Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the jobqueue
Wesley Witt (wesw) 22-Jan-1996
Revision History:
#include "faxsvc.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#if DBG
VOID DebugPrintDateTime( LPTSTR Heading, DWORDLONG DateTime ) { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; TCHAR DateBuffer[256]; TCHAR TimeBuffer[256];
FileTimeToSystemTime( (LPFILETIME) &DateTime, &SystemTime ); GetDateFormat( LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, &SystemTime, NULL, DateBuffer, sizeof(TimeBuffer) ); GetTimeFormat( LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, &SystemTime, NULL, TimeBuffer, sizeof(TimeBuffer) );
if (Heading) { DebugPrint((TEXT("%s %s %s (GMT)"), Heading, DateBuffer, TimeBuffer)); } else { DebugPrint((TEXT("%s %s (GMT)"), DateBuffer, TimeBuffer)); } }
#define PrintJobQueue( str, Queue ) \
{ \ PLIST_ENTRY Next; \ PJOB_QUEUE QueueEntry; \ \ Next = (Queue).Flink; \ if ((ULONG_PTR)Next == (ULONG_PTR)&(Queue)) { \ DebugPrint(( TEXT("Queue empty") )); \ } else { \ while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&(Queue)) { \ QueueEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, JOB_QUEUE, ListEntry ); \ Next = QueueEntry->ListEntry.Flink; \ DebugPrint(( \ TEXT("'%s' JobId = %d JobType = %d ScheduleAction = %d ScheduleTime = "), \ (str), \ QueueEntry->JobId, \ QueueEntry->JobType, \ QueueEntry->JobParams.ScheduleAction \ )); \ DebugPrintDateTime( NULL, QueueEntry->ScheduleTime ); \ } \ } \ } #else
#define PrintJobQueue( str, Queue )
#define DebugPrintDateTime( Heading, DateTime )
extern ULONG ConnectionCount; extern BOOL RoutingIsInitialized;
LIST_ENTRY QueueListHead; LIST_ENTRY RescheduleQueueHead;
CRITICAL_SECTION CsQueue; DWORD QueueCount; BOOL QueuePaused; HANDLE QueueTimer; HANDLE IdleTimer; HANDLE JobQueueSemaphore = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD JobQueueTrips; DWORD SemaphoreSignaled;
VOID StartIdleTimer( VOID ) { LARGE_INTEGER DueTime;
if (TerminationDelay == (DWORD)-1) { return; }
DueTime.QuadPart = -(LONGLONG)(SecToNano( TerminationDelay ));
SetWaitableTimer( IdleTimer, &DueTime, 0, NULL, NULL, FALSE ); }
VOID StopIdleTimer( VOID ) { CancelWaitableTimer( IdleTimer ); }
VOID StartJobQueueTimer( PJOB_QUEUE JobQueue ) { PLIST_ENTRY Next; PJOB_QUEUE QueueEntry; SYSTEMTIME CurrentTime; LARGE_INTEGER DueTime; BOOL Found = FALSE;
EnterCriticalSection( &CsQueue );
if ((ULONG_PTR) QueueListHead.Flink == (ULONG_PTR) &QueueListHead) { //
// empty list, cancel the timer
CancelWaitableTimer( QueueTimer ); LastDueTime.QuadPart = 0; StartIdleTimer(); LeaveCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); return; }
if (!JobQueue) { if (QueuePaused) { CancelWaitableTimer( QueueTimer ); LastDueTime.QuadPart = 0; LeaveCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); return; }
PrintJobQueue( TEXT("StartJobQueueTimer"), QueueListHead );
// set the timer so that the job will get started
Next = QueueListHead.Flink; while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&QueueListHead) { QueueEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, JOB_QUEUE, ListEntry ); Next = QueueEntry->ListEntry.Flink; if (QueueEntry->JobType == JT_ROUTING && QueueEntry->SendRetries < FaxSendRetries ) {
Found = TRUE; break; }
// Don't bother setting the queue timer if we have any jobs in the NOLINE state
// we should just wait for the job queue semaphore to get set, which will allow
// those jobs to be sent.
//BUGBUG: You can get into the NO_LINE case if you already have a device sending
// to the number you want to send to. So some jobs will not get serviced until
// that job completes, and there can be a situation where not all of the lines
// are being used. This case should be rare, however, and is better than
// having the queue scheduler constantly getting signalled when no practical
// work can be completed
if (QueueEntry->JobType == JT_SEND && (QueueEntry->JobStatus & JS_NOLINE)) { Found = FALSE; break; } if ( QueueEntry->JobType == JT_SEND && !(QueueEntry->JobStatus & (JS_NOLINE | JS_RETRIES_EXCEEDED)) && QueueEntry->JobEntry == NULL && QueueEntry->Paused == FALSE ) { Found = TRUE; break; } }
if (!Found) { //
// all jobs in the queue are paused
// cause queue to get processed regularly so nothing gets stuck
GetSystemTime( &CurrentTime ); SystemTimeToFileTime( &CurrentTime, (LPFILETIME)&DueTime.QuadPart ); DueTime.QuadPart += SecToNano( (DWORDLONG) FaxSendRetryDelay ? (FaxSendRetryDelay * 60) : (2 * 60) ); SetWaitableTimer( QueueTimer, &DueTime, 0, NULL, NULL, FALSE ); LastDueTime = DueTime; LeaveCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); return; } } else { QueueEntry = JobQueue; }
if (QueueEntry->BroadcastJob && QueueEntry->BroadcastOwner == NULL) { LeaveCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); return; }
switch (QueueEntry->JobParams.ScheduleAction) { case JSA_NOW: DueTime.QuadPart = -(LONGLONG)(SecToNano( 1 )); break;
case JSA_SPECIFIC_TIME: DueTime.QuadPart = QueueEntry->ScheduleTime; break;
case JSA_DISCOUNT_PERIOD: GetSystemTime( &CurrentTime ); SetDiscountTime( &CurrentTime ); SystemTimeToFileTime( &CurrentTime, (LPFILETIME)&QueueEntry->ScheduleTime ); SystemTimeToFileTime( &CurrentTime, (LPFILETIME)&DueTime.QuadPart ); break; }
// send a handoff job immediately
if (QueueEntry->DeviceId) { DueTime.QuadPart = -(LONGLONG)(SecToNano( 1 )); }
SetWaitableTimer( QueueTimer, &DueTime, 0, NULL, NULL, FALSE );
LastDueTime = DueTime;
DebugPrint(( TEXT("Scheduling JobId %d at "), QueueEntry->JobId )); DebugPrintDateTime( NULL, DueTime.QuadPart ); LeaveCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); }
int __cdecl QueueCompare( const void *arg1, const void *arg2 ) { if (((PQUEUE_SORT)arg1)->ScheduleTime < ((PQUEUE_SORT)arg2)->ScheduleTime) { return -1; } if (((PQUEUE_SORT)arg1)->ScheduleTime > ((PQUEUE_SORT)arg2)->ScheduleTime) { return 1; } return 0; }
VOID SortJobQueue( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Sorts the job queue list, ostensibly because the discount rate time has changed.
none. Return Value:
none. modifies JobQueue linked list.
