#pragma once
// this is incompatible with stidebug.h, so don't include stidebug.h
#define _STIDEBUG_H_
#undef ASSERT
#undef REQUIRE
#undef DPRINTF
#undef DPRINTF2
// predefined bits in debug flags
// something is really wrong, should not go unnoticed
#define COREDBG_ERRORS 0x00000001
// something that may be of interest to debugging person
#define COREDBG_WARNINGS 0x00000002
// trace random low-priority things with DBG_TRC
#define COREDBG_TRACES 0x00000004
// trace function entries, exits (if so equipped)
// with DBG_FN
#define COREDBG_FNS 0x00000008
// break on errors
#define COREDBG_BREAK_ON_ERRORS 0x80000000
// log to file (default)
#define COREDBG_DONT_LOG_TO_FILE 0x40000000
// log to debugger (default)
// debug log is saved to this file
#define COREDBG_FILE_NAME "%systemroot%\\wiatest.log"
// registry key location
#define COREDBG_FLAGS_REGKEY "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\StillImage\\Debug"
// registry DWORD value name
#define COREDBG_FLAGS_REGVAL "DebugFlags"
// registry DWORD for max log file size
#define COREDBG_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT (512 * 1024) // bytes
#ifdef DEBUG
// by default, log errors only in debug builds
// by default log nothing in free builds
HOW TO USE WIA CORE DEBUG (main macros) ======================================
- DBG_INIT(hInstance) Call from WinMain or DllMain to enable debug flags on a per module basis. If you don't call it, all DLLs will inherit the debug flags of the process that creates them.
- DBG_ERR(("Something happened, hr = 0x%x", hr)); Use when an error condition occurred. - DBG_WRN(("Warning, something happening, Value=%d", iValue)); Use in a situation warranting a warning. - DBG_TRC(("Random trace statement, Value=%s", szValue)); Use sparingly to trace certain parts of your code. Minimize spew!!! - DBG_PRT(("Output without standard File,Line,ThreadID info, Value=%d", iValue)); Same as DBG_TRC, but doesn't output the File,Line,ThreadID line. ***Use this only if you are doing some special formatting (use sparingly)*** - DBG_FN(FnName) Tracks entry and exits from a given scope. - CHECK_NOERR (VarName) CHECK_NOERR2 (VarName, (YourMsg,...)) Does GetLastError and if not 0, outputs error. - CHECK_S_OK (hr) CHECK_S_OK2 (hr, (YourMsg,...)) Checks if hr == S_OK, if not, outputs error. - CHECK_SUCCESS (lResult) CHECK_SUCCESS2(lResult, (YourMsg,...)) Checks if lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS, if not, outputs error. - REQUIRE_NOERR (VarName) REQUIRE_NOERR2 (VarName, (YourMsg,...)) Same as equivalent CHECK_* macros above, but calls "goto Cleanup" as well - REQUIRE_S_OK (hr) REQUIRE_S_OK2 (hr, (YourMsg,...)) Same as equivalent CHECK_* macros above, but calls "goto Cleanup" as well - REQUIRE_SUCCESS (lResult) REQUIRE_SUCCESS2(lResult, (YourMsg,...)) Same as equivalent CHECK_* macros above, but calls "goto Cleanup" as well HOW TO TURN ON WIA CORE DEBUG (3 ways) ======================================
1) Set registry HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\StillImage\Debug\<ModuleName>, DWORD value "DebugFlags" to an OR'd value of above COREDBG_* flags. Need to restart app to pick up new settings. Key is auto created the first time the app is run. (Note: <ModuleName> above is the name of your DLL or EXE. e.g. wiavusd.dll has a registry key of "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\StillImage\Debug\wiavusd.dll")
2) In the debugger, set g_dwDebugFlags to OR'd value of COREDBG_* flags above. You can do this anytime during the debug session. OR
3) Call in your code WIA_SET_FLAGS(COREDBG_ERRORS | COREDBG_WARNINGS | COREDBG_TRACES); or any combo of the COREDBG_* flags. *****************************************************************************/
