Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the configuration specific WINFAX API functions.
Wesley Witt (wesw) 29-Nov-1996
Revision History:
#include "faxapi.h"
#pragma hdrstop
Routine Description:
Retrieves the FAX configuration from the FAX server. The SizeOfStruct in the FaxConfig argument MUST be set to a value=>= sizeof(FAX_CONFIGURATION).
FaxHandle - FAX handle obtained from FaxConnectFaxServer. FaxConfig - Pointer to a FAX_CONFIGURATION structure.
Return Value:
TRUE - Success FALSE - Failure, call GetLastError() for more error information.
{ error_status_t ec; DWORD FaxConfigSize = 0;
if (!ValidateFaxHandle(FaxHandle,FHT_SERVICE)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; }
if (!FaxConfig) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; }
*FaxConfig = NULL;
ec = FAX_GetConfiguration( FH_FAX_HANDLE(FaxHandle), (LPBYTE*)FaxConfig, &FaxConfigSize );
if (ec) { SetLastError( ec ); return FALSE; }
FixupStringPtr( FaxConfig, (*FaxConfig)->ArchiveDirectory ); FixupStringPtr( FaxConfig, (*FaxConfig)->InboundProfile );
return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
Retrieves the FAX configuration from the FAX server. The SizeOfStruct in the FaxConfig argument MUST be set to a value=>= sizeof(FAX_CONFIGURATION).
FaxHandle - FAX handle obtained from FaxConnectFaxServer. FaxConfig - Pointer to a FAX_CONFIGURATION structure.
Return Value:
TRUE - Success FALSE - Failure, call GetLastError() for more error information.
{ if (!FaxGetConfigurationW( FaxHandle, (PFAX_CONFIGURATIONW*) FaxConfigA )) { return FALSE; }
ConvertUnicodeStringInPlace( (LPWSTR) (*FaxConfigA)->ArchiveDirectory ); ConvertUnicodeStringInPlace( (LPWSTR) (*FaxConfigA)->InboundProfile );
return TRUE; }
BOOL WINAPI FaxSetConfigurationW( IN HANDLE FaxHandle, IN const FAX_CONFIGURATIONW *FaxConfig )
Routine Description:
Changes the FAX configuration on the FAX server. The SizeOfStruct in the FaxConfig argument MUST be set to a value == sizeof(FAX_CONFIGURATION).
FaxHandle - FAX handle obtained from FaxConnectFaxServer. FaxConfig - Pointer to a FAX_CONFIGURATION structure.
Return Value:
TRUE - Success FALSE - Failure, call GetLastError() for more error information.
{ error_status_t ec;
if (!ValidateFaxHandle(FaxHandle,FHT_SERVICE)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; }
if (!FaxConfig) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
ec = FAX_SetConfiguration( FH_FAX_HANDLE(FaxHandle), FaxConfig ); if (ec) { SetLastError( ec ); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL WINAPI FaxSetConfigurationA( IN HANDLE FaxHandle, IN const FAX_CONFIGURATIONA *FaxConfig ) { error_status_t ec; FAX_CONFIGURATIONW FaxConfigW;
if (!ValidateFaxHandle(FaxHandle,FHT_SERVICE)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; }
if (!FaxConfig) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// ansi structure is same size as unicode structure, so we can just copy it, then
// cast the string pointers correctly
if (FaxConfig->ArchiveDirectory) { FaxConfigW.ArchiveDirectory = AnsiStringToUnicodeString(FaxConfig->ArchiveDirectory); }
if (FaxConfig->InboundProfile) { FaxConfigW.InboundProfile = AnsiStringToUnicodeString(FaxConfig->InboundProfile); }
ec = FAX_SetConfiguration( FH_FAX_HANDLE(FaxHandle), (PFAX_CONFIGURATIONW)&FaxConfigW );
if (FaxConfigW.ArchiveDirectory) { MemFree((PVOID)FaxConfigW.ArchiveDirectory); } if (FaxConfigW.InboundProfile) { MemFree((PVOID)FaxConfigW.InboundProfile); }
if (ec != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(ec); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL WINAPI FaxGetLoggingCategoriesA( IN HANDLE FaxHandle, OUT PFAX_LOG_CATEGORYA *Categories, OUT LPDWORD NumberCategories ) { BOOL retval; DWORD i;