--*/ { DWORDLONG DiscountTime; SYSTEMTIME CurrentTime; PLIST_ENTRY Next; PJOB_QUEUE QueueEntry; DWORD JobCount=0, i = 0; BOOL SortNeeded = FALSE; PQUEUE_SORT QueueSort;
GetSystemTime( &CurrentTime ); SetDiscountTime( &CurrentTime ); SystemTimeToFileTime( &CurrentTime, (LPFILETIME)&DiscountTime ); EnterCriticalSection( &CsQueue );
Next = QueueListHead.Flink;
while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&QueueListHead) { QueueEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, JOB_QUEUE, ListEntry ); Next = QueueEntry->ListEntry.Flink; JobCount++; if (!SortNeeded && QueueEntry->JobParams.ScheduleAction != JSA_NOW) { SortNeeded = TRUE; } }
// optimization...if there are no jobs, or if there aren't any jobs with a
// schedule time then we don't need to sort anything
if (!SortNeeded) { goto exit; }
Assert( JobCount != 0 ); QueueSort = MemAlloc (JobCount * sizeof(QUEUE_SORT)); if (!QueueSort) { goto exit; }
Next = QueueListHead.Flink;
while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&QueueListHead) { QueueEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, JOB_QUEUE, ListEntry ); Next = QueueEntry->ListEntry.Flink; QueueSort[i].ScheduleTime = QueueEntry->ScheduleTime; QueueSort[i].QueueEntry = QueueEntry;
if (QueueEntry->JobParams.ScheduleAction == JSA_DISCOUNT_PERIOD) { QueueEntry->ScheduleTime = DiscountTime; }
i += 1; }
Assert (i == JobCount); qsort( (PVOID)QueueSort, (int)JobCount, sizeof(QUEUE_SORT), QueueCompare );
InitializeListHead(&QueueListHead); for (i = 0; i < JobCount; i++) { QueueSort[i].QueueEntry->ListEntry.Flink = QueueSort[i].QueueEntry->ListEntry.Blink = NULL; InsertTailList( &QueueListHead, &QueueSort[i].QueueEntry->ListEntry ); }
MemFree( QueueSort ); exit:
LeaveCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); }
VOID PauseServerQueue( VOID ) { EnterCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); if (QueuePaused) { LeaveCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); return; } QueuePaused = TRUE; CancelWaitableTimer( QueueTimer ); LastDueTime.QuadPart = 0; LeaveCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); }
VOID ResumeServerQueue( VOID ) { EnterCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); if (!QueuePaused) { LeaveCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); return; } QueuePaused = FALSE; StartJobQueueTimer( NULL ); LeaveCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); }
BOOL RestoreFaxQueue( VOID ) { PLIST_ENTRY Next; PJOB_QUEUE_FILE JobQueueFile; PJOB_QUEUE JobQueue; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; HANDLE hFind; WCHAR FileName[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hFile; DWORD Size; FAX_JOB_PARAMW JobParams; PJOB_QUEUE JobQueueBroadcast; DWORD i; PGUID Guid; LPTSTR FaxRouteFileName; PFAX_ROUTE_FILE FaxRouteFile; WCHAR FullPathName[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR fnp;
BOOL bAnyFailed = FALSE;
_stprintf( FileName, TEXT("%s\\*.fqe"), FaxQueueDir );
hFind = FindFirstFile( FileName, &FindData ); if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// succeed at doing nothing
return TRUE; }
do { _stprintf( FileName, TEXT("%s\\%s"), FaxQueueDir, FindData.cFileName );
hFile = CreateFile( FileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { bAnyFailed = TRUE; continue; }
Size = GetFileSize( hFile, NULL ); if (Size < sizeof(JOB_QUEUE_FILE) ) { //
// we've got some funky downlevel file, let's skip it rather than choke on it.
CloseHandle( hFile ); DeleteFile( FileName ); bAnyFailed = TRUE; continue; }
JobQueueFile = (PJOB_QUEUE_FILE) MemAlloc( Size ); if (!JobQueueFile) { bAnyFailed = TRUE; CloseHandle( hFile ); continue; }
if (!ReadFile( hFile, JobQueueFile, Size, &Size, NULL )) { bAnyFailed = TRUE; CloseHandle( hFile ); MemFree( JobQueueFile ); continue; }
CloseHandle( hFile );
FixupString(JobQueueFile, JobQueueFile->FileName); FixupString(JobQueueFile, JobQueueFile->QueueFileName);
FixupString(JobQueueFile, JobQueueFile->UserName);
FixupString(JobQueueFile, JobQueueFile->RecipientNumber);
FixupString(JobQueueFile, JobQueueFile->RecipientName);
FixupString(JobQueueFile, JobQueueFile->Tsid);
FixupString(JobQueueFile, JobQueueFile->SenderName);
FixupString(JobQueueFile, JobQueueFile->SenderCompany);
FixupString(JobQueueFile, JobQueueFile->SenderDept);
FixupString(JobQueueFile, JobQueueFile->BillingCode);
FixupString(JobQueueFile, JobQueueFile->DeliveryReportAddress);
FixupString(JobQueueFile, JobQueueFile->DocumentName);
if (GetFileAttributes(JobQueueFile->FileName)==0xFFFFFFFF) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("fqe file pointing to missing .tif file\n") )); bAnyFailed = TRUE; CloseHandle( hFile ); DeleteFile( FileName ); MemFree( JobQueueFile ); continue; }
JobParams.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(FAX_JOB_PARAM); JobParams.RecipientNumber = JobQueueFile->RecipientNumber; JobParams.RecipientName = JobQueueFile->RecipientName; JobParams.Tsid = JobQueueFile->Tsid; JobParams.SenderName = JobQueueFile->SenderName; JobParams.SenderCompany = JobQueueFile->SenderCompany; JobParams.SenderDept = JobQueueFile->SenderDept; JobParams.BillingCode = JobQueueFile->BillingCode; JobParams.ScheduleAction = JobQueueFile->ScheduleAction; JobParams.DeliveryReportType = JobQueueFile->DeliveryReportType; JobParams.DeliveryReportAddress = JobQueueFile->DeliveryReportAddress; JobParams.DocumentName = JobQueueFile->DocumentName; JobParams.CallHandle = 0; JobParams.Reserved[0] = 0; JobParams.Reserved[1] = 0; JobParams.Reserved[2] = 0;
if (JobQueueFile->ScheduleTime == 0) { ZeroMemory( &JobParams.ScheduleTime, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME) ); } else { FileTimeToSystemTime( (LPFILETIME)&JobQueueFile->ScheduleTime, &JobParams.ScheduleTime ); }
JobQueue = AddJobQueueEntry( JobQueueFile->JobType, JobQueueFile->FileName, &JobParams, JobQueueFile->UserName, FALSE, NULL );
if (!JobQueue) { bAnyFailed = TRUE; MemFree( JobQueueFile ); continue; } JobQueue->PageCount = JobQueueFile->PageCount; JobQueue->FileSize = JobQueueFile->FileSize; JobQueue->QueueFileName = StringDup( FileName ); JobQueue->UniqueId = JobQueueFile->UniqueId; JobQueue->BroadcastJob = JobQueueFile->BroadcastJob; JobQueue->BroadcastOwnerUniqueId = JobQueueFile->BroadcastOwner; JobQueue->SendRetries = JobQueueFile->SendRetries; if (JobQueue->SendRetries >= FaxSendRetries) { JobQueue->JobStatus |= JS_RETRIES_EXCEEDED; }
JobQueue->CountFailureInfo = JobQueueFile->CountFailureInfo;
// we don't necessarily allocate enough space for a job queue entry when we restore the fax queue
// since the routing engine isn't initialized. We add some more space here. we have to patch up
// the list entry members by hand
if (JobQueue->CountFailureInfo > 1) { EnterCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); RemoveEntryList( &JobQueue->ListEntry ); JobQueue = MemReAlloc( JobQueue, sizeof(JOB_QUEUE) + (sizeof(ROUTE_FAILURE_INFO) * (JobQueueFile->CountFailureInfo -1) ));
if (!JobQueue) { bAnyFailed = TRUE; continue; } InitializeCriticalSection( &JobQueue->CsFileList ); InitializeCriticalSection( &JobQueue->CsRoutingDataOverride ); InitializeListHead( &JobQueue->RoutingDataOverride ); InitializeListHead( &JobQueue->FaxRouteFiles ); InsertTailList( &QueueListHead, &JobQueue->ListEntry );
LeaveCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); } //
// handle the failure data, which must be alloc'd with LocalAlloc.
