// WIA.cpp: implementation of the CWIA class.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CWIA.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW
// Construction/Destruction
* CWIA::CWIA * * Constructor for WIA object * * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 4/20/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ CWIA::CWIA() { //
// initialize members
m_pIWiaDevMgr = NULL; m_pRootIWiaItem = NULL; m_pDIB = NULL; m_FileName = "image.bmp"; m_bMessageBoxReport = TRUE; m_ApplicationName = "WIA - Error Return";
// Initialize the Enumerator POSITIONS
m_CurrentActiveTreeListPosition = NULL; m_CurrentDeviceListPosition = NULL; m_CurrentFormatEtcListPosition = NULL; m_CurrentItemProperyInfoListPosition = NULL; m_hPreviewWnd = NULL; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::~CWIA() * * Destructor, deletes allocated lists, and Releases Interface pointers * * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 4/20/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
CWIA::~CWIA() { //
// delete all Lists, and release Interface pointers
Cleanup(); } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::StressStatus * * Reports status to user via status list box * * Arguments: * * status - CString value to be displayed in the list box * * Return Value: * * void * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CWIA::StressStatus(CString status) { OutputDebugString(status + "\n"); } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::StressStatus * * Reports status, and hResult to user via status list box * * Arguments: * * status - CString value to be displayed in the list box * hResult - hResult to be translated * * Return Value: * * void * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CWIA::StressStatus(CString status, HRESULT hResult) { CString msg; ULONG ulLen = MAX_PATH; LPTSTR pMsgBuf = (char*)LocalAlloc(LPTR,MAX_PATH);
// attempt to handle WIA custom errors first
switch (hResult) { case WIA_ERROR_GENERAL_ERROR: sprintf(pMsgBuf,"There was a general device failure."); break; case WIA_ERROR_PAPER_JAM: sprintf(pMsgBuf,"The paper path is jammed."); break; case WIA_ERROR_PAPER_EMPTY: sprintf(pMsgBuf,"There are no documents in the input tray to scan."); break; case WIA_ERROR_PAPER_PROBLEM: sprintf(pMsgBuf,"There is a general problem with an input document."); break; case WIA_ERROR_OFFLINE: sprintf(pMsgBuf,"The device is offline."); break; case WIA_ERROR_BUSY: sprintf(pMsgBuf,"The device is busy."); break; case WIA_ERROR_WARMING_UP: sprintf(pMsgBuf,"The device is warming up."); break; case WIA_ERROR_USER_INTERVENTION: sprintf(pMsgBuf,"The user has paused or stopped the device."); break; case WIA_ERROR_ITEM_DELETED: sprintf(pMsgBuf,"An operation has been performed on a deleted item."); break; case WIA_ERROR_DEVICE_COMMUNICATION: sprintf(pMsgBuf,"There is a problem communicating with the device."); break; case WIA_ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND: sprintf(pMsgBuf,"An invalid command has been issued."); break; default:
// free temp buffer, because FormatMessage() will allocate it for me
if (ulLen) { msg = pMsgBuf; msg.TrimRight(); LocalFree(pMsgBuf); } else { // use sprintf to write to buffer instead of .Format member of
// CString. This conversion works better for HEX
char buffer[255]; sprintf(buffer,"hResult = 0x%08X",hResult); msg = buffer; } StressStatus(status + ", " + msg); if (m_bMessageBoxReport) MessageBox(NULL,status + ", " + msg,m_ApplicationName,MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION); }
* CWIA::ReadPropStr * * Reads a BSTR value of a target property * * * Arguments: * * propid - property ID * pIWiaPropStg - property storage * pbstr - returned BSTR read from property * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::ReadPropStr(PROPID propid,IWiaPropertyStorage *pIWiaPropStg,BSTR *pbstr) { HRESULT hResult = S_OK; PROPSPEC PropSpec[1]; PROPVARIANT PropVar[1]; UINT cbSize = 0;
*pbstr = NULL; memset(PropVar, 0, sizeof(PropVar)); PropSpec[0].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; PropSpec[0].propid = propid; hResult = pIWiaPropStg->ReadMultiple(1, PropSpec, PropVar); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) { if (PropVar[0].pwszVal) { *pbstr = SysAllocString(PropVar[0].pwszVal); } else { *pbstr = SysAllocString(L""); } if (*pbstr == NULL) { StressStatus("* ReadPropStr, SysAllocString failed"); hResult = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } PropVariantClear(PropVar); } else { CString msg; msg.Format("* ReadPropStr, ReadMultiple of propid: %d, Failed", propid); StressStatus(msg); } return hResult; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::WritePropStr * * Writes a BSTR value to a target property * * * Arguments: * * propid - property ID * pIWiaPropStg - property storage * pbstr - BSTR to write to target property * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::WritePropStr(PROPID propid, IWiaPropertyStorage *pIWiaPropStg, BSTR bstr) { HRESULT hResult = S_OK; PROPSPEC propspec[1]; PROPVARIANT propvar[1];
propspec[0].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; propspec[0].propid = propid;
propvar[0].vt = VT_BSTR; propvar[0].pwszVal = bstr;
hResult = pIWiaPropStg->WriteMultiple(1, propspec, propvar, MIN_PROPID); return hResult; }
* CWIA::WritePropLong * * Writes a LONG value of a target property * * * Arguments: * * propid - property ID * pIWiaPropStg - property storage * lVal - LONG to be written to target property * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::WritePropLong(PROPID propid, IWiaPropertyStorage *pIWiaPropStg, LONG lVal) { HRESULT hResult; PROPSPEC propspec[1]; PROPVARIANT propvar[1];
propspec[0].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; propspec[0].propid = propid;
propvar[0].vt = VT_I4; propvar[0].lVal = lVal;
hResult = pIWiaPropStg->WriteMultiple(1, propspec, propvar, MIN_PROPID); return hResult; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::ReadPropLong * * Reads a long value from a target property * * * Arguments: * * propid - property ID * pIWiaPropStg - property storage * plval - returned long read from property * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::ReadPropLong(PROPID propid, IWiaPropertyStorage *pIWiaPropStg, LONG *plval) { HRESULT hResult = S_OK; PROPSPEC PropSpec[1]; PROPVARIANT PropVar[1]; UINT cbSize = 0;
memset(PropVar, 0, sizeof(PropVar)); PropSpec[0].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; PropSpec[0].propid = propid; hResult = pIWiaPropStg->ReadMultiple(1, PropSpec, PropVar); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) { *plval = PropVar[0].lVal; } return hResult; }
