Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Debug Library
Steve Kiraly (SteveKi) 10-Dec-1995
Revision History:
--*/ #include "precomp.hxx"
#pragma hdrstop
TDebugMsg:: TDebugMsg( VOID ) : m_eLevel(static_cast<EDebugLevel>(0)), m_eBreak(static_cast<EDebugLevel>(0)), m_pDeviceRoot(NULL), m_pstrPrefix(NULL), m_pBuiltinDeviceRoot(NULL) { }
TDebugMsg:: ~TDebugMsg( VOID ) { }
BOOL TDebugMsg:: Valid( VOID ) const { return !!m_pBuiltinDeviceRoot; }
VOID TDebugMsg:: Disable( VOID ) { m_eLevel = static_cast<EDebugLevel>( m_eLevel | kDbgNone ); m_eBreak = static_cast<EDebugLevel>( m_eBreak | kDbgNone ); }
VOID TDebugMsg:: Enable( VOID ) { m_eLevel = static_cast<EDebugLevel>( m_eLevel & ~kDbgNone ); m_eBreak = static_cast<EDebugLevel>( m_eBreak & ~kDbgNone ); }
BOOL TDebugMsg:: Type( IN EDebugLevel eLevel ) const { return !(m_eLevel & kDbgNone) && ((m_eLevel & eLevel) || (eLevel & kDbgAlways)); }
BOOL TDebugMsg:: Break( IN EDebugLevel eLevel ) const { return m_eBreak & eLevel; }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ VOID TDebugMsg:: Initialize( IN LPCTSTR pszPrefix, IN UINT uDevice, IN INT eLevel, IN INT eBreak ) { if (!m_pBuiltinDeviceRoot) { BOOL bRetval = FALSE;
// Set the debug message and break level.
m_eLevel = static_cast<EDebugLevel>(eLevel & ~kDbgPrivateMask); m_eBreak = static_cast<EDebugLevel>(eBreak & ~kDbgPrivateMask);
// Set the global device flags.
if (!Globals.DebugDevices) { Globals.DebugDevices = uDevice & (kDbgNull | kDbgDebugger | kDbgFile); }
// Set the character type to current compiled type.
m_eLevel = static_cast<EDebugLevel>(m_eLevel | Globals.CompiledCharType);
// Set the prefix string.
m_pstrPrefix = INTERNAL_NEW TDebugString(pszPrefix ? pszPrefix : kstrPrefix);
// Set the prefix string.
if (m_pstrPrefix && m_pstrPrefix->bValid() && m_pstrPrefix->bCat( _T(":"))) { //
// Set the additional format strings.
m_pstrFileInfoFormat = INTERNAL_NEW TDebugString(kstrFileInfoFormat); m_pstrTimeStampFormatShort = INTERNAL_NEW TDebugString(kstrTimeStampFormatShort); m_pstrTimeStampFormatLong = INTERNAL_NEW TDebugString(kstrTimeStampFormatLong); m_pstrThreadIdFormat = INTERNAL_NEW TDebugString(kstrThreadIdFormat);
if( m_pstrFileInfoFormat && m_pstrFileInfoFormat->bValid() && m_pstrTimeStampFormatShort && m_pstrTimeStampFormatShort->bValid() && m_pstrTimeStampFormatLong && m_pstrTimeStampFormatLong->bValid() && m_pstrThreadIdFormat && m_pstrThreadIdFormat->bValid() ) { //
// Attach the default debug devices.
if(Attach(NULL, kDbgDebugger, NULL, &m_pBuiltinDeviceRoot) && Attach(NULL, kDbgFile, kstrDefaultLogFileName, &m_pBuiltinDeviceRoot) && Attach(NULL, kDbgNull, NULL, &m_pBuiltinDeviceRoot)) { bRetval = TRUE; } else { ErrorText( _T("Error: TDebugMsg::Initialize - A default debug device failed to attach!\n") ); } } else { ErrorText( _T("Error: TDebugMsg::Initialize - format string failed construction!\n") ); } } else { ErrorText( _T("Error: TDebugMsg::Initialize - Debug prefix string failed allocation!\n") ); }
// If we failed then unregister, cleanup.
if (!bRetval) { Destroy(); } } else { ErrorText( _T("Error: TDebugMsg::Initialize already initalized!\n") ); } }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Destroys the internal state of this class, this function does the same work the destructor would.