for (i = 0; i < JobQueue->CountFailureInfo; i++) { CopyMemory( &JobQueue->RouteFailureInfo[i], &JobQueueFile->RouteFailureInfo[i], sizeof(ROUTE_FAILURE_INFO) );
JobQueue->RouteFailureInfo[i].FailureData = LocalAlloc(LPTR, JobQueueFile->RouteFailureInfo[i].FailureSize); if (JobQueue->RouteFailureInfo[i].FailureData) { CopyMemory( JobQueue->RouteFailureInfo[i].FailureData, (LPBYTE) JobQueueFile + (ULONG_PTR) JobQueueFile->RouteFailureInfo[i].FailureData, JobQueueFile->RouteFailureInfo[i].FailureSize ); } else { bAnyFailed = TRUE; } } if (JobQueueFile->FaxRoute) { JobQueue->FaxRoute = MemAlloc( JobQueueFile->FaxRouteSize ); if (JobQueue->FaxRoute) { CopyMemory( JobQueue->FaxRoute, (LPBYTE) JobQueueFile + (ULONG_PTR) JobQueueFile->FaxRoute, JobQueueFile->FaxRouteSize ); JobQueue->FaxRoute = DeSerializeFaxRoute( JobQueue->FaxRoute ); if (JobQueue->FaxRoute) { JobQueue->FaxRoute->JobId = JobQueue->JobId; } else { bAnyFailed = TRUE; } } else { bAnyFailed = TRUE; } }
Guid = (PGUID) (((LPBYTE) JobQueueFile) + JobQueueFile->FaxRouteFileGuid); FaxRouteFileName = (LPTSTR) (((LPBYTE) JobQueueFile) + JobQueueFile->FaxRouteFiles);
for (i = 0; i < JobQueueFile->CountFaxRouteFiles; i++) { if (GetFullPathName( FaxRouteFileName, sizeof(FullPathName)/sizeof(WCHAR), FullPathName, &fnp )) { FaxRouteFile = (PFAX_ROUTE_FILE) MemAlloc( sizeof(FAX_ROUTE_FILE) ); if (FaxRouteFile) {
FaxRouteFile->FileName = StringDup( FullPathName ); CopyMemory( &FaxRouteFile->Guid, &Guid, sizeof(GUID) ); InsertTailList( &JobQueue->FaxRouteFiles, &FaxRouteFile->ListEntry ); JobQueue->CountFaxRouteFiles += 1; } else { bAnyFailed = TRUE; } } Guid++; while(*FaxRouteFileName++) ; } MemFree( JobQueueFile );
} while(FindNextFile( hFind, &FindData ));
FindClose( hFind ); //
// fixup the broadcast pointers
Next = QueueListHead.Flink; while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&QueueListHead) { JobQueue = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, JOB_QUEUE, ListEntry ); Next = JobQueue->ListEntry.Flink; if (JobQueue->BroadcastJob) { if (JobQueue->BroadcastOwnerUniqueId) { JobQueueBroadcast = FindJobQueueEntryByUniqueId( JobQueue->BroadcastOwnerUniqueId ); if (JobQueueBroadcast) { JobQueue->BroadcastOwner = JobQueueBroadcast; JobQueueBroadcast->BroadcastCount += 1;
} else { JobQueue->BroadcastOwner = NULL; } } } }
PrintJobQueue( TEXT("RestoreFaxQueue"), QueueListHead );
return bAnyFailed ? FALSE : TRUE; }
BOOL CommitQueueEntry( PJOB_QUEUE JobQueue, LPTSTR QueueFileName, DWORDLONG UniqueId ) { HANDLE hFile; DWORD Size = 0; PJOB_QUEUE_FILE JobQueueFile; ULONG_PTR Offset; DWORD i; PFAX_ROUTE FaxRoute = NULL; DWORD RouteSize; PLIST_ENTRY Next; PFAX_ROUTE_FILE FaxRouteFile; BOOL rVal = TRUE;
// calculate the size
Size = sizeof(JOB_QUEUE_FILE);
Size += StringSize( JobQueue->FileName ); Size += StringSize( JobQueue->QueueFileName ); Size += StringSize( JobQueue->UserName ); Size += StringSize( JobQueue->JobParams.RecipientNumber ); Size += StringSize( JobQueue->JobParams.RecipientName ); Size += StringSize( JobQueue->JobParams.Tsid ); Size += StringSize( JobQueue->JobParams.SenderName ); Size += StringSize( JobQueue->JobParams.SenderCompany ); Size += StringSize( JobQueue->JobParams.SenderDept ); Size += StringSize( JobQueue->JobParams.BillingCode ); Size += StringSize( JobQueue->JobParams.DocumentName ); Size += StringSize( JobQueue->DeliveryReportAddress ); for (i = 0; i < JobQueue->CountFailureInfo; i++) { Size += JobQueue->RouteFailureInfo[i].FailureSize; if (i > 0) { // Allocate more space if it's not the first one
Size += sizeof(ROUTE_FAILURE_INFO); } } Next = JobQueue->FaxRouteFiles.Flink; while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&JobQueue->FaxRouteFiles) { FaxRouteFile = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, FAX_ROUTE_FILE, ListEntry ); Next = FaxRouteFile->ListEntry.Flink; Size += sizeof(GUID); Size += StringSize( FaxRouteFile->FileName ); } if (JobQueue->JobType == JT_ROUTING) { FaxRoute = SerializeFaxRoute( JobQueue->FaxRoute, &RouteSize ); Size += RouteSize; } JobQueueFile = (PJOB_QUEUE_FILE) MemAlloc( Size ); if (!JobQueueFile) { CloseHandle( hFile ); DeleteFile( QueueFileName ); return FALSE; }
ZeroMemory( JobQueueFile, Size );
Offset = sizeof(JOB_QUEUE_FILE); if (JobQueue->CountFailureInfo) { Offset += sizeof(ROUTE_FAILURE_INFO) * (JobQueue->CountFailureInfo - 1); }
JobQueueFile->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(JOB_QUEUE_FILE); JobQueueFile->JobType = JobQueue->JobType; JobQueueFile->PageCount = JobQueue->PageCount; JobQueueFile->FileSize = JobQueue->FileSize; JobQueueFile->DeliveryReportType = JobQueue->DeliveryReportType; JobQueueFile->ScheduleAction = JobQueue->JobParams.ScheduleAction; JobQueueFile->ScheduleTime = JobQueue->ScheduleTime; JobQueueFile->SendRetries = JobQueue->SendRetries; JobQueueFile->BroadcastJob = JobQueue->BroadcastJob; JobQueueFile->UniqueId = JobQueue->UniqueId;
if (JobQueue->BroadcastJob && JobQueue->BroadcastOwner) { JobQueueFile->BroadcastOwner = JobQueue->BroadcastOwner->UniqueId; }
StoreString( JobQueue->QueueFileName, (PULONG_PTR)&JobQueueFile->QueueFileName, (LPBYTE)JobQueueFile, &Offset );
StoreString( JobQueue->FileName, (PULONG_PTR)&JobQueueFile->FileName, (LPBYTE)JobQueueFile, &Offset );
StoreString( JobQueue->UserName, (PULONG_PTR)&JobQueueFile->UserName, (LPBYTE)JobQueueFile, &Offset );
StoreString( JobQueue->DeliveryReportAddress, (PULONG_PTR)&JobQueueFile->DeliveryReportAddress, (LPBYTE)JobQueueFile, &Offset );
StoreString( JobQueue->JobParams.RecipientNumber, (PULONG_PTR)&JobQueueFile->RecipientNumber, (LPBYTE)JobQueueFile, &Offset );
