#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <regstr.h>
#include <cfgmgr32.h>
#include "netinfo.h"
// Globals
DEV_INFO *g_pdiDevList; // Head of device list
Routine Description: (21) GetDevNodeInfoAndCreateNewDevInfoNode
Creates new list node, then gets registry and resource information for a specific device and copies it into that node. Finally, adds new node to beginning of linked list
dnDevNode: the device to find information about szDevNodeID: the registry path name of the device szEnumBuffer: name of enumerator this device is under
Return Value: BOOL: TRUE if function succeeds, FALSE if not
--*/ BOOL GetDevNodeInfoAndCreateNewDevInfoNode(IN DEVNODE dnDevNode, IN PTCHAR szDevNodeID, IN PTCHAR szEnumBuffer) { LOG_CONF lcLogConf = 0, lcLogConfNew; CONFIGRET cmret, cmret2;
PDEV_INFO pdiDevInfo=(PDEV_INFO)malloc(sizeof(DEV_INFO));
int i; BOOL boolForcedFound = FALSE, boolAllocFound = FALSE; USHORT ushLogConfType[4] = {BOOT_LOG_CONF, ALLOC_LOG_CONF, BASIC_LOG_CONF, FORCED_LOG_CONF};
if (pdiDevInfo == NULL) goto RetFALSE;
// If this is not a PnP device, skip it
if (!lstrcmpi(szEnumBuffer, TEXT("Root"))) { free(pdiDevInfo); goto RetTRUE;
// Initialize fields inside the node
if (!InitializeInfoNode(pdiDevInfo, szDevNodeID, dnDevNode)) { // This is a device we don't want to list. Skip it
free(pdiDevInfo); goto RetTRUE; }
for (i = 0; i < NUM_LOG_CONF_TYPES; i++) { // Get logical configuration information
cmret = CM_Get_First_Log_Conf(&lcLogConfNew, dnDevNode, ushLogConfType[i]);
while (CR_SUCCESS == cmret) { lcLogConf = lcLogConfNew;
if (ALLOC_LOG_CONF == ushLogConfType[i]) { boolAllocFound = TRUE; }
if (!(GetResDesList(pdiDevInfo, lcLogConf, ushLogConfType[i]))) { goto RetFALSE; }
cmret = CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf(&lcLogConfNew, lcLogConf, 0);
cmret2 = CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle(lcLogConf);
} }
// If device has no Alloc configurations, skip
// to the next device
if (!boolAllocFound) {
//goto RetTRUE;
// Insert new pdiDevInfo into Linked List of DevNodes
if (g_pdiDevList == NULL) { //
// DevList is empty
g_pdiDevList = pdiDevInfo; } else { //
// Add new pdiDevInfo to beginning of linked list
pdiDevInfo->Next = g_pdiDevList; g_pdiDevList->Prev = pdiDevInfo;
g_pdiDevList = pdiDevInfo; }
RetTRUE: return TRUE;
RetFALSE: return FALSE;
Routine Description: (20) ParseEnumerator
Gets devices listed under enumerator name in registry
szEnumBuffer: the enumerator name
Return Value:
BOOL: TRUE if function succeeds, FALSE if not
--*/ BOOL ParseEnumerator(IN PTCHAR szEnumBuffer) {
PTCHAR szDevIDBuffer = NULL; PTCHAR szDevNodeID = NULL; ULONG ulDevIDBufferLen = 0, ulCount = 0, ulStart = 0; CONFIGRET cmret = CR_SUCCESS; DEVNODE dnDevNode; BOOL bReturn = TRUE;
// Get buffer length
cmret = CM_Get_Device_ID_List_Size(&ulDevIDBufferLen, szEnumBuffer, CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_ENUMERATOR);
if (CR_SUCCESS != cmret) { //ErrorLog(20, TEXT("CM_Get_Device_ID_List_Size"), cmret, NULL);
bReturn = FALSE; goto RetFALSE; }
if ((szDevIDBuffer =(PTCHAR) malloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * ulDevIDBufferLen)) == NULL || (szDevNodeID =(PTCHAR) malloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * ulDevIDBufferLen)) == NULL) { bReturn = FALSE; goto RetFALSE; }
// Get the Device ID List
cmret = CM_Get_Device_ID_List(szEnumBuffer, szDevIDBuffer, ulDevIDBufferLen, CM_GETIDLIST_FILTER_ENUMERATOR);
if (CR_SUCCESS != cmret) { //ErrorLog(20, TEXT("CM_Get_Device_ID_List"), cmret, NULL);
bReturn = FALSE; goto RetFALSE; }
// Note that ulDevIDBufferLen is a loose upper bound. The API may have
// returned a size greater than the actual size of the list of strings.
