// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1998
// File: csti.cpp
vlads 02/01/97
// ##define _X86_ 1
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1
#define INITGUID
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <sti.h>
#include <stireg.h>
//#include <scanner.h>
// {AD879F40-0982-11d1-A43B-080009EEBDF6}
DEFINE_GUID( guidGreenButton, 0xad879f40, 0x982, 0x11d1, 0xa4, 0x3b, 0x8, 0x0, 0x9, 0xee, 0xbd, 0xf6 );
PSTIA g_pSti = NULL; PSTIW g_pStiW = NULL;
PSTIDEVICE g_pStiDevice = NULL; PSTIDEVICE g_pStiDevice1 = NULL;
CHAR SCLReset[]= "E"; CHAR SetXRes[] = "*a150R"; CHAR InqXRes[] = "*s10323R"; CHAR ScanCmd[] = "*f0S"; CHAR LampOn[] = "*f1L"; CHAR LampOff[] = "*f0L"; CHAR PollButton[] = "*s1044E";
BOOL g_fWait = FALSE; BOOL g_fTestSCL = FALSE; BOOL g_fTestEDNotifications = FALSE; BOOL g_fTestLaunchAPI = FALSE; BOOL g_fTestSetGetValue = FALSE; BOOL g_fTestRefreshAPI = TRUE;
*****************************************************************************/ INT __cdecl main( INT cArgs, char * pArgs[] );
HRESULT WINAPI SendDeviceCommandString( PSTIDEVICE pStiDevice, LPSTR pszFormat, ...);
HRESULT WINAPI TransactDevice( PSTIDEVICE pStiDevice, LPSTR lpResultBuffer, UINT cbResultBufferSize, LPSTR pszFormat, ...);
VOID TestEnumerationAndSelect( BOOL fMakeSelection );
VOID TestQueryCustomInterface( LPTSTR pszDeviceName );
VOID TestGetSetValue( LPTSTR pszDeviceName );
BOOL TestStiLaunch( BOOL fRegister );
VOID TestWaitForNotifications( VOID );
VOID TestEnableDisableNotifications( LPTSTR pszDeviceName );
VOID TestLaunchAPI( LPTSTR pszDeviceName );
VOID TestRefreshAPI( LPTSTR pszDeviceName );
BOOL WINAPI FormatStringV( IN LPTSTR lpszStr, //LPSTR lpszFirst,
... );
VOID ProcessCommandLine( INT cArgs, char * pArgs[] );
*****************************************************************************/ INT __cdecl main( INT cArgs, char * pArgs[] ) {
LPTSTR pszDeviceName = NULL; BOOL fAutoLaunched = FALSE;
// Startup stuff
printf("CSTI: Console mode test application for still image interface \n");
OSVERSIONINFO OsVer; OsVer.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); GetVersionEx(&OsVer);
printf(" Running on operating system version: \n Platform = %d \t Major=%d \t Minor=%d \n", OsVer.dwPlatformId,OsVer.dwMajorVersion,OsVer.dwMinorVersion);
ProcessCommandLine( cArgs,pArgs ) ;
// Request STI interface pointer
hres = StiCreateInstanceA(GetModuleHandle(NULL), STI_VERSION, &g_pSti,NULL);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hres) ) { printf("CSTI: StiCreateInstance Returned result=%x \n",hres); exit(0); }
g_pSti->WriteToErrorLog(STI_TRACE_INFORMATION,"CSTI application started");
// Test custom global interface
hres = g_pSti->QueryInterface(IID_IStillImageW,(LPVOID *)&g_pStiW); if (SUCCEEDED(hres) && g_pStiW) { g_pStiW->WriteToErrorLog(STI_TRACE_INFORMATION,L"(UNICODE) CSTI application started"); g_pStiW->Release(); }
fAutoLaunched = TestStiLaunch(TRUE);
// Test enumeration and select device
TestEnumerationAndSelect(fAutoLaunched ? FALSE : TRUE);
if (*szSelectedDevice == L'\0') { printf("Device not selected, can not continue"); goto Cleanup; }
pszDeviceName = szSelectedDevice;
// Test get/set values
if (g_fTestSetGetValue) { TestGetSetValue(pszDeviceName); }
// If needed test notifications
