// RPN.C -- expression evaluator
// Copyright (c) 1988-1990, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Purpose:
// This module contains NMAKE's expression evaluator routines.
// Revision History:
// 15-Nov-1993 JdR Major speed improvements
// 15-Oct-1993 HV Use tchar.h instead of mbstring.h directly, change STR*() to _ftcs*()
// 10-May-1993 HV Add include file mbstring.h
// Change the str* functions to STR*
// 04-Dec-1989 SB Add prototype for match() and chkInvokeAndPush()
// 09-Oct-1989 SB Added HACK to handle pointer arithmetic quirks; Done to
// avoid rewriting entire module
// 08-Oct-1989 SB '!if' expressions can be decimal, octal or hex now
// 05-Apr-1989 SB made all funcs NEAR; Reqd to make all function calls NEAR
// 19-Sep-1988 RB Split ptr_to_string(). Process ESCH in program invocations.
// 17-Aug-1988 RB Clean up.
// 28-Jun-1988 rj Added doCmd parameter to execLine.
// 23-Jun-1988 rj Add parameter to execLine (no echo of command).
// 25-May-1988 rb Change isspace to _istspace, isdigit to _istdigit.
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "rpn.h"
char * GetEndQuote(void); char * GetEndBracket(void); void check_syntax_error(UCHAR); void type_and_val(UCHAR, INT_PTR); void pushIntoList(void); void printList(void); BOOL handleExpr(void); BOOL handleExists(char*); BOOL handleDefines(char*); void getTok(void); BOOL do_binary_op(UCHAR); BOOL do_unary_op(UCHAR); UCHAR match(char *tokPtr); void chkInvocAndPush(RPNINFO *pListPtr);
#define TEMPSTACKSIZE 512 // size of temporary stack
#define LISTSIZE 1024 // size of list of rpn-form items
RPNINFO tempStack[TEMPSTACKSIZE]; // temporary/operand stack
RPNINFO rpnList[LISTSIZE]; // list of items in rpn order
char * text; // pointer to expr text in lbufPtr
UCHAR prevTok; // initial token put on tempstack
BOOL done; // true if there are no more tokens
UCHAR errRow; // first token is '(' so error table
// row val is 3. See check_syntax....
RPNINFO * pTop; // top item on tempStack
RPNINFO * pList; // next free slot in list
RPNINFO * pEnd = &(tempStack[TEMPSTACKSIZE-1]); RPNINFO * pListEnd = &(rpnList[LISTSIZE-1]); RPNINFO tokRec;
// do_binary_op() - do operation on two stack operands
// arguments: type - operator type code
// actions : pops first operand from the stack (tempStack).
// checks the types of the two operands (the operand
// that was popped as well as the operand currently
// on top of the stack).
// if both operands are integers then do the operation
// else if both operands are strings and operation is
// the equality operation then do it.
// else return FALSE ( illegal operation )
// modifies : tempStack - top element will now be the result of
// the operation.
BOOL do_binary_op( UCHAR type ) { INT_PTR *left; INT_PTR *right; RPNINFO *pOldTop;
pOldTop = pTop--; // pop one item off stack, with a ptr to it
right = &pOldTop->valPtr; left = &pTop->valPtr;
if ((pOldTop->type == INTEGER) && (pTop->type == INTEGER)) { switch (type) { case LOGICAL_OR: *left = *left || *right; break;
case LOGICAL_AND: *left = *left && *right; break;
case BIT_OR: *left |= *right; break;
case BIT_XOR: *left ^= *right; break;
case BIT_AND: *left &= *right; break;
case NOT_EQUAL: *left = *right != *left; break;
case EQUAL: *left = *right == *left; break;
case GREATER_THAN: *left = *left > *right; break;
case LESS_THAN: *left = *left < *right; break;
case GREATER_EQ: *left = *left >= *right; break;
case LESS_EQ: *left = *left <= *right; break;
case SHFT_RIGHT: *left >>= *right; break;
case SHFT_LEFT: *left <<= *right; break;
case BINARY_MINUS: *left -= *right; break;
case ADD: *left += *right; break;
case MODULUS: if (!*right) makeError(line, DIVIDE_BY_ZERO); *left %= *right; break;
case DIVIDE: if (!*right) makeError(line, DIVIDE_BY_ZERO); *left /= *right; break;
case MULTIPLY: *left *= *right; break;
default: return(FALSE); break; } } else if ((pOldTop->type == STR) && (pTop->type == STR) && ((type == EQUAL) || (type == NOT_EQUAL))) { pTop->type = INTEGER; *left = !_tcscmp((char *) *left, (char *) *right); if (type == NOT_EQUAL) { if (!do_unary_op(LOGICAL_NOT)) { return(FALSE); } } } else { return(FALSE); }
return(TRUE); }
// do_unary_op() - do operation on top stack operand
// arguments: type - operator type code
// actions : checks the type of the top operand on the stack
// if operand is an integer then do the operation
// else return FALSE ( illegal operation )
// modifies : tempStack - top element will now be the result of
// the operation.