StoreString( JobQueue->JobParams.RecipientName, (PULONG_PTR)&JobQueueFile->RecipientName, (LPBYTE)JobQueueFile, &Offset );
StoreString( JobQueue->JobParams.Tsid, (PULONG_PTR)&JobQueueFile->Tsid, (LPBYTE)JobQueueFile, &Offset );
StoreString( JobQueue->JobParams.SenderName, (PULONG_PTR)&JobQueueFile->SenderName, (LPBYTE)JobQueueFile, &Offset );
StoreString( JobQueue->JobParams.SenderCompany, (PULONG_PTR)&JobQueueFile->SenderCompany, (LPBYTE)JobQueueFile, &Offset );
StoreString( JobQueue->JobParams.SenderDept, (PULONG_PTR)&JobQueueFile->SenderDept, (LPBYTE)JobQueueFile, &Offset );
StoreString( JobQueue->JobParams.BillingCode, (PULONG_PTR)&JobQueueFile->BillingCode, (LPBYTE)JobQueueFile, &Offset );
StoreString( JobQueue->JobParams.DocumentName, (PULONG_PTR)&JobQueueFile->DocumentName, (LPBYTE)JobQueueFile, &Offset );
if (FaxRoute) { JobQueueFile->CountFailureInfo = JobQueue->CountFailureInfo; for (i = 0; i < JobQueue->CountFailureInfo; i++) { CopyMemory( &JobQueueFile->RouteFailureInfo[i], &JobQueue->RouteFailureInfo[i], sizeof(ROUTE_FAILURE_INFO) ); JobQueueFile->RouteFailureInfo[i].FailureData = (PVOID) Offset; //
// protect ourselves since this comes from a routing extension that may be misbehaving
__try { CopyMemory( (LPBYTE) JobQueueFile + Offset, JobQueue->RouteFailureInfo[i].FailureData, JobQueue->RouteFailureInfo[i].FailureSize ); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {
} Offset += JobQueue->RouteFailureInfo[i].FailureSize; } JobQueueFile->FaxRoute = (PFAX_ROUTE) Offset; CopyMemory( (LPBYTE) JobQueueFile + Offset, FaxRoute, RouteSize ); JobQueueFile->FaxRouteSize = RouteSize; Offset += RouteSize; } JobQueueFile->CountFaxRouteFiles = 0; Next = JobQueue->FaxRouteFiles.Flink; while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&JobQueue->FaxRouteFiles) { DWORD TmpSize;
FaxRouteFile = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, FAX_ROUTE_FILE, ListEntry ); Next = FaxRouteFile->ListEntry.Flink; CopyMemory( (LPBYTE) JobQueueFile + Offset, (LPBYTE) &FaxRouteFile->Guid, sizeof(GUID) ); if (JobQueueFile->CountFaxRouteFiles == 0) { JobQueueFile->FaxRouteFileGuid = (ULONG)Offset; } Offset += sizeof(GUID); TmpSize = StringSize( FaxRouteFile->FileName ); CopyMemory( (LPBYTE) JobQueueFile + Offset, FaxRouteFile->FileName, TmpSize ); if (JobQueueFile->CountFaxRouteFiles == 0) { JobQueueFile->FaxRouteFiles = (ULONG)Offset; } Offset += TmpSize; JobQueueFile->CountFaxRouteFiles++; }
if (!WriteFile( hFile, JobQueueFile, Size, &Size, NULL )) { DeleteFile( QueueFileName ); rVal = FALSE; }
CloseHandle( hFile );
MemFree( JobQueueFile );
return rVal; }
VOID RescheduleJobQueueEntry( IN PJOB_QUEUE JobQueue ) { FILETIME CurrentFileTime; LARGE_INTEGER NewTime;
EnterCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); RemoveEntryList( &JobQueue->ListEntry );
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime( &CurrentFileTime );
NewTime.LowPart = CurrentFileTime.dwLowDateTime; NewTime.HighPart = CurrentFileTime.dwHighDateTime;
NewTime.QuadPart += SecToNano( (DWORDLONG)(FaxSendRetryDelay * 60) ); JobQueue->ScheduleTime = NewTime.QuadPart;
JobQueue->JobParams.ScheduleAction = JSA_SPECIFIC_TIME;
// insert the queue entry into the list in a sorted order
Next = QueueListHead.Flink; while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&QueueListHead) { QueueEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, JOB_QUEUE, ListEntry ); Next = QueueEntry->ListEntry.Flink; if (JobQueue->ScheduleTime <= QueueEntry->ScheduleTime) { InsertTailList( &QueueEntry->ListEntry, &JobQueue->ListEntry ); Next = NULL; break; } } if ((ULONG_PTR)Next == (ULONG_PTR)&QueueListHead) { InsertTailList( &QueueListHead, &JobQueue->ListEntry ); } CommitQueueEntry( JobQueue, JobQueue->QueueFileName, JobQueue->UniqueId ); DebugPrintDateTime( TEXT("Rescheduling JobId %d at"), JobQueue->JobId );
StartJobQueueTimer( NULL );
LeaveCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); }
PJOB_QUEUE AddJobQueueEntry( IN DWORD JobType, IN LPCTSTR FileName, IN const FAX_JOB_PARAMW *JobParams, IN LPCWSTR UserName, IN BOOL CreateQueueFile, IN PJOB_ENTRY JobEntry // receive only
) { PLIST_ENTRY Next; PJOB_QUEUE JobQueue; PJOB_QUEUE JobQueueBroadcast; PJOB_QUEUE QueueEntry; WCHAR QueueFileName[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hTiff; TIFF_INFO TiffInfo; LPLINEDEVCAPS LineDevCaps; DWORD Size = sizeof(JOB_QUEUE);
if (JobType == JT_RECEIVE || JobType == JT_ROUTING) { if (CountRoutingMethods > 1) { Size += (sizeof(ROUTE_FAILURE_INFO)*(CountRoutingMethods-1)); } } JobQueue = MemAlloc( Size ); if (!JobQueue) { return NULL; } ZeroMemory( JobQueue, Size );
JobQueue->JobId = InterlockedIncrement( &NextJobId ); JobQueue->FileName = StringDup( FileName ); JobQueue->JobType = JobType; JobQueue->BroadcastCount = 0; JobQueue->RefCount = 0;
if (JobType != JT_RECEIVE && JobType != JT_FAIL_RECEIVE ) { JobQueue->UserName = StringDup( UserName ); JobQueue->JobParams.SizeOfStruct = JobParams->SizeOfStruct; JobQueue->JobParams.RecipientNumber = StringDup( JobParams->RecipientNumber ); JobQueue->JobParams.RecipientName = StringDup( JobParams->RecipientName ); JobQueue->JobParams.Tsid = StringDup( JobParams->Tsid ); JobQueue->JobParams.SenderName = StringDup( JobParams->SenderName ); JobQueue->JobParams.SenderCompany = StringDup( JobParams->SenderCompany ); JobQueue->JobParams.SenderDept = StringDup( JobParams->SenderDept ); JobQueue->JobParams.BillingCode = StringDup( JobParams->BillingCode ); JobQueue->JobParams.DocumentName = StringDup( JobParams->DocumentName ); JobQueue->JobParams.ScheduleAction = JobParams->ScheduleAction; JobQueue->JobParams.ScheduleTime = JobParams->ScheduleTime; JobQueue->DeliveryReportAddress = StringDup( JobParams->DeliveryReportAddress ); JobQueue->DeliveryReportType = JobParams->DeliveryReportType; JobQueue->JobStatus = JS_PENDING; } else { LPTSTR TempFileName = _tcsrchr( FileName, '\\' ) + 1; //JobQueue->DocumentName = StringDup( GetString( (JobType == JT_RECEIVE) ? IDS_RECEIVE_DOCUMENT : IDS_RECEIVE_FAILURE ) );