#define DBG_INIT(x) DINIT(x)
#define DBG_SET_FLAGS(x) g_dwDebugFlags = (x)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
// accessible to your startup code and at runtime in debugger
// defined in wia\common\stirt\coredbg.cpp
extern DWORD g_dwDebugFlags; extern HANDLE g_hDebugFile; extern DWORD g_dwDebugFileSizeLimit; extern BOOL g_bDebugInited; void CoreDbgTrace(LPCSTR fmt, ...); void CoreDbgTraceWithTab(LPCSTR fmt, ...); void CoreDbgInit(HINSTANCE hInstance);
#ifdef DEBUG
#define DINIT(x) CoreDbgInit(x)
#define ASSERT(x) \
if(!(x)) { \ DWORD threadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); \ CoreDbgTrace("WIA: [%s(%d): Thread 0x%X (%d)]", __FILE__, __LINE__, threadId, threadId, #x); \ CoreDbgTraceWithTab("ASSERT FAILED. '%s'", #x); \ DebugBreak(); \ }
#undef VERIFY
#define VERIFY(x) ASSERT(x)
#define REQUIRE(x) ASSERT(x)
#define DPRINTF(flags, x) \
if(!g_bDebugInited) \ { \ CoreDbgInit(NULL); \ } \ if(flags & g_dwDebugFlags) { \ DWORD threadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); \ CoreDbgTrace("WIA: [%s(%d): Thread 0x%X (%d)]", __FILE__, __LINE__, threadId, threadId); \ CoreDbgTraceWithTab x; \ if((flags & COREDBG_ERRORS) && (g_dwDebugFlags & COREDBG_BREAK_ON_ERRORS)) { \ DebugBreak(); \ } \ } #define DPRINTF2(flags, x, y) \
if(!g_bDebugInited) \ { \ CoreDbgInit(NULL); \ } \ if (flags & g_dwDebugFlags) { \ DWORD threadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); \ CoreDbgTrace("WIA: [%s(%d): Thread 0x%X (%d)]", __FILE__, __LINE__, threadId, threadId); \ CoreDbgTraceWithTab x; \ CoreDbgTraceWithTab y; \ if((flags & COREDBG_ERRORS) && (g_dwDebugFlags & COREDBG_BREAK_ON_ERRORS)) { \ DebugBreak(); \ } \ } #define DPRINTF_NOINFO(flags, x) \
if(!g_bDebugInited) \ { \ CoreDbgInit(NULL); \ } \ if (flags & g_dwDebugFlags) { \ CoreDbgTraceWithTab x; \ if((flags & COREDBG_ERRORS) && (g_dwDebugFlags & COREDBG_BREAK_ON_ERRORS)) { \ DebugBreak(); \ } \ }
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define DBG_FN(x) CoreDbgFn __CoreDbgFnObject(#x)
#define DBG_FN(x)
#else // begin NODEBUG
#define DINIT(x)
#define ASSERT(x)
#undef VERIFY
#define VERIFY(x) x
#define REQUIRE(x) x
#define DPRINTF(flags, x) \
if(flags & g_dwDebugFlags) { \ CoreDbgTraceWithTab x; \ } #define DPRINTF2(flags, x, y) \
if(flags & g_dwDebugFlags) { \ CoreDbgTraceWithTab x; \ CoreDbgTraceWithTab y; \ }
#define DPRINTF_NOINFO(flags, x) \
if(flags & g_dwDebugFlags) { \ CoreDbgTraceWithTab x; \ }
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define DBG_FN(x) CoreDbgFn __CoreDbgFnObject(#x)
#define DBG_FN(x)
#endif // end NODEBUG
#define REQUIRE_NOERR(x) \
if(!(x)) { \ DWORD __dwCoreDbgLastError = GetLastError(); \ CHAR szError[80]; \ if(!FormatMessageA(COREDBG_MFMT_FLAGS, NULL, __dwCoreDbgLastError, 0, szError, 80, NULL)) \ { \ wsprintfA(szError, "Unknown error"); \ } \ DBG_ERR(("ERROR: %s = %d (0x%08X), '%s'", #x, __dwCoreDbgLastError, __dwCoreDbgLastError, szError)); \ goto Cleanup; \ }
#define REQUIRE_NOERR2(x, y) \
if(!(x)) { \ DWORD __dwCoreDbgLastError = GetLastError(); \ CHAR szError[80]; \ if(!FormatMessageA(COREDBG_MFMT_FLAGS, NULL, __dwCoreDbgLastError, 0, szError, 80, NULL)) \ { \ wsprintfA(szError, "Unknown error"); \ } \ DPRINTF2(COREDBG_ERRORS, ("ERROR: %s = %d (0x%08X), '%s'", #x, __dwCoreDbgLastError, __dwCoreDbgLastError, szError), y); \ goto Cleanup; \ } #define REQUIRE_S_OK(x) { \
HRESULT __hrCoreDbg = S_OK; \ __hrCoreDbg = (x); \ if(__hrCoreDbg != S_OK) { \ CHAR szError[80]; \ if(!FormatMessageA(COREDBG_MFMT_FLAGS, NULL, __hrCoreDbg, 0, szError, 80, NULL)) \ { \ wsprintfA(szError, "Unknown hr"); \ } \ DBG_ERR(("ERROR: %s = 0x%08X, '%s'", #x, __hrCoreDbg, szError)); \ goto Cleanup; \ } \ }
#define REQUIRE_S_OK2(x,y) { \
