// Template driver user-mode controller
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 1999.
// Module: tcontrol.cxx
// Author: Silviu Calinoiu (SilviuC)
// Created: 4/20/1999 3:40pm
// This module contains a user-mode controller for a template
// driver.
// --- History ---
// 4/20/1999 (SilviuC): initial version.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winioctl.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "..\driver\tdriver.h"
#include "..\driver\funs.h"
// Get rid of performance warnings for BOOL to bool conversions
#pragma warning (disable: 4800)
bool TdCreateService (LPCTSTR DriverName); bool TdDeleteService (LPCTSTR DriverName); bool TdStartService (LPCTSTR DriverName); bool TdStopService (LPCTSTR DriverName); bool TdOpenDevice (LPCTSTR DriverName, PHANDLE DeviceHandle); bool TdCloseDevice (HANDLE Device); bool TdSendIoctl (IN HANDLE Device, IN DWORD Ioctl, IN PVOID pData OPTIONAL, IN ULONG uDataSize OPTIONAL);
void TdSectMapProcessAddressSpaceTest(); void TdSectMapSystemAddressSpaceTest();
VOID TdReservedMapSetSize( int argc, char *argv[] );
VOID TdReservedMapRead( VOID );
BOOL ProcessCommandLine ( LPCTSTR Option );
ULONG_PTR UtilHexStringToUlongPtr( char *szHexNumber );
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Main()
void _cdecl main (int argc, char *argv[]) { BOOL DisplayHelp; HANDLE Device; DWORD Index; char *pCrtChar;
DisplayHelp = FALSE;
try {
if (argc == 3 && _stricmp (argv[1], "/create") == 0) { TdCreateService (argv[2]); } else if (argc == 3 && _stricmp (argv[1], "/delete") == 0) { TdDeleteService (argv[2]); } else if (argc == 3 && _stricmp (argv[1], "/start") == 0) { TdStartService (argv[2]); } else if (argc == 3 && _stricmp (argv[1], "/stop") == 0) { TdStopService (argv[2]); } else if (argc == 2 && _stricmp (argv[1], "/sectionmaptest") == 0) {
TdSectMapProcessAddressSpaceTest(); } else if (argc == 2 && _stricmp (argv[1], "/sectionmaptestsysspace") == 0) {
TdSectMapSystemAddressSpaceTest(); } else if ( _stricmp (argv[1], "/ReservedMapSetSize") == 0) {
TdReservedMapSetSize( argc, argv ); } else if ( _stricmp (argv[1], "/ReservedMapRead") == 0) {
TdReservedMapRead(); } else if (argc >= 2 && _stricmp (argv[1], "/ioctlbugcheck") == 0) {
// Send the bugcheck parameters from the command line
ZeroMemory( &BugcheckParams, sizeof( BugcheckParams ) );
// Bugcheck code
if( argc >= 3 ) { BugcheckParams.BugCheckCode = (ULONG)UtilHexStringToUlongPtr( argv[ 2 ] ); }
// Bugcheck paramaters
for( int nCrtCommandLineArg = 3; nCrtCommandLineArg < argc; nCrtCommandLineArg++ ) { BugcheckParams.BugCheckParameters[ nCrtCommandLineArg - 3 ] = UtilHexStringToUlongPtr( argv[ nCrtCommandLineArg ] ); }
// Send the IOCTL to the driver
HANDLE Device;
if ( TdOpenDevice ("buggy", &Device) ) { TdSendIoctl ( Device, IOCTL_TD_BUGCHECK, &BugcheckParams, sizeof( BugcheckParams ) );
TdCloseDevice (Device); } } else { if (ProcessCommandLine (argv[1]) == FALSE) { DisplayHelp = TRUE; } } } catch (char * Message) {
printf ("Error: s", GetLastError(), Message); }
if ( DisplayHelp == TRUE ) {
printf ("ctlbuggy /create DRIVER \n"); printf ("ctlbuggy /delete DRIVER \n"); printf ("ctlbuggy /start DRIVER \n"); printf ("ctlbuggy /stop DRIVER \n"); printf (" \n"); printf ("ctlbuggy /sectionmaptest \n"); printf ("ctlbuggy /sectionmaptestsysspace \n"); printf (" \n"); printf ("ctlbuggy IOCTL-NAME \n"); printf ("\n\n");
for (Index = 0; BuggyFuns[Index].Ioctl != 0; Index++) { printf("ctlbuggy %s \n", BuggyFuns[Index].Command); }
printf ("\n"); exit (1); }
exit( 0 ); }
BOOL ProcessCommandLine ( LPCTSTR Option ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine tries to figure out if the command line option is specifies one of the ioctls that can be processed.
