Source code of Windows XP (NT5)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

4788 lines
141 KiB

  1. /*****************************************************************************\
  2. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  3. \*****************************************************************************/
  4. #include <stdio.h>
  5. #include <stdlib.h>
  6. #include <tchar.h>
  7. #include <nt.h>
  8. #include <ntrtl.h>
  9. #include <nturtl.h>
  10. #include <windows.h>
  11. #include <winbase.h>
  12. #include <userenv.h>
  13. #include <wmistr.h>
  14. #include <evntrace.h>
  15. #include <pdh.h>
  16. #include <pdhp.h>
  17. #include <pdhmsg.h>
  18. #include <wincrypt.h>
  19. #include <shlwapi.h>
  20. #include "plogman.h"
  21. #include "pdhdlgs.h"
  22. HANDLE hPdhPlaMutex = NULL;
  23. /*****************************************************************************\
  24. Strings
  25. \*****************************************************************************/
  26. // Common
  27. LPCWSTR szCollection = L"Collection Name";
  28. LPCWSTR szKey = L"Key";
  29. LPCWSTR szRunAs = L"Run As";
  30. LPCWSTR szSysmonLog = L"SysmonLog";
  31. LPCWSTR szCurrentState = L"Current State";
  32. LPCWSTR szLogType = L"Log Type";
  33. LPCWSTR szLogBaseName = L"Log File Base Name";
  34. LPCWSTR szStart = L"Start";
  35. LPCWSTR szStop = L"Stop";
  36. LPCWSTR szRestart = L"Restart";
  37. LPCWSTR szLogMaxSize = L"Log File Max Size";
  38. LPCWSTR szCurrentLogFile = L"Current Log File Name";
  39. LPCWSTR szLogSerialNumber = L"Log File Serial Number";
  40. LPCWSTR szLogAutoFormat = L"Log File Auto Format";
  41. LPCWSTR szComment = L"Comment";
  42. LPCWSTR szEOFCmd = L"EOF Command File";
  43. LPCWSTR szLogFolder = L"Log File Folder";
  44. LPCWSTR szLogFileType = L"Log File Type";
  45. LPCWSTR szRepeatSchedule = L"Repeat Schedule";
  46. LPCWSTR szRepeatScheduleBegin = L"Repeat Schedule Start";
  47. LPCWSTR szRepeatScheduleEnd = L"Repeat Schedule Stop";
  48. LPCWSTR szCreateNewFile = L"Create New File";
  49. LPCWSTR szDatastoreAttributes = L"Data Store Attributes";
  50. // Trace
  51. LPCWSTR szTraceProviderCount = L"Trace Provider Count";
  52. LPCWSTR szTraceBufferSize = L"Trace Buffer Size";
  53. LPCWSTR szTraceBufferMin = L"Trace Buffer Min Count";
  54. LPCWSTR szTraceBufferMax = L"Trace Buffer Max Count";
  55. LPCWSTR szTraceFlushInterval = L"Trace Buffer Flush Interval";
  56. LPCWSTR szTraceFlags = L"Trace Flags";
  57. LPCWSTR szTraceProviderList = L"Trace Provider List";
  58. LPCWSTR szTraceProviderFlags = L"Trace Provider Flags";
  59. LPCWSTR szTraceProviderLevels = L"Trace Provider Levels";
  60. LPCWSTR szTraceMode = L"Trace Mode";
  61. LPCWSTR szTraceLoggerName = L"Trace Logger Name";
  62. // Performance
  63. LPCWSTR szPerfCounterList = L"Counter List";
  64. LPCWSTR szSqlBaseName = L"Sql Log Base Name";
  65. LPCWSTR szSampleInterval = L"Sample Interval";
  66. /*****************************************************************************/
  68. PlaiErrorToPdhStatus( DWORD dwStatus )
  69. {
  70. switch( dwStatus ){
  77. case ERROR_NO_DATA: return PDH_NO_DATA;
  79. case E_FAIL: return PDH_WBEM_ERROR;
  81. default: return PDH_INVALID_DATA;
  82. }
  83. }
  84. ULONG
  85. PlaMszStrLenA( LPSTR mszString )
  86. {
  87. ULONG nLength = 0;
  88. ULONG nTotalLength = 0;
  89. LPSTR strScan = mszString;
  90. if( mszString == NULL ){
  91. return 0;
  92. }
  93. while( *strScan != '\0' ){
  94. nLength = (strlen( strScan )+1);
  95. strScan += nLength;
  96. nTotalLength += nLength;
  97. }
  98. return (nTotalLength*sizeof(char) + (sizeof(char) * 2));
  99. }
  100. ULONG
  101. PlaMszStrLenW( LPWSTR mszString )
  102. {
  103. ULONG nLength = 0;
  104. ULONG nTotalLength = 0;
  105. LPTSTR strScan = mszString;
  106. if( mszString == NULL ){
  107. return 0;
  108. }
  109. while( *strScan != L'\0' ){
  110. nLength = (wcslen( strScan )+1);
  111. strScan += nLength;
  112. nTotalLength += nLength;
  113. }
  114. return (nTotalLength*sizeof(WCHAR) + (sizeof(WCHAR)));
  115. }
  116. _inline BOOL
  117. PlaiIsStringEmpty( LPWSTR str )
  118. {
  119. if( NULL == str ){
  120. return TRUE;
  121. }
  122. if( L'\0' == *str ){
  123. return TRUE;
  124. }
  125. return FALSE;
  126. }
  127. _inline BOOL
  128. PlaiIsCharWhitespace( WCHAR ch )
  129. {
  130. switch( ch ){
  131. case L' ':
  132. case L'\r':
  133. case L'\n':
  134. case L'\t':
  135. return TRUE;
  136. default:
  137. return FALSE;
  138. }
  139. }
  141. Plaiatow( LPSTR strA, LPWSTR &strW )
  142. {
  143. if( NULL == strA ){
  144. strW = NULL;
  145. return ERROR_SUCCESS;
  146. }
  147. strW = (LPWSTR)G_ALLOC( (strlen(strA)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
  148. if( strW ){
  149. mbstowcs( strW, strA, (strlen(strA)+1) );
  150. return ERROR_SUCCESS;
  151. }
  152. strW = NULL;
  154. }
  155. ULONG
  156. Plaihextoi( LPWSTR s )
  157. {
  158. long len;
  159. ULONG num, base, hex;
  160. if ( PlaiIsStringEmpty( s ) ) {
  161. return 0;
  162. }
  163. len = (long) wcslen(s);
  164. if (len == 0) {
  165. return 0;
  166. }
  167. hex = 0;
  168. base = 1;
  169. num = 0;
  170. while (-- len >= 0) {
  171. if (s[len] >= L'0' && s[len] <= L'9'){
  172. num = s[len] - L'0';
  173. }else if (s[len] >= L'a' && s[len] <= L'f'){
  174. num = (s[len] - L'a') + 10;
  175. }else if (s[len] >= L'A' && s[len] <= L'F'){
  176. num = (s[len] - L'A') + 10;
  177. }else if( s[len] == L'x' || s[len] == L'X'){
  178. break;
  179. }else{
  180. continue;
  181. }
  182. hex += num * base;
  183. base = base * 16;
  184. }
  185. return hex;
  186. }
  188. PlaiTranslateKernelFlags( LPDWORD pdwInternal, LPDWORD pdwReal )
  189. {
  190. if( *pdwReal & EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_PROCESS ){
  191. *pdwInternal |= PLA_TLI_ENABLE_PROCESS_TRACE;
  192. }
  193. if( *pdwReal & EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_THREAD ){
  194. *pdwInternal |= PLA_TLI_ENABLE_THREAD_TRACE;
  195. }
  197. *pdwInternal |= PLA_TLI_ENABLE_MEMMAN_TRACE;
  198. }
  200. *pdwInternal |= PLA_TLI_ENABLE_MEMMAN_TRACE;
  201. }
  202. if( *pdwReal & EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_DISK_IO ){
  203. *pdwInternal |= PLA_TLI_ENABLE_DISKIO_TRACE;
  204. }
  205. if( *pdwReal & EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_NETWORK_TCPIP ){
  207. }
  208. if( *pdwReal & EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_DISK_FILE_IO ){
  209. *pdwInternal |= PLA_TLI_ENABLE_FILEIO_TRACE;
  210. }
  211. return ERROR_SUCCESS;
  212. }
  213. BOOL
  214. PlaiIsLocalComputer( LPWSTR strComputer )
  215. {
  216. if( NULL == strComputer ){
  217. return TRUE;
  218. }else{
  219. LPWSTR str = strComputer;
  222. BOOL bResult;
  223. bResult = GetComputerName( buffer, &dwSize );
  224. if( bResult ){
  225. while( *str == L'\\' ){
  226. str++;
  227. }
  228. return (_wcsicmp( buffer, str ) == 0);
  229. }else{
  230. return TRUE;
  231. }
  232. }
  233. return FALSE;
  234. }
  235. /*****************************************************************************/
  236. DWORD
  237. PlaiUpdateServiceMode( LPTSTR strComputer )
  238. {
  239. DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  240. BOOL bStatus;
  241. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
  242. SC_HANDLE hSC = NULL;
  243. SC_HANDLE hService = NULL;
  244. QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG* pServiceConfig = NULL;
  245. DWORD dwSize = 0;
  246. BOOL bAutoStart = FALSE;
  247. PDH_PLA_INFO_W info;
  248. LPWSTR mszCollections = NULL;
  249. pdhStatus = PdhPlaEnumCollections( strComputer, &dwSize, mszCollections );
  250. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus || PDH_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == pdhStatus ){
  251. mszCollections = (LPWSTR)G_ALLOC( dwSize * sizeof(TCHAR) );
  252. if( mszCollections ){
  253. LPTSTR strCollection;
  254. pdhStatus = PdhPlaEnumCollections( strComputer, &dwSize, mszCollections );
  255. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus && NULL != mszCollections ){
  256. dwSize = sizeof( PDH_PLA_INFO_W );
  257. strCollection = mszCollections;
  258. while( *strCollection != L'\0' ){
  259. info.dwMask = PLA_INFO_FLAG_BEGIN;
  260. strCollection += ( wcslen( strCollection ) + 1 );
  261. pdhStatus = PdhPlaGetInfoW( strCollection, strComputer, &dwSize, &info );
  262. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  263. if( (info.dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_BEGIN) &&
  264. info.ptLogBeginTime.dwAutoMode != PLA_AUTO_MODE_NONE ){
  265. bAutoStart = TRUE;
  266. break;
  267. }
  268. }
  269. }
  270. }
  271. }else{
  272. dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
  273. }
  274. }else{
  275. dwStatus = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
  276. }
  277. if( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ){
  278. goto cleanup;
  279. }
  280. hSC = OpenSCManager ( strComputer, NULL, GENERIC_READ );
  281. if (hSC == NULL) {
  282. dwStatus = GetLastError();
  283. goto cleanup;
  284. }
  285. BOOL bUpdate = FALSE;
  286. dwSize = 4096;
  287. pServiceConfig = (QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG*)G_ALLOC( dwSize );
  288. if( NULL == pServiceConfig ){
  289. dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
  290. goto cleanup;
  291. }
  292. ZeroMemory( pServiceConfig, dwSize );
  293. hService = OpenService (
  294. hSC,
  295. szSysmonLog,
  297. );
  298. if( NULL == hService ){
  299. dwStatus = GetLastError();
  300. goto cleanup;
  301. }
  302. bStatus = QueryServiceConfig (
  303. hService,
  304. pServiceConfig,
  305. dwSize,
  306. &dwSize
  307. );
  308. if( !bStatus ){
  309. dwStatus = GetLastError();
  310. goto cleanup;
  311. }
  312. if ( bAutoStart ) {
  313. if ( SERVICE_DEMAND_START == pServiceConfig->dwStartType ) {
  314. bUpdate = TRUE;
  315. }
  316. } else {
  317. if ( SERVICE_AUTO_START == pServiceConfig->dwStartType ) {
  318. bUpdate = TRUE;
  319. }
  320. }
  321. if( bUpdate ){
  322. SC_ACTION ServiceControlAction[3];
  324. bStatus = ChangeServiceConfig (
  325. hService,
  329. NULL,
  330. NULL,
  331. NULL,
  332. NULL,
  333. NULL,
  334. NULL,
  335. NULL
  336. );
  337. if( !bStatus ){
  338. dwStatus = GetLastError();
  339. goto cleanup;
  340. }
  341. ZeroMemory( ServiceControlAction, sizeof(SC_ACTION) * 3 );
  342. ZeroMemory( &FailActions, sizeof(SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS) );
  343. if ( bAutoStart ) {
  344. ServiceControlAction[0].Type = SC_ACTION_RESTART;
  345. ServiceControlAction[1].Type = SC_ACTION_RESTART;
  346. ServiceControlAction[2].Type = SC_ACTION_RESTART;
  347. } else {
  348. ServiceControlAction[0].Type = SC_ACTION_NONE;
  349. ServiceControlAction[1].Type = SC_ACTION_NONE;
  350. ServiceControlAction[2].Type = SC_ACTION_NONE;
  351. }
  352. FailActions.dwResetPeriod = 60;
  353. FailActions.cActions = 3;
  354. FailActions.lpsaActions = ServiceControlAction;
  355. bStatus = ChangeServiceConfig2(
  356. hService,
  358. &FailActions
  359. );
  360. if ( ! bStatus ) {
  361. dwStatus = GetLastError();
  362. }
  363. }
  364. cleanup:
  365. G_FREE( mszCollections );
  366. G_FREE( pServiceConfig );
  367. if( NULL != hService ){
  368. CloseServiceHandle (hService);
  369. }
  370. if( NULL != hSC ){
  371. CloseServiceHandle (hSC);
  372. }
  373. return dwStatus;
  374. }
  375. DWORD
  376. PlaiGetServiceState (
  377. LPCWSTR szComputerName,
  378. DWORD& rdwState
  379. )
  380. {
  381. DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  382. SERVICE_STATUS ssData;
  383. SC_HANDLE hSC;
  384. SC_HANDLE hLogService;
  385. rdwState = 0; // Error by default.
  386. // open SC database
  387. hSC = OpenSCManagerW ( szComputerName, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT);
  388. if (hSC != NULL) {
  389. // open service
  390. hLogService = OpenServiceW (
  391. hSC,
  392. szSysmonLog,
  394. if (hLogService != NULL) {
  395. if ( ControlService (
  396. hLogService,
  398. &ssData)) {
  399. rdwState = ssData.dwCurrentState;
  400. } else {
  401. dwStatus = GetLastError();
  402. rdwState = SERVICE_STOPPED;
  403. }
  404. CloseServiceHandle (hLogService);
  405. } else {
  406. dwStatus = GetLastError();
  407. }
  408. CloseServiceHandle (hSC);
  409. } else {
  410. dwStatus = GetLastError();
  411. }
  413. rdwState = SERVICE_STOPPED;
  414. dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  415. }
  416. return dwStatus;
  417. }
  419. PlaiSynchronize( LPCWSTR szComputerName )
  420. {
  421. // If the service is running, tell it to synchronize itself,
  422. // Check the state afterwards to see if it got the message.
  423. // If stop pending or stopped, wait until the service is
  424. // stopped and then attempt to start it. The service
  425. // synchronizes itself from the registry when it is started.
  426. // Return ERROR_SUCCESS for success, other for failure.
  427. SC_HANDLE hSC = NULL;
  428. SC_HANDLE hLogService = NULL;
  429. SERVICE_STATUS ssData;
  430. DWORD dwCurrentState;
  431. DWORD dwTimeout = 25;
  432. DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  433. dwStatus = PlaiGetServiceState ( szComputerName, dwCurrentState );
  434. if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus && 0 != dwCurrentState ) {
  435. // open SC database
  436. hSC = OpenSCManagerW ( szComputerName, NULL, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT);
  437. if ( NULL != hSC ) {
  438. // open service
  439. hLogService = OpenServiceW (
  440. hSC,
  441. szSysmonLog,
  443. | SERVICE_START );
  444. if ( NULL != hLogService ) {
  445. if ( ( SERVICE_STOPPED != dwCurrentState )
  446. && ( SERVICE_STOP_PENDING != dwCurrentState ) ) {
  447. // Wait 100 milliseconds before synchronizing service,
  448. // to ensure that registry values are written.
  449. _sleep ( 100 );
  450. ControlService (
  451. hLogService,
  453. &ssData);
  454. dwCurrentState = ssData.dwCurrentState;
  455. }
  456. // Make sure that the ControlService call reached the service
  457. // while it was in run state.
  458. if ( ( SERVICE_STOPPED == dwCurrentState )
  459. || ( SERVICE_STOP_PENDING == dwCurrentState ) ) {
  460. if ( SERVICE_STOP_PENDING == dwCurrentState ) {
  461. // wait for the service to stop before starting it.
  462. while ( --dwTimeout && ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) {
  463. dwStatus = PlaiGetServiceState ( szComputerName, dwCurrentState );
  464. if ( SERVICE_STOP_PENDING == dwCurrentState ) {
  465. _sleep(200);
  466. } else {
  467. break;
  468. }
  469. }
  470. }
  471. dwTimeout = 25;
  472. if ( SERVICE_STOPPED == dwCurrentState ) {
  473. if ( StartService (hLogService, 0, NULL) ) {
  474. // wait for the service to start or stop
  475. // before returning
  476. while ( --dwTimeout && ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) {
  477. dwStatus = PlaiGetServiceState ( szComputerName, dwCurrentState );
  478. if ( SERVICE_START_PENDING == dwCurrentState ) {
  479. _sleep(200);
  480. } else {
  481. break;
  482. }
  483. }
  484. } else {
  485. dwStatus = GetLastError();
  486. }
  487. }
  488. }
  489. }
  490. CloseServiceHandle ( hLogService );
  491. } else {
  492. dwStatus = GetLastError();
  493. }
  494. CloseServiceHandle (hSC);
  495. } else {
  496. dwStatus = GetLastError();
  497. }
  498. if( 0 == dwCurrentState || ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ){
  499. return PDH_PLA_SERVICE_ERROR;
  500. }
  501. return ERROR_SUCCESS;
  502. }
  503. /*****************************************************************************\
  504. PdhPlaSchedule
  505. Sets the start/stop attributes of a log query
  506. Arguments:
  507. LPTSTR strName
  508. Log Name
  509. LPTSTR strComputer
  510. Computer to connect to
  511. DWORD fType
  512. PLA_AUTO_MODE_NONE Sets schedule to manual start if pInfo->StartTime is non-zero
  513. Sets schedule to manula stop if pInfo->EndTime is non-zero and
  514. Stops logger if it is running
  515. PLA_AUTO_MODE_AT Uses pInfo for start and end times
  516. PLA_AUTO_MODE_AFTER Sets the logger to run for a specified
  517. period. Does not start the logger.
  518. Uses pInfo->SampleCount for interval type
  523. PPDH_TIME_INFO pInfo
  524. Start and Stop times
  525. Return:
  527. A required argument is missing or incorrect.
  529. The Query is currently running, no action taken
  531. The start and stop times overlap.
  533. Query does not exist
  535. The end time has elapsed
  537. \*****************************************************************************/
  539. PlaiSchedule(
  540. LPWSTR strComputer,
  541. HKEY hkeyQuery,
  542. DWORD fType,
  543. PPDH_TIME_INFO pInfo
  544. )
  545. {
  546. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  547. PLA_TIME_INFO stiData;
  548. DWORD dwRegValue;
  549. RegFlushKey( hkeyQuery );
  550. // Make sure its not already running
  551. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue(
  552. hkeyQuery,
  553. szCurrentState,
  554. &dwRegValue );
  555. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  556. if( PLA_QUERY_RUNNING == dwRegValue ){
  557. DWORD dwState;
  558. PlaiGetServiceState( strComputer, dwState );
  559. if( dwState != SERVICE_STOPPED ){
  560. RegCloseKey( hkeyQuery );
  562. }
  563. }
  564. }
  565. memset (&stiData, 0, sizeof(stiData));
  566. switch( fType ){
  567. case PLA_AUTO_MODE_NONE:
  568. stiData.wDataType = PLA_TT_DTYPE_DATETIME;
  569. stiData.dwAutoMode = PLA_AUTO_MODE_NONE;
  570. PlaiRemoveRepeat( hkeyQuery );
  571. stiData.llDateTime = MIN_TIME_VALUE;
  572. if( pInfo->StartTime ){
  573. stiData.wTimeType = PLA_TT_TTYPE_START;
  574. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryPlaTime ( hkeyQuery, szStart, &stiData );
  575. }
  576. if( pInfo->EndTime ){
  577. stiData.wTimeType = PLA_TT_TTYPE_STOP;
  578. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryPlaTime ( hkeyQuery, szStop, &stiData );
  579. }
  580. break;
  581. case PLA_AUTO_MODE_AT:
  582. {
  583. SYSTEMTIME stLocalTime;
  584. FILETIME ftLocalTime;
  585. LONGLONG llLocalTime;
  586. // get local time
  587. GetLocalTime (&stLocalTime);
  588. SystemTimeToFileTime (&stLocalTime, &ftLocalTime);
  589. llLocalTime =
  590. (((ULONGLONG) ftLocalTime.dwHighDateTime) << 32) +
  591. ftLocalTime.dwLowDateTime;
  592. if( pInfo->StartTime && pInfo->EndTime ){
  593. if( pInfo->StartTime > pInfo->EndTime ){
  595. }
  596. }
  597. stiData.wDataType = PLA_TT_DTYPE_DATETIME;
  598. stiData.dwAutoMode = PLA_AUTO_MODE_AT;
  599. if( pInfo->StartTime ){
  600. stiData.wTimeType = PLA_TT_TTYPE_START;
  601. stiData.llDateTime = pInfo->StartTime;
  602. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryPlaTime ( hkeyQuery, szStart, &stiData );
  603. if( ! pInfo->EndTime && pInfo->StartTime < llLocalTime ){
  604. PLA_TIME_INFO stiStopData;
  605. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryPlaTime( hkeyQuery, szStop, &stiStopData );
  606. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus && stiStopData.dwAutoMode == PLA_AUTO_MODE_NONE ){
  607. stiStopData.llDateTime = MAX_TIME_VALUE;
  608. PlaiWriteRegistryPlaTime( hkeyQuery, szStop, &stiStopData );
  609. }
  610. }else if( ! pInfo->EndTime ){
  611. PLA_TIME_INFO stiStopData;
  612. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryPlaTime ( hkeyQuery, szStop, &stiStopData );
  613. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  614. if( PLA_AUTO_MODE_NONE == stiStopData.dwAutoMode ){
  615. stiData.wTimeType = PLA_TT_TTYPE_STOP;
  616. stiData.llDateTime = MAX_TIME_VALUE;
  617. stiData.dwAutoMode = PLA_AUTO_MODE_NONE;
  618. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryPlaTime ( hkeyQuery, szStop, &stiData );
  619. }
  620. }
  621. }
  622. }
  623. if( pInfo->EndTime ){
  624. if( pInfo->EndTime < llLocalTime ){
  626. }
  627. stiData.wTimeType = PLA_TT_TTYPE_STOP;
  628. stiData.llDateTime = pInfo->EndTime;
  629. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryPlaTime ( hkeyQuery, szStop, &stiData );
  630. }
  631. }
  632. break;
  633. case PLA_AUTO_MODE_AFTER:
  634. stiData.wTimeType = PLA_TT_TTYPE_STOP;
  635. stiData.wDataType = PLA_TT_DTYPE_UNITS;
  636. stiData.dwAutoMode = PLA_AUTO_MODE_AFTER;
  637. stiData.dwValue = (DWORD)pInfo->EndTime;
  638. stiData.dwUnitType = pInfo->SampleCount;
  639. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryPlaTime ( hkeyQuery, szStop, &stiData );
  640. break;
  641. default:
  643. }
  644. return pdhStatus;
  645. }
  647. PlaiRemoveRepeat( HKEY hkeyQuery )
  648. {
  649. PLA_TIME_INFO info;
  650. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
  651. ZeroMemory( &info, sizeof( PLA_TIME_INFO ) );
  652. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryPlaTime ( hkeyQuery, szRepeatSchedule, &info );
  653. return pdhStatus;
  654. }
  656. PdhPlaScheduleA(
  657. LPSTR strName,
  658. LPSTR strComputer,
  659. DWORD fType,
  660. PPDH_TIME_INFO pInfo
  661. )
  662. {
  663. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
  664. LPWSTR wstrName = NULL;
  665. LPWSTR wstrComputer = NULL;
  666. VALIDATE_QUERY( strName );
  667. pdhStatus = Plaiatow( strComputer, wstrComputer );
  668. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  669. pdhStatus = Plaiatow( strName, wstrName );
  670. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  671. pdhStatus = PdhPlaScheduleW( wstrName, wstrComputer, fType, pInfo );
  672. }
  673. }
  674. G_FREE( wstrComputer );
  675. G_FREE( wstrName );
  676. return pdhStatus;
  677. }
  679. PdhPlaScheduleW(
  680. LPWSTR strName,
  681. LPWSTR strComputer,
  682. DWORD fType,
  683. PPDH_TIME_INFO pInfo
  684. )
  685. {
  686. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  687. HKEY hkeyQuery = NULL;
  688. VALIDATE_QUERY( strName );
  689. pdhStatus = PlaiConnectAndLockQuery ( strComputer, strName, hkeyQuery );
  690. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  691. pdhStatus = PlaiSchedule( strComputer, hkeyQuery, fType, pInfo );
  692. RELEASE_MUTEX(hPdhPlaMutex);
  693. }
  694. if ( NULL != hkeyQuery ) {
  695. RegCloseKey ( hkeyQuery );
  696. }
  697. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  698. pdhStatus = PlaiSynchronize( strComputer );
  699. PlaiUpdateServiceMode( strComputer );
  700. }
  701. return pdhStatus;
  702. }
  703. /*****************************************************************************\
  704. PdhPlaGetSchedule
  705. Arguments:
  706. LPTSTR strName
  707. Log Name
  708. LPTSTR strComputer
  709. Computer to connect to
  710. Return:
  712. \*****************************************************************************/
  714. PdhPlaGetScheduleA(
  715. LPSTR strName,
  716. LPSTR strComputer,
  717. LPDWORD pdwTypeStart,
  718. LPDWORD pdwTypeStop,
  719. PPDH_TIME_INFO pInfo
  720. )
  721. {
  722. return PDH_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
  723. }
  725. PdhPlaGetScheduleW(
  726. LPWSTR strName,
  727. LPWSTR strComputer,
  728. LPDWORD pdwTypeStart,
  729. LPDWORD pdwTypeStop,
  730. PPDH_TIME_INFO pInfo
  731. )
  732. {
  733. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  734. HKEY hkeyQuery = NULL;
  735. BOOL bMutex = FALSE;
  736. VALIDATE_QUERY( strName );
  737. pdhStatus = PlaiConnectAndLockQuery ( strComputer, strName, hkeyQuery, FALSE );
  738. if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ) {
  739. PLA_TIME_INFO ptiStartInfo;
  740. PLA_TIME_INFO ptiStopInfo;
  741. PLA_TIME_INFO ptiRepeatInfo;
  742. ZeroMemory( pInfo, sizeof(PDH_TIME_INFO) );
  743. bMutex = TRUE;
  744. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryPlaTime ( hkeyQuery, szRepeatSchedule, &ptiRepeatInfo );
  745. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus && PLA_AUTO_MODE_CALENDAR == ptiRepeatInfo.dwAutoMode ){
  746. *pdwTypeStart = PLA_AUTO_MODE_CALENDAR;
  747. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryPlaTime ( hkeyQuery, szRepeatScheduleBegin, &ptiStartInfo );
  748. if( ERROR_SUCCESS != pdhStatus ){
  749. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryPlaTime ( hkeyQuery, szStart, &ptiStartInfo );
  750. }
  751. CHECK_STATUS( pdhStatus );
  752. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryPlaTime ( hkeyQuery, szRepeatScheduleEnd, &ptiStopInfo );
  753. if( ERROR_SUCCESS != pdhStatus ){
  754. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryPlaTime ( hkeyQuery, szStop, &ptiStopInfo );
  755. }
  756. CHECK_STATUS( pdhStatus );
  757. *pdwTypeStop = ptiStopInfo.dwAutoMode;
  758. }else{
  759. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryPlaTime ( hkeyQuery, szStart, &ptiStartInfo );
  760. CHECK_STATUS( pdhStatus );
  761. *pdwTypeStart = ptiStartInfo.dwAutoMode;
  762. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryPlaTime ( hkeyQuery, szStop, &ptiStopInfo );
  763. CHECK_STATUS( pdhStatus );
  764. *pdwTypeStop = ptiStopInfo.dwAutoMode;
  765. }
  766. pInfo->StartTime = ptiStartInfo.llDateTime;
  767. pInfo->EndTime = ptiStopInfo.llDateTime;
  768. }
  769. cleanup:
  770. if( bMutex ){
  771. RELEASE_MUTEX(hPdhPlaMutex);
  772. }
  773. if ( NULL != hkeyQuery ) {
  774. RegCloseKey ( hkeyQuery );
  775. }
  776. return pdhStatus;
  777. }
  778. /*****************************************************************************\
  779. PdhPlaStart
  780. Starts a log query
  781. Arguments:
  782. LPTSTR strName
  783. Log Name
  784. LPTSTR strComputer
  785. Computer to connect to
  786. Return:
  788. The Query is currently running, no action taken
  790. The query does not exist
  792. The query was scheduled to stop in the past, no action taken
  794. \*****************************************************************************/
  796. PdhPlaStartA( LPSTR strName, LPSTR strComputer )
  797. {
  798. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
  799. LPWSTR wstrName = NULL;
  800. LPWSTR wstrComputer = NULL;
  801. VALIDATE_QUERY( strName );
  802. pdhStatus = Plaiatow( strComputer, wstrComputer );
  803. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  804. pdhStatus = Plaiatow( strName, wstrName );
  805. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  806. pdhStatus = PdhPlaStartW( wstrName, wstrComputer );
  807. }
  808. }
  809. G_FREE( wstrComputer );
  810. G_FREE( wstrName );
  811. return pdhStatus;
  812. }
  814. PdhPlaStartW( LPWSTR strName, LPWSTR strComputer )
  815. {
  816. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  817. HKEY hkeyQuery = NULL;
  818. VALIDATE_QUERY( strName );
  819. pdhStatus = PlaiConnectAndLockQuery ( strComputer, strName, hkeyQuery );
  820. if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ) {
  821. PLA_TIME_INFO stiData;
  822. PLA_TIME_INFO stiStopData;
  823. DWORD dwRegValue;
  824. // Make sure its not already running
  825. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue(
  826. hkeyQuery,
  827. szCurrentState,
  828. &dwRegValue );
  829. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  830. if( PLA_QUERY_RUNNING == dwRegValue ){
  831. DWORD dwState;
  832. PlaiGetServiceState( strComputer, dwState );
  833. if( dwState != SERVICE_STOPPED ){
  834. RegCloseKey( hkeyQuery );
  835. RELEASE_MUTEX(hPdhPlaMutex);
  837. }
  838. }
  839. }
  840. //Make sure it was not set to stop in the past
  841. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryPlaTime ( hkeyQuery, szStop, &stiStopData );
  842. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ) {
  843. if ( PLA_AUTO_MODE_AT == stiStopData.dwAutoMode ) {
  844. SYSTEMTIME stLocalTime;
  845. FILETIME ftLocalTime;
  846. LONGLONG llLocalTime;
  847. // get local time
  848. GetLocalTime (&stLocalTime);
  849. SystemTimeToFileTime (&stLocalTime, &ftLocalTime);
  850. llLocalTime =
  851. (((ULONGLONG) ftLocalTime.dwHighDateTime) << 32) +
  852. ftLocalTime.dwLowDateTime;
  853. if ( llLocalTime > stiStopData.llDateTime ) {
  854. RELEASE_MUTEX(hPdhPlaMutex);
  855. RegCloseKey( hkeyQuery );
  857. }
  858. }
  859. }
  860. memset (&stiData, 0, sizeof(stiData));
  861. stiData.wTimeType = PLA_TT_TTYPE_START;
  862. stiData.wDataType = PLA_TT_DTYPE_DATETIME;
  863. stiData.dwAutoMode = PLA_AUTO_MODE_NONE;
  864. stiData.llDateTime = MIN_TIME_VALUE;
  865. PlaiRemoveRepeat( hkeyQuery );
  866. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryPlaTime ( hkeyQuery, szStart, &stiData );
  867. if( PLA_AUTO_MODE_NONE == stiStopData.dwAutoMode ){
  868. stiData.wTimeType = PLA_TT_TTYPE_STOP;
  869. stiData.llDateTime = MAX_TIME_VALUE;
  870. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryPlaTime ( hkeyQuery, szStop, &stiData );
  871. }
  872. if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ) {
  873. dwRegValue = PLA_QUERY_START_PENDING;
  874. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue (
  875. hkeyQuery,
  876. szCurrentState,
  877. &dwRegValue );
  878. }
  879. // Set LastModified
  880. if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ) {
  881. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryLastModified ( hkeyQuery );
  882. }
  883. RELEASE_MUTEX(hPdhPlaMutex);
  884. // Start the service on the target machine
  885. if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ) {
  886. pdhStatus = PlaiSynchronize( strComputer );
  887. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  888. DWORD dwTimeOut = 25;
  889. while( --dwTimeOut > 0 ){
  890. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue(
  891. hkeyQuery,
  892. szCurrentState,
  893. &dwRegValue
  894. );
  895. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus && dwRegValue != PLA_QUERY_RUNNING ){
  896. pdhStatus = PDH_PLA_ERROR_NOSTART;
  897. }else{
  898. pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  899. break;
  900. }
  901. _sleep(200);
  902. }
  903. }
  904. }
  905. }
  906. if ( NULL != hkeyQuery ) {
  907. RegCloseKey ( hkeyQuery );
  908. }
