATUS_ROW_PROPS] = { 0 }; ULONG i = 0;
// Set the PR_PROVIDER_DISPLAY property: The transport readable name
spvStatusRow[i].ulPropTag = PR_PROVIDER_DISPLAY; spvStatusRow[i++].Value.LPSZ = TRANSPORT_DISPLAY_NAME_STRING;
// Set the PR_RESOURCE_METHODS property. These are the methods implemented
// in the our IMAPIStatus implementation (CMAPIStatus class.)
spvStatusRow[i].ulPropTag = PR_RESOURCE_METHODS; // we support ALL the methods in our implementation of IMAPIStatus interface (except the WRITABLE ones)
// Set the PR_STATUS_CODE property.
spvStatusRow[i].ulPropTag = PR_STATUS_CODE; spvStatusRow[i++].Value.l = GetTransportStatusCode();
// Set the PR_STATUS_STRING property
TCHAR szStatus[64]; LoadStatusString (szStatus, sizeof(szStatus)); spvStatusRow[i].ulPropTag = PR_STATUS_STRING; spvStatusRow[i++].Value.LPSZ = szStatus;
// Set the PR_DISPLAY_NAME property
spvStatusRow[i].ulPropTag = PR_DISPLAY_NAME; spvStatusRow[i++].Value.LPSZ = TRANSPORT_DISPLAY_NAME_STRING;
// Set the PR_REMOTE_PROGRESS property
spvStatusRow[i].ulPropTag = PR_REMOTE_PROGRESS; spvStatusRow[i++].Value.l = -1; // Not initialized
// Set the PR_REMOTE_VALIDATE_OK property
spvStatusRow[i].ulPropTag = PR_REMOTE_VALIDATE_OK; spvStatusRow[i++].Value.b = TRUE;
// Write the entries on the provider's session status row
HRESULT hResult = m_pSupObj->ModifyStatusRow (i, spvStatusRow, ulFlags); return hResult; }
VOID WINAPI CXPLogon::UpdateStatus( BOOL fAddValidate, BOOL fValidateOkState )
Routine Description:
Updates the transport status row of this transport in the MAPI Mail subsystem. Updates the flags according the internal state flags maintained in status code of the transport and loads a readable status string to reset the status row. The caller of this method should update the status code member variable prior to calling UpdateStatus()
fAddValidate fValidateOkState
Return Value:
{ ULONG cProps = 1; SPropValue rgProps[1] = { 0 };
rgProps[0].ulPropTag = PR_STATUS_CODE; rgProps[0].Value.l = GetTransportStatusCode();
HRESULT hResult = m_pSupObj->ModifyStatusRow( cProps, rgProps, STATUSROW_UPDATE ); }
BOOL WINAPI CXPLogon::LoadStatusString( LPTSTR pString, UINT uStringSize )
Routine Description:
Loads a string from the transport's stringtable. This method is called by the CXPLogon::UpdateStatus method when updating a status row. This method loads the string based on the status bits of the transport status code
pString - Pointer to a string which will hold the status string uStringSize - Maximum number of characters allowed in the string
Return Value:
TRUE - If the string was found in the string table. FALSE - The string was not found. The String indicated by pString is set to hold 0 characters
{ strcpy( pString, "Status String" ); return TRUE; }
STDMETHODIMP CXPLogon::TransportNotify( ULONG * pulFlags, LPVOID * ppvData )
Routine Description:
Update the status row registered by this transport with MAPI.
Refer to MAPI Documentation on this method.