* CWIA::WritePropGUID * * Writes a GUID value of a target property * * * Arguments: * * propid - property ID * pIWiaPropStg - property storage * guidVal - GUID to be written to target property * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::WritePropGUID(PROPID propid, IWiaPropertyStorage *pIWiaPropStg, GUID guidVal) { HRESULT hResult; PROPSPEC propspec[1]; PROPVARIANT propvar[1];
propspec[0].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; propspec[0].propid = propid;
propvar[0].vt = VT_CLSID; propvar[0].puuid = &guidVal;
hResult = pIWiaPropStg->WriteMultiple(1, propspec, propvar, MIN_PROPID); return hResult; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::MoveTempFile() * * Copies the temporary file created by WIA to a new location, and * deletes the old temp file after copy is complete * * * Arguments: * * pTempFileName - Temporary file created by WIA * pTargetFileName - New file * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 6/10/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL CWIA::MoveTempFile(LPWSTR pwszTempFileName, LPCTSTR szTargetFileName) { char buffer[MAX_PATH]; sprintf(buffer,"%ws",pwszTempFileName); if(CopyFile(buffer,szTargetFileName,FALSE)){ DeleteFile(buffer); } else{ StressStatus(" Failed to copy temp file.."); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
* CWIA::IsValidItem * * Determines if the item is valid is disconnected, or destroyed * * * Arguments: * * pIWiaItem - target item * * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL CWIA::IsValidItem(IWiaItem *pIWiaItem) { LONG lType = 0; pIWiaItem->GetItemType(&lType);
if(lType & WiaItemTypeDisconnected) return FALSE;
if(lType & WiaItemTypeDeleted) return FALSE;
return TRUE; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::DoIWiaDataBandedTransfer * * Executes an IWiaData Transfer on an item * * * Arguments: * * pIWiaItem - target item * Tymed - TYMED value * ClipboardFormat - current clipboard format * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::DoIWiaDataBandedTransfer(IWiaItem *pIWiaItem, DWORD Tymed, GUID ClipboardFormat) { HRESULT hResult = S_OK;
// Check Item pointer
if (pIWiaItem == NULL) { StressStatus("* pIWiaItem is NULL"); return S_FALSE; }
if(!IsValidItem(pIWiaItem)) { StressStatus("* pIWiaItem is invalid"); return S_FALSE; }
// set the two properties (TYMED, and CF_ )
IWiaPropertyStorage *pIWiaPropStg; PROPSPEC PropSpec; hResult = pIWiaItem->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaPropertyStorage,(void **)&pIWiaPropStg); if (hResult != S_OK) { StressStatus("* pIWiaItem->QueryInterface() Failed",hResult); return hResult; } else {
// Write property value for TYMED
PropSpec.propid = WIA_IPA_TYMED; hResult = WritePropLong(WIA_IPA_TYMED,pIWiaPropStg,Tymed); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) StressStatus("tymed Successfully written"); else StressStatus("* WritePropLong(WIA_IPA_TYMED) Failed",hResult);
// Write property value for SUPPORTED WIA FORMAT
hResult = WritePropGUID(WIA_IPA_FORMAT,pIWiaPropStg,ClipboardFormat); if (hResult == S_OK) StressStatus("Format Successfully written"); else StressStatus("* WritePropLong(WIA_IPA_FORMAT) Failed",hResult);
StressStatus("Executing an idtGetBandedData Transfer...");
CWaitCursor cwc; if (pIWiaItem == NULL) { StressStatus("* pIWiaItem is NULL"); return S_FALSE; }
// get IWiaDatatransfer interface
IWiaDataTransfer *pIBandTran = NULL; hResult = pIWiaItem->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaDataTransfer, (void **)&pIBandTran); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) {
// create Banded callback
IWiaDataCallback* pIWiaDataCallback = NULL; CWiaDataCallback* pCBandedCB = new CWiaDataCallback(); if (pCBandedCB) { hResult = pCBandedCB->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaDataCallback,(void **)&pIWiaDataCallback); if (hResult == S_OK) { WIA_DATA_TRANSFER_INFO wiaDataTransInfo;
ZeroMemory(&wiaDataTransInfo, sizeof(WIA_DATA_TRANSFER_INFO)); wiaDataTransInfo.ulSize = sizeof(WIA_DATA_TRANSFER_INFO); wiaDataTransInfo.ulBufferSize = (GetMinBufferSize(pIWiaItem) * 4);
hResult = pIBandTran->idtGetBandedData(&wiaDataTransInfo, pIWiaDataCallback); pIBandTran->Release(); if (hResult == S_OK) {
// Display data (only BMP, and single page TIFF supported so far for display..)
/*if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_UNDEFINED)
return "WiaImgFmt_UNDEFINED"; else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_MEMORYBMP) return "WiaImgFmt_MEMORYBMP";*/ if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_BMP) m_pDIB->ReadFromHGLOBAL(pCBandedCB->GetDataPtr(),BMP_IMAGE); else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_MEMORYBMP) m_pDIB->ReadFromHGLOBAL(pCBandedCB->GetDataPtr(),BMP_IMAGE); /*else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_EMF)
return "WiaImgFmt_EMF"; else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_WMF) return "WiaImgFmt_WMF"; else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_JPEG) return "WiaImgFmt_JPEG"; else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_PNG) return "WiaImgFmt_PNG"; else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_GIF) return "WiaImgFmt_GIF";*/ else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_TIFF) m_pDIB->ReadFromHGLOBAL(pCBandedCB->GetDataPtr(),TIFF_IMAGE); /*else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_EXIF)
return "WiaImgFmt_EXIF"; else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_PHOTOCD) return "WiaImgFmt_PHOTOCD"; else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_FLASHPIX) return "WiaImgFmt_FLASHPIX"; else return "** UNKNOWN **";*/
StressStatus("IWiaData Transfer.(CALLBACK)..Success"); } else StressStatus("* idtGetBandedData() Failed", hResult); pCBandedCB->Release(); } else StressStatus("* pCBandedCB->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaDataCallback) Failed", hResult); } else StressStatus("* pCBandedCB failed to create.."); } else StressStatus("* pIWiaItem->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaDataTransfer) Failed", hResult); return hResult; }
* CWIA::GetMinBufferSize * * Returns the minimum buffer size for an Item transfer * * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * buffer size * * History: * * 6/21/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ long CWIA::GetMinBufferSize(IWiaItem *pIWiaItem) { HRESULT hResult = S_OK; long MINBufferSize = 65535; IWiaPropertyStorage* pIWiaPropStg = NULL; hResult = pIWiaItem->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaPropertyStorage,(void **)&pIWiaPropStg); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) { if (pIWiaPropStg != NULL) { hResult = ReadPropLong(WIA_IPA_MIN_BUFFER_SIZE,pIWiaPropStg,&MINBufferSize); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) { // whoopie!