BOOL do_unary_op( UCHAR type ) { INT_PTR *top;
top = &pTop->valPtr;
if (pTop->type == INTEGER) { switch (type) { case UNARY_MINUS: *top = -*top; break;
case COMPLEMENT: *top = ~*top; break;
case LOGICAL_NOT: *top = !*top; break;
default: return(FALSE); break; } } else { return(FALSE); }
return(TRUE); }
// GetEndQuote
// Return the pointer to the next double-quote character in text. A
// double-quote followed immediately by a double-quote is skipped.
// text : the global ptr to the buffer is moved up beyond this string.
char * GetEndQuote() { char *pStart;
for (pStart = ++text; *text; ++text) if (*text == '\"') { if (text[1] == '\"') ++text; else break; }
if (!*text) makeError(line, SYNTAX_MISSING_END_CHAR, '\"');
*text++ = '\0'; // null byte over closing quote
return(pStart); }
// GetEndBracket
// Lexes a program invocation.
// Program invocation is of the form: [ prog <arglist> ].
// Process escaped ']' here because this is where we do the lexing.
// text : the global ptr to the buffer is moved up beyond this string.
char * GetEndBracket() { char *pStart;
for (pStart = ++text; *text; text = _tcsinc (text)) { if (*text == ESCH && text[1] == ']') memmove(text, text + 1, 1 + _tcslen(text + 1)); else if (*text == ']') break; }
if (!*text) makeError(line, SYNTAX_MISSING_END_CHAR, ']');
*text++ = '\0'; // null byte over closing bracket
return(pStart); }
// check_syntax_error() - check if there is a syntax error in expr
// arguments: type - type of the current token
// actions: checks the type of the current token against the type
// of the previous token.
// 2nd tok
// alpha op unary_op ( )
// ------------------------------------------------
// alpha | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
// -------------------------------------------------
// op | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
// -------------------------------------------------
// unary_op | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
// -------------------------------------------------
// ( | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
// -------------------------------------------------
// ) | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
// -------------------------------------------------
// 1st tok.
// alpha : a primary ( integer, str, prog. invoc. )
// op : a binary operator
// unary_op : a unary operator ( ~, !, - ). A ZERO in the slot => error
void check_syntax_error( UCHAR newTok ) { extern UCHAR errTable[5][5]; extern UCHAR errRow; UCHAR errCol;
if (newTok == LEFT_PAREN) errCol = 3; else if (newTok == RIGHT_PAREN) errCol = 4; else if (newTok > LOGICAL_NOT) errCol = 0; else if (newTok > MULTIPLY) errCol = 2; else errCol = 1;
if (!errTable[errRow][errCol]) makeError(line, SYNTAX_INVALID_EXPR); errRow = errCol; // this becomes the first token the next time
// type_and_val()
// arguments: type - the type code of the present operator.
// val - ptr to a str/or integer
// initialises a record with the type code, after checking for any
// syntax errors. The new token is checked against the previous token
// for illegal combinations of tokens.
// initialises the record with the integer value/string ptr.
void type_and_val( UCHAR type, INT_PTR val ) { extern RPNINFO tokRec; // returned to handleExpr
extern UCHAR prevTok; // token last seen
check_syntax_error(type); prevTok = type; tokRec.type = type; tokRec.valPtr = val; }
// match()
// arguments: tokPtr - ptr to a token string ( in tokTable )
// actions : looks for a substring in the expression buffer
// pointed to by 'text', that matches the given token.
// if substring found, returns TRUE, else returns FALSE.
UCHAR match( char *tokPtr ) { extern char *text; char *t = text;
while (*tokPtr && (*t == *tokPtr)) { t++; tokPtr++; } if (!*tokPtr) { text = t; return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); }
// getTok()
// arguments: none
// gets a token from the expression buffer.
// if the current char from the buffer is a space/tab, skip space/tabs
// until we get a non-space char ( could be NULL char ).
// Check if we are now at the beginning of one of the tokens in the
// tokenTable. This covers most tokens.
// Check if we have a minus. If a minus and the previous token was an
// integer, this is a binary minus, else a unary minus.
// If the current char is a double-quote, we are at the start of a
// string-token.
// If the current char is a '[', we are at the start of a program
// invocation. In both cases, the escape character is '\\'.
// If current char is a digit, we have a constant ( integer ).
// Else we have defined(ID).
// If none of the above, if current char is NULL, break out, else
// report error ( illegal character string has been found ).
// If we came to the NULL char at the end of the buffer, set global
// flag 'done' to TRUE, return a RIGHT_PAREN to match the opening
// modifies: text : ptr to expression buffer.
