Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Utilities for t30
Rafael Lisitsa (RafaelL) 2-Feb-1996
Revision History:
#include "prep.h"
#include "glbproto.h"
#include "t30gl.h"
#define BAD_HANDLE(h) (!(h) || (h)==INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
PVOID T30AllocThreadGlobalData( VOID ) {
pTG = MemAlloc (sizeof(ThrdGlbl) ); FillMemory (pTG, sizeof(ThrdGlbl), 0);
return (pTG);
BOOL itapi_async_setup(PThrdGlbl pTG) {
if (pTG->fWaitingForEvent) { MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ERR, "ERROR:Already waiting for event!\n"); }
if (pTG->dwSignalledRID) { MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ERR, "ERROR:Nonzero old NONZERO ID 0x%lx\n",(unsigned long) pTG->dwSignalledRID); }
return TRUE;
BOOL itapi_async_wait(PThrdGlbl pTG, DWORD dwRequestID, PDWORD lpdwParam2, PDWORD_PTR lpdwParam3, DWORD dwTimeout) {
DWORD NumHandles=2; HANDLE HandlesArray[2]; DWORD WaitResult;
if (!pTG->fWaitingForEvent) { MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ERR, "ERROR:Not waiting for event!\n"); // ASSERT(FALSE);
HandlesArray[1] = pTG->AbortReqEvent;
// We want to be able to un-block ONCE only from waiting on I/O when the AbortReqEvent is signaled.
if (pTG->fAbortRequested) {
if (pTG->fOkToResetAbortReqEvent && (!pTG->fAbortReqEventWasReset)) { MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "itapi_async_wait RESETTING AbortReqEvent at %lx\n",GetTickCount() ); pTG->fAbortReqEventWasReset = 1; ResetEvent(pTG->AbortReqEvent); }
pTG->fUnblockIO = 1; }
HandlesArray[0] = pTG->hevAsync;
if (pTG->fUnblockIO) { NumHandles = 1; } else { NumHandles = 2; }
WaitResult = WaitForMultipleObjects(NumHandles, HandlesArray, FALSE, dwTimeout);
if (WaitResult == WAIT_FAILED) { MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ERR, "itapi_async_wait: WaitForMultipleObjects FAILED le=%lx at %ld \n", GetLastError(), GetTickCount() ); }
if ( (NumHandles == 2) && (WaitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) ) { pTG->fUnblockIO = 1;
MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "itapi_async_wait ABORTED at %ld\n", GetTickCount() ); return FALSE; }
switch( WaitResult ) {
case (WAIT_OBJECT_0): { BOOL fRet=TRUE;
if(pTG->dwSignalledRID == dwRequestID) { pTG->dwSignalledRID = 0; pTG->fWaitingForEvent = FALSE; } else { MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ERR, "ERROR:Request ID mismatch. Input:0x%p; Curent:0x%p\n", dwRequestID, pTG->dwSignalledRID); fRet=FALSE; }
if (!fRet) goto failure; }
case WAIT_TIMEOUT: MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ERR, "ERROR:Wait timed out. RequestID=0x%p\n", dwRequestID); goto failure;
default: MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ERR, "ERROR:Wait returns error. GetLastError=%ld\n", (long) GetLastError()); goto failure; }
if (lpdwParam2) *lpdwParam2 = pTG->dwSignalledParam2;
if (lpdwParam3) *lpdwParam3 = pTG->dwSignalledParam3;
return TRUE;
failure: EnterCriticalSection(&T30CritSection);
if(pTG->dwSignalledRID==dwRequestID) { pTG->dwSignalledRID=0; pTG->fWaitingForEvent=FALSE; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL itapi_async_signal(PThrdGlbl pTG, DWORD dwRequestID, DWORD dwParam2, DWORD_PTR dwParam3) { BOOL fRet=FALSE;
if (!pTG->fWaitingForEvent) { MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ERR, "ERROR:Not waiting for event, ignoring ID=0x%lx \n", (unsigned long) dwRequestID); goto end; }
if (pTG->dwSignalledRID) { MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ERR, "ERROR:Nonzero old NONZERO ID 0x%lx. New ID=0x%lx \n", (unsigned long) pTG->dwSignalledRID, (unsigned long) dwRequestID); }
pTG->dwSignalledRID=dwRequestID; pTG->dwSignalledParam2= 0; pTG->dwSignalledParam3= 0;
if (!SetEvent(pTG->hevAsync)) { MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ERR, "ERROR:SetEvent(0x%lx) returns failure code: %ld \n", (ULONG_PTR) pTG->hevAsync, (long) GetLastError()); fRet=FALSE; goto end; }
pTG->dwSignalledParam2= dwParam2; pTG->dwSignalledParam3= dwParam3;
fRet=TRUE; end: LeaveCriticalSection(&T30CritSection); return fRet; }
VOID MyDebugPrint( PThrdGlbl pTG, int DbgLevel, LPSTR Format, ... )
{ char buf[1024]; char c; va_list arg_ptr; int u; int i; DWORD dwWritten;
if ( (DbgLevel > gT30.DbgLevel) || (! gfFilePrint) ) { return; }
va_start(arg_ptr, Format);
if (pTG == NULL) { wsprintf(buf, "----"); } else { wsprintf(buf, "-%02d-", pTG->DeviceId); }
u = wvsprintf(&buf[4], Format, arg_ptr) + 4;
// _vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), Format, arg_ptr);
// scramble buf
for (i=0; i<u; i++) { c = buf[i]; buf[i] = ( (c << 4 ) & 0xf0 ) | ( (c >> 4) & 0x0f ); }
WriteFile(ghLogFile, buf, u, &dwWritten, NULL);
LPLINECALLPARAMS itapi_create_linecallparams(void) { UINT cb = CALLPARAMS_SIZE; LPLINECALLPARAMS lpParams = MemAlloc(cb);
if (!lpParams) goto end;
_fmemset(lpParams,0, cb); lpParams->dwTotalSize= cb;
lpParams->dwBearerMode = LINEBEARERMODE_PASSTHROUGH; lpParams->dwMediaMode = LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM; // Unimodem only accepts
lpParams->dwCallParamFlags = 0; lpParams->dwAddressMode = LINEADDRESSMODE_ADDRESSID; lpParams->dwAddressID = 0; // +++ assumes addreddid 0.