// Release IWiaPropertyStorage
pIWiaPropStg->Release(); } } return MINBufferSize; }
* CWIA::SetPreviewWindow * * Sets the target painting preview window * * * Arguments: * * hWnd - Handle to preview window * * Return Value: * * void * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CWIA::SetPreviewWindow(HWND hPreviewWindow) { m_hPreviewWnd = hPreviewWindow; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::DoIWiaDataGetDataTransfer * * Executes an IWiaData Transfer on an item * * * Arguments: * * pIWiaItem - target item * Tymed - TYMED value * ClipboardFormat - current clipboard format * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::DoIWiaDataGetDataTransfer(IWiaItem *pIWiaItem, DWORD Tymed, GUID ClipboardFormat) { HRESULT hResult = S_OK;
// Check Item pointer
if (pIWiaItem == NULL) { StressStatus("* pIWiaItem is NULL"); return S_FALSE; }
if(!IsValidItem(pIWiaItem)) { StressStatus("* pIWiaItem is invalid"); return S_FALSE; }
// set the two properties (TYMED, and CF_ )
IWiaPropertyStorage *pIWiaPropStg; PROPSPEC PropSpec; hResult = pIWiaItem->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaPropertyStorage,(void **)&pIWiaPropStg); if (hResult != S_OK) { StressStatus("* pIWiaItem->QueryInterface() Failed",hResult); return hResult; } else {
// Write property value for TYMED
PropSpec.propid = WIA_IPA_TYMED; hResult = WritePropLong(WIA_IPA_TYMED,pIWiaPropStg,Tymed); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) StressStatus("tymed Successfully written"); else StressStatus("* WritePropLong(WIA_IPA_TYMED) Failed",hResult);
// Write property value for SUPPORTED WIA FORMAT
hResult = WritePropGUID(WIA_IPA_FORMAT,pIWiaPropStg,ClipboardFormat); if (hResult == S_OK) StressStatus("Format Successfully written"); else StressStatus("* WritePropLong(WIA_IPA_FORMAT) Failed",hResult);
StressStatus("Executing an IWiaData Transfer...");
// get IWiaDatatransfer interface
IWiaDataTransfer *pIBandTran = NULL; hResult = pIWiaItem->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaDataTransfer, (void **)&pIBandTran); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) {
STGMEDIUM StgMedium; StgMedium.tymed = Tymed; StgMedium.lpszFileName = NULL; StgMedium.pUnkForRelease = NULL; StgMedium.hGlobal = NULL;
// create Data callback
IWiaDataCallback* pIWiaDataCallback = NULL; CWiaDataCallback* pCWiaDataCB = new CWiaDataCallback(); if (pCWiaDataCB) { hResult = pCWiaDataCB->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaDataCallback,(void **)&pIWiaDataCallback); if (hResult == S_OK) { pCWiaDataCB->Initialize(); hResult = pIBandTran->idtGetData(&StgMedium,pIWiaDataCallback); pIBandTran->Release(); pCWiaDataCB->Release(); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) { if (Tymed == TYMED_HGLOBAL) MessageBox(NULL,"HGLOBAL SHOULD BE REMOVED","WIATEST BUSTED!",MB_OK); else if (Tymed == TYMED_FILE) {
// Rename file using set file name from UI
if (MoveTempFile(StgMedium.lpszFileName,m_FileName)) {
StressStatus("IWiaData Transfer ( Saving " + m_FileName + " )");
// Display data (only BMP, and single page TIFF supported so far for display..)
/*if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_UNDEFINED)
return "WiaImgFmt_UNDEFINED"; else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_MEMORYBMP) return "WiaImgFmt_MEMORYBMP";*/ if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_BMP) m_pDIB->ReadFromBMPFile(m_FileName); /*else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_EMF)
return "WiaImgFmt_EMF"; else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_WMF) return "WiaImgFmt_WMF"; else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_JPEG) return "WiaImgFmt_JPEG"; else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_PNG) return "WiaImgFmt_PNG"; else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_GIF) return "WiaImgFmt_GIF";*/ else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_TIFF) m_pDIB->ReadFromTIFFFile(m_FileName); /*else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_EXIF)
return "WiaImgFmt_EXIF"; else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_PHOTOCD) return "WiaImgFmt_PHOTOCD"; else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_FLASHPIX) return "WiaImgFmt_FLASHPIX"; else return "** UNKNOWN **";*/ } } ReleaseStgMedium(&StgMedium); } else StressStatus("* idtGetData() Failed",hResult); } else StressStatus("* pCWiaDataCB->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaDataCallback)",hResult); } else StressStatus("* pCWiaDataCB failed to create.."); } else StressStatus("* pIWiaItem->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaDataTransfer) Failed",hResult); return hResult; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::DoGetImageDlg() * * Execute an Image transfer using the WIA Default User Interface * * * Arguments: * * hParentWnd - Parent Window * DeviceType - device type (scanner, camera etc..) * Flags - special Flags * Intent - Current Intent * Tymed - TYMED value * ClipboardFormat - current clipboard format * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::DoGetImageDlg(HWND hParentWnd, long DeviceType,long Flags,long Intent, long Tymed, GUID ClipboardFormat) { HRESULT hResult = S_OK;
if(!IsValidItem(m_pRootIWiaItem)) { StressStatus("* pRootIWiaItem is invalid"); return S_FALSE; }
// Fill in the storage medium spec and get the image.
memset(&StgMedium, 0, sizeof(STGMEDIUM)); memset(&dvDev,0,sizeof(DVTARGETDEVICE)); memset(&format,0,sizeof(WIA_FORMAT_INFO));
dvDev.tdSize = sizeof(DVTARGETDEVICE);
hResult = m_pIWiaDevMgr->GetImageDlg(hParentWnd,DeviceType,Flags,Intent,m_pRootIWiaItem,m_FileName.AllocSysString(),&ClipboardFormat); if (hResult == S_OK) { if (Tymed == TYMED_HGLOBAL) { MessageBox(NULL,"HGLOBAL SHOULD BE REMOVED","WIATEST BUSTED!",MB_OK); } else if (Tymed == TYMED_FILE) {
StressStatus("GetImageDlg Transfer ( Saving " + m_FileName + " )");
// Display data (only BMP, and single page TIFF supported so far for display..)
if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_BMP) m_pDIB->ReadFromBMPFile(m_FileName); else if (ClipboardFormat == WiaImgFmt_TIFF) m_pDIB->ReadFromTIFFFile(m_FileName); } ReleaseStgMedium(&StgMedium); } else if (hResult == S_FALSE) { StressStatus("* User canceled Dialog"); } else StressStatus("* pIWiaDevMgr->GetImageDlg() Failed", hResult);
return hResult; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::CreateWIADeviceManager() * * Creates the IWiaDevMgr for WIA operations * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::CreateWIADeviceManager() { HRESULT hResult = S_OK; if (m_pIWiaDevMgr != NULL) m_pIWiaDevMgr->Release();
hResult = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WiaDevMgr, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IWiaDevMgr,(void**)&m_pIWiaDevMgr); if (hResult != S_OK) StressStatus("* CoCreateInstance failed - m_pIWiaDevMgr not created"); else StressStatus("CoCreateInstance Successful - m_pIWiaDevMgr created");
return hResult; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::Initialize() * * Called by the application to Initialize the WIA object, resulting in * Device manager creation, and a Device Enumeration. * The DIB data pointer is also initialized. * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::Initialize() { HRESULT hResult = S_OK; hResult = ::OleInitialize(NULL); if (FAILED(hResult)) return hResult; //
// create a WIA device manager
hResult = CreateWIADeviceManager(); if (FAILED(hResult)) return hResult;
// enumerate WIA devices
hResult = EnumerateAllWIADevices(); if (FAILED(hResult)) return hResult;
