/* move from one file to another */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tools.h>
__cdecl main (c, v) int c; char *v[]; { struct findType fbuf; char src[MAX_PATH], dst[MAX_PATH], name[MAX_PATH]; char *s; int i, erc; char *y; BOOL fExpunge, fDelayUntilReboot; DWORD dwMoveFileFlags;
ConvertAppToOem( c, v ); SHIFT (c,v); if (c < 2) { ShowUsage: printf ("Usage: mv [/x [/d]] file1 [ file2 ...] target\n"); printf (" /x dont save deleted files in deleted subdirectory\n"); printf (" /d specifies to delay the rename until the next reboot.\n"); exit (1); }
fExpunge = FALSE; fDelayUntilReboot = FALSE; for (i=0; i<c; i++) { nextArg: s = v[i]; if (*s == '/' || *s == '-') { SHIFT (c,v); while (*++s) { switch (tolower(*s)) { case 'x': fExpunge = TRUE; break; case 'd': if (fExpunge) { dwMoveFileFlags |= MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT; dwMoveFileFlags &= ~MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED; break; }
default: goto ShowUsage; }
goto nextArg; } } else { findpath (v[i], src, FALSE); pname (src); v[i] = _strdup (src); } }
if (rootpath (v[c-1], dst) == -1) { printf ("Cannot move to %s - %s\n", v[c-1], error ()); exit (1); } else { if ( dst[0] == '\\' && dst[1] == '\\' ) { y = strbscan (&dst[3], "/\\"); if ( *y != '\0' ) { y = strbscan( y+1, "/\\"); if ( *y == '\0' ) { strcat(dst, "\\" ); } } } }
if (fPathChr (dst[strlen(dst)-1])) { SETFLAG (fbuf.fbuf.dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY); } else if (ffirst (dst, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY, &fbuf)) { findclose( &fbuf ); /* Let next ffirst work */ RSETFLAG (fbuf.fbuf.dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY); } else if (TESTFLAG(fbuf.fbuf.dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { strcat (dst, "\\"); }
/* if more than 1 source and dest is a file */ if (c != 2 && !TESTFLAG(fbuf.fbuf.dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { printf ("Cannot move > 1 file to another file\n"); exit (1); }
erc = 0; for (i=0; i < c-1; i++) {
if (rootpath (v[i], src) == -1) { printf ("Cannot move %s - %s\n", v[i], error ()); erc++; continue; } strcpy (name, dst); if (TESTFLAG(fbuf.fbuf.dwFileAttributes, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { if (!fPathChr (name[strlen(name)-1])) { strcat (name, "\\"); } upd (src, name, name); } if (strcmp (src, name)) { printf ("%s => %s ", src, name); fflush (stdout); if (fExpunge) { if (MoveFileEx( src, dst, dwMoveFileFlags )) { if (dwMoveFileFlags & MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT) printf ("[ok, will happen next reboot]\n"); else printf ("[ok]\n"); } else { printf( "failed - Error Code == %u\n", GetLastError() ); } } else { s = fmove( src, name ); if (s) { erc++; printf ("[%s]\n", s); } else printf ("[ok]\n"); } } else printf ("Source and destination the same, %s\n", src); } return(erc != 0); }