/* chmode - change mode/attribute of file
* * 17-Apr-1986 daniel lipkie add /R flag * 18-Jul-1986 daniel lipkie add /N flag * 17-Jun-1987 bw Hard-code '/' as switch char ( '-' conflicts with off ) * 19-Oct-1990 w-barry Added forward function declaraions. * 27-Nov-1990 w-barry Began switch to Win32 API (including replacement of * getattr() with the Win32 equivalent. * */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tools.h>
#define ATTRLEN 8
flagType fSetAttr = FALSE; flagType fRecurse = FALSE; flagType fNondirOnly = FALSE; char strPattern[MAX_PATH]; char strAttr[ATTRLEN]; DWORD maskOR = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; DWORD maskAND = 0xff;
// Forward Function Declartions...
void attr2str( char, char * ); void walkdir( char *, struct findType *, void * ); void walk( char *, struct findType *, void * ); int dochmode( char * ); void Usage( void ); int __cdecl main( int, char ** );
void attr2str( char attr, char *pStr ) { *pStr++ = (char)(HASATTR(attr, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) ? 'd' : '-'); *pStr++ = '-'; *pStr++ = ' '; *pStr++ = (char)(HASATTR(attr, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN ) ? 'H' : '-'); *pStr++ = (char)(HASATTR(attr, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM ) ? 'S' : '-'); *pStr++ = (char)(HASATTR(attr, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE ) ? 'A' : '-'); *pStr++ = (char)(HASATTR(attr, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY ) ? 'R' : '-'); *pStr = '\0'; }
void walkdir( char *p, struct findType *b, void *dummy ) { char *pBuf;
if (!HASATTR(b->fbuf.dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) || !strcmp (b->fbuf.cFileName, ".") || !strcmp (b->fbuf.cFileName, "..") || (HASATTR(b->fbuf.dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN) || HASATTR(b->fbuf.dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM))) /* do not enum "." and ".."
* do not enum contents of non-directories * do not enum contents of hidden/system directories */ return; if ((pBuf = malloc(MAX_PATH)) == NULL) return; strcpy(pBuf, p); if (!fPathChr((strend(pBuf))[-1])) strcat(pBuf, "\\"); strcat(pBuf, strPattern); printf("subdirectory: %s\n", pBuf); dochmode(pBuf); free(pBuf); }
void walk ( char *p, struct findType *b, void *dummy ) { if (TESTFLAG(b->fbuf.dwFileAttributes,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && (!strcmp (b->fbuf.cFileName,".") || !strcmp (b->fbuf.cFileName, ".."))) /* don't show mode of . and .. */ return;
if (fSetAttr) { if (TESTFLAG(b->fbuf.dwFileAttributes,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && fNondirOnly) /* Is a directory and /N flag so do NOT set attr */ return; if (!SetFileAttributes(p, (b->fbuf.dwFileAttributes | maskOR) & maskAND) ) { attr2str( (char)((b->fbuf.dwFileAttributes | maskOR) & maskAND), strAttr); printf("error: attributes not set to %s %s\n", strAttr, p); } } else { attr2str( (char)b->fbuf.dwFileAttributes, strAttr); printf("%s %s\n", strAttr, p); } dummy; }
int dochmode( char *pstr ) { char *pBuf;
if (!forfile (pstr, -1, walk, NULL)) printf ("%s does not exist\n", pstr); if (fRecurse) { if ((pBuf = malloc(MAX_PATH)) == NULL) return( 0 ); drive(pstr, pBuf); path(pstr, pBuf); /* do NOT append pathchar, we want to enum sub dir in this dir */ strcat(pBuf, "*.*"); forfile(pBuf, -1, walkdir, NULL); free(pBuf); } return 0; }
void Usage () { puts("Usage: CHMODE [/RN] {[-+][hsar]}+ {filespec}+\n" " /R - Recurse to subdirectories\n" " /N - Non-directory files only"); exit( 1 ); }
int __cdecl main ( int c, char *v[] ) { register char *p; char ch; DWORD attr;
ConvertAppToOem( c, v ); SHIFT (c,v); while (c > 0 && ((ch = *v[0]) == '-' || ch == '+' || ch == '/')) { p = *v; if (ch == '/') { while (*++p != '\0') { if (*p == 'R') { fRecurse = TRUE; } else if (*p == 'N') { fNondirOnly = TRUE; } else { Usage(); } } } else { fSetAttr = TRUE; attr = 0; while (*++p != '\0') switch (*p) { case 'h': SETFLAG(attr, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN); break; case 's': SETFLAG(attr, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM); break; case 'a': SETFLAG(attr, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE); break; case 'r': SETFLAG(attr, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY); break; default: Usage (); } if (ch == '+') SETFLAG(maskOR, attr); else RSETFLAG(maskAND, attr); } SHIFT(c,v); }
if (c == 0) { if (fSetAttr) { /* if switches set then require filenames */ Usage(); } else { strcpy(strPattern, "*.*"); dochmode("*.*"); } } else while (c) { if (!fileext(*v, strPattern)) { strcpy(strPattern, "*.*"); } dochmode(*v); SHIFT(c, v); }
return( 0 ); }