// new DIB data pointer
if (m_pDIB == NULL) m_pDIB = new CDib; return hResult; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::Cleanup() * * Deletes allocated Enumerator lists, and releases all Interface pointers * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * void * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CWIA::Cleanup() { //
// Free IWiaItem* list (Active Tree list)
// Free DeviceID list (Device list)
// Free Supported Formats list (FormatEtc list)
// Free Property Info list (Item Property Info list)
// release WIA Device Manager
if (m_pIWiaDevMgr) m_pIWiaDevMgr->Release();
// delete dib pointer, if exists
if (m_pDIB != NULL) delete m_pDIB;
::OleUninitialize(); } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::EnumeratAllWIADevices() * * Enumerates all WIA devices, and creates a list of WIADEVICENODES * A device node contains - DeviceID, used for Device creation * Device Name, used for display only * Server Name, used for display only * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::EnumerateAllWIADevices() { HRESULT hResult = S_OK; LONG cItemRoot = 0; BOOL bRet = FALSE; IEnumWIA_DEV_INFO *pWiaEnumDevInfo; int DeviceIndex = 0;
DeleteWIADeviceList(); //
// attempt to enumerate WIA devices
if (m_pIWiaDevMgr) hResult = m_pIWiaDevMgr->EnumDeviceInfo(0,&pWiaEnumDevInfo); else { StressStatus("* m_pIWiaDevMgr->EnumDeviceInfo() failed", hResult); return hResult; } if (hResult == S_OK) { do { IWiaPropertyStorage *pIWiaPropStg; hResult = pWiaEnumDevInfo->Next(1,&pIWiaPropStg, NULL); if (hResult == S_OK) { PROPSPEC PropSpec[3]; PROPVARIANT PropVar[3];
PropSpec[0].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; PropSpec[0].propid = WIA_DIP_DEV_ID;
PropSpec[1].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; PropSpec[1].propid = WIA_DIP_DEV_NAME;
PropSpec[2].ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; PropSpec[2].propid = WIA_DIP_SERVER_NAME;
hResult = pIWiaPropStg->ReadMultiple(sizeof(PropSpec)/sizeof(PROPSPEC), PropSpec, PropVar);
if (hResult == S_OK) { IWiaItem *pWiaItemRoot = NULL; //
// create a new WIADevice node
pWIADevice->bstrDeviceID = ::SysAllocString(PropVar[0].bstrVal); pWIADevice->bstrDeviceName = ::SysAllocString(PropVar[1].bstrVal); pWIADevice->bstrServerName = ::SysAllocString(PropVar[2].bstrVal); m_WIADeviceList.AddTail(pWIADevice);
StressStatus((CString)pWIADevice->bstrDeviceName + " located on ( " + (CString)pWIADevice->bstrServerName + " ) server found"); DeviceIndex++; FreePropVariantArray(sizeof(PropSpec)/sizeof(PROPSPEC),PropVar); } else StressStatus("* pIWiaPropStg->ReadMultiple() Failed", hResult); cItemRoot++; } } while (hResult == S_OK); }
// No devices found during enumeration?
if (DeviceIndex == 0) StressStatus("* No WIA Devices Found"); return hResult; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::EnumerateSupportedFormats() * * Enumerates the supported WIAFormatInfo for the target Root Item * * Arguments: * * pIRootItem - Target Root Item for enumeration * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::EnumerateSupportedFormats(IWiaItem* pIRootItem) { if(!IsValidItem(pIRootItem)) { StressStatus("* pIRootItem is invalid"); return S_FALSE; }
DeleteSupportedFormatList(); HRESULT hResult = S_OK; IWiaDataTransfer *pIWiaDataTransfer = NULL; hResult = pIRootItem->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaDataTransfer, (void **)&pIWiaDataTransfer); if (hResult == S_OK) { IEnumWIA_FORMAT_INFO *pIEnumWIA_FORMAT_INFO; WIA_FORMAT_INFO pfe; int i = 0; WIA_FORMAT_INFO *pSupportedFormat = NULL;
hResult = pIWiaDataTransfer->idtEnumWIA_FORMAT_INFO(&pIEnumWIA_FORMAT_INFO); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) { do {
// enumerate supported format structs
hResult = pIEnumWIA_FORMAT_INFO->Next(1, &pfe, NULL); if (hResult == S_OK) { pSupportedFormat = new WIA_FORMAT_INFO; memcpy(pSupportedFormat,&pfe,sizeof(WIA_FORMAT_INFO));
// Add supported format to the supported format list
m_SupportedFormatList.AddTail(pSupportedFormat); } else { if (FAILED(hResult)) { StressStatus("* pIEnumWIA_FORMAT_INFO->Next Failed",hResult); return hResult; } } } while (hResult == S_OK);
// Release supported format enumerator interface
// Release data transfer interface
pIWiaDataTransfer->Release(); } else StressStatus("* EnumWIAFormatInfo Failed",hResult); } return hResult; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::DeleteActiveTreeList() * * Deletes the active Tree list which contains Item Interface pointers, * including the ROOT item. All Items are Released before the list is * destroyed. * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * void * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CWIA::DeleteActiveTreeList() { if (m_ActiveTreeList.GetCount() == 0) return;
POSITION Position = m_ActiveTreeList.GetHeadPosition(); IWiaItem* pIWiaItem = NULL; while (Position) { WIAITEMTREENODE* pWiaItemTreeNode = (WIAITEMTREENODE*)m_ActiveTreeList.GetNext(Position); pIWiaItem = pWiaItemTreeNode->pIWiaItem; pIWiaItem->Release(); //delete pWiaItemTreeNode;
} m_ActiveTreeList.RemoveAll(); } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::DeleteWIADeviceList() * * Deletes the Device list of WIADEVICENODES. * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * void * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CWIA::DeleteWIADeviceList() { if (m_WIADeviceList.GetCount() == 0) return;
POSITION Position = m_WIADeviceList.GetHeadPosition(); while (Position) { WIADEVICENODE* pWiaDeviceNode = (WIADEVICENODE*)m_WIADeviceList.GetNext(Position); ::SysFreeString(pWiaDeviceNode->bstrDeviceID); ::SysFreeString(pWiaDeviceNode->bstrDeviceName); ::SysFreeString(pWiaDeviceNode->bstrServerName); delete pWiaDeviceNode; } m_WIADeviceList.RemoveAll(); }
* CWIA::DeleteItemPropertyInfoList() * * Deletes the WIAITEMINFONODE list. * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * void * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CWIA::DeleteItemPropertyInfoList() { if (m_ItemPropertyInfoList.GetCount() == 0) return;
POSITION Position = m_ItemPropertyInfoList.GetHeadPosition(); while (Position) { WIAITEMINFONODE* pWiaItemInfoNode = (WIAITEMINFONODE*)m_ItemPropertyInfoList.GetNext(Position); ::SysFreeString(pWiaItemInfoNode->bstrPropertyName); PropVariantClear(&pWiaItemInfoNode->PropVar); delete pWiaItemInfoNode; } m_ItemPropertyInfoList.RemoveAll(); } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::DeleteSupportedFormatList() * * Deletes the FORMATECT list. * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CWIA::DeleteSupportedFormatList() { if (m_SupportedFormatList.GetCount() == 0) return;
