// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1999 - 2000
// File: programoptions.h
// ProgramOptions.h: interface for the CProgramOptions class.
#if !defined(AFX_PROGRAMOPTIONS_H__D0C1E0B9_9F50_11D2_83A2_000000000000__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_PROGRAMOPTIONS_H__D0C1E0B9_9F50_11D2_83A2_000000000000__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#ifndef NO_STRICT
#ifndef STRICT
#define STRICT 1
#endif /* NO_STRICT */
#include <WINDOWS.H>
#include <TCHAR.H>
class CProgramOptions { static const LPTSTR g_DefaultSymbolPath;
public: bool fDoesModuleMatchOurSearch(LPCTSTR tszModulePathToTest); void DisplaySimpleHelp(); void DisplayHelp(); CProgramOptions(); virtual ~CProgramOptions();
bool Initialize(); bool ProcessCommandLineArguments(int argc, TCHAR *argv[]);
// We're going to perform bitwise operations on any number after the -Y switch
// to determine what type of symbol path searching is desired...
enum SymbolPathSearchAlgorithms { enumSymbolPathNormal = 0x0, enumSymbolPathOnly = 0x1, enumSymbolPathRecursion = 0x2, enumSymbolsModeUsingDBGInMISCSection = 0x4 };
enum DebugLevel { enumDebugSearchPaths = 0x1 };
enum ProgramModes { // Help Modes
SimpleHelpMode, HelpMode, // Input Methods
InputProcessesFromLiveSystemMode, // Querying live processes
InputDriversFromLiveSystemMode, // Querying live processes
InputProcessesWithMatchingNameOrPID, // Did the user provide a PID or Process Name?
InputModulesDataFromFileSystemMode, // Input Modules Data from File System
InputCSVFileMode, // Input Data from CSV File
InputDmpFileMode, // Input Data from DMP File
// Collection Options
// Matching Options
MatchModuleMode, // Verification Modes
VerifySymbolsMode, VerifySymbolsModeWithSymbolPath, VerifySymbolsModeWithSymbolPathOnly, VerifySymbolsModeWithSymbolPathRecursion, VerifySymbolsModeUsingDBGInMISCSection, VerifySymbolsModeWithSQLServer, VerifySymbolsModeWithSQLServer2, // SQL2 - mjl 12/14/99
// Output Methods
OutputSymbolInformationMode, BuildSymbolTreeMode, PrintTaskListMode, QuietMode, // No output to stdout...
OutputCSVFileMode, OverwriteOutputFileMode, OutputDiscrepanciesOnly,
ExceptionMonitorMode };
bool GetMode(enum ProgramModes mode); bool SetMode(enum ProgramModes mode, bool fState); bool DisplayProgramArguments();
// INLINE Methods!
#ifdef _UNICODE
inline bool IsRunningWindows() { // If Windows 9x
return (m_osver.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS); }; #endif
inline bool IsRunningWindowsNT() { // If Windows NT
return (m_osver.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT); };
inline LPTSTR GetProcessName() { return m_tszProcessName; };
inline LPTSTR GetModuleToMatch() { return m_tszModuleToMatch; };
inline LPTSTR GetOutputFilePath() { return m_tszOutputCSVFilePath; };
inline LPTSTR GetSQLServerName() { return m_tszSQLServer; };
inline LPTSTR GetSQLServerName2() { return m_tszSQLServer2; };
inline LPTSTR GetSymbolPath() { return m_tszSymbolPath; };
inline LPTSTR GetInputFilePath() { return m_tszInputCSVFilePath; };
inline LPTSTR GetDmpFilePath() { return m_tszInputDmpFilePath; };
inline LPTSTR GetSymbolTreeToBuild() { return m_tszSymbolTreeToBuild; };
inline LPTSTR GetInputModulesDataFromFileSystemPath() { return m_tszInputModulesDataFromFileSystemPath; };
inline DWORD GetProcessID() { return m_iProcessID; };
inline bool fDebugSearchPaths() { return (m_dwDebugLevel & enumDebugSearchPaths) == enumDebugSearchPaths; };
inline unsigned int GetVerificationLevel() { return m_iVerificationLevel; }; protected: OSVERSIONINFOA m_osver; bool VerifySemiColonSeparatedPath(LPTSTR tszPath); bool SetProcessID(DWORD iPID);
unsigned int m_iVerificationLevel;
DWORD m_iProcessID; DWORD m_dwDebugLevel;
LPTSTR m_tszInputCSVFilePath; LPTSTR m_tszInputDmpFilePath;
LPTSTR m_tszOutputCSVFilePath; LPTSTR m_tszProcessName; LPTSTR m_tszModuleToMatch; LPTSTR m_tszSymbolPath; LPTSTR m_tszSymbolTreeToBuild; LPTSTR m_tszInputModulesDataFromFileSystemPath; LPTSTR m_tszSQLServer; LPTSTR m_tszSQLServer2; // SQL2 - mjl 12/14/99
bool m_fSimpleHelpMode; bool m_fHelpMode;
bool m_fInputProcessesFromLiveSystemMode; bool m_fInputDriversFromLiveSystemMode; bool m_fInputProcessesWithMatchingNameOrPID; bool m_fInputCSVFileMode; bool m_fInputDmpFileMode;
bool m_fInputModulesDataFromFileSystemMode; bool m_fMatchModuleMode; bool m_fOutputSymbolInformationMode; bool m_fCollectVersionInfoMode; bool m_fVerifySymbolsMode; bool m_fVerifySymbolsModeWithSymbolPath; bool m_fVerifySymbolsModeWithSymbolPathOnly; bool m_fVerifySymbolsModeWithSymbolPathRecursion; bool m_fVerifySymbolsModeUsingDBGInMISCSection; bool m_fVerifySymbolsModeWithSQLServer; bool m_fVerifySymbolsModeWithSQLServer2; // SQL2 - mjl 12/14/99
bool m_fSymbolTreeToBuildMode; bool m_fPrintTaskListMode; bool m_fQuietMode; bool m_fOutputCSVFileMode; bool m_fOutputDiscrepanciesOnly; bool m_fOverwriteOutputFileMode;
bool m_fExceptionMonitorMode; };
#endif // !defined(AFX_PROGRAMOPTIONS_H__D0C1E0B9_9F50_11D2_83A2_000000000000__INCLUDED_)