if (g_fTestEDNotifications) { TestEnableDisableNotifications(pszDeviceName); }
if (g_fTestLaunchAPI) { TestLaunchAPI(pszDeviceName); }
if (g_fTestRefreshAPI) { TestRefreshAPI(pszDeviceName); }
// Create object for first device
if (g_fTestSCL) { dwMode |= STI_DEVICE_CREATE_DATA; }
hres = g_pSti->CreateDevice(pszDeviceName, dwMode, // Mode
&g_pStiDevice, // Result
NULL ); // Controlling unk
printf("CSTI: Creating device %s returned result=%x\n",pszDeviceName,hres);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hres)) { printf("CSTI: Call failed - abort \n",hres); goto Cleanup; }
// Test second open on the same thread
hres = g_pSti->CreateDevice(pszDeviceName, dwMode, // Mode
&g_pStiDevice1, // Result
NULL ); // Controlling unk
printf("CSTI: Creating device %s second time returned result=%x\n",pszDeviceName,hres);
g_pStiDevice1->Release(); g_pStiDevice1 = NULL;
// Test getting custom interface
// Test online status
printf("Getting online status.... :");
hres = g_pStiDevice -> LockDevice(2000); printf("(Locking, ...hres=%X) ..",hres);
hres = g_pStiDevice->GetStatus(&DevStatus);
if (SUCCEEDED(hres) ) { if (DevStatus.dwEventHandlingState & STI_ONLINESTATE_OPERATIONAL ) { printf("Online\n"); } else { printf("Offline\n"); } } else { printf("Failed, panic...hres=%X\n",hres);
hres = g_pStiDevice -> UnLockDevice();
if (g_fWait) { TestWaitForNotifications(); }
if (g_fTestSCL) { TestSCL(); }
// Clean up and exit
if ( g_pStiDevice) { g_pStiDevice->UnLockDevice(); g_pStiDevice->Release(); }
// Delay exiting to test unload
printf("\nTo exit hit any key ..."); _getch();
if ( g_pSti) { g_pSti->Release(); }
BOOL TestStiLaunch( BOOL fRegister ) { HRESULT hres; TCHAR szEventName[65] = {L'\0'};
DWORD dwEventCode; DWORD cbData = sizeof(szEventName);
hres = g_pSti->GetSTILaunchInformation(szSelectedDevice,&dwEventCode,szEventName);
if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) {
CHAR szMessage[255];
wsprintf(szMessage,"CSti: Launched through autopush. DeviceName:%s EventName:%s \n",szSelectedDevice,szEventName);
g_pSti->WriteToErrorLog(STI_TRACE_INFORMATION,szMessage); printf(szMessage);
fRet = TRUE; }
// Register us with STI as launch app
if (fRegister) {
CHAR szModulePath[MAX_PATH+1+32]; TCHAR szModulePathW[MAX_PATH+1];
DWORD cch;
cch = GetModuleFileName(NULL,szModulePath,sizeof(szModulePath));
if (cch) {
strcat(szModulePath," /Wait");
#if 0
cch = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szModulePath, -1, szModulePathW, sizeof(szModulePathW) ); #endif
hres = g_pSti->RegisterLaunchApplication(TEXT("Console STI Test"),szModulePath) ;
} }
return fRet; }
// TestEnumeration
VOID TestEnumerationAndSelect( BOOL fMakeSelection ) {
HRESULT hres; PVOID pBuffer;
DWORD dwItemsReturned; UINT iCurrentSelection; UINT iDev;
printf("CSTI: Running device enumeration\n");
// Enumerate devices
hres = g_pSti->GetDeviceList( 0, // Type
0, // Flags
&dwItemsReturned, &pBuffer ); printf("CSTI: Enumerating devices returned result=%x dwItemsReturned=%d\n",hres,dwItemsReturned);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hres) || !pBuffer) { Beep(0,0); printf("CSTI Error : Call failed - abort \n",hres); return; }
// Print basic device information
for (iDev=0; iDev<dwItemsReturned ; iDev++, pDevInfo=(PSTI_DEVICE_INFORMATIONA)((LPBYTE)pDevInfo+pDevInfo->dwSize) ) {