Return Value:
{ ULONG ulOldStatus = GetTransportStatusCode();
if (*pulFlags & NOTIFY_BEGIN_INBOUND) { AddStatusBits( STATUS_INBOUND_ENABLED ); } if (*pulFlags & NOTIFY_END_INBOUND) { RemoveStatusBits( STATUS_INBOUND_ENABLED ); } if (*pulFlags & NOTIFY_BEGIN_OUTBOUND) { AddStatusBits( STATUS_OUTBOUND_ENABLED ); } if (*pulFlags & NOTIFY_END_OUTBOUND) { RemoveStatusBits( STATUS_OUTBOUND_ENABLED ); } if (*pulFlags & NOTIFY_BEGIN_OUTBOUND_FLUSH) { m_pSupObj->SpoolerNotify( NOTIFY_SENTDEFERRED, NULL ); } if (*pulFlags & NOTIFY_END_OUTBOUND_FLUSH) { RemoveStatusBits( STATUS_OUTBOUND_FLUSH ); } if (*pulFlags & NOTIFY_END_INBOUND_FLUSH) { RemoveStatusBits( STATUS_INBOUND_FLUSH ); }
if (ulOldStatus != GetTransportStatusCode()) { UpdateStatus(); }
return S_OK; }
Routine Description:
Stub method. We should not get called here, because we told the spooler not to call us here.
Refer to MAPI Documentation on this method.
Return Value:
S_OK always.
{ return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CXPLogon::TransportLogoff( ULONG ulFlags )
Routine Description:
This method is called by the spooler when the transport should do final arragements before it gets released.
Refer to MAPI Documentation on this method.
Return Value:
{ //
// We should attempt to remove the transport's status row from
// the system, but if we fail we won't fail the call.
HRESULT hResult = m_pSupObj->ModifyStatusRow (0, NULL, 0);
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CXPLogon::SubmitMessage( ULONG ulFlags, LPMESSAGE pMsgObj, ULONG * pulMsgRef, ULONG * pulReturnParm )
Routine Description:
This method is called by the spooler when a client submits a message to a recipient whose address type this transport handles. The spooler calls this method twice for each deferred message. The first time (before the delivery time) when the message is submitted by the client, we simply return. The message is then queued by the spooler for later delivery. We keep track of when it's time to send deferred messages.
The second time we're called, the state variable will be 'READY' and we go ahead and start the actual transmission. While we're in the body of this function, the implied state is 'SENDING'
If the client logs out of this session, any pending messages get queued again the next time it logs in.
In this transport we get a recipient table, we restrict the table for unmarked recipients. After the table is ready we invoke a helper method to do the actual transmission.
Refer to MAPI Documentation on this method.
Return Value:
{ LPADRLIST pAdrList = NULL, pAdrListFailed = NULL; ULONG ulRow, ulCount1 = 0 , ulCount2 = 0; LPSPropValue pProps; FILETIME ft; SYSTEMTIME st; BOOL fSentSuccessfully; ULONG cValues; LPSPropValue pMsgProps = NULL; BOOL NeedDeliveryReport; CHAR szHeaderText[1024]; LPSTREAM lpstmT = NULL; DWORD Rslt; CHAR ErrorText[256]; BOOL UseRichText = FALSE; LPMAPITABLE AttachmentTable = NULL; LPSRowSet pAttachmentRows = NULL; LPMAPITABLE pTable = NULL; SPropValue spvRecipUnsent; SRestriction srRecipientUnhandled; LPSRowSet pRecipRows = NULL;
CheckSpoolerYield( TRUE );
// Get the recipient table from the message
HRESULT hResult = pMsgObj->GetRecipientTable( FALSE, &pTable ); if (hResult) { goto ErrorExit; }
// The spooler marks all the message recipients this transport has to
// handle with PR_RESPONSIBILITY set to FALSE
spvRecipUnsent.ulPropTag = PR_RESPONSIBILITY; spvRecipUnsent.Value.b = FALSE;
srRecipientUnhandled.rt = RES_PROPERTY; srRecipientUnhandled.res.resProperty.relop = RELOP_EQ; srRecipientUnhandled.res.resProperty.ulPropTag = PR_RESPONSIBILITY; srRecipientUnhandled.res.resProperty.lpProp = &spvRecipUnsent;
hResult = pTable->Restrict( &srRecipientUnhandled, 0 ); if (hResult) { goto ErrorExit; }
// Let the MAPI spooler do other things
hResult = HrAddColumns( pTable, (LPSPropTagArray) &sptRecipTable, gpfnAllocateBuffer, gpfnFreeBuffer ); if (FAILED(hResult)) { goto ErrorExit; }
hResult = HrQueryAllRows( pTable, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, &pRecipRows ); if (FAILED(hResult)) { goto ErrorExit; }
// Let the MAPI spooler do other things
hResult = pMsgObj->GetProps( (LPSPropTagArray) &sptPropsForHeader, 0, &cValues, &pMsgProps ); if (FAILED(hResult)) { goto ErrorExit; }
hResult = pMsgObj->OpenProperty( PR_RTF_COMPRESSED, &IID_IStream, 0, 0, (LPUNKNOWN*) &lpstmT ); if (FAILED(hResult)) { hResult = pMsgObj->OpenProperty( PR_BODY, &IID_IStream, 0, 0, (LPUNKNOWN*) &lpstmT ); if (FAILED(hResult)) { //
// the message body is empty
lpstmT = NULL; } } else { UseRichText = TRUE; }
// We need to check if the sender requeste a delivery report or not.