JobQueue->UserName = StringDup( GetString( IDS_SERVICE_NAME ) ); JobQueue->JobParams.DocumentName = StringDup( TempFileName ); JobQueue->JobStatus = JS_INPROGRESS; JobQueue->JobEntry = JobEntry; JobQueue->JobEntry->JobId = JobQueue->JobId; }
InitializeListHead( &JobQueue->FaxRouteFiles ); InitializeCriticalSection( &JobQueue->CsFileList ); InitializeListHead( &JobQueue->RoutingDataOverride ); InitializeCriticalSection( &JobQueue->CsRoutingDataOverride ); if (JobType == JT_RECEIVE || JobType == JT_FAIL_RECEIVE) { EnterCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); InsertHeadList( &QueueListHead, &JobQueue->ListEntry ); LeaveCriticalSection( &CsQueue );
QueueCount += 1; SetFaxJobNumberRegistry( NextJobId ); return JobQueue; } if (JobParams->CallHandle) { DebugPrint((TEXT("getting permanent device id for deviceId %d\n"),JobParams->Reserved[2])); LineDevCaps = MyLineGetDevCaps ((DWORD)JobParams->Reserved[2]); if (LineDevCaps) { JobQueue->DeviceId = LineDevCaps->dwPermanentLineID; MemFree( LineDevCaps ) ; } else { MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->DeliveryReportAddress ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->FileName ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->UserName ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->QueueFileName ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.RecipientNumber ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.RecipientName ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.Tsid ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.SenderName ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.SenderCompany ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.SenderDept ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.BillingCode ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.DeliveryReportAddress ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.DocumentName ); MemFree( JobQueue );
return NULL; } }
if (JobParams->Reserved[0] == 0xfffffffe) { JobQueue->BroadcastJob = TRUE; if (JobParams->Reserved[1] == 2) { JobQueueBroadcast = FindJobQueueEntry( (DWORD)JobParams->Reserved[2] ); if (JobQueueBroadcast == NULL) { MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->DeliveryReportAddress ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->FileName ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->UserName ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->QueueFileName ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.RecipientNumber ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.RecipientName ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.Tsid ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.SenderName ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.SenderCompany ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.SenderDept ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.BillingCode ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.DeliveryReportAddress ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.DocumentName ); MemFree( JobQueue ); return NULL; } JobQueue->BroadcastOwner = JobQueueBroadcast; JobQueueBroadcast->BroadcastCount += 1; } }
// get the page count and file size
if (FileName) { hTiff = TiffOpen( (LPWSTR) FileName, &TiffInfo, TRUE, FILLORDER_MSB2LSB ); if (hTiff) { JobQueue->PageCount = TiffInfo.PageCount; TiffClose( hTiff ); JobQueue->FileSize = MyGetFileSize(FileName) ; } }
if (JobQueue->DeliveryReportAddress && JobQueue->DeliveryReportType == DRT_INBOX) { JobQueue->DeliveryReportProfile = AddNewMapiProfile( JobQueue->DeliveryReportAddress, FALSE, FALSE ); } else { JobQueue->DeliveryReportProfile = NULL; }
if (JobQueue->JobParams.ScheduleAction == JSA_SPECIFIC_TIME) { SystemTimeToFileTime( &JobQueue->JobParams.ScheduleTime, (FILETIME*) &JobQueue->ScheduleTime ); } else if (JobQueue->JobParams.ScheduleAction == JSA_DISCOUNT_PERIOD) { SYSTEMTIME CurrentTime; GetSystemTime( &CurrentTime ); SetDiscountTime( &CurrentTime ); SystemTimeToFileTime( &CurrentTime, (LPFILETIME)&JobQueue->ScheduleTime ); }
EnterCriticalSection( &CsQueue );
if ((JobQueue->JobParams.ScheduleAction == JSA_NOW) || ((ULONG_PTR) QueueListHead.Flink == (ULONG_PTR)&QueueListHead) || (JobQueue->DeviceId != 0)) {
// just put it at the head of the list
InsertHeadList( &QueueListHead, &JobQueue->ListEntry );
} else {
// insert the queue entry into the list in a sorted order
Next = QueueListHead.Flink; while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&QueueListHead) { QueueEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, JOB_QUEUE, ListEntry ); Next = QueueEntry->ListEntry.Flink; if (JobQueue->ScheduleTime <= QueueEntry->ScheduleTime) { InsertTailList( &QueueEntry->ListEntry, &JobQueue->ListEntry ); Next = NULL; break; } } if ((ULONG_PTR)Next == (ULONG_PTR)&QueueListHead) { InsertTailList( &QueueListHead, &JobQueue->ListEntry ); } }
// this is a persistent queue, so commit the data to a disk file
// don't commit a handoff job to the queue
if (CreateQueueFile && JobQueue->DeviceId == 0) { JobQueue->UniqueId = GenerateUniqueFileName( FaxQueueDir, TEXT("fqe"), QueueFileName, sizeof(QueueFileName)/sizeof(WCHAR) ); JobQueue->QueueFileName = StringDup( QueueFileName ); CommitQueueEntry( JobQueue, QueueFileName, JobQueue->UniqueId ); }
DebugPrint(( TEXT("Added JobId %d"), JobQueue->JobId )); //
// set the timer so that the job will get started
StartJobQueueTimer( NULL );
LeaveCriticalSection( &CsQueue );
QueueCount += 1; SetFaxJobNumberRegistry( NextJobId );
return JobQueue; }
BOOL RemoveJobQueueEntry( IN PJOB_QUEUE JobQueueEntry ) { PJOB_QUEUE JobQueue, JobQueueBroadcast = NULL; BOOL RemoveMasterBroadcast = FALSE; PROUTING_DATA_OVERRIDE RoutingDataOverride; PFAX_ROUTE_FILE FaxRouteFile; PLIST_ENTRY Next; DWORD i, JobId;
if (JobQueueEntry == NULL) { return TRUE; }
EnterCriticalSection( &CsQueue );
__try {
// need to make sure that the job queue entry we want to remove
// is still in the list of job queue entries
JobQueue = FindJobQueueEntryByJobQueueEntry( JobQueueEntry );
if (JobQueue == NULL) { LeaveCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); return TRUE; } DebugPrint(( TEXT("Removing JobId %d"), JobQueue->JobId )); JobId = JobQueue->JobId; if (JobQueue->RefCount == 0) { if (JobQueue->BroadcastJob && JobQueue->BroadcastOwner) { JobQueueBroadcast = JobQueue->BroadcastOwner; JobQueueBroadcast->BroadcastCount -= 1; if (JobQueueBroadcast->BroadcastCount == 0) { RemoveMasterBroadcast = TRUE; } } RemoveEntryList( &JobQueue->ListEntry ); CancelWaitableTimer( QueueTimer ); StartJobQueueTimer( NULL ); DebugPrint(( TEXT("Deleting QueueFileName %s\n"), JobQueue->QueueFileName )); DeleteFile( JobQueue->QueueFileName ); DebugPrint(( TEXT("Deleting FileName %s\n"), JobQueue->FileName )); DeleteFile( JobQueue->FileName );
DebugPrint(( TEXT("Freeing JobQueue.JobParams...") )); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->DeliveryReportAddress ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->FileName ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->UserName ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->QueueFileName ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.RecipientNumber ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.RecipientName ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.Tsid ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.SenderName ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.SenderCompany ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.SenderDept ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.BillingCode ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.DeliveryReportAddress ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) JobQueue->JobParams.DocumentName ); if (JobQueue->FaxRoute) { PFAX_ROUTE FaxRoute = JobQueue->FaxRoute; DebugPrint(( TEXT("Freeing JobQueue.FaxRoute...") ));
MemFree( (LPBYTE) FaxRoute->Csid ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) FaxRoute->Tsid ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) FaxRoute->CallerId ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) FaxRoute->ReceiverName ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) FaxRoute->ReceiverNumber ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) FaxRoute->RoutingInfo ); MemFree( (LPBYTE) FaxRoute ); } //
// walk the file list and remove any files
DebugPrint(( TEXT("Freeing JobQueue.FaxRouteFiles...") )); Next = JobQueue->FaxRouteFiles.Flink; if (Next != NULL) { while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&JobQueue->FaxRouteFiles) { FaxRouteFile = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, FAX_ROUTE_FILE, ListEntry ); Next = FaxRouteFile->ListEntry.Flink; DeleteFile( FaxRouteFile->FileName ); MemFree( FaxRouteFile->FileName ); MemFree( FaxRouteFile ); } } //
// walk the routing data override list and free all memory
DebugPrint(( TEXT("Freeing JobQueue.RoutingDataOverride...") )); Next = JobQueue->RoutingDataOverride.Flink; if (Next != NULL) { while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&JobQueue->RoutingDataOverride) { RoutingDataOverride = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, ROUTING_DATA_OVERRIDE, ListEntry ); Next = RoutingDataOverride->ListEntry.Flink; MemFree( RoutingDataOverride->RoutingData ); MemFree( RoutingDataOverride ); } } //
// free any routing failure data
for (i =0; i<JobQueue->CountFailureInfo; i++) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("Freeing JobQueue.RouteFailureInfo...") )); if ( JobQueue->RouteFailureInfo[i].FailureData ) { //
// memory was allocated with local alloc
__try { LocalFree(JobQueue->RouteFailureInfo[i].FailureData); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("Couldn't LocalFree routing failure data, ec = %x\n"), GetExceptionCode() )); } } } DebugPrint(( TEXT("Freeing JobQueue") )); MemFree( JobQueue ); CreateFaxEvent(0, FEI_DELETED, JobId); QueueCount -= 1; if (RemoveMasterBroadcast) { RemoveJobQueueEntry( JobQueueBroadcast ); } } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("RemoveJobQueueEntry exception, ec = 0x%08x\n"), GetExceptionCode() )); Assert(FALSE); }
LeaveCriticalSection( &CsQueue );
return TRUE; }
BOOL PauseJobQueueEntry( IN PJOB_QUEUE JobQueue ) { EnterCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); CancelWaitableTimer( QueueTimer ); JobQueue->Paused = TRUE; JobQueue->JobStatus |= JS_PAUSED; StartJobQueueTimer( NULL ); LeaveCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); StartIdleTimer(); return TRUE; }
BOOL ResumeJobQueueEntry( IN PJOB_QUEUE JobQueue ) { EnterCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); CancelWaitableTimer( QueueTimer ); JobQueue->Paused = FALSE; JobQueue->JobStatus &= ~JS_PAUSED; //
// BugBug Should we allow "resume" of jobs whose retries have been exceeded?
// This would be like "restarting" the job.
