// *********************************************************************************
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// parse.cpp
// Abstract:
// This module implements the command-line parsing and validating the filters
// Author:
// Sunil G.V.N. Murali ([email protected]) 24-Nov-2000
// Revision History:
// Sunil G.V.N. Murali ([email protected]) 24-Nov-2000 : Created It.
// *********************************************************************************
#include "pch.h"
#include "tasklist.h"
// local function prototypes
BOOL TimeFieldsToElapsedTime( LPCWSTR pwszTime, LPCWSTR pwszToken, ULONG& ulElapsedTime ); DWORD FilterUserName( LPCWSTR pwszProperty, LPCWSTR pwszOperator, LPCWSTR pwszValue, LPVOID pData, TARRAY arrRow ); DWORD FilterCPUTime( LPCWSTR pwszProperty, LPCWSTR pwszOperator, LPCWSTR pwszValue, LPVOID pData, TARRAY arrRow );
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// processes and validates the command line inputs
// Arguments:
// [ in ] argc : no. of input arguments specified
// [ in ] argv : input arguments specified at command prompt
// Return Value:
// TRUE : if inputs are valid
// FALSE : if inputs were errorneously specified
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CTaskList::ProcessOptions( DWORD argc, LPCTSTR argv[] ) { // local variables
BOOL bNoHeader = FALSE; PTCMDPARSER pcmdOptions = NULL; __STRING_64 szFormat = NULL_STRING;
// temporary local variables
LPWSTR pwszModules = NULL; LPWSTR pwszServer = NULL; LPWSTR pwszUserName = NULL; LPWSTR pwszPassword = NULL; PTCMDPARSER pOption = NULL; PTCMDPARSER pOptionServer = NULL; PTCMDPARSER pOptionUserName = NULL; PTCMDPARSER pOptionPassword = NULL;
// prepare the command options
pcmdOptions = new TCMDPARSER[ MAX_OPTIONS ]; if ( pcmdOptions == NULL ) { SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
try { // get the memory
pwszModules = m_strModules.GetBufferSetLength( MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); pwszServer = m_strServer.GetBufferSetLength( MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); pwszUserName = m_strUserName.GetBufferSetLength( MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); pwszPassword = m_strPassword.GetBufferSetLength( MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
// init to NULL's
ZeroMemory( pwszModules, sizeof( WCHAR ) * MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); ZeroMemory( pwszServer, sizeof( WCHAR ) * MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); ZeroMemory( pwszUserName, sizeof( WCHAR ) * MAX_STRING_LENGTH ); ZeroMemory( pwszPassword, sizeof( WCHAR ) * MAX_STRING_LENGTH );
// init the password contents with '*'
lstrcpy( pwszPassword, L"*" ); } catch( ... ) { SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// initialize to ZERO's
ZeroMemory( pcmdOptions, MAX_OPTIONS * sizeof( TCMDPARSER ) );
// -?