printf("\nImage device #%2d :\n",iDev+1); printf(" Type\t\t:%2d\n Internal name: %s\n", pDevInfo->DeviceType, pDevInfo->szDeviceInternalName ); }
printf("\n"); if (*szSelectedDevice == L'\0') { printf("No currently selected device\n"); } else { printf("Currently selected device:%s\n",szSelectedDevice); }
if (fMakeSelection && dwItemsReturned) {
*szSelectedDevice = L'\0'; iCurrentSelection = 0;
if ( dwItemsReturned == 1) { lstrcpy((LPSTR)szSelectedDevice,pDevInfo->szDeviceInternalName); printf("Only one device known, automatically selected device:%s\n",szSelectedDevice); } else {
printf("Make a selection for currently active device:(1-%d)\n",dwItemsReturned); scanf("%2d",&iCurrentSelection); if (iCurrentSelection ==0 || iCurrentSelection > dwItemsReturned) { printf("CSTI Error: Invalid selection"); } else { lstrcpy((LPSTR)szSelectedDevice,(pDevInfo+iCurrentSelection-1)->szDeviceInternalName); printf("Newly selected device:%s\n",szSelectedDevice); } } }
if (pBuffer) { LocalFree(pBuffer); pBuffer = NULL; } }
// TestGetSetValue
TCHAR szTestValue[] = TEXT("TestValue");
VOID TestGetSetValue( LPTSTR pszDeviceName ) { HRESULT hRes;
DWORD dwType; DWORD cbData;
BYTE aData[255];
printf("\nCSTI Testing get/set device value for device: %s\n\n",pszDeviceName);
::lstrcpy((LPSTR)aData,"TestValueMeaning"); cbData = ::lstrlen((LPCSTR)aData) + sizeof(TCHAR);
hRes = g_pSti->SetDeviceValue(pszDeviceName,szTestValue,REG_SZ,aData,cbData);
printf("Wrote value :%s containing :%s Result=%x\n", szTestValue, (LPCSTR)aData, hRes);
cbData = sizeof(aData); hRes = g_pSti->GetDeviceValue(pszDeviceName,szTestValue,&dwType,aData,&cbData);
printf("Got back value :%s containing :%s dwType:%2d cbData:%4d Result=%x\n", szTestValue, (LPCSTR)aData, dwType, cbData,hRes);
cbData = sizeof(aData); hRes = g_pSti->GetDeviceValue(pszDeviceName,STI_DEVICE_VALUE_TWAIN_NAME_A,&dwType,aData,&cbData);
printf("Got back value :%s containing :%s dwType:%2d cbData:%4d Result=%x\n", STI_DEVICE_VALUE_TWAIN_NAME, (LPCSTR)aData, dwType, cbData,hRes);
VOID TestQueryCustomInterface( LPTSTR pszDeviceName ) {
CHAR ScanData[1024*16]; ULONG cbDataSize;
UINT xRes = 0; BOOL fLocked = FALSE;
// Try to communicate to device in raw mode
// Resetting device
// Get and display status
ZeroMemory(&DevStatus,sizeof(DevStatus)); hres = g_pStiDevice->GetStatus(&DevStatus);
if (!SUCCEEDED(hres) ) { printf("CSTI: Get status call failed - abort \n",hres); } else {
// Test lamp on/of capability
hres = SendDeviceCommandString(g_pStiDevice,LampOn); printf("\nHit any key..."); _getch();
hres = SendDeviceCommandString(g_pStiDevice,LampOff); printf("\n");
// Inquire commands ( X and Y resolution)
cbDataSize = sizeof(ScanData); ZeroMemory(ScanData,sizeof(ScanData));
hres = TransactDevice(g_pStiDevice,ScanData,cbDataSize,InqXRes);
if (SUCCEEDED(hres) ) { sscanf(ScanData,"%d",&xRes);
printf("CSTI: XRes = %d\n",xRes); }
// Get status
printf(" Start polling for button.......");
while (TRUE) {
ZeroMemory(ScanData,sizeof(ScanData)); hres = SendDeviceCommandString(g_pStiDevice,PollButton);
if (SUCCEEDED(hres) ) {
cbDataSize = sizeof(ScanData); hres = g_pStiDevice->RawReadData(ScanData,&cbDataSize,NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hres) ) { printf("CSTI: Got data from polling Size=(%d) Data=(%s)\n",cbDataSize,ScanData); } }
Sleep(2000); }
while (TRUE) {
printf("\nLocking device");
if (SUCCEEDED(hres) ) {
ZeroMemory(&DevStatus,sizeof(DevStatus)); DevStatus.StatusMask = STI_DEVSTATUS_EVENTS_STATE;
hres = g_pStiDevice->GetStatus(&DevStatus); printf("\nGot status"); if (SUCCEEDED(hres) ) { if (DevStatus.dwEventHandlingState & STI_EVENTHANDLING_PENDING ) { printf("\nEvent detected"); g_pStiDevice->DeviceReset(); } } }
} #endif
printf("\nTo start scanning , hit any key..."); _getch();
// Perform scan
hres = SendDeviceCommandString(g_pStiDevice,ScanCmd);
UINT i=0;
do {
cbDataSize = sizeof(ScanData); hres = g_pStiDevice->RawReadData(ScanData,&cbDataSize,NULL);
if (cbDataSize == sizeof (ScanData)) { i++; printf ("."); } } while ( cbDataSize == sizeof (ScanData));
printf ("\n CSTI: Scan done total Bytes = %ld.\n",(sizeof(ScanData))*i+cbDataSize);
VOID TestWaitForNotifications( VOID ) { HANDLE hWaitEvent; HRESULT hres;
BOOL fWaiting = TRUE; DWORD dwErr = 0x56565656;
hWaitEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, // Attributes
FALSE, // Manual reset
FALSE, // Initial state
NULL ); // Name
if ( !hWaitEvent ) { return; }
sSubscribe.dwSize = sizeof(STISUBSCRIBE); sSubscribe.dwFlags = STI_SUBSCRIBE_FLAG_EVENT ;
sSubscribe.hWndNotify = NULL; sSubscribe.hEvent = hWaitEvent; sSubscribe.uiNotificationMessage = 0;
hres = g_pStiDevice->Subscribe(&sSubscribe);
printf("CSTI::Device::Attempted to subscribe . Returned %xh %u\n",hres,hres);
printf("CSTI Waiing for notifications on device ( to stop press Q)..........\n");
while (fWaiting) {
dwErr = WaitForSingleObject(hWaitEvent,1000);
switch (dwErr) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: { //
// Something came
ZeroMemory(&sNotify,sizeof(sNotify)); sNotify.dwSize = sizeof(sNotify);
printf("Received notification from opened device :"); hres = g_pStiDevice->GetLastNotificationData(&sNotify); if (SUCCEEDED(hres)) { printf("GUID={%8x-%4x-%4x-%lx}\n", sNotify.guidNotificationCode.Data1, sNotify.guidNotificationCode.Data2, sNotify.guidNotificationCode.Data3, (ULONG_PTR)sNotify.guidNotificationCode.Data4 ); } else { printf("Failed get data hres=%X\n",hres); } } break;
case WAIT_TIMEOUT: // Fall through
default: //
// Check for keyboard input
if (_kbhit()) {
int ch;
ch = _getch(); if (toupper(ch) == 'Q') { fWaiting = FALSE; } } break; } }
hres = g_pStiDevice->UnSubscribe();
printf("CSTI::Device::UnSubscribing Returned %xh %u\n",hres,hres); }
// Test Enable/Disable notfications on a device
VOID TestEnableDisableNotifications( LPTSTR pszDeviceName ) {
int ch = '\0'; BOOL fLooping = TRUE; BOOL fState = FALSE; HRESULT hRes;
printf("\nCSTI: Testing enable/disable notfications functionality for device: %s\n\n",pszDeviceName);
while (fLooping) {
hRes = g_pSti->GetHwNotificationState(pszDeviceName,&fState);
if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { printf("Current notifcation state is: %s. (E,D,Q) >", fState ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"); } else { printf("Failed to get notification state, exiting "); exit(0); }
ch = _getch();
if (toupper(ch) == 'Q') { fLooping = FALSE; } else if (toupper(ch) == 'E') { g_pSti->EnableHwNotifications(pszDeviceName,TRUE); } else if (toupper(ch) == 'D') { g_pSti->EnableHwNotifications(pszDeviceName,FALSE); } printf("\n"); } }
