Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Routines for installing a device by programatically playing with the add driver wizard
Hakki T. Bostanci (hakkib) 17-Dec-1999
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Wrappers.h"
#include "WindowSearch.h"
#include "StolenIds.h"
// structs for manipulating resources in NE (Win 3.1 style exe) files
#include <pshpack1.h> // Assume byte packing throughout
typedef struct { WORD Type; WORD NumEntries; DWORD Reserved; } RES_TYPE_INFO, *PRES_TYPE_INFO;
typedef struct { WORD Offset; WORD Length; WORD Flags; WORD Id; WORD Handle; WORD Usage; } RES_NAME_INFO, *PRES_NAME_INFO;
#include <poppack.h>
// IsEqualId
// Routine Description:
// compares two resource id's
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
BOOL IsEqualId( PCTSTR pResName, WORD wResId, PRES_TABLE pResTable ) { if (HIWORD(pResName) == 0) { // pResName is numerical
return wResId == ((WORD) pResName | 0x8000); } if (pResName[0] == _T('#')) { // pResName is a string numerical
return wResId == (_ttoi(pResName + 1) | 0x8000); }
if (wResId & 0x8000) { // pResName is a string but wResId is numerical
return FALSE; }
// compare the pascal-style string in the resource table
// with the C-style string we have
PSTR pStr = (PSTR) ((PBYTE) pResTable + wResId); int nStrLen = *pStr++;
if (pResName[nStrLen] != 0) { // string lengths do not match
return FALSE; }
int i = 0;
while (i < nStrLen && tolower(pStr[i]) == tolower(pResName[i])) { ++i; }
return i == nStrLen; }
// FindResource16
// Routine Description:
// finds a resource in a 16-bit NE format file
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
PVOID FindResource16( PVOID pImageBase, PCTSTR pName, PCTSTR pType ) { // locate the dos header
if (pDosHeader == 0 || pDosHeader->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) { SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_FORMAT); return 0; }
// locate the NE header
PIMAGE_OS2_HEADER pOs2Header = (PIMAGE_OS2_HEADER) ((PBYTE)pDosHeader + pDosHeader->e_lfanew);
if (pOs2Header->ne_magic != IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE) { SetLastError(ERROR_BAD_FORMAT); return 0; }
// locate the resources table
PRES_TABLE pResTable = (PRES_TABLE) ((PBYTE)pOs2Header + pOs2Header->ne_rsrctab);
// go through the resources until we reach to the string table
PRES_TYPE_INFO pTypeInfo = pResTable->TypeInfo;
while ( pTypeInfo->Type != 0 && !IsEqualId(pType, pTypeInfo->Type, pResTable) ) { pTypeInfo = (PRES_TYPE_INFO) ((PRES_NAME_INFO) (pTypeInfo + 1) + pTypeInfo->NumEntries); }
if (pTypeInfo->Type == 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_FOUND); return 0; }
// go through the resource table searching for our resource id
PRES_NAME_INFO pNameInfo = (PRES_NAME_INFO) (pTypeInfo + 1);
WORD nResource = 0; while ( nResource < pTypeInfo->NumEntries && !IsEqualId(pName, pNameInfo->Id, pResTable) ) { ++nResource; ++pNameInfo; }
if (nResource == pTypeInfo->NumEntries) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_FOUND); return 0; }
// return the offset of the resource
return (PBYTE) pDosHeader + (pNameInfo->Offset << pResTable->Align); }
// LoadString16
// Routine Description:
// loads a string resource from a 16-bit NE format file
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
int LoadString16( PVOID pImageBase, UINT uID, PTSTR pBuffer, int nBufferMax ) { ASSERT(pBuffer != 0);
// get the resource id and the index of the string
WORD nBlockId = uID / 16 + 1; int nStrIndex = uID % 16;
PSTR pszStr = (PSTR) FindResource16( pImageBase, MAKEINTRESOURCE(nBlockId), RT_STRING );
if (pszStr == 0) { return 0; }
// go through the string resource until we find our string index
for (int nStr = 0; nStr < 16; ++nStr) { int nStrLen = *pszStr++;
if (nStr == nStrIndex) { int nCopied = min(nBufferMax - 1, nStrLen);
#ifdef UNICODE
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pszStr, nCopied, pBuffer, nBufferMax); #else //UNICODE
strncpy(pBuffer, pszStr, nCopied); #endif //UNICODE
pBuffer[nCopied] = _T('\0');
return nCopied; }
pszStr += nStrLen; }
// we cannot reach here but still...
SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_FOUND); return 0; }
BOOL CALLBACK EnumProcCancel(HWND hWnd, LPARAM /*lParam*/) { SendMessage(hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDCANCEL, 0); return TRUE; }
// InstallImageDeviceFromInf
// Routine Description:
// installs an imaging device from an inf file
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
BOOL InstallImageDeviceFromInf( PCTSTR pInfFileName, PCTSTR pDeviceName /*= 0*/ ) { static TCHAR szWizardTitle[256]; static TCHAR szOemDiskTitle[256]; static LONG bInitStrings = TRUE; // read localizable strings
if (bInitStrings) { CSystemDirectory SystemDirectory;
SystemDirectory.SetFileName(_T("sti_ci.dll")); CMapFile<VOID, FILE_MAP_READ> sti_ci_dll(SystemDirectory);
LoadString16( sti_ci_dll, MessageTitle, szWizardTitle, COUNTOF(szWizardTitle) );
SystemDirectory.SetFileName(_T("setupx.dll")); CMapFile<VOID, FILE_MAP_READ> setupx_dll(SystemDirectory);
LoadString16( setupx_dll, IDS_OEMTITLE, szOemDiskTitle, COUNTOF(szOemDiskTitle) );
InterlockedExchange(&bInitStrings, FALSE); }
#if 0
// for the general case, read class name from the inf
// (but the UI steps in this procedure are specific to image class
// installs anyway, so don't bother...)
CHECK(SetupDiGetINFClass( pInfFileName, &ClassGuid, ClassName, MAX_CLASS_NAME_LEN, 0 ));
TCHAR szRunDevManager[256];
_stprintf( szRunDevManager, _T("rundll sysdm.cpl,InstallDevice_RunDLL %s,,"), ClassName );
// enter a system wide "playing with device manager" critical section
// (for the unlikely case that two or more WIAStress'es are running)
Mutex DevManagerMutex(FALSE, _T("5AFD932E-AC4B-11d3-97B6-00C04F797DBB"));
// give the installation 2 minutes to be complete. If it is not complete
// within this period, then probably there is some error dialog (that
// we are not expecting) waiting for us. bugbug: this is a terrible
// way for error handling...
CWaitableTimer TimeOut(TRUE);
TimeOut.Set(-1i64 * 2 * 60 * 1000 * 1000 * 10);
// launch the add driver wizard
CProcess DevManager(_T("rundll sysdm.cpl,InstallDevice_RunDLL Image,,"));
DWORD dwThreadId = ((PROCESS_INFORMATION &)DevManager).dwThreadId;
// find the wizard window
HWND hWizardWnd = WaitForThreadWindow( dwThreadId, CWindowSearchByText(szWizardTitle), TimeOut );
// find the "next" button
HWND hNext = WaitForChildWindow( hWizardWnd, CWindowSearchById(IDD_NEXT), TimeOut );
// find the "have disk" button
HWND hHaveDisk = WaitForChildWindow( hWizardWnd, CWindowSearchById(IDC_NDW_PICKDEV_HAVEDISK), TimeOut );
// wait for the oem disk selection dialog
HWND hOemDiskWnd = WaitForThreadWindow( dwThreadId, CWindowSearchByText(szOemDiskTitle), TimeOut );
// enter the directory name for the inf
HWND hDirName = WaitForChildWindow( hOemDiskWnd, CWindowSearchByClass(_T("Edit")), TimeOut );
CFullPathName InfPathName(pInfFileName); InfPathName.StripFileName();
SetText(hDirName, InfPathName);
// press ok's and next's and finish'es until the device is installed
HWND hOk = WaitForChildWindow( hOemDiskWnd, CWindowSearchById(IDOK), TimeOut );
// if we have a name, rename the device
if (pDeviceName) { HWND hDeviceName = WaitForChildWindow( hWizardWnd, CWindowSearchById(DeviceFriendlyName), TimeOut );
SetText(hDeviceName, pDeviceName); }
HWND hFinish = WaitForChildWindow( hWizardWnd, CWindowSearchById(IDD_FINISH), TimeOut );
while (DevManager.WaitForSingleObject(250) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { // if time is up, destroy all windows
if (TimeOut.IsSignaled()) { EnumThreadWindows(dwThreadId, EnumProcCancel, 0); } }
if (TimeOut.IsSignaled()) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// InstallDeviceFromInf
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
BOOL InstallDeviceFromInf( PCTSTR pInfFileName, PCTSTR pDeviceName, PCTSTR pSourceRootPath = 0 ) { BOOL bResult = FALSE;
bResult = SetupDiGetINFClass( pInfFileName, &ClassGuid, ClassName, MAX_CLASS_NAME_LEN, 0 );
HDEVINFO hDevInfo = SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoList(&ClassGuid, 0);
SP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData; DeviceInfoData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA);
bResult = SetupDiCreateDeviceInfo( hDevInfo, pDeviceName, &ClassGuid, 0, 0, DICD_GENERATE_ID, &DeviceInfoData );
bResult = SetupDiCallClassInstaller( DIF_INSTALLDEVICE, hDevInfo, &DeviceInfoData );
return bResult; }