for (ulCount = 0; ulCount < ulDevIDBufferLen; ulCount++) { ulStart = ulCount;
if (szDevIDBuffer[ulCount] != '\0') { cmret = CM_Locate_DevNode(&dnDevNode, szDevIDBuffer + ulCount, CM_LOCATE_DEVNODE_NORMAL);
// Go to the next substring
while (szDevIDBuffer[ulCount] != TEXT('\0')) { ulCount++;
} // Stop when we reach the double-NULL terminator
if (szDevIDBuffer[ulCount+1] == TEXT('\0')) { ulCount=ulDevIDBufferLen; continue; }
if (cmret == CR_SUCCESS) { _tcsncpy(szDevNodeID, szDevIDBuffer + ulStart, ulDevIDBufferLen);
// Found the DevNode, so add its information to the device list
if (!(GetDevNodeInfoAndCreateNewDevInfoNode(dnDevNode, szDevNodeID, szEnumBuffer))) { bReturn = FALSE; goto RetFALSE; } } } }
bReturn = TRUE; RetFALSE: // fix to rajeshm old code. Selective free bug number 137987
if (NULL != szDevIDBuffer) free (szDevIDBuffer); if (NULL != szDevNodeID) free (szDevNodeID); return bReturn; }
void CollectDevData() {
CONFIGRET cmret = CR_SUCCESS; ULONG ulIndexNum = 0; ULONG ulEnumBufferLen = 0; PTCHAR szEnumBuffer;
szEnumBuffer = (PTCHAR) malloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * MAX_DEVNODE_ID_LEN);
if (NULL == szEnumBuffer) return;
for (ulIndexNum = 0; cmret == CR_SUCCESS; ulIndexNum++) {
ulEnumBufferLen = MAX_DEVNODE_ID_LEN; cmret = CM_Enumerate_Enumerators( ulIndexNum, szEnumBuffer, &ulEnumBufferLen, 0); if (cmret == CR_SUCCESS) ParseEnumerator(szEnumBuffer); }
free (szEnumBuffer); }
BOOL CopyRegistryLine(IN DEVNODE dnDevNode, IN ULONG ulPropertyType, IN PDEV_INFO pdiDevInfo)
Routine Description: (22) CopyRegistryLine
Copies one specific string of registry data to new list node
dnDevNode: the device to get information about ulpropertyType: which registry string to get pdiDevInfo: the new list node
Return Value:
BOOL: TRUE if function succeeds, FALSE if not
--*/ { ULONG ulRegDataLen = 0, ulRegDataType = 0; CONFIGRET cmret = CR_SUCCESS; PTCHAR szRegData = NULL;
// Get the length of the buffer don't bother checking return value
// If RegProperty doesn't exist, we'll just move on
CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property(dnDevNode, ulPropertyType, NULL, NULL, &ulRegDataLen, 0);
if (!ulRegDataLen || (szRegData = (PTCHAR) malloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * ulRegDataLen)) == NULL) { goto RetFALSE; }
// Now get the registry information
cmret = CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property( dnDevNode, ulPropertyType, &ulRegDataType, szRegData, &ulRegDataLen, 0);
if (CR_SUCCESS == cmret) { if (!(CopyRegDataToDevInfoNode(pdiDevInfo, ulPropertyType, szRegData))) { goto RetFALSE; } }
if (szRegData == NULL) free (szRegData); return TRUE;
RetFALSE: return FALSE;
} /* CopyRegistryLine */
Routine Description: (23) CopyRegDataToDevInfoNode
Copies a registry string to a list node
pdiDevInfo: the new list node ulPropertyType: which registry string to copy szRegData: the data to be copied
Return Value:
BOOL: TRUE if function succeeds, FALSE if not
--*/ BOOL CopyRegDataToDevInfoNode(IN OUT PDEV_INFO pdiDevInfo, IN ULONG ulPropertyType, IN PTCHAR szRegData) { if (pdiDevInfo == NULL) { goto RetFALSE; }
switch (ulPropertyType) { case CM_DRP_DEVICEDESC:
_tcsncpy(pdiDevInfo->szDescription, szRegData, MAX_PATH ); break;
_tcsncpy(pdiDevInfo->szHardwareID, szRegData, MAX_PATH ); break;
_tcsncpy(pdiDevInfo->szService, szRegData, MAX_PATH ); break;
_tcsncpy(pdiDevInfo->szClass, szRegData, MAX_PATH ); break;
case CM_DRP_MFG:
_tcsncpy(pdiDevInfo->szManufacturer, szRegData, MAX_PATH ); break;
_tcsncpy(pdiDevInfo->szConfigFlags, szRegData, MAX_PATH ); break; }
return TRUE;
RetFALSE: return FALSE;
} /* CopyRegDataToDevInfoNode */
Routine Description: (58) InitializeInfoNode
Initialized fields inside the new node
pdiDevInfo: the node szDevNodeID: used to find the dnDevNode in the future dnDevNode: the device we're storing information about
Return Value:
BOOL: TRUE if we should keep this node, FALSE if we should throw it away
--*/ BOOL InitializeInfoNode(IN PDEV_INFO pdiDevInfo, IN PTCHAR szDevNodeID, IN DEVNODE dnDevNode) { if (pdiDevInfo) { pdiDevInfo->Next = NULL; pdiDevInfo->Prev = NULL;
pdiDevInfo->szDevNodeID[0] = TEXT('\0'); pdiDevInfo->szDescription[0] = TEXT('\0'); pdiDevInfo->szHardwareID[0] = TEXT('\0'); pdiDevInfo->szService[0] = TEXT('\0'); pdiDevInfo->szClass[0] = TEXT('\0'); pdiDevInfo->szManufacturer[0] = TEXT('\0'); pdiDevInfo->szConfigFlags[0] = TEXT('\0'); pdiDevInfo->szFriendlyName[0] = TEXT('\0');
pdiDevInfo->boolSavedOrigConfiguration = FALSE; pdiDevInfo->boolDisabled = FALSE;
pdiDevInfo->prddForcedResDesData = NULL; pdiDevInfo->prddAllocResDesData = NULL; pdiDevInfo->prddBasicResDesData = NULL; pdiDevInfo->prddBootResDesData = NULL;
// Store devNodeID in pdiDevInfo to get handles to devnode in future
_tcsncpy(pdiDevInfo->szDevNodeID, szDevNodeID, MAX_PATH);
// Extract information from the registry about this DevNode
CopyRegistryLine(dnDevNode, CM_DRP_DEVICEDESC, pdiDevInfo); CopyRegistryLine(dnDevNode, CM_DRP_HARDWAREID, pdiDevInfo); CopyRegistryLine(dnDevNode, CM_DRP_SERVICE, pdiDevInfo); CopyRegistryLine(dnDevNode, CM_DRP_CLASS, pdiDevInfo); CopyRegistryLine(dnDevNode, CM_DRP_MFG, pdiDevInfo); CopyRegistryLine(dnDevNode, CM_DRP_CONFIGFLAGS, pdiDevInfo);
RecordFriendlyName(pdiDevInfo); }
// Check the friendly name to see if we want to throw this node away
if (strcmp(pdiDevInfo->szFriendlyName, "STORAGE/Volume") == 0 || strcmp(pdiDevInfo->szFriendlyName, "Unknown Device") == 0) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE;
} /* InitializeInfoNode */
Routine Description: (57) RecordFriendlyName
Finds the best user friendly name for this device
pdiDevInfo: node containing all possible names
Return Value:
--*/ void RecordFriendlyName(IN PDEV_INFO pdiDevInfo) { if (pdiDevInfo) { if (pdiDevInfo->szDescription && pdiDevInfo->szDescription[0] != TEXT('\0'))
_tcsncpy(pdiDevInfo->szFriendlyName, pdiDevInfo->szDescription, MAX_PATH ); else if (pdiDevInfo->szHardwareID && pdiDevInfo->szHardwareID[0] != TEXT('\0')) _tcsncpy(pdiDevInfo->szFriendlyName, pdiDevInfo->szHardwareID, MAX_PATH); else if (pdiDevInfo->szManufacturer && pdiDevInfo->szManufacturer[0] != TEXT('\0')) _tcsncpy(pdiDevInfo->szFriendlyName, pdiDevInfo->szHardwareID, MAX_PATH); else if (pdiDevInfo->szService && pdiDevInfo->szService[0] != TEXT('\0')) _tcsncpy(pdiDevInfo->szFriendlyName, pdiDevInfo->szService, MAX_PATH); else if (pdiDevInfo->szClass && pdiDevInfo->szClass[0] != TEXT('\0')) _tcsncpy(pdiDevInfo->szFriendlyName, pdiDevInfo->szClass, MAX_PATH); else _tcscpy(pdiDevInfo->szFriendlyName, TEXT("Unknown Device")); } } /* RecordFriendlyName */
