// Application Verifier UI
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 2001
// module: CmdLine.cpp
// author: DMihai
// created: 02/22/2001
// Description:
// Command line support
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "appverif.h"
#include "CmdLine.h"
#include "AVUtil.h"
#include "Setting.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
VOID CmdLinePrintHelpInformation() { AVTPrintfResourceFormat( IDS_HELP_LINE1, VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STR );
AVPrintStringFromResources( IDS_HELP_LINE3 ); AVPrintStringFromResources( IDS_HELP_LINE4 ); AVPrintStringFromResources( IDS_HELP_LINE5 ); AVPrintStringFromResources( IDS_HELP_LINE6 ); AVPrintStringFromResources( IDS_HELP_LINE7 ); AVPrintStringFromResources( IDS_HELP_LINE8 ); AVPrintStringFromResources( IDS_HELP_LINE9 ); AVPrintStringFromResources( IDS_HELP_LINE10 ); AVPrintStringFromResources( IDS_HELP_LINE11 ); AVPrintStringFromResources( IDS_HELP_LINE12 ); }
// See if the user asked for help and print out the help strings
BOOL CmdLineExecuteIfHelp( INT argc, TCHAR *argv[] ) { BOOL bPrintedHelp; TCHAR szCmdLineSwitch[ 64 ];
bPrintedHelp = FALSE;
VERIFY( AVLoadString( IDS_HELP_CMDLINE_SWITCH, szCmdLineSwitch, ARRAY_LENGTH( szCmdLineSwitch ) ) );
// Search for help switch in the command line
if( argc == 2 && _tcsicmp( argv[ 1 ], szCmdLineSwitch) == 0) { CmdLinePrintHelpInformation();
bPrintedHelp = TRUE; }
return bPrintedHelp; }
// See if we need to dump the statistics to the console
BOOL CmdLineExecuteIfQuerySettings( INT argc, TCHAR *argv[] ) { BOOL bFoundCmdLineSwitch; TCHAR szCmdLineSwitch[ 64 ];
bFoundCmdLineSwitch = FALSE;
VERIFY( AVLoadString( IDS_QUERYSETT_CMDLINE_SWITCH, szCmdLineSwitch, ARRAY_LENGTH( szCmdLineSwitch ) ) );
// Search for our switch in the command line
if( argc == 2 && _tcsicmp( argv[1], szCmdLineSwitch) == 0) { bFoundCmdLineSwitch = TRUE;
AVDumpRegistrySettingsToConsole(); }
return bFoundCmdLineSwitch; }
VOID CmdLineGetFlagsAppsReset( INT argc, TCHAR *argv[], DWORD &dwNewFlags, CStringArray &astrNewApps, BOOL &bHaveReset ) { INT nCrtArg; INT nCrtVerifierFlag; BOOL bThisIsAppName; TCHAR szResetCmdLineOption[ 64 ]; TCHAR szReservedCmdLineOption[ 64 ];
dwNewFlags = 0;
// Load the switches from the resources
VERIFY( AVLoadString( IDS_RESET_CMDLINE_SWITCH, szResetCmdLineOption, ARRAY_LENGTH( szResetCmdLineOption ) ) );
// Parse all the cmd line arguments, looking for ours
for( nCrtArg = 1; nCrtArg < argc; nCrtArg += 1 ) { bThisIsAppName = TRUE;
if( _tcsicmp( argv[ nCrtArg ], szResetCmdLineOption ) == 0 ) { //
// Have /reset
bHaveReset = TRUE;
bThisIsAppName = FALSE; } else { for( nCrtVerifierFlag = 0; nCrtVerifierFlag < ARRAY_LENGTH( g_AllNamesAndBits ); nCrtVerifierFlag += 1 ) { //
// Load the cmd line argument reserved for this bit
VERIFY( AVLoadString( g_AllNamesAndBits[ nCrtVerifierFlag ].m_uCmdLineStringId, szReservedCmdLineOption, ARRAY_LENGTH( szReservedCmdLineOption ) ) );
if( _tcsicmp( argv[ nCrtArg ], szReservedCmdLineOption ) == 0 ) { //
// Enable this bit since we found it in the cmd line
dwNewFlags |= g_AllNamesAndBits[ nCrtVerifierFlag ].m_dwBit;
bThisIsAppName = FALSE; } } }
// If the current cmd line arg is not a reserve one consider it's an app name
if( FALSE != bThisIsAppName ) { astrNewApps.Add( argv[ nCrtArg ] ); } }
if( 0 == dwNewFlags ) { //
// If the user didn't specify any flags we will
// enable all the standard checks
DWORD CmdLineExecute( INT argc, TCHAR *argv[] ) { DWORD dwExitCode; BOOL bFoundCmdLineSwitch; BOOL bHaveReset; DWORD dwNewFlags; INT_PTR nAppsNo; INT_PTR nCrtApp; CStringArray astrNewApps;
// See if the user asked for help
bFoundCmdLineSwitch = CmdLineExecuteIfHelp( argc, argv );
if( TRUE == bFoundCmdLineSwitch ) { //
// We are done printing out the help strings
goto Done; }
// See if the user asked to dump the current registry settings
bFoundCmdLineSwitch = CmdLineExecuteIfQuerySettings( argc, argv );
if( TRUE == bFoundCmdLineSwitch ) { //
// We are done with the settings query
goto Done; }
// Get the new flags and apps if they have been specified
bHaveReset = FALSE;
CmdLineGetFlagsAppsReset( argc, argv, dwNewFlags, astrNewApps, bHaveReset );
// Transform our array of names in the global g_NewSettings data
g_NewSettings.m_SettingsType = AVSettingsTypeCustom;
nAppsNo = astrNewApps.GetSize();
for( nCrtApp = 0; nCrtApp < nAppsNo; nCrtApp += 1 ) { g_NewSettings.m_aApplicationData. AddNewAppDataConsoleMode( astrNewApps.GetAt( nCrtApp ), dwNewFlags ); }
// Save the new settings.
// If bHaveReset is set to TRUE the old app verifier settings for
// apps not mentioned in this command line will be deleted.
if( AVSaveNewSettings( bHaveReset ) ) { dwExitCode = AV_EXIT_CODE_RESTART; } else { dwExitCode = AV_EXIT_CODE_ERROR; }
return dwExitCode; }