pOption = pcmdOptions + OI_USAGE; pOption->dwCount = 1; pOption->dwActuals = 0; pOption->dwFlags = CP_USAGE; pOption->pValue = &m_bUsage; pOption->pFunction = NULL; pOption->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pOption->szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( pOption->szOption, OPTION_USAGE );
// -s
pOption = pcmdOptions + OI_SERVER; pOption->dwCount = 1; pOption->dwActuals = 0; pOption->dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY; pOption->pValue = pwszServer; pOption->pFunction = NULL; pOption->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pOption->szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( pOption->szOption, OPTION_SERVER );
// -u
pOption = pcmdOptions + OI_USERNAME; pOption->dwCount = 1; pOption->dwActuals = 0; pOption->dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY; pOption->pValue = pwszUserName; pOption->pFunction = NULL; pOption->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pOption->szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( pOption->szOption, OPTION_USERNAME );
// -p
pOption = pcmdOptions + OI_PASSWORD; pOption->dwCount = 1; pOption->dwActuals = 0; pOption->dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_OPTIONAL; pOption->pValue = pwszPassword; pOption->pFunction = NULL; pOption->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pOption->szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( pOption->szOption, OPTION_PASSWORD );
// -fi
pOption = pcmdOptions + OI_FILTER; pOption->dwCount = 0; pOption->dwActuals = 0; pOption->dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY | CP_MODE_ARRAY; pOption->pValue = &m_arrFilters; pOption->pFunction = NULL; pOption->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pOption->szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( pOption->szOption, OPTION_FILTER );
// -fo
pOption = pcmdOptions + OI_FORMAT; pOption->dwCount = 1; pOption->dwActuals = 0; pOption->dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_MANDATORY | CP_MODE_VALUES; pOption->pValue = &szFormat; pOption->pFunction = NULL; pOption->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pOption->szValues, OVALUES_FORMAT ); lstrcpy( pOption->szOption, OPTION_FORMAT );
// -nh
pOption = pcmdOptions + OI_NOHEADER; pOption->dwCount = 1; pOption->dwActuals = 0; pOption->dwFlags = 0; pOption->pValue = &bNoHeader; pOption->pFunction = NULL; pOption->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pOption->szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( pOption->szOption, OPTION_NOHEADER );
// -v
pOption = pcmdOptions + OI_VERBOSE; pOption->dwCount = 1; pOption->dwActuals = 0; pOption->dwFlags = 0; pOption->pValue = &m_bVerbose; pOption->pFunction = NULL; pOption->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pOption->szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( pOption->szOption, OPTION_VERBOSE );
// -svc
pOption = pcmdOptions + OI_SVC; pOption->dwCount = 1; pOption->dwActuals = 0; pOption->dwFlags = 0; pOption->pValue = &m_bAllServices; pOption->pFunction = NULL; pOption->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pOption->szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( pOption->szOption, OPTION_SVC );
// -m
pOption = pcmdOptions + OI_MODULES; pOption->dwCount = 1; pOption->dwActuals = 0; pOption->dwFlags = CP_TYPE_TEXT | CP_VALUE_OPTIONAL; pOption->pValue = pwszModules; pOption->pFunction = NULL; pOption->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pOption->szValues, NULL_STRING ); lstrcpy( pOption->szOption, OPTION_MODULES );
// do the parsing
if ( DoParseParam( argc, argv, MAX_OPTIONS, pcmdOptions ) == FALSE ) { delete [] pcmdOptions; // clear memory
pcmdOptions = NULL; return FALSE; // invalid syntax
// release the buffers
m_strModules.ReleaseBuffer(); m_strServer.ReleaseBuffer(); m_strUserName.ReleaseBuffer(); m_strPassword.ReleaseBuffer();
// now, check the mutually exclusive options
pOptionServer = pcmdOptions + OI_SERVER; pOptionUserName = pcmdOptions + OI_USERNAME; pOptionPassword = pcmdOptions + OI_PASSWORD;