HRESULT __hrCoreDbg = S_OK; \ __hrCoreDbg = (x); \ if(__hrCoreDbg != S_OK) { \ CHAR szError[80]; \ if(!FormatMessageA(COREDBG_MFMT_FLAGS, NULL, __hrCoreDbg, 0, szError, 80, NULL)) \ { \ wsprintfA(szError, "Unknown hr"); \ } \ DPRINTF2(COREDBG_ERRORS, ("ERROR: %s = 0x%08X, '%s'", #x, __hrCoreDbg, szError), y); \ goto Cleanup; \ } \ }
#define REQUIRE_SUCCESS(x) { \
UINT __resultCoreDbg = (x); \ if(__resultCoreDbg != ERROR_SUCCESS) { \ CHAR szError[80]; \ if(!FormatMessageA(COREDBG_MFMT_FLAGS, NULL, __resultCoreDbg, 0, szError, 80, NULL)) \ { \ wsprintfA(szError, "Unknown error"); \ } \ DBG_ERR(("ERROR: %s = 0x%08X, '%s'", #x, __resultCoreDbg, szError)); \ goto Cleanup; \ } \ }
#define REQUIRE_SUCCESS2(x, y) { \
UINT __resultCoreDbg = (x); \ if(__resultCoreDbg != ERROR_SUCCESS) { \ CHAR szError[80]; \ if(!FormatMessageA(COREDBG_MFMT_FLAGS, NULL, __resultCoreDbg, 0, szError, 80, NULL)) \ { \ wsprintfA(szError, "Unknown error"); \ } \ DPRINTF2(COREDBG_ERRORS, ("ERROR: %s = 0x%08X, '%s'", #x, __resultCoreDbg, szError), y); \ goto Cleanup; \ } \ }
#define CHECK_NOERR(x) \
if(!(x)) { \ DWORD __dwCoreDbgLastError = GetLastError(); \ CHAR szError[80]; \ if(!FormatMessageA(COREDBG_MFMT_FLAGS, NULL, __dwCoreDbgLastError, 0, szError, 80, NULL)) \ { \ wsprintfA(szError, "Unknown error"); \ } \ DBG_ERR(("ERROR: %s = %d (0x%08X), '%s'", #x, __dwCoreDbgLastError, __dwCoreDbgLastError, szError)); \ }
#define CHECK_NOERR2(x, y) \
if(!(x)) { \ DWORD dwCoreDbgLastError = GetLastError(); \ CHAR szError[80]; \ if(!FormatMessageA(COREDBG_MFMT_FLAGS, NULL, __dwCoreDbgLastError, 0, szError, 80, NULL)) \ { \ wsprintfA(szError, "Unknown error", __dwCoreDbgLastError, __dwCoreDbgLastError); \ } \ DPRINTF2(COREDBG_ERRORS, ("ERROR: %s = %d (0x%08X), '%s'", #x, __dwCoreDbgLastError, szError), y); \ }
#define CHECK_S_OK(x) { \
HRESULT __hrCoreDbg = S_OK; \ __hrCoreDbg = (x); \ if(__hrCoreDbg != S_OK) { \ CHAR szError[80]; \ if(!FormatMessageA(COREDBG_MFMT_FLAGS, NULL, __hrCoreDbg, 0, szError, 80, NULL)) \ { \ wsprintfA(szError, "Unknown hr"); \ } \ DBG_ERR(("ERROR: %s = 0x%08X, '%s'", #x, __hrCoreDbg, szError)); \ } \ }
#define CHECK_S_OK2(x,y) { \
HRESULT __hrCoreDbg = S_OK; \ __hrCoreDbg = (x); \ if(__hrCoreDbg != S_OK) { \ CHAR szError[80]; \ if(!FormatMessageA(COREDBG_MFMT_FLAGS, NULL, __hrCoreDbg, 0, szError, 80, NULL)) \ { \ wsprintfA(szError, "Unknown hr"); \ } \ DPRINTF2(COREDBG_ERRORS, ("ERROR: %s = 0x%08X, '%s'", #x, __hrCoreDbg, szError), y); \ } \ }
#define CHECK_SUCCESS(x) { \
UINT __resultCoreDbg = (x); \ if(__resultCoreDbg != ERROR_SUCCESS) { \ CHAR szError[80]; \ if(!FormatMessageA(COREDBG_MFMT_FLAGS, NULL, __resultCoreDbg, 0, szError, 80, NULL)) \ { \ wsprintfA(szError, "Unknown error"); \ } \ DBG_ERR(("ERROR: %s = 0x%08X, '%s'", #x, __resultCoreDbg, szError)); \ } \ }
#define CHECK_SUCCESS2(x, y) { \
UINT __resultCoreDbg = (x); \ if(__resultCoreDbg != ERROR_SUCCESS) { \ CHAR szError[80]; \ if(!FormatMessageA(COREDBG_MFMT_FLAGS, NULL, __resultCoreDbg, 0, szError, 80, NULL)) \ { \ wsprintfA(szError, "Unknown error"); \ } \ DPRINTF2(COREDBG_ERRORS, ("ERROR: %s = 0x%08X, '%s'", #x, __resultCoreDbg, szError), y); \ } \ }
#ifdef __cplusplus
class CoreDbgFn { private: LPCSTR m_fn; DWORD m_threadId; public:
CoreDbgFn(LPCSTR fn) { m_fn = fn; m_threadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); if(!g_bDebugInited) { CoreDbgInit(NULL); } if(g_dwDebugFlags & COREDBG_FNS) { CoreDbgTraceWithTab("WIA: Thread 0x%X (%d) Entering %s", m_threadId, m_threadId, m_fn); } } ~CoreDbgFn() { if(g_dwDebugFlags & COREDBG_FNS) { CoreDbgTraceWithTab("WIA: Thread 0x%X (%d) Leaving %s", m_threadId, m_threadId, m_fn); } } }; #endif
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif