// QueryDB.cpp: Database querying methods.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "AppParseWeb.h"
#include "AppParseWrapper.h"
#include <oledb.h>
#include <comdef.h>
#include <mshtml.h>
#include <assert.h>
// Progress dialog functions
void InitProgressDialog(char* szText, HANDLE hEvent); void KillProgressDialog();
// Return true if name matches search string, false otherwise.
bool MatchName(char* szString, char* szSearchIn);
// Tree used to represent parse information
class CTreeNode { private: enum {c_Root, c_Project, c_Module, c_Function} m_eType; int m_nChildren; CTreeNode** m_ppChildren;
// Relevent info retrieved from DB
union { struct { char szName[256]; long lPtolemyID; } m_ProjectInfo;
struct { char szName[256]; } m_ModuleInfo;
struct { char szName[256]; } m_FunctionInfo; };
// HTML generation members
// Unique table and div ID's.
static int m_iCurrDiv; static int m_iCurrTab;
// Amount of space set aside for HTML content.
static int m_iAllocSize;
// Pointer to HTML content.
static char* m_szHTML; // Pointer to where the more HTML should be inserted.
static char* m_szCurrHTML;
// Pointer a few kilobytes before the end of the HTML buffer, reaching
// here means we should allocate more space.
static char* m_szFencePost;
// True if this node or one of its subtrees contains the function, false otherwise.
bool ContainsFunction(char* szFuncName) { if(m_eType == c_Function) return MatchName(m_FunctionInfo.szName, szFuncName);
for(int i = 0; i < m_nChildren; i++) { if(m_ppChildren[i]->ContainsFunction(szFuncName)) return true; }
return false; }
// Write all HTML output
void WriteHTML() { static int iDepth = 0; switch(m_eType) { case c_Root: break; case c_Project:
// Create a new table and Div in the project
m_iCurrTab++; m_iCurrDiv++;
wsprintf(m_szCurrHTML, "<table ID = TAB%d border = 1 width = 100%% style=\"float:right\">\n" "<tr>\n<td width=1%%>\n" "<input type=\"button\" ID=DIV%dButton value = \"+\" " "onClick=\"ShowItem(\'DIV%d\')\">" "</td>\n" "<td>%s</td><td width=20%%>%d</td>\n</tr>\n" "</table>\n" "<DIV ID=DIV%d style=\"display:none;\">\n", m_iCurrTab, m_iCurrDiv, m_iCurrDiv, m_ProjectInfo.szName, m_ProjectInfo.lPtolemyID, m_iCurrDiv); m_szCurrHTML += strlen(m_szCurrHTML); break; case c_Module: // Create a new table and div in the project
m_iCurrTab++; m_iCurrDiv++;
wsprintf(m_szCurrHTML, "<table ID = TAB%d border = 1 width = %d%% style=\"float:right\">\n" "<tr>\n<td width=1%%>" "<input type=\"button\" ID=DIV%dButton value = \"+\" " "onClick=\"ShowItem(\'DIV%d\')\">" "</td>\n" "<td>%s</td>\n</tr>\n" "</table>\n" "<DIV ID=DIV%d style=\"display:none;\">\n", m_iCurrTab, 100-iDepth*5, m_iCurrDiv, m_iCurrDiv, m_ModuleInfo.szName, m_iCurrDiv );
m_szCurrHTML += strlen(m_szCurrHTML); break; case c_Function: // Create a new table in the project
m_iCurrTab++; wsprintf(m_szCurrHTML, "<table ID = TAB%d border = 1 width = %d%% style=\"float:right\">\n" "<tr>" "<td>%s</td>\n</tr>\n" "</table>\n", m_iCurrTab, 100-iDepth*5, m_FunctionInfo.szName); m_szCurrHTML += strlen(m_szCurrHTML); break; default: assert(0); break; }
// Put in all the HTML for the children
if(m_ppChildren) { iDepth++; for(int i = 0; i < m_nChildren; i++) m_ppChildren[i]->WriteHTML();
iDepth--; }
switch(m_eType) { case c_Function: case c_Root: break; case c_Project: case c_Module: wsprintf(m_szCurrHTML, "</DIV>\n"); m_szCurrHTML += strlen(m_szCurrHTML); break; }
// Check if we should allocate more
if(m_szCurrHTML > m_szFencePost) { m_iAllocSize *= 2; char* szNewBuffer = new char[m_iAllocSize]; m_szFencePost = &szNewBuffer[m_iAllocSize - 2 * 1024]; strcpy(szNewBuffer, m_szHTML); m_szCurrHTML = &szNewBuffer[strlen(szNewBuffer)]; delete m_szHTML; m_szHTML = szNewBuffer; }
} public: CTreeNode() { m_eType = c_Root; m_nChildren = 0; m_ppChildren = 0; assert(m_eType < 50); }
CTreeNode(SProjectRecord pr) { m_eType = c_Project; m_nChildren = 0; m_ppChildren = 0; strcpy(m_ProjectInfo.szName, pr.Name); m_ProjectInfo.lPtolemyID = pr.PtolemyID; assert(m_eType < 50); }
CTreeNode(SModuleRecord mr) { m_eType = c_Module; m_nChildren = 0; m_ppChildren = 0; strcpy(m_ModuleInfo.szName, mr.Name); assert(m_eType < 50); }
CTreeNode(SFunctionRecord fr) { m_eType = c_Function; m_nChildren = 0; m_ppChildren = 0; strcpy(m_FunctionInfo.szName, fr.Name); assert(m_eType < 50); }
~CTreeNode() { RemoveChildren(); }
// Remove tree nodes that contain no nodes matching the search criteria.
// Returns true if node should be removed, false otherwise.
bool Prune(char* szFunc) { assert(m_eType < 50); // Go through each child
for(int i = 0; i < m_nChildren; i++) { // Check if needs to be removed
if(m_ppChildren[i]->Prune(szFunc)) { // Remove this child.
delete m_ppChildren[i]; m_ppChildren[i] = 0; } }
// Update the child list
int nChildren = 0; for(i = 0; i < m_nChildren; i++) { if(m_ppChildren[i]) nChildren++; }
if(nChildren) { CTreeNode** pNew = new CTreeNode*[nChildren]; int iCurr = 0; for(i = 0; i < m_nChildren; i++) { if(m_ppChildren[i]) { pNew[iCurr++] = m_ppChildren[i]; } }
delete m_ppChildren; m_ppChildren = pNew;
assert(iCurr == nChildren); } else { if(m_ppChildren) { delete m_ppChildren; m_ppChildren = 0; } }
m_nChildren = nChildren;
// If we contain no children and we're not a function, we should be removed.
if(m_nChildren == 0 && m_eType != c_Function) return true;
// Return whether we don't contain the function or not.
return !ContainsFunction(szFunc); }
// Return a string representing the HTML representation of this tree.
char* GetHTML() { // Should only be called on root.
assert(m_eType == c_Root);
// Initially reserve space for 64K of HTML.
m_iAllocSize = 64 * 1024; if(m_szHTML) delete m_szHTML;
m_szHTML = new char[m_iAllocSize]; m_szHTML[0] = '\0'; m_szCurrHTML = m_szHTML; m_szFencePost = &m_szHTML[m_iAllocSize - 2 * 1024];
// Fill it with the HTML for this node and all child nodes.
char* szRet = m_szHTML; m_szHTML = 0; return szRet; }
// Remove all children from this node.
void RemoveChildren() { assert(m_eType < 50); while(m_nChildren) { delete m_ppChildren[m_nChildren-1]; m_ppChildren[m_nChildren-1] = 0; m_nChildren--; } if(m_ppChildren) delete m_ppChildren;
m_ppChildren = 0; assert(m_eType < 50); }
// Insert a new child.
void InsertChild(CTreeNode* pNew) { assert(pNew); assert(pNew->m_eType < 50); m_nChildren++; CTreeNode** pNewList = new CTreeNode*[m_nChildren]; if(m_ppChildren) { memcpy(pNewList, m_ppChildren, (m_nChildren-1)*sizeof(CTreeNode*)); delete m_ppChildren; } m_ppChildren = pNewList; m_ppChildren[m_nChildren-1] = pNew; assert(m_eType < 50); } };
// Define the static members of CTreeNode
int CTreeNode::m_iCurrDiv = 0; int CTreeNode::m_iCurrTab = 0; int CTreeNode::m_iAllocSize = 0; char* CTreeNode::m_szHTML = 0; char* CTreeNode::m_szCurrHTML = 0; char* CTreeNode::m_szFencePost = 0;
// Global tree info.
CTreeNode g_InfoTreeRoot;
// Return true if name matches search string, false otherwise.
bool MatchName(char* szString, char* szSearchIn) { if(strcmp(szSearchIn, "*") == 0) return true;
char* szSearch = szSearchIn; while(*szSearch != '\0' && *szString != '\0') { // If we get a ?, we don't care and move on to the next
// character.
if(*szSearch == '?') { szSearch++; szString++; continue; }
// If we have a wildcard, move to next search string and search for substring
if(*szSearch == '*') { char* szCurrSearch; szSearch++;
if(*szSearch == '\0') return true;
// Don't change starting point.
szCurrSearch = szSearch; for(;;) { // We're done if we hit another wildcard
if(*szCurrSearch == '*' || *szCurrSearch == '?') { // Update the permanent search position.
szSearch = szCurrSearch; break; } // At end of both strings, return true.
if((*szCurrSearch == '\0') && (*szString == '\0')) return true;
// We never found it
if(*szString == '\0') return false;
// If it doesn't match, start over
if(toupper(*szString) != toupper(*szCurrSearch)) { // If mismatch on first character
// of search string, move to next
// character in function string.
if(szCurrSearch == szSearch) szString++; else szCurrSearch = szSearch; } else { szString++; szCurrSearch++; } } } else { if(toupper(*szString) != toupper(*szSearch)) { return false; }
szString++; szSearch++; } }
if((*szString == 0) && ((*szSearch == '\0') || (strcmp(szSearch,"*")==0))) return true; else return false; }
// Add all functions from a module to the tree.
void BuildFunctions(long lParentID, CTreeNode* pParent, _ConnectionPtr pConn) { _RecordsetPtr pFunctions = 0; pFunctions.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Recordset)); char szQuery[1024];
// Open a recordset of all functions that match
wsprintf(szQuery, "SELECT * FROM FUNCTIONS WHERE MODULEID = %d", lParentID); pFunctions->Open(szQuery, variant_t((IDispatch*)pConn, true), adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText);
// Bind the record set to a local structure.
IADORecordBinding* pRBFunctions = 0; HRESULT hr = pFunctions->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IADORecordBinding), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pRBFunctions)); if(FAILED(hr)) APError("Unable to acquire record binding interface", hr);
SFunctionRecord fr;
hr = pRBFunctions->BindToRecordset(&fr); if(FAILED(hr)) APError("Unable to bind recordset", hr);
// Go through each record in the set
VARIANT_BOOL fEOF; pFunctions->get_EndOfFile(&fEOF); while(!fEOF) { // Create a new node.
CTreeNode* pNewNode = new CTreeNode(fr); pParent->InsertChild(pNewNode); pFunctions->MoveNext(); pFunctions->get_EndOfFile(&fEOF); }
SafeRelease(pRBFunctions); }
// Add all modules to the tree.
void BuildModules(long lParentID, CTreeNode* pParent, bool fTopLevel, _ConnectionPtr pConn, HANDLE hEvent) { // Check if we should termiante early.
if(WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) return;
_RecordsetPtr pModules = 0; pModules.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Recordset)); char szQuery[1024]; // Get recordset that matches
if(fTopLevel) wsprintf(szQuery, "SELECT * FROM MODULES WHERE PTOLEMYID = %d", lParentID); else wsprintf(szQuery, "SELECT * FROM MODULES WHERE PARENTID = %d", lParentID);
pModules->Open(szQuery, variant_t((IDispatch*)pConn, true), adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText);
IADORecordBinding* pRBModules = 0; HRESULT hr = pModules->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IADORecordBinding), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pRBModules)); if(FAILED(hr)) APError("Unable to acquire record binding interface", hr);
SModuleRecord mr;
hr = pRBModules->BindToRecordset(&mr); if(FAILED(hr)) APError("Unable to bind recordset", hr);
// Go through each record
VARIANT_BOOL fEOF; pModules->get_EndOfFile(&fEOF); while(!fEOF) { // Insert into tree
CTreeNode* pNewNode = new CTreeNode(mr); pParent->InsertChild(pNewNode);
// Build all child modules
BuildModules(mr.ModuleID, pNewNode, false, pConn, hEvent);
// Build all functions
BuildFunctions(mr.ModuleID, pNewNode, pConn); pModules->MoveNext(); pModules->get_EndOfFile(&fEOF); }
SafeRelease(pRBModules); }
// Add a project to the tree
void BuildProjects(long PtolemyID, char* szFunc, _ConnectionPtr pConn, HANDLE hEvent) { assert(PtolemyID > 0);
// Check if we should terminate early
if(WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) return;
_RecordsetPtr pProjects = 0; pProjects.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Recordset)); char szQuery[1024]; // Get a recordset that matches
wsprintf(szQuery, "SELECT * FROM PROJECTS WHERE PTOLEMYID = %d", PtolemyID); pProjects->Open(szQuery, variant_t((IDispatch*)pConn, true),adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText);
IADORecordBinding* pRBProjects = 0; HRESULT hr = pProjects->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IADORecordBinding), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pRBProjects)); if(FAILED(hr)) APError("Unable to acquire record binding interface", hr);
SProjectRecord pr;
hr = pRBProjects->BindToRecordset(&pr); if(FAILED(hr)) APError("Unable to bind recordset", hr);
VARIANT_BOOL fEOF; pProjects->get_EndOfFile(&fEOF); while(!fEOF) { // Insert the node at the root.
CTreeNode* pNewNode = new CTreeNode(pr); g_InfoTreeRoot.InsertChild(pNewNode);
// Get all child modules
BuildModules(pr.PtolemyID, pNewNode, true, pConn, hEvent);
// Save memory by trimming tree now.
pNewNode->Prune(szFunc); pProjects->MoveNext(); pProjects->get_EndOfFile(&fEOF); }
SafeRelease(pRBProjects); }
long GetModulePtolemy(long lModuleID, _ConnectionPtr pConn) { _RecordsetPtr pModules = 0; pModules.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Recordset)); char szQuery[1024];
// Get a single record recordset containing the module.
wsprintf(szQuery, "SELECT * FROM MODULES WHERE MODULEID = %d", lModuleID); pModules->Open(szQuery, variant_t((IDispatch*)pConn, true), adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText);
IADORecordBinding* pRBModules = 0; HRESULT hr = pModules->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IADORecordBinding), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pRBModules)); if(FAILED(hr)) APError("Unable to acquire record binding interface", hr);
SModuleRecord mr;
hr = pRBModules->BindToRecordset(&mr); if(FAILED(hr)) APError("Unable to bind recordset", hr);
// Either return ptolemy ID, if valid, otherwise call on parent module.
long lParent = mr.ParentID; if(mr.ParentIDStatus != adFldNull) { pModules->Close(); SafeRelease(pRBModules); return GetModulePtolemy(lParent, pConn); } else { pModules->Close(); SafeRelease(pRBModules); return lParent; } } long GetFuncPtolemy(SFunctionRecord fr, _ConnectionPtr pConn) { return GetModulePtolemy(fr.ModuleID, pConn); }
// Build a list projects that contain a function that matches szFunc.
void BuildProjectsFromFunction(char* szFunc, _ConnectionPtr pConn, HANDLE hEvent) { // Check if we should terminate early.
