Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
This header file declares various common routines for use in the networking code.
John Rogers (JohnRo) 14-Mar-1991
Portable to any flat, 32-bit environment. (Uses Win32 typedefs.) Requires ANSI C extensions: slash-slash comments, long external names.
You must include <windows.h> and <lmcons.h> before this file.
Revision History:
14-Mar-1991 JohnRo Created. 20-Mar-1991 JohnRo Moved NetpPackString here (was NetapipPackString). Removed tabs. 21-Mar-1991 RitaW Added NetpCopyStringToBuffer. 02-Apr-1991 JohnRo Moved NetpRdrFsControlTree to <netlibnt.h>. 03-Apr-1991 JohnRo Fixed types for NetpCopyStringToBuffer. 08-Apr-1991 CliffV Added NetpCopyDataToBuffer 10-Apr-1991 JohnRo Added NetpSetParmError (descended from CliffV's SetParmError). 10-Apr-1991 Danl Added NetpGetComputerName 24-Apr-1991 JohnRo Avoid conflicts with MIDL-generated files. Added NetpAdjustPreferedMaximum(). NetpCopyStringToBuffer's input string ptr is optional. 26-Apr-1991 CliffV Added NetpAllocateEnumBuffer. Added typedefs PTRDIFF_T and BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR. 16-Apr-1991 JohnRo Clarify UNICODE handling of pack and copy routines. 24-Jul-1991 JohnRo Provide NetpIsServiceStarted() for use by <netrpc.h> macros. 29-Oct-1991 JohnRo Added NetpChangeNullCharToNullPtr() macro. 29-Oct-1991 Danhi Add function prototypes for DosxxxMessage Api's 20-Nov-1991 JohnRo Removed NT dependencies to reduce recompiles. 09-Jan-1992 JohnRo Added NetpGetDomainName(). 23-Jan-1992 JohnRo Added IN_RANGE() macro based on MadanA's RANGECHECK(). 25-Mar-1992 RitaW Added SET_SERVICE_EXITCODE() macro for setting Win32 vs service specific exitcode. 06-May-1992 JohnRo Added NetpGetLocalDomainId() for PortUAS. Added NetpTranslateServiceName() for service controller APIs. 27-Jul-1992 Madana Added NetpWriteEventlog function proto type. 05-Aug-1992 JohnRo RAID 3021: NetService APIs don't always translate svc names. 09-Sep-1992 JohnRo RAID 1090: net start/stop "" causes assertion. 14-Oct-1992 JohnRo RAID 9020: setup: PortUas fails ("prompt on conflicts" version). 02-Nov-1992 JohnRo Added NetpIsRemoteServiceStarted(). 15-Feb-1993 JohnRo RAID 10685: user name not in repl event log. 24-Mar-1993 JohnRo Repl svc shuold use DBFlag in registry. 05-Aug-1993 JohnRo RAID 17010: Implement per-first-level-directory change notify. 19-Aug-1993 JohnRo RAID 2822: PortUAS maps chars funny. (Workaround FormatMessageA bug.) RAID 3094: PortUAS displays chars incorrectly.
#ifndef _NETLIB_
#define _NETLIB_
// These may be included in any order:
#include <string.h> // memcpy().
// Don't complain about "unneeded" includes of this file:
/*lint -efile(764,wchar.h) */ /*lint -efile(766,wchar.h) */ #include <wchar.h> // iswdigit().
#ifdef CDEBUG // Debug in ANSI C environment?
#include <netdebug.h> // NetpAssert().
#endif // ndef CDEBUG
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
// IN_RANGE(): Make sure SomeValue is between SomeMin and SomeMax.
// Beware side-effects (SomeValue is evaluated twice).
// Created by JohnRo from MadanA's RANGECHECK().
// IN DWORD SomeValue,
// IN DWORD SomeMin,
// IN DWORD SomeMax
// );
#define IN_RANGE(SomeValue, SomeMin, SomeMax) \
( ((SomeValue) >= (SomeMin)) && ((SomeValue) <= (SomeMax)) )
// SET_SERVICE_EXITCODE() sets the SomeApiStatus to NetCodeVariable
// if it is within the NERR_BASE and NERR_MAX range. Otherwise,
// Win32CodeVariable is set. This original code came from JohnRo.
#define SET_SERVICE_EXITCODE(SomeApiStatus, Win32CodeVariable, NetCodeVariable) \
{ \ if ((SomeApiStatus) == NERR_Success) { \ (Win32CodeVariable) = NO_ERROR; \ (NetCodeVariable) = NERR_Success; \ } else if (! IN_RANGE((SomeApiStatus), MIN_LANMAN_MESSAGE_ID, MAX_LANMAN_MESSAGE_ID)) { \ (Win32CodeVariable) = (DWORD) (SomeApiStatus); \ (NetCodeVariable) = (DWORD) (SomeApiStatus); \ } else { \ (Win32CodeVariable) = ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR; \ (NetCodeVariable) = (DWORD) (SomeApiStatus); \ } \ }
VOID NetpAdjustPreferedMaximum ( IN DWORD PreferedMaximum, IN DWORD EntrySize, IN DWORD Overhead, OUT LPDWORD BytesToAllocate OPTIONAL, OUT LPDWORD EntriesToAllocate OPTIONAL );
// Portable memory move/copy routine: This is intended to have exactly
// the semantics of ANSI C's memcpy() routine, except that the byte count
// is 32 bits long.