// prevTok: thru' calls to type_and_val().
// done : at end of buffer
// errRow : index into error table, thru calls to
// type_and_val()
// returns : token in tokRec(global, static to the module). The
// token has the new type/integer/ptr values.
void getTok() { extern UCHAR prevTok; extern BOOL done; char c; TOKTABREC *p; char *ptr; long constant;
c = *text; if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') { while(_istspace(c)) c = *++text; // skip white spaces
if (IS_OPERATORCHAR(c)) { for (p = tokTable; p->op_str && !match(p->op_str); p++) ; } else { // make p point to last entry in table
p = &tokTable[(sizeof(tokTable) / sizeof(TOKTABREC)) - 1]; }
if (p->op_str) { type_and_val(p->op, 0); } else if (c == '-') { // now check if binary or unary minus to be returned
text++; if (prevTok == INTEGER) type_and_val(BINARY_MINUS, 0); else type_and_val(UNARY_MINUS, 0); } else if (c == '\"') { type_and_val(STR, (INT_PTR) GetEndQuote()); } else if (c == '[') { type_and_val(PROG_INVOC_STR, (INT_PTR) GetEndBracket()); } else { // integers and IDs handled here
if (_istdigit(c)) { char *pNumber = text;
errno = 0; // Accept decimal, octal or hex no (richgi)
constant = strtol(text, &text, 0); if (errno == ERANGE) { *text = '\0'; makeError(line, CONST_TOO_BIG, pNumber); }
if (_totupper(*text) == 'L') text++; type_and_val(INTEGER, constant); } else { // defined(ID) comes here
if (c) { if (!_tcsnicmp(text, "DEFINED", 7)) { if (!(ptr = _tcschr(text, '('))) makeError(line, SYNTAX_INVALID_EXPR); ptr++; text = ptr + _tcscspn(ptr, ")"); *text++ = '\0'; type_and_val(INTEGER, handleDefines(ptr)); } else if (!_tcsnicmp(text, "EXIST", 5)) { if (!(ptr = _tcschr(text, '('))) makeError(line, SYNTAX_INVALID_EXPR); ptr++; text = ptr + _tcscspn(ptr, ")"); *text++ = '\0'; type_and_val(INTEGER, handleExists(ptr)); } else makeError(line, SYNTAX_INVALID_EXPR); } else { // we are now at the end of the string (c is null)
done = TRUE; type_and_val(RIGHT_PAREN, 0); // this is the last token
} } } }
// chkInvocAndPush() - check if program invocation required
// arguments: pListPtr - might have a program invocation string
// present.
// actions : if this is a program invocation string, make the
// program invocation.
// the return value is got and placed on the stack.
// the type of the new stack element is now INTEGER.
// else place list item on stack.
// in either case it moves one item from list to stack.
void chkInvocAndPush( RPNINFO *pListPtr ) { ++pTop; if (pListPtr->type == PROG_INVOC_STR) { pTop->valPtr = execLine((char *) pListPtr->valPtr, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); pTop->type = INTEGER; } else { *pTop = *pListPtr; } }
// processList()
// arguments: none
// actions : remove an item from the list.
// if the item is an operand, place it on the operand
// stack (tempStack).
// if the operand is a program invocation string, make
// the invocation, place the return code on stack.
// if the item is an operator, call the function to
// do the operation on one/two elements on tempStack.
// finally, check if there is exactly one item on stack.
// if this item has a value of zero, return FALSE.
// else return TRUE.
// if more than one item on stack, abort with error.
// modifies: pTop - ptr to top of tempStack.
// pList - ptr to next position in list.
BOOL processList() { extern RPNINFO *pList; extern RPNINFO *pTop; RPNINFO *pTemp; BOOL (* func)(UCHAR);
for (pTemp = rpnList; pTemp < pList; pTemp++) { if (pTemp->type > LOGICAL_NOT) { // operand
chkInvocAndPush(pTemp); } else { if (pTemp->type > MULTIPLY) func = do_unary_op; else func = do_binary_op;
if (!(*func)(pTemp->type)) makeError(line, BAD_OP_TYPES); } }
if ((pTop == tempStack) && (pTop->type == INTEGER)) if (!pTop->valPtr) return(FALSE); else return(TRUE); else makeError(line, SYNTAX_INVALID_EXPR);
return(FALSE); }
// pushIntoList()
// arguments: none
// actions : pops an item from the tempStack and pushes it onto
// the list. checks list for overflow ( internal error )
// and tempStack for underflow ( syntax error in expr ).
// modifies: tempTop - index of top of tempStack.
