// LPC.H Local Remote Procedure Call
// History:
// 2/27/94 JosephJ Created.
//#define NEW_LPC
#ifdef NEW_LPC
#define dwSIG_SHARED 0x567D56DBL
#define dwSIG_SERVER 0x50704B2BL
#define dwSIG_CLIENT 0xBF9B1A63L
typedef struct { DWORD dwSig; // Must be dwSIG_SHARED above
DWORD dwClientIDs; // Bitmap of currently bound client IDs;
DWORD dwSrvrID; // ID of current server.
DWORD dwSrvrState; // SERVER_STATE enum
DWORD dwCallState; // CALL_STATE enum
DWORD dwCallClientID; // ID of client that placed current call.
DWORD dwDataSize; // Size of following data
typedef struct {
// Service name
char rgchService[MAX_PATHNAME_SIZE+1];
// Shared Memory
HANDLE hMap; // hMap of shared data.
HANDLE hMtx; // Controls access to the shared data.
// Created by anyone (thread that
// created it is responsible for initializing the
// shared memory it guards).
// Only the server can grab it for extended periods
// of time -- precisely when it is processing a call.
BOOL fGrabbed; // True if mutex grabbed by this process.
// Events;
HANDLE hevSrvrFree;// Used to signal to clients that the server is idle.
// AUTO reset, created non-signalled by anyone.
HANDLE hevCallAvail;// Used to signal to the server that a call is avilable
// Manual reset. Created non-signalled by anyone.
HANDLE hevCallDone; // If Server: event of client that placed current
// call. Used to signal to the client that it's
// call is done. It is also used determine if the
// client is still around by trying to open this
// named event.
// If Client: it's event, signalled by server. Created
// when calling ClientBind.
// Manual reset. ONE per client. Created nonsignalled
// by client when doing a ClientBind.
HANDLE hevCallDoneAck; // Used to signal to the server that the call-done
// has been picked up by the client.
// Manual reset. Created non-signalled by anyone.
#ifdef NEW_LPC
LPSHARED_DATA lpSharedData; // Pointer to shared data.
DWORD dwSrvrID; // Server: My ID; Client: Server I last dealt with.
DWORD dwClientID; // Server: Client I last dealt with. Server: My ID.
#else // !NEW_LPC
DWORD dwSharedDataSize; LPVOID lpvSharedData;
// Events
HANDLE hevSrvcReg;
enum {eSS_UNDEF=0, eSS_REG, eSS_UNREG} eState; #endif // !NEW_LPC
typedef struct {
#ifdef NEW_LPC
DWORD dwSig; // MUST be dwSIG_SERVER above.
#else // !NEW_LPC
DWORD dwInstanceID; enum {eS_UNINIT=0, eS_INIT} eState; #endif // !NEW_LPC
HANDLE hDummyEvent;
typedef struct {
#ifdef NEW_LPC
DWORD dwSig; // MUST be dwSIG_CLIENT above.
#else NEW_LPC
DWORD dwInstanceID; DWORD dwServerInstanceID; #endif //!NEW_LPC
typedef void (FAR *LPFNCALLHANDLER)(DWORD dwID, DWORD dwDataSize, LPBYTE lpbData); // Server call handling function.
BOOL ServerRegister(LPSTR lpszService, LPSERVER_LOCAL_STATE); // Registers a server. Only one server can be registered for
// a particular service name.
// Initializes server_local_state. Returns TRUE on success.
BOOL ServerUnRegister(LPSERVER_LOCAL_STATE); // Unregisters the service. Invalidates data in server_local_state.
// Returns true on success.
#ifdef NEW_LPC
BOOL ClientCheckIfServerPresent(LPSTR lpszService); // Returns true iff a server for this service exists. May be called
// at any time (even before ClientBind). It may be used for the client
// to determine whether to launch the server.
// This is not foolproof: for example, the server may exit just after
// this call returns true, or the server may exist, but be hung.
#endif // NEW_LPC
BOOL ClientBind(LPSTR lpszService, DWORD dwTimeout, LPCLIENT_LOCAL_STATE); // Binds to the specified service, initializes client_local_state.
// Returns TRUE on success.
BOOL ClientUnBind(LPCLIENT_LOCAL_STATE lpClient); // Binds from the specified service.
// Returns TRUE on success.
BOOL ClientMakeCall(LPCLIENT_LOCAL_STATE, DWORD dwTimeout, DWORD dwID, DWORD dwSize, LPBYTE lpbData); // Returns only when complete...
// Copies all data to shared mem, and copies back when
// done. Never times out. Returns FALSE if there was
// some problem with the rpc system, or if bad parameters.
BOOL ClientMakeCallEx(LPSTR lpszService, DWORD dwID, DWORD dwSize, LPBYTE lpbData); // Immediate binding version of ClientMakeCall.
// Returns only when complete...
// Copies all data to shared mem, and copies back when
// done. Never times out. Returns FALSE if there was
// some problem with the rpc system, or if bad parameters.
BOOL ServerListen(LPSERVER_LOCAL_STATE, LPFNCALLHANDLER, HANDLE hev2, DWORD dwTimeout); // Blocks until call received, then
// calls lpfnCallHandler(id,size,data) once and returns when call is
// handled. Returns FALSE iff listen timed out. The intension here
// is for the server to repeatedly call ServerListen. Each time
// either one call is handled or the function times out.
// Following functions are for calling only by LibEntry, on process
// Creation and termination.... When the LPC functionality is moved
// into a separate DLL, this will migrate into an internal header file.
void LPCInternalInit(void); void LPCInternalDeInit(void);