Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Class the manages the dump parameters
Stefan R. Steiner [ssteiner] 02-18-2000
Revision History:
#include "stdafx.h"
#define VERSION_INFO1 L"FsDumplib.lib Version 1.3g - 8/23/2000"
#define VERSION_INFO2 L" Checksum version 2 - 2/22/2000"
// Forward defines
static BOOL AssertPrivilege( IN LPCWSTR privName );
Routine Description:
Based on the class variables, sets up the utility to write to the correct files and gets backup privs.
Return Value:
<Enter return values here>
--*/ INT CDumpParameters::Initialize( IN INT argc, IN WCHAR *argv[] ) { LPWSTR pwszFileName; //
// Get the directory the fsdump.exe lives in. For use for finding .exclude files amoung
// other things.
if ( ::GetFullPathName( m_cwsArgv0, FSD_MAX_PATH, m_cwsFullPathToEXE.GetBufferSetLength( FSD_MAX_PATH ), &pwszFileName ) == 0 ) { ::fwprintf( stderr, L"ERROR getting full path for '%s', won't be able to find .include files\n", m_cwsArgv0.c_str() ); m_cwsFullPathToEXE.ReleaseBuffer(); } else { m_cwsFullPathToEXE.ReleaseBuffer(); m_cwsArgv0 = m_cwsFullPathToEXE; // Keep the full path version
CBsString m_cwsRight4 = m_cwsArgv0.Right( 4 ); m_cwsRight4.MakeLower(); if ( m_cwsRight4 != L".exe" ) m_cwsArgv0 += L".exe"; m_cwsFullPathToEXE = m_cwsFullPathToEXE.Left( m_cwsFullPathToEXE.GetLength() - ::wcslen( pwszFileName ) ); } //
// Set up checksum format
if ( m_bDumpCommaDelimited ) ::wcscpy( m_pwszULongHexFmt, L"0x%08x" ); else ::wcscpy( m_pwszULongHexFmt, L"%08x" ); //
// Set up the dump file
if ( m_cwsDumpFileName.IsEmpty() ) { wprintf( L"fsdump: Printing dump information to 'stdout'\n" ); } else { CBsString cwsFullPath; LPWSTR pwszFileName; //
// Get the full path name for the dump file in case we change the working
// directory later.
if ( ::GetFullPathName( m_cwsDumpFileName, FSD_MAX_PATH, cwsFullPath.GetBufferSetLength( FSD_MAX_PATH ), &pwszFileName ) == 0 ) { ::fwprintf( stderr, L"ERROR - Unable to get full path name of dump file '%s' for write\n", m_cwsDumpFileName.c_str() ); return 10; } cwsFullPath.ReleaseBuffer(); m_cwsDumpFileName = cwsFullPath; m_fpDump = ::_wfopen( m_cwsDumpFileName, m_bUnicode ? L"wb" : L"w" ); if ( m_fpDump == NULL ) { ::fwprintf( stderr, L"ERROR - Unable to open dump file '%s' for write\n", m_cwsDumpFileName.c_str() ); return 10; } if ( m_bNoHeaderFooter ) { //
// Try to create a named stream with the header and summary information
m_fpExtraInfoDump = ::_wfopen( m_cwsDumpFileName + L":Info", m_bUnicode ? L"wb" : L"w" ); if ( m_fpExtraInfoDump != NULL ) { wprintf( L"fsdump: Printing dump header and summary information to NTFS stream '%s'\n", (m_cwsDumpFileName + L":Info").c_str() ); } else { m_fpExtraInfoDump = ::_wfopen( m_cwsDumpFileName + L".Info", m_bUnicode ? L"wb" : L"w" ); if ( m_fpExtraInfoDump != NULL ) { wprintf( L"fsdump: Printing dump header and summary information to file '%s'\n", (m_cwsDumpFileName + L".Info").c_str() ); } else { wprintf( L"fsdump: Unable to create dump header and summary information file '%s'\n", (m_cwsDumpFileName + L".Info").c_str() ); } } } else m_fpExtraInfoDump = m_fpDump; wprintf( L"fsdump: Printing dump information to '%s'\n", m_cwsDumpFileName.c_str() ); } //
// Set up the error log file
if ( m_cwsErrLogFileName.IsEmpty() ) { wprintf( L"fsdump: Printing errors to 'stderr'\n" ); } else { CBsString cwsFullPath; LPWSTR pwszFileName;
// Get the full path name for the dump file in case we change the working
// directory later.
if ( ::GetFullPathName( m_cwsErrLogFileName, 1024, cwsFullPath.GetBufferSetLength( 1024 ), &pwszFileName ) == 0 ) { fwprintf( stderr, L"ERROR - Unable to get full path name of error log file '%s' for write\n", m_cwsDumpFileName.c_str() ); return 11; } cwsFullPath.ReleaseBuffer(); m_cwsErrLogFileName = cwsFullPath;
m_fpErrLog = ::_wfopen( m_cwsErrLogFileName, m_bUnicode ? L"wb" : L"w" ); if ( m_fpErrLog == NULL ) { ::fwprintf( stderr, L"ERROR - Unable to open error log file '%s' for write\n", m_cwsErrLogFileName.c_str() ); return 11; } ::wprintf( L"fsdump: Printing errors to '%s'\n", m_cwsErrLogFileName.c_str() ); }
// Print out a header in the dump file so that it is easy to determine
// if dump formats are the same.