if(WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) return;
_RecordsetPtr pFunctions = 0; pFunctions.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Recordset)); char* szQuery = "SELECT * FROM FUNCTIONS"; pFunctions->Open(szQuery, variant_t((IDispatch*)pConn, true),adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText);
IADORecordBinding* pRBFunctions = 0; HRESULT hr = pFunctions->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IADORecordBinding), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pRBFunctions)); if(FAILED(hr)) APError("Unable to acquire record binding interface", hr);
SFunctionRecord fr;
hr = pRBFunctions->BindToRecordset(&fr); if(FAILED(hr)) APError("Unable to bind recordset", hr);
VARIANT vtBookMark; hr = pFunctions->get_Bookmark(&vtBookMark); if(FAILED(hr)) APError("Unable to get recordset bookmark", hr);
// Do a search for the function
char szFind[512]; int FunctionList[1024] = {0}; wsprintf(szFind, "Name like \'%s\'", szFunc); pFunctions->Find(szFind, 0, adSearchForward, vtBookMark); while(!pFunctions->EndOfFile) {
// Get which module imports this function
long lPtolemy = GetFuncPtolemy(fr, pConn); assert(lPtolemy > 0); // Make sure we haven't already touched this module.
bool fInUse = false; for(int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { if(FunctionList[i] == 0) { FunctionList[i] = lPtolemy; break; } else if(FunctionList[i] == lPtolemy) { fInUse = true; } } if(!fInUse) BuildProjects(lPtolemy, szFunc, pConn, hEvent);
hr = pFunctions->get_Bookmark(&vtBookMark); if(FAILED(hr)) APError("Unable to acquire recordset bookmark", hr); pFunctions->Find(szFind, 1, adSearchForward, vtBookMark); } SafeRelease(pRBFunctions); pFunctions->Close(); }
STDMETHODIMP CAppParse::QueryDB(long PtolemyID, BSTR bstrFunction) { assert(m_hEvent);
try { // Start cancelation dialog
ResetEvent(m_hEvent); InitProgressDialog("Querying database . . .", m_hEvent); bstr_t bszFunctionSearch = bstrFunction; char* szFunctionSearch = static_cast<char*>(bszFunctionSearch);
_ConnectionPtr pConn = 0; pConn.CreateInstance(__uuidof(Connection));
// Connect to the DB
pConn->Open(m_szConnect, "","", adConnectUnspecified); // Build projects
if(PtolemyID > 0) BuildProjects(PtolemyID, szFunctionSearch, pConn, m_hEvent); else BuildProjectsFromFunction(szFunctionSearch, pConn, m_hEvent);
// Check if results should be shown.
if(WaitForSingleObject(m_hEvent, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { g_InfoTreeRoot.RemoveChildren(); KillProgressDialog(); return S_OK; }
// Trim the tree down.
// Get our container document.
CComPtr<IOleContainer> pContainer = 0;
m_spClientSite->GetContainer(&pContainer); CComQIPtr<IHTMLDocument2, &IID_IHTMLDocument2> pDoc(pContainer); if(!pDoc) APError("Unable to acquire container HTML document", E_FAIL);
CComPtr<IHTMLElementCollection> pElements; pDoc->get_all(&pElements); CComPtr<IDispatch> pDispatch = 0;
// Get the element that will contain all HTML output (the "Results" DIV)
hr = pElements->item(variant_t("Results"), variant_t(0L), &pDispatch);
if(FAILED(hr) || !pDispatch) return E_FAIL; CComQIPtr<IHTMLElement, &IID_IHTMLElement> pDivElem(pDispatch); // Get HTML representation of tree.
char* szHTML = g_InfoTreeRoot.GetHTML();
// Convert to wide characters
OLECHAR* oszInnerHTML = new OLECHAR[strlen(szHTML) + 1];
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, szHTML, -1, oszInnerHTML, (strlen(szHTML)+1)*sizeof(OLECHAR));
delete szHTML;
// Convert to a BSTR
BSTR bszInnerHTML = SysAllocString(oszInnerHTML); delete oszInnerHTML;
// Write the HTML into the document.
hr = pDivElem->put_innerHTML(bszInnerHTML); if(FAILED(hr)) APError("Unable to write HTML to container document", hr); SysFreeString(bszInnerHTML); } catch(_com_error& e) { ::MessageBox(0, (LPCSTR)e.ErrorMessage(), "COM Error", MB_OK); }
g_InfoTreeRoot.RemoveChildren(); KillProgressDialog();
return S_OK; }