`Option' - command line option.
Return Value:
TRUE if an option has been found and processed. FALSE otherwise.
Nothing special.
{ DWORD Index; HANDLE Device; BOOL Result = FALSE;
for (Index = 0; BuggyFuns[Index].Ioctl != 0; Index++) { if (_stricmp (BuggyFuns[Index].Command, Option) == 0) { if ( TdOpenDevice ("buggy", &Device) ) { TdSendIoctl (Device, BuggyFuns[Index].Ioctl, NULL, 0); TdCloseDevice (Device); Result = TRUE; break; } } }
return Result; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Driver load/unload
bool TdCreateService (
LPCTSTR DriverName) { SC_HANDLE ServiceManager = NULL; SC_HANDLE ServiceHandle = NULL; BOOL ReturnValue; HANDLE Driver; TCHAR ScratchBuffer [MAX_PATH]; TCHAR DriverPath [MAX_PATH]; TCHAR DevicePath [MAX_PATH];
try {
GetSystemDirectory (ScratchBuffer, sizeof ScratchBuffer); _stprintf (DriverPath, "%s\\drivers\\%s.sys", ScratchBuffer, DriverName); _stprintf (DevicePath, "\\\\.\\%s", DriverName);
// Open the service control manager
ServiceManager = OpenSCManager (
if (ServiceManager == NULL) { throw "OpenScManager()"; }
// Create the service
printf("Driver path: %s \n", DriverPath); printf("Device path: %s \n", DevicePath);
ServiceHandle = CreateService (
ServiceManager, // handle to SC manager
DriverName, // name of service
DriverName, // display name
SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS, // access mask
SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER, // service type
SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, // error control
DriverPath, // full path to driver
NULL, // load ordering
NULL, // tag id
NULL, // dependency
NULL, // account name
NULL); // password
if (ServiceHandle == NULL && GetLastError() != ERROR_SERVICE_EXISTS) { throw "CreateService()"; }
ReturnValue = TRUE; } catch (char * Msg) {
printf("Error: %u: %s\n", GetLastError(), Msg); fflush (stdout); ReturnValue = FALSE; }
// Close handles and return.
if (ServiceHandle) { CloseServiceHandle (ServiceHandle); }
if (ServiceManager) { CloseServiceHandle (ServiceManager); }
return ReturnValue;
bool TdStartService (
LPCTSTR DriverName) { SC_HANDLE ServiceManager = NULL; SC_HANDLE ServiceHandle = NULL; BOOL ReturnValue; HANDLE Driver; TCHAR ScratchBuffer [MAX_PATH]; TCHAR DriverPath [MAX_PATH]; TCHAR DevicePath [MAX_PATH];
try {
GetSystemDirectory (ScratchBuffer, sizeof ScratchBuffer); _stprintf (DriverPath, "%s\\drivers\\%s.sys", ScratchBuffer, DriverName); _stprintf (DevicePath, "\\\\.\\%s", DriverName);
// Open the service control manager
ServiceManager = OpenSCManager (
if (ServiceManager == NULL) { throw "OpenScManager()"; }
// Open the service. The function assumes that
// TdCreateService has been called before this one
// and the service is already installed.
ServiceHandle = OpenService (
ServiceManager, DriverName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);
if (ServiceHandle == NULL) { throw "OpenService()"; }
// Start the service
if (! StartService (ServiceHandle, 0, NULL)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING) { throw "StartService()"; } }
ReturnValue = TRUE; } catch (char * Msg) {
printf("Error: %u: %s\n", GetLastError(), Msg); fflush (stdout); ReturnValue = FALSE; }
// Close handles and return.
if (ServiceHandle) { CloseServiceHandle (ServiceHandle); }
if (ServiceManager) { CloseServiceHandle (ServiceManager); }
return ReturnValue; }
bool TdStopService (
LPCTSTR DriverName) { SC_HANDLE ServiceManager = NULL; SC_HANDLE ServiceHandle = NULL; SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus; BOOL ReturnValue;
try {
// Open the service control manager
ServiceManager = OpenSCManager (
if (ServiceManager == NULL) { throw "OpenSCManager()"; }
// Open the service so we can stop it
ServiceHandle = OpenService (
ServiceManager, DriverName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);
if (ServiceHandle == NULL) { throw "OpenService()"; }
// Stop the service
if (! ControlService (ServiceHandle, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &ServiceStatus)) { throw "ControlService()"; }
ReturnValue = TRUE; } catch (char * Msg) {
printf("Error: %u: %s\n", GetLastError(), Msg); fflush (stdout); ReturnValue = FALSE; }
// Close handles ans return.
if (ServiceHandle) { CloseServiceHandle (ServiceHandle); }
if (ServiceManager) { CloseServiceHandle (ServiceManager); }
return ReturnValue; }
bool TdDeleteService (
LPCTSTR DriverName) { SC_HANDLE ServiceManager = NULL; SC_HANDLE ServiceHandle = NULL; SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus; BOOL ReturnValue;
try {
// Open the service control manager
ServiceManager = OpenSCManager (
if (ServiceManager == NULL) { throw "OpenSCManager()"; }
// Open the service so we can stop it
ServiceHandle = OpenService (
ServiceManager, DriverName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);
if (ServiceHandle == NULL) { throw "OpenService()"; }
// Delete the service
if (! DeleteService (ServiceHandle)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SERVICE_MARKED_FOR_DELETE) { throw "DeleteService()"; } }
ReturnValue = TRUE; } catch (char * Msg) {
printf("Error: %u: %s\n", GetLastError(), Msg); fflush (stdout); ReturnValue = FALSE; }
// Close handles ans return.
if (ServiceHandle) { CloseServiceHandle (ServiceHandle); }
if (ServiceManager) { CloseServiceHandle (ServiceManager); }
return ReturnValue; }
bool TdOpenDevice (
LPCTSTR DriverName, PHANDLE DeviceHandle) { SC_HANDLE ServiceManager = NULL; SC_HANDLE ServiceHandle = NULL; BOOL ReturnValue; HANDLE Device; TCHAR ScratchBuffer [MAX_PATH]; TCHAR DriverPath [MAX_PATH]; TCHAR DevicePath [MAX_PATH];
// Sanity checks
if (DeviceHandle == NULL) { return FALSE; }
try {
GetSystemDirectory (ScratchBuffer, sizeof ScratchBuffer); _stprintf (DriverPath, "%s\\drivers\\%s.sys", ScratchBuffer, DriverName); _stprintf (DevicePath, "\\\\.\\%s", DriverName);
// Open the service control manager
ServiceManager = OpenSCManager (
if (ServiceManager == NULL) { throw "OpenScManager()"; }
// Service should already exist.