if (PR_ORIGINATOR_DELIVERY_REPORT_REQUESTED == pMsgProps[MSG_DR_REPORT].ulPropTag && pMsgProps[MSG_DR_REPORT].Value.b) { NeedDeliveryReport = TRUE; } else { NeedDeliveryReport = FALSE; }
GetSystemTime (&st); SystemTimeToFileTime (&st, &ft);
for (ulRow=0; ulRow<pRecipRows->cRows; ulRow++) { pProps = pRecipRows->aRow[ulRow].lpProps;
Rslt = SendFaxDocument( pMsgObj, lpstmT, UseRichText, pMsgProps, pProps ); fSentSuccessfully = Rslt == 0;
if (!fSentSuccessfully) { // Make the spooler generate an NDR instead of DR
pProps[RECIP_DELIVER_TIME].ulPropTag = PR_NULL; LoadString( FaxXphInstance, Rslt, ErrorText, sizeof(ErrorText) ); wsprintf( szHeaderText, "\tThe Fax transport service failed to deliver the message to this recipient.\r\n%s\r\n", ErrorText ); LPTSTR pStr; hResult = gpfnAllocateMore( Cbtszsize(szHeaderText), pProps, (LPVOID *)&pStr ); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) { // Copy the formatted string and hook it into the
// pre-allocated (by MAPI) column
lstrcpy (pStr, szHeaderText); pProps[RECIP_REPORT_TEXT].ulPropTag = PR_REPORT_TEXT; pProps[RECIP_REPORT_TEXT].Value.LPSZ = pStr; } else { pProps[RECIP_REPORT_TEXT].ulPropTag = PROP_TAG (PT_ERROR, PROP_ID (PR_REPORT_TEXT)); pProps[RECIP_REPORT_TEXT].Value.err = hResult; } } else { // For delivery report, each recipient must have this property set.
// Otherwise the spooler will default to generate an NDR instead.
// manage the lists
LPADRLIST * ppTmpList = (fSentSuccessfully ? &pAdrList : &pAdrListFailed); ULONG ulTmpCount = (fSentSuccessfully ? ulCount1 : ulCount2);
// Does the list where this recipient goes have enough room for one more entry?
// If not, resize the address list to hold QUERY_SIZE more entries.
if (!(*ppTmpList) || ((*ppTmpList)->cEntries + 1 > ulTmpCount)) { hResult= GrowAddressList( ppTmpList, 10, &ulTmpCount ); if (hResult) { goto ErrorExit; } ulCount1 = (fSentSuccessfully ? ulTmpCount : ulCount1); ulCount2 = (!fSentSuccessfully ? ulTmpCount : ulCount2); }
// We have room now so store the new ADRENTRY. As part of the
// storage, we're going to copy the SRow pointer from the SRowSet
// into the ADRENTRY. Once we've done this, we won't need the
// SRowSet any more ... and the SRow will be released when
// we unwind the ADRLIST
(*ppTmpList)->aEntries[(*ppTmpList)->cEntries].cValues = pRecipRows->aRow[ulRow].cValues; (*ppTmpList)->aEntries[(*ppTmpList)->cEntries].rgPropVals = pRecipRows->aRow[ulRow].lpProps;
// Increase the number of entries in the address list
// Now that we are finished with this row (it is in the right
// adrlist) we want to disassociate it from the rowset
// so we don't delete this before we modify the recipients list
pRecipRows->aRow[ulRow].lpProps = NULL; pRecipRows->aRow[ulRow].cValues = 0; }
if (!(FAILED(hResult))) { // Now we need to save changes on the message and close it.