POSITION Position = m_SupportedFormatList.GetHeadPosition(); while (Position) { WIA_FORMAT_INFO* pWIAFormatInfo = (WIA_FORMAT_INFO*)m_SupportedFormatList.GetNext(Position); delete pWIAFormatInfo; } m_SupportedFormatList.RemoveAll(); } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::GetWIADeviceCount() * * Return the number of Enumerated WIA Devices. (list item count) * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * long - Number of WIA Devices * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ long CWIA::GetWIADeviceCount() { return (long)m_WIADeviceList.GetCount(); } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::SetFileName() * * Sets the Filename for a TYMED_FILE transfer * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * void * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CWIA::SetFileName(CString Filename) { m_FileName = Filename; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::Auto_ResetItemEnumerator() * * Resets the ActiveTreeList position pointer to the top for a top-down * enumeration by an application. * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CWIA::Auto_ResetItemEnumerator() { m_CurrentActiveTreeListPosition = m_ActiveTreeList.GetHeadPosition(); } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::Auto_GetNextItem() * * Returns a IWiaItem* pointer, next Item in the ActiveTreeList * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * IWiaItem* - IWiaItem Interface pointer * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ IWiaItem* CWIA::Auto_GetNextItem() { IWiaItem* pIWiaItem = NULL; if (m_CurrentItemProperyInfoListPosition) { WIAITEMTREENODE* pWiaItemTreeNode = (WIAITEMTREENODE*)m_ActiveTreeList.GetNext(m_CurrentActiveTreeListPosition); pIWiaItem = pWiaItemTreeNode->pIWiaItem; } return pIWiaItem; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::Auto_ResetDeviceEnumerator() * * Resets the Device List position pointer to the top for a top-down * enumeration by an application. * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * void * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CWIA::Auto_ResetDeviceEnumerator() { m_CurrentDeviceListPosition = m_WIADeviceList.GetHeadPosition(); } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::Auto_GetNextDevice() * * Returns a WIADEVICENODE* pointer, next Device in the WIA Device List * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * WIADEVICENODE* - Wia Device Node pointer * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ WIADEVICENODE* CWIA::Auto_GetNextDevice() { WIADEVICENODE* pWiaDeviceNode = NULL; if (m_CurrentDeviceListPosition) pWiaDeviceNode = (WIADEVICENODE*)m_WIADeviceList.GetNext(m_CurrentDeviceListPosition); return pWiaDeviceNode; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::Auto_GetNextFormatEtc() * * Returns a WIA_FORMAT_INFO* pointer, next WIAFormatInfo in the supported WIAFormatInfo List * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * WIA_FORMAT_INFO* - WIAFormatInfo pointer * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ WIA_FORMAT_INFO* CWIA::Auto_GetNextFormatEtc() { WIA_FORMAT_INFO* pWIAFormatInfo = NULL; if (m_CurrentFormatEtcListPosition) WIA_FORMAT_INFO* pWIAFormatInfo = (WIA_FORMAT_INFO*)m_SupportedFormatList.GetNext(m_CurrentFormatEtcListPosition); return pWIAFormatInfo; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::Auto_ResetFormatEtcEnumerator() * * Resets the Supported Format Etc List position pointer to the top for a top-down * enumeration by an application. * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * none * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CWIA::Auto_ResetFormatEtcEnumerator() { m_CurrentFormatEtcListPosition = m_SupportedFormatList.GetHeadPosition(); } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::CreateWIADevice() * * Creates a WIA Device, Initializing the WIA object to operate on that * device. Initialization includes the following: * Destruction of Old Items tree. * Destruction of old supported formats * Recreation of Items tree. * Recreation of supported formats * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::CreateWIADevice(BSTR bstrDeviceID) { //
// clean up old lists
DeleteActiveTreeList(); DeleteSupportedFormatList(); HRESULT hResult = S_OK; hResult = m_pIWiaDevMgr->CreateDevice(bstrDeviceID, &m_pRootIWiaItem); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) { hResult = EnumerateAllItems(m_pRootIWiaItem); if (FAILED(hResult)) StressStatus("* EnumerateAllItems Failed",hResult); hResult = EnumerateSupportedFormats(m_pRootIWiaItem); if (FAILED(hResult)) StressStatus("* EnumerateSupportedFormats Failed",hResult); } else if (hResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { for (int TryCount = 1;TryCount <=5;TryCount++) { int msWait = ((rand() % 100) + 10); Sleep(msWait); hResult = m_pIWiaDevMgr->CreateDevice(bstrDeviceID, &m_pRootIWiaItem); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) { TryCount = 6; hResult = EnumerateAllItems(m_pRootIWiaItem); if (FAILED(hResult)) StressStatus("* EnumerateAllItems Failed",hResult); hResult = EnumerateSupportedFormats(m_pRootIWiaItem); if (FAILED(hResult)) StressStatus("* EnumerateSupportedFormats Failed",hResult); } } } else StressStatus("* CreateDevice Failed",hResult); return hResult; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::GetWIAItemCount() * * Returns the number of Items for the current device * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * long - number of items * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ long CWIA::GetWIAItemCount() { return (long)m_ActiveTreeList.GetCount(); } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::Auto_GetNextItemPropertyInfo() * * Returns the next WIAITEMINFONODE pointer in the Property information list * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * WIAITEMINFONODE* - WIA Item node pointer * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ WIAITEMINFONODE* CWIA:: Auto_GetNextItemPropertyInfo() { WIAITEMINFONODE* pWiaItemPropertyInfoNode = NULL; if (m_CurrentItemProperyInfoListPosition) pWiaItemPropertyInfoNode = (WIAITEMINFONODE*)m_ItemPropertyInfoList.GetNext(m_CurrentItemProperyInfoListPosition); return pWiaItemPropertyInfoNode;
} /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::Auto_ResetItemPropertyInfoEnumerator() * * Resets the Item Property enumerator to the Head of the * Item Property list * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * void * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CWIA:: Auto_ResetItemPropertyInfoEnumerator() { m_CurrentItemProperyInfoListPosition = m_ItemPropertyInfoList.GetHeadPosition(); } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::GetItemPropertyInfoCount() * * returns the number of Properties for the current Item * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * long - Number of properties for the current item * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ long CWIA::GetWIAItemProperyInfoCount() { return (long)m_ItemPropertyInfoList.GetCount(); } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::CreateItemPropertyInformationList() * * Constructs a list of WIAITEMINFONODEs that contain information about * the target item. * A Item Property info node contains - PropSpec, used for read/writes * PropVar, used for read/write * bstrPropertyName, used for display only * AccessFlags, access rights/flags * * Arguments: * * pIWiaItem - target item * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::CreateItemPropertyInformationList(IWiaItem *pIWiaItem) { if(!IsValidItem(pIWiaItem)) { StressStatus("* pIWiaItem is invalid"); return S_FALSE; }
HRESULT hResult = S_OK; IWiaPropertyStorage *pIWiaPropStg = NULL;
if (pIWiaItem == NULL) return E_FAIL;
hResult = pIWiaItem->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaPropertyStorage,(void **)&pIWiaPropStg); if (hResult == S_OK) { //
// Start Enumeration
IEnumSTATPROPSTG *pIPropEnum; hResult = pIWiaPropStg->Enum(&pIPropEnum); if (hResult == S_OK) { STATPROPSTG StatPropStg; do { hResult = pIPropEnum->Next(1,&StatPropStg, NULL); if (hResult == S_OK) { if (StatPropStg.lpwstrName != NULL) { //
// read property value
WIAITEMINFONODE* pWiaItemInfoNode = new WIAITEMINFONODE; memset(pWiaItemInfoNode,0,sizeof(WIAITEMINFONODE)); pWiaItemInfoNode->bstrPropertyName = ::SysAllocString(StatPropStg.lpwstrName); pWiaItemInfoNode->PropSpec.ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID; pWiaItemInfoNode->PropSpec.propid = StatPropStg.propid;