DumpPrint( VERSION_INFO1 ); DumpPrint( VERSION_INFO2 );
// Dump out the command-line
CBsString cwsCommandLine; for ( INT idx = 0; idx < argc; ++idx ) { cwsCommandLine += L" \""; cwsCommandLine += argv[ idx ]; cwsCommandLine += L"\""; } DumpPrint( L" Command-line: %s", cwsCommandLine.c_str() ); //
// Enable backup and security privs
if ( !::AssertPrivilege( SE_BACKUP_NAME ) ) DumpPrint( L" n.b. could not get SE_BACKUP_NAME Privilege (%d), will be unable to get certain information", ::GetLastError() ); if ( !::AssertPrivilege( SE_SECURITY_NAME ) ) { DumpPrint( L" n.b. could not get SE_SECURITY_NAME Privilege (%d), SACL entries information will be invalid", ::GetLastError() ); m_bHaveSecurityPrivilege = FALSE; } DumpPrint( L" File attributes masked: %04x", m_dwFileAttributesMask ); DumpPrint( L" Command line options enabled:" ); if ( m_bHex ) DumpPrint( L" Printing sizes in hexidecimal" ); if ( m_bNoChecksums ) DumpPrint( L" Checksums disabled" ); if ( m_bUnicode ) DumpPrint( L" Unicode output" ); if ( m_bDontTraverseMountpoints ) DumpPrint( L" Mountpoint traversal disabled" ); if ( !m_bDontChecksumHighLatencyData ) DumpPrint( L" High latency data checksum enabled" ); if ( m_bAddMillisecsToTimestamps ) DumpPrint( L" Adding millsecs to timestamps" ); if ( m_bShowSymbolicSIDNames ) DumpPrint( L" Converting SIDs to symbolic DOMAIN\\ACCOUNTNAME format" ); if ( !m_bDontShowDirectoryTimestamps ) DumpPrint( L" Dumping directory timestamps" ); if ( m_bUseExcludeProcessor ) { if ( m_bDontUseRegistryExcludes ) DumpPrint( L" Excluding file based on exclude files" ); else DumpPrint( L" Excluding file based on FilesNotToBackup reg keys and exclude files" ); } if ( m_bDisableLongPaths ) DumpPrint( L" Long path support disabled" ); if ( m_bEnableObjectIdExtendedDataChecksums ) DumpPrint( L" Object Id extended data checksums Enabled" ); DumpPrint( L"" ); fflush( GetDumpFile() ); return 0; }
Routine Description:
Destructor for the CDumpParameters class
Return Value:
<Enter return values here>
--*/ CDumpParameters::~CDumpParameters() { if ( m_fpDump != NULL && m_fpDump != stdout ) ::fclose( m_fpDump ); if ( m_fpExtraInfoDump != NULL && m_fpExtraInfoDump != m_fpDump ) ::fclose( m_fpExtraInfoDump );
if ( m_fpErrLog != NULL && m_fpErrLog != stderr ) ::fclose( m_fpErrLog ); }
Routine Description:
Enables an NT privilege. Used to get backup privs in the utility.
privName - The privilege name. Return Value:
<Enter return values here>
--*/ static BOOL AssertPrivilege( IN LPCWSTR privName ) { HANDLE tokenHandle; BOOL stat = FALSE;
if ( OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES, &tokenHandle ) ) { LUID value;
if ( LookupPrivilegeValue( NULL, privName, &value ) ) { TOKEN_PRIVILEGES newState; DWORD error;
newState.PrivilegeCount = 1; newState.Privileges[0].Luid = value; newState.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
* We will always call GetLastError below, so clear * any prior error values on this thread. */ SetLastError( ERROR_SUCCESS );
stat = AdjustTokenPrivileges( tokenHandle, FALSE, &newState, (DWORD)0, NULL, NULL ); /*
* Supposedly, AdjustTokenPriveleges always returns TRUE * (even when it fails). So, call GetLastError to be * extra sure everything's cool. */ if ( (error = GetLastError()) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { stat = FALSE; } } CloseHandle( tokenHandle ); } return stat; }