StartJobQueueTimer( JobQueue ); LeaveCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); StopIdleTimer(); return TRUE; }
PJOB_QUEUE FindJobQueueEntryByJobQueueEntry( IN PJOB_QUEUE JobQueueEntry ) { PLIST_ENTRY Next; PJOB_QUEUE JobQueue;
Next = QueueListHead.Flink; while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&QueueListHead) { JobQueue = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, JOB_QUEUE, ListEntry ); Next = JobQueue->ListEntry.Flink; if ((ULONG_PTR)JobQueue == (ULONG_PTR)JobQueueEntry) { return JobQueue; } }
return NULL; }
PJOB_QUEUE FindJobQueueEntry( DWORD JobId ) { PLIST_ENTRY Next; PJOB_QUEUE JobQueue;
Next = QueueListHead.Flink; while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&QueueListHead) { JobQueue = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, JOB_QUEUE, ListEntry ); Next = JobQueue->ListEntry.Flink; if (JobQueue->JobId == JobId) { return JobQueue; } }
return NULL; }
PJOB_QUEUE FindJobQueueEntryByUniqueId( DWORDLONG UniqueId ) { PLIST_ENTRY Next; PJOB_QUEUE JobQueue;
Next = QueueListHead.Flink; while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&QueueListHead) { JobQueue = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, JOB_QUEUE, ListEntry ); Next = JobQueue->ListEntry.Flink; if (JobQueue->UniqueId == UniqueId) { return JobQueue; } }
return NULL; }
DWORD JobQueueThread( LPVOID UnUsed ) { DWORD Rslt; SYSTEMTIME CurrentTime; DWORDLONG DueTime; PLIST_ENTRY Next; PJOB_QUEUE JobQueue; PJOB_ENTRY JobEntry; PLINE_INFO LineInfo; HANDLE Handles[3]; HANDLE hLineMutex; WCHAR LineMutexName[64]; DWORD WaitObject; WCHAR TempFile[MAX_PATH]; static DWORDLONG DirtyDays = 0; BOOL InitializationOk = TRUE;
QueueTimer = CreateWaitableTimer( NULL, FALSE, NULL ); IdleTimer = CreateWaitableTimer( NULL, FALSE, NULL ); JobQueueSemaphore = CreateSemaphore( NULL, 0, 1024, NULL ); Handles[0] = IdleTimer; Handles[1] = QueueTimer; Handles[2] = JobQueueSemaphore;
InitializeListHead( &RescheduleQueueHead );
__try{ InitializationOk = RestoreFaxQueue(); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("RestoreFaxQueue() crashed, ec = %x\n"), GetExceptionCode() )); InitializationOk = FALSE; }
if (!Handles[0] || !Handles[1] || !Handles[2]) { InitializationOk = FALSE; }
// sort the job queue just in case our discount time has changed for the restored jobs
while (TRUE) {
WaitObject = WaitForMultipleObjects( 3, Handles, FALSE, INFINITE ); if (WaitObject == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { if (ConnectionCount != 0) { StartIdleTimer(); continue; } else { EndFaxSvc(TRUE,FAXLOG_LEVEL_MAX); }
// find the jobs that need servicing in the queue
EnterCriticalSection( &CsJob ); EnterCriticalSection( &CsQueue );
GetSystemTime( &CurrentTime ); SystemTimeToFileTime( &CurrentTime, (LPFILETIME) &DueTime );
if (WaitObject - WAIT_OBJECT_0 == 2) { SemaphoreSignaled++; DebugPrintDateTime( TEXT("Semaphore signaled at "), DueTime ); } else { DebugPrintDateTime( TEXT("Timer signaled at "), DueTime ); } PrintJobQueue( TEXT("JobQueueThread"), QueueListHead );
Next = QueueListHead.Flink; while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&QueueListHead) { JobQueue = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, JOB_QUEUE, ListEntry ); Next = JobQueue->ListEntry.Flink;
if (JobQueue->Paused || JobQueue->JobType == JT_RECEIVE || JobQueue->JobType == JT_FAIL_RECEIVE) { continue; }
if (JobQueue->JobStatus & JS_RETRIES_EXCEEDED){ //
// recalculate dirty days
if (FaxDirtyDays == (DWORD) -1) { //
// this means disable dirty days functionality
DirtyDays = (DWORDLONG) -1; } else { DirtyDays = FaxDirtyDays * 24I64 * 60I64 * 60I64 * 1000I64 * 1000I64 * 10I64; }
if ( DirtyDays != (DWORDLONG)-1 && (JobQueue->ScheduleTime + DirtyDays < DueTime)){ RemoveJobQueueEntry( JobQueue ); } continue; } if (JobQueue->JobType == JT_ROUTING) { DWORD i; BOOL Routed = TRUE;
if (JobQueue->ScheduleTime != 0 && DueTime < JobQueue->ScheduleTime){ continue; } if (!RoutingIsInitialized) { RemoveEntryList( &JobQueue->ListEntry ); InsertTailList( &RescheduleQueueHead, &JobQueue->ListEntry ); continue; } JobQueue->SendRetries++; JobQueue->JobStatus = JS_RETRYING ;
for (i = 0; i < JobQueue->CountFailureInfo; i++) {
Routed &= FaxRouteRetry( JobQueue->FaxRoute, &JobQueue->RouteFailureInfo[i] ); } if ( Routed ) { RemoveJobQueueEntry( JobQueue ); } else { RemoveEntryList( &JobQueue->ListEntry ); InsertTailList( &RescheduleQueueHead, &JobQueue->ListEntry ); if (JobQueue->SendRetries >= FaxSendRetries) { //
// retries exceeded, mark job as expired
JobQueue->JobStatus = JS_RETRIES_EXCEEDED ; } }
continue; }
// outbound job
// if the queue is paused or the job is already in progress, don't send it again
if (QueuePaused || ((JobQueue->JobStatus & JS_INPROGRESS) == JS_INPROGRESS)) { continue; }
if (JobQueue->BroadcastJob && JobQueue->BroadcastOwner == NULL) { continue; }
if (JobQueue->DeviceId || JobQueue->ScheduleTime == 0 || DueTime >= JobQueue->ScheduleTime) {
// start the job
if (JobQueue->DeviceId != 0) {
// we're doing a handoff job, create a mutex based on deviceId
DebugPrint((TEXT("Creating a handoff job for device %d\n"),JobQueue->DeviceId)); wsprintf(LineMutexName,L"FaxLineHandoff%d",JobQueue->DeviceId); hLineMutex = CreateMutex(NULL,TRUE,LineMutexName);
if (!hLineMutex) { DebugPrint((TEXT("CreateMutex failed, ec = %d\n"),GetLastError() )); continue; } else { JobEntry = StartJob( JobQueue->DeviceId, JobQueue->JobType, (LPTSTR) JobQueue->JobParams.RecipientNumber ); // startjob will take ownership of the line
DebugPrint((TEXT("Signalling line ownership mutex \"FaxLineHandoff%d\""),JobQueue->DeviceId)); ReleaseMutex(hLineMutex); CloseHandle(hLineMutex); } } else { JobEntry = StartJob( USE_SERVER_DEVICE, JobQueue->JobType, (LPTSTR) JobQueue->JobParams.RecipientNumber ); } if (!JobEntry) { JobQueue->JobStatus |= JS_NOLINE; DebugPrint(( TEXT("Job Id %d no line"), JobQueue->JobId)); break; } else { JobQueue->JobStatus &= (0xFFFFFFFF ^ JS_NOLINE); }
if (JobQueue->BroadcastJob) { GenerateUniqueFileName( FaxQueueDir, TEXT("tif"), TempFile, sizeof(TempFile)/sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (JobQueue->FileName) { CopyFile( JobQueue->FileName, TempFile, FALSE ); MergeTiffFiles( TempFile, JobQueue->BroadcastOwner->FileName ); } else { CopyFile( JobQueue->BroadcastOwner->FileName, TempFile, FALSE ); } }
LineInfo = JobEntry->LineInfo; JobQueue->JobEntry = JobEntry;
// set the job type
JobEntry->JobType = JobQueue->JobType; JobEntry->JobId = JobQueue->JobId;
// save the job params
JobEntry->JobParam.SizeOfStruct = JobQueue->JobParams.SizeOfStruct; JobEntry->JobParam.RecipientNumber = StringDup( JobQueue->JobParams.RecipientNumber ); JobEntry->JobParam.RecipientName = StringDup( JobQueue->JobParams.RecipientName ); JobEntry->JobParam.Tsid = StringDup( JobQueue->JobParams.Tsid ); JobEntry->JobParam.SenderName = StringDup( JobQueue->JobParams.SenderName ); JobEntry->JobParam.SenderCompany = StringDup( JobQueue->JobParams.SenderCompany ); JobEntry->JobParam.SenderDept = StringDup( JobQueue->JobParams.SenderDept ); JobEntry->JobParam.BillingCode = StringDup( JobQueue->JobParams.BillingCode ); JobEntry->JobParam.Reserved[0] = JobQueue->JobParams.Reserved[0]; JobEntry->JobParam.Reserved[1] = JobQueue->JobParams.Reserved[1]; JobEntry->JobParam.Reserved[2] = JobQueue->JobParams.Reserved[2]; JobEntry->PageCount = JobQueue->PageCount; JobEntry->FileSize = JobQueue->FileSize; //only meaningful for outbound job
JobEntry->UserName = StringDup ( JobQueue->UserName ); JobEntry->DeliveryReportType = JobQueue->DeliveryReportType; JobEntry->DeliveryReportProfile = JobQueue->DeliveryReportProfile; JobEntry->DeliveryReportAddress = StringDup ( JobQueue->DeliveryReportAddress ); if (JobQueue->BroadcastJob) { JobEntry->BroadcastJob = TRUE; }
// start the send job
Rslt = SendDocument( JobEntry, JobQueue->BroadcastJob ? TempFile : JobQueue->FileName, &JobQueue->JobParams, JobQueue ); } }
Next = RescheduleQueueHead.Flink; while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&RescheduleQueueHead) { JobQueue = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, JOB_QUEUE, ListEntry ); Next = JobQueue->ListEntry.Flink; RescheduleJobQueueEntry( JobQueue ); }
// restart the timer
StartJobQueueTimer( NULL ); LeaveCriticalSection( &CsQueue ); LeaveCriticalSection( &CsJob ); }
return 0; }
VOID SetDiscountTime( LPSYSTEMTIME CurrentTime ) /*++
Routine Description:
Sets the passed in systemtime to a time inside the discount rate period. Some care must be taken here because the time passed in is in UTC time and the discount rate is for the current time zone. Delineating a day must be done using the current time zone. We convert the current time into the time zone specific time, run our time-setting algorithm, and then use an offset of the change in the time-zone specific time to set the passed in UTC time. Also, note that there are a few subtle subcases that depend on the order of the start and ending time for the discount period.
CurrentTime - the current time of the job Return Value:
none. modifies CurrentTime.
--*/ { // nano microsec millisec sec min hours
#define ONE_DAY 10I64 *1000I64* 1000I64 * 60I64 * 60I64 * 24I64
LONGLONG Time, TzTimeBefore, TzTimeAfter,ftCurrent; SYSTEMTIME tzTime;
// convert our discount rates into UTC rates
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(NULL, CurrentTime, &tzTime); SystemTimeToFileTime(&tzTime, (FILETIME * )&TzTimeBefore);
// there are 2 general cases with several subcases
// case 1: discount start time is before discount stop time (don't overlap a day)
if ( StartCheapTime.Hour < StopCheapTime.Hour || (StartCheapTime.Hour == StopCheapTime.Hour && StartCheapTime.Minute < StopCheapTime.Minute )) { //
// subcase 1: sometime before cheap time starts in the current day.
// just set it to the correct hour and minute today.
if ( tzTime.wHour < StartCheapTime.Hour || (tzTime.wHour == StartCheapTime.Hour && tzTime.wMinute <= StartCheapTime.Minute) ) { tzTime.wHour = StartCheapTime.Hour; tzTime.wMinute = StartCheapTime.Minute; goto convert; } //
// subcase 2: inside the current cheap time range
// don't change anything, just send immediately
if ( tzTime.wHour < StopCheapTime.Hour || (tzTime.wHour == StopCheapTime.Hour && tzTime.wMinute <= StopCheapTime.Minute)) { goto convert; } //
// subcase 3: we've passed the cheap time range for today.
// Increment 1 day and set to the start of the cheap time period
SystemTimeToFileTime(&tzTime, (FILETIME * )&Time); Time += ONE_DAY; FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME *)&Time, &tzTime); tzTime.wHour = StartCheapTime.Hour; tzTime.wMinute = StartCheapTime.Minute; goto convert;
} else { //
// case 2: discount start time is after discount stop time (we overlap over midnight)
// subcase 1: sometime aftert cheap time ended today, but before it starts later in the current day.
// set it to the start of the cheap time period today
if ( ( tzTime.wHour > StopCheapTime.Hour || (tzTime.wHour == StopCheapTime.Hour && tzTime.wMinute >= StopCheapTime.Minute) ) && ( tzTime.wHour < StartCheapTime.Hour || (tzTime.wHour == StartCheapTime.Hour && tzTime.wMinute <= StartCheapTime.Minute) )) { tzTime.wHour = StartCheapTime.Hour; tzTime.wMinute = StartCheapTime.Minute; goto convert; } //
// subcase 2: sometime after cheap time started today, but before midnight.
// don't change anything, just send immediately
if ( ( tzTime.wHour >= StartCheapTime.Hour || (tzTime.wHour == StartCheapTime.Hour && tzTime.wMinute >= StartCheapTime.Minute) )) { goto convert; } //
// subcase 3: somtime in next day before cheap time ends
// don't change anything, send immediately
if ( ( tzTime.wHour <= StopCheapTime.Hour || (tzTime.wHour == StopCheapTime.Hour && tzTime.wMinute <= StopCheapTime.Minute) )) { goto convert; } //
// subcase 4: we've passed the cheap time range for today.
// since start time comes after stop time, just set it to the start time later on today.
tzTime.wHour = StartCheapTime.Hour; tzTime.wMinute = StartCheapTime.Minute; goto convert;
SystemTimeToFileTime(&tzTime, (FILETIME * )&TzTimeAfter); SystemTimeToFileTime(CurrentTime, (FILETIME * )&ftCurrent);
ftCurrent += (TzTimeAfter - TzTimeBefore);
FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME *)&ftCurrent, CurrentTime); return;