#include "symutil.h"
typedef struct _FILE_INFO { DWORD TimeDateStamp; DWORD CheckSum; TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH]; } FILE_INFO, *PFILE_INFO;
typedef struct _COMMAND_ARGS { LPTSTR szDir; // Directory where source files exist
LPTSTR szFileName; // File name(s) to copy
FILE * hSymCDLog; // SymbolsCD log file
BOOL Recurse; // Recurse in subdirectories
LPTSTR szSymPath; // Directory where symbols exist
LPTSTR szExcludeFileName; // File name with list of files to exclude
// from symbol checking
LPTSTR szListFileName; // File containing a list of files to check
DWORD Split; // TRUE - check for split images
// FALSE - check for non-split images
BOOL Verbose; // Print info for every file checked,
// not just the ones that fail
LPTSTR szErrorFilterList; // Don't print errors for these files
LPTSTR szCDIncludeList; // Full path to symbols that should get
// written to the list that is used for creating
// the symbol CD. Originally used for
// international incremental builds
typedef struct _FILE_COUNTS { DWORD NumPassedFiles; DWORD NumIgnoredFiles; DWORD NumFailedFiles; } FILE_COUNTS, *PFILE_COUNTS;
// Prototypes
PCOM_ARGS GetCommandLineArgs( int argc, char **argv );
VOID Usage ( VOID );
DWORD CheckDirectory( LPTSTR szDir, LPTSTR szFName, LPTSTR szSymPath, FILE* hSymCDLog, PEXCLUDE_LIST pExcludeList, PFILE_COUNTS pFileCounts, DWORD Split );
DWORD CheckAllDirectories( LPTSTR szDir, LPTSTR szFName, LPTSTR szSymPath, FILE* hSymCDLog, PEXCLUDE_LIST pExcludeList, PFILE_COUNTS pFileCounts, DWORD Split );
BOOL CorrectPath( LPTSTR szFileName, LPTSTR szPathName, LPTSTR szCorrectPath );
// Global variables
BOOL Verbose = 0; BOOL Retail = TRUE;
int _cdecl main( int argc, char **argv) { PCOM_ARGS pArgs; DWORD NumBadFiles=0; DWORD NumExcludeFiles=0;
P_LIST FileList;
pArgs = GetCommandLineArgs(argc, argv); Verbose = (BOOL)pArgs->Verbose;
memset( &SymErr, 0, sizeof(SymErr) ); memset( &FileCounts, 0, sizeof(FILE_COUNTS) );
if ( pArgs->szExcludeFileName != NULL ) { pExcludeList = GetExcludeList(pArgs->szExcludeFileName); }
if ( pArgs->szErrorFilterList != NULL ) { pErrorFilterList = GetExcludeList(pArgs->szErrorFilterList); }
if ( pArgs->szCDIncludeList != NULL ) { pCDIncludeList = GetList( pArgs->szCDIncludeList ); }
// This is the section for creating the symbols CD.
if ( pArgs->szListFileName != NULL ) {
FileList = GetList(pArgs->szListFileName); if ( FileList == NULL ) { printf(" Cannot open the file list %s\n", pArgs->szListFileName); exit(1); }
if ( FileList->dNumFiles == 0 ) goto finish;
// Do the first one, so we don't have to check for it inside the loop
if ( CorrectPath(FileList->List[0].FName, FileList->List[0].Path, pArgs->szDir) ) { NumBadFiles += CheckDirectory( pArgs->szDir, FileList->List[0].FName, pArgs->szSymPath, pArgs->hSymCDLog, pExcludeList, &FileCounts, pArgs->Split ); }
for ( i=1; i< FileList->dNumFiles; i++) {
// There may be some duplicates in the list ... skip them
// Also, only check the files that are in the path given on the command line
if ( (_tcsicmp(FileList->List[i].Path, FileList->List[i-1].Path) != 0) && CorrectPath(FileList->List[i].FName, FileList->List[i].Path, pArgs->szDir) ) {
NumBadFiles += CheckDirectory( pArgs->szDir, FileList->List[i].FName, pArgs->szSymPath, pArgs->hSymCDLog, pExcludeList, &FileCounts, pArgs->Split ); } } } else { if ( !pArgs->Recurse ) { NumBadFiles += CheckDirectory( pArgs->szDir, pArgs->szFileName, pArgs->szSymPath, pArgs->hSymCDLog, pExcludeList, &FileCounts, pArgs->Split ); } else { NumBadFiles += CheckAllDirectories( pArgs->szDir, pArgs->szFileName, pArgs->szSymPath, pArgs->hSymCDLog, pExcludeList, &FileCounts, pArgs->Split ); }
// CheckDirectory just returns the number of failed and passed. If
// no files failed or passed, then report that we couldn't find the
// file.
