// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1999.
// File: dbcmdbas.hxx
// Contents: Helper classes for dealing with DBCOMMANDTREE and DBID
// structures.
// Classes: CDbCmdTreeNode
// CDbColumnNode
// CDbScalarValue
// CDbTableId
// CDbSelectNode
// CDbListAnchor
// CDbProjectListAnchor
// CDbProjectListElement
// CDbProjectNode
// CDbSortListAnchor
// CDbSortListElement
// CDbSortNode
// CDbRestriction
// CDbNodeRestriction
// CDbNotRestriction
// CDbPropBaseRestriction
// CDbPropertyRestriction
// CDbVectorRestriction
// CDbContentBaseRestriction
// CDbNatLangRestriction
// CDbContentRestriction
// CDbTopNode
// CDbColId
// CDbDataType
// CDbColDesc
// CDbGuidName
// CDbGuidPropid
// CDbText
// CDbContent
// CDbSortInfo
// CDbGroupInfo
// CDbColumns
// CDbSortSet
// CDbPropSet
// CDbProp
// CDbPropIDSet
// Functions: CastToStorageVariant
// History: 6-06-95 srikants Created
#ifndef __DBCMDTRE_HXX__
#define __DBCMDTRE_HXX__
#include <oledb.h>
#include <cmdtree.h>
#include <oledbdep.h> // NOTE: only for DBGUID_LIKE_OFS
#include <sstream.hxx>
#include <stgvar.hxx>
#include <pshpack2.h> // oledb.h uses 2-byte packing
#define DBOP_firstrows 258
// Function: CastToStorageVariant
// Synopsis: To treat a variant as a CStorageVariant. Because CStorageVariant
// derives from PROPVARIANT in a "protected" fashion, we cannot
// directly typecast a PROPVARIANT * to a CStorageVariant *
// Arguments: [varnt] - The variant that must be type casted.
// Returns: A pointer to varnt as a CStorageVariant.
// History: 6-06-95 srikants Created
// Notes: There are two overloaded implementations, one to convert
// a reference to const to a pointer to const.
inline CStorageVariant * CastToStorageVariant( VARIANT & varnt ) { return (CStorageVariant *) ((void *) &varnt); }
inline CStorageVariant const * CastToStorageVariant( VARIANT const & varnt ) { return (CStorageVariant *) ((void *) &varnt); }
// Class: CDbColId
// Purpose: Wrapper for DBID
// Interface: Marshall --
// UnMarshall --
// Get --
// History: 6-21-95 srikants Created
// Notes: This class does not completely handle the simple name
// and pointer to guid forms of DBID.
class CDbColId : public DBID {
CDbColId( GUID const & guidPropSet, PROPID pidProperty ) { eKind = DBKIND_GUID_PROPID; uGuid.guid = guidPropSet; uName.ulPropid = pidProperty; }
CDbColId( GUID const & guidPropSet, WCHAR const * wcsProperty );
CDbColId( DBID const & propSpec );
CDbColId( CDbColId const & propSpec );
CDbColId( PROPID pidProperty ) { eKind = DBKIND_PROPID; uName.ulPropid = pidProperty; }
CDbColId( WCHAR const * wcsProperty ) { eKind = DBKIND_NAME; uName.pwszName = 0;
SetProperty( wcsProperty ); }
~CDbColId() { Cleanup(); }
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const; BOOL UnMarshall( PDeSerStream & stm );
DBID & Get() const { return (DBID &)*this; }
BOOL Copy( DBID const & rhs );
CDbColId & operator=( CDbColId const & Property );
// Comparators
int operator==( CDbColId const & prop ) const; int operator!=( CDbColId const & prop ) const { return !operator==(prop); }
// Member variable access
void SetPropSet( GUID const & guidPropSet ) { if ( DBKIND_GUID_PROPID == eKind || DBKIND_GUID_NAME == eKind ) { uGuid.guid = guidPropSet; return; }
// upgrading from propid to guid propid
if ( DBKIND_PROPID == eKind ) { eKind = DBKIND_GUID_PROPID; uGuid.guid = guidPropSet; return; }
// upgrading from name to guid name
if ( DBKIND_NAME == eKind ) { eKind = DBKIND_GUID_NAME; uGuid.guid = guidPropSet; return; }
if ( DBKIND_PGUID_NAME == eKind || DBKIND_PGUID_PROPID == eKind ) *uGuid.pguid = guidPropSet; }
GUID const & GetPropSet() const { if ( DBKIND_GUID_PROPID == eKind || DBKIND_GUID_NAME == eKind ) return uGuid.guid;
if ( DBKIND_PGUID_NAME == eKind || DBKIND_PGUID_PROPID == eKind ) return *uGuid.pguid;
return uGuid.guid; }
void SetProperty( PROPID pidProperty ) { Cleanup(); eKind = DBKIND_GUID_PROPID; uName.ulPropid = pidProperty; }
BOOL SetProperty( WCHAR const * wcsProperty );
WCHAR const * GetPropertyName() const { return uName.pwszName; }
WCHAR * GetPropertyName() { return uName.pwszName; }
PROPID GetPropertyPropid() const { return uName.ulPropid; }
PROPSPEC GetPropSpec() const { return( *(PROPSPEC *)(void *)&eKind ); }
BOOL IsPropertyName() const { return DBKIND_GUID_NAME == eKind || DBKIND_PGUID_NAME == eKind || DBKIND_NAME == eKind; }
BOOL IsPropertyPropid() const { return DBKIND_GUID_PROPID == eKind || DBKIND_PROPID == eKind || DBKIND_PGUID_PROPID == eKind; }
BOOL IsPropSetPresent() const { return (DBKIND_PROPID != eKind) && (DBKIND_NAME != eKind); }
BOOL IsValid() const { // Most common cases first
if ( DBKIND_GUID_PROPID == eKind ) return TRUE;
if ( DBKIND_GUID_NAME == eKind || DBKIND_NAME == eKind ) return 0 != uName.pwszName;
if ( DBKIND_PROPID == eKind || DBKIND_GUID == eKind ) return TRUE;
if ( DBKIND_PGUID_PROPID == eKind ) return 0 != uGuid.pguid;
if ( DBKIND_PGUID_NAME == eKind ) return 0 != uGuid.pguid && 0 != uName.pwszName;
return FALSE; }
DBID * CastToStruct() { return (DBID *) this; }
DBID const * CastToStruct() const { return (DBID const *) this; }
void Cleanup();
// Memory allocation
void * operator new( size_t size ); inline void * operator new( size_t size, void * p ); void operator delete( void * p );
BOOL _IsPGuidUsed() const { return DBKIND_PGUID_NAME == eKind || DBKIND_PGUID_PROPID == eKind; }
BOOL _IsValidKind() const { return eKind <= DBKIND_GUID; } };
// Method: CDbColId::operator new
// Synopsis: Command tree node allocation via IMalloc::Alloc
// Arguments: [size] -
// History: 6-06-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
inline void * CDbColId::operator new( size_t size ) { return CoTaskMemAlloc( size ); }
// Method: CDbColId::operator new
// Synopsis: null allocator
// Arguments: [size] -
// [p] -
// History: 6-06-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
inline void * CDbColId::operator new( size_t size, void * p ) { return( p ); }
// Method: CDbColId::operator delete
// Synopsis: CDbColId deallocation via IMalloc::Free
// Arguments: [p] -
// History: 6-06-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
inline void CDbColId::operator delete( void * p ) { CoTaskMemFree( p ); }
#if 0
class CXXXX : public XXXX {
// Memory allocation
void * operator new( size_t size ) { void * p = CoTaskMemAlloc( size ); return( p ); }
inline void * operator new( size_t size, void * p ) { return( p ); }
void operator delete( void * p ) { if ( p ) CoTaskMemFree( p ); }
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const; BOOL UnMarshall( PDeSerStream & stm );
BOOL IsValid() const { return TRUE; }
#endif // 0
// Class: CDbCmdTreeNode
// Purpose: Basic DBCOMMANDTREE node
// History: 6-06-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbCmdTreeNode : protected DBCOMMANDTREE {
// Needed to access AppendChild. Consider having a base class
// for projectlist element nodes
friend class CDbListAnchor;
// Constructor and Destructor
CDbCmdTreeNode( DBCOMMANDOP opVal = DBOP_DEFAULT, WORD eType = DBVALUEKIND_EMPTY ) { RtlZeroMemory( this, sizeof(CDbCmdTreeNode) ); op = opVal; wKind = eType; //
// pctFirstChild = pctNextSibling = 0;
// This assignment is not needed because we have already initialized
// the whole structure with 0s.