// check the usage option
if ( m_bUsage && ( argc > 2 ) ) { // no other options are accepted along with -? option
SetLastError( MK_E_SYNTAX ); SetReason( ERROR_INVALID_USAGE_REQUEST ); delete [] pcmdOptions; // clear the cmd parser config info
return FALSE; } else if ( m_bUsage == TRUE ) { // should not do the furthur validations
delete [] pcmdOptions; // clear the cmd parser config info
return TRUE; }
// "-u" should not be specified without machine names
if ( pOptionServer->dwActuals == 0 && pOptionUserName->dwActuals != 0 ) { // invalid syntax
SetReason( ERROR_USERNAME_BUT_NOMACHINE ); delete [] pcmdOptions; // clear the cmd parser config info
return FALSE; // indicate failure
// empty server name is not valid
if ( pOptionServer->dwActuals != 0 ) { // trim the contents
m_strServer.TrimLeft(); m_strServer.TrimRight();
// check the value
if ( m_strServer.GetLength() == 0 ) { SetReason( ERROR_SERVERNAME_EMPTY ); delete [] pcmdOptions; // clear the cmd parser config info
return FALSE; // indicate failure
} }
// empty user is not valid
m_strUserName.TrimLeft(); m_strUserName.TrimRight(); if ( pOptionUserName->dwActuals != 0 && m_strUserName.GetLength() == 0 ) { SetReason( ERROR_USERNAME_EMPTY ); delete [] pcmdOptions; return FALSE; }
// "-p" should not be specified without "-u"
if ( pOptionUserName->dwActuals == 0 && pOptionPassword->dwActuals != 0 ) { // invalid syntax
SetReason( ERROR_PASSWORD_BUT_NOUSERNAME ); delete [] pcmdOptions; // clear the cmd parser config info
return FALSE; // indicate failure
// check whether user has specified modules or not
if ( pcmdOptions[ OI_MODULES ].dwActuals != 0 ) { // user has specified modules information
m_bAllModules = TRUE; m_bNeedModulesInfo = TRUE;
// now need to check whether user specified value or not this option
m_strModules.TrimLeft(); m_strModules.TrimRight(); if ( m_strModules.GetLength() != 0 ) { // sub-local variales
CHString str; LONG lPos = 0;
// validate the modules .. direct filter
// if should not have '*' character in between
lPos = m_strModules.Find( L"*" ); if ( lPos != -1 && m_strModules.Mid( lPos + 1 ).GetLength() != 0 ) { SetReason( ERROR_M_CHAR_AFTER_WILDCARD ); delete [] pcmdOptions; return FALSE; }
// if the wildcard is not specified, it means user is looking for just a particular module name
// so, do not show the modules info instead show the filtered regular information
// if ( lPos == -1 )
// m_bAllModules = FALSE;
// if the filter specified is not just '*' add a custom filter
if ( m_strModules.Compare( L"*" ) != 0 ) { // prepare the search string
str.Format( FMT_MODULES_FILTER, m_strModules );
// add the value to the filters list
if ( DynArrayAppendString( m_arrFilters, str, 0 ) == -1 ) { SetLastError( E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); delete [] pcmdOptions; return FALSE; } } else { // user specified just '*' ... clear the contents
m_strModules.Empty(); } } }
// determine the format in which the process information has to be displayed
m_dwFormat = SR_FORMAT_TABLE; if ( lstrcmpi( szFormat, TEXT_FORMAT_LIST ) == 0 ) m_dwFormat = SR_FORMAT_LIST; else if ( lstrcmpi( szFormat, TEXT_FORMAT_TABLE ) == 0 ) m_dwFormat = SR_FORMAT_TABLE; else if ( lstrcmpi( szFormat, TEXT_FORMAT_CSV ) == 0 ) m_dwFormat = SR_FORMAT_CSV;
// -nh option is not valid of LIST format
if ( bNoHeader == TRUE && m_dwFormat == SR_FORMAT_LIST ) { // invalid syntax
SetReason( ERROR_NH_NOTSUPPORTED ); delete [] pcmdOptions; // clear the cmd parser config info
return FALSE; // indicate failure
// identify output format
if ( bNoHeader ) m_dwFormat |= SR_NOHEADER; // do not display the header
// -svc, -m and -v should not be combined
if ( (m_bAllServices == TRUE && (m_bAllModules == TRUE || m_bVerbose == TRUE)) || (m_bAllModules == TRUE && (m_bAllServices == TRUE || m_bVerbose == TRUE)) || (m_bVerbose == TRUE && (m_bAllServices == TRUE || m_bAllModules == TRUE)) ) { // invalid syntax
SetReason( ERROR_M_SVC_V_CANNOTBECOUPLED ); delete [] pcmdOptions; // clear the cmd parser config info
