Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module wraps all of the TAPI calls.
Wesley Witt (wesw) 22-Jan-1996
Revision History:
#include "faxsvc.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// globals
HLINEAPP hLineApp; // application line handle
DWORD TapiApiVersion; //
HANDLE TapiCompletionPort; //
DWORD DeviceInstalled; //
CRITICAL_SECTION CsLine; // critical section for accessing tapi lines
DWORD TapiDevices; // number of tapi devices
DWORD DeviceCount; // number of devices in the TapiLinesListHead
LIST_ENTRY TapiLinesListHead; // linked list of tapi lines
LPBYTE AdaptiveFileBuffer; // list of approved adaptive answer modems
extern LONG ConnectionCount;
#include "modem.c"
BOOL AddNewDevice( DWORD DeviceId, LPLINEDEVCAPS LineDevCaps, BOOL InitDevice );
DWORD InitializeTapiLine( DWORD DeviceId, LPLINEDEVCAPS LineDevCaps, DWORD Priority, DWORD Rings, DWORD Flags, LPTSTR Csid, LPTSTR Tsid );
LPTSTR FixupDeviceName( LPTSTR OrigDeviceName ) { LPTSTR NewDeviceName; LPTSTR p;
NewDeviceName = StringDup( OrigDeviceName ); if (!NewDeviceName) { return NULL; }
p = _tcschr( NewDeviceName, TEXT(',') ); if (!p) { return NewDeviceName; }
p = NewDeviceName;
while( p ) { p = _tcschr( p, TEXT(',') ); if (p) { *p = TEXT('_'); } }
return NewDeviceName; }
VOID FreeTapiLine( PLINE_INFO LineInfo ) { HLINE hLine = 0;
if (!LineInfo) { return; }
if (LineInfo->hLine) { hLine = LineInfo->hLine; LineInfo->hLine = 0; }
MemFree( LineInfo->DeviceName ); MemFree( LineInfo->Tsid );
MemFree( LineInfo );
if (hLine) { lineClose( hLine ); } }
int __cdecl DevicePriorityCompare( const void *arg1, const void *arg2 ) { if (((PDEVICE_SORT)arg1)->Priority < ((PDEVICE_SORT)arg2)->Priority) { return -1; } if (((PDEVICE_SORT)arg1)->Priority > ((PDEVICE_SORT)arg2)->Priority) { return 1; } return 0; }
BOOL SortDevicePriorities( VOID ) { PLIST_ENTRY Next; PLINE_INFO LineInfo; PDEVICE_SORT DeviceSort; DWORD i = 0;
EnterCriticalSection( &CsLine );
Next = TapiLinesListHead.Flink; if (Next == NULL) { LeaveCriticalSection( &CsLine ); return FALSE; }
DeviceSort = (PDEVICE_SORT) MemAlloc( DeviceCount * sizeof(DEVICE_SORT) ); if (DeviceSort == NULL) { LeaveCriticalSection( &CsLine ); return FALSE; }
while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&TapiLinesListHead) { LineInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, LINE_INFO, ListEntry ); Next = LineInfo->ListEntry.Flink; DeviceSort[i].Priority = LineInfo->Priority; DeviceSort[i].LineInfo = LineInfo; i += 1; }
qsort( (PVOID)DeviceSort, (int)DeviceCount, sizeof(DEVICE_SORT), DevicePriorityCompare );
InitializeListHead( &TapiLinesListHead );
for (i=0; i<DeviceCount; i++) { DeviceSort[i].LineInfo->Priority = i + 1; DeviceSort[i].LineInfo->ListEntry.Flink = NULL; DeviceSort[i].LineInfo->ListEntry.Blink = NULL; InsertTailList( &TapiLinesListHead, &DeviceSort[i].LineInfo->ListEntry ); }
LeaveCriticalSection( &CsLine );
MemFree( DeviceSort );
return TRUE; }
DWORD GetFaxDeviceCount( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
counts the number of installed fax devices
Return Value:
number of devices
--*/ { DWORD FaxDevices = 0; PLIST_ENTRY Next; PLINE_INFO LineInfo;
__try { EnterCriticalSection(&CsLine);
Next = TapiLinesListHead.Flink;
while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&TapiLinesListHead) {
LineInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, LINE_INFO, ListEntry ); Next = LineInfo->ListEntry.Flink;
if (LineInfo->PermanentLineID && LineInfo->DeviceName) { FaxDevices += 1; } }
LeaveCriticalSection(&CsLine); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { LeaveCriticalSection(&CsLine); }
return FaxDevices; }
BOOL GetDeviceTypeCount( LPDWORD SendDevices, LPDWORD ReceiveDevices ) /*++
Routine Description:
counts the number of devices with receive enabled, number with send enabled
SendDevices - receives number of send devices ReceiveDevices - receives number of receive devices
Return Value:
number of devices
--*/ { DWORD Rx = 0, Tx = 0; PLIST_ENTRY Next; PLINE_INFO LineInfo;
__try { EnterCriticalSection(&CsLine);
Next = TapiLinesListHead.Flink;
while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&TapiLinesListHead) {
LineInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, LINE_INFO, ListEntry ); Next = LineInfo->ListEntry.Flink;
if (LineInfo->PermanentLineID && LineInfo->DeviceName) { if ((LineInfo->Flags & FPF_SEND) == FPF_SEND) { Tx++; }
if ((LineInfo->Flags & FPF_RECEIVE) == FPF_RECEIVE) { Rx++; } } }
LeaveCriticalSection(&CsLine); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { LeaveCriticalSection(&CsLine); }
if (SendDevices) { *SendDevices = Tx; }
if (ReceiveDevices) { *ReceiveDevices = Rx; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CommitDeviceChanges( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
commit device changes to registry. note that we commit all devices to registry since priority may have changed
Return Value:
TRUE for success.
--*/ { PLIST_ENTRY Next; PLINE_INFO LineInfo;
__try { EnterCriticalSection(&CsLine);
Next = TapiLinesListHead.Flink;
while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&TapiLinesListHead) {
LineInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, LINE_INFO, ListEntry ); Next = LineInfo->ListEntry.Flink;
if (LineInfo->PermanentLineID && LineInfo->DeviceName) { RegAddNewFaxDevice( LineInfo->DeviceName, LineInfo->Provider->ProviderName, LineInfo->Csid, LineInfo->Tsid, LineInfo->Priority, LineInfo->PermanentLineID, LineInfo->Flags & 0x0fffffff, LineInfo->RingsForAnswer, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL ); } }
LeaveCriticalSection(&CsLine); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { LeaveCriticalSection(&CsLine); }
return TRUE;
ULONG TapiWorkerThread( LPVOID UnUsed )
Routine Description:
This is worker thread for the FAX service. All queued requests are processed here.
