Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module provides access to modems.
Wesley Witt (wesw) 22-Jan-1996
Revision History:
BOOL SendModemCommand( HANDLE hFile, LPOVERLAPPED OverlappedWrite, LPSTR Command )
Routine Description:
Sends an AT command to the modem.
hFile - File handle for the comm port. Command - AT Command
Return Value:
TRUE if the command is sent, FALSE otherwise
{ DWORD Bytes; DWORD ec;
if (!WriteFile( hFile, Command, strlen(Command), &Bytes, OverlappedWrite )) {
// the write failed
ec = GetLastError();
if (ec == ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
if (WaitForSingleObject( OverlappedWrite->hEvent, 10000 ) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { //
// write never completed
return FALSE; }
if (!GetOverlappedResult( hFile, OverlappedWrite, &Bytes, FALSE )) { //
// the write failed
return FALSE; }
} else {
return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
BOOL ReceiveModemResponse( HANDLE hFile, LPOVERLAPPED OverlappedRead, LPSTR Response, DWORD ResponseSize )
Routine Description:
Receives a response from a modem.
hFile - File handle for the comm port. Response - Buffer to put the response into ResponseSize - Size of the response buffer
Return Value:
TRUE if the response is received, FALSE otherwise
{ DWORD Bytes; DWORD ec;
if (!ReadFile( hFile, Response, ResponseSize, &Bytes, OverlappedRead )) {
// the read failed
ec = GetLastError();
if (ec == ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
if (WaitForSingleObject( OverlappedRead->hEvent, 10000 ) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { //
// write never completed
return FALSE; }
if (!GetOverlappedResult( hFile, OverlappedRead, &Bytes, FALSE )) { //
// the write failed
return FALSE; }
} else {
return FALSE;
Response[Bytes] = 0;
// {
// LPTSTR ResponseW = AnsiStringToUnicodeString( Response );
// DebugPrint(( TEXT("bytes=%d, [%s]"), Bytes, ResponseW ));
// MemFree( ResponseW );
// }
return TRUE; }
BOOL IsResponseOk( LPSTR Response )
Routine Description:
Verifies that a modem response is positive, that it contains the string "OK"
Response - Modem response
Return Value:
TRUE if the response is positive, FALSE otherwise
{ Response = strchr( Response, 'O' ); if (Response && Response[1] == 'K') { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
DWORD GetModemClass( HANDLE hFile )
Routine Description:
Determines the lowest FAX class that the modem connected to the requested port supports.
PortName - Communications port name.
Return Value:
Class number.
{ DWORD ModemClass = 0; DCB Dcb; CHAR Response[64]; COMMTIMEOUTS cto; OVERLAPPED OverlappedRead; OVERLAPPED OverlappedWrite;
ZeroMemory( &OverlappedRead, sizeof(OVERLAPPED) ); ZeroMemory( &OverlappedWrite, sizeof(OVERLAPPED) );
OverlappedRead.hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL ); OverlappedWrite.hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
if (!GetCommState( hFile, &Dcb )) { goto exit; }
Dcb.BaudRate = CBR_2400; Dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_ENABLE; Dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_ENABLE;
if (!SetCommState( hFile, &Dcb )) { goto exit; }
cto.ReadIntervalTimeout = 1000; cto.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; cto.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 4 * 1000; cto.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0; cto.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 4 * 1000; SetCommTimeouts( hFile, &cto );
// reset the modem
if (!SendModemCommand( hFile, &OverlappedWrite, "ATZ0\r" )) { goto exit; }
if (!ReceiveModemResponse( hFile, &OverlappedRead, Response, sizeof(Response) )) { goto exit; }
// turn off echo
if (!SendModemCommand( hFile, &OverlappedWrite, "ATE0\r" )) { goto exit; }
if (!ReceiveModemResponse( hFile, &OverlappedRead, Response, sizeof(Response) )) { goto exit; }
// H0 - go on hook
// Q0 - enable modem responses
// V1 - verbal modem responses (ok, error, etc)
if (!SendModemCommand( hFile, &OverlappedWrite, "ATH0Q0V1\r" )) { goto exit; }
if (!ReceiveModemResponse( hFile, &OverlappedRead, Response, sizeof(Response) )) { goto exit; }
if (!IsResponseOk( Response )) { goto exit; }
if (!SendModemCommand( hFile, &OverlappedWrite, "AT+FCLASS=?\r" )) { goto exit; }
if (!ReceiveModemResponse( hFile, &OverlappedRead, Response, sizeof(Response) )) { goto exit; }
if (!IsResponseOk( Response )) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("bad modem response #2 [%s]"), Response )); goto exit; }
if (strchr( Response, '1' )) { ModemClass = 1; } else if (strchr( Response, '2' )) { ModemClass = 2; }
if (!SendModemCommand( hFile, &OverlappedWrite, "AT+FAE=1\r" )) { goto exit; }
if (!ReceiveModemResponse( hFile, &OverlappedRead, Response, sizeof(Response) )) { goto exit; }
exit: CloseHandle( OverlappedRead.hEvent ); CloseHandle( OverlappedWrite.hEvent );
if (ModemClass == 0) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("Could not detect modem class") )); }
return ModemClass; }