Return Value:
--*/ VOID TDebugMsg:: Destroy( VOID ) { //
// Release the debug device.
while( m_pDeviceRoot ) { TDebugNodeDouble *pNode = m_pDeviceRoot; pNode->Remove( &m_pDeviceRoot ); TDebugFactory::Dispose( static_cast<TDebugDevice *>( pNode ) ); }
// Release the builtin debug device.
while( m_pBuiltinDeviceRoot ) { TDebugNodeDouble *pNode = m_pBuiltinDeviceRoot; pNode->Remove( &m_pBuiltinDeviceRoot ); TDebugFactory::Dispose( static_cast<TDebugDevice *>( pNode ) ); }
// Release the string objects.
INTERNAL_DELETE m_pstrPrefix; INTERNAL_DELETE m_pstrFileInfoFormat; INTERNAL_DELETE m_pstrTimeStampFormatShort; INTERNAL_DELETE m_pstrTimeStampFormatLong; INTERNAL_DELETE m_pstrThreadIdFormat;
// Indicate we are not registered.
m_eLevel = static_cast<EDebugLevel>(0); m_eBreak = static_cast<EDebugLevel>(0); m_pDeviceRoot = NULL; m_pBuiltinDeviceRoot = NULL; m_pstrPrefix = NULL; m_pstrFileInfoFormat = NULL; m_pstrTimeStampFormatShort = NULL; m_pstrTimeStampFormatLong = NULL; m_pstrThreadIdFormat = NULL; }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Attach debug device to list of output devices.
uDevice - Type of debug device to use. pszConfiguration - Pointer to configuration string.
Return Value:
TRUE debug device attached, FALSE if error occurred.
--*/ BOOL TDebugMsg:: Attach( IN HANDLE *phDevice, IN UINT uDevice, IN LPCTSTR pszConfiguration, IN TDebugNodeDouble **ppDeviceRoot ) { BOOL bRetval = FALSE;
// Get access to the debug factory.
TDebugFactory DebugFactory;
// If we failed to create the debug factory then exit.
if (DebugFactory.bValid()) { //
// Create the specified debug device using the factory.
TDebugDevice *pDebugDevice = DebugFactory.Produce(uDevice, pszConfiguration, m_eLevel & kDbgUnicode);
// Check if the debug device was created ok.
if (pDebugDevice) { //
// Place this device on the debug device list.
if (ppDeviceRoot) { pDebugDevice->Insert(ppDeviceRoot); } else { pDebugDevice->Insert(&m_pDeviceRoot); }
// Copy back the pointer to the debug device.
if (phDevice) { *phDevice = (HANDLE)pDebugDevice; }
// Successfully attached debug device.
bRetval = TRUE; } else { ErrorText( _T("Error: TDebugMsg::bAttach - Debug device creation failed!\n") ); } } else { ErrorText( _T("Error: TDebugMsg::bAttach - Debug factory creation failed!\n") ); }
return bRetval; }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Detach the debug device from the device stream.
phDevice - Pointer to debug device handle.
Return Value:
--*/ VOID TDebugMsg:: Detach( IN HANDLE *phDevice ) { //
// We silently ignore non initialized devices, or null pointers.
if (phDevice && *phDevice) { //
// Get a usable pointer.
TDebugDevice *pDebugDevice = (TDebugDevice *)*phDevice;
// Remove this device from the debug device list.
pDebugDevice->Remove( &m_pDeviceRoot );
// Dispose of the device.
TDebugFactory::Dispose( pDebugDevice );
// Mark this device as released.
