#ifndef __ProgressInfo_h__
#define __ProgressInfo_h__
#include <windows.h>
#include "stdstring.h"
#include "httpfilepost.h"
enum TRANSFER_STATUS { TRANSFER_FATAL_ERROR = -1, // transfer is aborting due to unrecoverable error
TRANSFER_OK, // currently not used
TRANSFER_SKIPPING_FILE, // file transfer failed, non-fatal, continuing with remaining files
TRANSFER_SESSION_INITIATE, // beginning batch file transfer (only agragate vars are valid)
TRANSFER_FILE_INITATE, // starting the transfer of a file (current file vars are now valid)
TRANSFER_FILE_TRANSFERING, // all vars reflect current progress
TRANSFER_FILE_COMPLETE, // file has completed transfering
TRANSFER_SESSION_COMPLETE, // session compelete, last callback that will be sent unless
// there is an unrecoverable error in which case
// TRANSFER_FATAL_ERROR will be the final message
}; #include <MMSystem.h> // Windows Multimedia Support (for timeGetTime())
class CProgressInfo; class CWebCabPublisher; typedef UINT (*CS_PROGRESS_PROC)(CProgressInfo*);
#define STATUS_BUFFSIZE 1024
class CProgressInfo { public: // while the upload/download thread is updating the variables,
// critsec will be locked. users of this class must lock
// this critsec before accessing the variables, or they
// may get only partially updated values
DWORD dwStatusCallback; // status from WinInet
char szStatusString[STATUS_BUFFSIZE]; //buffer for status message
TRANSFER_STATUS dwStatus; DWORD dwErrorCount; // count of errors encountered this transfer
CStdString strFilename; // full path of the currently transfering file
CStdString strTitle; // friendly (user specified) title of the file
DWORD dwTotalFiles; // total count of files to transfer
DWORD dwDoneFiles; // count of files done
DWORD dwTotalBytes; // total bytes to transfer
DWORD dwTotalDone; // bytes transfered
DWORD dwCurrentBytes; // total bytes to transfer for this file
DWORD dwCurrentDone; // bytes transfered for this file
DWORD dwStartMS; // time started (milliseconds)
DWORD dwTransferRate; // (estimated) transfer rate
time_t timeElapsed; // time elapsed
time_t timeRemaining; // (estimated) time remaining
DWORD dwOverallPercent; // overall percent done
DWORD dwCurrentPercent; // percent done for this file
// these two are used for updating a progress ctrl
DWORD dwOverallPos; // (estimated) overall progress (range 0-ffffffff)
DWORD dwCurrentPos; // (estimated) current progress (range 0-ffffffff)
CS_PROGRESS_PROC pfnProgress; // pointer to callback function
LPARAM lParam; // lParam (caller defined value passed back to caller)
// caller returns 0 to continue, non-zero to abort (value will be reason for abort)
// if caller didn't specify a callback, then assume continue (0)
void NotifyCaller() { if(pfnProgress && (*pfnProgress)(this)) { ThrowUploaderException(0); } }
void StartSession(DWORD dwCountFiles, DWORD dwCountBytes) { InitializeCriticalSection(&critsec); EnterCriticalSection(&critsec); { // critical section
dwStatus = TRANSFER_SESSION_INITIATE; dwErrorCount = 0; strFilename = ""; dwTotalFiles = dwCountFiles; dwDoneFiles = 0; dwTotalDone = 0; dwTotalBytes = dwCountBytes; dwTotalDone = 0; dwCurrentBytes = 0; dwCurrentDone = 0; dwStartMS = timeGetTime(); dwTransferRate = 0; timeElapsed = 0; timeRemaining = 0; dwOverallPercent = 0; dwCurrentPercent = 0; dwOverallPos = 0; dwCurrentPos = 0; } LeaveCriticalSection(&critsec); NotifyCaller(); }
void EndSession(UINT uSuccess) { EnterCriticalSection(&critsec); { dwStatus = uSuccess ? TRANSFER_SESSION_COMPLETE : TRANSFER_FATAL_ERROR; } LeaveCriticalSection(&critsec);
NotifyCaller(); }
void StartFile(const CStdString& name, const CStdString& title, DWORD size) { EnterCriticalSection(&critsec); { // critical section
dwStatus = TRANSFER_FILE_INITATE; strFilename = name; strTitle = title; dwCurrentBytes = size; dwCurrentDone = 0; dwCurrentPercent = 0; dwCurrentPos = 0; } LeaveCriticalSection(&critsec);
NotifyCaller(); }
void UpdateProgress(DWORD dwBytesTransfered) { EnterCriticalSection(&critsec); { // critical section
dwStatus = TRANSFER_FILE_TRANSFERING; dwTotalDone += dwBytesTransfered; dwCurrentDone += dwBytesTransfered;
dwOverallPos = dwTotalBytes ? MulDiv(dwTotalDone, 0xFFFF, dwTotalBytes) : 0; dwCurrentPos = dwCurrentBytes ? MulDiv(dwCurrentDone, 0xFFFF, dwCurrentBytes) : 0;
dwOverallPercent = (dwOverallPos * 100) / 0xFFFF; dwCurrentPercent = (dwCurrentPos * 100) / 0xFFFF;
DWORD dwElapsedMS = timeGetTime() - dwStartMS; dwTransferRate = MulDiv(dwTotalDone, 1000, dwElapsedMS);
DWORD dwTimeRemaining = MulDiv(dwElapsedMS, dwTotalBytes, dwTotalDone) - dwElapsedMS; timeRemaining = dwTimeRemaining / 1000; timeElapsed = dwElapsedMS / 1000; } LeaveCriticalSection(&critsec);
NotifyCaller(); }
void EndFile() { EnterCriticalSection(&critsec); { // critical section
dwStatus = TRANSFER_FILE_COMPLETE; dwDoneFiles++; } LeaveCriticalSection(&critsec);
NotifyCaller(); } };
#endif //__ProgressInfo_h__