// nextInList - index to next position in list.
void pushIntoList() { if (pTop < tempStack) makeError(line, SYNTAX_INVALID_EXPR);
if (pList > pListEnd) makeError(line, EXPR_TOO_LONG_INTERNAL);
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
// Keep track of the high water mark on the stack just for grins
{ static int iStackMax = 0; if ( pList - rpnList > iStackMax ) iStackMax = (int) (pList - rpnList); } #endif
*pList++ = *pTop--; }
// handleExpr()
// arguments: text - pointer to the buffer that has the expression.
// actions : calls getTok() to get tokens from the buffer. Places
// tokens in a tempStack, and moves them into a list in
// reverse-polish order.
// We need the list so that ALL syntax errors are caught
// BEFORE processing of the expression begins (especially
// program invocations that have side effects)
// Once the list is available, an operand stack is used
// Items are popped and pushed from this stack by the
// evaluation routines (add, mult, negate etc.)
// we don't really need a separate operand stack. the
// tempStack has served its purpose when the list is
// formed and so it may be used for operand processing.
BOOL handleExpr() { extern RPNINFO tokRec; BOOL fRParen; // was the token got a right paren?
extern BOOL done; extern RPNINFO *pTop, *pList; extern UCHAR errRow; extern UCHAR prevTok;
pTop = tempStack; pList = rpnList; done = FALSE; errRow = 3; // row for the first token put in,left paren
prevTok = LEFT_PAREN; type_and_val(LEFT_PAREN, 0); *pTop = tokRec;
while (!done) { // while there are more tokens in buffer
getTok(); fRParen = FALSE; if (tokRec.type != LEFT_PAREN) { while (precVector[tokRec.type] <= precVector[pTop->type]) { if (!precVector[tokRec.type]) { // if RIGHT_PAREN pop till a
// left paren is seen
while (pTop->type != LEFT_PAREN) pushIntoList(); fRParen = TRUE; if (pTop < tempStack) { makeError(line, SYNTAX_INVALID_EXPR); } else { pTop--; // pop the left paren
break; } } else { pushIntoList(); } } } // if token is a left paren, it has to go on the stack
if (!fRParen) { if (pTop == pEnd) makeError(line, EXPR_TOO_LONG_INTERNAL); else *++pTop = tokRec; } }
// check the stack here for not empty state
if (pTop != tempStack - 1) makeError(line, SYNTAX_INVALID_EXPR); return(processList()); }
// handleDefines()
// arguments: t pointer to buffer that has the identifier
// actions: Checks if one of 'ID' is present.
// Aborts with error if more IDs present.
// Is called for ifdef/ifndef/defined(ID).
// returns : TRUE if ID found in table. FALSE otherwise.
BOOL handleDefines( char *t ) { char *s;
s = _tcstok(t, " \t"); if (_tcstok(NULL, " \t")) { makeError(line, SYNTAX_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, s); }
if (!s) { makeError(line, MISSING_ARG_BEFORE_PAREN); }
if (findMacro(s)) { return(TRUE); }
return(FALSE); }
// handleExists()
// arguments: t pointer to buffer that has the identifier
// actions: Checks if 'name' is a valid file/directory
// Aborts with error if more names present.
// Is called for exist(name).
// returns : TRUE if ID found in table. FALSE otherwise.
BOOL handleExists( char *_t ) { char *s; char *szUnQuoted; BOOL fResult = FALSE; char *szDelim; char *t;
// make local copy, strip blank space before and after string
char *tSav = t = makeString(_t); while (*t && WHITESPACE (*t)) { t++; } s = t + _tcslen(t); while (s > t) { s = _tcsdec(t, s); if (WHITESPACE (*s)) { *s = '\0'; } else { break; } }
szDelim = ('\"' == *t) ? "\t" : " \t"; // DS 15360: if id starts with a quote,
// use "\t" instead of " \t" in _tcstok
// (handle paths with embedded spaces)
s = _tcstok(t, szDelim); if (_tcstok(NULL, szDelim)) { makeError(line, SYNTAX_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN, s); }
if (NULL == s || NULL == (szUnQuoted = unQuote(s))) { // handle quoted names
makeError(line, MISSING_ARG_BEFORE_PAREN); }
if (!_access(szUnQuoted, 0x00)) { // existence check
fResult = TRUE; }
FREE(szUnQuoted); FREE(tSav);
return(fResult); }
// evalExpr()
// arguments: t pointer to buffer that has the expression
// kind specifies if it is if/ifdef/ifndef etc.
// returns : TRUE if expression evaluates to true.
// FALSE otherwise.
BOOL evalExpr( char *t, UCHAR kind ) { if (!*t) { makeError(line, SYNTAX_MISSING_DIRECTIVE); }
switch (kind) { case IFDEF_TYPE: case ELSE_IFDEF_TYPE: return(handleDefines(t));
case IFNDEF_TYPE: case ELSE_IFNDEF_TYPE: return((BOOL)!handleDefines(t));
default: text = t; return(handleExpr()); } }