// After this, the message object can't be used.
hResult = pMsgObj->SaveChanges(0); }
// Let the MAPI spooler do other things
// Do we have some recipients that the message arrived to?
if (pAdrList) { hResult = pMsgObj->ModifyRecipients( MODRECIP_MODIFY, pAdrList ); hResult = S_OK; // We'll drop the error code from the modify recipients call
if (NeedDeliveryReport) { hResult = m_pSupObj->StatusRecips( pMsgObj, pAdrList ); if (!HR_FAILED(hResult)) { // If we were successful, we should null out the pointer becase MAPI released
// the memory for this structure. And we should not try to release it
// again in the cleanup code.
pAdrList = NULL; } } }
// Do we have some recipients that the message DID NOT arrived to?
if (pAdrListFailed) { hResult = pMsgObj->ModifyRecipients( MODRECIP_MODIFY, pAdrListFailed ); // We'll drop the error code from the modify recipients call
// The address list has the entries with the PR_RESPONSIBILITY set, so the
// spooler will know if it has to generate NDR reports.
hResult = m_pSupObj->StatusRecips( pMsgObj, pAdrListFailed ); if (!HR_FAILED(hResult)) { // If we were successful, we should null out the pointer becase MAPI released
// the memory for this structure. And we should not try to release it
// again in the cleanup code.
pAdrListFailed = NULL; } }
ErrorExit: // Release the table, we're finished with it
if (pTable) { pTable->Release(); }
// Release the spooler's message if needed to
if (pMsgObj) { pMsgObj->Release (); }
if (pRecipRows) { FreeProws( pRecipRows ); }
if (pMsgProps) { MemFree( pMsgProps ); }
if (lpstmT) { lpstmT->Release(); }
// In case there is a warning or error floating around, don't let it escape to the spooler.
if (FAILED(hResult)) { // We default to MAPI_E_NOT_ME so that the spooler would attempt handle
// the message to other transport (currently running in this profile)
// that handle the same address type as ours.
hResult = MAPI_E_NOT_ME; } else { hResult = S_OK; } return hResult; }
STDMETHODIMP CXPLogon::GrowAddressList( LPADRLIST *ppAdrList, ULONG ulResizeBy, ULONG *pulOldAndNewCount )
Routine Description:
In this function, given an address list with pulOldAndNewCount of entries, we resize the address list to hold the old number of entries plus the ulResizeBy entries. The old address list contents are copied to the new list and the count reset. The memory for the old address list is released here.
ppAdrList - Pointer to an address where the old address list is and where the new resized address list will be returned ulResizeBy - Number of new address entries to add to the list pulOldAndNewCount - Number of entries in the old address list. In this parameter, upon sucessful return, will have the number of in the new address list
Return Value:
{ LPADRLIST pNewAdrList; // Calculate how big the new buffer for the expanded address list should be
ULONG cbSize = CbNewADRLIST ((*pulOldAndNewCount) + ulResizeBy); // Allocate the memory for it
HRESULT hResult = gpfnAllocateBuffer (cbSize, (LPVOID *)&pNewAdrList); if (hResult) { // We can't continue
return hResult; }
// Zero-out all memory for neatness
ZeroMemory (pNewAdrList, cbSize);
// If we had entries in the old address list, copy the memory from
// the old addres list into the new expanded list
if ((*pulOldAndNewCount)) { CopyMemory( pNewAdrList, *ppAdrList, CbNewADRLIST ((*pulOldAndNewCount)) ); }
// Set the number of entries in the new address list to the OLD size
pNewAdrList->cEntries = (*pulOldAndNewCount);
// We must return the number of available entries in the new expanded address list
(*pulOldAndNewCount) += ulResizeBy;
// Free the old memory and put the new pointer in place
gpfnFreeBuffer (*ppAdrList); *ppAdrList = pNewAdrList; return hResult; }
STDMETHODIMP CXPLogon::EndMessage( ULONG ulMsgRef, ULONG *pulFlags )
Routine Description:
This method is called by the spooler for each message we're to deliver. It's the mate to SubmitMessage. We're called here twice for each deferred message and once for non-deferred (realtime) messages.