DBCOMMANDOP GetCommandType() const { return op; }
DBVALUEKIND GetValueType() const { return wKind; }
CDbCmdTreeNode * GetFirstChild() const { return (CDbCmdTreeNode *) pctFirstChild; }
CDbCmdTreeNode * GetNextSibling() const { return (CDbCmdTreeNode *) pctNextSibling; }
void SetError( SCODE scErr ) { hrError = scErr; }
SCODE GetError( ) const { return hrError; }
void FreeChildren() { if ( 0 != pctFirstChild ) { delete pctFirstChild; pctFirstChild = 0; } }
CDbCmdTreeNode * AcquireChildren() { CDbCmdTreeNode * pNode = GetFirstChild(); pctFirstChild = 0; return pNode; }
void SetChildren( CDbCmdTreeNode* pListElement );
DBCOMMANDTREE * CastToStruct() const { return (DBCOMMANDTREE *)this; }
static CDbCmdTreeNode * CastFromStruct( DBCOMMANDTREE * pNode ) { return (CDbCmdTreeNode *) (pNode); }
static CDbCmdTreeNode const * CastFromStruct( DBCOMMANDTREE const * pNode ) { return (CDbCmdTreeNode const *) (pNode); }
BOOL IsScalarNode() const { return DBOP_scalar_constant == op; }
BOOL IsColumnName() const { return DBOP_column_name == op; }
BOOL IsOpValid( DBCOMMANDOP opVal ) const { return op == opVal; }
BOOL IsSelectNode() const { return DBOP_select == op; }
BOOL IsProjectNode() const { return DBOP_project == op; }
BOOL IsSortNode() const { return DBOP_sort == op; }
BOOL IsListAnchor() const { return DBOP_project_list_anchor == op || DBOP_sort_list_anchor == op; }
// Cloning the tree
CDbCmdTreeNode * Clone( BOOL fCopyErrors = FALSE ) const;
void TransferNode( CDbCmdTreeNode *pNode );
// Serialization and DeSerialization
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const; BOOL UnMarshall( PDeSerStream & stm );
static CDbCmdTreeNode * UnMarshallTree( PDeSerStream & stm );
static void PutWString( PSerStream & stm, const WCHAR * pwszStr ); static WCHAR * GetWString( PDeSerStream & stm, BOOL & fSuccess, BOOL fBstr = FALSE ); static WCHAR * AllocAndCopyWString( const WCHAR * pSrc );
// Memory allocation
void * operator new( size_t size ); inline void * operator new( size_t size, void * p ); void operator delete( void * p );
// A NULL guid variable.
static const GUID guidNull; // NULL guid
void SetWeight(LONG lWeight); LONG GetWeight() const;
void CleanupDataValue();
void CleanupValue() { if ( DBVALUEKIND_EMPTY != wKind ) CleanupDataValue(); }
// Setting protected members
void SetCommandType( DBCOMMANDOP opVal ) { op = opVal; }
void SetValueType( WORD wKindVal ) { wKind = wKindVal; }
// Manipulating the tree.
void AppendChild( CDbCmdTreeNode *pChild ); void InsertChild( CDbCmdTreeNode *pChild );
void AppendSibling( CDbCmdTreeNode *pSibling ); void InsertSibling( CDbCmdTreeNode *pSibling ) { // Win4Assert( 0 == pSibling->pctNextSibling );
pSibling->pctNextSibling = pctNextSibling; pctNextSibling = pSibling; }
CDbCmdTreeNode * RemoveFirstChild( );
// To accidentally prevent someone from creating copy constructors
CDbCmdTreeNode( const CDbCmdTreeNode & rhs ); CDbCmdTreeNode & operator=( const CDbCmdTreeNode & rhs );
static unsigned SizeInBytes( const WCHAR * pwszStr ) { if ( 0 != pwszStr ) { return (wcslen( pwszStr )+1)*sizeof(WCHAR); } else { return 0; } }
// Method: CDbCmdTreeNode::operator new
// Synopsis: Command tree node allocation via IMalloc::Alloc
// Arguments: [size] -
// History: 6-06-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
inline void * CDbCmdTreeNode::operator new( size_t size ) { return CoTaskMemAlloc( size ); }
// Method: CDbCmdTreeNode::operator new
// Synopsis: null allocator
// Arguments: [size] -
// [p] -
// History: 6-06-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
inline void * CDbCmdTreeNode::operator new( size_t size, void * p ) { return( p ); }
// Method: CDbCmdTreeNode::operator delete
// Synopsis: Command tree node deallocation via IMalloc::Free
// Arguments: [p] -
// History: 6-06-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
inline void CDbCmdTreeNode::operator delete( void * p ) { CoTaskMemFree( p ); }
// Class: CDbByGuid ()
// Purpose:
// History: 11-15-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbByGuid : public DBBYGUID {
CDbByGuid() { RtlZeroMemory( this, sizeof(DBBYGUID) ); }
CDbByGuid( GUID const & guidIn, ULONG cbInfoIn = 0, const BYTE * pbInfoIn = 0 ) { guid = guidIn; cbInfo = cbInfoIn;
if ( 0 != pbInfoIn && 0 != cbInfoIn ) { pbInfo = (BYTE *) CoTaskMemAlloc( cbInfoIn ); if ( 0 != pbInfo ) RtlCopyMemory( pbInfo, pbInfoIn, cbInfoIn ); } else { pbInfo = 0; } }
CDbByGuid( DBBYGUID const & rhs ) { cbInfo = 0; pbInfo = 0;
CDbByGuid const * pRhs = (CDbByGuid *) &rhs; operator=( *pRhs ); }
~CDbByGuid() { _Cleanup(); }
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const; BOOL UnMarshall( PDeSerStream & stm );
CDbByGuid & operator=( CDbByGuid const & rhs );
// Comparators
int operator==( CDbByGuid const & rhs ) const; int operator!=( CDbByGuid const & rhs ) const { return !operator==(rhs); }
// Member variable access
void SetPropSet( GUID const & guidIn ) { guid = guidIn; }
GUID const & GetGuid() const { return guid; }
BOOL IsValid() const { return 0 != cbInfo ? 0 != pbInfo : TRUE; }
DBBYGUID * CastToStruct() { return (DBBYGUID *) this; }
DBBYGUID const * CastToStruct() const { return (DBBYGUID const *) this; }
// Memory allocation
void * operator new( size_t size ) { return CoTaskMemAlloc( size ); }
inline void * operator new( size_t size, void * p ) { return( p ); }
void operator delete( void * p ) { CoTaskMemFree( p ); }
void _Cleanup() { if ( 0 != pbInfo ) { CoTaskMemFree( pbInfo ); pbInfo = 0; } }
// Class: CDbParameter
// Purpose:
// History: 11-15-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbParameter : public DBPARAMETER {
CDbParameter() { RtlZeroMemory( this, sizeof(DBPARAMETER) ); }
CDbParameter( const DBPARAMETER & rhs ) { RtlZeroMemory( this, sizeof(DBPARAMETER) ); Copy( rhs ); }
~CDbParameter() { _Cleanup(); }
BOOL Copy( const DBPARAMETER & rhs );
// Memory allocation
void * operator new( size_t size ) { return CoTaskMemAlloc( size ); }
inline void * operator new( size_t size, void * p ) { return( p ); }
void operator delete( void * p ) { CoTaskMemFree( p ); }
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const; BOOL UnMarshall( PDeSerStream & stm );
BOOL IsValid() const { return TRUE; }
DBPARAMETER * CastToStruct() { return (DBPARAMETER *) this; }
DBPARAMETER const * CastToStruct() const { return (DBPARAMETER const *) this; }
void _Cleanup();
// Class: CDbPropIDSet
// Purpose: Wrap the DBPROPIDSET structure
// History: 17 Sep 96 AlanW Created, update for OLE-DB M10
// Notes:
class CDbPropIDSet : public DBPROPIDSET {
CDbPropIDSet() { RtlZeroMemory( this, sizeof(DBPROPIDSET) ); }
CDbPropIDSet( const DBPROPIDSET & rhs ) { RtlZeroMemory( this, sizeof(DBPROPIDSET) ); Copy( rhs ); }
BOOL Copy( const DBPROPIDSET & rhs );
// Memory allocation
void * operator new( size_t size ) { return CoTaskMemAlloc( size ); }
inline void * operator new( size_t size, void * p ) { return( p ); }
void operator delete( void * p ) { CoTaskMemFree( p ); }
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const; BOOL UnMarshall( PDeSerStream & stm );
BOOL IsValid() const { return TRUE; }
DBPROPIDSET * CastToStruct() { return (DBPROPIDSET *) this; }
DBPROPIDSET const * CastToStruct() const { return (DBPROPIDSET const *) this; }
// Class: CDbProp
// Purpose: Wrapper for the DBPROP structure
// History: 17 Sep 96 AlanW Created, update for OLE-DB M10
// Notes:
class CDbProp : public DBPROP {
CDbProp() { RtlZeroMemory( this, sizeof(DBPROP) ); }
CDbProp( const DBPROP & rhs ) { RtlZeroMemory( this, sizeof(DBPROP) ); Copy( rhs ); }
BOOL Copy( const DBPROP & rhs );
// Memory allocation
void * operator new( size_t size ) { return CoTaskMemAlloc( size ); }
inline void * operator new( size_t size, void * p ) { return p; }
void operator delete( void * p ) { CoTaskMemFree( p ); }
void Cleanup( );
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const; BOOL UnMarshall( PDeSerStream & stm );
BOOL IsValid() const { return TRUE; }
DBPROP * CastToStruct() { return (DBPROP *) this; }
DBPROP const * CastToStruct() const { return (DBPROP const *) this; }
// Class: CDbPropSet
// Purpose:
// History: 11-15-95 srikants Created
// 17 Sep 96 AlanW Update for OLE-DB M10
// Notes:
class CDbPropSet : public DBPROPSET {
CDbPropSet() { RtlZeroMemory( this, sizeof(DBPROPSET) ); }
CDbPropSet( const DBPROPSET & rhs ) { RtlZeroMemory( this, sizeof(DBPROPSET) ); Copy( rhs ); }
BOOL Copy( const DBPROPSET & rhs );
// Memory allocation
void * operator new( size_t size ) { return CoTaskMemAlloc( size ); }
inline void * operator new( size_t size, void * p ) { return p; }
void operator delete( void * p ) { CoTaskMemFree( p ); }
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const; BOOL UnMarshall( PDeSerStream & stm );
CDbProp * GetProperty( unsigned i ) const { if (i < cProperties) return (CDbProp *)&rgProperties[i]; else return 0; }
BOOL IsValid() const { return TRUE; }
DBPROPSET * CastToStruct() { return (DBPROPSET *) this; }
DBPROPSET const * CastToStruct() const { return (DBPROPSET const *) this; }
// Class: CDbContentVector
// Purpose:
// History: 11-15-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbContentVector : public DBCONTENTVECTOR {
CDbContentVector( const CDbContentVector & rhs ) { lWeight = 0; RtlCopyMemory(this, rhs.CastToStruct(), sizeof(DBCONTENTVECTOR)); }
CDbContentVector( const DBCONTENTVECTOR & rhs ) { lWeight = 0; RtlCopyMemory(this, &rhs, sizeof(DBCONTENTVECTOR)); }
CDbContentVector( DWORD rank = 0 ) { dwRankingMethod = rank; lWeight = 0; }
~CDbContentVector() { }
void SetRankMethod( DWORD rank ) { dwRankingMethod = rank; }
LONG GetWeight() const { return lWeight; }
void SetWeight( LONG lWeightIn ) { lWeight = lWeightIn; }
ULONG RankMethod() const { return (ULONG) dwRankingMethod; }
DBCONTENTVECTOR * CastToStruct() { return (DBCONTENTVECTOR *) this; }
DBCONTENTVECTOR const * CastToStruct() const { return (DBCONTENTVECTOR const *) this; }
// Memory allocation
void * operator new( size_t size ) { return CoTaskMemAlloc( size ); }
inline void * operator new( size_t size, void * p ) { return( p ); }
void operator delete( void * p ) { CoTaskMemFree( p ); }
BOOL IsValid() const { return TRUE; }
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const; BOOL UnMarshall( PDeSerStream & stm );
// Class: CDbNumeric
// Purpose:
// History: 11-16-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbNumeric : public DB_NUMERIC {
CDbNumeric() { RtlZeroMemory( this, sizeof(DB_NUMERIC) ); }
CDbNumeric( const DB_NUMERIC & rhs ) { RtlCopyMemory( this, &rhs, sizeof(DB_NUMERIC) ); }
// Memory allocation
void * operator new( size_t size ) { return CoTaskMemAlloc( size ); }
inline void * operator new( size_t size, void * p ) { return( p ); }
void operator delete( void * p ) { CoTaskMemFree( p ); }
BOOL IsValid() const { return TRUE; }
// Serialization and DeSerialization.