Routine Description: (24) GetResDesList
Creates new resource data node and copies resource information to that node
pdiDevInfo: the list node which will contain the new resource node lcLogConf: the logical configuration information ulLogConfType: FORCED, ALLOC, BOOT, or BASIC logical configuration
Return Value:
BOOL: TRUE if function succeeds, FALSE if not
--*/ BOOL GetResDesList(IN OUT PDEV_INFO pdiDevInfo, IN LOG_CONF lcLogConf, IN ULONG ulLogConfType) { CONFIGRET cmret, cmret2; RES_DES rdResDes = 0, rdResDesNew; RESOURCEID ridResourceID = 0; PRES_DES_DATA prddResDesData;
prddResDesData = (PRES_DES_DATA)malloc(sizeof(RES_DES_DATA));
if (prddResDesData == NULL) goto c0; prddResDesData->Next = NULL; prddResDesData->Prev = NULL; prddResDesData->pmresMEMResource = NULL; prddResDesData->piresIOResource = NULL; prddResDesData->pdresDMAResource = NULL; prddResDesData->pqresIRQResource = NULL;
cmret = CM_Get_Next_Res_Des(&rdResDesNew, lcLogConf, ResType_All, &ridResourceID, 0);
// Go through each resource type and copy data to new node
while (CR_SUCCESS == cmret) { rdResDes = rdResDesNew;
if (ridResourceID >= ResType_Mem && ridResourceID <= ResType_IRQ) { if (!(ProcessResDesInfo(prddResDesData, rdResDes, ridResourceID))) { goto c1; } }
cmret = CM_Get_Next_Res_Des(&rdResDesNew, rdResDes, ResType_All, &ridResourceID, 0);
cmret2 = CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle(rdResDes);
if (cmret2 != CR_SUCCESS) { //ErrorLog(24, TEXT("CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle"), cmret2, NULL);
} } // Add the new node to the linked list
switch (ulLogConfType) { case FORCED_LOG_CONF:
if (!pdiDevInfo->prddForcedResDesData) { //
// This is the first entry into the linked list
pdiDevInfo->prddForcedResDesData = prddResDesData; } else { //
// Add new node to beginning of linked list
prddResDesData->Next = pdiDevInfo->prddForcedResDesData; pdiDevInfo->prddForcedResDesData->Prev = prddResDesData;
pdiDevInfo->prddForcedResDesData = prddResDesData; } break;
if (!pdiDevInfo->prddAllocResDesData) { //
// This is the first entry into the linked list
pdiDevInfo->prddAllocResDesData = prddResDesData; } else { //
// Add new node to beginning of linked list
prddResDesData->Next = pdiDevInfo->prddAllocResDesData; pdiDevInfo->prddAllocResDesData->Prev = prddResDesData;
pdiDevInfo->prddAllocResDesData = prddResDesData; } break;
if (!pdiDevInfo->prddBasicResDesData) { //
// This is the first entry into the linked list
pdiDevInfo->prddBasicResDesData = prddResDesData; } else { //
// Add new node to beginning of linked list
prddResDesData->Next = pdiDevInfo->prddBasicResDesData; pdiDevInfo->prddBasicResDesData->Prev = prddResDesData;
pdiDevInfo->prddBasicResDesData = prddResDesData; } break;
if (!pdiDevInfo->prddBootResDesData) { //
// This is the first entry into the linked list
pdiDevInfo->prddBootResDesData = prddResDesData; } else { //
// Add new node to beginning of linked list