We first check the transport state, and if we're WAITING for the scheduled delivery time to arrive, we return END_DONT_RESEND in *pulFlags, which tells the spooler to queue this message for deferred delivery.
If the state is SENDING, we're getting called here after a message has been dequeued and delivered. Return 0 in *pulFlags to tell the spooler the message has been delivered.
Refer to MAPI Documentation on this method.
Return Value:
{ *pulFlags = 0; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CXPLogon::Poll( ULONG *pulIncoming )
Routine Description:
Stub method. We should not get called here, because we told the spooler not to call us here.
Refer to MAPI Documentation on this method.
Return Value:
{ return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CXPLogon::StartMessage( ULONG ulFlags, LPMESSAGE pMsgObj, ULONG * pulMsgRef )
Routine Description:
This method gets called when an incoming message is pending to be processed.
Refer to MAPI Documentation on this method.
Return Value:
{ return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CXPLogon::OpenStatusEntry( LPCIID pInterface, ULONG ulFlags, ULONG * pulObjType, LPMAPISTATUS * ppEntry )
Routine Description:
This method is called to get an IMAPIStatus object for this XPLOGON session.
Refer to MAPI Documentation on this method.
Return Value:
{ if (MAPI_MODIFY & ulFlags) { return E_ACCESSDENIED; }
*pulObjType = MAPI_STATUS; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CXPLogon::ValidateState( ULONG ulUIParam, ULONG ulFlags )
Routine Description:
This function gets caller by a client in order to validate the transport logon properties. This function open the profile with the most up-to-date properties and then compares them to what the transport has stored internally.
Refer to MAPI Documentation on this method.
Return Value:
{ return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CXPLogon::FlushQueues( ULONG ulUIParam, ULONG cbTargetTransport, LPENTRYID pTargetTransport, ULONG ulFlags )
Routine Description:
Called by the MAPI spooler when, upon request of the client or ourselves, we need to flush the inbound or outbound queue. Here we make connections to the server to download messages, refresh the remote message headers, and request the spooler to send us any deferred messages. Transport connecting only in FlushQueues() allow the MAPI spooler to better manage contention of multiple transport accessing common communication resources (such as COM ports) and let the spooler give us messages to process when is best for the overall subsystem.
Refer to MAPI Documentation on this method.
Return Value:
{ return S_OK; }
void WINAPI CXPLogon::CheckSpoolerYield( BOOL fReset )
Routine Description:
Enforce the 0.2 second rule for transport that need to yield to the MAPI spooler. Called periodically while processing a message to determine if we have used more than 0.2 seconds. If so, then call SpoolerYield(), else just continue. This is called with fReset set to TRUE when we first enter one of the Transport Logon methods (usually one that is known to take a long time like StartMessage() or SubmitMessage(). )
Refer to MAPI Documentation on this method.
Return Value:
{ DWORD dwStop; static DWORD dwStart; if (fReset) { dwStart = GetTickCount(); } else { dwStop = GetTickCount(); if ((dwStop - dwStart) > 200) // 200 milliseconds
{ m_pSupObj->SpoolerYield (0); dwStart = GetTickCount(); } } }
Routine Description:
Refer to MAPI Documentation on this method.
Return Value:
{ ++m_cRef; return m_cRef; }
Routine Description:
Refer to MAPI Documentation on this method.
Return Value:
{ ULONG ulCount = --m_cRef; if (!ulCount) { delete this; }
return ulCount; }