*phDevice = NULL; } else { ErrorText( _T("Error: TDebugMsg::vDetach - non initialized or null pointer!\n") ); } }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
This function is public overloaded function for sending the message to the output devices.
eLevel - requested message level pszFile - pointer to file name where message was called uLine - line number where message was called pszModulePrefix - message defined module prefix, used as an override pszMessage - pointer to post formated message string
Return Value:
--*/ VOID TDebugMsg:: Msg( IN UINT eLevel, IN LPCTSTR pszFile, IN UINT uLine, IN LPCTSTR pszModulePrefix, IN LPSTR pszMessage ) const { if (pszMessage) { if (Type(static_cast<EDebugLevel>(eLevel))) { StringTrait StrMessage;
StrMessage.pszNarrow = pszMessage;
eLevel = eLevel & ~kDbgUnicode;
Output(static_cast<EDebugLevel>(eLevel), pszFile, uLine, pszModulePrefix, StrMessage);
if (Break(static_cast<EDebugLevel>(eLevel))) { DebugBreak(); } }
INTERNAL_DELETE [] pszMessage; } }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
This function is public overloaded function for sending the message to the output devices.
eLevel - requested message level pszFile - pointer to file name where message was called uLine - line number where message was called pszModulePrefix - message defined module prefix, used as an override pszMessage - pointer to post formated message string
Return Value:
--*/ VOID TDebugMsg:: Msg( IN UINT eLevel, IN LPCTSTR pszFile, IN UINT uLine, IN LPCTSTR pszModulePrefix, IN LPWSTR pszMessage ) const { if (pszMessage) { if (Type(static_cast<EDebugLevel>(eLevel))) { StringTrait StrMessage;
StrMessage.pszWide = pszMessage;
eLevel = eLevel | kDbgUnicode;
Output(static_cast<EDebugLevel>(eLevel), pszFile, uLine, pszModulePrefix, StrMessage);
if (Break(static_cast<EDebugLevel>(eLevel))) { DebugBreak(); } }
INTERNAL_DELETE [] pszMessage; } }
Private member functions.
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
Outputs the messages to the list of registred debug devices.
eLevel - requested message level pszFile - pointer to file name where message was called uLine - line number where message was called pszModulePrefix - message defined module prefix, used as an override pszMessage - pointer to post formated message string
Return Value:
--*/ VOID TDebugMsg:: Output( IN EDebugLevel eLevel, IN LPCTSTR pszFileName, IN UINT uLine, IN LPCTSTR pszModulePrefix, IN StringTrait &strMsg ) const { TDebugString strFinal;
// Build the final output string.
if (BuildFinalString(strFinal, eLevel, pszModulePrefix, pszFileName, uLine, strMsg)) { //
// Calculate the byte count (less the null terminator) of the final string.
UINT uByteCount = (m_eLevel & kDbgUnicode) ? strFinal.uLen() * sizeof(WCHAR) : strFinal.uLen() * sizeof(CHAR);
LPBYTE pByte = reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(const_cast<LPTSTR>(static_cast<LPCTSTR>(strFinal)));
{ //
// Create interator on built in device list.
TDebugNodeDouble::Iterator Iter(m_pBuiltinDeviceRoot);
// Output this string to all the built in debug devices.
for( Iter.First(); !Iter.IsDone(); Iter.Next() ) { if (static_cast<TDebugDevice *>(Iter.Current())->eGetDebugType() & Globals.DebugDevices) { static_cast<TDebugDevice *>(Iter.Current())->bOutput(uByteCount, pByte); } } }
{ //
// Create interator on device list.
TDebugNodeDouble::Iterator Iter(m_pDeviceRoot);
// Output this string to all the registered debug devices.
for( Iter.First(); !Iter.IsDone(); Iter.Next() ) { static_cast<TDebugDevice *>(Iter.Current())->bOutput( uByteCount, pByte); } } } else { ErrorText(_T("Error: TDebugMsg::vOutput - failed to build format string.\n")); } }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
This routing build the actual string that will be sent to the debug output devices.
strFinal - string refrence where to return the finale output string. eLevel - debug message level. pszModulePrefix - per message prefix string, can be null. pszFileName - file name were the message was requested. uLine - line number were message was requested. StrMsg - post formated message string.
Return Value:
TRUE final string was build successfully, FALSE error occurred.
