Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the code for the gauge window class used with the diskmon utility.
Chuck Park (chuckp) 10-Feb-1994 Mike Glass (mglass)
Revision History:
--*/ #include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "gauge.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
BOOL IndicatorOverText( DOUBLE radians );
VOID DrawDial( HWND handle );
VOID DrawGaugeText( HANDLE handle );
HPEN ArcPen, IndicatorPen, CoverPen, TickMarkPen;
INT cx, cy; PGAUGEVALS head; RECT LeftTick, RightTick;
BOOL RegisterGauge( HINSTANCE hInstance ) {
wc.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)GaugeWndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 4; wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.hIcon = NULL; wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(DKGRAY_BRUSH); wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.lpszClassName = "GaugeClass";
return RegisterClass(&wc); }
HWND CreateGauge( HWND parent, HINSTANCE hInstance, INT x, INT y, INT width, INT height, INT minVal, INT maxVal ) { static INT winId = 0; HWND handle; PGAUGEVALS curvals;
handle = CreateWindow("GaugeClass", NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, x,y, width, height, parent, (HMENU)IntToPtr(winId++), hInstance, NULL );
ShowWindow( handle, SW_SHOW) ;
//Allocate mem for GAUGEVALS (window specific info.)
if ((curvals = (PGAUGEVALS)malloc(sizeof(GAUGEVALS))) == NULL) { MessageBox(NULL,"Couldn't allocate memory for window.","Error", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK); return NULL; } curvals->handle = handle; curvals->minValue = minVal; curvals->maxValue = maxVal; curvals->curValue = 0; curvals->next = NULL;
//Link into list.
if (head == NULL) { head = curvals; } else { curvals->next = head; head = curvals; }
return handle;
LRESULT CALLBACK GaugeWndProc( HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM uParam, LPARAM lParam ) { HDC DC;
switch (message) { case WM_CREATE:
DC = GetDC(hWnd);
// Create Objects to be used in drawing the different parts
// of the gauge.
ArcPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME),RGB(255,0,0)); IndicatorPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDLGFRAME),RGB(230,230,220)); CoverPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDLGFRAME),RGB(0,0,0)); TickMarkPen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,(2*GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER)),RGB(255,255,0));
cx = 70; cy = 70;
LeftTick.top = (INT)(cy * 2 - ((1.5 * cy) * sin (.78) ) ); LeftTick.left = (INT)(cx * 1.5 - ((1.5 * cx) * cos (.78))); LeftTick.bottom = (INT)(cy * 2 - ((1.4 * cy) * sin (.78) ) ); LeftTick.right = (INT)(cx * 1.5 - ((1.4 * cx) * cos (.78)));
RightTick.top = (INT)(cy * 2 - ((1.5 * cy) * sin (.78) ) ); RightTick.left = (INT)(cx * 1.5 + ((1.5 * cx) * cos (.78))); RightTick.bottom = (INT)(cy * 2 - ((1.4 * cy) * sin (.78) ) ); RightTick.right = (INT)(cx * 1.5 + ((1.4 * cx) * cos (.78)));
ReleaseDC(hWnd,DC); break;
case WM_PAINT: DrawDial(hWnd); break;
DeleteObject (ArcPen); DeleteObject (IndicatorPen); DeleteObject (CoverPen); DeleteObject (TickMarkPen);
default: return (DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, uParam, lParam)); }
return 0; }
VOID UpdateGauge( HWND handle, INT value ) { DOUBLE radians; HDC DC; INT x,y; PGAUGEVALS current; POINT pt,point; RECT gaugeRect;
current = head; while (current) { if (current->handle == handle) { break; } current = current->next; } current->curValue = value;
DC = GetDC (handle);
// Get the original brush origins
// Get the extents of the child window.
// Set new brush origin
SetStretchBltMode(DC,HALFTONE); SetBrushOrgEx(DC,gaugeRect.left,gaugeRect.top,&point);
//Draw line over old indicator line
MoveToEx (DC,current->base.x, current->base.y, &pt); SelectObject(DC,CoverPen); LineTo (DC,current->top.x,current->top.y); SelectObject(DC,IndicatorPen); MoveToEx (DC,current->base.x, current->base.y, &pt);
//calc value adjusting it if over or under max/min.
if (current->curValue > current->maxValue) { current->curValue = current->maxValue; } else if (current->curValue < current->minValue) { current->curValue = current->minValue; }
radians = (DOUBLE)(current->curValue * 3.14159) / (DOUBLE)(current->maxValue - current->minValue);
x = (INT)(cx * (1.5 - cos(radians))); y = (INT)(cy * (1.9 - sin(radians)));
LineTo (DC,x,y); current->top.x = x; current->top.y = y;
DrawGaugeText( handle);
VOID DrawDial( HWND handle ) {
CHAR buffer[15]; DOUBLE radians; HDC DC; INT x,y; POINT pt; PAINTSTRUCT ps; PGAUGEVALS gaugevals;
DC = BeginPaint(handle,&ps);
//Find correct info for this window.
gaugevals = head; while (gaugevals) { if (gaugevals->handle == handle) { break; } gaugevals = gaugevals->next; }
// Draw the Arc for the gauge
MoveToEx ( DC, 0, cy * 2, &pt); SelectObject(DC,ArcPen); AngleArc (DC, (INT)(cx * 1.5), (INT)(cy * 2), (INT)(cy * 1.5), (float)0.0, (float)180.0 );
//Fill in arc with black.
