// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1989 - 1994
// File: buildutl.c
// Contents: Utility functions for Build.exe
// History: 16-May-89 SteveWo Created
// ... See SLM log
// 26-Jul-94 LyleC Cleanup/Add pass0 support
#include "build.h"
#if DBG
// Memory Allocation/Deallocation functions
// These functions provide leak tracking on a debug build.
typedef struct _MEMHEADER { MemType mt; ULONG cbRequest; struct _MEMHEADER *pmhPrev; struct _MEMHEADER *pmhNext; } MEMHEADER;
#define CBHEADER sizeof(MEMHEADER)
#define CBTAIL sizeof(ULONG)
char patternFree[CBTAIL] = { 'M', 'E', 'M', 'D' }; char patternBusy[CBTAIL] = { 'm', 'e', 'm', 'd' };
__inline MEMHEADER * GetHeader(VOID *pvblock) { return((MEMHEADER *) (pvblock) - 1); }
__inline VOID * GetBlock(MEMHEADER *pmh) { return((VOID *) (pmh + 1)); }
__inline VOID FillTailBusy(LPSTR p) { memcpy(p, patternBusy, sizeof(patternBusy)); }
__inline VOID FillTailFree(LPSTR p) { memcpy(p, patternFree, sizeof(patternFree)); }
__inline BOOL CheckTail(LPSTR p) { return(memcmp(p, patternBusy, sizeof(patternBusy)) == 0); }
typedef struct _MEMTAB { LPSTR pszType; ULONG cbAlloc; ULONG cAlloc; ULONG cbAllocTotal; ULONG cAllocTotal; MEMHEADER mh; } MEMTAB;
ULONG cbAllocMax; ULONG cAllocMax;
MEMTAB MemTab[] = { { "Totals", }, // MT_TOTALS
{ "Unknown", }, // MT_UNKNOWN
{ "ChildData", }, // MT_CHILDDATA
{ "CmdString", }, // MT_CMDSTRING
{ "DirDB", }, // MT_DIRDB
{ "DirSup", }, // MT_DIRSUP
{ "DirPath", }, // MT_DIRPATH
{ "DirString", }, // MT_DIRSTRING
{ "EventHandles", }, // MT_EVENTHANDLES
{ "FileDB", }, // MT_FILEDB
{ "FileReadBuf", }, // MT_FILEREADBUF
{ "FrbString", }, // MT_FRBSTRING
{ "IncludeDB", }, // MT_INCLUDEDB
{ "IoBuffer", }, // MT_IOBUFFER
{ "Macro", }, // MT_MACRO
{ "SourceDB", }, // MT_SOURCEDB
{ "Target", }, // MT_TARGET
{ "ThreadFilter", }, // MT_THREADFILTER
{ "ThreadHandles", }, // MT_THREADHANDLES
{ "ThreadState", }, // MT_THREADSTATE
}; #define MT_MAX (sizeof(MemTab)/sizeof(MemTab[0]))
VOID InitMem(VOID) { MEMTAB *pmt; for (pmt = MemTab; pmt < &MemTab[MT_MAX]; pmt++) { assert(pmt->cAllocTotal == 0); pmt->mh.mt = MT_INVALID; pmt->mh.pmhNext = &pmt->mh; pmt->mh.pmhPrev = &pmt->mh; } }
#define CBHEADER 0
#define CBTAIL 0
// Function: AllocMem
// Synopsis: Allocate memory
// Arguments: [cb] -- Requested Size
// [ppv] -- [out] allocated memory
// [mt] -- Type of memory being allocated (MT_XXX)
VOID AllocMem(UINT cb, VOID **ppv, MemType mt) { *ppv = malloc(cb + CBHEADER + CBTAIL); if (*ppv == NULL) { BuildError("(Fatal Error) malloc(%u) failed\n", cb); exit(16); } #if DBG
{ MEMTAB *pmt; MEMHEADER *pmh;
pmh = *ppv; *ppv = GetBlock(pmh);
if (mt >= MT_MAX) { mt = MT_UNKNOWN; } pmt = &MemTab[MT_TOTALS]; if (pmt->cAllocTotal == 0) { InitMem(); } pmt->cAlloc++; pmt->cAllocTotal++; pmt->cbAlloc += cb; pmt->cbAllocTotal += cb; if (cbAllocMax < pmt->cbAlloc) { cbAllocMax = pmt->cbAlloc; } if (cAllocMax < pmt->cAlloc) { cAllocMax = pmt->cAlloc; }
pmt = &MemTab[mt]; pmt->cAlloc++; pmt->cAllocTotal++; pmt->cbAlloc += cb; pmt->cbAllocTotal += cb;
pmh->mt = mt; pmh->cbRequest = cb;
pmh->pmhNext = pmt->mh.pmhNext; pmt->mh.pmhNext = pmh; pmh->pmhPrev = pmh->pmhNext->pmhPrev; pmh->pmhNext->pmhPrev = pmh;
FillTailBusy((char *) *ppv + cb);
if (DEBUG_4 && DEBUG_1) { BuildError("AllocMem(%d, mt=%s) -> %lx\n", cb, pmt->pszType, *ppv); } } #endif
// Function: FreeMem
// Synopsis: Free memory allocated by AllocMem
// Arguments: [ppv] -- Memory pointer
// [mt] -- Type of memory (MT_XXX)
// Notes: Sets the memory pointer to null after freeing it.