Return Value:
Thread return value.
while( TRUE ) {
if (LineMsg) { LocalFree( LineMsg ); }
Rval = GetQueuedCompletionStatus( TapiCompletionPort, &Bytes, &CompletionKey, (LPOVERLAPPED*) &LineMsg, INFINITE );
if (!Rval) {
Rval = GetLastError(); LineMsg = NULL; DebugPrint(( TEXT("GetQueuedCompletionStatus() failed, ec=0x%08x"), Rval )); continue;
if (CompletionKey == FAXDEV_EVENT_KEY) {
// this is an event from a fax service provider
// that has enumerated virtual device(s)
// the LINEMESSAGE structure must be filled out
// as follows:
// LineMsg->hDevice == DeviceId from FaxDevStartJob()
// LineMsg->dwMessageID == 0
// LineMsg->dwCallbackInstance == 0
// LineMsg->dwParam1 == LINEDEVSTATE_RINGING
// LineMsg->dwParam2 == 0
// LineMsg->dwParam3 == 0
EnterCriticalSection( &CsJob ); EnterCriticalSection( &CsLine );
LineInfo = GetTapiLineFromDeviceId( (DWORD) LineMsg->hDevice ); if (!LineInfo) { goto next_event; }
if (LineMsg->dwParam1 == LINEDEVSTATE_RINGING) {
LineInfo->RingCount += 1; CreateFaxEvent( LineInfo->PermanentLineID, FEI_RINGING, 0xffffffff ); if ((LineInfo->Flags & FPF_RECEIVE) && (LineInfo->State == FPS_AVAILABLE)) {
// start a fax job
JobEntry = StartJob( LineInfo->PermanentLineID, JT_RECEIVE, NULL ); if (JobEntry) {
// receive the fax
StartFaxReceive( JobEntry, 0, LineInfo, FileName, sizeof(FileName) );
} else {
DebugPrint(( TEXT("StartJob() failed, cannot receive incoming fax") ));
} } }
goto next_event; }
LineInfo = (PLINE_INFO) LineMsg->dwCallbackInstance;
ShowLineEvent( (HLINE) LineMsg->hDevice, (HCALL) LineMsg->hDevice, LineInfo == NULL ? TEXT("*NULL LineInfo*") : (LineInfo->JobEntry == NULL) ? TEXT("*NULL Job*") : NULL, LineMsg->dwCallbackInstance, LineMsg->dwMessageID, LineMsg->dwParam1, LineMsg->dwParam2, LineMsg->dwParam3 );
EnterCriticalSection( &CsJob ); EnterCriticalSection( &CsLine );
__try {
switch( LineMsg->dwMessageID ) { case LINE_ADDRESSSTATE:
// the port is now unavailable
LineInfo->State = FPS_AVAILABLE;
// the port is now available
LineInfo->State = FPS_UNAVAILABLE;
case LINE_CALLINFO: break;
case LINE_CALLSTATE: if (LineMsg->dwParam3 == LINECALLPRIVILEGE_OWNER && LineInfo->JobEntry && LineInfo->JobEntry->HandoffJob) { //
// call was just handed off to us
if (LineInfo->JobEntry && LineInfo->JobEntry->HandoffJob) { LineInfo->HandoffCallHandle = (HCALL) LineMsg->hDevice; SetEvent( LineInfo->JobEntry->hCallHandleEvent ); } else { lineDeallocateCall( (HCALL) LineMsg->hDevice ); }
} if (LineMsg->dwParam1 == LINECALLSTATE_IDLE) { ReleaseTapiLine( LineInfo, (HCALL) LineMsg->hDevice ); LineInfo->NewCall = FALSE; CreateFaxEvent( LineInfo->PermanentLineID, FEI_IDLE, 0xffffffff ); }
if (LineInfo->NewCall && LineMsg->dwParam1 != LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING && LineInfo->State == FPS_AVAILABLE) { LineInfo->State = FPS_NOT_FAX_CALL; LineInfo->NewCall = FALSE; } break;
case LINE_CLOSE: //
// this usually happens when something bad happens to the modem device. before we go off and scare the
// user with a popup, let's try to revive the device once. Then we can let them know that the device is
// messed up or powered off.
DebugPrint(( TEXT("Received a LINE_CLOSE message for device %x [%s]."), LineInfo->DeviceId, LineInfo->DeviceName ));
if (OpenTapiLine( LineInfo )) {
DebugPrint(( TEXT("Device [%s] was revived"), LineInfo->DeviceName )); LineInfo->Flags &= ~FPF_POWERED_OFF;
LineInfo->State = 0;
if (LineInfo->Flags & FPF_RECEIVE_OK) { LineInfo->Flags |= FPF_RECEIVE; LineInfo->Flags &= ~FPF_RECEIVE_OK; } } else { //
// the modem is really messed up or powered off, so it's ok to scare the user. :)
if (LineInfo->Flags & FPF_RECEIVE) { LineInfo->Flags &= ~FPF_RECEIVE; LineInfo->Flags |= FPF_RECEIVE_OK; } LineInfo->Flags |= FPF_POWERED_OFF;
LineInfo->State = FPS_OFFLINE;
LineInfo->hLine = 0;
CreateFaxEvent( LineInfo->PermanentLineID, FEI_MODEM_POWERED_OFF, 0xffffffff );
// put a popup on the currently active desktop
// we only allow 1 popup per device at a time
// and we only present the popup twice
if (!LineInfo->ModemInUse && LineInfo->ModemPopupActive && LineInfo->ModemPopUps < MAX_MODEM_POPUPS) {
LineInfo->ModemPopupActive = 0; LineInfo->ModemPopUps += 1;
ServiceMessageBox( GetString( IDS_POWERED_OFF_MODEM ), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND, TRUE, &LineInfo->ModemPopupActive );
// if we were waiting for a handoff, give up on it!
if (LineInfo->JobEntry && LineInfo->JobEntry->HandoffJob) { LineInfo->HandoffCallHandle = 0; SetEvent(LineInfo->JobEntry->hCallHandleEvent); }
case LINE_GENERATE: break;
LineInfo->RingCount = (DWORD)LineMsg->dwParam3 + 1;
CreateFaxEvent( LineInfo->PermanentLineID, FEI_RINGING, 0xffffffff );
// Pick up the line only if the last inbound job has completed
if (LineInfo->State != FPS_AVAILABLE) { break; }
if ((LineInfo->Flags & FPF_RECEIVE) && (LineInfo->State == FPS_AVAILABLE)) {
if (LineInfo->LineMsgOffering.hDevice == 0) { //
// wait for the offering message
break; }
if ((LineInfo->RingCount > LineInfo->RingsForAnswer) && !LineInfo->JobEntry) {
// start a fax job
JobEntry = StartJob( LineInfo->PermanentLineID, JT_RECEIVE, NULL ); if (JobEntry) {
// receive the fax
StartFaxReceive( JobEntry, (HCALL) LineInfo->LineMsgOffering.hDevice, LineInfo, FileName, sizeof(FileName) );
} else {
DebugPrint(( TEXT("StartJob() failed, cannot receive incoming fax") ));
} }
} else {
// we are not supposed to answer the call, so give it to ras
HandoffCallToRas( LineInfo, (HCALL) LineInfo->LineMsgOffering.hDevice );
} } break;
case LINE_REPLY: if (LineInfo->InitEvent && LineInfo->RequestId == LineMsg->dwParam1) { LineInfo->Result = (DWORD)LineMsg->dwParam2; SetEvent( LineInfo->InitEvent ); } break;
case LINE_REQUEST: break;
case PHONE_BUTTON: break;
case PHONE_CLOSE: break;
case PHONE_REPLY: break;
case PHONE_STATE: break;
case LINE_CREATE: { LPLINEDEVCAPS LineDevCaps; LINEEXTENSIONID lineExtensionID; DWORD LocalTapiApiVersion; DWORD Rslt; DWORD DeviceId;
DeviceId = (DWORD)LineMsg->dwParam1;
Rslt = lineNegotiateAPIVersion( hLineApp, DeviceId, 0x00010003, TapiApiVersion, &LocalTapiApiVersion, &lineExtensionID ); if (Rslt == 0) { LineDevCaps = MyLineGetDevCaps( DeviceId ); if (LineDevCaps) { AddNewDevice( DeviceId, LineDevCaps, TRUE ); MemFree( LineDevCaps ); } } } break;
case PHONE_CREATE: break;
case LINE_APPNEWCALL: LineInfo->NewCall = TRUE; break;
case LINE_REMOVE: break;
case PHONE_REMOVE: break; }
if (LineInfo && ((!LineInfo->Provider) || (!LineInfo->Provider->FaxDevCallback))) {
DebugPrint(( TEXT("Unhandled tapi callback event") )); goto next_event;