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const; BOOL UnMarshall( PDeSerStream & stm );
DB_NUMERIC * CastToStruct() { return (DB_NUMERIC *) this; }
DB_NUMERIC const * CastToStruct() const { return (DB_NUMERIC const *) this; }
// Class: CDbColDesc
// Purpose:
// History: 6-21-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbColDesc : protected DBCOLUMNDESC {
CDbColDesc( DBCOLUMNDESC & colDesc );
void Cleanup();
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const;
BOOL UnMarshall( PDeSerStream & stm );
BOOL Copy( CDbColDesc const & rhs );
DBCOLUMNDESC * CastToStruct() const;
CDbColDesc & operator=( CDbColDesc & rhs );
// Class: CDbText
// Purpose: Wrapper class for DBTEXT
// History: 6-22-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbText : public DBTEXT { public:
CDbText( DBTEXT const & text ) { Copy( text ); }
CDbText() { RtlZeroMemory( this,sizeof(CDbText) ); }
DBTEXT & GetText() const { return (DBTEXT &)*this; }
BOOL Copy( const DBTEXT & rhs ) { RtlCopyMemory( this, &rhs, sizeof(DBTEXT) ); pwszText = 0; if ( 0 != rhs.pwszText ) { pwszText = CDbCmdTreeNode::AllocAndCopyWString( rhs.pwszText ); return 0 != pwszText; }
return TRUE; }
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const { stm.PutGUID( guidDialect ); CDbCmdTreeNode::PutWString( stm, pwszText ); stm.PutULong( ulErrorLocator ); stm.PutULong( ulTokenLength ); }
BOOL UnMarshall( PDeSerStream & stm ) { BOOL fSuccess; stm.GetGUID( guidDialect ); pwszText = CDbCmdTreeNode::GetWString( stm, fSuccess ); if( fSuccess ) { ulErrorLocator = stm.GetULong(); ulTokenLength = stm.GetULong(); }
return fSuccess; }
DBTEXT * CastToStruct() { return (DBTEXT *) this; }
DBTEXT const * CastToStruct() const { return (DBTEXT const *) this; }
BOOL IsValid() const { return 0 != pwszText; } };
// Class: CDbContent
// Purpose: Wrapper for DBCONTENT
// History: 6-22-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbContent : public DBCONTENT {
CDbContent( DWORD dwGenerateMethodIn, LONG lWeightIn, LCID lcidIn, const WCHAR * pwszPhraseIn ) { dwGenerateMethod = dwGenerateMethodIn; lWeight = lWeightIn; lcid = lcidIn; pwszPhrase = 0; SetPhrase( pwszPhraseIn ); }
CDbContent() { RtlZeroMemory( this, sizeof(CDbContent) ); }
DBCONTENT & GetDbContent() const { return (DBCONTENT &)*this; }
BOOL Copy( DBCONTENT const & rhs ) { RtlCopyMemory( this, &rhs, sizeof(DBCONTENT) ); pwszPhrase = 0; if ( 0 != rhs.pwszPhrase ) { pwszPhrase = CDbCmdTreeNode::AllocAndCopyWString( rhs.pwszPhrase ); return 0 != pwszPhrase; }
return TRUE; }
CDbContent ( DBCONTENT const & content ) { Copy( content ); }
~CDbContent() { if ( 0 != pwszPhrase ) { CoTaskMemFree( pwszPhrase ); } }
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const { stm.PutULong( dwGenerateMethod ); stm.PutLong( lWeight ); stm.PutULong( lcid ); CDbCmdTreeNode::PutWString( stm, pwszPhrase ); }
BOOL UnMarshall( PDeSerStream & stm ) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
dwGenerateMethod = stm.GetULong(); lWeight = stm.GetLong( ); lcid = stm.GetULong(); pwszPhrase = CDbCmdTreeNode::GetWString( stm, fSuccess );
return fSuccess; }
// Data member access and set methods.
WCHAR const * GetPhrase() const { return pwszPhrase; }
BOOL SetPhrase( const WCHAR * pwszPhraseIn ) { if ( 0 != pwszPhrase ) { CoTaskMemFree( pwszPhrase ); }
pwszPhrase = CDbCmdTreeNode::AllocAndCopyWString( pwszPhraseIn ); return 0 != pwszPhrase; }
LCID GetLocale() const { return lcid; } void SetLocale( LCID lcidIn ) { lcid = lcidIn; }
LONG GetWeight() const { return lWeight; } void SetWeight( LONG weight ) { lWeight = weight; }
DWORD GetGenerateMethod() const { return dwGenerateMethod; } void SetGenerateMethod( DWORD GenerateMethod ) { dwGenerateMethod = GenerateMethod; }
void Cleanup() { if ( 0 != pwszPhrase ) { CoTaskMemFree( pwszPhrase ); pwszPhrase = 0; } }
DBCONTENT * CastToStruct() { return (DBCONTENT *) this; }
DBCONTENT const * CastToStruct() const { return (DBCONTENT const *) this; }
// Memory allocation
void * operator new( size_t size ) { return CoTaskMemAlloc( size ); }
inline void * operator new( size_t size, void * p ) { return( p ); }
void operator delete( void * p ) { CoTaskMemFree( p ); }
BOOL IsValid() const { return 0 != pwszPhrase; }
// Class: CDbContentProximity
// Purpose: Wrapper for DBCONTENTPROXIMITY
// History: 11-Aug-97 KrishnaN Created
// Notes:
class CDbContentProximity : public DBCONTENTPROXIMITY {
CDbContentProximity( DWORD dwProximityUnitIn, ULONG ulProximityDistanceIn, LONG lWeightIn) { dwProximityUnit = dwProximityUnitIn; lWeight = lWeightIn; ulProximityDistance = ulProximityDistanceIn; }
CDbContentProximity() { RtlZeroMemory( this, sizeof(CDbContentProximity) ); }
CDbContentProximity ( DBCONTENTPROXIMITY const & content ) { RtlCopyMemory( this, &content, sizeof(DBCONTENTPROXIMITY) ); }
~CDbContentProximity() { }
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const { stm.PutULong( dwProximityUnit ); stm.PutULong( ulProximityDistance ); stm.PutLong( lWeight ); }
BOOL UnMarshall( PDeSerStream & stm ) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
dwProximityUnit = stm.GetULong(); ulProximityDistance = stm.GetULong(); lWeight = stm.GetLong( );
return fSuccess; }
// Data member access and set methods.
LONG GetWeight() const { return lWeight; } void SetWeight( LONG weight ) { lWeight = weight; }
DWORD GetProximityUnit() const { return dwProximityUnit; }
void SetProximityUnit(DWORD dwProximityUnitIn) { dwProximityUnit = dwProximityUnitIn; }
ULONG GetProximityDistance() const { return ulProximityDistance; }
void SetProximityDistance(ULONG ulProximityDistanceIn) { ulProximityDistance = ulProximityDistanceIn; }
// Conversions
DBCONTENTPROXIMITY const * CastToStruct() const { return (DBCONTENTPROXIMITY const *) this; }
// Memory allocation
void * operator new( size_t size ) { return CoTaskMemAlloc( size ); }
inline void * operator new( size_t size, void * p ) { return( p ); }
void operator delete( void * p ) { CoTaskMemFree( p ); }
BOOL IsValid() const { return TRUE; }
// Class: CDbContentScope
// Purpose: Wrapper for DBCONTENTSCOPE
// History:
// Notes:
class CDbContentScope : public DBCONTENTSCOPE {
CDbContentScope( WCHAR * pwszElementValue, DWORD dwFlagsIn = SCOPE_FLAG_INCLUDE | SCOPE_FLAG_DEEP ) { // Win4Assert( 0 != pwszElementValue );
SetValue( pwszElementValue ); SetFlags( dwFlagsIn ); }
CDbContentScope() { RtlZeroMemory( this, sizeof(CDbContent) ); }
DBCONTENTSCOPE & GetDbContent() const { return (DBCONTENTSCOPE &)*this; }
BOOL Copy( DBCONTENTSCOPE const & rhs ) { RtlCopyMemory( this, &rhs, sizeof(DBCONTENTSCOPE) );
pwszElementValue = 0; if ( 0 != rhs.pwszElementValue ) { pwszElementValue = CDbCmdTreeNode::AllocAndCopyWString( rhs.pwszElementValue ); return 0 != pwszElementValue; }
return TRUE; }
CDbContentScope ( DBCONTENTSCOPE const & contentscp ) { Copy( contentscp ); }
~CDbContentScope() { if ( 0 != pwszElementValue ) { CoTaskMemFree( pwszElementValue ); } }
// won't marshal right now, but use the old method of passing scope
// to the server.