if (!ValidateFaxHandle(FaxHandle,FHT_SERVICE)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; }
if (!Categories || !NumberCategories) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
retval = FaxGetLoggingCategoriesW(FaxHandle,(PFAX_LOG_CATEGORYW *)Categories , NumberCategories); if (!retval) { return FALSE; }
for (i=0; i<*NumberCategories; i++) { ConvertUnicodeStringInPlace( (LPWSTR)(*Categories)[i].Name ); }
return TRUE;
BOOL WINAPI FaxGetLoggingCategoriesW( IN HANDLE FaxHandle, OUT PFAX_LOG_CATEGORYW *Categories, OUT LPDWORD NumberCategories ) { error_status_t ec; DWORD BufferSize = 0; DWORD i;
if (!ValidateFaxHandle(FaxHandle,FHT_SERVICE)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; }
if (!Categories || !NumberCategories) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
*Categories = NULL; *NumberCategories = 0;
ec = FAX_GetLoggingCategories( FH_FAX_HANDLE(FaxHandle), (LPBYTE*)Categories, &BufferSize, NumberCategories ); if (ec != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(ec); return FALSE; }
for (i=0; i<*NumberCategories; i++) { FixupStringPtr( Categories, (*Categories)[i].Name ); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL WINAPI FaxSetLoggingCategoriesA( IN HANDLE FaxHandle, IN const FAX_LOG_CATEGORYA *Categories, IN DWORD NumberCategories ) { DWORD i; PFAX_LOG_CATEGORYW CategoryW; BOOL retval;
if (!ValidateFaxHandle(FaxHandle,FHT_SERVICE)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } if (!Categories || !NumberCategories) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
CategoryW = MemAlloc( sizeof(FAX_LOG_CATEGORYW) * NumberCategories ); if (!CategoryW) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); return FALSE; }
for (i = 0; i< NumberCategories; i++) { CategoryW[i].Category = Categories[i].Category; CategoryW[i].Level = Categories[i].Level; CategoryW[i].Name = (LPCWSTR) AnsiStringToUnicodeString(Categories[i].Name); if (!CategoryW[i].Name && Categories[i].Name) { goto error_exit; } }
retval = FaxSetLoggingCategoriesW(FaxHandle, CategoryW, NumberCategories);
for (i = 0; i< NumberCategories; i++) { if (CategoryW[i].Name) MemFree((LPBYTE)CategoryW[i].Name); } MemFree(CategoryW);
return retval;
for (i = 0; i< NumberCategories; i++) { if (CategoryW[i].Name) MemFree((LPBYTE)CategoryW[i].Name); } MemFree(CategoryW);
return FALSE;
BOOL WINAPI FaxSetLoggingCategoriesW( IN HANDLE FaxHandle, IN const FAX_LOG_CATEGORY *Categories, IN DWORD NumberCategories ) { error_status_t ec; DWORD BufferSize; DWORD i; LPBYTE Buffer; ULONG_PTR Offset; PFAX_LOG_CATEGORY LogCat;
if (!ValidateFaxHandle(FaxHandle,FHT_SERVICE)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; }
if (!Categories || !NumberCategories) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
Offset = BufferSize = sizeof(FAX_LOG_CATEGORY) * NumberCategories;
for (i=0; i<NumberCategories; i++) { BufferSize += StringSize( Categories[i].Name ); }
Buffer = (LPBYTE) MemAlloc( BufferSize ); if (Buffer == NULL) { SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); return FALSE; }
LogCat = (PFAX_LOG_CATEGORY) Buffer;
for (i=0; i<NumberCategories; i++) { LogCat[i].Category = Categories[i].Category; LogCat[i].Level = Categories[i].Level;
StoreString( Categories[i].Name, (PULONG_PTR) &LogCat[i].Name, Buffer, &Offset ); }
ec = FAX_SetLoggingCategories( FH_FAX_HANDLE(FaxHandle), Buffer, BufferSize, NumberCategories );
MemFree( Buffer );
if (ec != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(ec); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
Gets the tapi location information from the fax server.