// call the device provider's line callback function
__try {
if (LineInfo && LineInfo->JobEntry) {
LineInfo->Provider->FaxDevCallback( LineInfo->JobEntry ? (HANDLE) LineInfo->JobEntry->InstanceData : NULL, LineMsg->hDevice, LineMsg->dwMessageID, LineMsg->dwCallbackInstance, LineMsg->dwParam1, LineMsg->dwParam2, LineMsg->dwParam3 );
DebugPrint(( TEXT("Device provider tapi callback crashed: 0x%08x"), GetExceptionCode() ));
if (LineMsg->dwMessageID == LINE_CALLSTATE && LineMsg->dwParam1 == LINECALLSTATE_OFFERING) { // we'll get a LINE_LINEDEVSTATE (RINGING) event, so we'll post the ring event there or we'll get a duplicate event
//CreateFaxEvent( LineInfo->PermanentLineID, FEI_RINGING, 0xffffffff );
LineInfo->NewCall = FALSE;
if ((LineInfo->Flags & FPF_RECEIVE) && (LineInfo->State == FPS_AVAILABLE)) {
if ((LineInfo->RingCount > LineInfo->RingsForAnswer) && !LineInfo->JobEntry) {
// start a fax job
JobEntry = StartJob( LineInfo->PermanentLineID, JT_RECEIVE, NULL ); if (JobEntry) {
// receive the fax
StartFaxReceive( JobEntry, (HCALL) LineMsg->hDevice, LineInfo, FileName, sizeof(FileName) );
} else {
DebugPrint(( TEXT("StartJob() failed, cannot receive incoming fax") ));
} else {
// save the line msg
CopyMemory( &LineInfo->LineMsgOffering, LineMsg, sizeof(LINEMESSAGE) );
} else {
// we are not supposed to answer the call, so give it to ras
HandoffCallToRas( LineInfo, (HCALL) LineMsg->hDevice );
} }
DebugPrint(( TEXT("TapiWorkerThread() crashed: 0x%08x"), GetExceptionCode() ));
next_event: LeaveCriticalSection( &CsLine ); LeaveCriticalSection( &CsJob );
SetThreadExecutionState(ES_CONTINUOUS); }
return 0; }
BOOL HandoffCallToRas( PLINE_INFO LineInfo, HCALL hCall )
Routine Description:
This function will try to hand a call of to RAS. We do this under 2 circumstances: 1) we've answered an incoming call and determined that the call is NOT a fax call 2) the configuration for the line that is ringing is not configured for receiving faxes If the handoff fails and we have an open job for the line, then we have to call the device provider so that the line can be put on hook.
LineInfo - LineInfo structure for the line this call is on hCall - TAPI call handle
Return Value:
TRUE for success FALSE for failure
{ LONG Rval;
// need to hand the call off to RAS
Rval = lineHandoff( hCall, RAS_MODULE_NAME, LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM ); if (Rval != 0 && LineInfo && LineInfo->JobEntry) {
DebugPrint(( TEXT("lineHandoff() failed, ec=0x%08x"), Rval ));
// since the handoff failed we must notify
// the fsp so that the call can be put onhook
__try {
LineInfo->Provider->FaxDevAbortOperation( (HANDLE) LineInfo->JobEntry->InstanceData );
DebugPrint(( TEXT("FaxDevAbortOperation() failed: 0x%08x"), GetExceptionCode() ));
} else { DebugPrint(( TEXT("call handed off to RAS") )); }
return Rval == 0; }
PLINE_INFO GetTapiLineFromDeviceId( DWORD DeviceId ) { PLIST_ENTRY Next; PLINE_INFO LineInfo;
Next = TapiLinesListHead.Flink; if (!Next) { return NULL; }
while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&TapiLinesListHead) {
LineInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, LINE_INFO, ListEntry ); Next = LineInfo->ListEntry.Flink;
if (LineInfo->PermanentLineID == DeviceId) { return LineInfo; }
return NULL; }
PLINE_INFO GetTapiLineForFaxOperation( DWORD DeviceId, DWORD JobType, LPWSTR FaxNumber, BOOL Handoff )
Routine Description:
Locates an avaliable TAPI device for use in a FAX operation. The selection is based on the available devices and their assigned priority.
DeviceId - device for operation JobType - send or receive job FaxNumber - the number for a send Handoff - will this be a handoff job?
Return Value:
Pointer to a LINE_INFO structure or NULL is the function fails.
{ static NoDevicePopupCount = 0; PLIST_ENTRY Next; PLINE_INFO LineInfo; PLINE_INFO SelectedLine = NULL;
EnterCriticalSection( &CsLine );
Next = TapiLinesListHead.Flink; //
// only makes sense for a send job
if (Next && (JobType == JT_SEND) && FaxNumber) { while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&TapiLinesListHead) { LineInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, LINE_INFO, ListEntry ); Next = LineInfo->ListEntry.Flink;
// prevent a race condition?
if (LineInfo->JobEntry && LineInfo->JobEntry->PhoneNumber[0]) { if (_wcsicmp( LineInfo->JobEntry->PhoneNumber, FaxNumber ) == 0) { LeaveCriticalSection( &CsLine ); return NULL; } } } }
Next = TapiLinesListHead.Flink; if (Next) { while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&TapiLinesListHead) {
LineInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, LINE_INFO, ListEntry ); Next = LineInfo->ListEntry.Flink;
if (DeviceId != USE_SERVER_DEVICE) {
// find the specified device
if (LineInfo->PermanentLineID == DeviceId) {
if (Handoff) { if (JobType!= JT_SEND) { break; } SelectedLine = LineInfo; // LineInfo->State = FPS_???;
break; }
if ((LineInfo->State == FPS_AVAILABLE) && ((JobType == JT_SEND && (LineInfo->Flags & FPF_SEND)) || (JobType == JT_RECEIVE && (LineInfo->Flags & FPF_RECEIVE)))) { LineInfo->State = 0; SelectedLine = LineInfo; break;
} else if (LineInfo->UnimodemDevice && (LineInfo->Flags & FPF_POWERED_OFF)) { //
// see if we can revive the device
if (OpenTapiLine( LineInfo )) {
DebugPrint(( TEXT("Device [%s] is now powered on"), LineInfo->DeviceName )); LineInfo->Flags &= ~FPF_POWERED_OFF;
LineInfo->State = 0;
if (LineInfo->Flags & FPF_RECEIVE_OK) { LineInfo->Flags |= FPF_RECEIVE; LineInfo->Flags &= ~FPF_RECEIVE_OK; }
CreateFaxEvent( LineInfo->PermanentLineID, FEI_MODEM_POWERED_ON, 0xffffffff );
SelectedLine = LineInfo; } }
} else {
Assert( JobType != JT_RECEIVE );
if ((LineInfo->State == FPS_AVAILABLE) && ((JobType == JT_SEND && (LineInfo->Flags & FPF_SEND)) || (JobType == JT_RECEIVE && (LineInfo->Flags & FPF_RECEIVE)))) { LineInfo->State = 0; SelectedLine = LineInfo; break; } } } }
LeaveCriticalSection( &CsLine );
if (SelectedLine) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("Line selected for FAX operation: %d, %d"), SelectedLine->DeviceId, SelectedLine->PermanentLineID )); } else if (JobType == JT_SEND) { DWORD SendDevices;
if (SendDevices == 0 && NoDevicePopupCount < 2 ) { //
// no devices configured to send faxes
ServiceMessageBox(GetString(IDS_NO_SEND_DEVICES),MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, TRUE,NULL); NoDevicePopupCount++; } }
return SelectedLine; }
BOOL ReleaseTapiLine( PLINE_INFO LineInfo, HCALL hCall )
Routine Description:
Releases the specified TAPI line back into the list as an available device.