ServiceHandle = OpenService (
ServiceManager, DriverName, SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS);
if (ServiceHandle == NULL) { throw "OpenService()"; }
// Open the device
Device = CreateFile (
if (Device == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { throw "CreateFile()"; }
ReturnValue = TRUE; } catch (char * Msg) {
printf("Error: %u: %s\n", GetLastError(), Msg); fflush (stdout); ReturnValue = FALSE; }
// Close handles and return.
if (ServiceHandle) { CloseServiceHandle (ServiceHandle); }
if (ServiceManager) { CloseServiceHandle (ServiceManager); }
if (Device != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { *DeviceHandle = Device; }
return ReturnValue;
bool TdCloseDevice (
HANDLE Device) { if (Device == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return false; }
return CloseHandle(Device); }
// Function:
// SendIoctl
// Description:
// This function sends an ioctl code to the driver.
bool TdSendIoctl (
IN HANDLE Driver, IN DWORD Ioctl, IN PVOID pData OPTIONAL, IN ULONG uDataSize OPTIONAL ) { DWORD BytesReturned; BOOL Result;
if (Driver == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return false; }
Result = DeviceIoControl (
Driver, Ioctl, pData, uDataSize, NULL, 0, &BytesReturned, NULL);
return Result == TRUE; }
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4715) // Not all control paths return (due to infinite loop)
DWORD MapProcessAddressSpaceThread( LPVOID lpData ) { HANDLE hDevice; DWORD dwTimeToSleep;
hDevice = (HANDLE)lpData;
while( TRUE ) { dwTimeToSleep = rand() % 5000;
Sleep( dwTimeToSleep );
return 0; }
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(pop)
void TdSectMapProcessAddressSpaceTest() { HANDLE Device; time_t theTime; int nCrtThread; DWORD dwThreadId; TCHAR strMessage[ 128 ];
time( &theTime );
_stprintf( strMessage, "Process %u, rand seed = %u\n", GetCurrentProcessId(), (unsigned int)theTime );
OutputDebugString( strMessage );
srand( (unsigned int)theTime );
if( TdOpenDevice ("buggy", &Device) ) { for( nCrtThread = 0; nCrtThread < TD_MAPSECT_TEST_THREADS - 1; nCrtThread++ ) { CreateThread( NULL, 0, MapProcessAddressSpaceThread, (LPVOID)Device, 0, &dwThreadId ); }
// reuse the main thread
MapProcessAddressSpaceThread( (LPVOID)Device );
TdCloseDevice (Device); } }
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4715) // Not all control paths return (due to infinite loop)
DWORD MapSystemAddressSpaceThread( LPVOID lpData ) { HANDLE hDevice; DWORD dwTimeToSleep;
hDevice = (HANDLE)lpData;
while( TRUE ) { dwTimeToSleep = rand() % 5000;
Sleep( dwTimeToSleep );
return 0; } #if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(pop)
void TdSectMapSystemAddressSpaceTest() { HANDLE Device; time_t theTime; int nCrtThread; DWORD dwThreadId; TCHAR strMessage[ 128 ];
time( &theTime );
_stprintf( strMessage, "Process %u, rand seed = %u\n", GetCurrentProcessId(), (unsigned int)theTime );
OutputDebugString( strMessage );
srand( (unsigned int)theTime );
if( TdOpenDevice ("buggy", &Device) ) { for( nCrtThread = 0; nCrtThread < TD_MAPSECT_TEST_THREADS - 1; nCrtThread++ ) { CreateThread( NULL, 0, MapProcessAddressSpaceThread, (LPVOID)Device, 0, &dwThreadId ); }
// reuse the main thread - only this thread will map into system address space
MapSystemAddressSpaceThread( (LPVOID)Device );
TdCloseDevice (Device); } }
// Convert a hex string from the command line to an UNLONG_PTR