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const { }
BOOL UnMarshall( PDeSerStream & stm ) { } */
// Data member access and set methods.
DWORD GetFlags() { return dwFlags & SCOPE_FLAG_MASK; }
void SetFlags( DWORD dwFlagsIn ) { dwFlags |= dwFlagsIn; }
DWORD GetType() { return dwFlags & SCOPE_TYPE_MASK; }
void SetType( DWORD dwTypeIn ) { dwFlags |= dwTypeIn; }
WCHAR const * GetValue() const { return pwszElementValue; }
BOOL SetValue( const WCHAR * pwszElementIn ) { if ( 0 != pwszElementValue ) { CoTaskMemFree( pwszElementValue ); }
pwszElementValue = CDbCmdTreeNode::AllocAndCopyWString( pwszElementIn ); return 0 != pwszElementValue; }
void Cleanup() { if ( 0 != pwszElementValue ) { CoTaskMemFree( pwszElementValue ); pwszElementValue = 0; } }
DBCONTENTSCOPE * CastToStruct() { return (DBCONTENTSCOPE *) this; }
DBCONTENTSCOPE const * CastToStruct() const { return (DBCONTENTSCOPE const *) this; }
// Memory allocation
void * operator new( size_t size ) { return CoTaskMemAlloc( size ); }
inline void * operator new( size_t size, void * p ) { return( p ); }
void operator delete( void * p ) { CoTaskMemFree( p ); }
BOOL IsValid() const { return 0 != pwszElementValue; } };
// Class: CDbContentTable
// Purpose: Wrapper for DBCONTENTTABLE
// History:
// Notes:
class CDbContentTable : public DBCONTENTTABLE {
CDbContentTable( WCHAR * pwszMachine, WCHAR * pwszCatalog ) { // Win4Assert( 0 != pwszMachine );
// Win4Assert( 0 != pwszCatalog );
SetMachine( pwszMachine ); SetCatalog( pwszCatalog ); }
CDbContentTable( ) { RtlZeroMemory( this, sizeof(CDbContentTable) ); }
DBCONTENTTABLE & GetDbContentTable() const { return (DBCONTENTTABLE &)*this; }
BOOL Copy( DBCONTENTTABLE const & rhs ) { RtlCopyMemory( this, &rhs, sizeof(DBCONTENTTABLE) );
pwszMachine = 0; pwszCatalog = 0; if ( 0 != rhs.pwszMachine ) { pwszMachine = CDbCmdTreeNode::AllocAndCopyWString( rhs.pwszMachine ); if ( 0 != pwszMachine ) { pwszCatalog = CDbCmdTreeNode::AllocAndCopyWString( rhs.pwszCatalog ); } return 0 != pwszMachine && 0 != pwszCatalog; }
return TRUE; }
CDbContentTable( DBCONTENTTABLE const & contenttbl ) { Copy( contenttbl ); }
~CDbContentTable() { if ( 0 != pwszMachine ) { CoTaskMemFree( pwszMachine ); }
if ( 0 != pwszCatalog ) { CoTaskMemFree( pwszCatalog ); }
// won't marshal right now, but use the old method of passing scope
// to the server.
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const { }
BOOL UnMarshall( PDeSerStream & stm ) { } */
// Data member access and set methods.
WCHAR const * GetMachine() const { return pwszMachine; }
WCHAR const * GetCatalog() const { return pwszCatalog; }
BOOL SetMachine( const WCHAR * pwszMachineIn ) { if ( 0 != pwszMachine ) { CoTaskMemFree( pwszMachine ); }
pwszMachine = CDbCmdTreeNode::AllocAndCopyWString( pwszMachineIn ); return 0 != pwszMachine; }
BOOL SetCatalog( const WCHAR * pwszCatalogIn ) { if ( 0 != pwszCatalog ) { CoTaskMemFree( pwszCatalog); }
pwszCatalog = CDbCmdTreeNode::AllocAndCopyWString( pwszCatalogIn ); return 0 != pwszCatalog; }
void Cleanup() { if ( 0 != pwszMachine ) { CoTaskMemFree( pwszMachine ); pwszMachine = 0; } if ( 0 != pwszCatalog ) { CoTaskMemFree( pwszCatalog ); pwszCatalog = 0; } }
DBCONTENTTABLE * CastToStruct() { return (DBCONTENTTABLE *) this; }
DBCONTENTTABLE const * CastToStruct() const { return (DBCONTENTTABLE const *) this; }
// Memory allocation
void * operator new( size_t size ) { return CoTaskMemAlloc( size ); }
inline void * operator new( size_t size, void * p ) { return( p ); }
void operator delete( void * p ) { CoTaskMemFree( p ); }
BOOL IsValid() const { return 0 != pwszMachine && 0 != pwszCatalog; } };
// Class: CDbLike
// Purpose: Wrapper for DBLIKE
// History: 13-Aug-97 KrishnaN Created
// Notes:
class CDbLike : public DBLIKE {
CDbLike( GUID const & guidDialectIn, LONG lWeightIn ) { lWeight = lWeightIn; guidDialect = guidDialectIn; }
CDbLike() { RtlZeroMemory( this, sizeof(CDbLike) ); }
DBLIKE & GetDbLike() const { return (DBLIKE &)*this; }
CDbLike ( DBLIKE const & like ) { RtlCopyMemory( this, &like, sizeof(DBLIKE) ); }
~CDbLike() { }
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const { stm.PutGUID( guidDialect ); stm.PutLong( lWeight ); }
BOOL UnMarshall( PDeSerStream & stm ) { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE;
stm.GetGUID(guidDialect); lWeight = stm.GetLong( );
return fSuccess; }
// Data member access and set methods.
LONG GetWeight() const { return lWeight; } void SetWeight( LONG weight ) { lWeight = weight; }
GUID const & GetDialect() const { return guidDialect; }
void SetDialect(GUID const & guidDialectIn) { guidDialect = guidDialectIn; }
// Conversions
DBLIKE * CastToStruct() { return (DBLIKE *) this; }
DBLIKE const * CastToStruct() const { return (DBLIKE const *) this; }
// Memory allocation
void * operator new( size_t size ) { return CoTaskMemAlloc( size ); }
inline void * operator new( size_t size, void * p ) { return( p ); }
void operator delete( void * p ) { CoTaskMemFree( p ); }
BOOL IsValid() const { return (lWeight >= 0); }
// Class: CDbSortInfo
// History: 6-22-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbSortInfo : public DBSORTINFO { public:
CDbSortInfo( BOOL fDescending = FALSE, LCID lcidIn = 0 ) { fDesc = fDescending; lcid = lcidIn; }
CDbSortInfo( DBSORTINFO & sortInfo ) : DBSORTINFO(sortInfo) {}
BOOL Copy( DBSORTINFO const & rhs ) { *(DBSORTINFO *)this = rhs; return TRUE; }
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const { stm.PutULong( lcid ); stm.PutULong( fDesc ); }
BOOL UnMarshall( PDeSerStream & stm ) { lcid = stm.GetULong(); fDesc = stm.GetULong();
return TRUE; }
DBSORTINFO & Get() const { return (DBSORTINFO &)*this; }
LCID GetLocale() const { return lcid; } BOOL GetDirection() const { return fDesc; }
void SetLocale(LCID lcidIn) { lcid = lcidIn; } void SetDirection(BOOL fDescIn) { fDesc = fDescIn; }
// Memory allocation
void * operator new( size_t size ) { return CoTaskMemAlloc( size ); }
inline void * operator new( size_t size, void * p ) { return( p ); }
void operator delete( void * p ) { CoTaskMemFree( p ); }
BOOL IsValid() const { return TRUE; }
DBSORTINFO * CastToStruct() { return (DBSORTINFO *) this; }
DBSORTINFO const * CastToStruct() const { return (DBSORTINFO const *) this; }
// Class: CDbGroupInfo
// History: 6-22-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbGroupInfo : public DBGROUPINFO {
CDbGroupInfo( DBGROUPINFO & groupInfo ) : DBGROUPINFO(groupInfo) {} CDbGroupInfo() { RtlZeroMemory( this, sizeof(CDbGroupInfo) ); }
DBGROUPINFO & Get() const { return *(DBGROUPINFO *)this; }
BOOL Copy( DBGROUPINFO const & rhs ) { *(DBGROUPINFO *)this = rhs; return TRUE; }
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const { stm.PutULong( lcid ); }
BOOL UnMarshall( PDeSerStream & stm ) { lcid = stm.GetULong(); return TRUE; }
DBGROUPINFO * CastToStruct() { return (DBGROUPINFO *) this; }
DBGROUPINFO const * CastToStruct() const { return (DBGROUPINFO const *) this; }
// Memory allocation
void * operator new( size_t size ) { return CoTaskMemAlloc( size ); }
inline void * operator new( size_t size, void * p ) { return( p ); }
void operator delete( void * p ) { CoTaskMemFree( p ); }
BOOL IsValid() const { return TRUE; }
// Class: CDbColumnNode
// Purpose: A DBCOMMANDTREE node representing a column
// History: 6-07-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbColumnNode : public CDbCmdTreeNode {
// Constructors
CDbColumnNode() : CDbCmdTreeNode(DBOP_column_name) { wKind = DBVALUEKIND_ID; CDbColId * pTemp = new CDbColId(); if ( pTemp ) { value.pdbidValue = pTemp->CastToStruct(); } }
CDbColumnNode( GUID const & guidPropSet, PROPID pidProperty ) : CDbCmdTreeNode(DBOP_column_name) { wKind = DBVALUEKIND_ID; CDbColId * pTemp = new CDbColId( guidPropSet, pidProperty ); if ( pTemp ) { value.pdbidValue = pTemp->CastToStruct(); } }
CDbColumnNode( GUID const & guidPropSet, WCHAR const * wcsProperty );
// The fIMeanIt param is to avoid confusion when methods expect
// a CDbColumnNode, a DBID is passed, and automatically coerced
// but the memory allocation not checked.