LineInfo - Pointer to the TAPI line to be released
Return Value:
TRUE - The line is release. FALSE - The line is not released.
{ LONG rVal; HLINE hLine;
if (!LineInfo) { return FALSE; }
EnterCriticalSection( &CsLine );
LineInfo->State = FPS_AVAILABLE; LineInfo->RingCount = 0;
ZeroMemory( &LineInfo->LineMsgOffering, sizeof(LINEMESSAGE) );
if ((!(LineInfo->Flags & FPF_RECEIVE)) && LineInfo->hLine) { hLine = LineInfo->hLine; LineInfo->hLine = 0; lineClose( hLine ); DebugPrint(( TEXT("ReleaseTapiLine(): lineClose on hLine=%08x "), hLine )); }
if (hCall) { rVal = lineDeallocateCall( hCall ); if (rVal != 0) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("ReleaseTapiLine(): lineDeallocateCall() failed, ec=0x%08x, hCall=%08x"), rVal, hCall )); } else { if (LineInfo->JobEntry && LineInfo->JobEntry->CallHandle == hCall) { LineInfo->JobEntry->CallHandle = 0; } } } else { DebugPrint(( TEXT("ReleaseTapiLine(): cannot deallocate call, NULL call handle") )); }
LeaveCriticalSection( &CsLine );
return TRUE; }
// allocate the initial linedevcaps structure
LineDevCapsSize = sizeof(LINEDEVCAPS) + 4096; LineDevCaps = (LPLINEDEVCAPS) MemAlloc( LineDevCapsSize ); if (!LineDevCaps) { return NULL; }
LineDevCaps->dwTotalSize = LineDevCapsSize;
Rslt = lineGetDevCaps( hLineApp, DeviceId, TapiApiVersion, 0, LineDevCaps );
if (Rslt != 0) { //
// lineGetDevCaps() can fail with error code 0x8000004b
// if a device has been deleted and tapi has not been
// cycled. this is caused by the fact that tapi leaves
// a phantom device in it's device list. the error is
// benign and the device can safely be ignored.
if (Rslt != LINEERR_INCOMPATIBLEAPIVERSION) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("lineGetDevCaps() failed, ec=0x%08x"), Rslt )); } goto exit; }
if (LineDevCaps->dwNeededSize > LineDevCaps->dwTotalSize) {
// re-allocate the linedevcaps structure
LineDevCapsSize = LineDevCaps->dwNeededSize;
MemFree( LineDevCaps );
LineDevCaps = (LPLINEDEVCAPS) MemAlloc( LineDevCapsSize ); if (!LineDevCaps) { Rslt = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; }
Rslt = lineGetDevCaps( hLineApp, DeviceId, TapiApiVersion, 0, LineDevCaps );
if (Rslt != 0) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("lineGetDevCaps() failed, ec=0x%08x"), Rslt )); goto exit; }
exit: if (Rslt != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MemFree( LineDevCaps ); LineDevCaps = NULL; }
return LineDevCaps; }
// allocate the initial linedevstatus structure
LineDevStatusSize = sizeof(LINEDEVSTATUS) + 4096; LineDevStatus = (LPLINEDEVSTATUS) MemAlloc( LineDevStatusSize ); if (!LineDevStatus) { return NULL; }
LineDevStatus->dwTotalSize = LineDevStatusSize;
Rslt = lineGetLineDevStatus( hLine, LineDevStatus );
if (Rslt != 0) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("lineGetLineDevStatus() failed, ec=0x%08x"), Rslt )); goto exit; }
if (LineDevStatus->dwNeededSize > LineDevStatus->dwTotalSize) {
// re-allocate the LineDevStatus structure
LineDevStatusSize = LineDevStatus->dwNeededSize;
MemFree( LineDevStatus );
LineDevStatus = (LPLINEDEVSTATUS) MemAlloc( LineDevStatusSize ); if (!LineDevStatus) { Rslt = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; }
Rslt = lineGetLineDevStatus( hLine, LineDevStatus );
if (Rslt != 0) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("lineGetLineDevStatus() failed, ec=0x%08x"), Rslt )); goto exit; }
exit: if (Rslt != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MemFree( LineDevStatus ); LineDevStatus = NULL; }
return LineDevStatus; }
LONG MyLineGetTransCaps( LPLINETRANSLATECAPS *LineTransCaps ) { DWORD LineTransCapsSize; LONG Rslt = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// allocate the initial linetranscaps structure
LineTransCapsSize = sizeof(LINETRANSLATECAPS) + 4096; *LineTransCaps = (LPLINETRANSLATECAPS) MemAlloc( LineTransCapsSize ); if (!*LineTransCaps) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("MemAlloc() failed, sz=0x%08x"), LineTransCapsSize )); Rslt = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; }
(*LineTransCaps)->dwTotalSize = LineTransCapsSize;
Rslt = lineGetTranslateCaps( hLineApp, TapiApiVersion, *LineTransCaps );
if (Rslt != 0) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("lineGetTranslateCaps() failed, ec=0x%08x"), Rslt )); goto exit; }
if ((*LineTransCaps)->dwNeededSize > (*LineTransCaps)->dwTotalSize) {
// re-allocate the LineTransCaps structure
LineTransCapsSize = (*LineTransCaps)->dwNeededSize;
MemFree( *LineTransCaps );
*LineTransCaps = (LPLINETRANSLATECAPS) MemAlloc( LineTransCapsSize ); if (!*LineTransCaps) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("MemAlloc() failed, sz=0x%08x"), LineTransCapsSize )); Rslt = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; }
(*LineTransCaps)->dwTotalSize = LineTransCapsSize;
Rslt = lineGetTranslateCaps( hLineApp, TapiApiVersion, *LineTransCaps );
if (Rslt != 0) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("lineGetTranslateCaps() failed, ec=0x%08x"), Rslt )); goto exit; }
exit: if (Rslt != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MemFree( *LineTransCaps ); *LineTransCaps = NULL; }
return Rslt; }
LONG MyLineTranslateAddress( LPTSTR Address, DWORD DeviceId, LPLINETRANSLATEOUTPUT *TranslateOutput ) { DWORD LineTransOutSize; LONG Rslt = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// allocate the initial linetranscaps structure
LineTransOutSize = sizeof(LINETRANSLATEOUTPUT) + 4096; *TranslateOutput = (LPLINETRANSLATEOUTPUT) MemAlloc( LineTransOutSize ); if (!*TranslateOutput) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("MemAlloc() failed, sz=0x%08x"), LineTransOutSize )); Rslt = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; }
(*TranslateOutput)->dwTotalSize = LineTransOutSize;
Rslt = lineTranslateAddress( hLineApp, DeviceId, TapiApiVersion, Address, 0, 0, *TranslateOutput );
if (Rslt != 0) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("lineGetTranslateAddress() failed, ec=0x%08x"), Rslt )); goto exit; }
if ((*TranslateOutput)->dwNeededSize > (*TranslateOutput)->dwTotalSize) {
// re-allocate the LineTransCaps structure
LineTransOutSize = (*TranslateOutput)->dwNeededSize;
MemFree( *TranslateOutput );
*TranslateOutput = (LPLINETRANSLATEOUTPUT) MemAlloc( LineTransOutSize ); if (!*TranslateOutput) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("MemAlloc() failed, sz=0x%08x"), LineTransOutSize )); Rslt = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; }
