/*** help.c - help library main
* * Copyright <C> 1988-1990, Microsoft Corporation * * Definitions: * * Context Map: Mapping of context number to topic number. * Allows multiple contexts to be associated with a * single topic. Syncronized with the context * string table, each entry contains the topic * number associated with the corresponding context * string. * * Context String: String on which help can be "looked up". * * Context String Table: Table of all valid context strings in a * particular help file. * * Local Context: A type of context which bypasses the context * string and context numbers. In cross references, * encoded as a cross reference string of NULL, * followed by a topic number ored with 0x8000. * * nc: (Context Number) A long which uniquely * identifies a help file and context string, or * for local contexts, the helpfile and topic * number. Formatted as: * * +----------------+----------------+ * | Fdb Mem Handle | context number | * +----------------+----------------+ * * Where the upper word is the memory handle of the * allocated fdb for the help file. The lower word * is the either the "true" context number (see * below) if <= 0x7fff, or the actual topic number * or'ed with 0x8000. * * Topic: Actual help textual entry. May be compressed. * * Topic Index: Table of file positions of all topics contained * in a help file. Indexed by the topic number, * returns that topics physical position in the * file. * * Topic Number: Index to a particular topic. Topic numbers are * zero based, and reflect the physical ordering of * the topics in the file. * * "True" context number: is the zero based index or string number in the * <context string table>. I.E. the "n'th" string * has context number "n". * * The progression from string to true context number to topic number to file * position is: * * 1) Context String ==> "True" Context Number * * The string is searched for in the <context string table>, and * it's number becomes the "true" context number. * * 2) "True" Context Number ==> Topic Number * * The context number is an index into the <context map>, returing * the topic number associated with the context number. * * 3) Topic Number ==> File Position * * The topic number is used as an index into the Topic Index, from * which the physical file position is retrieved. * * Notes: * QuickPascal requires NO initialized data. In this case, CLEAR is defined, * and the HelpInit routine is included. We also play some pointer games to * simple variables, because the C compiler can generate CONST segment * entries for the SEG of various vars. (This enables it to load the segment * register directly, rather than by using SEG varname and another * register). Q/P cannot support this action by the compiler. * * QuickHelp for OS/2 is reentrant. This code should remain reentrant up to * but not including allocating and deallocating fdbs. * * Revision History: * * 17-Aug-1990 ln Don't blindly request 64k of an ascii file. Query * for size first, then read. Allocations based on * previous topic size requests may cause the OS to * GPFault for an out of range read. * 16-Jul-1990 ln Searching for "filename!" where filename is a QH * file, will now fail, rather than GP fault. Searching * for "!" will now succeed. * 08-Jun-1990 ln Remove HelpLock usage in HelpNcCmp * 13-Apr-1990 ln Try to get HelpSzContext to return strings in more * cases where it can. * 12-Mar-1990 ln Rename CloseFile -> HelpCloseFile * 08-Oct-1989 ln Changes to improve the previous change to work (allow * decompression) more often in low memory bases. * Deallocate table in OpenCore to reduce fragmentation * in non-moveable memory systems. * 19-May-1989 ln Correct bug in decompressing, where we would not * decompress if the tables didn;t exist. * 12-Apr-1989 ln Ensure that we handle Locks failing correctly. Also * remove TossPortion usage. Unlock handles directly. * 10-Mar-1989 ln Change MapTopicToContext to look forward. Changed * HelpNc to look begining at passed context string. * 17-Jan-1989 ln Correct creation of basename in HelpOpen to account * for environment syntax. * 09-Dec-1988 ln Add HelpNcUniq * 25-Oct-1988 ln Added minascii support to HelpNcPrev. Correct * minascii bug in HelpSzContext. * 14-Sep-1988 ln Improve doc. Remove ambiguity in MapContextToTopic * return value. Improve error checking in various * places. * 01-Sep-1988 ln Check ReadHelpFile return value in LoadPortion * 12-Aug-1988 ln Add check for memory discarded in alloc durring * HelpDecomp. * 08-Aug-1988 ln Ensure HelpClose closes ALL files. (Off by one error * in loop). * 14-Apr-1988 ln Modified to conform to QC (CW?) restriction that * prohibits any segments from being locked when an * allocation is performed. * [] 15-Dec-1987 ln Created, for design. * *************************************************************************/
#include <assert.h> /* debugging assertions */
#include <io.h> /* I/O function declarations */
#include <stdlib.h> /* standard library */
#include <stdio.h> /* standard I/O definitions */
#if defined (OS2)
#define INCL_BASE
#include <os2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "help.h" /* global (help & user) decl */
#include "helpfile.h" /* help file format definition */
#include "helpsys.h" /* internal (help sys only) decl*/
#define MASIZE 512 /* size of ma input buffer */
#define MAOVER 64 /* size of ma search overlap */
#define ISERROR(x) (((x).mh == 0L) && ((x).cn <= HELPERR_MAX))
#define SETERROR(x,y) { (x).mh = 0L; (x).cn = y; }
** ** Forward definitions */ void pascal near CloseShrink(nc, f); f pascal near LoadFdb (mh, fdb far *); mh pascal near LoadPortion (int, mh); ushort pascal near MapContexttoTopic (nc, fdb far *); nc pascal near MapTopictoContext(ushort, fdb far *, int); nc pascal near NextPrev(nc,int); nc pascal near OpenCore(FILE *, ulong, uchar far *, struct helpheader *, fdb far *); f pascal near PutFdb (mh, fdb far *); f pascal near SizePos (nc, ushort *,ulong *);
ushort pascal near decomp (uchar far *, uchar far *, uchar far *, uchar far *); char far * pascal near hfmemzer(void far *, ushort); char far * pascal near hfstrchr(char far *, char); char far * pascal near hfstrcpy(char far *, char far *); ushort pascal near hfstrlen(char far *); f pascal far HelpCmp (uchar far *, uchar far *, ushort, f, f); f pascal near HelpCmpSz (uchar far *, uchar far *); void pascal near kwPtrBuild(uchar far *, ushort);
long pascal near maLocate (fdb far *, uchar far *, ulong, f (pascal far *)(uchar far *, uchar far *, ushort, f, f));
nc pascal near combineNc (ulong, mh); ulong pascal near NctoFo (ulong); #endif
** ** External Global data ** BEWARE. The effects of global data on reentrancy should be VERY carefully ** considered. ** *************************************************************************/ extern mh tbmhFdb[MAXFILES+1]; extern char szNil[1]; extern ushort cBack;
#ifdef CLEAR
** ** HelpInit - One-time initialization ** ** Purpose: ** Performs one-time initialization. Right now that's a zero fill of static ** memory for those environments which don't support pre-inited static ** memory. ** ** Entry: ** none ** ** Exit: ** none ** */ void far pascal LOADDS HelpInit () {
hfmemzer (tbmhFdb, sizeof(tbmhFdb)); /* zero entire fdb handle table */ hfmemzer (szNil, sizeof(szNil)); /* zero null string */ hfmemzer (&cBack, sizeof(cBack)); /* zero back trace count */
/* end HelpInit */} #endif
** ** HelpOpen - Open help file & return help handle. ** ** Purpose: ** Given the file basename, locate the associated help file on the path, and ** open it, initializing internal data structures as appropriate. ** ** Entry: ** fpszName - base filename to be openned. ** ** Exit: ** nc initial context for openned file. ** ** Exceptions: ** Returns error code on failure to open for any reason. ** */ nc far pascal LOADDS HelpOpen ( char far *fpszName ) { FILE *fhT; /* temp file handle */ fdb fdbLocal; /* local copy of fdb to use */ uchar far *fpszBase; /* base filename */ void far *fpT; struct helpheader hdrLocal; /* for use by opencore */ nc ncRet = {0,0}; /* first context */ mh *ptbmhFdb; /* pointer into mh table */
** create basename by removing possible env variable, drive, and scanning ** for last path seperator */ fpszBase = fpszName; if (fpT = hfstrchr(fpszBase,':')) fpszBase = (uchar far *)fpT+1; while (fpT = hfstrchr(fpszBase,'\\')) fpszBase = (uchar far *)fpT+1; /*
** Scan FDB's for an open file of the same base name. If we encounter the name, ** in either the true filename, or file header, just return that file's initial ** context. Otherwise fall below to try and open it. */ for (ptbmhFdb=&tbmhFdb[1]; ptbmhFdb<=&tbmhFdb[MAXFILES]; ptbmhFdb++) { if (LoadFdb (*ptbmhFdb,&fdbLocal)) { if (HelpCmpSz(fpszBase,fdbLocal.fname) || HelpCmpSz(fpszBase,fdbLocal.hdr.fname)) ncRet = fdbLocal.ncInit; if (ncRet.mh && ncRet.cn) return ncRet; } } /*
** Open file. If we can, then call the core open routine to open the file (and ** any anything appended to it). ** ** Warning: the app may callback HelpClose at this point. */ if (fhT = OpenFileOnPath(fpszName,FALSE)) { ncRet = OpenCore (fhT,0L,fpszBase,&hdrLocal,&fdbLocal); if (ISERROR(ncRet)) HelpCloseFile (fhT); return ncRet; }
SETERROR(ncRet, HELPERR_FNF); return ncRet; // rjsa return HELPERR_FNF;
/* end HelpOpen*/}
** ** OpenCore - Recursive core of HelpOpen ** ** Purpose: ** Given the open file handle, initialize internal data structures as ** appropriate. Attempt to open any file that is appended. ** ** Entry: ** fhT - Open file handle ** offset - Offset from start of file of help file to open ** fpszBase - pointer to base filename ** ** Exit: ** initial context, or NULL on failure. ** ** Exceptions: ** Returns NULL on failure to open for any reason. ** */ nc pascal near OpenCore ( FILE * fhHelp, ulong offset, uchar far *fpszBase, /* base filename */ struct helpheader *phdrLocal, fdb far *pfdbLocal /* pointer to current FDB */ ) { //void far *fpT;
int ihFree; /* handle for free fdb (& index)*/ mh mhCur; /* current memory handle */ nc ncFirst = {0,0}; /* first context */ nc ncInit; /* first context */ mh *pmhT; /* pointer into mh table */
** Read in helpfile header */ if (ReadHelpFile(fhHelp, offset, (char far *)phdrLocal, (ushort)sizeof(struct helpheader))) { /*
** search for available fdb */ for (ihFree = MAXFILES, pmhT = &tbmhFdb[MAXFILES]; ihFree && *pmhT; ihFree--, pmhT--); /*
** if an offset is present, and this is NOT a compressed file, or there is no ** available fdb, ignore the operation. */ if ( offset && (phdrLocal->wMagic != wMagicHELP) && (phdrLocal->wMagic != wMagicHELPOld) ) { SETERROR(ncInit, HELPERR_BADAPPEND); return ncInit; // rjsa return HELPERR_BADAPPEND;
} if (ihFree == 0) { SETERROR(ncInit, HELPERR_LIMIT); return ncInit; // rjsa return HELPERR_LIMIT;
} /*
** allocate fdb. Again, if we can't, skip it all and return NULL. */ if (mhCur = *pmhT = HelpAlloc((ushort)sizeof(fdb))) { /*
** Fill in helpfile header & appropriate fdb fields */ hfmemzer(pfdbLocal,sizeof(fdb)); /* zero entire fdb */ pfdbLocal->fhHelp = fhHelp; /* file handle */ ncFirst.mh = pfdbLocal->ncInit.mh = mhCur; ncFirst.cn = pfdbLocal->ncInit.cn = 0L; // rjsa ncFirst = pfdbLocal->ncInit = ((long)mhCur) << 16; /* initial context */
pfdbLocal->foff = offset; /* appended offset */ hfstrcpy(pfdbLocal->fname,fpszBase); /* include base filename*/ /*
** if this is a compressed file (signified by the first two bytes of the header ** we read in above), then note the file type in the fdb. We unlock the fdb, as ** MapTopicToContext and the recursion might cause memory allocation. We get a ** context number for the first topic, and recurse and attempt to open any ** appended file. */ if ( (phdrLocal->wMagic == wMagicHELPOld) || (phdrLocal->wMagic == wMagicHELP) ) { if ((phdrLocal->wMagic == wMagicHELP) && (phdrLocal->wVersion > wHelpVers)) { SETERROR(ncInit, HELPERR_BADVERS); return ncInit; // rjsa return HELPERR_BADVERS;
} pfdbLocal->hdr = *phdrLocal; pfdbLocal->ftype = FTCOMPRESSED | FTFORMATTED; if (PutFdb (mhCur, pfdbLocal)) { ncFirst = MapTopictoContext(0,pfdbLocal,0);
// We free the context map (the only thing loaded by the
// MapTopictoContext) in order to reduce fragmentation in
// non-moveable memory based systems.
HelpDealloc (pfdbLocal->rgmhSections[HS_CONTEXTMAP]); pfdbLocal->rgmhSections[HS_CONTEXTMAP] = 0;
ncInit = OpenCore(fhHelp,pfdbLocal->hdr.tbPos[HS_NEXT]+offset,szNil,phdrLocal,pfdbLocal); if (LoadFdb (mhCur, pfdbLocal)) { //if (ncInit.cn > HELPERR_MAX) {
if ( !(ISERROR(ncInit)) ) { pfdbLocal->ncLink = ncInit; } else { pfdbLocal->ncLink.mh = (mh)0; pfdbLocal->ncLink.cn = 0L; } // rjsa pfdbLocal->ncLink = ncInit > HELPERR_MAX ? ncInit : 0;
pfdbLocal->ncInit = ncFirst; } } } #if ASCII
** In the case of a minascii formatted file (signified by the first two bytes ** of the header being ">>") we just set up the filetype and "applications ** specific character". The default "ncFirst" is the context for the first ** topic. */ else if (phdrLocal->wMagic == 0x3e3e) { /* minascii formatted? */ pfdbLocal->ftype = FTFORMATTED; pfdbLocal->hdr.appChar = '>'; /* ignore lines with this*/ } #endif
else if ((phdrLocal->wMagic & 0x8080) == 0) { /* ascii unformatted? */ pfdbLocal->ftype = 0; pfdbLocal->hdr.appChar = 0xff; /* ignore lines with this*/ } else { SETERROR(ncInit, HELPERR_NOTHELP); return ncInit; // rjsa return HELPERR_NOTHELP;
if (!PutFdb (mhCur, pfdbLocal)) { ncFirst.mh = (mh)0; ncFirst.cn = 0L; } } else { SETERROR(ncFirst, HELPERR_MEMORY); // rjsa ncFirst = HELPERR_MEMORY; /* error reading file */
} } else { SETERROR(ncFirst, HELPERR_READ); // rjsa ncFirst = HELPERR_READ; /* error reading file */
return ncFirst; /* return valid context */
/* end OpenCore */}
** ** HelpClose - Close Help file ** ** Purpose: ** Close a help file, deallocate all memory associated with it, and free the ** handle. ** ** Entry: ** ncClose - Context for file to be closed. If zero, close all. ** ** Exit: ** None ** ** Exceptions: ** All errors are ignored. ** */ void far pascal LOADDS HelpClose ( nc ncClose ) { CloseShrink(ncClose,TRUE); /* close file(s) */ /* end HelpClose */}
** ** HelpShrink - Release all dynamic memory ** ** Purpose: ** A call to this routines causes the help system to release all dynamic ** memory it may have in use. ** ** Entry: ** None. ** ** Exit: ** None. ** ** Exceptions: ** None. ** */ void far pascal LOADDS HelpShrink(void) { nc ncTmp = {0,0}; CloseShrink(ncTmp,0); // rjsa CloseShrink(0,0);
/* end HelpShrink */}
** ** CloseShrink - Deallocate memory and possibly Close Help file ** ** Purpose: ** Deallocate all memory associated with a help file, and possibly close free ** it. ** ** Entry: ** ncClose - Context for file. If zero, do all. ** fClose - TRUE if a close operation. ** ** Exit: ** None ** ** Exceptions: ** All errors are ignored. ** */ void pascal near CloseShrink ( nc ncClose, f fClose ) { fdb fdbLocal; /* pointer to current FDB */ int i; mh mhClose; /* fdb mem hdl to file to close */ mh *pmhFdb; /* pointer to FDB's table entry */
mhClose = ncClose.mh; /* get index */ // rjsa mhClose = (mh)HIGH(ncClose); /* get index */
for (pmhFdb = &tbmhFdb[0]; /* for each possible entry */ pmhFdb <= &tbmhFdb[MAXFILES]; pmhFdb++ ) { if ((mhClose == 0) /* if all selected */ || (mhClose == *pmhFdb)) { /* or this one selected */
if (LoadFdb (*pmhFdb, &fdbLocal)) { /* if open file */ /*
* Recurse to close/shrink any appended files */ if ((fdbLocal.ncLink.mh || fdbLocal.ncLink.cn) && mhClose) CloseShrink (fdbLocal.ncLink, fClose);
for (i=HS_count-2; i>=0; i--) /* for dyn mem handles */ HelpDealloc(fdbLocal.rgmhSections[i]); /* dealloc */ hfmemzer(fdbLocal.rgmhSections,sizeof(fdbLocal.rgmhSections));
if (fClose) { HelpCloseFile(fdbLocal.fhHelp); /* close file */ HelpDealloc(*pmhFdb); /* deallocate fdb */ *pmhFdb = 0; } else PutFdb (*pmhFdb, &fdbLocal); /* update FDB */ } } } /* end CloseShrink */}
/*** HelpNcCmp - Look up context string, provide comparison routine
* * Given an ascii string, determine the context number of that string. Uses * user-supplied comparison routine. * * Entry: * lpszContext - Pointer to asciiz context string. * ncInital - Starting Context, used to locate file. * lpfnCmp - far pointer to comparison routine to use. * * Exit: * Context number, if found. * * Exceptions: * Returns NULL if context string not found. * *************************************************************************/ nc far pascal LOADDS HelpNcCmp ( char far *fpszContext, nc ncInitial, f (pascal far *lpfnCmp)(uchar far *, uchar far *, ushort, f, f) ) { f fFound = FALSE; // TRUE -> found
f fOpened = FALSE; // TRUE -> file was openned here
fdb fdbLocal; // pointer to current FDB
char far *fpszT; // temp far pointer
long i; long iStart; // nc to start looking at
mh mhCur; // memory handle locked
nc ncRet = {0,0}; // The return value
char far *fpszContexts; // pointer to context strings
// if the context string includes a "filename!", then open that as a help
// file, and point to the context string which may follow.
if ((fpszT = hfstrchr(fpszContext,'!')) && (fpszT != fpszContext)) { *fpszT = 0; ncInitial = HelpOpen(fpszContext); *fpszT++ = '!'; fpszContext = fpszT; fOpened = TRUE; }
// if helpfile was not openned, just return the error
if (ISERROR(ncInitial)) { ncInitial.mh = (mh)0; ncInitial.cn = 0L; return ncInitial; }
// For compressed files we scan the context strings in the file
// (this turns out not to be that speed critical in
// comparision with decompression, so I haven't bothered), to get the
// context number.
// If not found, and there IS a linked (appended) file, we recurse to search
// that file as well.
// The context number for compressed files is just the zero based string
// number, plus the number of predefined contexts, with the fdb memory
// handle in the upper word.
if (LoadFdb (ncInitial.mh, &fdbLocal)) { if (fdbLocal.ftype & FTCOMPRESSED) {
// If not a local context look up, get the context strings, and
// search
if (*fpszContext) { mhCur = LoadPortion (HS_CONTEXTSTRINGS, ncInitial.mh); if ( (mhCur == (mh)0) || (mhCur == (mh)(-1)) || (!(fpszContexts = HelpLock(mhCur))) ) { ncRet.mh = (mh)0; ncRet.cn = 0L; return ncRet; } i=0;
// iStart allows us to begin searching from the context string
// passed, as opposed to from the begining each time. This
// allows the application to "carry on" a search from othe last
// place we found a match. This is usefull for multiple
// duplicate context resolution, as well as inexact matching.
iStart = ncInitial.cn; if (iStart & 0x8000) iStart = 0; else iStart--; /* table index is 0 based */
do { if (i >= iStart) { fFound = lpfnCmp ( fpszContext , fpszContexts , 0xffff , (f)(fdbLocal.hdr.wFlags & wfCase) , (f)FALSE); } while (*fpszContexts++); /* point to next string */ i++; } while ((i < (int)fdbLocal.hdr.cContexts) && !fFound); HelpUnlock (mhCur);
if (fFound) { /* if a match found */ ncRet.mh = ncInitial.mh; ncRet.cn = i + fdbLocal.hdr.cPreDef; // rjsa ncRet = (i+fdbLocal.hdr.cPreDef) /* string # */
// | HIGHONLY(ncInitial); /* & fdb handle */
} else { ncInitial.mh = (mh)0; ncInitial.cn = 0L; ncRet = HelpNcCmp (fpszContext,fdbLocal.ncLink, lpfnCmp); } } else if (!fOpened) { ncRet.mh = ncInitial.mh; ncRet.cn = *(UNALIGNED ushort far *)(fpszContext + 1); // rjsa ncRet = *(ushort far *)(fpszContext + 1) /* word following*/
// | HIGHONLY(ncInitial); /* & fdb handle */
} } #if ASCII
** For minimally formatted ascii files, we sequentially scan the file itself ** for context string definitions until we find the string we care about. ** ** The context number for minascii files is the the byte position/4 of the ** beginning of the associated topic, with the fdb memory handle in the upper ** word. */ else if (fdbLocal.ftype & FTFORMATTED) { if (*fpszContext) { ncRet.cn = maLocate(&fdbLocal, fpszContext, 0L, lpfnCmp); if (ncRet.cn == -1L) { ncRet.mh = (mh)0; ncRet.cn = 0L; } else { ncRet = combineNc(ncRet.cn, fdbLocal.ncInit.mh); } // rjsa ncRet = maLocate(&fdbLocal, fpszContext, 0L, lpfnCmp);
// ncRet = (ncRet == -1L)
// ? 0
// : combineNc(ncRet,HIGH(fdbLocal.ncInit));
} } /*
** for unformatted ascii files, there must have been NO context string to be ** searched for. In that case, the context number is always 1, plus the fdb ** mem handle. */ else if (*fpszContext == 0) { /* if null context string */ ncRet.mh = ncInitial.mh; ncRet.cn = 1L; // rjsa ncRet = HIGHONLY(ncInitial) + 1;
} #endif
return ncRet;
/* end HelpNcCmp */}
/*** HelpNc - Look up context string
* * Given an ascii string, determine the context number of that string. * * Entry: * lpszContext - Pointer to asciiz context string. * ncInital - Starting Context, used to locate file. * * Exit: * Context number, if found. * * Exceptions: * Returns NULL if context string not found. * *************************************************************************/ nc far pascal LOADDS HelpNc ( char far *fpszContext, nc ncInitial ) { return HelpNcCmp (fpszContext, ncInitial, HelpCmp); /* end HelpNc */}
** ** HelpNcCb - Return count of bytes in compressed topic ** ** Purpose: ** Returns the size in bytes of the compressed topic. Provided for ** applications to determine how big a buffer to allocate. ** ** Entry: ** ncCur - Context number to return info on. ** ** Exit: ** Count of bytes in the compressed topic ** ** Exceptions: ** Returns 0 on error. ** */ ushort far pascal LOADDS HelpNcCb ( nc ncCur ) { ulong position; ushort size;
return SizePos(ncCur,&size,&position) ? size+(ushort)4 : (ushort)0;
/* end HelpNcCb */}
** ** HelpLook - Return compressed topic text ** ** Purpose: ** Places the compressed topic text referenced by a passed context number into ** a user supplied buffer. ** ** Entry: ** ncCur - Context number for which to return text ** pbDest - Pointer to buffer in which to place the result. ** ** Exit: ** Count of bytes in >uncompressed< topic. This is encoded based on file type. ** ** Exceptions: ** Returns NULL on any error ** */ ushort far pascal LOADDS HelpLook ( nc ncCur, PB pbDest ) { fdb fdbLocal; /* pointer to current FDB */ char far *fpszDest; int i; ulong position = 0; ushort size = 0;
if (LoadFdb (ncCur.mh, &fdbLocal)) { /* get fdb down */ /*
** for both kinds of formatted files, we determine the position of the topic, ** and read it in. */ if (fdbLocal.ftype) { if (SizePos (ncCur,&size,&position)) { if (fpszDest = (char far *)PBLOCK(pbDest)) {
{ char DbgBuf[128]; sprintf(DbgBuf, "HELP: Reading Topic for Context %d at %lX, size %d\n", ncCur.cn, position + fdbLocal.foff, size ); OutputDebugString(DbgBuf); } #endif
size = (ushort)ReadHelpFile(fdbLocal.fhHelp ,position + fdbLocal.foff ,fpszDest ,size);
{ char DbgBuf[128]; sprintf(DbgBuf, " Read %d bytes to address %lX\n", size, fpszDest ); OutputDebugString(DbgBuf); } #endif
** for compressed files, if the read was sucessfull, we then return the ** uncompressed size which is the first word of the topic. */ #if ASCII
if (fdbLocal.ftype & FTCOMPRESSED) { #endif
if (size) size = *(ushort far *)fpszDest+(ushort)1; #if ASCII
} else { /*
** for minascii files, We also set up for the terminating NULL by scanning for ** the ">>" which begins the next topic, adjusting the size as well. */ size -= 4; for (i=4; i; i--) if (fpszDest[++size] == '>') break; fpszDest[size++] = 0; } #endif
} } } #if ASCII
else { /* unformatted ascii */ /*
** for unformatted ascii, we just read in (first 64k of) the file. */ if (fpszDest = PBLOCK (pbDest)) { if (SizePos (ncCur,&size,&position)) { size = (ushort)ReadHelpFile(fdbLocal.fhHelp,0L,fpszDest,size); fpszDest[size++] = 0; /* terminate ascii text */ } } } #endif
PBUNLOCK (pbDest); } if (size) size += sizeof(topichdr); /* adjust for prepended topichdr*/ return size; /* end HelpLook */}
** ** HelpDecomp - Decompress Topic Text ** ** Purpose: ** Fully decompress topic text. Decompresses based on current file, from one ** buffer to another. ** ** Entry: ** pbTopic - Pointer to compressed topic text ** pbDest - Pointer to destination buffer ** ** Exit: ** FALSE on successful completion ** ** Exceptions: ** Returns TRUE on any error. ** */ f far pascal LOADDS HelpDecomp ( PB pbTopic, PB pbDest, nc ncContext ) { fdb fdbLocal; // pointer to current FDB
uchar far *fpszDest; // pointer to destination
uchar far *fpTopic; // pointer to locked topic
f fRv = TRUE; // return Value
mh mhFdb; // handle to the fdb
mh mhHuff; mh mhKey;
mhFdb = ncContext.mh; if (LoadFdb (mhFdb, &fdbLocal)) { /* lock fdb down */ if (fdbLocal.ftype & FTCOMPRESSED) {
// This funky sequence of code attempts to ensure that both the
// huffman and keyword decompression tables are loaded simultaneously
// since we cannot decompress without both.
// We do things three times to cover the following cases:
// 1) huffman loaded ok
// keyword loaded ok
// huffman already loaded
// 2) huffman loaded ok
// keyword loaded ok after HelpShrink (huffman discarded)
// huffman re-loaded ok (HelpShrink freed enough for both)
// 3) huffman loaded ok after HelpShrink
// keyword loaded ok after HelpShrink (huffman discarded)
// huffman re-loaded ok (memory fragmentation allowed it)
// The other cases, where either the load fails immediatly after
// any HelpShrink call, are the cases we cannot handle.
// Since handles can change due to the reallocation that can ocurr
// in the HelpShrink-reload sequence, we simply do the three
// loads, and then ensure that all the handles match what's in the
// fdb. If they don't, we fail.
mhHuff = LoadPortion (HS_HUFFTREE,mhFdb); mhKey = LoadPortion (HS_KEYPHRASE,mhFdb); mhHuff = LoadPortion (HS_HUFFTREE,mhFdb);
if ( LoadFdb (mhFdb, &fdbLocal) && (mhKey == fdbLocal.rgmhSections[HS_KEYPHRASE]) && (mhHuff == fdbLocal.rgmhSections[HS_HUFFTREE])) {
char far *fpHuff; char far *fpKey;
// At this point we lock EVERYTHING and ensure that we have
// valid pointers to it all. (Some swapped memory systems can
// fail at this point, so we need to be sensitive).
fpHuff = HelpLock (mhHuff); fpKey = HelpLock (mhKey); fpTopic = PBLOCK (pbTopic); fpszDest = PBLOCK (pbDest);
if ( fpTopic && fpszDest && (fpHuff || (mhHuff == 0)) && (fpKey || (mhKey == 0)) ) { decomp (fpHuff, fpKey, fpTopic, fpszDest+sizeof(topichdr)); fRv = FALSE; } }
// Unlock the handles, if they were valid.
if (mhKey != (mh)(-1)) HelpUnlock (mhKey); if (mhHuff != (mh)(-1)) HelpUnlock (mhHuff); } else { fpszDest = PBLOCK (pbDest); #if ASCII
** ascii, just copy */ fpTopic = PBLOCK(pbTopic); if (fpTopic && fpszDest) { hfstrcpy(fpszDest+sizeof(topichdr),fpTopic); #else
{ #endif
fRv = FALSE; } } if (!fRv) { ((topichdr far *)fpszDest)->ftype = fdbLocal.ftype; ((topichdr far *)fpszDest)->appChar = (uchar)fdbLocal.hdr.appChar; ((topichdr far *)fpszDest)->linChar = (uchar)fdbLocal.hdr.appChar; ((topichdr far *)fpszDest)->lnCur = 1; ((topichdr far *)fpszDest)->lnOff = sizeof(topichdr); } PBUNLOCK (pbTopic); PBUNLOCK (pbDest); } return fRv; /* end HelpDecomp */}
** ** HelpNcNext - Return next context number ** ** Purpose: ** Returns the context number corresponding to a physical "next" in the help ** file. ** ** Entry: ** None ** ** Exit: ** Returns context number ** ** Exceptions: ** Returns NULL on any error ** */ nc far pascal LOADDS HelpNcNext ( nc ncCur ) { return NextPrev(ncCur,1); /* get next */ /* end HelpNcNext */}
** ** HelpNcPrev - Return phyiscally previous context ** ** Purpose: ** Returns the context number corresponding to the physically previous topic. ** ** Entry: ** None ** ** Exit: ** Returns context number ** ** Exceptions: ** Returns NULL on any error ** */ nc far pascal LOADDS HelpNcPrev ( nc ncCur ) { return NextPrev(ncCur,-1); /* get previous */ /* end HelpNcPrev */}
** ** HelpNcUniq - Return nc guaranteed unique for a given topic ** ** Purpose: ** Maps a context number to a local context number. This is provided such ** that all context numbers which map to the same topic can be transformed ** into the same nc which maps to that topic. The information on the ** context string originally used is lost. ** ** Entry: ** None ** ** Exit: ** Returns context number ** ** Exceptions: ** Returns NULL on any error ** */ nc far pascal LOADDS HelpNcUniq ( nc ncCur ) { fdb fdbLocal; /* pointer to current FDB */
if (LoadFdb (ncCur.mh, &fdbLocal)) if (fdbLocal.ftype & FTCOMPRESSED) { nc ncTmp;
ncTmp.mh = fdbLocal.ncInit.mh; ncTmp.cn = MapContexttoTopic(ncCur, &fdbLocal); ncTmp.cn |= 0x8000;
ncCur = ncTmp;
// rjsa return MapContexttoTopic (ncCur,&fdbLocal)
// | (fdbLocal.ncInit & 0xffff0000)
// | 0x8000;
} return ncCur; /* end HelpNcUniq */}
** ** NextPrev - Return phyiscally next or previous context ** ** Purpose: ** Returns the context number corresponding to the physically next or previous ** topic. ** ** Entry: ** ncCur = Current Context ** fNext = 1 for next, -1 for previous. ** ** Exit: ** Returns context number ** ** Exceptions: ** Returns NULL on any error ** */ nc pascal near NextPrev ( nc ncCur, int fNext ) {
fdb fdbLocal; /* pointer to current FDB */ REGISTER nc ncNext = {0,0};
if (LoadFdb (ncCur.mh, &fdbLocal)) {
// For a compressed file the next/previous physical is computed by taking the
// context number, mapping it to its corresponding topic number, incrementing
// or decrementing the topic number (remember, topic numbers are in physical
// order), and then mapping that back to a context number.
// When nexting, we also support nexting into any appended file.
if (fdbLocal.ftype & FTCOMPRESSED) { unsigned short cn;
cn = (ushort)(((ncCur.cn & 0x8000) ? ncCur.cn & 0x7ffff : MapContexttoTopic(ncCur, &fdbLocal)) + (ushort)fNext);
ncNext = MapTopictoContext(cn, (fdb far *)&fdbLocal, fNext);
// rjsa ncNext = MapTopictoContext((ushort)(((ncCur & 0x8000)
// ? ncCur & 0x7fff
// : MapContexttoTopic (ncCur,&fdbLocal))
// + fNext)
// ,(fdb far *)&fdbLocal);
// if we could not come up with a next, try to find a next using "local"
// context numbers. Map the context number to a topic number, and if that is
// not out of range, return it as a context.
if (!(ncNext.cn)) {
// rjsa if ((ncNext = MapContexttoTopic (ncCur,&fdbLocal)) == 0xffff)
// ncNext = 0;
ncNext.cn = MapContexttoTopic(ncCur, &fdbLocal);
if (ncNext.cn == 0xffff) {
ncNext.mh = (mh)0; ncNext.cn = 0L;
} else {
ncNext.cn += fNext;
if (ncNext.cn >= fdbLocal.hdr.cTopics) {
ncNext.mh = (mh)0; ncNext.cn = 0L;
} else {
// rjsa ncNext |= (fdbLocal.ncInit & 0xffff0000) | 0x8000;
ncNext.mh = fdbLocal.ncInit.mh; ncNext.cn = 0x8000; } } }
if (!(ncNext.cn & 0x7fff) && (fNext>0)) { ncNext = fdbLocal.ncLink; } }
// minascii files:
// next'ing: we just sequentially search the file for the first context to
// come along after that pointed to by our current context number.
else if (fdbLocal.ftype & FTFORMATTED) {
if (fNext > 0) {
ncNext.cn = maLocate(&fdbLocal,szNil,NctoFo(ncCur.cn)+4, HelpCmp); if (ncNext.cn == -1L) { ncNext.mh = (mh)0; ncNext.cn = 0L; } else { ncNext = combineNc(ncNext.cn, ncCur.mh); } // rjsa ncNext = (ncNext == -1L)
// ? 0
// : combineNc(ncNext,HIGH(ncCur));
} else {
nc ncTemp;
// prev'ing: start at the begining of the file, looking for the last context
// which is less than the current one.
ncNext = ncTemp = fdbLocal.ncInit; while (NctoFo(ncTemp.cn) < NctoFo(ncCur.cn)) { ncNext = ncTemp; ncTemp.cn = maLocate(&fdbLocal,szNil,NctoFo(ncTemp.cn)+4, HelpCmp);
if (ncTemp.cn == -1L) { ncTemp.mh = (mh)0; ncTemp.cn = 0L; } else { ncTemp = combineNc(ncTemp.cn,fdbLocal.ncInit.mh); } // rjsa ncTemp = (ncTemp == -1L)
// ? 0
// : combineNc(ncTemp,HIGH(fdbLocal.ncInit));
} } } #endif
} return ncNext; }
** ** HelpSzContext - Return string mapping to context number ** ** Purpose: ** Construct a string, which when looked-up, will return the passed context ** number. ** ** Entry: ** pBuf = place to put the string ** ncCur = The context number desired ** ** Exit: ** True on sucess. ** */ f pascal far LOADDS HelpSzContext ( uchar far *pBuf, nc ncCur ) { f fRet = FALSE; /* return value */ ulong i; fdb fdbLocal; /* pointer to current FDB */ mh mhCur; /* handle we're dealing with */ char far *fpszContexts; /* pointer to context strings */
*pBuf = 0; if (LoadFdb (ncCur.mh, &fdbLocal)) { /* lock fdb down */ /*
** Everybody starts with a filename */ if (*fdbLocal.hdr.fname) pBuf = hfstrcpy(pBuf,fdbLocal.hdr.fname); else pBuf = hfstrcpy(pBuf,fdbLocal.fname); *(ushort far *)pBuf = '!'; /* includes null term */ pBuf++; fRet = TRUE;
// if we've been given a local context number, see if we can synthesize
// a context number from which we might get a string. If we can't get
// one, then return just the filename.
if ((i = ncCur.cn) & 0x8000) { /* context # */ ncCur = MapTopictoContext ((ushort)(ncCur.cn & 0x7fff),&fdbLocal,0); if ((i = ncCur.cn) & 0x8000) /* context # */ return fRet; } /*
** For compressed files (signified by being able to load context strings) we ** just walk the context strings looking for string number "ncCur". Once found, ** the returned string is just the concatenated filename, "!" and context ** string. */ mhCur = LoadPortion(HS_CONTEXTSTRINGS, ncCur.mh); if (mhCur && (mhCur != (mh)(-1)) && (fpszContexts = HelpLock(mhCur))) { if (i && (i <= fdbLocal.hdr.cContexts)) { while (--i) while (*fpszContexts++);/* point to next string */ hfstrcpy(pBuf,fpszContexts);/* copy over */ } HelpUnlock (mhCur); } else if (fdbLocal.ftype & FTCOMPRESSED) return FALSE; #if ASCII
** for min ascii files, we search for the topic, and copy over the context ** string directly from the file. */ else if (fdbLocal.ftype & FTFORMATTED) { long fpos;
if ((fpos = maLocate(&fdbLocal,szNil,NctoFo(ncCur.cn)-1,HelpCmp)) != -1L) { fpos = ReadHelpFile(fdbLocal.fhHelp,fpos+2,pBuf,80); *(pBuf+fpos) = 0; /* ensure terminated */ if (pBuf = hfstrchr(pBuf,'\r')) *pBuf = 0; /* terminate at CR */ } } #endif
} return fRet; /* end HelpSzContext */}
** ** LoadPortion - Load a section of the help file ** ** Purpose: ** If not loaded, allocates memory for and loads a section (as defined in ** helpfile.h) of the current help file. Once loaded, or if already loaded, ** locks it, and returns the the memory handle and pointer. ** ** This routine must be far, since it is an entry point for HelpMake ** ** Entry: ** hsCur = Help section to be loaded. ** mhfdb = memory handle for fdb ** ** Exit: ** returns handle for memory ** ** Exceptions: ** returns NULL on portion not existing, 0xffff on inability to allocate memory. ** */ mh pascal near LoadPortion ( int hsCur, mh mhfdb ) { fdb fdbLocal; char far *fpDest = 0; int i; mh mhNew = 0; /* pointer to mh destination */ ushort osize; /* additional prepended size */ ushort size;
if (LoadFdb (mhfdb, &fdbLocal)) { if (((mhNew = fdbLocal.rgmhSections[hsCur]) == 0) && fdbLocal.hdr.tbPos[hsCur]) {
for (i=hsCur+1; i<HS_count; i++) if (fdbLocal.hdr.tbPos[i]) { size = (ushort)(fdbLocal.hdr.tbPos[i]-fdbLocal.hdr.tbPos[hsCur]); break; }
osize = (hsCur == HS_KEYPHRASE) ? 1024*sizeof(PVOID) : 0; /*
** Alloc the memory required. Re-read the FDB, incase intervening calls to ** HelpShrink causes deallocs of other beasties. */ if ( (mhNew = HelpAlloc((ushort)(size + osize))) && LoadFdb (mhfdb, &fdbLocal)) { fdbLocal.rgmhSections[hsCur] = mhNew; if (PutFdb (mhfdb, &fdbLocal)) { fpDest = (char far *)HelpLock(mhNew); if (fpDest && ReadHelpFile(fdbLocal.fhHelp ,(ulong)fdbLocal.hdr.tbPos[hsCur] + fdbLocal.foff ,fpDest + osize ,size)) {
if (hsCur == HS_KEYPHRASE) kwPtrBuild(fpDest,size);/* build keyword pointers */ HelpUnlock (mhNew); } else { fdbLocal.rgmhSections[hsCur] = 0; HelpDealloc (mhNew); PutFdb (mhfdb, &fdbLocal); mhNew = (mh)(-1); } } else mhNew = (mh)0; } else mhNew = (mh)(-1); } }
return mhNew;
/* end LoadPortion */}
** ** SizePos - Return count of bytes in compressed topic, and position ** ** Purpose: ** Returns the size in bytes of the compressed topic, and it's location in the ** help file. ** ** Entry: ** ncCur - Context number to return info on. ** psize - Pointer to place to put the size ** ppos - Pointer to place to put the position ** ** Exit: ** Returns TRUE on success. ** ** Exceptions: ** Returns FALSE on all errors. ** ** Algorithm: ** ** If current help handle valid ** If filetype is compressed ** If context map not loaded, load it ** Lock context map ** Map context to topic number ** Unlock context map ** If topic index not loaded, load it ** Lock topic index ** size is difference in file positions ** Unlock topic index ** else if filetype is formatted ascii ** seek to context file position ** scan for next context definition ** size is difference in file positions ** else if filetype is unformatted ascii ** size is filesize */ f pascal near SizePos ( nc ncCur, ushort *psize, ulong *ppos ) { fdb fdbLocal; /* pointer to current FDB */ char far *fpT; /* temp pointer */ REGISTER f fRv = FALSE; /* return value */ ushort iTopic; /* topic index */ mh mhCur; /* handle being locked */
if (LoadFdb (ncCur.mh, &fdbLocal)) { /* get fdb copy */ if (fdbLocal.ftype & FTCOMPRESSED) {/* if a standard compressed file*/ if ((iTopic = MapContexttoTopic (ncCur,&fdbLocal)) != 0xffff) { mhCur = LoadPortion(HS_INDEX,ncCur.mh); if (mhCur && (mhCur != (mh)(-1)) && (fpT = HelpLock(mhCur))) { *ppos = ((long far *)fpT)[iTopic]; *psize = (ushort)(((long far *)fpT)[iTopic+1] - *ppos); HelpUnlock (mhCur); fRv = TRUE; } } }
else if (fdbLocal.ftype & FTFORMATTED) {/* if a formatted ascii file*/ if ((*psize = (ushort)(maLocate(&fdbLocal, szNil, NctoFo(ncCur.cn)+4, HelpCmp))) == 0xffff) *psize = (ushort)ReadHelpFile(fdbLocal.fhHelp,0L,NULL,0); else *psize -= (ushort)NctoFo(ncCur.cn); *ppos = (ulong) maLocate(&fdbLocal, szNil, NctoFo(ncCur.cn)-1, HelpCmp); fRv = TRUE; } else { /* unformatted ascii */ *ppos = ReadHelpFile(fdbLocal.fhHelp,0L,NULL,0); *psize = (*ppos > (ulong)(65535-sizeof(topichdr)-4)) ? (ushort)(65535-sizeof(topichdr)-4) : (ushort)*ppos; *ppos = 0L; /* position is always zero. */ fRv = TRUE; } #endif
return fRv; /* end SizePos */}
** ** MapContexttoTopic ** ** Purpose: ** Given a context number, return the topic number which it maps to. This ** is just a direct index of the context number into the context map. ** ** Entry: ** ncCur = context number to be mapped ** fpfdbCur = pointer to associated fdb ** ** Exit: ** Returns zero based topic number, or 0xffff on error. */ ushort pascal near MapContexttoTopic ( nc ncCur, /* context number to map */ fdb far *fpfdbCur /* pointer to current FDB */ ) { REGISTER ushort topic = 0xffff; /* value to return */ ushort far *fpT; /* pointer to context map */ mh mhCur; /* handle being locked */
if (ncCur.cn) { /*
** Local contexts: the topic number is already encoded in the low word, if the ** high bit of that word is set. */ if (ncCur.cn & 0x8000) topic = (ushort)(ncCur.cn & 0x7fff); /*
** Normal Contexts: low word of nc is an index into the context map which ** returns the topic number */ else { mhCur = LoadPortion(HS_CONTEXTMAP,fpfdbCur->ncInit.mh); if (mhCur && (mhCur != (mh)(-1)) && (fpT = HelpLock(mhCur))) { topic = fpT[ncCur.cn-1]; HelpUnlock (mhCur); } } } return topic; /* end MapContexttoTopic */}
** ** MapTopictoContext ** ** Purpose: ** Given a topic number, return a context which maps to it. ** ** This involves searching the context map for the first context entry that ** maps to the desired topic number. ** ** Entry: ** iTopic = topic number to map back to a context number ** fpfdbCur = pointer to associated fdb ** ** Exit: ** Returns a valid nc into the file. ** ** Exceptions: ** If the incoming iTopic is invalid, or a read error occurs, then the nc ** returned refers to the topic number 0. ** */ nc pascal near MapTopictoContext( ushort iTopic, /* topic number to map */ fdb far *fpfdbCur, /* pointer to current FDB */ int Dir ) { ushort cTopics; /* number of topics to search */ ushort far *fpContextMap; /* pointer to the context map */ mh mhPortion; /* mem handle for the context map*/ nc ncMatch = {0,0}; /* return value */
mhPortion = LoadPortion (HS_CONTEXTMAP,fpfdbCur->ncInit.mh); if (mhPortion && (mhPortion != (mh)(-1))) { if (fpContextMap = HelpLock(mhPortion)) { if (iTopic >= fpfdbCur->hdr.cTopics) { iTopic = 0; } ncMatch.mh = (mh)0L; ncMatch.cn = 0x8000 | iTopic; // rjsa ncMatch = 0x8000 | iTopic;
cTopics = 0; while (cTopics < fpfdbCur->hdr.cContexts) { if ( Dir == 0 ) { if (iTopic == fpContextMap[cTopics++]) { ncMatch.cn = cTopics; /* nc's are one based */ break; } } else if ( Dir > 0 ) { if (iTopic <= fpContextMap[cTopics++]) { ncMatch.cn = cTopics; /* nc's are one based */ break; }
} else if ( Dir < 0 ) {
if (iTopic == fpContextMap[cTopics++]) { ncMatch.cn = cTopics; break; } else if (iTopic < fpContextMap[cTopics-1]) { ncMatch.cn = cTopics-1; break; } } } //if ( iTopic != fpContextMap[cTopics-1] ) {
// ncMatch.cn = 0;
if ( cTopics >= fpfdbCur->hdr.cContexts) { ncMatch.cn = 0; } HelpUnlock (mhPortion); } } ncMatch.mh = (fpfdbCur->ncInit).mh; return ncMatch; // rjsa return ncMatch | HIGHONLY(fpfdbCur->ncInit);
** ** LoadFdb - make local copy of fdb. ** ** Purpose: ** Used to create a local copy of an FDB, so that we don't have to keep a ** locked, far copy around. ** ** Entry: ** mhFdb - memory handle for the FDB ** fpFdbDest - Pointer to destination for FDB copy ** ** Exit: ** returns TRUE if FDB copied. */ f pascal near LoadFdb ( mh mhfdb, fdb far *fpfdbDest ) { fdb far *fpfdbCur; /* pointer to current FDB */
if (fpfdbCur = HelpLock (mhfdb)) { *fpfdbDest = *fpfdbCur; HelpUnlock (mhfdb); return TRUE; } return FALSE; /* end LoadFdb */}
** ** PutFdb - make local copy of fdb permanent. ** ** Purpose: ** Used to copy a local copy of an FDB to the "real" one, so that we don't ** have to keep a locked, far copy around. ** ** Entry: ** mhFdb - memory handle for the FDB ** fpfdbSrc - Pointer to source of FDB copy ** ** Exit: ** returns TRUE if FDB copied. */ f pascal near PutFdb ( mh mhfdb, fdb far *fpfdbSrc ) { fdb far *fpfdbCur; /* pointer to current FDB */
if (fpfdbCur = HelpLock (mhfdb)) { *fpfdbCur = *fpfdbSrc; HelpUnlock (mhfdb); return TRUE; } return FALSE; /* end PutFdb */}
** ** maLocate - Locate context in minimally formatted ascii file. ** ** Purpose: ** Performs sequential searches on mimimally formatted ascii files to locate ** lines beginning with ">>" and a context string. ** ** Entry: ** fpfdbCur = Pointer to current fdb ** fpszSrc = Pointer to context string to be found (or null for next ** string) ** offset = offset at which to begin search. ** lpfnCMp = pointer to comparison routine to use ** ** Exit: ** returns file offset of ">>" of context string. ** ** Exceptions: ** returns -1 on error. ** */ long pascal near maLocate ( fdb far *fpfdbCur, uchar far *fpszSrc, ulong offset, f (pascal far *lpfnCmp)(uchar far *, uchar far *, ushort, f, f) ) { uchar buffer[MASIZE+1]; /* input buffer */ ushort cbBuf = 0; /* count of bytes in buffer */ ushort cbSrc; /* length of source string */ uchar far *pBuf; /* pointer into buffer */ uchar far *pBufT; /* temp pointer into buffer */
cbSrc = hfstrlen(fpszSrc)+1; /* get length of input */ if (offset == 0xffffffff) /* special case */ offset = 0; while (cbBuf += (ushort)ReadHelpFile(fpfdbCur->fhHelp , offset+cbBuf , buffer+cbBuf , (ushort)(MASIZE-cbBuf))) {
buffer[cbBuf] = 0; /* ensure strings terminated */ pBuf = &buffer[0]; while (pBuf = hfstrchr(pBuf,'>')) { /* look for start of context */ if ((*(pBuf+1) == '>') /* if >> found */ && ((*(pBuf-1) == '\n') /* at beginning of line */ || ((offset == 0) /* or beginning of file */ && (pBuf == (char far *)&buffer[0])))) { pBufT = pBuf +2; if (lpfnCmp (fpszSrc, pBufT, cbSrc, FALSE, TRUE)) return offset + (ulong)(pBuf - (uchar far *)&buffer[0]); } pBuf += 2; } if (cbBuf == MASIZE) { /* if buffer full */ hfstrcpy(buffer,buffer+MASIZE-MAOVER); /* copy down overlap */ cbBuf = MAOVER; /* and leave that in */ offset += MASIZE-MAOVER; /* file pos of buffer[0] */ } else { offset += cbBuf; cbBuf = 0; /* else we're empty */ } } return -1;
/* end maLocate */} #endif