prddResDesData->Next = pdiDevInfo->prddBootResDesData; pdiDevInfo->prddBootResDesData->Prev = prddResDesData;
pdiDevInfo->prddBootResDesData = prddResDesData; } break; default: goto c1; } return TRUE;
c1: free(prddResDesData); c0: return FALSE;
/* GetResDestList */
Routine Description: (25) ProcessResDesInfo
Gets information for one resource descriptor
prddResDesData: the new resource data node receiving the info rdResDes: the resource descriptor containing the info ridResourceID: tells the resource type (DMA, IO, MEM, IRQ, or CS)
Return Value:
BOOL: TRUE if function succeeds, FALSE if not
--*/ BOOL ProcessResDesInfo(IN OUT PRES_DES_DATA prddResDesData, IN RES_DES rdResDes, IN RESOURCEID ridResourceID) { PVOID pvResDesDataBuffer = NULL; ULONG ulResDesDataBufferLen; CONFIGRET cmret;
cmret = CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Size(&ulResDesDataBufferLen, rdResDes, 0);
if (CR_SUCCESS != cmret) { //ErrorLog(25, TEXT("CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Size"), cmret, NULL);
goto RetFALSE; }
if ((pvResDesDataBuffer = malloc(sizeof(PVOID) * ulResDesDataBufferLen)) == NULL) { // Log(25, SEV2, TEXT("resDesDataBuffer malloc size of %d failed."),
// ulResDesDataBufferLen);
goto RetFALSE; }
// Get the data
cmret = CM_Get_Res_Des_Data(rdResDes, pvResDesDataBuffer, ulResDesDataBufferLen, 0);
if (CR_SUCCESS != cmret) { //ErrorLog(25, TEXT("CM_Get_Res_Des_Data"), cmret, NULL);
goto RetFALSE; }
// Copy data into ResDesData node
switch (ridResourceID) { case ResType_Mem:
prddResDesData->pmresMEMResource = (PMEM_RESOURCE)pvResDesDataBuffer; break;
case ResType_IO:
prddResDesData->piresIOResource = (PIO_RESOURCE)pvResDesDataBuffer; break;
case ResType_DMA:
prddResDesData->pdresDMAResource = (PDMA_RESOURCE)pvResDesDataBuffer; break;
case ResType_IRQ:
prddResDesData->pqresIRQResource = (PIRQ_RESOURCE)pvResDesDataBuffer; break;
// Log(25, SEV2, TEXT("Illegal ResourceID - %ul"), ridResourceID);
goto RetFALSE; }
return TRUE;
RetFALSE: return FALSE;
} /* ProcessResDesInfo */
Routine Description: (26) UpdateDeviceList
Frees resource information for all devices and then collects the information again
none (g_pdiDevList is global head of device list)
Return Value:
BOOL: TRUE if function succeeds, FALSE if not
--*/ BOOL UpdateDeviceList() { PDEV_INFO pdiTmpDevInfo;
pdiTmpDevInfo = g_pdiDevList;
// Go through linked list and delete each node's ResDes lists
while (pdiTmpDevInfo) { if (pdiTmpDevInfo->prddForcedResDesData) { DeleteResDesDataNode(pdiTmpDevInfo->prddForcedResDesData); pdiTmpDevInfo->prddForcedResDesData = NULL; }
if (pdiTmpDevInfo->prddAllocResDesData) { DeleteResDesDataNode(pdiTmpDevInfo->prddAllocResDesData); pdiTmpDevInfo->prddAllocResDesData = NULL; }
if (pdiTmpDevInfo->prddBasicResDesData) { DeleteResDesDataNode(pdiTmpDevInfo->prddBasicResDesData); pdiTmpDevInfo->prddBasicResDesData = NULL; }
if (pdiTmpDevInfo->prddBootResDesData) { DeleteResDesDataNode(pdiTmpDevInfo->prddBootResDesData); pdiTmpDevInfo->prddBootResDesData = NULL; }
pdiTmpDevInfo = pdiTmpDevInfo->Next; }
pdiTmpDevInfo = g_pdiDevList;
// Recreate the ResDesLists for each node