// NetpMoveMemory(
// OUT LPBYTE Dest, // Destination (must not be NULL).
// IN LPBYTE Src, // Source
// IN DWORD Size // Byte count
// );
#ifdef CDEBUG
// Note that C6 version doesn't allow 32-bit Size, hence the
// assertion. Replace this macro with another if this is a problem.
#define NetpMoveMemory(Dest,Src,Size) \
{ \ NetpAssert( (Size) == (DWORD) (size_t) (Size)); \ (void) memcpy( (Dest), (Src), (size_t) (Size) ); \ }
#else // ndef CDEBUG
#define NetpMoveMemory(Dest,Src,Size) \
(void) memcpy( (Dest), (Src), (size_t) (Size) )
#endif // ndef CDEBUG
DWORD NetpPackString( IN OUT LPWSTR * string, // pointer by reference: string to be copied.
IN LPBYTE dataend, // pointer to end of fixed size data.
IN OUT LPWSTR * laststring // pointer by reference: top of string data.
// This routine is like NetpPackString, except that it does not expect the
// caller to assign the pointer of the source string to the variable in the
// fixed size structure before the call. It also takes a string character
// count parameter instead of calling strlen on String.
BOOL NetpCopyStringToBuffer ( IN LPWSTR String OPTIONAL, IN DWORD CharacterCount, IN LPBYTE FixedDataEnd, IN OUT LPWSTR *EndOfVariableData, OUT LPWSTR *VariableDataPointer );
// This routine is like NetpCopyStringToBuffer except it copies any data
// (not just strings), it does not put a zero byte at the end of the
// data, and it allows the alignment of the resultant copied data to be
// specified.
BOOL NetpCopyDataToBuffer ( IN LPBYTE Data, IN DWORD ByteCount, IN LPBYTE FixedDataEnd, IN OUT LPBYTE *EndOfVariableData, OUT LPBYTE *VariableDataPointer, IN DWORD Alignment );
// Declare a type for the difference between two pointers.
// This must be at least as long as a ptrdiff_t but we don't want to
// add a dependency on <stddef.h> here.
// Declare a description of an enumeration buffer.
typedef struct _BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR { LPBYTE Buffer; // Pointer to the allocated buffer.
DWORD AllocSize; // Current size of the allocated buffer.
DWORD AllocIncrement; // Amount to increment size by on each reallocate.
LPBYTE EndOfVariableData;// Pointer past last avaliable byte of string space
LPBYTE FixedDataEnd; // Pointer past last used byte of fixed data space
// This routine handles all the details of allocating and growing a
// buffer returned from an enumeration function. It takes the users
// prefered maximum size into consideration.
#define NETP_ENUM_GUESS 16384 // Initial guess for enumeration buffer size
NET_API_STATUS NetpAllocateEnumBuffer( IN OUT PBUFFER_DESCRIPTOR BufferDescriptor, // Caller must deallocate BD->Buffer using MIDL_user_free.
IN BOOL IsGet, IN DWORD PrefMaxSize, IN DWORD NeededSize, IN VOID (*RelocationRoutine)( IN DWORD RelocationParameter, IN OUT PBUFFER_DESCRIPTOR BufferDescriptor, IN PTRDIFF_T Offset ), IN DWORD RelocationParameter );
NET_API_STATUS NetpAllocateEnumBufferEx( IN OUT PBUFFER_DESCRIPTOR BufferDescriptor, IN BOOL IsGet, IN DWORD PrefMaxSize, IN DWORD NeededSize, IN VOID (*RelocationRoutine)( IN DWORD RelocationParameter, IN OUT PBUFFER_DESCRIPTOR BufferDescriptor, IN PTRDIFF_T Offset ), IN DWORD RelocationParameter, IN DWORD IncrementalSize );
BOOL NetpIsServiceStarted( IN LPWSTR ServiceName );
// Portable memory allocation routines. Memory is per-process only.
// Allocate memory, or return NULL if not available.
LPVOID NetpMemoryAllocate( IN DWORD Size );
// Free memory at Address (must have been gotten from NetpMemoryAllocate or
// NetpMemoryReallocate). (Address may be NULL.)
VOID NetpMemoryFree( IN LPVOID Address OPTIONAL );
// Reallocate block (now at OldAddress) to NewSize. OldAddress may be NULL.
// Contents of block are copied if necessary. Returns NULL if unable to
// allocate additional storage.