VOID FreeMem(VOID **ppv, MemType mt) { assert(*ppv != NULL); #if DBG
{ MEMTAB *pmt; MEMHEADER *pmh;
pmh = GetHeader(*ppv); if (mt == MT_DIRDB || mt == MT_FILEDB || mt == MT_INCLUDEDB || mt == MT_SOURCEDB) {
SigCheck(assert(((DIRREC *) (*ppv))->Sig == 0)); } if (mt >= MT_MAX) { mt = MT_UNKNOWN; } pmt = &MemTab[MT_TOTALS]; pmt->cAlloc--; pmt->cbAlloc -= pmh->cbRequest; pmt = &MemTab[mt]; pmt->cAlloc--; pmt->cbAlloc -= pmh->cbRequest;
if (DEBUG_4 && DEBUG_1) { BuildError( "FreeMem(%d, mt=%s) <- %lx\n", pmh->cbRequest, pmt->pszType, *ppv); } assert(CheckTail((char *) *ppv + pmh->cbRequest)); FillTailFree((char *) *ppv + pmh->cbRequest); assert(mt == pmh->mt);
pmh->pmhNext->pmhPrev = pmh->pmhPrev; pmh->pmhPrev->pmhNext = pmh->pmhNext; pmh->pmhNext = pmh->pmhPrev = NULL;
pmh->mt = MT_INVALID; *ppv = pmh; } #endif
free(*ppv); *ppv = NULL; }
// Function: ReportMemoryUsage
// Synopsis: Report current memory usage (if any) on a debug build. If
// called just before termination, memory leaks will be
// displayed.
// Arguments: (none)
VOID ReportMemoryUsage(VOID) { #if DBG
MEMTAB *pmt; UINT i;
if (DEBUG_1) { BuildErrorRaw( "Maximum memory usage: %5lx bytes in %4lx blocks\n", cbAllocMax, cAllocMax); for (pmt = MemTab; pmt < &MemTab[MT_MAX]; pmt++) { BuildErrorRaw( "%5lx bytes in %4lx blocks, %5lx bytes in %4lx blocks Total (%s)\n", pmt->cbAlloc, pmt->cAlloc, pmt->cbAllocTotal, pmt->cAllocTotal, pmt->pszType); } } FreeMem(&BigBuf, MT_IOBUFFER); if (fDebug & 8) { PrintAllDirs(); } FreeAllDirs(); if (DEBUG_1 || MemTab[MT_TOTALS].cbAlloc != 0) { BuildErrorRaw(szNewLine); if (MemTab[MT_TOTALS].cbAlloc != 0) { BuildError("Internal memory leaks detected:\n"); } for (pmt = MemTab; pmt < &MemTab[MT_MAX]; pmt++) { BuildErrorRaw( "%5lx bytes in %4lx blocks, %5lx bytes in %4lx blocks Total (%s)\n", pmt->cbAlloc, pmt->cAlloc, pmt->cbAllocTotal, pmt->cAllocTotal, pmt->pszType); } } #endif
// Function: MyOpenFile
// Synopsis: Open a file
BOOL MyOpenFile( LPSTR DirName, LPSTR FileName, LPSTR Access, FILE **ppf, BOOL BufferedIO) { char path[ DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH * 2 + 1]; // ensure we have enough space for "DirName" + "\\" + "FileName"
strcpy(path, DirName); if (path[0] != '\0') { strcat(path, "\\"); } strcat(path, FileName); *ppf = fopen( path, Access ); if (*ppf == NULL) { if (*Access == 'w') { BuildError("%s: create file failed\n", path); } return(FALSE); } if (!BufferedIO) { setvbuf(*ppf, NULL, _IONBF, 0); // Clear buffering on the stream.