lpParams->dwCalledPartySize = 0; // +++
lpParams->dwCalledPartyOffset = 0; // +++
end: return lpParams; }
BOOL SignalStatusChange( PThrdGlbl pTG, DWORD StatusId )
FAX_DEV_STATUS *pFaxStatus; LPWSTR lpwCSI; // inside the FaxStatus struct.
LPBYTE lpTemp;
// If Aborting OR completed then do NOT override the statusId
if ( (pTG->StatusId == FS_USER_ABORT) || (pTG->StatusId == FS_COMPLETED) ) { return (TRUE); }
pTG->StatusId = StatusId;
// should use HeapAlloc because FaxSvc frees it.
pFaxStatus = HeapAlloc(gT30.HeapHandle , HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(FAX_DEV_STATUS) + 4096 );
if (!pFaxStatus) { MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ERR, "ERROR: SignalStatusChange HeapAlloc failed\n"); goto failure; }
pFaxStatus->SizeOfStruct = sizeof (FAX_DEV_STATUS) + 4096; pFaxStatus->StatusId = pTG->StatusId; pFaxStatus->StringId = pTG->StringId;
if (pTG->StatusId == FS_RECEIVING) { pFaxStatus->PageCount = pTG->PageCount + 1; } else { pFaxStatus->PageCount = pTG->PageCount; }
if (pTG->fRemoteIdAvail) { lpTemp = (LPBYTE) pFaxStatus; lpTemp += sizeof(FAX_DEV_STATUS); lpwCSI = (LPWSTR) lpTemp; wcscpy(lpwCSI, pTG->RemoteID); pFaxStatus->CSI = (LPWSTR) lpwCSI; } else { pFaxStatus->CSI = NULL; }
pFaxStatus->CallerId = NULL; pFaxStatus->RoutingInfo = NULL;
if (! PostQueuedCompletionStatus(pTG->CompletionPortHandle, sizeof (FAX_DEV_STATUS), pTG->CompletionKey, (LPOVERLAPPED) pFaxStatus) ) {
MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ERR, "ERROR: PostQueuedCompletionStatus failed LE=%x\n", GetLastError() ); goto failure; }
MyDebugPrint(pTG, LOG_ALL, "SignalStatusChange ID=%x Page=%d \n", pTG->StatusId, pTG->PageCount);
return (TRUE);
return (FALSE);
BOOL SignalRecoveryStatusChange( T30_RECOVERY_GLOB *Recovery )
// should use HeapAlloc because FaxSvc frees it.
pFaxStatus = HeapAlloc(gT30.HeapHandle , HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(FAX_DEV_STATUS) + 4096 );
if (!pFaxStatus) { goto failure; }
pFaxStatus->SizeOfStruct = sizeof (FAX_DEV_STATUS) + 4096; pFaxStatus->StatusId = FS_FATAL_ERROR; // RSL better: FS_FSP_EXCEPTION_HANDLED;
pFaxStatus->StringId = 0;
pFaxStatus->PageCount = 0;
pFaxStatus->CSI = NULL;
pFaxStatus->CallerId = NULL; pFaxStatus->RoutingInfo = NULL;
if (! PostQueuedCompletionStatus(Recovery->CompletionPortHandle, sizeof (FAX_DEV_STATUS), Recovery->CompletionKey, (LPOVERLAPPED) pFaxStatus) ) {
goto failure; }
return (TRUE);
return (FALSE);
DWORD ComputeCheckSum( LPDWORD BaseAddr, DWORD NumDwords ) {
DWORD RetValue = 0; DWORD i;
for (i=0; i<NumDwords; i++) { RetValue += *(BaseAddr+i); }
return (RetValue);
VOID SimulateError( DWORD ErrorType )
LPDWORD lpdwPtr; DWORD dw1, dw2;
switch (ErrorType) { case EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION: lpdwPtr = NULL; *lpdwPtr = 5;
case EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO: dw1 = 5; dw2 = dw1 - 1; dw2 = dw1 / (dw1 + dw2 - 9);