--*/ BOOL TDebugMsg:: BuildFinalString( IN TDebugString &strFinal, IN EDebugLevel eLevel, IN LPCTSTR pszModulePrefix, IN LPCTSTR pszFileName, IN UINT uLine, IN StringTrait &StrMsg ) const { LPCTSTR pszFormat; TDebugString strArg0; TDebugString strArg1; TDebugString strArg2; TDebugString strArg3;
UINT eFlags = m_eLevel | eLevel;
if (!(eFlags & kDbgNoPrefix)) { (VOID)strArg0.bUpdate(pszModulePrefix ? pszModulePrefix : *m_pstrPrefix); }
if (!(eFlags & kDbgNoFileInfo)) { (VOID)GetParameter(eFlags & (kDbgFileInfo | kDbgFileInfoLong), strArg1, pszFileName, uLine); }
(VOID)GetParameter(eFlags & (kDbgFileInfo | kDbgFileInfoLong), strArg1, pszFileName, uLine);
(VOID)GetParameter(eFlags & (kDbgTimeStamp | kDbgTimeStampLong), strArg2, NULL, 0);
(VOID)GetParameter(eFlags & kDbgThreadId, strArg3, NULL, 0);
if ((eLevel & kDbgUnicode) == (m_eLevel & kDbgUnicode)) { pszFormat = _T("%s%s%s%s %s"); } else { pszFormat = _T("%s%s%s%s %S"); }
(VOID)strFinal.bFormat( pszFormat, static_cast<LPCTSTR>(strArg0), static_cast<LPCTSTR>(strArg1), static_cast<LPCTSTR>(strArg2), static_cast<LPCTSTR>(strArg3), StrMsg.pszByte);
return strFinal.bValid(); }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
This function get the parameter for the additinal information displayed in a format string. The flags passed to the message class and to the message function are used a guide.
eFlags - Flags indicating what parameter to get. strString - place were to return resultant string. pszFileName - pointer to file name to format if requested. uLine - line number for file name format.
Return Value:
TRUE parmeter was returned in strString, FALSE error.
--*/ BOOL TDebugMsg:: GetParameter( IN UINT eFlags, IN OUT TDebugString &strString, IN LPCTSTR pszFileName, IN UINT uLine ) const { BOOL bRetval = TRUE;
if (eFlags & kDbgFileInfo) { bRetval = strString.bFormat(*m_pstrFileInfoFormat, StripPathFromFileName(pszFileName), uLine); }
if (eFlags & kDbgFileInfoLong) { bRetval = strString.bFormat(*m_pstrFileInfoFormat, pszFileName, uLine); }
if (eFlags & kDbgTimeStamp) { bRetval = strString.bFormat(*m_pstrTimeStampFormatShort, GetTickCount()); }
if (eFlags & kDbgTimeStampLong) { TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH]; SYSTEMTIME Time;
bRetval = SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(NULL, &Time, &Time) && GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &Time, NULL, szBuffer, COUNTOF(szBuffer)) && strString.bFormat(*m_pstrTimeStampFormatLong, szBuffer); }
if (eFlags & kDbgThreadId) { bRetval = strString.bFormat(*m_pstrThreadIdFormat, GetCurrentThreadId()); }
return bRetval; }
Routine Name:
Routine Description:
This routing allows individual parts of the format string to have a custom format string specifier.
Field - specified which format field to change. pszFormat - new format string, the caller must know the correct type.
Return Value:
--*/ VOID TDebugMsg:: SetMessageFieldFormat( IN UINT eField, IN LPTSTR pszFormat ) { //
// Set the new format string.
if (eField & kDbgFileInfo) { m_pstrFileInfoFormat->bUpdate(pszFormat); }
if (eField & kDbgFileInfoLong) { m_pstrFileInfoFormat->bUpdate(pszFormat); }
if (eField & kDbgTimeStamp) { m_pstrTimeStampFormatShort->bUpdate(pszFormat); }
if (eField & kDbgTimeStampLong) { m_pstrTimeStampFormatLong->bUpdate(pszFormat); }
if (eField & kDbgThreadId) { m_pstrThreadIdFormat->bUpdate(pszFormat); }
// If any of the format strings were cleared then
// reset them back to the default value.
if (m_pstrFileInfoFormat->bEmpty()) { m_pstrFileInfoFormat->bUpdate(kstrFileInfoFormat); }
if (m_pstrTimeStampFormatShort->bEmpty()) { m_pstrTimeStampFormatShort->bUpdate(kstrTimeStampFormatShort); }
if (m_pstrTimeStampFormatLong->bEmpty()) { m_pstrTimeStampFormatLong->bUpdate(kstrTimeStampFormatLong); }
if (m_pstrThreadIdFormat->bEmpty()) { m_pstrThreadIdFormat->bUpdate(kstrThreadIdFormat); } }