} return(TRUE); }
typedef struct _FILEREADBUF { struct _FILEREADBUF *pfrbNext; LPSTR pszFile; LPSTR pbBuffer; LPSTR pbNext; UINT cbBuf; UINT cbBuffer; UINT cbTotal; UINT cbFile; USHORT cLine; USHORT cNull; ULONG DateTime; FILE *pf; LPSTR pszCommentToEOL; size_t cbCommentToEOL; BOOLEAN fEof; BOOLEAN fOpen; BOOLEAN fMakefile; } FILEREADBUF;
static FILEREADBUF Frb; char achzeros[16];
// Function: OpenFilePush
BOOL OpenFilePush( LPSTR pszdir, LPSTR pszfile, LPSTR pszCommentToEOL, FILE **ppf ) { FILEREADBUF *pfrb;
if (Frb.fOpen) { AllocMem(sizeof(*pfrb), &pfrb, MT_FILEREADBUF); memcpy(pfrb, &Frb, sizeof(*pfrb)); memset(&Frb, 0, sizeof(Frb)); Frb.pfrbNext = pfrb; } else { pfrb = NULL; }
if (!SetupReadFile( pszdir, pszfile, pszCommentToEOL, ppf)) {
if (pfrb != NULL) { memcpy(&Frb, pfrb, sizeof(*pfrb)); FreeMem(&pfrb, MT_FILEREADBUF); }
return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Function: ReadFilePush
LPSTR ReadFilePush(LPSTR pszfile) { FILE *pf;
assert(Frb.fOpen); OpenFilePush(IsFullPath(pszfile) ? "" : Frb.pszFile, pszfile, Frb.pszCommentToEOL, &pf); return(ReadLine(Frb.pf)); }
// Function: ReadFilePop
LPSTR ReadFilePop(VOID) { if (Frb.pfrbNext == NULL) { return(NULL); } CloseReadFile(NULL); return(ReadLine(Frb.pf)); }
// Function: ReadBuf
BOOL ReadBuf(FILE *pf) { LPSTR p, p2;
assert(pf == Frb.pf); assert(!Frb.fEof); Frb.pbNext = Frb.pbBuffer; Frb.cbBuf = fread(Frb.pbBuffer, 1, Frb.cbBuffer - 1, Frb.pf); if (Frb.cbBuf == 0) { Frb.fEof = TRUE; // no more to read
return(FALSE); } if (Frb.cbTotal == 0 && Frb.cbBuf > sizeof(achzeros) && memcmp(Frb.pbBuffer, achzeros, sizeof(achzeros)) == 0) {
BuildError("ignoring binary file\n"); Frb.fEof = TRUE; return(FALSE); } p = &Frb.pbBuffer[Frb.cbBuf - 1]; if (Frb.cbTotal + Frb.cbBuf < Frb.cbFile) { do { while (p > Frb.pbBuffer && *p != '\n') { p--; } p2 = p; // save end of last complete line
if (p > Frb.pbBuffer && *p == '\n') { p--; if (p > Frb.pbBuffer && *p == '\r') { p--; } while (p > Frb.pbBuffer && (*p == '\t' || *p == ' ')) { p--; } } } while (*p == '\\'); if (p == Frb.pbBuffer) { BuildError("(Fatal Error) too many continuation lines\n"); exit(8); } p = p2; // restore end of last complete line
Frb.cbBuf = (UINT)(p - Frb.pbBuffer + 1); } else { Frb.fEof = TRUE; // no more to read
} p[1] = '\0'; Frb.cbTotal += Frb.cbBuf;
return(TRUE); }
// Function: IsNmakeInclude
LPSTR IsNmakeInclude(LPSTR pinc) { static char szInclude[] = "include"; LPSTR pnew, p;
while (*pinc == ' ') { pinc++; } if (_strnicmp(pinc, szInclude, sizeof(szInclude) - 1) == 0 && pinc[sizeof(szInclude) - 1] == ' ') {
pnew = NULL; pinc += sizeof(szInclude); while (*pinc == ' ') { pinc++; }
if (MakeMacroString(&pnew, pinc)) { p = strchr(pnew, ' '); if (p != NULL) { *p = '\0'; } return(pnew); } } return(NULL); }
// Function: ReadLine
// Synopsis: Read a line from the input file.
// Arguments: [pf] -- File to read from
// Returns: Line read from file
// Notes: ReadLine returns a canonical line from the input file.
// This involves:
// 1) Converting tab to spaces. Various editors/users change
// tabbing.
// 2) Uniformly terminate lines. Some editors drop CR in
// CRLF or add extras.
// 3) Handle file-type-specific continuations.
LPSTR ReadLine(FILE *pf) { LPSTR p, pend, pline; LPSTR pcont; UCHAR chComment0 = Frb.pszCommentToEOL[0]; BOOL fInComment, fWhiteSpace;
assert(pf == Frb.pf || (pf != NULL && Frb.pfrbNext != NULL)); if (Frb.cbBuf == 0) { if (Frb.fEof) { return(ReadFilePop()); } if (fseek(Frb.pf, Frb.cbTotal, SEEK_SET) == -1) { return(ReadFilePop()); } if (!ReadBuf(Frb.pf)) { return(ReadFilePop()); } } pline = p = Frb.pbNext; pend = &p[Frb.cbBuf]; pcont = NULL;
// scan through line forward
fInComment = FALSE; while (p < pend) { switch (*p) { case '\n': // Are we at an end of line?
if (*p == '\n') { Frb.cLine++; } // FALL THROUGH
case '\0': if (pcont == NULL) { goto eol; // bail out if single line
} // else combine multiple lines...