ULONG_PTR UtilHexStringToUlongPtr( char *szHexNumber ) { ULONG_PTR uNewDigit; ULONG_PTR uResult = 0; char *pCrtChar = szHexNumber;
while( ( *pCrtChar ) != (char)0 ) { uNewDigit = 0;
if( ( *pCrtChar ) >= '0' && ( *pCrtChar ) <= '9' ) { uNewDigit = ( *pCrtChar ) - '0'; } else { if( ( *pCrtChar ) >= 'A' && ( *pCrtChar ) <= 'F' ) { uNewDigit = ( *pCrtChar ) - 'A' + 10; } else { if( ( *pCrtChar ) >= 'a' && ( *pCrtChar ) <= 'f' ) { uNewDigit = ( *pCrtChar ) - 'a' + 10; } } }
uResult = uResult * 16 + uNewDigit;
pCrtChar++; }
return uResult; }
// Set the current reserved size and address as asked by the user
VOID TdReservedMapSetSize( int argc, char *argv[] ) { SIZE_T NewSize; HANDLE Device; time_t theTime; TCHAR strMessage[ 128 ];
if( argc >= 3 ) { //
// User-specified buffer size
NewSize = atoi( argv[ 2 ] ); } else { //
// Seed the random numbers generator
time( &theTime );
_stprintf( strMessage, "Process %u, rand seed = %u\n", GetCurrentProcessId(), (unsigned int)theTime );
OutputDebugString( strMessage );
srand( (unsigned int)theTime );
// New size is random, up to 10 pages
NewSize = ( abs( rand() ) % 10 + 1 ) * 0x1000; }
if( TdOpenDevice ("buggy", &Device) ) { printf( "TdReservedMapSetSize: sending size %p\n", NewSize );
TdSendIoctl ( Device, IOCTL_TD_RESERVEDMAP_SET_SIZE, &NewSize, sizeof( NewSize ) );
TdCloseDevice (Device); } }
// Ask for a "read" operation from our driver
VOID TdReservedMapRead( VOID ) { HANDLE Device; time_t theTime; SIZE_T ReadBufferSize; SIZE_T ReadPages; SIZE_T CrtReadPage; PSIZE_T CrtPageAddress; PVOID UserBuffer; BOOL Success; SYSTEM_INFO SystemInfo; TCHAR strMessage[ 128 ];
// Get the page size
GetSystemInfo( &SystemInfo );
// Seed the random numbers generator
time( &theTime );
_stprintf( strMessage, "Process %u, rand seed = %u\n", GetCurrentProcessId(), (unsigned int)theTime );
//OutputDebugString( strMessage );
puts( strMessage );
srand( (unsigned int)theTime );
// Choose a size >= PAGE_SIZE and <= ~1 Mb
ReadBufferSize = abs( rand() * rand() * rand() ) % ( 1024 * 1024 ) + SystemInfo.dwPageSize;
UserBuffer = VirtualAlloc( NULL, ReadBufferSize, MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE );
if( NULL != UserBuffer ) { if( TdOpenDevice ("buggy", &Device) ) { //
// Prepare the parameters to the driver
UserReadBuffer.UserBuffer = UserBuffer; UserReadBuffer.UserBufferSize = ReadBufferSize;
_stprintf( strMessage, "TdReservedMapRead: sending buffer %p, size %p\n", UserReadBuffer.UserBuffer, UserReadBuffer.UserBufferSize );
//OutputDebugString( strMessage );
puts( strMessage );
// Send the request to the driver
Success = TdSendIoctl ( Device, IOCTL_TD_RESERVEDMAP_READ_OP, &UserReadBuffer, sizeof( UserReadBuffer ) );
if( TRUE == Success ) { //
// If the call succeeded then we check the validity of data returned by the driver
ReadPages = ReadBufferSize / SystemInfo.dwPageSize; CrtPageAddress = (PSIZE_T)UserBuffer;
for( CrtReadPage = 1; CrtReadPage <= ReadPages; CrtReadPage++ ) { if( *CrtPageAddress != CrtReadPage ) { _stprintf( strMessage, "Incorrect data received from buggy.sys: page %p, expected %p, actual data %p\n", CrtPageAddress, CrtReadPage, *CrtPageAddress );
OutputDebugString( strMessage );
DebugBreak(); } CrtPageAddress = (PSIZE_T) ( (PCHAR)CrtPageAddress + SystemInfo.dwPageSize ); ReadPages -= 1; } }
TdCloseDevice (Device); }
VirtualFree( UserBuffer, 0, MEM_RELEASE ); }
// End of file