// *********************************************************************************
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// Init.cpp
// Abstract:
// This module implements the general initialization stuff
// Author:
// Sunil G.V.N. Murali ([email protected]) 26-Nov-2000
// Revision History:
// Sunil G.V.N. Murali ([email protected]) 26-Nov-2000 : Created It.
// *********************************************************************************
#include "pch.h"
#include "wmi.h"
#include "taskkill.h"
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// CTaskKill contructor
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
CTaskKill::CTaskKill() { // init to defaults
m_arrFilters = NULL; m_arrTasksToKill = NULL; m_bUsage = FALSE; m_bTree = FALSE; m_bForce = FALSE; m_dwCurrentPid = 0; m_bNeedPassword = FALSE; m_arrFiltersEx = NULL; m_bNeedServicesInfo = FALSE; m_bNeedUserContextInfo = FALSE; m_bNeedModulesInfo = FALSE; m_pfilterConfigs = NULL; m_arrWindowTitles = NULL; m_pWbemLocator = NULL; m_pWbemServices = NULL; m_pWbemEnumObjects = NULL; m_pWbemTerminateInParams = NULL; m_bIsHydra = FALSE; m_hWinstaLib = NULL; m_pProcessInfo = NULL; m_ulNumberOfProcesses = 0; m_bCloseConnection = FALSE; m_dwServicesCount = 0; m_pServicesInfo = NULL; m_bUseRemote = FALSE; m_pdb = NULL; m_pfnWinStationFreeMemory = NULL; m_pfnWinStationOpenServerW = NULL; m_pfnWinStationCloseServer = NULL; m_pfnWinStationFreeGAPMemory = NULL; m_pfnWinStationGetAllProcesses = NULL; m_pfnWinStationEnumerateProcesses = NULL; m_arrRecord = NULL; m_pAuthIdentity = NULL; m_bTasksOptimized = FALSE; m_bFiltersOptimized = FALSE; m_hOutput = NULL; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// CTaskKill destructor
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
CTaskKill::~CTaskKill() { //
// de-allocate memory allocations
// destroy dynamic arrays
DESTROY_ARRAY( m_arrRecord ); DESTROY_ARRAY( m_arrFilters ); DESTROY_ARRAY( m_arrFiltersEx ); DESTROY_ARRAY( m_arrWindowTitles ); DESTROY_ARRAY( m_arrTasksToKill );
// memory ( with new operator )
RELEASE_MEMORY_EX( m_pfilterConfigs );
// release WMI / COM interfaces
SAFE_RELEASE( m_pWbemLocator ); SAFE_RELEASE( m_pWbemServices ); SAFE_RELEASE( m_pWbemEnumObjects ); SAFE_RELEASE( m_pWbemTerminateInParams );
// free the wmi authentication structure
WbemFreeAuthIdentity( &m_pAuthIdentity );
// if connection to the remote system opened with NET API has to be closed .. do it
if ( m_bCloseConnection == TRUE ) CloseConnection( m_strServer );
// free the memory allocated for services variables
__free( m_pServicesInfo );
// free the memory allocated for performance block
if ( m_pdb != NULL ) { HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, m_pdb ); m_pdb = NULL; }
// free winstation block
if ( m_bIsHydra == FALSE && m_pProcessInfo != NULL ) { // free the GAP memory block
WinStationFreeGAPMemory( GAP_LEVEL_BASIC, (PTS_ALL_PROCESSES_INFO) m_pProcessInfo, m_ulNumberOfProcesses ); // ...