*pcont = ' '; // remove continuation char
pcont = NULL; // eat only one line per continuation
// We've seen a continuation char with whitespace following.
// If we're in a comment then we complain and break anyway.
if (fInComment) { if (DEBUG_1) { BuildError ("continued line is commented out\n"); } goto eol; // bail out - ignore continuation
} *p = ' '; // join the lines with blanks
case '\\': pcont = p; // remember continuation character
case ' ': break;
case '\t': case '\r': *p = ' '; break;
// See if the character we're examining begins the
// comment-to-EOL string.
if (*p == chComment0 && !strncmp(p, Frb.pszCommentToEOL, Frb.cbCommentToEOL)) { fInComment = TRUE; } pcont = NULL; // not a continuation character
break; } p++; } eol: assert(Frb.cbBuf >= (UINT) (p - Frb.pbNext)); Frb.cbBuf -= (UINT)(p - Frb.pbNext); Frb.pbNext = p;
if (pcont != NULL) { *pcont = ' '; // file ended with backslash...
} assert(*p == '\0' || *p == '\n'); if (p < pend) { if (*p == '\0') { if (Frb.cNull++ == 0) { BuildError("null byte at offset %lx\n", Frb.cbTotal - Frb.cbBuf + p - Frb.pbNext); } } *p = '\0'; // terminate line
assert(Frb.cbBuf >= 1); Frb.cbBuf--; // account for newline (or null)
Frb.pbNext++; } else { assert(p == pend && *p == '\0'); if (*pline == 'Z' - 64 && p == &pline[1] && Frb.cbBuf == 0) { pline = NULL; // found CTL-Z at end of file
} else { // BuildError( "last line incomplete\n");
} } fWhiteSpace = FALSE; if (pline != NULL) { while (*pline == ' ') { pline++; // skip leading whitespace
fWhiteSpace = TRUE; } if (*p != '\0') { BuildError( "\"*p != '\\0'\" at offset %lx\n", Frb.cbTotal - Frb.cbBuf + p - Frb.pbNext); BuildError( "pline=%x(%s) p=%x(%s)\n", pline, pline, p, p, Frb.cbTotal - Frb.cbBuf + p - Frb.pbNext); } assert(*p == '\0'); while (p > pline && *--p == ' ') { *p = '\0'; // truncate trailing whitespace
} } if (pline == NULL) { return(ReadFilePop()); } if (Frb.fMakefile && !fWhiteSpace && *pline == '!') { p = IsNmakeInclude(pline + 1); if (p != NULL) { if (Frb.fMakefile && DEBUG_4) { BuildError("!include(%s)\n", p); } pline = ReadFilePush(p); FreeMem(&p, MT_DIRSTRING); } } return(pline); }
// Function: SetupReadFile
// Synopsis: Open a file and prepare to read from it.
// Arguments: [pszdir] -- Directory name
// [pszfile] -- Filename
// [pszCommentToEOL] -- Comment to EOL string
// [ppf] -- [out] Open file handle
// Returns: TRUE if opened successfully
// Notes: This function, in order to minimize disk hits, reads the
// entire file into a buffer, which is then used by the ReadLine
// function.
BOOL SetupReadFile( LPSTR pszdir, LPSTR pszfile, LPSTR pszCommentToEOL, FILE **ppf ) { char path[DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
assert(!Frb.fOpen); assert(Frb.pf == NULL); assert(Frb.pszFile == NULL); Frb.fMakefile = strcmp(pszCommentToEOL, "#") == 0; Frb.DateTime = 0;
strcpy(path, pszdir); if (Frb.pfrbNext != NULL) { // if a nested open
if (Frb.fMakefile && !IsFullPath(pszfile)) {
// nmake handles relative includes in makefiles by
// attempting to locate the file relative to each makefile
// in the complete include chain.
for (pfrb = Frb.pfrbNext; pfrb != NULL; pfrb = pfrb->pfrbNext) { assert(pfrb->pszFile != NULL);
strcpy(path, pfrb->pszFile); p = strrchr(path, '\\'); if (p != NULL) { *p = '\0'; }
if (ProbeFile(path, pszfile) != -1) { break; } }
if (pfrb == NULL) { // Unable to find file anywhere along path.