if ( (FileCounts.NumFailedFiles + FileCounts.NumPassedFiles) == 0 ) { _tcscpy( SymErr.szFileName, pArgs->szFileName ); SymErr.Verbose=pArgs->Verbose; if (InExcludeList(SymErr.szFileName, pExcludeList) ) { LogError(ErrMsg, &SymErr, IMAGE_PASSED ); FileCounts.NumPassedFiles=1; } else { LogError(ErrMsg, &SymErr, FILE_NOT_FOUND); FileCounts.NumFailedFiles=1; } if ( _tcscmp(ErrMsg, "") != 0 ) { printf("SYMCHK: %s",ErrMsg); } } }
if (pArgs->hSymCDLog) fclose(pArgs->hSymCDLog);
free(pArgs->szDir); free(pArgs->szFileName); free(pArgs);
printf("\nSYMCHK: FAILED files = %d\n",FileCounts.NumFailedFiles); printf("SYMCHK: PASSED + IGNORED files = %d\n",FileCounts.NumPassedFiles);
if ( FileCounts.NumFailedFiles > 0 ) { return(1); } else { return(0); } }
DWORD CheckAllDirectories( LPTSTR szDir, LPTSTR szFName, LPTSTR szSymPath, FILE* hSymCDLog, PEXCLUDE_LIST pExcludeList, PFILE_COUNTS pFileCounts, DWORD Split )
{ HANDLE hFindFile; TCHAR szCurPath[_MAX_PATH]; BOOL Found = FALSE; DWORD NumBadFiles=0;
NumBadFiles += CheckDirectory(szDir, szFName, szSymPath, hSymCDLog, pExcludeList, pFileCounts, Split );
// Look for all the subdirectories
_tcscpy(szCurPath, szDir); _tcscat(szCurPath, _T("\\*.*") );
Found = TRUE; hFindFile = FindFirstFile((LPCTSTR)szCurPath, &FindFileData); if ( hFindFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Found = FALSE; }
while ( Found ) { if ( FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
if ( !_tcscmp(FindFileData.cFileName, _T(".")) || !_tcscmp(FindFileData.cFileName, _T("..")) || !_tcsicmp(FindFileData.cFileName, _T("symbols")) ) { // Don't process these directories
} else { // Get the current path that we are searching in
_tcscpy(szCurPath, szDir); _tcscat(szCurPath, _T("\\")); _tcscat(szCurPath, FindFileData.cFileName);
NumBadFiles += CheckAllDirectories( szCurPath, szFName, szSymPath, hSymCDLog, pExcludeList, pFileCounts, Split ); } } Found = FindNextFile(hFindFile, &FindFileData); } FindClose(hFindFile); return(NumBadFiles); }
DWORD CheckDirectory( LPTSTR szDir, LPTSTR szFName, LPTSTR szSymPath, FILE * hSymCDLog, PEXCLUDE_LIST pExcludeList, PFILE_COUNTS pFileCounts, DWORD Split )
{ HANDLE hFindFile; TCHAR szFileName[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szCurPath[_MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szCurFileName[_MAX_PATH]; BOOL Found; DWORD NumBadFiles=0; DWORD NumGoodFiles=0;
memset( &SymErr, 0, sizeof(SymErr) );
// Create the file name
_tcscpy(szFileName, szDir); _tcscat(szFileName, _T("\\") ); _tcscat(szFileName, szFName);
// Get the current path that we are searching in
_tcscpy(szCurPath, szDir);
Found = TRUE; hFindFile = FindFirstFile((LPCTSTR)szFileName, &FindFileData); if ( hFindFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { Found = FALSE; }
while ( Found ) { // Found a file, not a directory
if ( !(FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) {
_tcscpy(szCurFileName, szCurPath); _tcscat(szCurFileName,_T("\\") ); _tcscat(szCurFileName, FindFileData.cFileName );
// Its not in the exclude list, go ahead and test it
if (!InExcludeList(FindFileData.cFileName,pExcludeList ) ) {
if ( !CheckSymbols( ErrMsg, szSymPath, szCurFileName, hSymCDLog, Split, Verbose, NULL ) ) { pFileCounts->NumFailedFiles++; NumBadFiles++; } else { pFileCounts->NumPassedFiles++; } }
// It is in the exclude list, add it to NumPassed Files