LPVOID NetpMemoryReallocate( IN LPVOID OldAddress OPTIONAL, IN DWORD NewSize );
// Random handy macros:
#define NetpPointerPlusSomeBytes(p,n) \
(LPBYTE) ( ( (LPBYTE) (p)) + (n) )
#define NetpSetOptionalArg(arg, value) \
{ \ if ((arg) != NULL) { \ *(arg) = (value); \ } \ }
// Set the optional ParmError parameter
#define NetpSetParmError( _ParmNumValue ) \
if ( ParmError != NULL ) { \ *ParmError = (_ParmNumValue); \ }
#if defined(lint) || defined(_lint)
#define UNUSED(x) { (x) = (x); }
#define UNUSED(x) { (void) (x); }
// NetpGetComputerName retrieves the local computername from the local
// configuration database.
NET_API_STATUS NetpGetComputerName ( IN LPWSTR *ComputerNamePtr);
NET_API_STATUS NetpGetComputerNameEx ( IN LPWSTR *ComputerNamePtr, IN BOOL PhysicalNetbiosName );
// Note: calls to NetpGetDomainId should eventually be replaced by calls
// to NetpGetLocalDomainId. --JR
NET_API_STATUS NetpGetDomainId ( OUT PSID *RetDomainId // alloc and set ptr (free with LocalFree)
NET_API_STATUS NetpGetDomainName ( OUT LPWSTR *DomainNamePtr // alloc and set ptr (free with NetApiBufferFree)
NET_API_STATUS NetpGetDomainNameEx ( OUT LPWSTR *DomainNamePtr, // alloc and set ptr (free with NetApiBufferFree)
OUT PBOOLEAN IsWorkgroupName );
NET_API_STATUS NetpGetDomainNameExEx ( OUT LPWSTR *DomainNamePtr, OUT LPWSTR *DnsDomainNamePtr OPTIONAL, OUT PBOOLEAN IsWorkgroupName );
typedef struct _GUID { DWORD Data1; WORD Data2; WORD Data3; BYTE Data4[ 8 ]; } GUID;
#endif // !GUID_DEFINED
NET_API_STATUS NetpGetDomainNameExExEx ( OUT LPTSTR *DomainNamePtr, OUT LPTSTR *DnsDomainNamePtr OPTIONAL, OUT LPTSTR *DnsForestNamePtr OPTIONAL, OUT GUID **DomainGuidPtr OPTIONAL, OUT PBOOLEAN IsWorkgroupName );
NET_API_STATUS NetpGetLocalDomainId ( IN LOCAL_DOMAIN_TYPE TypeWanted, OUT PSID *RetDomainId // alloc and set ptr (free with LocalFree)
// NetService API helpers
// NetpIsServiceLevelValid(
// IN DWORD Level
// );
#define NetpIsServiceLevelValid( Level ) \
( ((Level)==0) || ((Level)==1) || ((Level)==2) )
NET_API_STATUS NetpTranslateNamesInServiceArray( IN DWORD Level, IN LPVOID ArrayBase, IN DWORD EntryCount, IN BOOL PreferNewStyle, OUT LPVOID * NewArrayBase );
NET_API_STATUS NetpTranslateServiceName( IN LPWSTR GivenServiceName, IN BOOL PreferNewStyle, OUT LPWSTR * TranslatedName );
// Mapping routines to map DosxxxMessage API's to FormatMessage
WORD DosGetMessage( IN LPSTR * InsertionStrings, IN WORD NumberofStrings, OUT LPBYTE Buffer, IN WORD BufferLength, IN WORD MessageId, IN LPWSTR FileName, OUT PWORD pMessageLength );
DWORD NetpGetPrivilege( IN DWORD numPrivileges, IN PULONG pulPrivileges );
DWORD NetpReleasePrivilege( VOID );
DWORD NetpWriteEventlog( LPWSTR Source, DWORD EventID, DWORD EventType, DWORD NumStrings, LPWSTR *Strings, DWORD DataLength, LPVOID Data );
DWORD NetpRaiseAlert( IN LPWSTR ServiceName, IN DWORD alert_no, IN LPWSTR *string_array );
// Special flags to NetpEventlogWrite
#define NETP_RAISE_ALERT_TOO 0x10000000
HANDLE NetpEventlogOpen ( IN LPWSTR Source, IN ULONG DuplicateEventlogTimeout );
DWORD NetpEventlogWrite ( IN HANDLE NetpEventHandle, IN DWORD EventId, IN DWORD EventType, IN LPBYTE RawDataBuffer OPTIONAL, IN DWORD RawDataSize, IN LPWSTR *StringArray, IN DWORD StringCount );
// extended version with re-arranged parameters + category, to be more
// compatible with ReportEvent().
DWORD NetpEventlogWriteEx ( IN HANDLE NetpEventHandle, IN DWORD EventType, IN DWORD EventCategory, IN DWORD EventId, IN DWORD StringCount, IN DWORD RawDataSize, IN LPWSTR *StringArray, IN LPVOID RawDataBuffer OPTIONAL );
VOID NetpEventlogClearList ( IN HANDLE NetpEventHandle );
VOID NetpEventlogSetTimeout ( IN HANDLE NetpEventHandle, IN ULONG DuplicateEventlogTimeout );
VOID NetpEventlogClose ( IN HANDLE NetpEventHandle );
#ifdef __cplusplus
} #endif
#endif // ndef _NETLIB_