return FALSE; } } else { p = strrchr(path, '\\'); if (p != NULL) { *p = '\0'; } } }
if (!MyOpenFile(path, pszfile, "rb", ppf, TRUE)) { *ppf = NULL; return(FALSE); } if (Frb.fMakefile) { Frb.DateTime = (*pDateTimeFile)(path, pszfile); } Frb.cLine = 0; Frb.cNull = 0; Frb.cbTotal = 0; Frb.pf = *ppf; Frb.fEof = FALSE; Frb.pszCommentToEOL = pszCommentToEOL; Frb.cbCommentToEOL = strlen(pszCommentToEOL);
if (fseek(Frb.pf, 0L, SEEK_END) != -1) { Frb.cbFile = ftell(Frb.pf); if (fseek(Frb.pf, 0L, SEEK_SET) == -1) { Frb.cbFile = 0; } } else { Frb.cbFile = 0; }
Frb.cbBuffer = BigBufSize; if (Frb.pfrbNext != NULL) { if (Frb.cbBuffer > Frb.cbFile + 1) { Frb.cbBuffer = Frb.cbFile + 1; } AllocMem(Frb.cbBuffer, &Frb.pbBuffer, MT_IOBUFFER); } else { Frb.pbBuffer = BigBuf; } if (!ReadBuf(Frb.pf)) { fclose(Frb.pf); Frb.pf = *ppf = NULL; if (Frb.pfrbNext != NULL) { FreeMem(&Frb.pbBuffer, MT_IOBUFFER); } return(FALSE); // zero byte file
} if (path[0] != '\0') { strcat(path, "\\"); } strcat(path, pszfile); MakeString(&Frb.pszFile, path, TRUE, MT_FRBSTRING); Frb.fOpen = TRUE; if (Frb.fMakefile && DEBUG_4) { BuildError( "Opening file: cbFile=%lu cbBuf=%lu\n", Frb.cbTotal, Frb.cbBuffer); } return(TRUE); }
// Function: CloseReadFile
// Synopsis: Close the open file buffer.
// Arguments: [pcline] -- [out] Count of lines in file.
// Returns: Timestamp of file
ULONG CloseReadFile( UINT *pcline ) { assert(Frb.fOpen); assert(Frb.pf != NULL); assert(Frb.pszFile != NULL);
if (Frb.fMakefile && DEBUG_4) { BuildError("Closing file\n"); } if (Frb.cNull > 1) { BuildError("%hu null bytes in file\n", Frb.cNull); } fclose(Frb.pf); Frb.fOpen = FALSE; Frb.pf = NULL; FreeString(&Frb.pszFile, MT_FRBSTRING); if (Frb.pfrbNext != NULL) { FILEREADBUF *pfrb;
FreeMem(&Frb.pbBuffer, MT_IOBUFFER); pfrb = Frb.pfrbNext; if (pfrb->DateTime < Frb.DateTime) { pfrb->DateTime = Frb.DateTime; // propagate subordinate timestamp
} memcpy(&Frb, pfrb, sizeof(*pfrb)); FreeMem(&pfrb, MT_FILEREADBUF); } if (pcline != NULL) { *pcline = Frb.cLine; } return(Frb.DateTime); }
// Function: ProbeFile
// Synopsis: Determine if a file exists
UINT ProbeFile( LPSTR DirName, LPSTR FileName ) { char path[ DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH ];
if (DirName != NULL) { sprintf(path, "%s\\%s", DirName, FileName); FileName = path; } return(GetFileAttributes(FileName)); }
// Function: EnsureDirectoriesExist
// Synopsis: Ensures the given directory exists. If the path contains
// an asterisk, it will be expanded into all current machine
// target names.
// Arguments: [DirName] -- Name of directory to create if necessary
// Returns: FALSE if the directory could not be created, TRUE if it
// already exists or it could be created.
BOOL EnsureDirectoriesExist( LPSTR DirName ) { char path[ DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH ]; char *p; UINT i;
if (!DirName || DirName[0] == '\0') return FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < CountTargetMachines; i++) {
// Replace '*' with appropriate name
ExpandObjAsterisk( path, DirName, TargetMachines[i]->ObjectDirectory);
if (ProbeFile(NULL, path) != -1) { continue; } p = path; while (TRUE) { p = strchr(p, '\\'); if (p != NULL) { *p = '\0'; } if (!CreateBuildDirectory(path)) { return FALSE; } if (p == NULL) { break; } *p++ = '\\'; } }
return TRUE; }
// Function: DateTimeFile
// Synopsis: Get the timestamp on a file
ULONG DateTimeFile( LPSTR DirName, LPSTR FileName ) { char path[ DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH ]; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HDIR FindHandle; ULONG FileDateTime;
if (DirName == NULL || DirName[0] == '\0') { FindHandle = FindFirstFile( FileName, &FindFileData ); } else { sprintf( path, "%s\\%s", DirName, FileName ); FindHandle = FindFirstFile( path, &FindFileData ); }
if (FindHandle == (HDIR)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return( 0L ); } else { FindClose( FindHandle ); FileDateTime = 0L; FileTimeToDosDateTime( &FindFileData.ftLastWriteTime, ((LPWORD)&FileDateTime)+1, (LPWORD)&FileDateTime );
return( FileDateTime ); } }
// Function: DateTimeFile2
// Synopsis: Get the timestamp on a file using the new GetFileAttributesExA
ULONG DateTimeFile2( LPSTR DirName, LPSTR FileName ) { char path[ DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH ]; WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA FileData; ULONG FileDateTime; BOOL rc;
if (DirName == NULL || DirName[0] == '\0') { strcpy( path, FileName ); } else { sprintf( path, "%s\\%s", DirName, FileName ); }
rc = (*pGetFileAttributesExA) (path, GetFileExInfoStandard, (LPVOID)&FileData);
if (!rc) { return( 0L ); } else { FILETIME ftSystemTime; SYSTEMTIME stSystemTime; unsigned __int64 ui64Local, ui64File; GetSystemTime(&stSystemTime); SystemTimeToFileTime(&stSystemTime, &ftSystemTime);
ui64Local = (((unsigned __int64) ftSystemTime.dwHighDateTime) << 32) + (unsigned __int64) ftSystemTime.dwLowDateTime;
ui64File = (((unsigned __int64) FileData.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime) << 32) + (unsigned __int64) FileData.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime;
// Take into account that file times may have two second intervals (0x989680 = 1 second)
// for FAT drives.
if (ui64File > (ui64Local + (0x989680*2))) { BuildError("ERROR - \"%s\" file time is in the future.\n", path); }
FileDateTime = 0L; FileTimeToDosDateTime( &FileData.ftLastWriteTime, ((LPWORD)&FileDateTime)+1, (LPWORD)&FileDateTime ); return( FileDateTime ); } }
// Function: DeleteSingleFile
// Synopsis: Delete the given file
BOOL DeleteSingleFile( LPSTR DirName, LPSTR FileName, BOOL QuietFlag ) { char path[ DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH * 2 + 1]; // ensure we have enough space for "DirName" + "\\" + "FileName"
if (DirName) { sprintf( path, "%s\\%s", DirName, FileName ); } else { strcpy( path, FileName ); } if (!QuietFlag && fQuery) { BuildMsgRaw("'erase %s'\n", path); return( TRUE ); }
return( DeleteFile( path ) ); }
// Function: DeleteMultipleFiles
// Synopsis: Delete one or more files matching a pattern.
BOOL DeleteMultipleFiles( LPSTR DirName, LPSTR FilePattern ) { char path[ DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH ]; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HDIR FindHandle;
sprintf( path, "%s\\%s", DirName, FilePattern );
if (fQuery) { BuildMsgRaw("'erase %s'\n", path); return( TRUE ); }
FindHandle = FindFirstFile( path, &FindFileData ); if (FindHandle == (HDIR)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return( FALSE ); }
do { if (!(FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { DeleteSingleFile( DirName, FindFileData.cFileName, TRUE ); } } while (FindNextFile( FindHandle, &FindFileData ));
FindClose( FindHandle ); return( TRUE ); }
// Function: CloseOrDeleteFile
BOOL CloseOrDeleteFile( FILE **ppf, LPSTR DirName, LPSTR FileName, ULONG SizeThreshold ) { ULONG Temp;
if (*ppf == NULL) { return TRUE; }
Temp = ftell( *ppf ); fclose( *ppf ); *ppf = NULL; if (Temp <= SizeThreshold) { return( DeleteSingleFile( DirName, FileName, TRUE ) ); } else { CreatedBuildFile(DirName, FileName); return( TRUE ); } }
// Function: PushCurrentDirectory
LPSTR PushCurrentDirectory( LPSTR NewCurrentDirectory ) { LPSTR OldCurrentDirectory; char path[DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH];
GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(path), path); AllocMem(strlen(path) + 1, &OldCurrentDirectory, MT_DIRPATH); strcpy(OldCurrentDirectory, path); SetCurrentDirectory(NewCurrentDirectory); return(OldCurrentDirectory); }
// Function: PopCurrentDirectory
VOID PopCurrentDirectory( LPSTR OldCurrentDirectory ) { if (OldCurrentDirectory) { SetCurrentDirectory(OldCurrentDirectory); FreeMem(&OldCurrentDirectory, MT_DIRPATH); } }
// Function: CanonicalizePathName
// Synopsis: Take the given relative pathname and the current directory
// and obtain the full absolute path of the file.
// Arguments: [SourcePath] -- Relative path
// [Action] -- Canonicalizing flags
// [FullPath] -- [out] Full path of file or directory
// Returns: TRUE if canonicalization succeeded.
// Notes: [Action] indicates whether the function will fail if the
// resulting path is not of the correct type. CANONICALIZE_ONLY
// never fails, and CANON..._FILE or CANON..._DIR will fail if
// the resulting path is not of the specified type.