SelectObject(DC,GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH)); ExtFloodFill (DC,5,cy*2 - 10,RGB(255,0,0),FLOODFILLBORDER);
// Draw the tick marks
SelectObject (DC, TickMarkPen); MoveToEx (DC, (INT)(cx * 1.5),(INT)( cy * .5), &pt); LineTo (DC, (INT)(cx * 1.5),(INT)(cy * .6)); MoveToEx (DC, LeftTick.right, LeftTick.bottom, &pt); LineTo (DC, LeftTick.left, LeftTick.top); MoveToEx (DC, RightTick.right, RightTick.bottom, &pt); LineTo (DC, RightTick.left, RightTick.top); MoveToEx (DC, 0, (INT)(cy * 1.9), &pt); LineTo (DC, (INT)(cx * .1),(INT)(cy * 1.9)); MoveToEx (DC, (INT)(cx * 3), (INT)(cy * 1.9), &pt); LineTo (DC, (INT)(cx * 2.9), (INT)(cy * 1.9));
// Max difference / curvalue = PI / radians
radians = (DOUBLE)(gaugevals->curValue * 3.14159) / (DOUBLE)(gaugevals->maxValue - gaugevals->minValue);
MoveToEx (DC,(INT)(cx * 1.5), (INT)(cy * 1.9), &pt); SelectObject(DC,IndicatorPen);
//Save begin and end point in gaugevals.
gaugevals->base.x = (INT)(cx * 1.5); gaugevals->base.y = (INT)(cx * 1.9);
//Draw dial indicator as thick line.
y = (INT)(cy * (1.9 - sin(radians))); x = (INT)(cx * (1.5 - cos(radians)));
gaugevals->top.x = x; gaugevals->top.y = y;
LineTo(DC,x ,y );
//Draw indicator value text.
sprintf (buffer,"%Lu",gaugevals->minValue); TextOut (DC,(INT)(cx / 10),(INT)(cy * 1.70),buffer,strlen(buffer));
sprintf (buffer,"%Lu",(gaugevals->maxValue - gaugevals->minValue) /4 ); TextOut (DC,(INT)(cx * .4),(INT)(cy * 1.1 ), buffer, strlen(buffer));
sprintf (buffer,"%Lu",(gaugevals->maxValue - gaugevals->minValue) / 2 ); TextOut (DC,(INT)(cx * 1.3), (INT)(cy * .6) ,buffer,strlen(buffer));
sprintf (buffer,"%Lu",((gaugevals->maxValue - gaugevals->minValue) / 4) * 3 ); TextOut (DC,(INT)(cx * (2 + (gaugevals->maxValue > 10000 ? .1 : .2))),(INT)(cy * 1.1), buffer, strlen(buffer));
sprintf(buffer,"%Lu",gaugevals->maxValue); TextOut(DC,(int)(cx * (2 + (gaugevals->maxValue > 10000 ? .4 : .5 ))), (INT)(cy * 1.70),buffer,strlen(buffer));
VOID DrawGaugeText( HANDLE handle ) { HDC DC;
CHAR buffer[15]; PGAUGEVALS gaugevals;
//Find correct info for this window.
gaugevals = head; while (gaugevals) { if (gaugevals->handle == handle) { break; } gaugevals = gaugevals->next; }
DC = GetDC (handle);
SetBkMode(DC,TRANSPARENT); SetTextColor(DC,RGB(230,230,200));
sprintf (buffer,"%Lu",gaugevals->minValue); TextOut (DC,(INT)(cx / 10),(INT)(cy * 1.70),buffer,strlen(buffer));
sprintf (buffer,"%Lu",(gaugevals->maxValue - gaugevals->minValue) /4 ); TextOut (DC,(INT)(cx * .4),(INT)(cy * 1.1 ), buffer, strlen(buffer));
sprintf (buffer,"%Lu",(gaugevals->maxValue - gaugevals->minValue) / 2 ); TextOut (DC,(INT)(cx * 1.3), (INT)(cy * .6) ,buffer,strlen(buffer));
sprintf (buffer,"%Lu",((gaugevals->maxValue - gaugevals->minValue) / 4) * 3 ); TextOut (DC,(INT)(cx * (2 + (gaugevals->maxValue > 10000 ? .1 : .2))),(INT)(cy * 1.1), buffer, strlen(buffer));
sprintf(buffer,"%Lu",gaugevals->maxValue); TextOut(DC,(int)(cx * (2 + (gaugevals->maxValue > 10000 ? .4 : .5 ))), (INT)(cy * 1.70),buffer,strlen(buffer));
ReleaseDC (handle,DC); }