CDbColumnNode( DBID const & propSpec, BOOL fIMeanIt );
// Copy constructors/assignment/clone
CDbColumnNode( CDbColumnNode const & Property ) : CDbCmdTreeNode(DBOP_column_name) { wKind = DBVALUEKIND_ID; CDbColId* pTemp = new CDbColId(); if ( pTemp ) { value.pdbidValue = pTemp->CastToStruct(); operator=( Property ); } }
CDbColumnNode & operator=( CDbColumnNode const & rhs ) { *(GetId()) = *(rhs.GetId()); return *this; }
// Comparators
int operator==( CDbColumnNode const & rhs ) const { return *(GetId()) == *(rhs.GetId()); }
int operator!=( CDbColumnNode const & prop ) const { return !operator==(prop); }
// Member variable access
void SetPropSet( GUID const & guidPropSet ) { GetId()->SetPropSet( guidPropSet ); }
GUID const & GetPropSet() const { return GetId()->GetPropSet(); }
void SetProperty( PROPID pidProperty ) { GetId()->SetProperty( pidProperty ); }
BOOL SetProperty( WCHAR const * wcsProperty ) { return GetId()->SetProperty( wcsProperty ); }
WCHAR const * GetPropertyName() const { return GetId()->GetPropertyName(); }
PROPID GetPropertyPropid() const { return GetId()->GetPropertyPropid(); }
// PROPSPEC GetPropSpec() const;
BOOL IsPropertyName() const { return GetId()->IsPropertyName(); }
BOOL IsPropertyPropid() const { return GetId()->IsPropertyPropid(); }
void SetCommandType( DBCOMMANDOP opVal ) { CDbCmdTreeNode::SetCommandType( opVal ); }
BOOL IsValid() const { CDbColId const * pId = GetId(); return (0 != pId) ? pId->IsValid() : FALSE; }
CDbColId * GetId() { return (CDbColId *) value.pdbidValue; }
CDbColId const * GetId() const { return (CDbColId const *) value.pdbidValue; }
// Class: CDbScalarValue
// Purpose: A DBCOMMANDTREE node representing a scalar constant
// History: 6-07-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbScalarValue : public CDbCmdTreeNode {
CDbScalarValue( DBCOMMANDOP opVal = DBOP_scalar_constant ) : CDbCmdTreeNode( opVal ) { }
CDbScalarValue( const CStorageVariant & val ) : CDbCmdTreeNode( DBOP_scalar_constant, DBVALUEKIND_VARIANT ) { CStorageVariant * pTemp = new CStorageVariant( val ); if ( 0 != pTemp && !pTemp->IsValid() ) { delete pTemp; pTemp = 0; }
if ( pTemp ) { value.pvarValue = (VARIANT *) (void *)pTemp; } }
void SetValue( const CStorageVariant & val ) { CStorageVariant * lhs = _CreateOrGetStorageVariant(); if ( 0 != lhs ) { *lhs = val; } }
void SetValue( double dValue ) { CStorageVariant * pTemp = _GetStorageVariant(); if ( 0 != pTemp ) { *pTemp = dValue; } else { CleanupValue(); wKind = DBVALUEKIND_R8; value.dblValue = dValue; } }
void SetValue( ULONG ulValue ) { CStorageVariant * lhs = _GetStorageVariant(); if ( 0 != lhs ) { lhs->SetUI4(ulValue); } else { CleanupValue(); wKind = DBVALUEKIND_UI4; value.ulValue = ulValue; } }
void SetValue( LONG lValue ) { CStorageVariant * lhs = _GetStorageVariant(); if ( 0 != lhs ) { *lhs = lValue; } else { CleanupValue(); wKind = DBVALUEKIND_I4; value.lValue = lValue; } }
void SetValue( LARGE_INTEGER llValue ) { CStorageVariant * lhs = _GetStorageVariant(); if ( 0 != lhs ) { *lhs = llValue; } else { CleanupValue(); wKind = DBVALUEKIND_I8; value.llValue = (hyper) llValue.QuadPart; } }
void SetValue( ULARGE_INTEGER ullValue ) { CStorageVariant * lhs = _GetStorageVariant(); if ( 0 != lhs ) { lhs->SetUI8(ullValue); } else { CleanupValue(); wKind = DBVALUEKIND_UI8; value.ullValue = (unsigned hyper) ullValue.QuadPart; } }
void SetValue( FILETIME ftValue ) { CStorageVariant * lhs = _CreateOrGetStorageVariant(); if ( 0 != lhs ) { *lhs = ftValue; } }
void SetValue( CY CyValue ) { CStorageVariant * lhs = _GetStorageVariant(); if ( 0 != lhs ) { *lhs = CyValue; } else { CleanupValue(); wKind = DBVALUEKIND_CY; value.cyValue = CyValue; } }
void SetValue( float fValue ) { CStorageVariant * lhs = _GetStorageVariant(); if ( 0 != lhs ) { *lhs = fValue; } else { CleanupValue(); wKind = DBVALUEKIND_R4; value.flValue = fValue; } }
void SetValue( SHORT sValue ) { CStorageVariant * lhs = _GetStorageVariant(); if ( 0 != lhs ) { *lhs = sValue; } else { CleanupValue(); wKind = DBVALUEKIND_I2; value.sValue = sValue; } }
void SetValue( USHORT usValue ) { CStorageVariant * lhs = _GetStorageVariant(); if ( 0 != lhs ) { *lhs = usValue; } else { CleanupValue(); wKind = DBVALUEKIND_UI2; value.usValue = usValue; } }
void SetDate ( DATE dValue ) { CStorageVariant * lhs = _GetStorageVariant(); if ( 0 != lhs ) { *lhs = dValue; } else { CleanupValue(); wKind = DBVALUEKIND_DATE; value.dateValue = dValue; } }
void SetBOOL( BOOL fValue ) { CStorageVariant * lhs = _GetStorageVariant(); if ( 0 != lhs ) { lhs->SetBOOL((SHORT)fValue); } else { CleanupValue(); wKind = DBVALUEKIND_BOOL; value.fValue = fValue; } }
void SetValue( BLOB & bValue ) { CStorageVariant * lhs = _CreateOrGetStorageVariant(); if ( 0 != lhs ) { *lhs = bValue; } }
void SetValue( WCHAR * pwcsValue ) { CStorageVariant * lhs = _CreateOrGetStorageVariant(); if ( 0 != lhs ) { *lhs = pwcsValue; } }
void SetValue( GUID * pguidValue) { CStorageVariant * lhs = _CreateOrGetStorageVariant(); if ( 0 != lhs ) { *lhs = pguidValue; } }
void Value( CStorageVariant & valOut );
BOOL IsValid() const { CStorageVariant const * pVar = (CStorageVariant const *) _GetStorageVariant();
return ( ( 0 != pVar ) && ( pVar->IsValid() ) ); }
CStorageVariant * _GetStorageVariant() const { if ( DBVALUEKIND_VARIANT == wKind ) { return CastToStorageVariant( *value.pvarValue ); } else return 0; }
CStorageVariant * _CreateOrGetStorageVariant() {
CStorageVariant * pTemp = _GetStorageVariant(); if ( 0 != pTemp ) { return pTemp; }
wKind = DBVALUEKIND_VARIANT; pTemp = new CStorageVariant(); value.pvarValue = (VARIANT *) (void *) pTemp;
return pTemp; } };
#define DBTABLEID_NAME L"Table"
// Class: CDbTableId
// Purpose:
// History: 6-15-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbTableId: public CDbCmdTreeNode {
CDbTableId(const LPWSTR pwszName = DBTABLEID_NAME) : CDbCmdTreeNode( DBOP_table_name ) { wKind = DBVALUEKIND_WSTR; value.pwszValue = CDbCmdTreeNode::AllocAndCopyWString( pwszName ); }
BOOL IsValid() const { return 0 != value.pwszValue; }
LPWSTR GetTableName() const { if (wKind == DBVALUEKIND_WSTR) return value.pwszValue; else return 0; } };
// Class: CDbSelectNode
// Purpose:
// History: 6-15-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbSelectNode : public CDbCmdTreeNode {
public: CDbSelectNode( );
BOOL AddRestriction( CDbCmdTreeNode * pRestr ) { if ( IsValid() && GetFirstChild() && GetFirstChild()->GetNextSibling() == 0 ) { AppendChild( pRestr ); return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
BOOL SetRestriction( CDbCmdTreeNode * pRestr );
BOOL IsValid() const { return 0 != GetFirstChild() && GetFirstChild()->IsOpValid( DBOP_table_name ); } };
// Class: CDbListAnchor
// Purpose:
// History: 6-15-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbListAnchor : public CDbCmdTreeNode {
CDbListAnchor( DBCOMMANDOP opVal, WORD wType = DBVALUEKIND_EMPTY ) : CDbCmdTreeNode( opVal, wType ) {}
protected: BOOL AppendList( CDbCmdTreeNode* pListElement );
BOOL AppendListElement( CDbCmdTreeNode* pListElement );
BOOL AppendListElement( DBCOMMANDOP eleType, DBID const & PropSpec);
BOOL AppendListElement( DBCOMMANDOP eleType, const CDbColumnNode & propSpec ) { CDbColumnNode * pTemp = new CDbColumnNode( propSpec );
if ( 0 != pTemp ) { if (!_AppendListElement( eleType, pTemp ) ) delete pTemp; else return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
CDbCmdTreeNode* AcquireList( ) { return AcquireChildren(); }
void FreeList( ) { FreeChildren(); }
BOOL SetList( CDbCmdTreeNode* pListElement ) { if (_IsValidListElement( pListElement->op ) && 0 == GetFirstChild() ) { SetChildren( pListElement ); return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL _IsValidListElement( DBCOMMANDOP eleType ) const { // NOTE: it might work to just return (op + 1 == eleType)
if ( op == DBOP_sort_list_anchor && eleType == DBOP_sort_list_element ) { return TRUE; } else if ( op == DBOP_project_list_anchor && eleType == DBOP_project_list_element ) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL _AppendListElement( DBCOMMANDOP eleType, CDbColumnNode * pColNode ); };
// Class: CDbProjectListAnchor
// Purpose:
// History: 6-15-95 srikants Created
// Notes: This class is required by the implementation, but should
// be unneeded by clients
class CDbProjectListElement;
class CDbProjectListAnchor : public CDbListAnchor { friend class CDbNestingNode;
public: CDbProjectListAnchor() : CDbListAnchor( DBOP_project_list_anchor ) {}
BOOL AppendListElement( DBID const & propSpec, LPWSTR pwszName = 0 );
BOOL AppendListElement( CDbColumnNode const & propSpec ) { return CDbListAnchor::AppendListElement( DBOP_project_list_element, propSpec ); }
void AppendSibling(CDbCmdTreeNode *pSibling) { CDbCmdTreeNode::AppendSibling(pSibling); } void InsertSibling(CDbCmdTreeNode *pSibling) { CDbCmdTreeNode::InsertSibling(pSibling); } };
// Class: CDbProjectListElement
// Purpose:
// History: 27 Nov 1996 AlanW Created
// Notes: This class is required by the implementation, but should
// be unneeded by clients
class CDbProjectListElement : public CDbCmdTreeNode {
CDbProjectListElement( ) : CDbCmdTreeNode( DBOP_project_list_element ) { }
BOOL SetName( LPWSTR pwszColumnName ) { if ( 0 != value.pwszValue ) { CoTaskMemFree( value.pwszValue ); }
value.pwszValue = CDbCmdTreeNode::AllocAndCopyWString( pwszColumnName );
if ( 0 == value.pwszValue ) wKind = DBVALUEKIND_EMPTY; else wKind = DBVALUEKIND_WSTR;
return 0 == pwszColumnName || 0 != value.pwszValue; }
LPWSTR GetName( ) const { return value.pwszValue; }
BOOL SetColumn(CDbColumnNode * pCol) { if (GetColumn()) { delete RemoveFirstChild(); } InsertChild( pCol ); return TRUE; }
CDbColumnNode * GetColumn() const { return (CDbColumnNode *)GetFirstChild(); }
BOOL IsValid() const { return (DBVALUEKIND_EMPTY == wKind || (DBVALUEKIND_WSTR == wKind && 0 != value.pwszValue) ) && 0 != GetFirstChild() && GetColumn()->IsValid( ); }
// Class: CDbProjectNode
// Purpose:
// History: 6-15-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbProjectNode : public CDbCmdTreeNode {
CDbProjectNode( ) : CDbCmdTreeNode( DBOP_project ) { }
BOOL AddProjectColumn( DBID const & propSpec, LPWSTR pwszName = 0 ) { CDbProjectListAnchor * pAnchor = _FindOrAddAnchor(); if (pAnchor) return pAnchor->AppendListElement( propSpec, pwszName ); else return FALSE; }
BOOL AddProjectColumn( CDbColumnNode const & propSpec ) { CDbProjectListAnchor * pAnchor = _FindOrAddAnchor(); if (pAnchor) return pAnchor->AppendListElement( propSpec ); else return FALSE; }
BOOL AddTable( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTable ) { if ( 0 == GetFirstChild() || 0 == GetFirstChild()->GetNextSibling()) { InsertChild(pTable); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
BOOL AddList( CDbProjectListAnchor * pList ) { if ( 0 == GetFirstChild() || 0 == GetFirstChild()->GetNextSibling()) { AppendChild(pList); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
private: CDbProjectListAnchor * _FindOrAddAnchor();
// Class: CDbSortListAnchor
// Purpose:
// History: 6-15-95 srikants Created
// Notes: This class is required by the implementation, but should
// be unneeded by clients
class CDbSortListElement;
class CDbSortListAnchor : public CDbListAnchor { public: CDbSortListAnchor() : CDbListAnchor( DBOP_sort_list_anchor ) {}
inline BOOL AppendList( CDbSortListElement* pListElement );
inline BOOL AppendListElement( CDbSortListElement* pListElement ); };
// Class: CDbSortListElement
// Purpose:
// History: 17 Aug 1995 AlanW Created
// Notes: This class is required by the implementation, but should
// be unneeded by clients
class CDbSortListElement : public CDbCmdTreeNode {
CDbSortListElement( BOOL fDescending = FALSE, LCID locale = 0 ) : CDbCmdTreeNode( DBOP_sort_list_element, DBVALUEKIND_SORTINFO ) { value.pdbsrtinfValue = new CDbSortInfo( fDescending, locale ); }
void SetDirection( BOOL fDescending ) { GetSortInfo().SetDirection( fDescending ); }
void SetLocale( LCID locale ) { GetSortInfo().SetLocale(locale); }
BOOL GetDirection( ) const { return GetSortInfo().GetDirection(); }
LCID GetLocale( ) const { return GetSortInfo().GetLocale(); }
void AddColumn( CDbCmdTreeNode * pCol ) { InsertChild( pCol ); }
BOOL IsValid() const { return 0 != value.pdbsrtinfValue; }
CDbSortInfo & GetSortInfo() { return *((CDbSortInfo *) value.pdbsrtinfValue); }
CDbSortInfo const & GetSortInfo() const { return *((CDbSortInfo const *) value.pdbsrtinfValue); }
// Class: CDbSortNode
// Purpose:
// History: 6-15-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbSortKey; // forward referenced
class CDbSortNode : public CDbCmdTreeNode {
CDbSortNode() : CDbCmdTreeNode( DBOP_sort ) {}
BOOL AddTable( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTable ) { if ( 0 == GetFirstChild() || 0 == GetFirstChild()->GetNextSibling()) { InsertChild(pTable); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
BOOL AddSortColumn(DBID const & propSpec, BOOL fDirection, LCID locale = GetSystemDefaultLCID());
inline BOOL AddSortColumn( CDbSortKey const & sortkey );
private: CDbSortListAnchor * _FindOrAddAnchor();
// Class: CDbNestingNode
// Purpose: Wrapper for the DBCOMMANDTREE nesting node.
// History: 06 Aug 1995 AlanW Created
// Notes:
class CDbNestingNode : public CDbCmdTreeNode {
public: CDbNestingNode() : CDbCmdTreeNode( DBOP_nesting ) {}
BOOL AddTable( CDbCmdTreeNode * pTable );
BOOL AddGroupingColumn( DBID const & propSpec, LPWSTR pwszName = 0 ) { CDbProjectListAnchor * pAnchor = _FindGroupListAnchor(); if (pAnchor) return pAnchor->AppendListElement( propSpec, pwszName ); else return FALSE; }
BOOL AddParentColumn( DBID const & propSpec ) { CDbProjectListAnchor * pAnchor = _FindParentListAnchor(); if (pAnchor) return pAnchor->AppendListElement( propSpec ); else return FALSE; }
BOOL AddChildColumn( DBID const & propSpec ) { CDbProjectListAnchor * pAnchor = _FindChildListAnchor(); if (pAnchor) return pAnchor->AppendListElement( propSpec ); else return FALSE; }
BOOL SetChildList( CDbProjectListAnchor & propList ) { CDbProjectListAnchor * pAnchor = _FindChildListAnchor(); if (pAnchor) { pAnchor->FreeList(); return pAnchor->SetList( propList.AcquireList() ); } else return FALSE; }
private: CDbProjectListAnchor * _FindGroupListAnchor();
CDbProjectListAnchor * _FindParentListAnchor() { CDbProjectListAnchor * pAnchor = _FindGroupListAnchor(); if (pAnchor) pAnchor = (CDbProjectListAnchor *)pAnchor->GetNextSibling(); return pAnchor; }
CDbProjectListAnchor * _FindChildListAnchor() { CDbProjectListAnchor * pAnchor = _FindParentListAnchor(); if (pAnchor) pAnchor = (CDbProjectListAnchor *)pAnchor->GetNextSibling(); return pAnchor; }
// Class: CDbRestriction
// Purpose:
// History: 6-07-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbRestriction : public CDbCmdTreeNode {
CDbRestriction( DBCOMMANDOP opVal = DBOP_DEFAULT ) : CDbCmdTreeNode( opVal ) {
void SetOperator( DBCOMMANDOP opVal ) { op = opVal; } };
// Class: CDbNodeRestriction
// Purpose: Boolean AND/OR/VECTOR restriction
// History: 31-Dec-93 KyleP Created
class CDbNodeRestriction : public CDbRestriction {
// Constructors
CDbNodeRestriction( DBCOMMANDOP opVal ) : CDbRestriction( opVal ) {}
// Manipulating the tree.
void AppendChild( CDbRestriction *pChild ) { CDbRestriction::AppendChild( pChild ); }
void InsertChild( CDbRestriction *pChild ) { CDbRestriction::InsertChild( pChild ); }
// Class: CDbBooleanNodeRestriction
// Purpose: Boolean AND/OR restriction with weights.
// History: 11-Aug-97 KrishnaN Created
class CDbBooleanNodeRestriction : public CDbNodeRestriction {
// Constructors
CDbBooleanNodeRestriction( DBCOMMANDOP opVal ) : CDbNodeRestriction( opVal ) { SetValueType(DBVALUEKIND_I4); SetWeight(0); }
// Setting and getting weight
LONG GetWeight() const { return value.lValue; }
void SetWeight( LONG lWeight ) { value.lValue = lWeight; }
// Class: CDbNotRestriction
// Purpose:
// History: 6-07-95 srikants Created
// 5-08-97 KrishnaN enabled weights
// Notes:
class CDbNotRestriction : public CDbRestriction {
// Constructors
CDbNotRestriction() : CDbRestriction( DBOP_not ) { SetValueType(DBVALUEKIND_I4); SetWeight(0); }
CDbNotRestriction( CDbRestriction * pres ) : CDbRestriction( DBOP_not ) { SetValueType(DBVALUEKIND_I4); SetWeight(0); InsertChild( pres ); }
// Setting and getting weight
LONG GetWeight() const { return value.lValue; }
void SetWeight( LONG lWeight ) { value.lValue = lWeight; }
// Node manipulation
void SetChild( CDbRestriction * pres ) { delete RemoveFirstChild(); InsertChild( pres ); }
CDbRestriction * GetChild() { return (CDbRestriction *) GetFirstChild(); } };
// Class: CDbPropBaseRestriction
// Purpose: Base class for CDbPropertyRestriction and
// CDbContentBaseRestriction. Provides access to the
// property child node.
// History: 26 Jul 1995 AlanW Created
// Notes:
class CDbPropBaseRestriction : public CDbRestriction { public:
// Constructors
CDbPropBaseRestriction( DBCOMMANDOP opVal = DBOP_DEFAULT ) : CDbRestriction(opVal) {}
// Child node access
BOOL SetProperty( DBID const & Property ); BOOL SetProperty( CDbColumnNode const & Property );
CDbColumnNode const * GetProperty() const { const CDbCmdTreeNode * pChild = GetFirstChild();
if ( 0 != pChild && pChild->IsColumnName() ) { const CDbColumnNode * pProperty = (CDbColumnNode *) pChild; return pProperty; }
return 0; }
BOOL IsValid() const { CDbColumnNode const * p = GetProperty();
return( 0 != p && p->IsValid() ); } };
// Class: CDbPropertyRestriction
// Purpose: Restriction for relational operators, and "like" operator
// History: 6-07-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbPropertyRestriction : public CDbPropBaseRestriction { public:
// Constructors
CDbPropertyRestriction() : CDbPropBaseRestriction() { SetValueType(DBVALUEKIND_I4); SetWeight(0); }
CDbPropertyRestriction( DBCOMMANDOP relop, DBID const & Property, CStorageVariant const & prval );
CDbPropertyRestriction( DBCOMMANDOP relop, CDbColumnNode const & Property, CStorageVariant const & prval );
// Setting and getting weight
LONG GetWeight() const { if (DBOP_like == op) return GetDbLike()->GetWeight(); else return value.lValue; }
void SetWeight( LONG lWeight ) { if ( DBOP_like == op ) GetDbLike()->SetWeight(lWeight); else value.lValue = lWeight; }
// Member variable access
void SetRelation( DBCOMMANDOP relop ) { // Win4Assert(relop >= DBOP_is_NOT_NULL);
if ( DBOP_like == relop ) _SetLikeRelation(); else op = relop; }
DBCOMMANDOP Relation() { return op; }
BOOL SetValue( double dValue ) { CDbScalarValue * pValue = _FindOrAddValueNode(); if (pValue) { pValue->SetValue( dValue ); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL SetValue( ULONG ulValue ) { CDbScalarValue * pValue = _FindOrAddValueNode(); if (pValue) { pValue->SetValue( ulValue ); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL SetValue( LONG lValue ) { CDbScalarValue * pValue = _FindOrAddValueNode(); if (pValue) { pValue->SetValue( lValue ); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL SetValue( LARGE_INTEGER llValue ) { CDbScalarValue * pValue = _FindOrAddValueNode(); if (pValue) { pValue->SetValue( llValue ); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL SetValue( FILETIME ftValue ) { CDbScalarValue * pValue = _FindOrAddValueNode(); if (pValue) { pValue->SetValue( ftValue ); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL SetValue( CY CyValue ) { CDbScalarValue * pValue = _FindOrAddValueNode(); if (pValue) { pValue->SetValue( CyValue ); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL SetValue( float fValue ) { CDbScalarValue * pValue = _FindOrAddValueNode(); if (pValue) { pValue->SetValue( fValue ); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL SetValue( SHORT sValue ) { CDbScalarValue * pValue = _FindOrAddValueNode(); if (pValue) { pValue->SetValue( sValue ); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL SetValue( USHORT usValue ) { CDbScalarValue * pValue = _FindOrAddValueNode(); if (pValue) { pValue->SetValue( usValue ); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL SetValue( const CStorageVariant &prval ) { CDbScalarValue * pValue = _FindOrAddValueNode(); if (pValue) { pValue->SetValue( prval ); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL SetDate ( DATE dValue ) { CDbScalarValue * pValue = _FindOrAddValueNode(); if (pValue) { pValue->SetValue( dValue ); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL SetBOOL( BOOL fValue ) { CDbScalarValue * pValue = _FindOrAddValueNode(); if (pValue) { pValue->SetBOOL( fValue ); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL SetValue( BLOB & bValue ) { CDbScalarValue * pValue = _FindOrAddValueNode(); if (pValue) { pValue->SetValue( bValue ); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL SetValue( WCHAR * pwcsValue ) { CDbScalarValue * pValue = _FindOrAddValueNode(); if (pValue) { pValue->SetValue( pwcsValue ); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL SetValue( GUID * pguidValue) { CDbScalarValue * pValue = _FindOrAddValueNode(); if (pValue) { pValue->SetValue( pguidValue ); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL IsValid() const { if ( DBVALUEKIND_LIKE == GetValueType() && 0 == value.pdblikeValue ) return FALSE;
CDbScalarValue const * pValue = _FindConstValueNode();
return ( ( 0 != pValue ) && ( pValue->IsValid() ) ); }
BOOL IsCIDialect();
CDbLike * GetDbLike() { return (CDbLike *) value.pdblikeValue; }
CDbLike const * GetDbLike() const { return (CDbLike const *) value.pdblikeValue; }
void _SetLikeRelation() { SetValueType(DBVALUEKIND_LIKE); CDbLike *pTemp = new CDbLike(DBGUID_LIKE_OFS, 0); value.pdblikeValue = (DBLIKE *)pTemp; op = DBOP_like; }
void _CleanValue(); BOOL _IsRelop( DBCOMMANDOP op );
CDbScalarValue const * _FindConstValueNode() const { CDbCmdTreeNode const * pCurr = GetFirstChild();
while ( 0 != pCurr ) { if ( pCurr->IsScalarNode() ) break; pCurr = pCurr->GetNextSibling(); }
return (CDbScalarValue const *) pCurr; }
CDbScalarValue * _FindValueNode() { // override const!
return (CDbScalarValue *) _FindConstValueNode(); }
CDbScalarValue * _FindOrAddValueNode(); };
// Class: CDbVectorRestriction ()
// Purpose:
// History: 6-11-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbVectorRestriction : public CDbNodeRestriction {
// Constructors
CDbVectorRestriction( ULONG ulRankMethod ) : CDbNodeRestriction( DBOP_content_vector_or ) { SetValueType( DBVALUEKIND_CONTENTVECTOR ); CDbContentVector * pTemp = new CDbContentVector( ulRankMethod ); if ( pTemp ) { value.pdbcntntvcValue = pTemp->CastToStruct(); } }
// Member variable access
void SetRankMethod( ULONG ulRankMethod ) { CDbContentVector * pVector = GetContentVector(); pVector->SetRankMethod( ulRankMethod ); }
ULONG RankMethod() const { CDbContentVector const * pVector = GetContentVector(); return pVector->RankMethod(); }
LONG GetWeight() const { CDbContentVector const * pVector = GetContentVector(); return pVector->GetWeight(); }
void SetWeight( LONG lWeight ) { CDbContentVector * pVector = GetContentVector(); pVector->SetWeight( lWeight ); }
BOOL IsValid() const { return ( ( 0 != GetContentVector() ) && ( GetContentVector()->IsValid() ) ); }
CDbContentVector * GetContentVector() { return (CDbContentVector *) value.pdbcntntvcValue; }
CDbContentVector const * GetContentVector() const { return (CDbContentVector const *) value.pdbcntntvcValue; } private:
// Class: CDbContentBaseRestriction
// Purpose:
// History: 6-13-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbContentBaseRestriction : public CDbPropBaseRestriction {
BOOL SetPhrase( const WCHAR * pwcsPhrase ) { return GetDbContent()->SetPhrase( pwcsPhrase ); }
WCHAR const * GetPhrase() const { return GetDbContent()->GetPhrase(); }
void SetLocale( LCID locale ) { GetDbContent()->SetLocale( locale ); }
LCID GetLocale() const { return GetDbContent()->GetLocale(); }
LONG GetWeight() const { return GetDbContent()->GetWeight(); }
void SetWeight( LONG weight ) { GetDbContent()->SetWeight( weight ); }
BOOL IsContentValid() const { CDbContent const * pTemp = GetDbContent(); return ( ( 0 != pTemp ) && ( pTemp->IsValid() ) ); }
BOOL IsValid() const { return ( IsContentValid() && CDbPropBaseRestriction::IsValid() ); }
CDbContentBaseRestriction( DBCOMMANDOP opVal, DWORD GenerateMethod = GENERATE_METHOD_EXACT, ULONG lWeight = 0, LCID lcid = 0, const WCHAR * pwszPhrase = 0 ) : CDbPropBaseRestriction( opVal ) { wKind = DBVALUEKIND_CONTENT; CDbContent * pTemp = new CDbContent( GenerateMethod, lWeight, lcid, pwszPhrase ); value.pdbcntntValue = (DBCONTENT *) pTemp; }
BOOL _IsContentNode() { return DBOP_content == op || DBOP_content_proximity == op || DBOP_content_freetext == op || DBOP_content_vector_or == op ; }
void _Cleanup() { CDbContent * pContent = GetDbContent(); pContent->Cleanup(); }
CDbContent * GetDbContent() { return (CDbContent *) value.pdbcntntValue; }
CDbContent const * GetDbContent() const { return (CDbContent const *) value.pdbcntntValue; } };
// Class: CDbProximityNodeRestriction
// Purpose: Proximity AND/OR restriction with weights.