(*TranslateOutput)->dwTotalSize = LineTransOutSize;
Rslt = lineTranslateAddress( hLineApp, DeviceId, TapiApiVersion, Address, 0, 0, *TranslateOutput );
if (Rslt != 0) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("lineGetTranslateAddress() failed, ec=0x%08x"), Rslt )); goto exit; }
exit: if (Rslt != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MemFree( *TranslateOutput ); *TranslateOutput = NULL; }
return Rslt; }
BOOL OpenTapiLine( PLINE_INFO LineInfo ) { LONG Rslt = ERROR_SUCCESS; HLINE hLine; DWORD LineStates = 0; DWORD AddressStates = 0;
EnterCriticalSection( &CsLine );
if (LineInfo->UnimodemDevice) { Rslt = lineOpen( hLineApp, LineInfo->DeviceId, &hLine, TapiApiVersion, 0, (DWORD_PTR) LineInfo, LINECALLPRIVILEGE_OWNER + LINECALLPRIVILEGE_MONITOR, LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM | LINEMEDIAMODE_UNKNOWN, NULL );
if (Rslt != 0) { Rslt = lineOpen( hLineApp, LineInfo->DeviceId, &hLine, TapiApiVersion, 0, (DWORD_PTR) LineInfo, LINECALLPRIVILEGE_OWNER + LINECALLPRIVILEGE_MONITOR, LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM, NULL ); } } else { Rslt = lineOpen( hLineApp, LineInfo->DeviceId, &hLine, TapiApiVersion, 0, (DWORD_PTR) LineInfo, LINECALLPRIVILEGE_OWNER + LINECALLPRIVILEGE_MONITOR, LINEMEDIAMODE_G3FAX, NULL ); }
if (Rslt != 0) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("Device %s FAILED to initialize, ec=%08x"), LineInfo->DeviceName, Rslt )); } else { LineInfo->hLine = hLine;
// set the line status that we need
Rslt = lineSetStatusMessages( hLine, LineStates, AddressStates ); if (Rslt != 0) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("lineSetStatusMessages() failed, [0x%08x:0x%08x], ec=0x%08x"), LineStates, AddressStates, Rslt )); Rslt = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
LeaveCriticalSection( &CsLine );
return Rslt == ERROR_SUCCESS; }
BOOL IsDeviceModem( LPLINEDEVCAPS LineDevCaps ) { LPTSTR DeviceClassList; BOOL UnimodemDevice = FALSE;
if (LineDevCaps->dwDeviceClassesSize && LineDevCaps->dwDeviceClassesOffset) { DeviceClassList = (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE) LineDevCaps + LineDevCaps->dwDeviceClassesOffset); while (*DeviceClassList) { if (_tcscmp(DeviceClassList,TEXT("comm/datamodem")) == 0) { UnimodemDevice = TRUE; break; } DeviceClassList += (_tcslen(DeviceClassList) + 1); } }
if ((!(LineDevCaps->dwBearerModes & LINEBEARERMODE_VOICE)) || (!(LineDevCaps->dwBearerModes & LINEBEARERMODE_PASSTHROUGH))) { //
// unacceptable modem device type
UnimodemDevice = FALSE; }
// modem fsp only works with unimodem TSP
if (wcscmp((LPTSTR)((LPBYTE) LineDevCaps + LineDevCaps->dwProviderInfoOffset), GetString(IDS_MODEM_PROVIDER_NAME)) != 0) { UnimodemDevice = FALSE; }
return UnimodemDevice; }
BOOL CALLBACK NewDeviceRoutingMethodEnumerator( PROUTING_METHOD RoutingMethod, DWORD DeviceId ) { BOOL Rslt = FALSE;
__try { Rslt = RoutingMethod->RoutingExtension->FaxRouteDeviceChangeNotification( DeviceId, TRUE ); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("FaxRouteDeviceChangeNotification() crashed: 0x%08x"), GetExceptionCode() )); }
return Rslt; }
BOOL CloseDevicesMatch( LPWSTR DeviceName, LPWSTR CacheName ) { //
// deal with the fact that the device name might have changed slightly (add #1 to end, etc.)
// assumption: devices are for same TSP
DWORD len; BOOL rVal = FALSE; LPTSTR NewCacheName; LPTSTR NewDeviceName;
if (!DeviceName || !CacheName) { return FALSE; }
// check if one is a shorted version of the other name
len = min( wcslen(CacheName), wcslen(DeviceName) );
if (_wcsnicmp( CacheName, DeviceName, len ) == 0 ) { return TRUE; }
// check if we have different numbered devices that are similar
NewDeviceName = wcsrchr(DeviceName,L'#'); if (NewDeviceName) *NewDeviceName = (WCHAR)0;
NewCacheName = wcsrchr(CacheName,L'#'); if (NewCacheName) *NewCacheName = (WCHAR)0;
len = min( wcslen(CacheName), wcslen(DeviceName) ); if (_wcsnicmp( CacheName, DeviceName, len ) == 0) { rVal = TRUE; }
// put back the device name to normal
if (NewDeviceName) *NewDeviceName = (WCHAR) L'#'; if (NewCacheName) *NewCacheName = (WCHAR) L'#';
return rVal; }
BOOL AddNewDevice( DWORD DeviceId, LPLINEDEVCAPS LineDevCaps, BOOL InitDevice ) { BOOL rVal = FALSE; BOOL UnimodemDevice = FALSE; PMDM_DEVSPEC MdmDevSpec = NULL; LPSTR ModemKey = NULL; DWORD Flags; DWORD Priority = 1; LPTSTR DeviceName = NULL; REG_SETUP RegSetup; PREG_FAX_DEVICES_CACHE RegDevicesCache; DWORD i; DWORD CloseMatchIndex = -1, UseIndex = -1;
if (IsSmallBiz() && DeviceCount >= 4) { return FALSE; } else if (!IsCommServer() && DeviceCount >= 2) { return FALSE; }
// only add devices that support fax
if (! ( ((LineDevCaps->dwMediaModes & LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM) && (UnimodemDevice = IsDeviceModem( LineDevCaps ) )) || (LineDevCaps->dwMediaModes & LINEMEDIAMODE_G3FAX) )) { return FALSE; }
// we have a fax capable device to be added, so let's retreive configuration
// data about fax devices on the system to decide how to configure this
// device
if (!GetOrigSetupData( &RegSetup ) || !(RegDevicesCache = GetFaxDevicesCacheRegistry()) ) { return FALSE; }
if (UnimodemDevice) { Flags = FPF_SEND; if (ForceReceive) { Flags |= FPF_RECEIVE; } } else { Flags = FPF_RECEIVE | FPF_SEND; }
if (Flags & FPF_RECEIVE) { InterlockedIncrement( &ConnectionCount ); }
DeviceName = FixupDeviceName( (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE) LineDevCaps + LineDevCaps->dwLineNameOffset) );
// check in the device cache for an old instantiation of this device
for (i=0; i<RegDevicesCache->DeviceCount ; i++ ) { if (RegDevicesCache->Devices[i].Provider && RegDevicesCache->Devices[i].Name && (wcscmp((LPTSTR)((LPBYTE) LineDevCaps + LineDevCaps->dwProviderInfoOffset), RegDevicesCache->Devices[i].Provider) == 0)) {
if (wcscmp(DeviceName,RegDevicesCache->Devices[i].Name) == 0) { //
// exact match, use it
UseIndex = i; break; } else if (CloseDevicesMatch(DeviceName,RegDevicesCache->Devices[i].Name)) { CloseMatchIndex = i; } } }
if (UseIndex == (DWORD) -1) { UseIndex = CloseMatchIndex; } else { CloseMatchIndex = -1; }
if (UseIndex != (DWORD) -1) { Priority = RegAddNewFaxDevice( DeviceName, RegDevicesCache->Devices[UseIndex].Provider, RegDevicesCache->Devices[UseIndex].Csid, RegDevicesCache->Devices[UseIndex].Tsid, -1, // BugBug what priority ???