hResult = pIWiaPropStg->ReadMultiple(1,&pWiaItemInfoNode->PropSpec,&pWiaItemInfoNode->PropVar); if (hResult == S_OK) { PROPVARIANT AttrPropVar; // not used at this time
hResult = pIWiaPropStg->GetPropertyAttributes(1, &pWiaItemInfoNode->PropSpec,&pWiaItemInfoNode->AccessFlags,&AttrPropVar); if (hResult != S_OK) { StressStatus("* pIWiaItem->GetPropertyAttributes() Failed",hResult); hResult = S_OK; // do this to continue property traversal
} m_ItemPropertyInfoList.AddTail(pWiaItemInfoNode); } else StressStatus("* ReadMultiple Failed",hResult); } else { CString msg; msg.Format("* Property with NULL name, propid = %li\n",StatPropStg.propid); StressStatus(msg); } } //
// clean up property name
CoTaskMemFree(StatPropStg.lpwstrName); } while (hResult == S_OK);
} if (pIPropEnum != NULL) pIPropEnum->Release(); if (pIWiaPropStg != NULL) pIWiaPropStg->Release(); } return S_OK; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::ReEnumeratetems() * * ReCreates an Active Tree list of all items using the target Root Item * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::ReEnumerateItems() { HRESULT hResult = S_OK; if (m_ActiveTreeList.GetCount() == 0) return E_FAIL;
POSITION Position = m_ActiveTreeList.GetHeadPosition(); //
// skip root item
m_ActiveTreeList.GetNext(Position); IWiaItem* pIWiaItem = NULL; while (Position) { WIAITEMTREENODE* pWiaItemTreeNode = (WIAITEMTREENODE*)m_ActiveTreeList.GetNext(Position); pIWiaItem = pWiaItemTreeNode->pIWiaItem; pIWiaItem->Release(); } hResult = EnumerateAllItems(m_pRootIWiaItem); return hResult; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::EnumerateAllItems() * * Creates an Active Tree list of all items using the target Root Item * * Arguments: * * pRootItem - target root item * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::EnumerateAllItems(IWiaItem *pIRootItem) { HRESULT hResult = S_OK;
if(!IsValidItem(pIRootItem)) { StressStatus("* pIRootItem is invalid"); return S_FALSE; }
IEnumWiaItem* pEnumItem = NULL; IWiaItem* pIWiaItem = NULL; WIAITEMTREENODE* pWiaItemTreeNode = NULL; int ParentID = 0; //
// clean existing list
m_ActiveTreeList.RemoveAll(); if (pIRootItem != NULL) { // add Root to list
pWiaItemTreeNode = (WIAITEMTREENODE*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(WIAITEMTREENODE)); pWiaItemTreeNode->pIWiaItem = pIRootItem; pWiaItemTreeNode->ParentID = ParentID; m_ActiveTreeList.AddTail(pWiaItemTreeNode); hResult = pIRootItem->EnumChildItems(&pEnumItem); //
// we have children so continue to enumerate them
if (hResult == S_OK && pEnumItem != NULL) { EnumNextLevel(pEnumItem,ParentID); pEnumItem->Release(); } } else { //
// pRootItem is NULL!!
StressStatus("* pRootItem is NULL"); return E_INVALIDARG; } return hResult; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::EnumNextLevel() * * Continues the Active Tree list creation of all items using a target Root Item * * Arguments: * * pEnumItem - Item Enumerator * ParentID - Parent ID (Recursive tracking for display only) * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::EnumNextLevel(IEnumWiaItem *pEnumItem,int ParentID) { IWiaItem *pIWiaItem; long lType; HRESULT hResult; WIAITEMTREENODE* pWiaItemTreeNode = NULL;
while (pEnumItem->Next(1,&pIWiaItem,NULL) == S_OK) { if (pIWiaItem != NULL) { pWiaItemTreeNode = (WIAITEMTREENODE*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,sizeof(WIAITEMTREENODE)); pWiaItemTreeNode->pIWiaItem = pIWiaItem; pWiaItemTreeNode->ParentID = ParentID; m_ActiveTreeList.AddTail(pWiaItemTreeNode); } else return E_FAIL;
// find out if the item is a folder, if it is,
// recursive enumerate
pIWiaItem->GetItemType(&lType); if (lType & WiaItemTypeFolder) { IEnumWiaItem *pEnumNext; hResult = pIWiaItem->EnumChildItems(&pEnumNext); if (hResult == S_OK) { EnumNextLevel(pEnumNext,ParentID + 1); pEnumNext->Release(); } } } return S_OK; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::GetItemTreeList() * * Returns a pointer to the Active Tree list containing all items. * note: Some Applications need to make list operations using previously * stored POSITIONS in the list. Applications should not destroy * this list. The WIA object controls the destruction. * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * CPtrList* - pointer to the Active Tree list * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ CPtrList* CWIA::GetItemTreeList() { return &m_ActiveTreeList; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::GetRootIWiaItem() * * Returns the Root item for the current WIA session * * Arguments: * * pRootItem - target root item * * Return Value: * * IWiaItem* pRootItem; * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ IWiaItem* CWIA::GetRootIWiaItem() { return m_pRootIWiaItem; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::IsRoot() * * Checks the POSITION against with the Head POSITION in the list. * if the POSITIONS match then it's the Root Item. * * Arguments: * * Position - Position to test * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL CWIA::IsRoot(POSITION Position) { if (m_ActiveTreeList.GetHeadPosition() == Position) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::IsFolder() * * Checks the item at the target POSITION about it's type. * * Arguments: * * Position - Position to test * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ BOOL CWIA::IsFolder(POSITION Position) { IWiaItem* pIWiaItem = NULL; long lVal = 0; if (Position) { WIAITEMTREENODE* pWiaItemTreeNode = (WIAITEMTREENODE*)m_ActiveTreeList.GetAt(Position); pIWiaItem = pWiaItemTreeNode->pIWiaItem; } if (pIWiaItem != NULL) { IWiaPropertyStorage *pIWiaPropStg; HRESULT hResult = S_OK; hResult = pIWiaItem->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaPropertyStorage,(void **)&pIWiaPropStg); if (hResult == S_OK) { //
// read Item's Type
hResult = ReadPropLong(WIA_IPA_ITEM_FLAGS, pIWiaPropStg, &lVal); if (hResult != S_OK) StressStatus("* ReadPropLong(WIA_IPA_ITEM_FLAGS) Failed",hResult); else pIWiaPropStg->Release(); if (lVal == WiaItemTypeFolder) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } } else return FALSE; return FALSE; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::GetAt() * * Returns the WIAITEMTREENODE* at the target position * * Arguments: * * Position - target Position * * Return Value: * * WIAITEMTREENODE* pWiaItemTreeNode - requested node * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ WIAITEMTREENODE* CWIA::GetAt(POSITION Position) { POSITION TestPosition = m_ActiveTreeList.GetHeadPosition(); if (TestPosition == Position) return(m_ActiveTreeList.GetAt(Position)); while (TestPosition) { m_ActiveTreeList.GetNext(TestPosition); if (TestPosition == Position) return(m_ActiveTreeList.GetAt(Position)); } return NULL; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::GetRootItemType() * * Returns the Root item's type * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * Root Item's Type (device type) * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ int CWIA::GetRootItemType() { long lVal = 0; if (m_pRootIWiaItem != NULL) { IWiaPropertyStorage *pIWiaPropStg; HRESULT hResult = S_OK; hResult = m_pRootIWiaItem->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaPropertyStorage,(void **)&pIWiaPropStg); if (hResult == S_OK) { //
// read Root Item's Type
hResult = ReadPropLong(WIA_DIP_DEV_TYPE, pIWiaPropStg, &lVal); if (hResult != S_OK) StressStatus("* ReadPropLong(WIA_DIP_DEV_TYPE) Failed",hResult); else pIWiaPropStg->Release(); } } return(GET_STIDEVICE_TYPE(lVal)); } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::RemoveAt() * * Removes the WIAITEMTREENODE* at the target position * * Arguments: * * Position - target Position * * Return Value: * * void * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CWIA::RemoveAt(POSITION Position) { m_ActiveTreeList.RemoveAt(Position); } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::GetDIB() * * Returns the CDIB pointer for display * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * CDib* - Pointer to a CDIB object * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
CDib* CWIA::GetDIB() { return m_pDIB; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::GetSupportedFormatList() * * Returns a pointer to the supported format list * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * CPtrList* - pointer to Supported FormatEtc list * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ CPtrList* CWIA::GetSupportedFormatList() { return &m_SupportedFormatList; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::RegisterForConnectEvents() * * Registers an application for Connect events only * * Arguments: * * pConnectEventCB - pointer to a callback * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::RegisterForConnectEvents(CEventCallback* pConnectEventCB) { HRESULT hResult = S_OK; IWiaEventCallback* pIWiaEventCallback = NULL; IUnknown* pIUnkRelease;
// register connected event
pConnectEventCB->Initialize(ID_WIAEVENT_CONNECT); pConnectEventCB->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaEventCallback,(void **)&pIWiaEventCallback);
GUID guidConnect = WIA_EVENT_DEVICE_CONNECTED; hResult = m_pIWiaDevMgr->RegisterEventCallbackInterface(WIA_REGISTER_EVENT_CALLBACK, NULL, &guidConnect, pIWiaEventCallback, &pIUnkRelease);
pConnectEventCB->m_pIUnkRelease = pIUnkRelease; return hResult; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::UnRegisterForConnectEvents() * * UnRegisters an application from Connect events only. * note: callback interface is released, and deleted by * this routine. * * Arguments: * * pConnectEventCB - pointer to a callback * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/
HRESULT CWIA::UnRegisterForConnectEvents(CEventCallback* pConnectEventCB) { if (pConnectEventCB) { //IWiaEventCallback* pIWiaEventCallback = NULL;
//pConnectEventCB->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaEventCallback,(void **)&pIWiaEventCallback);
// unregister connected
//hResult = m_pIWiaDevMgr->RegisterEventCallbackInterface(WIA_UNREGISTER_EVENT_CALLBACK,
// NULL,
// &guidConnect,
// pIWiaEventCallback);
//if (hResult == S_OK)
// StressStatus("ConnectEventCB unregistered successfully...");
// StressStatus("* ConnectEventCB failed to unregister..",hResult);
pConnectEventCB->m_pIUnkRelease->Release(); pConnectEventCB->m_pIUnkRelease = NULL; pConnectEventCB->Release(); }
return S_OK; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::RegisterForDisConnectEvents() * * Registers an application for disconnect events only * * Arguments: * * pDisConnectEventCB - pointer to a callback * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::RegisterForDisConnectEvents(CEventCallback* pDisConnectEventCB) { HRESULT hResult = S_OK;
IWiaEventCallback* pIWiaEventCallback = NULL; IUnknown* pIUnkRelease;
// register disconnected event
pDisConnectEventCB->Initialize(ID_WIAEVENT_DISCONNECT); pDisConnectEventCB->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaEventCallback,(void **)&pIWiaEventCallback);
GUID guidDisconnect = WIA_EVENT_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED; hResult = m_pIWiaDevMgr->RegisterEventCallbackInterface(WIA_REGISTER_EVENT_CALLBACK, NULL, &guidDisconnect, pIWiaEventCallback, &pIUnkRelease);
pDisConnectEventCB->m_pIUnkRelease = pIUnkRelease;
return hResult; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::UnRegisterForDisConnectEvents() * * UnRegisters an application from disconnect events only. * note: callback interface is released, and deleted by * this routine. * * Arguments: * * pDisConnectEventCB - pointer to a callback * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::UnRegisterForDisConnectEvents(CEventCallback* pDisConnectEventCB) { if (pDisConnectEventCB) { //IWiaEventCallback* pIWiaEventCallback = NULL;
//pDisConnectEventCB->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaEventCallback,(void **)&pIWiaEventCallback);
//// unregister disconnected
//hResult = m_pIWiaDevMgr->RegisterEventCallbackInterface(WIA_UNREGISTER_EVENT_CALLBACK,
// NULL,
// &guidDisconnect,
// pIWiaEventCallback);
//if (hResult == S_OK)
// StressStatus("DisConnectEventCB unregistered successfully...");
// StressStatus("* DisConnectEventCB failed to unregister..",hResult);
pDisConnectEventCB->m_pIUnkRelease->Release(); pDisConnectEventCB->m_pIUnkRelease = NULL; pDisConnectEventCB->Release(); }
return S_OK; } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::Shutdown() * * Forces a temporary shut down of the WIA object * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * void * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CWIA::Shutdown() { //
// Free IWiaItem* list (Active Tree list)
// Free DeviceID list (Device list)
// Free Supported Formats list (FormatEtc list)
// release WIA Device Manager
if (m_pIWiaDevMgr) { m_pIWiaDevMgr->Release(); m_pIWiaDevMgr = NULL; } } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::Restart() * * Forces a reintialization from a Previous ShutDown() call * * Arguments: * * none * * Return Value: * * void * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CWIA::Restart() { HRESULT hResult = S_OK; //
// create a WIA device manager
hResult = CreateWIADeviceManager(); if (FAILED(hResult)) StressStatus("* CreateWIADeviceManager Failed",hResult);
// enumerate WIA devices
hResult = EnumerateAllWIADevices(); if (FAILED(hResult)) StressStatus("* EnumerateAllWIADevices Failed",hResult); } /**************************************************************************\
* CWIA::EnableMessageBoxErrorReport() * * Enables, disables MessageBox reporting to the user * * Arguments: * * bEnable - (TRUE = enable) (FALSE = disable) * * Return Value: * * void * * History: * * 2/14/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ void CWIA::EnableMessageBoxErrorReport(BOOL bEnable) { m_bMessageBoxReport = bEnable; }
* CWIA::SavePropStreamToFile() * * Saves a property stream from an IWiaItem to a file * * Arguments: * * pFileName - Property Stream file name * pIWiaItem - Item, to save stream from * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 6/8/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::SavePropStreamToFile(char* pFileName, IWiaItem* pIWiaItem) { IStream *pIStrm = NULL;
CFile StreamFile; CFileException Exception; HRESULT hResult = S_OK; IWiaPropertyStorage *pIWiaPropStg; GUID guidCompatId;
if (pIWiaItem != NULL) {
hResult = pIWiaItem->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaPropertyStorage, (void**) &pIWiaPropStg); if (FAILED(hResult)) { StressStatus("* QI for IWiaPropertySTorage Failed",hResult); return hResult; }
hResult = pIWiaPropStg->GetPropertyStream(&guidCompatId, &pIStrm); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) {
// Save Property Stream to File (propstrm.wia). We choose to ignore the CompatID
// open file, this will create a new file every time (overwriting the original)
if ( StreamFile.Open(pFileName,CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeWrite,&Exception)) {
// Get stream size.
