/* asmdir.c -- microsoft 80x86 assembler
** ** microsoft (r) macro assembler ** copyright (c) microsoft corp 1986. all rights reserved ** ** randy nevin ** ** 10/90 - Quick conversion to 32 bit by Jeff Spencer */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "asm86.h"
#include "asmfcn.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef XENIX286
#include <share.h>
#include <io.h>
#include "asmctype.h"
#include "asmindex.h"
#include "asmmsg.h"
extern PFPOSTRUCT pFpoHead; extern PFPOSTRUCT pFpoTail; extern unsigned long numFpoRecords;
SHORT CODESIZE fetLang(void); int PASCAL CODESIZE trypathname PARMS((char *)); int PASCAL CODESIZE openincfile PARMS(( void )); VOID PASCAL CODESIZE creatPubName (void); extern char *siznm[];
/*** setsymbol - set attribute in symbol
* * setsymbol (bit); * * Entry * Exit * Returns * Calls */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE setsymbol ( UCHAR bit ) { /* Scan symbol name */
if (getatom ()) { if (!symsrch ()) errorn (E_SND);
symptr->attr |= bit; } }
/*** publicitem - scan symbol and make PUBLIC
* * publicitem (); * * Entry naim = symbol name * Exit Global attribute set in symbol entry * Returns none * Calls error, scanatom, symsearch */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE publicitem() { static char newAttr;
if (getatom ()) {
newAttr = NULL; if (fetLang() == CLANG) newAttr = M_CDECL;
if (!symsrch ()) {
/* define forward refernced name, so global attribute
* is available on the end of pass 1 */
symcreate ( (UCHAR)(M_GLOBAL | newAttr), (UCHAR)PROC); } else { symptr->attr |= newAttr;
/* public is legal for an alias if target ok */ if (symptr->symkind == EQU && symptr->symu.equ.equtyp == ALIAS) if (! (symptr = chasealias (symptr))) { errorc(E_TUL); return; }
if (pass2) { /* catch forward reference symbol errors */
if (! (symptr->attr & M_GLOBAL)) errorn (E_IFR);
else if ((symptr->attr&~M_CDECL) == M_GLOBAL || !(symptr->attr & M_DEFINED)) errorn (E_SND);
switch (symptr->symkind) { case PROC: case DVAR: case CLABEL: if (M_XTERN & symptr->attr) errorc (E_SAE); break; case EQU: if (symptr->symu.equ.equtyp != EXPR) errorc (E_TUL); break; default: errorc (E_TUL); } } creatPubName(); } }
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE creatPubName () { symptr->attr |= M_GLOBAL;
if (caseflag == CASEX && symptr->lcnamp == NULL) symptr->lcnamp = #ifdef M8086
creatlname (naim.pszLowerCase); #else
createname (naim.pszLowerCase); #endif
/*** xcrefitem - scan symbol and xcref it
* * xcrefitem (); * * Entry * Exit * Returns * Calls */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE xcrefitem () { if (pass2 && !loption) { setsymbol (M_NOCREF); creftype = CREFEND; } else getatom (); }
/*** externflag -
* * routine (); * * Entry * Exit * Returns * Calls */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE externflag ( register UCHAR kind, register UCHAR new ) { switchname (); /* Make name be extern name */ if (!new) { /* Create symbol */ symcreate (M_XTERN | M_DEFINED, (UCHAR)((kind == CLABEL)? DVAR: kind));
symptr->symkind = kind;
if (caseflag == CASEX) symptr->lcnamp = #ifdef M8086
creatlname (naim.pszLowerCase); #else
createname (naim.pszLowerCase); #endif /* M8086 */
symptr->symtype = varsize; symptr->length = 1; if (kind == EQU) /* expr type EQU is constant */ symptr->symu.equ.equtyp = EXPR; else symptr->symsegptr = pcsegment;
if (pass2) emitextern (symptr); } checkRes(); crefdef (); if (! (M_XTERN & symptr->attr)) errorc (E_ALD); else { if (kind != symptr->symkind || symptr->symtype != varsize || (symptr->length != 1 && kind != EQU) && (symptr->symsegptr != pcsegment && !(fSimpleSeg && varsize == CSFAR)))
errorn (E_SDK); else { symptr->attr |= M_XTERN | M_BACKREF;
if (fSimpleSeg && varsize == CSFAR) { symptr->symsegptr = NULL; } else if (varsize == CSNEAR || (varsize == CSFAR && pcsegment))
symptr->symu.clabel.csassume = regsegment[CSSEG];
} } }
/*** externitem -
* * externitem (); * * Entry * Exit * Returns * Calls */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE externitem () { register char new; char newAttr;
/* Get name of external */
if (getatom ()) {
newAttr = NULL; if (fetLang() == CLANG) newAttr = M_CDECL;
new = symFetNoXref (); switchname (); /* Save name of external */
if (NEXTC () != ':') errorc (E_SYN);
else { /* Scan name of extern type */ getatom ();
if (tokenIS("abs")) {
equsel = EXPR; varsize = 0; externflag (EQU, new); } else if (!fnsize ()) errorc (E_UST);
else { if (varsize >= CSFAR) { /* NEAR | FAR */ externflag (CLABEL, new); }
else /* data reference */
externflag (DVAR, new);
} symptr->attr |= newAttr; } } }
/*** segcreate - create and initialize segment
* * segcreate (makeseg); * * Entry makeseg = TRUE if segement is to be make * Exit * Returns * Calls */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE segcreate ( register UCHAR makeseg ) {
if (pass2) /* Segment must be defined */ errorn (E_PS1);
if (makeseg) symcreate (0, SEGMENT); else symptr->symkind = SEGMENT;
/* Initialize segment data */ symptr->symu.segmnt.align = -1; symptr->symu.segmnt.use32 = -1; symptr->symu.segmnt.combine = 7; }
/*** addglist - add segment to group list
* * addglist (); * * Entry * Exit * Returns * Calls */
p = symptr;
if (pass2) if (!(M_DEFINED & p->attr)) errorn (E_PS1);
/* Can get segment in 2 group lists unless check
* symptr->grouptr == curgroup */
if (p->symu.segmnt.grouptr) { if (p->symu.segmnt.grouptr != curgroup) /* Trying to put in 2 groups */ errorc (E_SPC); return; } p->symu.segmnt.grouptr = curgroup; pSY = curgroup->symu.grupe.segptr;
if (!pSY) curgroup->symu.grupe.segptr = p;
else {
/* scan the list of segments on the group */
do { if (pSY == p) /* already on list */ return;
} while (pSY->symu.segmnt.nxtseg && (pSY = pSY->symu.segmnt.nxtseg));
/* Link into list */ pSY->symu.segmnt.nxtseg = p; } }
/*** groupitem -
* * routine (); * * Entry * Exit * Returns * Calls */
if (!getatom ()) error (E_EXP,"segment name");
else if (!fnoper ()) {
/* Have a segment name */
if (!symFet()) /* Forward segment, make it */ segcreate (TRUE);
/* If not segment, could be class so make undef */ if (symptr->symkind != SEGMENT)
/* If a class, consider undef instead of wrong kind */ errorn ((USHORT)((symptr->symkind == CLASS) && !pass2 ? E_IFR : E_SDK));
else if (symptr->attr & M_DEFINED || !pass2) { if (curgroup) addglist (); } else errorn (E_PS1); } else { /* Have error or SEG <sym> */ if (opertype != OPSEG) /* Symbol can't be reserved */ errorn (E_RES); else { /* Have SEG <var> | <label> */ getatom (); if (*naim.pszName == 0) error (E_EXP,"variable or label");
else if (!symFet()) /* Forward reference bad */ errorc (E_IFR);
else if (1 << symptr->symkind & (M_DVAR | M_CLABEL | M_PROC)) { /* Segment of variable */
symptr = symptr->symsegptr; if (!symptr) /* Must have segment */ errorc (E_OSG); else addglist (); } else /* Wrong type */ errorc (E_TUL); } } }
/*** groupdefine - define segments that form a group
* * routine (); * * Entry * Exit * Returns * Calls */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE groupdefine () { if (symFet()) { /* Symbol exists */ checkRes(); if (symptr->symkind != GROUP) /* Should have been group */ errorc (E_NGR);
symptr->attr |= M_BACKREF; } else if (pass2) /* Must be seen 1st on pass 1 */ errorn (E_PS1); else { /* Create group name */ symcreate (M_DEFINED, GROUP); }
/* CURgroup is used by GROUPitem to know which group segment
name should be added to. If it is NIL, means that either it is pass 2 so list already made or there was an error in GROUP name */
curgroup = NULL;
if (! pass2) { /* Don't make list if pass 2 */
symptr->attr |= M_BACKREF | M_DEFINED;
if (symptr->symkind == GROUP) curgroup = symptr; } /* Handle segment list */ BACKC (); do { SKIPC (); groupitem (); } while (PEEKC () == ','); }
/*** setsegment -
* * routine (); * * Entry * Exit * Returns * Calls */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE setsegment () { if (pass2 && !(M_DEFINED & symptr->attr)) /* undef */ errorn (E_SND); else regsegment[lastsegptr->offset] = symptr; }
/*** assumeitem -
* * routine (); * * Entry * Exit * Returns * Calls * Note Form of ASSUME item is: * <segreg> : <group> | <segment> | SEG <var> | NOTHING * Will set XXsegment to segment or group pointer. NOTHING * will set to NIL */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE assumeitem () { register SYMBOL FARSYM *p; register short j; // int segIndex;
/* Scan segment name */ getatom (); if (PEEKC() != ':') { /* NOTHING or error */ if (fnoper ())
if (opertype == OPNOTHING) { /* No segments assumed*/
memset(regsegment, 0, sizeof(regsegment)); } else /* Must have colon */ error (E_EXP,"colon"); else /* Must have colon */ error (E_EXP,"colon"); } else if (!symsearch ()) /* get seg register - Must be defined */ errorn (E_SND); else { lastsegptr = p = symptr; /* At least have defined */
if (p->symkind != REGISTER || p->symu.regsym.regtype != SEGREG) errorn (E_MBR);
else { /* Have segment reg so go on */ /* Save ptr to segment */ SKIPC (); getatom (); if (*naim.pszName == 0) error (E_EXP,"segment, group, or NOTHING"); else if (!fnoper ()) {
/* Must be segment or group */
if (!symFet ()) segcreate (TRUE); /* Make if not found */
p = symptr; if (p->symkind == SEGMENT || p->symkind == GROUP) {
setsegment (); #ifndef FEATURE
if (tokenIS("flat") && (cputype&P386)) { pFlatGroup = symptr; pFlatGroup->symkind = GROUP; pFlatGroup->attr |= M_DEFINED | M_BACKREF; pFlatGroup->symu.grupe.segptr = NULL; } #endif
} else errorc (E_MSG); } else { /* Have NOTHING or SEG */ if (opertype == OPNOTHING) { regsegment[lastsegptr->offset] = NULL; } else if (opertype == OPSEG) { getatom (); if (!symFet ()) /* Must be defined on pass 1 */ errorn (E_PS1); else { p = symptr; if (!(M_DEFINED & p->attr)) errorn (E_PS1); else if (1 << p->symkind & (M_CLABEL | M_PROC | M_DVAR)) { if (!(M_XTERN & p->attr)) symptr = symptr->symsegptr; p = symptr; setsegment (); } else errorc (E_TUL); } } else errorn (E_RES); } } } }
/*** evendir - process <even> directive
* * routine (); * * Entry * Exit * Returns * Calls */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE evendir ( SHORT arg ) { register SHORT size;
if (arg) size = arg; else size = (SHORT)exprconst ();
if ((size & (size - 1)) != 0 || !size) errorc(E_AP2);
else if (!pcsegment) /* Not in segment */ errorc (E_MSB);
else if (pcsegment->symu.segmnt.align == 1) /* Byte aligned */ errorc (E_NEB);
else { if (!((USHORT) pcoffset % size)) return;
size = size - (USHORT) pcoffset % size;
while (size--)
if (!pcsegment->symu.segmnt.hascode)
emitopcode(0); else if (size > 0) { size--; emitopcode(0x87); /* two byte form is faster */ emitopcode(0xDB); } else emitopcode(0x90); } }
/*** namedir - process <name> directive
* * routine (); * * Entry * Exit * Returns * Calls */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE namedir () { getatom (); if (*naim.pszName == 0) error (E_EXP,"module name"); else if (modulename) /* Already have one */ errorc (E_RSY); else modulename = createname (naim.pszName); }
/*** includeLib - process include lib directive
* * Format : includeLib token */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE includeLib() { char *pFirst; TEXTSTR FAR *bodyline, FAR *ptr; register USHORT siz;
pFirst = lbufp;
while (!ISTERM (PEEKC()) && !ISBLANK (PEEKC())) SKIPC();
siz = (USHORT)(lbufp - pFirst);
if (siz == 0 || siz > 126) errorc(E_IIS);
if (pass2) return;
bodyline = (TEXTSTR FAR *)talloc ((USHORT)(sizeof (TEXTSTR) + siz));
bodyline->strnext = (TEXTSTR FAR *)NULL; bodyline->text[siz] = NULL;
fMemcpy (bodyline->text, pFirst, siz);
if (!(ptr = pLib)) pLib = bodyline; else { while (ptr->strnext) ptr = ptr->strnext;
ptr->strnext = bodyline; } }
/*** orgdir - process <org> directive
* * routine (); * * Entry * Exit * Returns * Calls */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE orgdir () { register DSCREC *dsc;
dsc = expreval (&nilseg); if (dsc->dsckind.opnd.dflag == FORREF) /* Must be known */ errorc (E_PS1); /* Can get <code> set and segment NIL, fix */ else if (dsc->dsckind.opnd.dsegment) {/* code var */
if (!isdirect(&(dsc->dsckind.opnd)) && dsc->dsckind.opnd.mode != 4)
/* Not direct */ errorc (E_IOT); if (pcsegment != dsc->dsckind.opnd.dsegment) /* Different segment */ errorc (E_NIP); } else { /* Should be const */ /* Must be constant */ forceimmed (dsc); if (dsc->dsckind.opnd.dsign) /* And plus */ errorc (E_VOR); } if (dsc->dsckind.opnd.doffset < pcoffset) if (pcmax < pcoffset) /* If moving down, save */ pcmax = pcoffset; /* Set new PC */ pcoffset = dsc->dsckind.opnd.doffset; /* Display new PC */ pcdisplay (); dfree ((char *)dsc ); }
/*** purgemacro - process <purge> directive
* * purgemacro (); * * Entry * Exit * Returns * Calls */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE purgemacro () { getatom (); if (!symFet ()) errorn (E_SND);
else if (symptr->symkind != MACRO) symptr->attr &= ~(M_BACKREF); else { if (symptr->symu.rsmsym.rsmtype.rsmmac.active) symptr->symu.rsmsym.rsmtype.rsmmac.delete = TRUE; else deletemacro (symptr); } }
/*** deletemacro - delete macro body
* * deletemacro (p); * * Entry p = pointer to macro symbol entry * Exit macro body deleted * Returns none * Calls */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE deletemacro ( SYMBOL FARSYM *p ) { listfree (p->symu.rsmsym.rsmtype.rsmmac.macrotext); p->symu.rsmsym.rsmtype.rsmmac.macrotext = NULL; p->symu.rsmsym.rsmtype.rsmmac.active = 0; p->symu.rsmsym.rsmtype.rsmmac.delete = FALSE; }
/*** radixdir - process <radix> directive
* * radixdir (); * * Entry * Exit * Returns * Calls */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE radixdir () { register USHORT rdx;
/* Force decimal radix */ radixescape = TRUE; /* Get wanted radix */ rdx = (USHORT)exprconst (); if (2 <= rdx && rdx <= 16) radix = (char)rdx; else errorc (E_VOR); radixescape = FALSE; /* Convert radix to ascii and display */ offsetAscii ((OFFSET) radix); copyascii (); }
/*** checkline - check line for delimiter
* * flag = checkline (cc); * * Entry cc = chearacter to check line for * Exit none * Returns TRUE if cc matched in line * FALSE if cc not matched in line * Calls none */
UCHAR PASCAL CODESIZE checkline ( register UCHAR cc ) { register UCHAR nc;
while (nc = NEXTC()) if (nc == cc) return (TRUE); BACKC (); return (FALSE); }
/*** comment - copy characters to end of comment
* * commentbuild (); * * Entry * Exit * Returns * Calls */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE commentbuild () { if (checkline ((char)delim)) { handler = HPARSE; swaphandler = TRUE; }
if (!lsting) { linebuffer[0] = '\0'; linelength = 0; lbufp = linebuffer; }
listline (); }
/*** comdir - process <comment> directive
* * comdir (); * * Entry * Exit * Returns * Calls */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE comdir () { if (!PEEKC ()) error (E_EXP,"comment delimiter"); else { /* Save delim char */ if (!checkline ((char)(delim = NEXTC ()))) { /* Delim is not on same line */ swaphandler = TRUE; handler = HCOMMENT; } } if (!lsting) { linebuffer[0] = '\0'; linelength = 0; lbufp = linebuffer; } }
/*** outdir - display remainder of line to console
* * outdir (); * * Entry * Exit * Returns * Calls */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE outdir () { if (!listquiet) fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", lbufp); lbufp = lbuf + strlen (lbuf); }
/*** enddir - process <end> directive
* * enddir (); * * Entry * Exit * Returns * Calls */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE enddir () { if (!ISTERM (PEEKC ())) { /* Have a start addr */ startaddr = expreval (&nilseg); if (!(M_CODE & startaddr->dsckind.opnd.dtype)) errorc (E_ASC); }
#ifdef BCBOPT
if (fNotStored) storeline(); #endif
if (fSimpleSeg && pcsegment) endCurSeg();
listline(); longjmp(forceContext, 1); }
/*** exitmdir - process <exitm> directive
* * exitmdir (); * * Entry * Exit * Returns * Calls */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE exitmdir () { if (macrolevel == 0) /* Must be in macro */ errorc (E_NMC); else /* set ExitBody since need to see conditionals */ exitbody = TRUE; }
/*** trypathname - try to open a file in a directory
* * trypathname (szPath); * * Entry lbufp = pointer to include file name * szPath = directory to search in * Exit Include file opened if found. * Fully qualified name in "save" * Returns file handle of file, or -1 if not opened * special handle of -2 means FCB has been allocated * Note If include file name does not begin with path separator * character, the path separator is appended to include path. */
int PASCAL CODESIZE trypathname ( char * szPath ) { char cc; int fh; char *p = save; char *pe = save + LINEMAX - 2; char *ic; register FCB * pFCBT;
ic = szPath;
if (*ic) {
while (*ic && p < pe) *p++ = *ic++;
if ((*(p-1) != PSEP) && (*(p-1) != ':')) /* include path separator if not in file name */ *p++ = PSEP; }
for (ic = lbufp; !ISTERM (cc = *ic++) && !ISBLANK (cc) && p < pe ; )
if (cc == ALTPSEP) *p++ = PSEP; else *p++ = cc;
#ifdef MSDOS
if (*(p-1) == ':') /* kill 'con:' */ p--; #endif
*p = NULL;
/* look for an existing include file on pass 2 with a fully qualified
* name */
#ifdef BCBOPT
if (pass2) { for (pFCBT = pFCBInc->pFCBNext; pFCBT; pFCBT = pFCBT->pFCBNext) {
if (!memcmp (save, pFCBT->fname, strlen(pFCBT->fname)+1)) { pFCBT->pbufCur = NULL;
if (pFCBT->pBCBCur = pFCBT->pBCBFirst) {
pFCBT->pBCBCur->fInUse = 1;
if (! (pFCBT->pbufCur = pFCBT->pBCBCur->pbuf)) pFCBT->fh = tryOneFile( save ); } else pFCBT->fh = tryOneFile( save );
pFCBCur = pFCBT;
return(-2); } } } #endif
return(tryOneFile( save )); }
int PASCAL CODESIZE tryOneFile( UCHAR *fname ) { int iRet; int fTryAgain;
do { fTryAgain = FALSE; #ifdef XENIX286
iRet = open (fname, TEXTREAD); #else
iRet = _sopen (fname, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, SH_DENYWR); #endif
if ( iRet == -1 && errno == EMFILE ) { /* If out of file handles */ if ( freeAFileHandle() ) { fTryAgain = TRUE; /* Keep trying until out of files to close */ } } }while ( fTryAgain ); return( iRet ); /* Return file handle or error */ }
/*** openincfile - try to find and open include file
* * openincfile () * * Entry lbufp = pointer to include file name * inclcnt = count of -I paths from command line and INCLUDE e.v. * inclpath[i] = pointer to path to prepend to include file name * Exit include file opened if found on any path or current directory * Aborts with code EX_UINC if file not found * Returns none * Note If include file name does not begin with path separator * character, the path separator is appended to include path. * For every attempt to find a file in a path, the alternate * path separator character is used. This will improve program * portability between DOS and XENIX. */
int PASCAL CODESIZE openincfile () { register char cc; int fh; SHORT i;
#ifdef MSDOS
if ((cc = *lbufp) != PSEP && cc != ALTPSEP && cc != '.' && lbufp[1] != ':') { #else
if ((cc = *lbufp) != PSEP && cc != ALTPSEP && cc != '.') { #endif /* MSDOS */
for (i = inclFirst; i < inclcnt; i++) { if ((fh = trypathname (inclpath[i])) != -1) { return (fh); } }
} else
if ((fh = trypathname ("")) != -1) { return (fh); }
error(E_INC, lbufp); errordisplay (); closeOpenFiles();
exit (EX_UINC); return 0; }
/*** includedir - process <include> directive
* * includedir (); * * Entry lbufp = pointer to include file name * Exit Opens include file on pass1. Gets correct buffers on pass 2 * Returns none * Notes Notice the GOTO when correct FCB found in pass2 */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE includedir () { char lastreadT; register FCB * pFCBT; unsigned long filelen; FCB * svInc; int fh;
#ifdef BCBOPT
if (fNotStored) storelinepb (); #endif
/* Get here on pass 1 OR when file names didn't match */
#ifdef BCBOPT
if ((fh = openincfile()) == -2) { pFCBT = pFCBInc = pFCBCur; goto gotinclude; } #else
fh = openincfile(); #endif
pFCBT = (FCB *) nalloc((USHORT)(sizeof(FCB) + strlen(save) + sizeof(char)),"includedir");
pFCBT->fh = fh;
strcpy (pFCBT->fname, save); // Save the file name
pFCBT->pFCBParent = pFCBCur; /* Add bidirectional linked list entry */ pFCBCur->pFCBChild = pFCBT;
#ifdef BCBOPT
if (!pass2) { pFCBT->pFCBNext = NULL; pFCBInc->pFCBNext = pFCBT; pFCBInc = pFCBT; } else pFCBT->pbufCur = NULL; #endif
if ((filelen = _lseek(pFCBT->fh, 0L, 2 )) == -1L) TERMINATE1(ER_ULI, EX_UINP, save);
/* go back to beginning */ _lseek(pFCBT->fh, 0L, 0 );
if (filelen > DEF_INCBUFSIZ << 10) pFCBT->cbbuf = DEF_INCBUFSIZ << 10; else pFCBT->cbbuf = (USHORT) filelen + 1;
pFCBCur = pFCBT;
/* get a buffer */
#ifdef BCBOPT
if (fBuffering && !pass2) pFCBT->pBCBFirst = pBCBalloc(pFCBT->cbbuf); else pFCBT->pBCBFirst = NULL;
pFCBT->pBCBCur = pFCBT->pBCBFirst; #endif
#ifdef BCBOPT
gotinclude: #endif
pFCBT->line = 0; pFCBT->ctmpbuf = 0; #ifdef XENIX286
pFCBT->ptmpbuf = pFCBT->buf = nalloc(pFCBT->cbbuf, "incdir"); #else
pFCBT->ptmpbuf = pFCBT->buf = falloc(pFCBT->cbbuf, "incdir"); #endif
if (crefing && pass2) fprintf( crf.fil, "\t%s", save );
lastreadT = lastreader; lineprocess(RREADSOURCE, NULL );
lastreader = lastreadT; swaphandler++; /* sync local handler with global state */ fSkipList++; }
/*** segdefine - process <segment> directive
* * routine (); * * Entry * Exit * Returns * Calls * Note Format is: * <name> SEGMENT [align] | [combine] | ['class'] * align: PARA | BYTE | WORD | PAGE | INPAGE * combine:PUBLIC | COMMON | STACK | MEMORY | AT <expr> */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE segdefine () { register char cc; register SYMBOL FARSYM *p; register SYMBOL FARSYM *pT;
if (!symFetNoXref ()) /* Create if new segment */ segcreate (TRUE); else { if (symptr->symkind != SEGMENT) if (symptr->symkind == CLASS) segcreate (FALSE); else /* Wasn't segment */ errorn (E_SDK); } strcpy(&segName[8], naim.pszName); p = symptr; /* Output CREF info */ crefdef (); if (p->symkind == SEGMENT) {
if (!(pass2 || (M_BACKREF & p->attr))) addseglist (p);
p->attr |= M_BACKREF | M_DEFINED; if (pcsegment) {
/* Save previous segment info */ /* Save current segment PC */ pcsegment->offset = pcoffset; pcsegment->symu.segmnt.seglen = (pcmax > pcoffset) ? pcmax : pcoffset; } /* check for nested segment opens */
for (pT = pcsegment; pT;) {
if (pT == p) { errorc(E_BNE); goto badNest; } pT = pT->symu.segmnt.lastseg; }
/* Save previous segment */ p->symu.segmnt.lastseg = pcsegment; badNest: /* Set new current segment */ pcsegment = p; pcoffset = p->offset;
/* Set segment maximum offset */ pcmax = p->symu.segmnt.seglen;
/* Display where in segment */ pcdisplay ();
while (!ISTERM (cc = PEEKC ())) { if (cc == '\'') segclass (p); else if (LEGAL1ST (cc)) segalign (p); else { error(E_EXP,"align, combine, or 'class'"); break; } } #ifdef V386
if (p->symu.segmnt.use32 == (char)-1) p->symu.segmnt.use32 = wordszdefault;
wordsize = p->symu.segmnt.use32;
if (wordsize == 4 && !(cputype & P386)) errorc(E_CPU); #endif
} definesym(segName); symptr->attr |= M_NOCREF; /* don't cref @curSeg */ }
/*** addseglist - add segment to list
* * addseglist (pseg); * * Entry pseg = segment symbol entry * Exit * Returns * Calls */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE addseglist ( register SYMBOL FARSYM *pseg ) { register SYMBOL FARSYM *tseg; register SYMBOL FARSYM * FARSYM *lseg;
/* Add segment to list */ if (!firstsegment) { firstsegment = pseg; pseg->symu.segmnt.segordered = NULL; return; } tseg = firstsegment; lseg = &firstsegment; for (; tseg; lseg = &(tseg->symu.segmnt.segordered), tseg = tseg->symu.segmnt.segordered) { if (segalpha) { if (STRFFCMP (pseg->nampnt->id, tseg->nampnt->id) < 0) { pseg->symu.segmnt.segordered = tseg; *lseg = pseg; return; } } } *lseg = pseg; pseg->symu.segmnt.segordered = NULL; }
/*** segclass - process <segment> 'class' subdirective
* * segclass (pseg); * * Entry pseg = segment symbol entry * *lbufp = leading ' of class name * Exit * Returns * Calls scanatom, skipblanks * Note Format is: * <name> SEGMENT [align] | [combine] | ['class'] * align: PARA | BYTE | WORD | PAGE | INPAGE * combine:PUBLIC | COMMON | STACK | MEMORY | AT <expr> */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE segclass ( register SYMBOL FARSYM *pseg ) { SKIPC (); getatom (); if (NEXTC () != '\'') /* Don't have right delim */ error (E_EXP,"'"); skipblanks (); if (symptr->symu.segmnt.classptr) { /* Make sure 'class' matches */ if (!symFet ()) /* Not same class */ errorc (E_SPC); else if (symptr->symkind != CLASS && symptr->symkind != SEGMENT && symptr->symkind != GROUP) errorn(E_SDK); else if (symptr != pseg->symu.segmnt.classptr) errorc (E_SPC); } else if (*naim.pszName == 0) errorc (E_EMS);
else if (!symFet ()) { symcreate (M_DEFINED, SEGMENT); symptr->symkind = CLASS; } checkRes(); pseg->symu.segmnt.classptr = symptr; }
/*** segalign - process <segment> align and combine subdirectives
* * segalign (); * * Entry * Exit * Returns * Calls * Note Format is: * <name> SEGMENT [align] | [combine] | [16/32] | ['class'] * align: PARA | BYTE | WORD | PAGE | INPAGE * combine:PUBLIC | COMMON | STACK | MEMORY | AT <expr> * 16/32: USE16 | USE32 */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE segalign ( register SYMBOL FARSYM *pseg ) { /* Scan align or combine type */ getatom (); if (fnspar ()) switch (segidx) { case IS_BYTE: case IS_WORD: #ifdef V386
case IS_DWORD: #endif
case IS_PAGE: case IS_PARA: /* Some align field */ if (pseg->symu.segmnt.align == (char)-1) pseg->symu.segmnt.align = segtyp; else if (pseg->symu.segmnt.align != segtyp && (pseg->symu.segmnt.align != pseg->symu.segmnt.combine || pseg->symu.segmnt.align)) errorc (E_SPC); break; case IS_MEMORY: case IS_PUBLIC: case IS_STACK: case IS_COMMON: if (pseg->symu.segmnt.combine == 7) pseg->symu.segmnt.combine = segtyp; else if (pseg->symu.segmnt.combine != segtyp) errorc (E_SPC); break; #ifdef V386
case IS_USE16: if (pseg->symu.segmnt.use32 != (char)-1 && pseg->symu.segmnt.use32 != 2) errorc (E_SPC); if ((cputype&P386)==0) errorc (E_NPA); pseg->symu.segmnt.use32 = 2; break; case IS_USE32: if (pseg->symu.segmnt.use32 != (char)-1 && pseg->symu.segmnt.use32 != 4) errorc (E_SPC); if ((cputype&P386)==0) errorc (E_NPA); pseg->symu.segmnt.use32 = 4; break; #endif
default: /* Have AT <expr> */ pseg->symu.segmnt.locate = exprconst (); pseg->symu.segmnt.align = 0; pseg->symu.segmnt.combine = 0; } else { /* Not good align or define */ errorc (E_NPA); } }
/*** procdefine - start procedure block
* * procdefine (); * * Parse the proc statement with optional distance parameters */
SYMBOL FARSYM *pArgFirst; /* pointer to first argument */ SYMBOL FARSYM *pArgCur; /* pointer to currect argment */ OFFSET offsetCur; /* current stack offset */ char bp16 [] =" PTR [BP]?"; /* template for text macro creation */ char bp32 [] =" PTR [EBP]?"; char *bp;
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE procdefine () { /* create PROC name with default size*/
varsize = dirsize[I_PROC]; switchname();
if (getatom ()) {
if (fnsize ()) { /* process optional near|far */
if (varsize < CSFAR) errorc (E_TIL);
if (langType) getatom(); } else if (!langType) errorc (E_MSY);
} switchname();
labelcreate (varsize, PROC);
if (symptr->symkind != PROC) return;
/* Set previous PROC, make sure no loop possible */
if (iProcStack < PROCMAX && pcproc != symptr) procStack[++iProcStack] = symptr;
pcproc = symptr; /* Set ptr to new PROC */ symptr->length = 1; symptr->symu.clabel.type = typeFet(varsize); pcproc->symu.plabel.pArgs = NULL;
if (langType)
creatPubName(); else return;
if (iProcStack > 1) /* nested procs not allowed */ errorc(E_BNE);
iProcCur = ++iProc; emitline();
if (! pass2) {
/* keep a chain of procedures in sorted order so we can output
* proc's in the correct order for CV */
if (pProcCur) pProcCur->alpha = symptr; else pProcFirst = symptr; } pProcCur = symptr;
/* check and process any "uses reg1 reg2 ... " */
iRegSave = -1; fProcArgs = ARGS_NONE; cbProcLocals = 0; switchname();
if (fetLang() == CLANG) pProcCur->attr |= M_CDECL;
#ifndef FEATURE
if (tokenIS("private")) { symptr->attr &= ~M_GLOBAL; getatom(); } #endif
if (tokenIS("uses")) {
char count = 0;
while (iRegSave < 8 && getatom()) {
#ifndef FEATURE
if (symsrch() && symptr->symkind == EQU && symptr->symu.equ.equtyp == TEXTMACRO) { expandTM (symptr->symu.equ.equrec.txtmacro.equtext); getatom (); }
if (*naim.pszName) #endif
strcpy(regSave[++iRegSave], naim.pszName); } if (!count) errorc(E_OPN); else fProcArgs = ARGS_REG; }
pTextEnd = (char *) -1; bp = (wordsize == 2)? bp16: bp32;
offsetCur = wordsize*2; /* room for [e]bp and offset of ret addr */ if (pcproc->symtype == CSFAR) offsetCur += wordsize; /* room for [ ]cs (16 or 32 bits) */
cbProcParms = cbProcParms - offsetCur;
cbProcParms += offsetCur; if (cbProcParms) fProcArgs = ARGS_PARMS;
pcproc->symu.plabel.pArgs = pArgFirst; offsetCur = 0; }
/*** defineLocals
* * Parse the local statment for stack based variables */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE defineLocals () { /* check for valid active proc */
if (!pcproc || fProcArgs < 0) return;
fProcArgs = ARGS_LOCALS; getatom(); scanArgs();
/* tack on the the end the parm list any locals */
cbProcLocals = offsetCur; }
/*** addLocal - concatenate a null-terminated list of locals onto a proc
* */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE addLocal ( SYMBOL FARSYM *pSY ) { if (pcproc) {
if (!(pArgCur = pcproc->symu.plabel.pArgs)) pcproc->symu.plabel.pArgs = pSY;
else {
for (; pArgCur->alpha; pArgCur = pArgCur->alpha);
pArgCur->alpha = pSY; } } }
char * PASCAL CODESIZE xxradixconvert ( OFFSET valu, register char *p ) { if (valu / radix) { p = xxradixconvert (valu / radix, p); valu = valu % radix; } else /* leading digit */ if (valu > 9) /* do leading '0' for hex */ *p++ = '0';
*p++ = (char)(valu + ((valu > 9)? 'A' - 10 : '0'));
return (p); }
SHORT mpTypeAlign[] = { 4, 1, 2, 4};
/*** scanArgs - process an argument list into text macros
* * */
SHORT PASCAL CODESIZE scanArgs () { struct eqar eqarT; USHORT defKind; USHORT defType; USHORT defCV; USHORT defPtrSize; SHORT fIsPtr; char *pLeftBrack; char *p;
pArgFirst = pArgCur = NULL;
if (*naim.pszName) goto First;
do { if (PEEKC() == ',') SKIPC();
if (!getatom()) break; First: switchname(); if (!createequ (TEXTMACRO)) break;
/* chain in the text macro to this procedure. You must either
do a FIFO or LIFO quque depending on calling order */
if (pProcCur->attr & M_CDECL) {
if (pArgCur) pArgCur->alpha = symptr; else pArgFirst = symptr;
symptr->alpha = NULL; } else { pArgFirst = symptr; symptr->alpha = pArgCur; }
pArgCur = symptr;
if (PEEKC() == '[' && fProcArgs == ARGS_LOCALS) { /* array element given */
SKIPC(); for (pLeftBrack = lbufp; PEEKC() && PEEKC() != ']'; SKIPC());
*lbufp = ','; /* to stop expression evaluation */ lbufp = pLeftBrack; pArgCur->length = (USHORT)exprconst ();
*lbufp++ = ']'; /* restore bracket */ }
fIsPtr = FALSE; defType = varsize = wordsize;
if (PEEKC() == ':') { /* parse optional type information */
SKIPC(); getatom();
if (fnsize()) {
if (varsize >= CSFAR) { /* near | far given */
if (varsize == CSFAR) defType += 2;
varsize = wordsize; getatom();
if (! tokenIS("ptr")) error(E_EXP, "PTR");
getatom(); } else { defType = varsize; goto notPtr; } }
else if (tokenIS("ptr")) { if (farData[10] > '0') defType += 2;
getatom(); } else errorc(E_UST);
defCV = fnPtr(defType); } else notPtr: defCV = typeFet(defType);
pArgCur->symu.equ.iProc = iProcCur; pArgCur->symtype = defType; pArgCur->symu.equ.equrec.txtmacro.type = defCV;
} while (PEEKC() == ',');
/* Now that all the parmeters have been scanned, go back through
the list and assign offsets and create the text macro string */
bp[strlen(bp)-1] = (fProcArgs == ARGS_LOCALS)? '-': '+';
for (pArgCur = pArgFirst; pArgCur; pArgCur = pArgCur->alpha) {
if (fProcArgs == ARGS_LOCALS) { offsetCur += (offsetCur % mpTypeAlign[pArgCur->symtype % 4]) + (pArgCur->symtype * pArgCur->length); pArgCur->offset = -(long)offsetCur; }
p = xxradixconvert (offsetCur, &save[100]); if (radix == 16) *p++ = 'h'; *p++ = ')'; *p = NULL;
strcat( strcat( strcpy (&save[1], siznm[pArgCur->symtype]), bp), &save[100]); *save = '(';
if (fProcArgs != ARGS_LOCALS) { pArgCur->offset = offsetCur; offsetCur += pArgCur->symtype + wordsize - 1; offsetCur -= offsetCur % wordsize; }
if (!pass2) pArgCur->symu.equ.equrec.txtmacro.equtext = _strdup(save); } return 0; }
/*** procbuild - check for end of PROC block
* * procbuild (); * * Entry *pcproc = current PROC * Exit *pcproc = current or previous PROC * Returns none * Calls endblk, parse * Note if not end of PROC, parse line as normal. Otherwise, * terminate block. */
if (!pcproc) errorc( E_BNE );
else if (pcproc->symkind == PROC) {
if (!symFet() || symptr != pcproc) errorc (E_BNE);
/* Length of PROC */ size = (USHORT)(pcoffset - pcproc->offset); if (pass2 && size != pcproc->symu.plabel.proclen) errorc (E_PHE);
fProcArgs = 0; iProcCur = 0; pcproc->symu.plabel.proclen = size; /* Point to prev PROC */ pcproc = procStack[--iProcStack]; pcdisplay (); } return(0); }
/* bit flags for segment table */
#define SG_OVERIDE 1 /* name can be overriden */
#define SG_GROUP 2 /* segment belongs to dgroup */
char models[] = "SMALL\0 COMPACT\0MEDIUM\0 LARGE\0 HUGE"; char langs[] = "C\0 PASCAL\0 FORTRAN\0BASIC"; char textN[] = "_TEXT"; char farTextName[14+5]; SHORT modelWordSize;
char farCode[] = "@CodeSize=0"; /* text macros for model stuff */ char farData[] = "@DataSize=0"; char modelT[] = ".model";
/* table of segment names and attributes for the model */
struct sSeg { char *sName; /* segment name */ UCHAR align; /* alignment */ UCHAR combine; /* combine */ char *cName; /* class name */ UCHAR flags; /* internal state flags */
} rgSeg[] = {
textN, 2, 2, "'CODE'", SG_OVERIDE, "_DATA", 2, 2, "'DATA'", SG_GROUP, "_BSS", 2, 2, "'BSS'", SG_GROUP, "CONST", 2, 2, "'CONST'", SG_GROUP, "STACK", 3, 5, "'STACK'", SG_GROUP, "FAR_DATA", 3, 0, "'FAR_DATA'", SG_OVERIDE, "FAR_BSS", 3, 0, "'FAR_BSS'", SG_OVERIDE };
/*** model - process the model directive
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE model () { register SHORT iModel; char buffT[80];
/* get the model and classify */
getatom ();
for (iModel = 0; iModel <= 32; iModel += 8) if (tokenIS(&models[iModel])) goto goodModel;
errorc(E_OPN); iModel = 0;
goodModel: iModel /= 8; /* offset into index */ if (fSimpleSeg && iModel+1 != fSimpleSeg) error(E_SMD, modelT);
fSimpleSeg = iModel + 1;
if (iModel > 1) { /* far code */
farCode[10]++; rgSeg[0].sName = strcat(strcpy(farTextName, &baseName[10]), textN); dirsize[I_PROC] = CSFAR; } else rgSeg[0].flags &= ~SG_OVERIDE;
if (iModel != 0 && iModel != 2 ) { /* far data */
if (iModel == 4) /* huge get a '2' */ farData[10]++; } #ifdef V386
if (cputype & P386) rgSeg[0].align = rgSeg[1].align = rgSeg[2].align = rgSeg[3].align = rgSeg[5].align = rgSeg[6].align = 5; /* make data dword aligned */ #endif
if (PEEKC() == ',') { /* language option present */
SKIPC(); getatom();
if (! (langType = fetLang())) error(E_EXP, "C|BASIC|FORTRAN|PASCAL"); }
if (! pass2) {
modelWordSize = wordsize;
/* define the text macros, the _data segment so dgroup may
defined, dgroup and the assume */
definesym(farCode); definesym(farData);
definesym(strcat(strcpy(buffT, "@code="), rgSeg[0].sName));
definesym("@data=DGROUP"); symptr->attr |= M_NOCREF; definesym("@fardata=FAR_DATA"); symptr->attr |= M_NOCREF; definesym("@fardata?=FAR_BSS"); symptr->attr |= M_NOCREF;
doLine(".code"); doLine(".data"); endCurSeg();
} xcreflag--; doLine("assume cs:@code,ds:@data,ss:@data"); xcreflag++;
SHORT CODESIZE fetLang() { SHORT iModel;
for (iModel = 0; iModel <= 24; iModel += 8) if (tokenIS(&langs[iModel])) { getatom(); return(iModel/8 + 1); }
return(langType); }
/*** openSeg - open a segment in the simplified segment
* * */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE openSeg () { register struct sSeg *pSEG; char *pSegName; char buffT[80];
if (!fSimpleSeg) error(E_EXP, modelT);
pSEG = &rgSeg[opkind]; getatom ();
if (*naim.pszName) {
if (! (pSEG->flags & SG_OVERIDE)) errorc(E_OCI);
pSegName = naim.pszName; } else pSegName = pSEG->sName;
strcat( strcat( strcpy(buffT, pSegName), " segment "), pSEG->cName);
if (pcsegment && opkind != 4) endCurSeg();
pcsegment->symu.segmnt.combine = pSEG->combine; pcsegment->symu.segmnt.align = pSEG->align;
if (pSEG == &rgSeg[0]) regsegment[CSSEG] = pcsegment;
#ifdef V386
pcsegment->symu.segmnt.use32 = (char)modelWordSize; wordsize = modelWordSize; defwordsize(); #endif
if (pSEG->flags & SG_GROUP) {
doLine("DGROUP group @CurSeg"); pSEG->flags &= ~SG_GROUP; } }
/*** stack - create a stack segment
* * */
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE createStack () { SHORT size;
if ((size = (SHORT)exprconst()) == 0) size = 1024;
opkind = 4; /* index into seg table */ openSeg(); pcoffset = size; endCurSeg(); }
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE endCurSeg () { xcreflag--; doLine("@CurSeg ends"); xcreflag++; }
/*** freeAFileHandle
* * Free's a file handle if possible * * When working with deeply nested include files it is possible * to run out of file handles. If this happens this function is * called to temporarily close one of the include files. This is * done by saving the current file position, closing the file and * replacing the file handle with FH_CLOSED. Notice that the data * buffer assosciated with the file is not destroyed. Hence readline * can continue to read data from it until more data is needed from * disk. There are two files that won't be closed, the main file and * the current file. * Associated functions: * readmore - if neccessary, will reopen and seek to the original * position the file. * closefile - closes the file if it hasn't been already. * * return: TRUE = Was able to close a file, FALSE = Couldn't */
int PASCAL CODESIZE freeAFileHandle () { register FCB *pFCBTmp;
if ( !(pFCBTmp = pFCBMain->pFCBChild) ) { return( FALSE ); /* The only file open is the main source */ } /* Loop down linked list of nested include files */ while ( pFCBTmp ) { if ( (pFCBTmp->fh != FH_CLOSED) && (pFCBTmp != pFCBCur) ) { pFCBTmp->savefilepos = _tell( pFCBTmp->fh ); _close( pFCBTmp->fh ); pFCBTmp->fh = FH_CLOSED; return( TRUE ); } pFCBTmp = pFCBTmp->pFCBChild; } return( FALSE ); /* Couldn't find a file to close */ }
int PASCAL CODESIZE fpoRecord () { unsigned long dwValue[6]; char peekChar; int i; PFPOSTRUCT pFpo = pFpoTail; PFPO_DATA pFpoData = 0;
if (PEEKC() != '(') { errorc(E_PAR); return FALSE; } SKIPC(); for (i=0; i<6; i++) { dwValue[i] = exprconst(); peekChar = PEEKC(); SKIPC(); if (peekChar != ',') { if (i < 5) { errorc(E_FPO1); return FALSE; } if (peekChar != ')') { errorc(E_PAR); return FALSE; } else { break; } } } if (!pcproc) { errorc(E_FPO2); return FALSE; } if (pass2) { return TRUE; } if (!pFpoHead) { pFpoTail = pFpoHead = (PFPOSTRUCT)malloc(sizeof(FPOSTRUCT)); if (!pFpoHead) { errorc(E_RRF); return FALSE; } pFpo = pFpoTail; } else { pFpoTail->next = (PFPOSTRUCT)malloc(sizeof(FPOSTRUCT)); if (!pFpoTail->next) { errorc(E_RRF); return FALSE; } pFpo = pFpoTail->next; pFpoTail = pFpo; } numFpoRecords++; memset((void*)pFpo,0,sizeof(FPOSTRUCT)); pFpoData = &pFpo->fpoData; if (pcproc->offset != pcoffset) { sprintf(naim.pszName, "%s_fpo%d", pcproc->nampnt->id, numFpoRecords); strcpy(naim.pszLowerCase, naim.pszName); _strlwr(naim.pszLowerCase); naim.ucCount = (unsigned char) strlen(naim.pszName); naim.usHash = 0; labelcreate(CSNEAR, CLABEL); pFpo->pSymAlt = symptr; } else { pFpo->pSymAlt = 0; } pFpo->pSym = pcproc; pFpoData->ulOffStart = pcoffset; pFpoData->cbProcSize = 0; pFpoData->cdwLocals = dwValue[0]; pFpoData->cdwParams = (USHORT)dwValue[1]; pFpoData->cbProlog = (USHORT)dwValue[2]; pFpoData->cbRegs = (USHORT)dwValue[3]; pFpoData->fUseBP = (USHORT)dwValue[4]; pFpoData->cbFrame = (USHORT)dwValue[5]; pFpoData->fHasSEH = 0; return TRUE; }