else { pFileCounts->NumPassedFiles++; _tcscpy(SymErr.szFileName, szCurFileName); SymErr.Verbose = Verbose; LogError(ErrMsg, &SymErr, IMAGE_PASSED); } if ( _tcscmp(ErrMsg,"") != 0 ) { printf("SYMCHK: %s", ErrMsg); } } Found = FindNextFile(hFindFile, &FindFileData); } FindClose(hFindFile); return(NumBadFiles); }
VOID Usage ( VOID )
{ puts("\n" "Usage: symchk [switches] file /s sympath \n\n" " file Name of file(s) or directory to check.\n" " Can include wildcards.\n\n" " [/b] For NT4 Service Packs -- don't complain if\n" " there is no CodeView data\n" " [/e file] File containing a list of files to exclude.\n" " This file can have one name per line. Comment\n" " lines begin with a ; . \n\n" " [/p] Check that private information is removed.\n" " [/c dest] Create an inf for the symbols CD\n\n" " [/r] Recurse into subdirectories. This uses the\n" " Windows 2000 build model and assumes that the\n" " first subdirectory to traverse into is the retail\n" " directory. Example sympath: \"E:\\binaries\\symbols\" .\n" " All subdirectories except \"symbols\" will be checked.\n\n" " /s sympath symbol path delimited by ; . Checks sympath\n" " and sympath\\ext for each string in the path, \n" " where ext is the extension of the executable.\n\n" " [/t] Fail if a DBG file is involved. Fails if the image points\n" " to a dbg file or if it contains data that can be stripped\n" " into a dbg file. Default is to fail if data can be stripped\n" " into a dbg file, but don't fail if the image points to a\n" " dbg file.\n\n" " [/u] Fail if image points to a dbg file. Don't fail if image\n" " contains data that can be split into a dbg file.\n\n" " [/v] Give verbose information\n" " [/x] Used with /c. Perform symbol checking on these files and\n" " add the correct symbols to the symbol CD's inf, but\n" " don't write error messages for the ones that are wrong.\n\n" );
// The purpose of /x is to not log errors for symbols in symbad.txt. However, symchk
// should check all of the files in symbad.txt when it is creating the list of file
// in case some of them actually have correct symbols and symbad hasn't been updated yet.
PCOM_ARGS GetCommandLineArgs( int argc, char **argv )
{ PCOM_ARGS pArgs; int i,cur,length; TCHAR c; BOOL NeedSecond = FALSE; BOOL Exclude = FALSE;
LPTSTR szFileArg = NULL; TCHAR szDrive[_MAX_DRIVE + 1]; TCHAR szDir[_MAX_DIR + 1]; TCHAR szFileName[_MAX_FNAME + 1]; TCHAR szExt[_MAX_EXT + 1]; TCHAR szNameExt[_MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT + 1]; LPTSTR szSymCDLog = NULL; LPTSTR szSymbolsCDFile = NULL;
HANDLE fHandle; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;
if (argc == 1) Usage();
if (!(pArgs = (PCOM_ARGS)malloc(sizeof(COM_ARGS)))) { printf("No memory"); exit(1); }
memset( pArgs, 0, sizeof(COM_ARGS) ); pArgs->Split = 0; pArgs->szListFileName = NULL; pArgs->szCDIncludeList = NULL;
CheckPrivate = FALSE;
for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
if (!NeedSecond) { if ( (argv[i][0] == '/') || (argv[i][0] == '-') ) { length = _tcslen(argv[i]) -1;
for (cur=1; cur <= length; cur++) { c = argv[i][cur];
switch (c) { case 'c': NeedSecond = TRUE; break; case 'b': CheckCodeView=FALSE; NeedSecond = FALSE; break; case 'e': Exclude = TRUE; NeedSecond = TRUE; if ( length > cur) Usage(); break; case 'l': NeedSecond = TRUE; break; case 'p': NeedSecond = FALSE; CheckPrivate = TRUE; break; case 'r': pArgs->Recurse = TRUE; Recurse = TRUE; break; case 's': NeedSecond = TRUE; if ( length > cur) Usage(); break; case 't': pArgs->Split |= ERROR_IF_NOT_SPLIT; pArgs->Split |= ERROR_IF_SPLIT; break; case 'u': pArgs->Split |= ERROR_IF_SPLIT; break; case 'v': pArgs->Verbose = TRUE; break; case 'x': NeedSecond = TRUE; break; case 'y': NeedSecond = TRUE; break; default: Usage(); } } } else { if (szFileArg != NULL) Usage(); szFileArg = argv[i]; } } else { NeedSecond = FALSE; switch (c) { case 'c': szSymbolsCDFile = argv[i]; break; case 'e': pArgs->szExcludeFileName = argv[i]; break; case 'l': pArgs->szListFileName = argv[i]; break; case 's': pArgs->szSymPath = argv[i]; break; case 'x': pArgs->szErrorFilterList = argv[i]; break; case 'y': pArgs->szCDIncludeList = argv[i]; break; default: Usage();
} } } if ( pArgs->Split == 0 ) { // This has always been the default behavior
pArgs->Split = ERROR_IF_NOT_SPLIT; }
if ( szFileArg == NULL ) Usage();
// make the Symbol Copy log for the Support Tools CD
if ( szSymbolsCDFile != NULL ) {
if ( (pArgs->hSymCDLog = fopen(szSymbolsCDFile, "a+")) == NULL ) { printf("Cannot open %s for appending\n",szSymbolsCDFile); exit(1); } }
// Get the filenames so they are correct
_tsplitpath( szFileArg, szDrive, szDir, szFileName, szExt );
// Get current directory if they didn't enter a directory
if ( !_tcscmp(szDrive, "") && !_tcscmp(szDir,"") ) { GetCurrentDirectory(_MAX_DIR, szDir); }
// If szFileName and szExt are "" then put *.* in them
if ( !_tcscmp(szFileName,"") && !_tcscmp(szExt,"") ) { _tcscpy(szFileName,"*"); }
// User may have entered a directory with an implies * for the
// file name.
fHandle = FindFirstFile( szFileArg, &FindFileData );
_tcscpy(szNameExt, szFileName); _tcscat(szNameExt, szExt);
// If its a directory and the name of the directory matches
// the filename.ext from the command line parameter, then the user
// entered a directory, so add * to the end.
if ( (FindFileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) && (_tcscmp( szNameExt, FindFileData.cFileName )== 0) ) {
// Move the filename to be the dir
_tcscat( szDir, "\\"); _tcscat( szDir, szFileName);
// Put the file name as *
_tcscpy(szFileName, "*"); }
pArgs->szDir=(LPTSTR) malloc( sizeof(TCHAR)* _MAX_PATH + 1 ); _tmakepath( pArgs->szDir, szDrive, szDir, NULL, NULL);
pArgs->szFileName = (LPTSTR) malloc( sizeof(TCHAR) * _MAX_PATH + 1 ); _tmakepath(pArgs->szFileName, NULL, NULL, szFileName, szExt);
// Check that everything has been entered
if (NeedSecond || (pArgs->szFileName == NULL) || (pArgs->szDir == NULL) || (pArgs->szSymPath == NULL) ) { Usage(); }
return (pArgs); }
BOOL CorrectPath( LPTSTR szFileName, LPTSTR szPathName, LPTSTR szCorrectPath ) { // To return TRUE, szPathName should equal szCorrectPath + \ + szFileName
// The only hitch is that there could be extraneous \'s
TCHAR CorrectPathx[_MAX_PATH + _MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT + 1]; TCHAR PathNamex[_MAX_PATH + _MAX_FNAME + _MAX_EXT + 1];
LONG length, index, i;
// Get rid of any extra \'s
length = _tcslen(szPathName); PathNamex[0] = szPathName[0]; index = 1; for (i=1; i<=length; i++) { if ( (szPathName[i-1] != '\\') || (szPathName[i] != '\\') ) { PathNamex[index] = szPathName[i]; index++; } }
length = _tcslen(szCorrectPath); CorrectPathx[0] = szCorrectPath[0]; index = 1; for (i=1; i<=length; i++) { if ( (szCorrectPath[i-1] != '\\') || (szCorrectPath[i] != '\\') ) { CorrectPathx[index] = szCorrectPath[i]; index++; } }
// Make sure that the correct path doesn't end in a '\'
length = _tcslen(CorrectPathx); if ( CorrectPathx[length-1] == '\\' ) CorrectPathx[length-1] = '\0';
_tcscat(CorrectPathx,"\\"); _tcscat(CorrectPathx,szFileName);
if ( _tcsicmp(CorrectPathx, szPathName) == 0) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }