Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contians the DLL attach/detach event entry point for the pdh.dll
Bob Watson (a-robw) Jul 95
Revision History:
#include <windows.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "pdhitype.h"
#include "pdhidef.h"
#include "pdhmsg.h"
#include "strings.h"
#include "pdhp.h"
HANDLE ThisDLLHandle = NULL; WCHAR szStaticLocalMachineName[MAX_PATH] = {0}; HANDLE hPdhDataMutex = NULL; HANDLE hPdhContextMutex = NULL; HANDLE hPdhHeap = NULL; HANDLE hEventLog = NULL;
LONGLONG llRemoteRetryTime = RETRY_TIME_INTERVAL; BOOL bEnableRemotePdhAccess = TRUE; DWORD dwPdhiLocalDefaultDataSource = DATA_SOURCE_REGISTRY; LONG dwCurrentRealTimeDataSource = 0; BOOL bProcessIsDetaching = FALSE;
LPWSTR GetStringResource ( DWORD dwResId ) { LPWSTR szReturnString = NULL; LPWSTR szTmpString = NULL; DWORD dwStrLen = (2048 * sizeof(WCHAR));
szReturnString = (LPWSTR) G_ALLOC (dwStrLen); if (szReturnString != NULL) { dwStrLen /= sizeof(WCHAR); dwStrLen = LoadStringW ( ThisDLLHandle, (UINT)dwResId, szReturnString, dwStrLen); if (dwStrLen > 0) { // then realloc down to the size used
dwStrLen++; // to include the NULL
dwStrLen *= sizeof (WCHAR); szTmpString = szReturnString; szReturnString = G_REALLOC (szReturnString, dwStrLen); if (szReturnString == NULL) { G_FREE(szTmpString); szTmpString = NULL; } } else { // free the memory since the look up failed
G_FREE (szReturnString); szReturnString = NULL; } } //else allocation failed
return szReturnString; }
STATIC_BOOL PdhiOpenEventLog ( HANDLE *phEventLogHandle ) { HANDLE hReturn; BOOL bReturn;
if ((hReturn = RegisterEventSourceW ( NULL, // on the local machine
cszAppShortName // for the PDH.DLL
)) != NULL) { *phEventLogHandle = hReturn; bReturn = TRUE; } else { bReturn = FALSE; } return bReturn; }
STATIC_BOOL PdhiGetRegistryDefaults () { DWORD dwStatus; DWORD dwType, dwSize, dwValue;
// the local data source is not initialized so use it
dwStatus = RegOpenKeyExW ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, cszPdhKey, 0L, KEY_READ, &hKeyPDH);
if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// get the default null data source
dwValue = 0; dwType = 0; dwSize = sizeof (dwValue); dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW ( hKeyPDH, cszDefaultNullDataSource, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwSize); if (!(dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) || !(dwType == REG_DWORD)) { dwValue = DATA_SOURCE_REGISTRY; } else { // check the value for validity
switch (dwValue) { case DATA_SOURCE_WBEM: case DATA_SOURCE_REGISTRY: // this is OK
break; case DATA_SOURCE_LOGFILE: default: // these are not OK so insert default
dwValue = DATA_SOURCE_REGISTRY; break; } } dwPdhiLocalDefaultDataSource = dwValue;
// get the retry timeout
dwValue = 0; dwType = 0; dwSize = sizeof (dwValue); dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW ( hKeyPDH, cszRemoteMachineRetryTime, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwSize); if (!(dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) || !(dwType == REG_DWORD)) { dwValue = 0; } else { // check the value for validity
// must be 30 seconds or more yet no more than an hour
if ((dwValue <= 30) || (dwValue > 3600)) { dwValue = 0; } } if (dwValue != 0) { // convert to 100NS units
llRemoteRetryTime = dwValue * 10000000; } else { // use default
llRemoteRetryTime = RETRY_TIME_INTERVAL; }
// get the remote access mode
dwValue = 0; dwType = 0; dwSize = sizeof (dwValue); dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW ( hKeyPDH, cszEnableRemotePdhAccess, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)&dwValue, &dwSize); if (!(dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) || !(dwType == REG_DWORD)) { dwValue = TRUE; } else { // check the value for validity
if (dwValue != 0) { dwValue = TRUE; } } bEnableRemotePdhAccess = (BOOL)dwValue;
// close the registry key
RegCloseKey (hKeyPDH); } return TRUE; }
STATIC_BOOL PdhiCloseEventLog ( HANDLE * phEventLogHandle ) { BOOL bReturn;
if (*phEventLogHandle != NULL) { bReturn = DeregisterEventSource (*phEventLogHandle); *phEventLogHandle = NULL; } else { // it's already closed so that's OK
bReturn = TRUE; } return bReturn; }
PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SD = NULL; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; PSID AuthenticatedUsers = NULL; PSID BuiltInAdministrators = NULL; PSID NetworkService = NULL; DWORD dwAclSize; ACL *Acl;
bResult = AllocateAndInitializeSid( &NtAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0,0,0,0,0,0, &BuiltInAdministrators); if( !bResult ){goto cleanup;}
bResult = AllocateAndInitializeSid( &NtAuthority, 1, SECURITY_AUTHENTICATED_USER_RID, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &AuthenticatedUsers); if( !bResult ){goto cleanup;}
bResult = AllocateAndInitializeSid( &NtAuthority, 1, SECURITY_NETWORK_SERVICE_RID, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0, &NetworkService); if( !bResult ){goto cleanup;}
dwAclSize = sizeof (ACL) + (3 * (sizeof (ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) - sizeof (ULONG))) + GetLengthSid(AuthenticatedUsers) + GetLengthSid(BuiltInAdministrators) + GetLengthSid(NetworkService);
ZeroMemory( SD, sizeof(SD) ); Acl = (ACL *)((BYTE *)SD + SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_MIN_LENGTH);
bResult = InitializeAcl( Acl, dwAclSize, ACL_REVISION); if( !bResult ){goto cleanup;}
bResult = AddAccessAllowedAce(Acl, ACL_REVISION, SYNCHRONIZE | GENERIC_READ, AuthenticatedUsers ); if( !bResult ){goto cleanup;}
bResult = AddAccessAllowedAce(Acl, ACL_REVISION, MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS , NetworkService ); if( !bResult ){goto cleanup;} bResult = AddAccessAllowedAce(Acl, ACL_REVISION, GENERIC_ALL, BuiltInAdministrators ); if( !bResult ){goto cleanup;}
bResult = InitializeSecurityDescriptor(SD, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); if( !bResult ){goto cleanup;}
bResult = SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(SD, TRUE, Acl, FALSE); if( !bResult ){goto cleanup;} sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = SD; sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE;
hPdhPlaMutex = CreateMutexW( &sa, FALSE, PDH_PLA_MUTEX );
cleanup: if( hPdhPlaMutex == NULL || !bResult ){ hr = GetLastError(); } if( NULL != AuthenticatedUsers ){ FreeSid(AuthenticatedUsers); } if( NULL != BuiltInAdministrators){ FreeSid(BuiltInAdministrators); } if( NULL != NetworkService){ FreeSid(NetworkService); } G_FREE(SD);
return hr; }
BOOL _stdcall PdhDllInitRoutine( IN HANDLE DLLHandle, IN DWORD Reason, IN LPVOID ReservedAndUnused ) { BOOL bStatus; BOOL bReturn = TRUE; OSVERSIONINFOW os; ReservedAndUnused;
switch(Reason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: bProcessIsDetaching = FALSE; { DWORD dwBufferLength = 0;
ThisDLLHandle = DLLHandle;
// make sure this is the correct operating system
memset (&os, 0, sizeof(os)); os.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(os); bReturn = GetVersionExW (&os);
if (bReturn) { // check for windows NT v4.0
if (os.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { // not WINDOWS NT
bReturn = FALSE; } else if (os.dwMajorVersion < 4) { // it's windows NT, but an old one
bReturn = FALSE; } } else { // unable to read version so give up
if (bReturn) {
// disable thread init calls
DisableThreadLibraryCalls (DLLHandle);
// initialize the event log so events can be reported
bStatus = PdhiOpenEventLog (&hEventLog);
bStatus = PdhiGetRegistryDefaults ();
// initialize the local computer name buffer
if (szStaticLocalMachineName[0] == 0) { // initialize the computer name for this computer
szStaticLocalMachineName[0] = BACKSLASH_L; szStaticLocalMachineName[1] = BACKSLASH_L; dwBufferLength = (sizeof(szStaticLocalMachineName) / sizeof(WCHAR)) - 2; GetComputerNameW (&szStaticLocalMachineName[2], &dwBufferLength); } hPdhDataMutex = CreateMutexW (NULL, FALSE, NULL); hPdhContextMutex = CreateMutexW(NULL, FALSE, NULL);
hPdhHeap = HeapCreate (0, 0, 0); if (hPdhHeap == NULL) { // unable to create our own heap, so use the
// process heap
hPdhHeap = GetProcessHeap(); assert (hPdhHeap != NULL); }
PdhiPlaInitMutex(); } } break;
// close all pending loggers
bProcessIsDetaching = (ReservedAndUnused != NULL) ? (TRUE) : (FALSE);
// walk down query list and close (at least disconnect) queries.
PdhiQueryCleanup ();
PdhiFreeAllWbemServers ();
if (hPdhDataMutex != NULL) { bStatus = CloseHandle (hPdhDataMutex); assert (bStatus); hPdhDataMutex = NULL; } if (hPdhContextMutex != NULL) { bStatus = CloseHandle (hPdhContextMutex); assert (bStatus); hPdhContextMutex = NULL; }
if (hPdhHeap != GetProcessHeap()) { HeapDestroy (hPdhHeap); hPdhHeap = NULL; }
// lastly close the event log interface
bStatus = PdhiCloseEventLog (&hEventLog); bReturn = TRUE;
break ;
case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: bReturn = TRUE; break; }
return (bReturn); }