LineDevCaps->dwPermanentLineID, Flags, RegDevicesCache->Devices[UseIndex].Rings, RegDevicesCache->Devices[UseIndex].RoutingMask, RegDevicesCache->Devices[UseIndex].Printer, RegDevicesCache->Devices[UseIndex].StoreDir, RegDevicesCache->Devices[UseIndex].Profile );
// get rid of the cached entry
if (CloseMatchIndex == -1) { DeleteCachedFaxDevice( RegDevicesCache->Devices[UseIndex].Name ); }
} else { Priority = RegAddNewFaxDevice( DeviceName, (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE) LineDevCaps + LineDevCaps->dwProviderInfoOffset), RegSetup.Csid, RegSetup.Tsid, -1, LineDevCaps->dwPermanentLineID, Flags, RegSetup.Rings, RegSetup.Mask, RegSetup.Printer, RegSetup.StoreDir, RegSetup.Profile ); }
if (InitDevice) { DeviceCount += 1; InitializeTapiLine( DeviceId, LineDevCaps, Priority, RegSetup.Rings, Flags, RegSetup.Csid, RegSetup.Tsid ); }
rVal = TRUE;
if (DeviceName) { MemFree( DeviceName ); }
FreeFaxDevicesCacheRegistry( RegDevicesCache );
FreeOrigSetupData( &RegSetup );
EnumerateRoutingMethods( (PFAXROUTEMETHODENUM)NewDeviceRoutingMethodEnumerator, (LPVOID)LineDevCaps->dwPermanentLineID );
return rVal; }
DWORD InitializeTapiLine( DWORD DeviceId, LPLINEDEVCAPS LineDevCaps, DWORD Priority, DWORD Rings, DWORD Flags, LPTSTR Csid, LPTSTR Tsid ) { PLINE_INFO LineInfo = NULL; LONG Rslt = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD len; PDEVICE_PROVIDER Provider; BOOL UnimodemDevice; HLINE hLine = 0; LPTSTR ProviderName = NULL; LPTSTR DeviceName = NULL; BOOL NewDevice = TRUE; DWORD LineStates = 0; DWORD AddressStates = 0; LPLINEDEVSTATUS LineDevStatus;
// allocate the LINE_INFO structure
LineInfo = (PLINE_INFO) MemAlloc( sizeof(LINE_INFO) ); if (!LineInfo) { Rslt = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; }
// get the provider name
len = _tcslen( (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE) LineDevCaps + LineDevCaps->dwProviderInfoOffset) ); ProviderName = MemAlloc( (len + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) ); if (!ProviderName) { Rslt = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; } _tcscpy( ProviderName, (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE) LineDevCaps + LineDevCaps->dwProviderInfoOffset) );
// get the device name
DeviceName = FixupDeviceName( (LPTSTR)((LPBYTE) LineDevCaps + LineDevCaps->dwLineNameOffset) ); if (!DeviceName) { Rslt = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; }
// verify that the line id is good
if (LineDevCaps->dwPermanentLineID == 0) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("TAPI lines must have a non-zero line id [%s]"), DeviceName )); Rslt = ERROR_BAD_DEVICE; goto exit; }
// check for a modem device
UnimodemDevice = IsDeviceModem( LineDevCaps );
// assign the device provider
Provider = FindDeviceProvider( ProviderName ); if (!Provider) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("Could not find a valid device provider for device: %s"), DeviceName )); Rslt = ERROR_BAD_PROVIDER; goto exit; }
// open the line
if (Rslt != 0) { Rslt = lineOpen( hLineApp, DeviceId, &hLine, TapiApiVersion, 0, (DWORD_PTR) LineInfo, LINECALLPRIVILEGE_OWNER + LINECALLPRIVILEGE_MONITOR, LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM, NULL ); } } else { Rslt = lineOpen( hLineApp, DeviceId, &hLine, TapiApiVersion, 0, (DWORD_PTR) LineInfo, LINECALLPRIVILEGE_OWNER + LINECALLPRIVILEGE_MONITOR, LINEMEDIAMODE_G3FAX, NULL ); }
if (Rslt != 0) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("Device %s FAILED to initialize, ec=%08x"), DeviceName, Rslt )); goto exit; }
// set the line status that we need
LineStates |= LineDevCaps->dwLineStates & LINEDEVSTATE_OPEN ? LINEDEVSTATE_OPEN : 0; LineStates |= LineDevCaps->dwLineStates & LINEDEVSTATE_CLOSE ? LINEDEVSTATE_CLOSE : 0; LineStates |= LineDevCaps->dwLineStates & LINEDEVSTATE_RINGING ? LINEDEVSTATE_RINGING : 0; LineStates |= LineDevCaps->dwLineStates & LINEDEVSTATE_NUMCALLS ? LINEDEVSTATE_NUMCALLS : 0; LineStates |= LineDevCaps->dwLineStates & LINEDEVSTATE_REMOVED ? LINEDEVSTATE_REMOVED : 0;
Rslt = lineSetStatusMessages( hLine, LineStates, AddressStates ); if (Rslt != 0) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("lineSetStatusMessages() failed, [0x%08x:0x%08x], ec=0x%08x"), LineStates, AddressStates, Rslt )); if (Rslt == LINEERR_INVALLINEHANDLE) { hLine = 0; } Rslt = 0; }
// now assign the necessary values to the line info struct
LineInfo->Signature = LINE_SIGNATURE; LineInfo->DeviceId = DeviceId; LineInfo->PermanentLineID = LineDevCaps->dwPermanentLineID; LineInfo->hLine = hLine; LineInfo->Provider = Provider; LineInfo->DeviceName = StringDup( DeviceName ); LineInfo->UnimodemDevice = UnimodemDevice; LineInfo->State = FPS_AVAILABLE; LineInfo->Csid = StringDup( Csid ); LineInfo->Tsid = StringDup( Tsid ); LineInfo->Priority = Priority; LineInfo->RingsForAnswer = (LineDevCaps->dwLineStates & LINEDEVSTATE_RINGING) ? Rings : 0; LineInfo->Flags = Flags; LineInfo->RingCount = 0; LineInfo->ModemPopUps = 0; LineInfo->ModemPopupActive = 1; LineInfo->LineStates = LineDevCaps->dwLineStates;
if (LineInfo->Flags & FPF_RECEIVE) { InterlockedIncrement( &ConnectionCount ); }
if (hLine) { //
// check to see if the line is in use
LineDevStatus = MyLineGetLineDevStatus( hLine ); if (LineDevStatus) { if (LineDevStatus->dwNumOpens > 0 && LineDevStatus->dwNumActiveCalls > 0) { LineInfo->ModemInUse = TRUE; } MemFree( LineDevStatus ); } } else { //
// if we don't have a line handle at this time then the
// device must be powered off
DebugPrint(( TEXT("Device %s is powered off or disconnected"), DeviceName ));
if (LineInfo->Flags & FPF_RECEIVE) { LineInfo->Flags &= ~FPF_RECEIVE; LineInfo->Flags |= FPF_RECEIVE_OK; } LineInfo->Flags |= FPF_POWERED_OFF;
LineInfo->State = FPS_OFFLINE; }
MemFree( DeviceName ); MemFree( ProviderName );
if (Rslt == ERROR_SUCCESS) { InsertTailList( &TapiLinesListHead, &LineInfo->ListEntry ); } else { FreeTapiLine( LineInfo ); }
return Rslt; }
BOOL MoveToDeviceCache( PREG_DEVICE FaxDevice ) { PREG_ROUTING_INFO pRouting = RegGetRoutingInfo( FaxDevice->PermanentLineID );
if (!pRouting) { return FALSE; }
if (!RegAddNewFaxDeviceCache( FaxDevice->Name, FaxDevice->Provider, FaxDevice->Csid, FaxDevice->Tsid, FaxDevice->PermanentLineID, FaxDevice->Flags, FaxDevice->Rings, pRouting->RoutingMask, pRouting->Printer, pRouting->StoreDir, pRouting->Profile ) ) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("Couldn't RegAddNewFaxDeviceCache(%s), ec = %d\n"), FaxDevice->Name, GetLastError() )); return FALSE; }
FreeRegRoutingInfo( pRouting );
return DeleteFaxDevice( FaxDevice->PermanentLineID );
BOOL IsVirtualDevice( PLINE_INFO LineInfo ) { if (!LineInfo) { return FALSE; }
return (LineInfo->Provider->FaxDevVirtualDeviceCreation) ? TRUE : FALSE;
VOID UpdateVirtualDevices( VOID ) { PLIST_ENTRY Next; PLINE_INFO LineInfo = NULL;
EnterCriticalSection( &CsLine );
Next = TapiLinesListHead.Flink; if (Next == NULL) { LeaveCriticalSection( &CsLine ); return; }
while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&TapiLinesListHead) { LineInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, LINE_INFO, ListEntry ); Next = LineInfo->ListEntry.Flink; if (IsVirtualDevice(LineInfo) && LineInfo->Provider->FaxDevCallback) { __try { LineInfo->Provider->FaxDevCallback( NULL, LineInfo->PermanentLineID, LINE_DEVSPECIFIC, 0, (LineInfo->Flags & FPF_RECEIVE), (LineInfo->Flags & FPF_SEND), 0 ); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("Exception in FaxDevCallback, ec = %d\n"),GetExceptionCode() )); } }
LeaveCriticalSection( &CsLine );
DWORD CreateVirtualDevices( PREG_FAX_SERVICE FaxReg ) { extern LIST_ENTRY DeviceProviders; PLIST_ENTRY Next; PDEVICE_PROVIDER Provider; DWORD VirtualDeviceCount; WCHAR DevicePrefix[128]; DWORD DeviceIdPrefix; LPWSTR DeviceName; DWORD i,j; PLINE_INFO LineInfo = NULL; PREG_DEVICE FaxDevice = NULL; PREG_FAX_DEVICES FaxDevices = NULL; BOOL NewDevice; DWORD DeviceCount = 0; REG_SETUP RegSetup;
Next = DeviceProviders.Flink; if (!Next) { return DeviceCount; }
if (!GetOrigSetupData( &RegSetup )) { return DeviceCount; }
while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&DeviceProviders) { Provider = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, DEVICE_PROVIDER, ListEntry ); Next = Provider->ListEntry.Flink; if (Provider->FaxDevVirtualDeviceCreation) { __try {
VirtualDeviceCount = 0; ZeroMemory(DevicePrefix, sizeof(DevicePrefix)); DeviceIdPrefix = 0;
if (Provider->FaxDevVirtualDeviceCreation( &VirtualDeviceCount, DevicePrefix, &DeviceIdPrefix, TapiCompletionPort, FAXDEV_EVENT_KEY )) { for (i=0; i<VirtualDeviceCount; i++) {
// create the device name
DeviceName = (LPWSTR) MemAlloc( StringSize(DevicePrefix) + 16 ); if (!DeviceName) { goto InitializationFailure; }
swprintf( DeviceName, L"%s%d", DevicePrefix, i );
// find the registry information for this device
for (j=0,FaxDevice=NULL; j<FaxReg->DeviceCount; j++) { if (FaxReg->Devices[j].PermanentLineID == DeviceIdPrefix+i) { FaxDevice = &FaxReg->Devices[j]; break; } }
// if the device is new then add it to the registry
if (!FaxDevice) { RegAddNewFaxDevice( DeviceName, Provider->ProviderName, RegSetup.Csid, RegSetup.Tsid, 1, // priority
DeviceIdPrefix + i, FPF_SEND | FPF_VIRTUAL, RegSetup.Rings, RegSetup.Mask, RegSetup.Printer, RegSetup.StoreDir, RegSetup.Profile ); NewDevice = TRUE; } else { NewDevice = FALSE; }
// allocate the LINE_INFO structure
LineInfo = (PLINE_INFO) MemAlloc( sizeof(LINE_INFO) ); if (!LineInfo) { goto InitializationFailure; }
// now assign the necessary values to the line info struct
LineInfo->Signature = LINE_SIGNATURE; LineInfo->DeviceId = i; LineInfo->PermanentLineID = DeviceIdPrefix + i; LineInfo->hLine = 0; LineInfo->Provider = Provider; LineInfo->DeviceName = DeviceName; LineInfo->UnimodemDevice = FALSE; LineInfo->State = FPS_AVAILABLE; LineInfo->Csid = StringDup( FaxDevice ? FaxDevice->Csid : RegSetup.Csid ); LineInfo->Tsid = StringDup( FaxDevice ? FaxDevice->Tsid : RegSetup.Tsid ); LineInfo->Priority = FaxDevice ? FaxDevice->Priority : 1; LineInfo->RingsForAnswer = 0; LineInfo->Flags = FaxDevice ? FaxDevice->Flags : FPF_SEND | FPF_VIRTUAL; LineInfo->RingCount = 0; LineInfo->ModemPopUps = 0; LineInfo->ModemPopupActive = 1; LineInfo->LineStates = 0;
InsertTailList( &TapiLinesListHead, &LineInfo->ListEntry );
if (LineInfo->Flags & FPF_RECEIVE) { InterlockedIncrement( &ConnectionCount ); }
DeviceCount += 1;
if (NewDevice) { FreeFaxDevicesRegistry( FaxDevices ); } } } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("FaxDevVirtualDeviceCreation() crashed: 0x%08x"), GetExceptionCode() )); goto InitializationFailure; } }
goto next; InitializationFailure: FaxLog( FAXLOG_CATEGORY_INIT, FAXLOG_LEVEL_NONE, 1, MSG_VIRTUAL_DEVICE_INIT_FAILED, Provider->FriendlyName );
next: ; }
DebugPrint(( TEXT("Virtual devices initialized, devices=%d"), DeviceCount ));
FreeOrigSetupData( &RegSetup );
return DeviceCount; }
DWORD TapiInitialize( PREG_FAX_SERVICE FaxReg )
Routine Description:
This function performs all necessary TAPI initialization. This includes device enumeration, message pump creation, device capabilities caputure, etc. It is required that the device provider initialization is completed before calling this function.
Return Value:
Error code.