BOOL CanonicalizePathName( LPSTR SourcePath, UINT Action, LPSTR FullPath ) { char PathBuffer[DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH] = {0}, *FilePart; char *psz; DWORD attr;
if (!GetFullPathName( SourcePath, sizeof(PathBuffer), PathBuffer, &FilePart)) { BuildError( "CanonicalizePathName: GetFullPathName(%s) failed - rc = %d.\n", SourcePath, GetLastError()); return( FALSE ); } CopyString(FullPath, PathBuffer, TRUE);
if (Action == CANONICALIZE_ONLY) { return( TRUE ); }
if ((attr = GetFileAttributes( PathBuffer )) == -1) { UINT rc = GetLastError();
if (DEBUG_1 || (rc != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && rc != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)) { BuildError( "CanonicalizePathName: GetFileAttributes(%s --> %s) failed - rc = %d.\n", SourcePath, PathBuffer, rc); } return( FALSE ); }
if (Action == CANONICALIZE_DIR) { if ((attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) { return(TRUE); } psz = "directory"; } else { if ((attr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) { return(TRUE); } psz = "file"; } BuildError( "CanonicalizePathName: %s --> %s is not a %s\n", SourcePath, PathBuffer, psz); return(FALSE); }
static char FormatPathBuffer[ DB_MAX_PATH_LENGTH ];
// Function: FormatPathName
// Synopsis: Take a directory name and relative pathname and merges the
// two into a correctly formatted path. If the resulting path
// has the current directory as a component, the current
// directory part is removed.
// Arguments: [DirName] -- Directory
// [FileName] -- Pathname relative to [DirName]
// Returns: Resulting string (should not be freed).
// Notes: Example: DirName="f:\nt\private\foo\subdir1\subdir2"
// FileName="..\..\bar.c"
// CurrentDirectory="f:\nt\private"
// Result="foo\bar.c"
LPSTR FormatPathName( LPSTR DirName, LPSTR FileName ) { UINT cb; LPSTR p;
CopyString(FormatPathBuffer, CurrentDirectory, TRUE); if (DirName && *DirName) { if (DirName[1] == ':') { p = FormatPathBuffer; } else if (DirName[0] == '\\') { p = FormatPathBuffer + 2; } else { p = FormatPathBuffer + strlen(FormatPathBuffer); *p++ = '\\'; } CopyString(p, DirName, TRUE); } p = FormatPathBuffer + strlen(FormatPathBuffer); if (p[-1] != '\\') { *p++ = '\\'; *p = '\0'; }
if (FileName[1] == ':') { p = FormatPathBuffer; } else if (FileName[0] == '\\') { p = FormatPathBuffer + 2; } else if (!strncmp(FileName, ".\\", 2)) { FileName += 2; } else if (!strncmp(FileName, "..\\", 3)) { do { p--; while (*--p != '\\') { if (p <= FormatPathBuffer) { p = FormatPathBuffer; break; } } p++; FileName += 3;
} while (!strncmp(FileName, "..\\", 3) && (p != FormatPathBuffer)); } CopyString(p, FileName, TRUE);
cb = strlen(CurrentDirectory); p = FormatPathBuffer + cb; if (!fAlwaysPrintFullPath) { if (!_strnicmp(CurrentDirectory, FormatPathBuffer, cb) && *p == '\\') { return(p + 1); } } return(FormatPathBuffer); }
// Function: AppendString
LPSTR AppendString( LPSTR Destination, LPSTR Source, BOOL PrefixWithSpace ) { if (Source != NULL) { while (*Destination) { Destination++; } if (PrefixWithSpace) { *Destination++ = ' '; } while (*Destination = *Source++) { Destination++; } } return(Destination); }
#if DBG
// Function: AssertPathString
VOID AssertPathString(LPSTR pszPath) { LPSTR p = pszPath;
while (*p != '\0') { if ((*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') || *p == '/') { BuildError("Bad Path string: '%s'\n", pszPath); assert(FALSE); } p++; } } #endif
// Function: CopyString
LPSTR CopyString( LPSTR Destination, LPSTR Source, BOOL fPath) { UCHAR ch; LPSTR Result;
Result = Destination; while ((ch = *Source++) != '\0') { if (fPath) { if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') { ch -= (UCHAR) ('A' - 'a'); } else if (ch == '/') { ch = '\\'; } } *Destination++ = ch; } *Destination = ch; return(Result); }
// Function: MakeString
VOID MakeString( LPSTR *Destination, LPSTR Source, BOOL fPath, MemType mt ) { if (Source == NULL) { Source = ""; } AllocMem(strlen(Source) + 1, Destination, mt); *Destination = CopyString(*Destination, Source, fPath); }
// Function: MakeExpandedString
VOID MakeExpandedString( LPSTR *Destination, LPSTR Source ) { AllocMem(strlen(Source) + strlen(NtRoot) + 1, Destination, MT_DIRSTRING); sprintf(*Destination, "%s%s", NtRoot, Source); }
// Function: FreeString
VOID FreeString(LPSTR *ppsz, MemType mt) { if (*ppsz != NULL) { FreeMem(ppsz, mt); } }
// Function: FormatNumber
LPSTR FormatNumber( ULONG Number ) { USHORT i; LPSTR p; static char FormatNumberBuffer[16];
p = FormatNumberBuffer + sizeof( FormatNumberBuffer ) - 1; *p = '\0'; i = 0; do { if (i != 0 && (i % 3) == 0) { *--p = ','; } i++; *--p = (UCHAR) ((Number % 10) + '0'); Number /= 10; } while (Number != 0); return( p ); }
// Function: FormatTime
LPSTR FormatTime( ULONG Seconds ) { ULONG Hours, Minutes; static char FormatTimeBuffer[16];
Hours = Seconds / 3600; Seconds = Seconds % 3600; Minutes = Seconds / 60; Seconds = Seconds % 60;
sprintf( FormatTimeBuffer, "%2ld:%02ld:%02ld", Hours, Minutes, Seconds );
return( FormatTimeBuffer ); }
// Function: AToX
// Synopsis: Hex atoi with pointer bumping and success flag
// Arguments: [pp] -- String to convert
// [pul] -- [out] Result
// Returns: TRUE if success
BOOL AToX(LPSTR *pp, ULONG *pul) { LPSTR p = *pp; int digit; ULONG r; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
while (*p == ' ') { p++; } for (r = 0; isxdigit(digit = *p); p++) { fRet = TRUE; if (isdigit(digit)) { digit -= '0'; } else if (isupper(digit)) { digit -= 'A' - 10; } else { digit -= 'a' - 10; } r = (r << 4) + digit; } *pp = p; *pul = r; return(fRet); }
// Function: AToD
// Synopsis: Decimal atoi with pointer bumping and success flag
// Arguments: [pp] -- String to convert
// [pul] -- [out] Result
// Returns: TRUE if success
BOOL AToD(LPSTR *pp, ULONG *pul) { LPSTR p = *pp; int digit; ULONG r; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
while (*p == ' ') { p++; } for (r = 0; isdigit(digit = *p); p++) { fRet = TRUE; r = (r * 10) + digit - '0'; } *pp = p; *pul = r; return(fRet); }
// Logging and Display Functions
VOID __cdecl LogMsg(const char *pszfmt, ...) { va_list va;
if (LogFile != NULL) { va_start(va, pszfmt); vfprintf(LogFile, pszfmt, va); va_end(va); } }
VOID EnterMessageMode(VOID) { EnterCriticalSection(&TTYCriticalSection); if (fConsoleInitialized && (NewConsoleMode & ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT) == 0) {
SetConsoleMode( GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE), NewConsoleMode | ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT); } }
VOID LeaveMessageMode(VOID) { if (fConsoleInitialized && (NewConsoleMode & ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT) == 0) {
SetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE), NewConsoleMode); } LeaveCriticalSection(&TTYCriticalSection); }
VOID __cdecl BuildMsg(const char *pszfmt, ...) { va_list va;
ClearLine(); va_start(va, pszfmt); fprintf(stderr, "BUILD: "); vfprintf(stderr, pszfmt, va); va_end(va); fflush(stderr);
LeaveMessageMode(); }
VOID __cdecl BuildMsgRaw(const char *pszfmt, ...) { va_list va;
va_start(va, pszfmt); vfprintf(stderr, pszfmt, va); va_end(va); fflush(stderr);
LeaveMessageMode(); }
VOID __cdecl BuildError(const char *pszfmt, ...) { va_list va;
ClearLine(); va_start(va, pszfmt); fprintf(stderr, "BUILD: ");
if (Frb.fOpen) { fprintf (stderr, "%s(%hu): ", Frb.pszFile, Frb.cLine); }
vfprintf(stderr, pszfmt, va); va_end(va); fflush(stderr);
if (LogFile != NULL) { va_start(va, pszfmt); fprintf(LogFile, "BUILD: ");
if (Frb.fOpen) { fprintf (LogFile, "%s(%hu): ", Frb.pszFile, Frb.cLine); }
vfprintf(LogFile, pszfmt, va); va_end(va); fflush(LogFile); } }
VOID __cdecl BuildErrorRaw(const char *pszfmt, ...) { va_list va;
va_start(va, pszfmt); vfprintf(stderr, pszfmt, va); va_end(va); fflush(stderr);
if (LogFile != NULL) { va_start(va, pszfmt); vfprintf(LogFile, pszfmt, va); va_end(va); fflush(LogFile); } }