// History: 11-Aug-97 KrishnaN Created
class CDbProximityNodeRestriction : public CDbNodeRestriction {
// Constructors
CDbProximityNodeRestriction(DWORD dwProximityUnit = PROXIMITY_UNIT_WORD, ULONG ulDistance = 50, LONG lWeight = 0 ) : CDbNodeRestriction( DBOP_content_proximity ) { SetValueType(DBVALUEKIND_CONTENTPROXIMITY); CDbContentProximity * pTemp = new CDbContentProximity(dwProximityUnit, ulDistance, lWeight); value.pdbcntntproxValue = (DBCONTENTPROXIMITY *) pTemp; }
BOOL IsValid() const { return 0 != value.pdbcntntproxValue; }
// Setting and getting weight
LONG GetWeight() const { return GetDbContentProximity()->GetWeight(); }
void SetWeight( LONG lWeight ) { GetDbContentProximity()->SetWeight(lWeight); }
// Setting and getting proximity parameters
DWORD GetProximityUnit() const { return GetDbContentProximity()->GetProximityUnit(); }
void SetProximityUnit(DWORD dwProximityUnit) { GetDbContentProximity()->SetProximityUnit(dwProximityUnit); }
ULONG GetProximityDistance() const { return GetDbContentProximity()->GetProximityDistance(); }
void SetProximityDistance(ULONG ulDistance) { GetDbContentProximity()->SetProximityDistance(ulDistance); }
CDbContentProximity * GetDbContentProximity() { return (CDbContentProximity *) value.pdbcntntproxValue; }
CDbContentProximity const * GetDbContentProximity() const { return (CDbContentProximity const *) value.pdbcntntproxValue; } };
// Class: CDbNatLangRestriction
// Purpose:
// History: 6-11-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbNatLangRestriction : public CDbContentBaseRestriction {
CDbNatLangRestriction( const WCHAR * pwcsPhrase, CDbColumnNode const & Property, LCID lcid = GetSystemDefaultLCID() );
CDbNatLangRestriction( const WCHAR * pwcsPhrase, DBID const & Property, LCID lcid = GetSystemDefaultLCID() );
// Class: CDbContentRestriction
// Purpose:
// History: 6-11-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CDbContentRestriction : public CDbContentBaseRestriction {
CDbContentRestriction( const WCHAR * pwcsPhrase, CDbColumnNode const & Property, ULONG ulGenerateMethod = 0, LCID lcid = GetSystemDefaultLCID() );
CDbContentRestriction( const WCHAR * pwcsPhrase, DBID const & Property, ULONG ulGenerateMethod = 0, LCID lcid = GetSystemDefaultLCID() );
// Member variable access
void SetGenerateMethod( ULONG ulFuzzy ) { GetDbContent()->SetGenerateMethod( ulFuzzy ); }
ULONG GenerateMethod() const { return GetDbContent()->GetGenerateMethod(); } };
// Class: CDTopNode
// Purpose: Specifies a cap on the number of results
// History: 2-21-96 SitaramR Created
class CDbTopNode : public CDbCmdTreeNode {
public: CDbTopNode() : CDbCmdTreeNode( DBOP_top, DBVALUEKIND_UI4 ) { }
void SetChild( CDbCmdTreeNode *pChild ) { AppendChild( pChild ); }
CDbCmdTreeNode *GetChild() { return GetFirstChild(); }
void SetValue( ULONG ulValue ) { value.ulValue = ulValue; }
ULONG GetValue() { return value.ulValue; } };
// Class: CDbFirstRowsNode
// Purpose: Specifies the first rows
// History: 6-28-2000 KitmanH Created
class CDbFirstRowsNode : public CDbCmdTreeNode {
public: CDbFirstRowsNode() : CDbCmdTreeNode( DBOP_firstrows, DBVALUEKIND_UI4 ) { }
void SetChild( CDbCmdTreeNode *pChild ) { AppendChild( pChild ); }
CDbCmdTreeNode *GetChild() { return GetFirstChild(); }
void SetValue( ULONG ulValue ) { value.ulValue = ulValue; }
ULONG GetValue() { return value.ulValue; } };
// Class: CDbColumns
// Purpose: C++ wrapper for array of CDbColId
// History: 22-Jun-93 KyleP Created
class CDbColumns { public:
// Constructors
CDbColumns( unsigned size = 0 );
// Copy constructors/assignment/clone
CDbColumns( CDbColumns const & src ); CDbColumns & operator=( CDbColumns const & src );
// Destructor
// Memory allocation
void * operator new( size_t size ); void operator delete( void * p );
// Serialization
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const; CDbColumns( PDeSerStream & stm );
// C/C++ conversion
inline DBID * GetColumnsArray() const;
// Member variable access
BOOL Add( CDbColId const & Property, unsigned pos ); void Remove( unsigned pos ); inline CDbColId const & Get( unsigned pos ) const;
inline unsigned Count() const;
BOOL IsValid() const { return _cCol ? 0 != _aCol : TRUE; }
unsigned _cCol; CDbColId * _aCol; unsigned _size; };
#if !defined(QUERY_SORTASCEND)
#define QUERY_SORTASCEND ( 0 )
#endif // !defined(QUERY_SORTASCEND)
// Structure: CDbSortKey
// Purpose: sort key class, for convenience in building sort lists
class CDbSortKey { public:
// Constructors
inline CDbSortKey(); inline CDbSortKey( CDbSortKey const & sk ); inline CDbSortKey( CDbColId const & ps, DWORD dwOrder = QUERY_SORTASCEND); inline CDbSortKey( CDbColId const & ps, DWORD dwOrder, LCID locale );
// Member variable access
inline void SetProperty( CDbColId const & ps ); inline CDbColId const & GetProperty() const; inline DWORD GetOrder() const; inline void SetOrder(DWORD dwOrder); inline LCID GetLocale() const; inline void SetLocale(LCID locale);
// Serialization
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const; CDbSortKey( PDeSerStream & stm );
BOOL IsValid() const { return _property.IsValid(); }
CDbColId _property; DWORD _dwOrder; LCID _locale; };
// Class: CDbSortSet
// Purpose: C++ wrapper for array of CDbSortKeys
// History: 22-Jun-93 KyleP Created
class CDbSortSet { public:
// Constructors
CDbSortSet( unsigned size = 0 );
// Copy constructors/assignment/clone
CDbSortSet( CDbSortSet const & src ); CDbSortSet & operator=( CDbSortSet const & src );
// Destructor
// Memory allocation
inline void * operator new( size_t size ); inline void operator delete( void * p );
// Serialization
void Marshall( PSerStream & stm ) const; CDbSortSet( PDeSerStream & stm );
// Member variable access
BOOL Add( CDbSortKey const &sk, unsigned pos ); BOOL Add( CDbColId const & Property, ULONG dwOrder, unsigned pos ); void Remove( unsigned pos ); inline CDbSortKey const & Get( unsigned pos ) const;
inline unsigned Count() const;
unsigned _csk; CDbSortKey * _ask; unsigned _size; };
// Inline methods for CDbColumns
inline CDbColId const & CDbColumns::Get( unsigned pos ) const { if ( pos < _cCol ) return( _aCol[pos] ); else return( *(CDbColId *)0 ); }
inline void * CDbColumns::operator new( size_t size ) { return CoTaskMemAlloc( size ); }
inline void CDbColumns::operator delete( void * p ) { CoTaskMemFree( p ); }
inline unsigned CDbColumns::Count() const { return( _cCol ); }
inline DBID * CDbColumns::GetColumnsArray() const { return _aCol; }
// Inline methods for CDbSortKey
inline CDbSortKey::CDbSortKey() { }
inline CDbSortKey::CDbSortKey( CDbSortKey const & sk ) : _property( sk._property ), _dwOrder( sk._dwOrder ), _locale( sk._locale ) { }
inline CDbSortKey::CDbSortKey( CDbColId const & ps, ULONG dwOrder ) : _property( ps ), _dwOrder( dwOrder ), _locale( 0 ) { }
inline CDbSortKey::CDbSortKey( CDbColId const & ps, ULONG dwOrder, LCID locale ) : _property( ps ), _dwOrder( dwOrder ), _locale ( locale ) { }
inline void CDbSortKey::SetProperty( CDbColId const & ps ) { _property = ps; }
inline void CDbSortKey::SetLocale( LCID locale ) { _locale = locale; }
inline void CDbSortKey::SetOrder( DWORD dwOrder ) { _dwOrder = dwOrder; }
inline CDbColId const & CDbSortKey::GetProperty() const { return _property; }
inline LCID CDbSortKey::GetLocale() const { return _locale; }
inline DWORD CDbSortKey::GetOrder() const { return _dwOrder; }
// Inline methods of CDbSortSet
inline void * CDbSortSet::operator new( size_t size ) { return CoTaskMemAlloc( size ); }
inline void CDbSortSet::operator delete( void * p ) { CoTaskMemFree( p ); }
inline CDbSortKey const & CDbSortSet::Get( unsigned pos ) const { if ( pos < _csk ) return( _ask[pos] ); else { #if DBG == 1
DebugBreak(); #endif
return( *(CDbSortKey *)0 ); } }
inline unsigned CDbSortSet::Count() const { return _csk; }
// Inline methods of CDbSortNode (needs defn. of CDbSortKey)
inline BOOL CDbSortNode::AddSortColumn( CDbSortKey const & sortkey ) { return AddSortColumn( sortkey.GetProperty(), sortkey.GetOrder() == QUERY_SORTDESCEND, sortkey.GetLocale() ); }
inline BOOL CDbSortListAnchor::AppendList( CDbSortListElement* pListElement ) { return CDbListAnchor::AppendList( pListElement ); }
inline BOOL CDbSortListAnchor::AppendListElement( CDbSortListElement* pListElement ) { return CDbListAnchor::AppendListElement( pListElement ); }
#include <poppack.h>
#endif // __DBCMDTRE_HXX__