{ extern CRITICAL_SECTION CsRouting; LONG Rslt; DWORD i,j; HANDLE hThread; DWORD ThreadId; PLIST_ENTRY Next; PLINE_INFO LineInfo; LPLINEDEVCAPS LineDevCaps = NULL; PREG_FAX_DEVICES FaxDevices = NULL; HLINE hLine; LINEINITIALIZEEXPARAMS LineInitializeExParams; TCHAR FaxSvcName[MAX_PATH*2]; TCHAR Fname[_MAX_FNAME]; TCHAR Ext[_MAX_EXT]; DWORD LocalTapiApiVersion; LINEEXTENSIONID lineExtensionID; LPTSTR AdaptiveFileName; HANDLE AdaptiveFileHandle; BOOL Found = FALSE; DWORD DeviceLimit;
InitializeListHead( &TapiLinesListHead ); InitializeCriticalSection( &CsLine ); InitializeCriticalSection( &CsRouting );
// we need to hold onto this cs until tapi is up and ready to serve
EnterCriticalSection( &CsLine );
// set the device limit
if (IsSmallBiz()) { DeviceLimit = 4; } else if (IsCommServer()) { DeviceLimit = 0xFFFFFFFF; } else { DeviceLimit = 2; }
// open faxadapt.lst file to decide on enabling rx
AdaptiveFileName = ExpandEnvironmentString( TEXT("%systemroot%\\system32\\faxadapt.lst") ); if (AdaptiveFileName) { AdaptiveFileHandle = CreateFile( AdaptiveFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL ); if (AdaptiveFileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("Could not open adaptive file [%s], ec=0x%08x"), _tcslwr(AdaptiveFileName), GetLastError() )); } else { i = GetFileSize( AdaptiveFileHandle, NULL ); if (i != 0xffffffff) { AdaptiveFileBuffer = MemAlloc( i + 16 ); if (AdaptiveFileBuffer) { if (!ReadFile( AdaptiveFileHandle, AdaptiveFileBuffer, i, &j, NULL ) ) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("Could not read adaptive file [%s], ec=0x%08x"), _tcslwr(AdaptiveFileName), GetLastError() )); MemFree( AdaptiveFileBuffer ); AdaptiveFileBuffer = NULL; } else { AdaptiveFileBuffer[j] = 0; // need a string
} } } CloseHandle( AdaptiveFileHandle ); } }
// initialize tapi
TapiCompletionPort = CreateIoCompletionPort( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, 1 ); if (!TapiCompletionPort) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("CreateIoCompletionPort() failed, ec=0x%08x"), GetLastError() )); goto no_devices_exit; }
LineInitializeExParams.dwTotalSize = sizeof(LINEINITIALIZEEXPARAMS); LineInitializeExParams.dwNeededSize = 0; LineInitializeExParams.dwUsedSize = 0; LineInitializeExParams.dwOptions = LINEINITIALIZEEXOPTION_USECOMPLETIONPORT; LineInitializeExParams.Handles.hCompletionPort = TapiCompletionPort; LineInitializeExParams.dwCompletionKey = TAPI_COMPLETION_KEY;
LocalTapiApiVersion = TapiApiVersion = 0x00020000;
Rslt = lineInitializeEx( &hLineApp, GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL, FAX_DISPLAY_NAME, &TapiDevices, &LocalTapiApiVersion, &LineInitializeExParams );
if (Rslt != 0 || LocalTapiApiVersion < 0x00020000) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("lineInitializeEx() failed, ec=0x%08x, devices=%d"), Rslt, TapiDevices )); goto no_devices_exit; }
// add any new devices to the registry
for (i=0; i<TapiDevices; i++) { Rslt = lineNegotiateAPIVersion( hLineApp, i, 0x00010003, TapiApiVersion, &LocalTapiApiVersion, &lineExtensionID ); if (Rslt == 0) { LineDevCaps = MyLineGetDevCaps( i ); if (LineDevCaps) { for (j=0; j<FaxReg->DeviceCount; j++) { if (FaxReg->Devices[j].PermanentLineID == LineDevCaps->dwPermanentLineID) { MemFree( LineDevCaps ); FaxReg->Devices[j].DeviceInstalled = TRUE; goto next_device; } } AddNewDevice( i, LineDevCaps, FALSE ); MemFree( LineDevCaps ); } } else { DebugPrint(( TEXT("lineNegotiateAPIVersion() failed, ec=0x%08x"), Rslt )); } next_device:; }
// move any devices that aren't current installed into the device cache
// don't cache virtual devices!
for (j=0; j<FaxReg->DeviceCount; j++) { if (!FaxReg->Devices[j].DeviceInstalled && !(FaxReg->Devices[j].Flags & FPF_VIRTUAL)) { MoveToDeviceCache(&FaxReg->Devices[j]); } }
// get a current list of valid devices
FaxDevices = GetFaxDevicesRegistry(); if (!FaxDevices) { goto no_devices_exit; }
// create the virtual devices
DeviceCount += CreateVirtualDevices( FaxReg );
if (GetModuleFileName( NULL, FaxSvcName, sizeof(FaxSvcName) )) {
_tsplitpath( FaxSvcName, NULL, NULL, Fname, Ext ); _stprintf( FaxSvcName, TEXT("%s%s"), Fname, Ext );
Rslt = lineSetAppPriority( FaxSvcName, LINEMEDIAMODE_UNKNOWN, 0, 0, NULL, 1 );
Rslt = lineSetAppPriority( FaxSvcName, LINEMEDIAMODE_DATAMODEM, 0, 0, NULL, 1 );
if (Rslt != 0) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("lineSetAppPriority() failed, ec=0x%08x"), Rslt )); }
if (DeviceCount == 0 && FaxDevices->DeviceCount == 0) { goto no_devices_exit; }
// create a thread to service the tapi callback events
hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) TapiWorkerThread, NULL, 0, &ThreadId );
if (!hThread) {
Rslt = GetLastError(); DebugPrint(( TEXT("Could not start a FAX worker thread, ec=0x%08x"), Rslt ));
} else {
CloseHandle( hThread );
// enumerate and initialize all of the tapi devices
for (i=0; (i<TapiDevices) && (DeviceCount < DeviceLimit) ; i++) {
Rslt = lineNegotiateAPIVersion( hLineApp, i, 0x00010003, TapiApiVersion, &LocalTapiApiVersion, &lineExtensionID ); if (Rslt != 0) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("lineNegotiateAPIVersion() failed, ec=0x%08x"), Rslt )); }
LineDevCaps = MyLineGetDevCaps( i ); if (LineDevCaps) { for (j=0; j<FaxDevices->DeviceCount; j++) { if (FaxDevices->Devices[j].PermanentLineID == LineDevCaps->dwPermanentLineID) { Rslt = InitializeTapiLine( i, LineDevCaps, FaxDevices->Devices[j].Priority, FaxDevices->Devices[j].Rings, FaxDevices->Devices[j].Flags, FaxDevices->Devices[j].Csid, FaxDevices->Devices[j].Tsid ); if (Rslt != 0) { DebugPrint(( TEXT("InitializeTapiLine() failed, ec=0x%08x"), Rslt )); } else { DeviceCount += 1; } } }
MemFree( LineDevCaps );
} }
FreeFaxDevicesRegistry( FaxDevices );
// loop thru the devices and close the line handles
// for all devices that are NOT set to receive
Next = TapiLinesListHead.Flink; if (Next) { while ((ULONG_PTR)Next != (ULONG_PTR)&TapiLinesListHead) {
LineInfo = CONTAINING_RECORD( Next, LINE_INFO, ListEntry ); Next = LineInfo->ListEntry.Flink;
if (LineInfo->Flags & FPF_RECEIVE) { TerminationDelay = (DWORD)-1; } else { if (LineInfo->hLine) { hLine = LineInfo->hLine; LineInfo->hLine = 0; lineClose( hLine ); } } } }
LeaveCriticalSection( &CsLine );
return 0;
ReportServiceStatus( SERVICE_STOPPED, 0, 0 );
ExitProcess(0); return 0; }