#include <windows.h>
#include <imagehlp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void __cdecl main(void); void foo (void); void foo1(void); void foo2(void); void foo3(void); void WalkTheStack(void);
void TestFindExecutableImage( void );
void __cdecl main(void) { puts("Entering main"); foo();
puts("Ending main"); }
void TestFindExecutableImage( void ) { HANDLE Handle; CHAR szCorrectName[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szActualName [MAX_PATH]; CHAR szTestPath[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szDrive[_MAX_DRIVE]; CHAR szDir[_MAX_DIR]; CHAR *FilePart; DWORD ErrorCount = 0;
_splitpath(_pgmptr, szDrive, szDir, NULL, NULL);
strcpy(szTestPath, szDrive); strcat(szTestPath, szDir);
GetFullPathName(_pgmptr, MAX_PATH, szCorrectName, &FilePart);
__try { Handle = FindExecutableImage(FilePart, szTestPath, szActualName); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Handle = NULL; printf("ERROR: FindExecutableImage GPF (test %d)\n", 1); ErrorCount++; }
if (Handle == NULL) { printf("ERROR: FindExecutableImage (test %d) failed\n", 1); ErrorCount++; } else { CloseHandle(Handle); if (strcmp(szCorrectName, szActualName)) { printf("ERROR: FindExecutableImage() (test %d) found wrong image.\nExpected: %s\nFound: %s\n", 1, szCorrectName, szActualName); ErrorCount++; } }
// Test long paths to ExpandPath()
strcat(szTestPath, ";%path%;%path%;%path%;%path%;%path%;%path%;%path%;%path%");
__try { Handle = FindExecutableImage(FilePart, szTestPath, szActualName); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Handle = NULL; printf("ERROR: FindExecutableImage GPF (test %d)\n", 2); ErrorCount++; }
if (Handle == NULL) { printf("ERROR: FindExecutableImage (test %d) failed\n", 2); ErrorCount++; } else { CloseHandle(Handle); if (strcmp(szCorrectName, szActualName)) { printf("ERROR: FindExecutableImage() (test %d) found wrong image.\nExpected: %s\nFound: %s\n", 2, szCorrectName, szActualName); ErrorCount++; } }
// Test invalid paths (should return failure)
szTestPath[0] = '\0';
__try { Handle = FindExecutableImage(FilePart, szTestPath, szActualName); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Handle = NULL; printf("ERROR: FindExecutableImage GPF (test %d)\n", 3); ErrorCount++; }
if (Handle != NULL) { CloseHandle(Handle); printf("ERROR: FindExecutableImage (test %d) failed - Expected: <nothing>\nFound: %s\n", 3, szActualName); ErrorCount++; } else { if (strlen(szActualName)) { printf("ERROR: FindExecutableImage() (test %d) failed to clear ImageName on failure\n", 3); ErrorCount++; } }
// Test NULL name (should return failure)
__try { Handle = FindExecutableImage(NULL, szTestPath, szActualName); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Handle = NULL; printf("ERROR: FindExecutableImage GPF (test %d)\n", 4); ErrorCount++; }
if (Handle != NULL) { CloseHandle(Handle); printf("ERROR: FindExecutableImage (test %d) failed - Expected: <nothing>\nFound: %s\n", 4, szActualName); ErrorCount++; } else { if (strlen(szActualName)) { printf("ERROR: FindExecutableImage() (test %d) failed to clear ImageName on failure\n", 4); ErrorCount++; } }
// Valid name and path, invalid end result.
strcpy(szTestPath, szDrive); strcat(szTestPath, szDir);
__try { Handle = FindExecutableImage(FilePart, szTestPath, NULL); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { Handle = NULL; printf("ERROR: FindExecutableImage GPF (test %d)\n", 5); ErrorCount++; }
if (Handle != NULL) { CloseHandle(Handle); printf("ERROR: FindExecutableImage (test %d) failed - Supposed to fail if filepath is invalid\n", 5); ErrorCount++; }
printf("FindExecutableImage - %s\n", ErrorCount ? "Failed" : "Passed");
return; }
void foo(void) { puts("Entering foo"); foo1(); puts("Ending foo"); }
void foo1(void) { puts("Entering foo1"); foo2(); puts("Ending foo1"); }
void foo2(void) { puts("Entering foo2"); foo3(); puts("Ending foo2"); }
void foo3(void) { puts("Entering foo3"); WalkTheStack(); puts("Ending foo2"); }
void WalkTheStack(){