m_pProcessInfo = NULL; } else if ( m_bIsHydra == TRUE && m_pProcessInfo != NULL ) { // free the winsta memory block
WinStationFreeMemory( m_pProcessInfo ); m_pProcessInfo = NULL; }
// free the library
if ( m_hWinstaLib != NULL ) { FreeLibrary( m_hWinstaLib ); m_hWinstaLib = NULL; m_pfnWinStationFreeMemory = NULL; m_pfnWinStationOpenServerW = NULL; m_pfnWinStationCloseServer = NULL; m_pfnWinStationFreeGAPMemory = NULL; m_pfnWinStationGetAllProcesses = NULL; m_pfnWinStationEnumerateProcesses = NULL; }
// uninitialize the com library
CoUninitialize(); }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// initialize the task list utility
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// TRUE : if filters are appropriately specified
// FALSE : if filters are errorneously specified
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CTaskKill::Initialize() { //
// memory allocations
// if at all any occurs, we know that is 'coz of the
// failure in memory allocation ... so set the error
SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError();
// get the current process id and save it
m_dwCurrentPid = GetCurrentProcessId();
// filters ( user supplied )
if ( m_arrFilters == NULL ) { m_arrFilters = CreateDynamicArray(); if ( m_arrFilters == NULL ) return FALSE; }
// tasks to be killed ( user supplied )
if ( m_arrTasksToKill == NULL ) { m_arrTasksToKill = CreateDynamicArray(); if ( m_arrTasksToKill == NULL ) return FALSE; }
// filters ( program generated parsed filters )
if ( m_arrFiltersEx == NULL ) { m_arrFiltersEx = CreateDynamicArray(); if ( m_arrFiltersEx == NULL ) return FALSE; }
// filters configuration info
if ( m_pfilterConfigs == NULL ) { m_pfilterConfigs = new TFILTERCONFIG[ MAX_FILTERS ]; if ( m_pfilterConfigs == NULL ) return FALSE;
// init to ZERO's
ZeroMemory( m_pfilterConfigs, MAX_FILTERS * sizeof( TFILTERCONFIG ) ); }
// window titles
if ( m_arrWindowTitles == NULL ) { m_arrWindowTitles = CreateDynamicArray(); if ( m_arrWindowTitles == NULL ) return FALSE; }
// tasks
if ( m_arrRecord == NULL ) { m_arrRecord = CreateDynamicArray(); if ( m_arrRecord == NULL ) return FALSE; }
// initialize the COM library
if ( InitializeCom( &m_pWbemLocator ) == FALSE ) return FALSE;
// load the winsta library and needed functions
// NOTE: do not raise any error if loading of winsta dll fails
m_hWinstaLib = ::LoadLibrary( WINSTA_DLLNAME ); if ( m_hWinstaLib != NULL ) { // library loaded successfully ... now load the addresses of functions
m_pfnWinStationFreeMemory = (FUNC_WinStationFreeMemory) ::GetProcAddress( m_hWinstaLib, FUNCNAME_WinStationFreeMemory ); m_pfnWinStationCloseServer = (FUNC_WinStationCloseServer) ::GetProcAddress( m_hWinstaLib, FUNCNAME_WinStationCloseServer ); m_pfnWinStationOpenServerW = (FUNC_WinStationOpenServerW) ::GetProcAddress( m_hWinstaLib, FUNCNAME_WinStationOpenServerW ); m_pfnWinStationFreeGAPMemory = (FUNC_WinStationFreeGAPMemory) ::GetProcAddress( m_hWinstaLib, FUNCNAME_WinStationFreeGAPMemory ); m_pfnWinStationGetAllProcesses = (FUNC_WinStationGetAllProcesses) ::GetProcAddress( m_hWinstaLib, FUNCNAME_WinStationGetAllProcesses ); m_pfnWinStationEnumerateProcesses = (FUNC_WinStationEnumerateProcesses) ::GetProcAddress( m_hWinstaLib, FUNCNAME_WinStationEnumerateProcesses );
// we will keep the library loaded in memory only if all the functions were loaded successfully
if ( m_pfnWinStationFreeMemory == NULL || m_pfnWinStationCloseServer == NULL || m_pfnWinStationOpenServerW == NULL || m_pfnWinStationFreeGAPMemory == NULL || m_pfnWinStationGetAllProcesses == NULL || m_pfnWinStationEnumerateProcesses == NULL ) { // some (or) all of the functions were not loaded ... unload the library
FreeLibrary( m_hWinstaLib ); m_hWinstaLib = NULL; m_pfnWinStationFreeMemory = NULL; m_pfnWinStationOpenServerW = NULL; m_pfnWinStationCloseServer = NULL; m_pfnWinStationFreeGAPMemory = NULL; m_pfnWinStationGetAllProcesses = NULL; m_pfnWinStationEnumerateProcesses = NULL; } }
// init the console scree buffer structure to zero's
// and then get the console handle and screen buffer information
// prepare for status display.
// for this get a handle to the screen output buffer
// but this handle will be null if the output is being redirected. so do not check
// for the validity of the handle. instead try to get the console buffer information
// only in case you have a valid handle to the output screen buffer
ZeroMemory( &m_csbi, sizeof( CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO ) ); m_hOutput = GetStdHandle( STD_ERROR_HANDLE ); if ( m_hOutput != NULL ) GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( m_hOutput, &m_csbi );
// initialization is successful
SetLastError( NOERROR ); // clear the error
SetReason( NULL_STRING ); // clear the reason
return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Enables the debug privliges for the current process so that
// this utility can terminate the processes on local system without any problem
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// TRUE upon successfull and FALSE if failed
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CTaskKill::EnableDebugPriv() { // local variables
// Retrieve a handle of the access token
bResult = OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken ); if ( bResult == FALSE ) { // save the error messaage and return
SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// Enable the SE_DEBUG_NAME privilege or disable
// all privileges, depends on this flag.
bResult = LookupPrivilegeValue( NULL, SE_DEBUG_NAME, &luidValue ); if ( bResult == FALSE ) { // save the error messaage and return
SaveLastError(); CloseHandle( hToken ); return FALSE; }
// prepare the token privileges structure
tkp.PrivilegeCount = 1; tkp.Privileges[ 0 ].Luid = luidValue; tkp.Privileges[ 0 ].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
// now enable the debug privileges in the token
bResult = AdjustTokenPrivileges( hToken, FALSE, &tkp, sizeof( TOKEN_PRIVILEGES ), ( PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES ) NULL, ( PDWORD ) NULL ); if ( bResult == FALSE ) { // The return value of AdjustTokenPrivileges be texted
SaveLastError(); CloseHandle( hToken ); return FALSE; }
// close the opened handle object
CloseHandle( hToken );
// enabled ... inform success
return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOLEAN CTaskKill::WinStationFreeMemory( PVOID pBuffer ) { // check the buffer and act
if ( pBuffer == NULL ) return TRUE;
// check whether pointer exists or not
if ( m_pfnWinStationFreeMemory == NULL ) return FALSE;
// call and return the same
return ((FUNC_WinStationFreeMemory) m_pfnWinStationFreeMemory)( pBuffer ); }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOLEAN CTaskKill::WinStationCloseServer( HANDLE hServer ) { // check the input
if ( hServer == NULL ) return TRUE;
// check whether the function pointer exists or not
if ( m_pfnWinStationCloseServer == NULL ) return FALSE;
// call and return
return ((FUNC_WinStationCloseServer) m_pfnWinStationCloseServer)( hServer ); }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
HANDLE CTaskKill::WinStationOpenServerW( LPWSTR pwszServerName ) { // check the input & also check whether function pointer exists or not
if ( pwszServerName == NULL || m_pfnWinStationOpenServerW == NULL ) return NULL;
// call and return
return ((FUNC_WinStationOpenServerW) m_pfnWinStationOpenServerW)( pwszServerName ); }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOLEAN CTaskKill::WinStationEnumerateProcesses( HANDLE hServer, PVOID* ppProcessBuffer ) { // check the input and also check whether function pointer exists or not
if ( ppProcessBuffer == NULL || m_pfnWinStationEnumerateProcesses == NULL ) return FALSE;
// call and return
return ((FUNC_WinStationEnumerateProcesses) m_pfnWinStationEnumerateProcesses)( hServer, ppProcessBuffer ); }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOLEAN CTaskKill::WinStationFreeGAPMemory( ULONG ulLevel, PVOID pProcessArray, ULONG ulCount ) { // check the input
if ( pProcessArray == NULL ) return TRUE;
// check whether function pointer exists or not
if ( m_pfnWinStationFreeGAPMemory == NULL ) return FALSE;
// call and return
return ((FUNC_WinStationFreeGAPMemory) m_pfnWinStationFreeGAPMemory)( ulLevel, pProcessArray, ulCount ); }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOLEAN CTaskKill::WinStationGetAllProcesses( HANDLE hServer, ULONG ulLevel, ULONG* pNumberOfProcesses, PVOID* ppProcessArray ) { // check the input & check whether function pointer exists or not
if (pNumberOfProcesses == NULL || ppProcessArray == NULL || m_pfnWinStationGetAllProcesses == NULL) return FALSE;
return ((FUNC_WinStationGetAllProcesses) m_pfnWinStationGetAllProcesses)( hServer, ulLevel, pNumberOfProcesses, ppProcessArray ); }