/* asmerr.c -- microsoft 80x86 assembler
** ** microsoft (r) macro assembler ** copyright (c) microsoft corp 1986. all rights reserved ** ** randy nevin ** ** 10/90 - Quick conversion to 32 bit by Jeff Spencer */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "asm86.h"
#include "asmfcn.h"
#include "asmmsg.h"
#define MSGLEN 50
static char errstring[MSGLEN + 1];
extern char FAR * FAR messages[];
extern short FAR msgnum[];
static USHORT badoff;
/*** errordisplay - display error
* * errordisplay(); * * Entry debug = debug output flag * pass2 = TRUE if pass 2 * listquiet = FALSE if error output to console * Exit * Returns * Calls */
VOID PASCAL errordisplay () { if (pass2 || fPass1Err || debug) { if (lsting) { error_line (lst.fil, pFCBCur->fname, errorlineno); fputs(NLINE, lst.fil); } } if (!listquiet){ error_line (ERRFILE, pFCBCur->fname, errorlineno); fputs("\n", ERRFILE); } if (pass2) if (warnCode > 0){ /* if its not a serve error */ /* and were interested in this level*/ if (warnCode <= warnlevel) warnnum++; } else errornum++; else if (fPass1Err) errornum++; }
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE error ( USHORT code, UCHAR *str ){ if (errorcode && code != E_LTL) return;
fPass1Err = code & E_PASS1; warnCode = ((code >> 12) & 0x3); code &= E_ERRMASK;
if (warnCode > warnlevel) /* don't bother with this warning; just return */ return;
errorcode = code; if (str) strncpy (strcpy(errstring, ": ")+2, str, MSGLEN-2); else *errstring = 0; }
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE errorn ( USHORT code ){ error (code,naim.pszName); }
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE errorc ( USHORT code ){ error (code,(char *)0); }
VOID PASCAL ferrorc ( USHORT code ){ error (code,(char *)0); }
VOID PASCAL CODESIZE errorcSYN () { error (E_SYN,(char *)0); }
/*** error_line - print error message
* * error_line (code, l, file, line) * * Entry l = listing file * line = line number in source or include file */
VOID PASCAL error_line ( FILE *l, UCHAR *file, short line ){ static char mpWarnCode[3] = {'2', '4', '5'}; char msgstring[MSGLEN+1], messT[MSGLEN+1];
if (!messages[errorcode]) messages[errorcode] = __FMSG_TEXT(msgnum[errorcode]);
STRNFCPY(msgstring, (errorcode < E_MAX)? messages[errorcode]: (char FAR *) __NMSG_TEXT(ER_UNK));
if (errorcode == E_JOR) {
strcpy(messT, msgstring); sprintf(msgstring, messT, (long) CondJmpDist); }
fprintf(l, __NMSG_TEXT(ER_STR), file, line, warnCode > 0 ? "warning" : "error", mpWarnCode[warnCode], (SHORT)(errorcode - 1), msgstring, errstring); }