return FALSE; // indicate failure
// determine whether we need to get the services / username info or not
if ( m_bAllServices == TRUE ) m_bNeedServicesInfo = TRUE; else if ( m_bVerbose == TRUE ) { m_bNeedWindowTitles = TRUE; m_bNeedUserContextInfo = TRUE; } // check whether caller should accept the password or not
// if user has specified -s (or) -u and no "-p", then utility should accept password
// the user will be prompter for the password only if establish connection
// is failed without the credentials information
if ( pOptionPassword->dwActuals != 0 && m_strPassword.Compare( L"*" ) == 0 ) { // user wants the utility to prompt for the password before trying to connect
m_bNeedPassword = TRUE; } else if ( (pOptionPassword->dwActuals == 0 && (pOptionServer->dwActuals != 0 || pOptionUserName->dwActuals != 0)) ) { // utility needs to try to connect first and if it fails then prompt for the password
m_bNeedPassword = TRUE; m_strPassword.Empty(); }
// command-line parsing is successfull
delete [] pcmdOptions; // clear the cmd parser config info
return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// validates the filter information specified with -filter option
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// TRUE : if filters are appropriately specified
// FALSE : if filters are errorneously specified
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL CTaskList::ValidateFilters() { // local variables
LONG lIndex = -1; BOOL bResult = FALSE; PTFILTERCONFIG pConfig = NULL;
// prepare the filter structure
// sessionname
pConfig = m_pfilterConfigs + FI_SESSIONNAME; pConfig->dwColumn = CI_SESSIONNAME; pConfig->dwFlags = F_TYPE_TEXT | F_MODE_PATTERN; pConfig->pFunction = NULL; pConfig->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pConfig->szOperators, OPERATORS_STRING ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szProperty, FILTER_SESSIONNAME ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szValues, NULL_STRING );
// status
pConfig = m_pfilterConfigs + FI_STATUS; pConfig->dwColumn = CI_STATUS; pConfig->dwFlags = F_TYPE_TEXT | F_MODE_VALUES; pConfig->pFunction = NULL; pConfig->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pConfig->szOperators, OPERATORS_STRING ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szProperty, FILTER_STATUS ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szValues, FVALUES_STATUS );
// imagename
pConfig = m_pfilterConfigs + FI_IMAGENAME; pConfig->dwColumn = CI_IMAGENAME; pConfig->dwFlags = F_TYPE_TEXT | F_MODE_PATTERN; pConfig->pFunction = NULL; pConfig->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pConfig->szOperators, OPERATORS_STRING ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szProperty, FILTER_IMAGENAME ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szValues, NULL_STRING );
// pid
pConfig = m_pfilterConfigs + FI_PID; pConfig->dwColumn = CI_PID; pConfig->dwFlags = F_TYPE_UNUMERIC; pConfig->pFunction = NULL; pConfig->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pConfig->szOperators, OPERATORS_NUMERIC ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szProperty, FILTER_PID ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szValues, NULL_STRING );
// session
pConfig = m_pfilterConfigs + FI_SESSION; pConfig->dwColumn = CI_SESSION; pConfig->dwFlags = F_TYPE_UNUMERIC; pConfig->pFunction = NULL; pConfig->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pConfig->szOperators, OPERATORS_NUMERIC ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szProperty, FILTER_SESSION ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szValues, NULL_STRING );
// cputime
pConfig = m_pfilterConfigs + FI_CPUTIME; pConfig->dwColumn = CI_CPUTIME; pConfig->dwFlags = F_TYPE_CUSTOM; pConfig->pFunction = FilterCPUTime; pConfig->pFunctionData = ( LPVOID) ((LPCWSTR) m_strTimeSep); lstrcpy( pConfig->szOperators, OPERATORS_NUMERIC ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szProperty, FILTER_CPUTIME ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szValues, NULL_STRING );
// memusage
pConfig = m_pfilterConfigs + FI_MEMUSAGE; pConfig->dwColumn = CI_MEMUSAGE; pConfig->dwFlags = F_TYPE_UNUMERIC; pConfig->pFunction = NULL; pConfig->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pConfig->szOperators, OPERATORS_NUMERIC ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szProperty, FILTER_MEMUSAGE ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szValues, NULL_STRING );
// username
pConfig = m_pfilterConfigs + FI_USERNAME; pConfig->dwColumn = CI_USERNAME; pConfig->dwFlags = F_TYPE_CUSTOM; pConfig->pFunction = FilterUserName; pConfig->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pConfig->szOperators, OPERATORS_STRING ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szProperty, FILTER_USERNAME ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szValues, NULL_STRING );
// services
pConfig = m_pfilterConfigs + FI_SERVICES; pConfig->dwColumn = CI_SERVICES; pConfig->dwFlags = F_TYPE_TEXT | F_MODE_PATTERN | F_MODE_ARRAY; pConfig->pFunction = NULL; pConfig->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pConfig->szOperators, OPERATORS_STRING ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szProperty, FILTER_SERVICES ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szValues, NULL_STRING );
// windowtitle
pConfig = m_pfilterConfigs + FI_WINDOWTITLE; pConfig->dwColumn = CI_WINDOWTITLE; pConfig->dwFlags = F_TYPE_TEXT | F_MODE_PATTERN; pConfig->pFunction = NULL; pConfig->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pConfig->szOperators, OPERATORS_STRING ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szProperty, FILTER_WINDOWTITLE ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szValues, NULL_STRING );
// modules
pConfig = m_pfilterConfigs + FI_MODULES; pConfig->dwColumn = CI_MODULES; pConfig->dwFlags = F_TYPE_TEXT | F_MODE_PATTERN | F_MODE_ARRAY; pConfig->pFunction = NULL; pConfig->pFunctionData = NULL; lstrcpy( pConfig->szOperators, OPERATORS_STRING ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szProperty, FILTER_MODULES ); lstrcpy( pConfig->szValues, NULL_STRING );
// validate the filter
bResult = ParseAndValidateFilter( MAX_FILTERS, m_pfilterConfigs, m_arrFilters, &m_arrFiltersEx );
// check the filter validation result
if ( bResult == FALSE ) return FALSE;
// find out whether user has requested for the tasks to be filtered
// on user context and/or services are not ... if yes, set the appropriate flags
// this check is being done to increase the performance of the utility
// NOTE: we will be using the parsed filters info for doing this
// window titles
if ( m_bNeedWindowTitles == FALSE ) { // find out if the filter property exists in this row
// NOTE:-
// filter property do exists in the seperate indexes only.
// refer to the logic of validating the filters in common functionality
lIndex = DynArrayFindStringEx( m_arrFiltersEx, F_PARSED_INDEX_PROPERTY, FILTER_WINDOWTITLE, TRUE, 0 ); if ( lIndex != -1 ) m_bNeedWindowTitles = TRUE; }
// user context
if ( m_bNeedUserContextInfo == FALSE ) { // find out if the filter property exists in this row
// NOTE:-
// filter property do exists in the seperate indexes only.
// refer to the logic of validating the filters in common functionality
lIndex = DynArrayFindStringEx( m_arrFiltersEx, F_PARSED_INDEX_PROPERTY, FILTER_USERNAME, TRUE, 0 ); if ( lIndex != -1 ) m_bNeedUserContextInfo = TRUE; }
// services info
if ( m_bNeedServicesInfo == FALSE ) { // find out if the filter property exists in this row
// NOTE:-
// filter property do exists in the seperate indexes only.
// refer to the logic of validating the filters in common functionality
lIndex = DynArrayFindStringEx( m_arrFiltersEx, F_PARSED_INDEX_PROPERTY, FILTER_SERVICES, TRUE, 0 ); if ( lIndex != -1 ) m_bNeedServicesInfo = TRUE; }
// modules info
if ( m_bNeedModulesInfo == FALSE ) { // find out if the filter property exists in this row
// NOTE:-
// filter property do exists in the seperate indexes only.
// refer to the logic of validating the filters in common functionality
lIndex = DynArrayFindStringEx( m_arrFiltersEx, F_PARSED_INDEX_PROPERTY, FILTER_MODULES, TRUE, 0 ); if ( lIndex != -1 ) m_bNeedModulesInfo = TRUE; }
// do the filter optimization by adding the wmi properties to the query
// NOTE: as the 'handle' property of the Win32_Process class is string type
// we cannot include that in the wmi query for optimization. So make use
// of the ProcessId property
LONG lCount = 0; CHString strBuffer; BOOL bOptimized = FALSE; LPCWSTR pwszValue = NULL; LPCWSTR pwszClause = NULL; LPCWSTR pwszProperty = NULL; LPCWSTR pwszOperator = NULL;
// first clause .. and init
// get the no. of filters
lCount = DynArrayGetCount( m_arrFiltersEx );
// traverse thru all the filters and do the optimization
for( LONG i = 0; i < lCount; i++ ) { // assume this filter will not be delete / not useful for optimization
bOptimized = FALSE;
// get the property, operator and value
pwszValue = DynArrayItemAsString2( m_arrFiltersEx, i, F_PARSED_INDEX_VALUE ); pwszProperty = DynArrayItemAsString2( m_arrFiltersEx, i, F_PARSED_INDEX_PROPERTY ); pwszOperator = DynArrayItemAsString2( m_arrFiltersEx, i, F_PARSED_INDEX_OPERATOR ); if ( pwszProperty == NULL || pwszOperator == NULL || pwszValue == NULL ) { SetLastError( STG_E_UNKNOWN ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// based on the property do optimization needed
// get the mathematically equivalent operator
pwszOperator = FindOperator( pwszOperator );
// process id
if ( StringCompare( FILTER_PID, pwszProperty, TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) { // convert the value into numeric
DWORD dwProcessId = AsLong( pwszValue, 10 ); strBuffer.Format( L" %s %s %s %d", pwszClause, WIN32_PROCESS_PROPERTY_PROCESSID, pwszOperator, dwProcessId );
// need to be optimized
bOptimized = TRUE; }
// session id
else if ( StringCompare( FILTER_SESSION, pwszProperty, TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) { // convert the value into numeric
DWORD dwSession = AsLong( pwszValue, 10 ); strBuffer.Format( L" %s %s %s %d", pwszClause, WIN32_PROCESS_PROPERTY_SESSION, pwszOperator, dwSession );
// need to be optimized
bOptimized = TRUE; }
// image name
else if ( StringCompare( FILTER_IMAGENAME, pwszProperty, TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) { // check if wild card is specified or not
// if wild card is specified, this filter cannot be optimized
if ( wcschr( pwszValue, _T( '*' ) ) == NULL ) { // no conversions needed
strBuffer.Format( L" %s %s %s '%s'", pwszClause, WIN32_PROCESS_PROPERTY_IMAGENAME, pwszOperator, pwszValue );
// need to be optimized
bOptimized = TRUE; } }
// status
else if ( StringCompare( FILTER_STATUS, pwszProperty, TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) { //
// do the value conversions
// if OPERATOR is =
// value: RUNNING means OPERATOR is > and VALUE is 0
// if OPERATOR is !=
// value: RUNNING means OPERATOR is = and VALUE is 0
// NOT RESPONDING means OPERATOR is > and VALUE is 0
if ( StringCompare( pwszValue, VALUE_RUNNING, TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) { if ( StringCompare( pwszOperator, MATH_EQ, TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) pwszOperator = MATH_GT; else pwszOperator = MATH_EQ; } else { if ( StringCompare( pwszOperator, MATH_EQ, TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) pwszOperator = MATH_EQ; else pwszOperator = MATH_GT; }
// finally the filter condition
strBuffer.Format( L" %s %s %s 0", pwszClause, WIN32_PROCESS_PROPERTY_THREADS, pwszOperator );
// need to be optimized
bOptimized = TRUE; }
// mem usage
else if ( StringCompare( FILTER_MEMUSAGE, pwszProperty, TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) { // convert the value into numeric
ULONG ulMemUsage = AsLong( pwszValue, 10 ) * 1024; strBuffer.Format( L" %s %s %s %lu", pwszClause, WIN32_PROCESS_PROPERTY_MEMUSAGE, pwszOperator, ulMemUsage );
// need to be optimized
bOptimized = TRUE; }
// check if property is optimizable ... if yes ... remove
if ( bOptimized == TRUE ) { // change the clause and append the current query
m_strQuery += strBuffer; pwszClause = WMI_QUERY_SECOND_CLAUSE;
// remove property and update the iterator variables
DynArrayRemove( m_arrFiltersEx, i ); i--; lCount--; } }
// return the filter validation result
return bResult; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL TimeFieldsToElapsedTime( LPCWSTR pwszTime, LPCWSTR pwszToken, ULONG& ulElapsedTime ) { // local variables
ULONG ulValue = 0; LPCWSTR pwszField = NULL; __STRING_64 szTemp = NULL_STRING; DWORD dwNext = 0, dwLength = 0, dwCount = 0;
// check the input
if ( pwszTime == NULL || pwszToken == NULL ) return FALSE;
// start parsing the time info
dwNext = 0; dwCount = 0; ulElapsedTime = 0; do { // search for the needed token
pwszField = FindString( pwszTime, pwszToken, dwNext ); if ( pwszField == NULL ) { // check whether some more text exists in the actual string or not
if ( (LONG) dwNext >= lstrlen( pwszTime ) ) break; // no more info found
// get the last info
lstrcpyn( szTemp, pwszTime + dwNext, SIZE_OF_ARRAY( szTemp ) ); dwLength = lstrlen( szTemp ); // update the length
} else { // determine the length of numeric value and get the numeric value
dwLength = lstrlen( pwszTime ) - lstrlen( pwszField ) - dwNext;
// check the length info
if ( dwLength > SIZE_OF_ARRAY( szTemp ) ) return FALSE;
// get the current info
lstrcpyn( szTemp, pwszTime + dwNext, dwLength + 1 ); // +1 for NULL character
// update the count of fields we are getting
// check whether this field is numeric or not
if ( lstrlen( szTemp ) == 0 || IsNumeric( szTemp, 10, FALSE ) == FALSE ) return FALSE;
// from second token onwards, values greater than 59 are not allowed
ulValue = AsLong( szTemp, 10 ); if ( dwCount > 1 && ulValue > 59 ) return FALSE;
// update the elapsed time
ulElapsedTime = ( ulElapsedTime + ulValue ) * (( dwCount < 3 ) ? 60 : 1);
// position to the next information start
dwNext += dwLength + lstrlen( pwszToken ); } while ( pwszField != NULL && dwCount < 3 );
// check the no. of time field we got .. we should have got 3 .. if not error
if ( pwszField != NULL || dwCount != 3 ) return FALSE;
// so everything went right ... return success
return TRUE; }
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
DWORD FilterCPUTime( LPCWSTR pwszProperty, LPCWSTR pwszOperator, LPCWSTR pwszValue, LPVOID pData, TARRAY arrRow ) { // local variables
ULONG ulCPUTime = 0; ULONG ulElapsedTime = 0; LPCWSTR pwszCPUTime = NULL;
// if the arrRow parameter is NULL, we need to validate the filter
if ( arrRow == NULL ) { // validate the filter value and return the result
if ( TimeFieldsToElapsedTime( pwszValue, L":", ulElapsedTime ) == FALSE ) return F_FILTER_INVALID; else return F_FILTER_VALID; }
// get the filter value
TimeFieldsToElapsedTime( pwszValue, L":", ulElapsedTime );
// get the record value
pwszCPUTime = DynArrayItemAsString( arrRow, TASK_CPUTIME ); if ( pwszCPUTime == NULL ) return F_RESULT_REMOVE;
// convert the record value into elapsed time value
TimeFieldsToElapsedTime( pwszCPUTime, (LPCWSTR) pData, ulCPUTime );
// return the result
if ( ulCPUTime == ulElapsedTime ) return MASK_EQ; else if ( ulCPUTime < ulElapsedTime ) return MASK_LT; else if ( ulCPUTime > ulElapsedTime ) return MASK_GT;
// no way flow coming here .. still
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
DWORD FilterUserName( LPCWSTR pwszProperty, LPCWSTR pwszOperator, LPCWSTR pwszValue, LPVOID pData, TARRAY arrRow ) { // local variables
LONG lResult = 0; LONG lWildCardPos = 0; LPCWSTR pwszTemp = NULL; LPCWSTR pwszSearch = NULL; BOOL bOnlyUserName = FALSE; LPCWSTR pwszUserName = NULL;
// check the inputs
if ( pwszProperty == NULL || pwszOperator == NULL || pwszValue == NULL ) return F_FILTER_INVALID;
// if the arrRow parameter is NULL, we need to validate the filter
if ( arrRow == NULL ) { // nothing is there to validate ... just check the length
// and ensure that so text is present and the value should not be just '*'
// NOTE: the common functionality will give the value after doing left and right trim
if ( lstrlen( pwszValue ) == 0 || StringCompare( pwszValue, L"*", TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) return F_FILTER_INVALID;
// the wild card character is allowed only at the end
pwszTemp = _tcschr( pwszValue, L'*' ); if ( pwszTemp != NULL && lstrlen( pwszTemp + 1 ) != 0 ) return F_FILTER_INVALID;
// filter is valid
return F_FILTER_VALID; }
// find the position of the wild card in the supplied user name
lWildCardPos = 0; pwszTemp = _tcschr( pwszValue, L'*' ); if ( pwszTemp != NULL ) { // determine the wild card position
lWildCardPos = lstrlen( pwszValue ) - lstrlen( pwszTemp );
// special case:
// if the pattern is just asterisk, which means that all the
// information needs to passed thru the filter but there is no chance for
// this situation as specifying only '*' is being treated as invalid filter
if ( lWildCardPos == 0 ) return F_FILTER_INVALID; }
// search for the domain and user name seperator ...
// if domain name is not specified, comparision will be done only with the user name
bOnlyUserName = FALSE; pwszTemp = _tcschr( pwszValue, L'\\' ); if ( pwszTemp == NULL ) bOnlyUserName = TRUE;
// get the user name from the info
pwszUserName = DynArrayItemAsString( arrRow, TASK_USERNAME ); if ( pwszUserName == NULL ) return F_RESULT_REMOVE;
// based the search criteria .. meaning whether to search along with the domain or
// only user name, the seach string will be decided
pwszSearch = pwszUserName; if ( bOnlyUserName == TRUE ) { // search for the domain and user name seperation character
pwszTemp = _tcschr( pwszUserName, L'\\' ); // position to the next character
if ( pwszTemp != NULL ) pwszSearch = pwszTemp + 1; }
// validate the search string
if ( pwszSearch == NULL ) return F_RESULT_REMOVE;
// now do the comparision
lResult = StringCompare( pwszSearch, pwszValue, TRUE, lWildCardPos );
// now determine the result value
if ( lResult == 0 ) return MASK_EQ; else if ( lResult < 0 ) return MASK_LT; else if ( lResult > 0 ) return MASK_GT;
// never come across this situation ... still
// ***************************************************************************
// Routine Description:
// This function fetches usage information from resource file and shows it
// Arguments:
// Return Value:
// ***************************************************************************
VOID CTaskList::Usage() { // local variables
DWORD dw = 0;
// start displaying the usage
ShowMessage( stdout, L"\n" ); for( dw = ID_HELP_START; dw <= ID_HELP_END; dw++ ) ShowMessage( stdout, GetResString( dw ) ); }