while (pdiTmpDevInfo) { if (!(RecreateResDesList(pdiTmpDevInfo, FORCED_LOG_CONF))) goto RetFALSE;
if (!(RecreateResDesList(pdiTmpDevInfo, ALLOC_LOG_CONF))) goto RetFALSE;
if (!(RecreateResDesList(pdiTmpDevInfo, BASIC_LOG_CONF))) goto RetFALSE;
if (!(RecreateResDesList(pdiTmpDevInfo, BOOT_LOG_CONF))) goto RetFALSE;
pdiTmpDevInfo = pdiTmpDevInfo->Next; }
return TRUE;
RetFALSE: return FALSE;
} /* UpdateDeviceList */
Routine Description: (27) DeleteResDesDataNode
Deletes a string of RES_DES_DATA structures
prddTmpResDes: the head of the linked list
Return Value:
--*/ void DeleteResDesDataNode(IN PRES_DES_DATA prddTmpResDes) { PRES_DES_DATA prddNextResDes;
while (prddTmpResDes) { prddNextResDes = prddTmpResDes->Next;
free (prddTmpResDes); prddTmpResDes = prddNextResDes; }
} /* DeleteResDesDataNode */
Routine Description: (56) CopyDataToLogConf
Calls CM_Add_Res_Des to add a resDes to a lcLogConf
lcLogConf: the lcLogConf receiving the resDes ridResType: ResType_Mem, IO, DMA or IRQ pvResData: the new data ulResourceLen: size of the data
Return Value:
BOOL: TRUE if the CM call succeeds, FALSE if not
--*/ BOOL CopyDataToLogConf(IN LOG_CONF lcLogConf, IN RESOURCEID ridResType, IN PVOID pvResData, IN ULONG ulResourceLen) { CONFIGRET cmret; RES_DES rdResDes;
// Copy the data to the logConf
cmret = CM_Add_Res_Des(&rdResDes, lcLogConf, ridResType, pvResData, ulResourceLen, 0);
if (CR_SUCCESS != cmret) {
goto RetFALSE; }
return TRUE;
RetFALSE: return FALSE;
} /* CopyDataToLogConf */
Routine Description: (28) RecreateResDesList
Uses CM calls to find ResDes information and creates linked list of this information inside of given DEV_INFO
pdiTmpDevInfo: the node receiving the information ulLogConfType: the LogConf type (FORCED_LOG_CONF, ALLOC_LOG_CONF, BASIC_LOG_CONF, BOOT_LOG_CONF)
Return Value:
BOOL: TRUE if function succeeds, FALSE if not
--*/ BOOL RecreateResDesList(IN OUT PDEV_INFO pdiTmpDevInfo, IN ULONG ulLogConfType) { CONFIGRET cmret, cmret2; DEVNODE dnDevNode; LOG_CONF lcLogConf, lcLogConfNew;
// Get handle to the devnode
cmret = CM_Locate_DevNode(&dnDevNode, pdiTmpDevInfo->szDevNodeID, CM_LOCATE_DEVNODE_NORMAL);
if (CR_SUCCESS != cmret) { //ErrorLog(28, TEXT("CM_Locate_DevNode"), cmret, NULL);
goto RetFALSE; }
// Get logical configuration information
cmret = CM_Get_First_Log_Conf(&lcLogConfNew, dnDevNode, ulLogConfType);
while (CR_SUCCESS == cmret) { lcLogConf = lcLogConfNew;
if (!(GetResDesList(pdiTmpDevInfo, lcLogConf, ulLogConfType))) { goto RetFALSE; }
cmret = CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf(&lcLogConfNew, lcLogConf, 0);
cmret2 = CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle(lcLogConf);
if (CR_SUCCESS != cmret2) { //ErrorLog(28, TEXT("CM_Free_Log_Conf"), cmret2, NULL);
} }
return TRUE;
RetFALSE: return FALSE;
} /* RecreateResDesList */
void Cleanup() { PDEV_INFO pdiDevInfo = g_pdiDevList; PDEV_INFO pdiNextInfoNode;
while (pdiDevInfo) {
pdiNextInfoNode = pdiDevInfo->Next;
DeleteResDesDataNode(pdiDevInfo->prddForcedResDesData); DeleteResDesDataNode(pdiDevInfo->prddAllocResDesData); DeleteResDesDataNode(pdiDevInfo->prddBasicResDesData); DeleteResDesDataNode(pdiDevInfo->prddBootResDesData);
pdiDevInfo = pdiNextInfoNode; }
} /* Cleanup */