FaxHandle - FAX handle obtained from FaxConnectFaxServer. LocationSize, - Size of the TapiLocationInfo buffer. TapiLocationInfo - Buffer to receive the data. BytesNeeded - Required size.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS for success, otherwise a WIN32 error code.
{ error_status_t ec; DWORD i; DWORD LocationSize = 0;
if (!FaxHandle || !TapiLocationInfo) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
ec = FAX_GetTapiLocations( FH_FAX_HANDLE(FaxHandle), (LPBYTE*) TapiLocationInfo, &LocationSize ); if (ec) { SetLastError( ec ); return FALSE; }
(*TapiLocationInfo)->TapiLocations = (PFAX_TAPI_LOCATIONS) ((LPBYTE)*TapiLocationInfo + (ULONG_PTR)(*TapiLocationInfo)->TapiLocations);
for (i=0; i<(*TapiLocationInfo)->NumLocations; i++) { if ((*TapiLocationInfo)->TapiLocations[i].LocationName) { (*TapiLocationInfo)->TapiLocations[i].LocationName = (LPWSTR) ((LPBYTE)*TapiLocationInfo + (ULONG_PTR)(*TapiLocationInfo)->TapiLocations[i].LocationName); } if ((*TapiLocationInfo)->TapiLocations[i].TollPrefixes) { (*TapiLocationInfo)->TapiLocations[i].TollPrefixes = (LPWSTR) ((LPBYTE)*TapiLocationInfo + (ULONG_PTR)(*TapiLocationInfo)->TapiLocations[i].TollPrefixes); } }
return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
Gets the tapi location information from the fax server.
FaxHandle - FAX handle obtained from FaxConnectFaxServer. LocationSize, - Size of the TapiLocationInfo buffer. TapiLocationInfo - Buffer to receive the data. BytesNeeded - Required size.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS for success, otherwise a WIN32 error code.
{ DWORD i;
if (!FaxGetTapiLocationsW( FaxHandle, (PFAX_TAPI_LOCATION_INFOW*) TapiLocationInfo )) { return FALSE; }
for (i=0; i<(*TapiLocationInfo)->NumLocations; i++) { ConvertUnicodeStringInPlace( (LPWSTR) (*TapiLocationInfo)->TapiLocations[i].LocationName ); ConvertUnicodeStringInPlace( (LPWSTR) (*TapiLocationInfo)->TapiLocations[i].TollPrefixes ); }
return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
Changes the tapi location information on the fax server.
FaxHandle - FAX handle obtained from FaxConnectFaxServer. TapiLocationInfo - Buffer containing the data.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS for success, otherwise a WIN32 error code.
{ error_status_t ec; PFAX_TAPI_LOCATION_INFOW Tmp; DWORD Size; DWORD i,j; ULONG_PTR Offset; LPWSTR p,s;
// do some parameter validation
if (!FaxHandle || !TapiLocationInfo) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; }
for (i=0; i<TapiLocationInfo->NumLocations; i++) { if (TapiLocationInfo->TapiLocations[i].TollPrefixes) { s = (LPTSTR)TapiLocationInfo->TapiLocations[i].TollPrefixes; while( s && *s ) { p = wcschr( s, L',' ); if (p) { *p = 0; } for (j=0; j<wcslen(s); j++) { if (!iswdigit(s[j])) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; } } j = _wtoi( s ); if ((j < 200) || (j > 999)) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; } if (p) { *p = L','; s = p + 1; } else { s += wcslen( s ); } } } }
// calculate the required size
Size = sizeof(FAX_TAPI_LOCATION_INFOW) + (TapiLocationInfo->NumLocations * sizeof(FAX_TAPI_LOCATIONSW)); for (i=0; i<TapiLocationInfo->NumLocations; i++) { Size += StringSize( TapiLocationInfo->TapiLocations[i].TollPrefixes ); Size += StringSize( TapiLocationInfo->TapiLocations[i].LocationName ); }
// allocate the memory
Tmp = (PFAX_TAPI_LOCATION_INFOW) MemAlloc( Size ); if (!Tmp) { SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); return FALSE; }
// fill in the temporary FAX_TAPI_LOCATION_INFO structure
Tmp->CurrentLocationID = TapiLocationInfo->CurrentLocationID; Tmp->NumLocations = TapiLocationInfo->NumLocations;
Offset = sizeof(FAX_TAPI_LOCATION_INFOW); Tmp->TapiLocations = (PFAX_TAPI_LOCATIONSW) ((LPBYTE)Tmp + Offset);
Offset += (TapiLocationInfo->NumLocations * sizeof(FAX_TAPI_LOCATIONSW));
for (i=0; i<TapiLocationInfo->NumLocations; i++) {
Tmp->TapiLocations[i].PermanentLocationID = TapiLocationInfo->TapiLocations[i].PermanentLocationID; Tmp->TapiLocations[i].CountryCode = TapiLocationInfo->TapiLocations[i].CountryCode; Tmp->TapiLocations[i].AreaCode = TapiLocationInfo->TapiLocations[i].AreaCode; Tmp->TapiLocations[i].NumTollPrefixes = TapiLocationInfo->TapiLocations[i].NumTollPrefixes;
StoreString( TapiLocationInfo->TapiLocations[i].LocationName, (PULONG_PTR) &Tmp->TapiLocations[i].LocationName, (LPBYTE) Tmp, &Offset );
StoreString( TapiLocationInfo->TapiLocations[i].TollPrefixes, (PULONG_PTR) &Tmp->TapiLocations[i].TollPrefixes, (LPBYTE) Tmp, &Offset );
Tmp->TapiLocations = (PFAX_TAPI_LOCATIONSW) ((LPBYTE)Tmp->TapiLocations - (ULONG_PTR)Tmp);
// call the server to change the tapi locations
ec = FAX_SetTapiLocations( FH_FAX_HANDLE(FaxHandle), (LPBYTE) Tmp, Size );
// free the temporary FAX_TAPI_LOCATION_INFO structure
MemFree( Tmp );
// return
if (ec) { SetLastError( ec ); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
Changes the tapi location information on the fax server.
FaxHandle - FAX handle obtained from FaxConnectFaxServer. TapiLocationInfo - Buffer containing the data.
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS for success, otherwise a WIN32 error code.
{ error_status_t ec; PFAX_TAPI_LOCATION_INFOA Tmp; DWORD Size; DWORD i,j; ULONG_PTR Offset; LPSTR p,s;
// do some parameter validation
if (!FaxHandle || !TapiLocationInfo) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; }
for (i=0; i<TapiLocationInfo->NumLocations; i++) { if (TapiLocationInfo->TapiLocations[i].TollPrefixes) { s = (LPSTR)TapiLocationInfo->TapiLocations[i].TollPrefixes; while( s && *s ) { p = strchr( s, ',' ); if (p) { *p = 0; } for (j=0; j<strlen(s); j++) { if (!isdigit(s[j])) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; } } j = atoi( s ); if ((j < 200) || (j > 999)) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return FALSE; } if (p) { *p = ','; s = p + 1; } else { s += strlen( s ); } } } }
// calculate the required size
Size = sizeof(FAX_TAPI_LOCATION_INFOA) + (TapiLocationInfo->NumLocations * sizeof(FAX_TAPI_LOCATIONSA)); for (i=0; i<TapiLocationInfo->NumLocations; i++) { Size += ((strlen(TapiLocationInfo->TapiLocations[i].TollPrefixes) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); Size += ((strlen(TapiLocationInfo->TapiLocations[i].LocationName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); }
// allocate the memory
Tmp = (PFAX_TAPI_LOCATION_INFOA) MemAlloc( Size ); if (!Tmp) { SetLastError( ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY ); return FALSE; }
// fill in the temporary FAX_TAPI_LOCATION_INFO structure
Tmp->CurrentLocationID = TapiLocationInfo->CurrentLocationID; Tmp->NumLocations = TapiLocationInfo->NumLocations;
Offset = sizeof(FAX_TAPI_LOCATION_INFOA); Tmp->TapiLocations = (PFAX_TAPI_LOCATIONSA) ((LPBYTE)Tmp + Offset);
Offset += (TapiLocationInfo->NumLocations * sizeof(FAX_TAPI_LOCATIONSA));
for (i=0; i<TapiLocationInfo->NumLocations; i++) {
Tmp->TapiLocations[i].PermanentLocationID = TapiLocationInfo->TapiLocations[i].PermanentLocationID; Tmp->TapiLocations[i].CountryCode = TapiLocationInfo->TapiLocations[i].CountryCode; Tmp->TapiLocations[i].AreaCode = TapiLocationInfo->TapiLocations[i].AreaCode; Tmp->TapiLocations[i].NumTollPrefixes = TapiLocationInfo->TapiLocations[i].NumTollPrefixes;
StoreStringA( TapiLocationInfo->TapiLocations[i].LocationName, (PULONG_PTR) &Tmp->TapiLocations[i].LocationName, (LPBYTE) Tmp, &Offset );
StoreStringA( TapiLocationInfo->TapiLocations[i].TollPrefixes, (PULONG_PTR) &Tmp->TapiLocations[i].TollPrefixes, (LPBYTE) Tmp, &Offset );
Tmp->TapiLocations = (PFAX_TAPI_LOCATIONSA) ((LPBYTE)Tmp->TapiLocations - (ULONG_PTR)Tmp);
// call the server to change the tapi locations
ec = FAX_SetTapiLocations( FH_FAX_HANDLE(FaxHandle), (LPBYTE) Tmp, Size );
// free the temporary FAX_TAPI_LOCATION_INFO structure
MemFree( Tmp );
// return
if (ec) { SetLastError( ec ); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL WINAPI FaxGetMapiProfilesA( IN HANDLE FaxHandle, OUT LPBYTE *MapiProfiles )
Routine Description:
Queries the server for the MAPI profiles.
FaxHandle - FAX handle obtained from FaxConnectFaxServer. MapiProfiles - Multi-SZ string containing all MAPI profiles ProfileSize - Size of the MapiProfiles array
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS for success, otherwise a WIN32 error code.
{ error_status_t ec; DWORD ProfileSize = 0;
if (!FaxHandle || !MapiProfiles) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
ec = FAX_GetMapiProfiles( FH_FAX_HANDLE(FaxHandle), MapiProfiles, &ProfileSize );
if (ec) { SetLastError(ec); return FALSE; }
if (!ConvertUnicodeMultiSZInPlace( (LPWSTR) *MapiProfiles, ProfileSize )) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SERVER_MEMORY); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL WINAPI FaxGetMapiProfilesW( IN HANDLE FaxHandle, OUT LPBYTE *MapiProfiles )
Routine Description:
Queries the server for the MAPI profiles.
FaxHandle - FAX handle obtained from FaxConnectFaxServer. MapiProfiles - Multi-SZ string containing all MAPI profiles ProfileSize - Size of the MapiProfiles array
Return Value:
ERROR_SUCCESS for success, otherwise a WIN32 error code.
{ error_status_t ec; DWORD ProfileSize = 0;
if (!FaxHandle || !MapiProfiles) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
ec = FAX_GetMapiProfiles( FH_FAX_HANDLE(FaxHandle), MapiProfiles, &ProfileSize ); if (ec) { SetLastError(ec); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
FaxEnumGlobalRoutingInfoW( IN HANDLE FaxHandle, OUT PFAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFOW *RoutingInfoBuffer, OUT LPDWORD MethodsReturned ) { PFAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFOW FaxRoutingInfo = NULL; error_status_t ec; DWORD i; DWORD RoutingInfoBufferSize = 0;
if (!ValidateFaxHandle(FaxHandle,FHT_SERVICE)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; } if (!RoutingInfoBuffer || !MethodsReturned) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
*RoutingInfoBuffer = NULL;
ec = FAX_EnumGlobalRoutingInfo( FH_FAX_HANDLE(FaxHandle), (LPBYTE*)RoutingInfoBuffer, &RoutingInfoBufferSize, MethodsReturned ); if (ec) { SetLastError( ec ); return FALSE; }
FaxRoutingInfo = (PFAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFOW) *RoutingInfoBuffer;
for (i=0; i<*MethodsReturned; i++) { FixupStringPtr( RoutingInfoBuffer, FaxRoutingInfo[i].Guid ); FixupStringPtr( RoutingInfoBuffer, FaxRoutingInfo[i].FunctionName ); FixupStringPtr( RoutingInfoBuffer, FaxRoutingInfo[i].FriendlyName ); FixupStringPtr( RoutingInfoBuffer, FaxRoutingInfo[i].ExtensionImageName ); FixupStringPtr( RoutingInfoBuffer, FaxRoutingInfo[i].ExtensionFriendlyName ); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL WINAPI FaxEnumGlobalRoutingInfoA( IN HANDLE FaxHandle, OUT PFAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFOA *RoutingInfoBuffer, OUT LPDWORD MethodsReturned ) { PFAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFOW FaxRoutingMethod = NULL; DWORD i;
if (!FaxEnumGlobalRoutingInfoW( FaxHandle, (PFAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFOW *)RoutingInfoBuffer, MethodsReturned )) { return FALSE; }
FaxRoutingMethod = (PFAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFOW) *RoutingInfoBuffer;
for (i=0; i<*MethodsReturned; i++) { ConvertUnicodeStringInPlace( (LPWSTR)FaxRoutingMethod[i].Guid ); ConvertUnicodeStringInPlace( (LPWSTR)FaxRoutingMethod[i].FunctionName ); ConvertUnicodeStringInPlace( (LPWSTR)FaxRoutingMethod[i].FriendlyName ); ConvertUnicodeStringInPlace( (LPWSTR)FaxRoutingMethod[i].ExtensionImageName ); ConvertUnicodeStringInPlace( (LPWSTR)FaxRoutingMethod[i].ExtensionFriendlyName ); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL WINAPI FaxSetGlobalRoutingInfoW( IN HANDLE FaxHandle, IN const FAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFOW *RoutingInfo ) { error_status_t ec;
if (!ValidateFaxHandle(FaxHandle,FHT_SERVICE)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; }
if (!RoutingInfo) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
if (RoutingInfo->SizeOfStruct != sizeof(FAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFOW)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
ec = FAX_SetGlobalRoutingInfo( FH_FAX_HANDLE(FaxHandle), RoutingInfo ); if (ec) { SetLastError( ec ); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL WINAPI FaxSetGlobalRoutingInfoA( IN HANDLE FaxHandle, IN const FAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFOA *RoutingInfo ) { BOOL Rval;
if (!ValidateFaxHandle(FaxHandle,FHT_SERVICE)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); return FALSE; }
if (!RoutingInfo || RoutingInfo->SizeOfStruct != sizeof(FAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFOA)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
RoutingInfoW.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(FAX_GLOBAL_ROUTING_INFOW); RoutingInfoW.Priority = RoutingInfo->Priority;
RoutingInfoW.Guid = AnsiStringToUnicodeString( RoutingInfo->Guid ); RoutingInfoW.FriendlyName = AnsiStringToUnicodeString( RoutingInfo->FriendlyName ); RoutingInfoW.FunctionName = AnsiStringToUnicodeString( RoutingInfo->FunctionName ); RoutingInfoW.ExtensionImageName = AnsiStringToUnicodeString( RoutingInfo->ExtensionImageName ); RoutingInfoW.ExtensionFriendlyName = AnsiStringToUnicodeString( RoutingInfo->ExtensionFriendlyName ); Rval = FaxSetGlobalRoutingInfoW( FaxHandle, &RoutingInfoW);
if (RoutingInfoW.Guid) MemFree( (LPBYTE) RoutingInfoW.Guid ) ; if (RoutingInfoW.FriendlyName) MemFree( (LPBYTE) RoutingInfoW.FriendlyName ) ; if (RoutingInfoW.FunctionName) MemFree( (LPBYTE) RoutingInfoW.FunctionName ) ; if (RoutingInfoW.ExtensionImageName) MemFree( (LPBYTE) RoutingInfoW.ExtensionImageName ) ; if (RoutingInfoW.ExtensionFriendlyName) MemFree( (LPBYTE) RoutingInfoW.ExtensionFriendlyName ) ;
return Rval; }
BOOL WINAPI FaxAccessCheck( IN HANDLE FaxHandle, IN DWORD AccessMask ) { BOOL fPermission = FALSE; error_status_t ec;
if (!ValidateFaxHandle(FaxHandle,FHT_SERVICE)) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE ); } ec = FAX_AccessCheck( FH_FAX_HANDLE( FaxHandle ), AccessMask, &fPermission );
if (ec) { SetLastError( ec ); } else { SetLastError( ERROR_SUCCESS ) ; }
return fPermission; }