// Test external launch API
VOID TestLaunchAPI( LPTSTR pszDeviceName ) { BOOL fLooping = TRUE; HRESULT hRes;
TCHAR wszAppName[] = TEXT("HP PictureScan 3.0"); GUID guidLaunchEvent = guidGreenButton;
printf("\nCSTI: Testing external launching for device: %s\n\n",pszDeviceName);
//printf("Enter name of the registered application to launch on a device:");
::ZeroMemory(&sStiNotify,sizeof(sStiNotify)); sStiNotify.dwSize = sizeof(sStiNotify); sStiNotify.guidNotificationCode = guidLaunchEvent;
hRes = g_pSti->LaunchApplicationForDevice(pszDeviceName,wszAppName,&sStiNotify);
printf("CSTI: Launching application (%s) hResult=%x \n",wszAppName,hRes); }
// Bus refresh
VOID TestRefreshAPI( LPTSTR pszDeviceName ) { HRESULT hRes;
printf("\nCSTI: Testing bus refresh for device: %s\n\n",pszDeviceName);
hRes = g_pSti->RefreshDeviceBus(pszDeviceName);
printf("CSTI: After bus refresh hResult=%x \n",hRes);
* Send formatted SCL string to the device * */ HRESULT WINAPI SendDeviceCommandString( PSTIDEVICE pStiDevice, LPSTR pszFormat, ... ) {
CHAR ScanCommand[255]; UINT cbChar; HRESULT hres;
// Format command string
ZeroMemory(ScanCommand,sizeof(ScanCommand)); // blank command
ScanCommand[0]='\033'; // stuff with Reset()
cbChar = 1;
va_list ap; va_start(ap, pszFormat); cbChar += vsprintf(ScanCommand+1, pszFormat, ap); va_end(ap);
// Send it to the device
hres = pStiDevice->RawWriteData(ScanCommand,cbChar,NULL);
printf("CSTISendFormattoDevice: First byte : %2x Rest of string: %s returned result=%x\n", ScanCommand[0],ScanCommand+1,hres);
return hres;
HRESULT WINAPI TransactDevice( PSTIDEVICE pStiDevice, LPSTR lpResultBuffer, UINT cbResultBufferSize, LPSTR pszFormat, ... ) {
CHAR ScanCommand[255]; UINT cbChar; ULONG cbActual; HRESULT hres;
// Format command string
ZeroMemory(ScanCommand,sizeof(ScanCommand)); ScanCommand[0]='\033'; cbChar = 1;
va_list ap; va_start(ap, pszFormat); cbChar += vsprintf(ScanCommand+1, pszFormat, ap); va_end(ap);
// Send it to the device
cbActual = 0;
hres = S_OK; // hres = pStiDevice->Escape(StiTransact,ScanCommand,cbChar,lpResultBuffer,cbResultBufferSize,&cbActual);
printf("CSTITransact : First byte : %2x Rest of string: %s returned result=%x\n", ScanCommand[0],ScanCommand+1,hres);
return hres;
BOOL WINAPI FormatStringV( IN LPTSTR lpszStr, //LPSTR lpszFirst,
... ) { DWORD cch; LPSTR pchBuff; BOOL fRet = FALSE; DWORD dwErr;
va_list va;
va_start(va,lpszStr); //va_arg(va,LPSTR);
cch = ::FormatMessageA( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, lpszStr, 0L, 0, (LPSTR) &pchBuff, 1024, &va); dwErr = ::GetLastError();
if ( cch ) { ::lstrcpy(lpszStr,(LPCSTR) pchBuff );
::LocalFree( (VOID*) pchBuff ); }
return fRet; }
// Parse command line
VOID ProcessCommandLine( INT cArgs, char * pArgs[] ) { if (cArgs < 2) { return; }
LPSTR pOption;
for (INT i=1;i<cArgs;i++) {
pOption = pArgs[i];
// Skip delimiter
if (*pOption == '/' || *pOption == '-') { pOption++; } if (!*pOption) { continue; }
// Set globals
if (!_stricmp(pOption,"Wait")) { g_fWait = TRUE; } else if (!_stricmp(pOption,"SCL")) { g_fTestSCL = TRUE; } else if (!_stricmp(pOption,"EDN")) { g_fTestEDNotifications = TRUE; } else if (!_stricmp(pOption,"LAUNCH")) { g_fTestLaunchAPI = TRUE; } else if (!_stricmp(pOption,"REFRESH")) { g_fTestRefreshAPI = TRUE; }
} }