ULARGE_INTEGER uliSize; LARGE_INTEGER liOrigin = {0,0};
pIStrm->Seek(liOrigin, STREAM_SEEK_END, &uliSize);
DWORD dwSize = uliSize.u.LowPart;
if (dwSize) {
// write stream size in first 4 byte location
StreamFile.Write(&dwSize, sizeof(long));
// Read the stream data into a buffer.
PBYTE pBuf = (PBYTE) LocalAlloc(0, dwSize); if (pBuf) { pIStrm->Seek(liOrigin, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL);
ULONG ulRead;
pIStrm->Read(pBuf, dwSize, &ulRead);
// write stream to file
StreamFile.Write(pBuf, ulRead); LocalFree(pBuf); } }
StreamFile.Close(); } else {
// Throw an Exception for Open Failure
AfxThrowFileException(Exception.m_cause); }
pIStrm->Release(); } else { StressStatus("* GetPropertyStream Failed",hResult); } pIWiaPropStg->Release(); } return hResult; }
* CWIA::ReadPropStreamFromFile() * * Reads a property stream from an a previously saved file * and writes this stream to the pIWiaItem * * Arguments: * * pFileName - Property Stream file name * pIWiaItem - Item, to save stream to * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 6/8/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::ReadPropStreamFromFile(char* pFileName, IWiaItem* pIWiaItem) { HGLOBAL hMem = NULL; LPSTREAM pstmProp = NULL; LPBYTE pStreamData = NULL; CFile StreamFile; CFileException Exception; HRESULT hResult = S_OK; IWiaPropertyStorage *pIWiaPropStg;
if (pIWiaItem != NULL) {
hResult = pIWiaItem->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaPropertyStorage, (void**) &pIWiaPropStg); if (FAILED(hResult)) { StressStatus("* QI for IWiaPropertySTorage Failed",hResult); return hResult; }
// Open stream data file
if ( StreamFile.Open(pFileName,CFile::modeRead,&Exception)) {
// read the size of the stream from stream data file
DWORD dwSize = 0; StreamFile.Read(&dwSize,sizeof(long)); if (dwSize) {
// allocate memory for hMem, which will be Locked to
// create pStreamData
hMem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, dwSize); if (hMem) {
pStreamData = (LPBYTE)GlobalLock(hMem); if (pStreamData != NULL) {
// Read stored stream data from stream file
if (StreamFile.Read(pStreamData,dwSize) != dwSize) { StressStatus("File contains different amount of data than specified by header...");
// clean up and bail
GlobalUnlock(hMem); GlobalFree(pStreamData);
// close file
StreamFile.Close(); return E_FAIL; } else {
// Create the hStream
hResult = CreateStreamOnHGlobal(hMem, TRUE, &pstmProp); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) {
// Set stored property stream back to IWiaItem. Use
// GUID_NULL for CompatId since we didn't store it.
hResult = pIWiaPropStg->SetPropertyStream((GUID*) &GUID_NULL, pstmProp); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) StressStatus("Stream was successfully written...."); else StressStatus("* SetPropertyStream Failed",hResult);
// Release stream (IStream*)
} else{ StressStatus("* CreateStreamOnHGlobal() failed",hResult); } } GlobalUnlock(hMem); } else{ StressStatus("* GlobalLock() Failed"); } } else{ StressStatus("* GlobalAlloc Failed"); } } else { StressStatus("* Stream size read from file was 0 bytes"); }
// close file
StreamFile.Close(); } else {
// Throw an Exception for Open Failure
AfxThrowFileException(Exception.m_cause); } pIWiaPropStg->Release(); } return hResult; }
* CWIA::GetSetPropStreamTest() * * Gets the property stream from the item, and * Sets it back to the same item. * * Arguments: * * pIWiaItem - Item, to Test * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 6/8/1999 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::GetSetPropStreamTest(IWiaItem* pIWiaItem) { HGLOBAL hStream = NULL; LPSTREAM pstmProp = NULL; CFile StreamFile; CFileException Exception; HRESULT hResult = S_OK; IWiaPropertyStorage *pIWiaPropStg; GUID guidCompatId;
if (pIWiaItem != NULL) { hResult = pIWiaItem->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaPropertyStorage, (void**) &pIWiaPropStg); if (FAILED(hResult)) { StressStatus("* QI for IWiaPropertySTorage Failed",hResult); return hResult; }
hResult = pIWiaPropStg->GetPropertyStream(&guidCompatId, &pstmProp); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) { hResult = pIWiaPropStg->SetPropertyStream(&guidCompatId, pstmProp); if (SUCCEEDED(hResult)) MessageBox(NULL,"Successful GET - SET stream call","WIATest Debug Status",MB_OK); else StressStatus("* SetPropertyStream() Failed",hResult);
// Free the stream
pstmProp->Release(); } else StressStatus("* GetPropertyStream() Failed",hResult); pIWiaPropStg->Release(); } return hResult; }
* CWIA::AnalyzeItem() * * Runs the AnalyzeItem method from the specified IWiaItem. * * Arguments: * * pIWiaItem - Item, to run analysis on * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 01/13/2000 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::AnalyzeItem(IWiaItem* pIWiaItem) { return pIWiaItem->AnalyzeItem(0); }
* CWIA::CreateChildItem() * * Runs the CreateChildItem method from the specified IWiaItem. * * Arguments: * * pIWiaItem - Item, to run CreateChildItem on * * Return Value: * * status * * History: * * 01/13/2000 Original Version * \**************************************************************************/ HRESULT CWIA::CreateChildItem(IWiaItem *pIWiaItem) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; IWiaItem *pNewIWiaItem = NULL; IWiaPropertyStorage *pIWiaPropStg = NULL; BSTR bstrName = NULL; BSTR bstrFullName = NULL; WCHAR wszName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszFullName[MAX_PATH];
// Get the property storage so we can read the full item name.
hr = pIWiaItem->QueryInterface(IID_IWiaPropertyStorage, (VOID**)&pIWiaPropStg); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
hr = ReadPropStr(WIA_IPA_FULL_ITEM_NAME, pIWiaPropStg, &bstrFullName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
// Fill in the item name and full item name.
wcscpy(wszName, L"WiaTestItem"); wcscpy(wszFullName, bstrFullName); wcscat(wszFullName, L"\\"); wcscat(wszFullName, wszName);
SysFreeString(bstrFullName); bstrFullName = SysAllocString(wszFullName); bstrName = SysAllocString(wszName);
if (bstrFullName && bstrName) { hr = pIWiaItem->CreateChildItem(WiaItemTypeTransfer | WiaItemTypeImage | WiaItemTypeFile, bstrName, bstrFullName, &pNewIWiaItem); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
// Release the newly created item which was returned
// to us.
pNewIWiaItem->Release(); } else { StressStatus("* CreateChildItem call failed"); } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; StressStatus("* Could not allocate name strings"); } } else { StressStatus("* Could not read full item name"); }
pIWiaPropStg->Release(); } else { StressStatus("* QI for IWiaPropertyStorage failed"); }
return hr; }