  909. return pdhStatus;
  910. }
  911. /*****************************************************************************\
  912. PdhPlaStop
  913. Stops a log query
  914. Arguments:
  915. LPTSTR strName
  916. Log Name
  917. LPTSTR strComputer
  918. Computer to connect to
  919. Return:
  921. The query does not exist
  923. \*****************************************************************************/
  925. PdhPlaStopA( LPSTR strName, LPSTR strComputer )
  926. {
  927. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
  928. LPWSTR wstrName = NULL;
  929. LPWSTR wstrComputer = NULL;
  930. VALIDATE_QUERY( strName );
  931. pdhStatus = Plaiatow( strComputer, wstrComputer );
  932. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  933. pdhStatus = Plaiatow( strName, wstrName );
  934. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  935. pdhStatus = PdhPlaStopW( wstrName, wstrComputer );
  936. }
  937. }
  938. G_FREE( wstrComputer );
  939. G_FREE( wstrName );
  940. return pdhStatus;
  941. }
  943. PdhPlaStopW( LPWSTR strName, LPWSTR strComputer )
  944. {
  945. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  946. HKEY hkeyQuery = NULL;
  947. VALIDATE_QUERY( strName );
  948. pdhStatus = PlaiConnectAndLockQuery( strComputer, strName, hkeyQuery );
  949. if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ) {
  950. PLA_TIME_INFO stiData;
  951. DWORD dwRestartMode = 0;
  952. DWORD dwState;
  953. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue(
  954. hkeyQuery,
  955. szCurrentState,
  956. &dwState );
  957. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  958. if( PLA_QUERY_STOPPED != dwState ){
  959. PlaiGetServiceState( strComputer, dwState );
  960. if( dwState == SERVICE_STOPPED ){
  961. dwState = PLA_QUERY_STOPPED;
  962. PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue ( hkeyQuery, szCurrentState, &dwState );
  963. }
  964. }
  965. }
  966. // If query is set to restart on end, clear the restart flag.
  967. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue ( hkeyQuery, szRestart, &dwRestartMode );
  968. if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus && PLA_AUTO_MODE_NONE != dwRestartMode ) {
  969. dwRestartMode = PLA_AUTO_MODE_NONE;
  970. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue ( hkeyQuery, szRestart, &dwRestartMode );
  971. }
  972. PlaiRemoveRepeat( hkeyQuery );
  973. // Set stop mode to manual, stop time to MIN_TIME_VALUE
  974. if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ) {
  975. memset (&stiData, 0, sizeof(stiData));
  976. stiData.wTimeType = PLA_TT_TTYPE_STOP;
  977. stiData.wDataType = PLA_TT_DTYPE_DATETIME;
  978. stiData.dwAutoMode = PLA_AUTO_MODE_NONE;
  979. stiData.llDateTime = MIN_TIME_VALUE;
  980. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryPlaTime ( hkeyQuery, szStop, &stiData );
  981. }
  982. // If start time mode set to manual, set the value to MAX_TIME_VALUE
  983. if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ) {
  984. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryPlaTime ( hkeyQuery, szStart, &stiData );
  985. if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus && PLA_AUTO_MODE_NONE == stiData.dwAutoMode ) {
  986. stiData.llDateTime = MAX_TIME_VALUE;
  987. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryPlaTime ( hkeyQuery, szStart, &stiData );
  988. }
  989. }
  990. PlaiWriteRegistryLastModified ( hkeyQuery );
  991. RELEASE_MUTEX(hPdhPlaMutex);
  992. if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ) {
  993. pdhStatus = PlaiSynchronize ( strComputer );
  994. }
  995. }
  996. if ( NULL != hkeyQuery ) {
  997. RegCloseKey ( hkeyQuery );
  998. }
  999. return pdhStatus;
  1000. }
  1001. /*****************************************************************************\
  1002. PdhPlaCreate
  1003. Creates a new log query
  1004. Arguments:
  1005. LPTSTR strName
  1006. Log Name
  1007. LPTSTR strComputer
  1008. Computer to connect to
  1009. DWORD fType
  1012. Return:
  1014. The Query is currently running, no action taken
  1016. \*****************************************************************************/
  1018. PlaiInitializeNewQuery(
  1019. HKEY hkeyLogQueries,
  1020. HKEY& rhKeyQuery,
  1021. LPCWSTR strComputer,
  1022. LPCWSTR strName
  1023. )
  1024. {
  1025. DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  1026. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  1027. DWORD dwDisposition = 0;
  1028. DWORD dwValue;
  1029. PLA_TIME_INFO stiData;
  1030. PLA_VERSION version;
  1031. pdhStatus = PdhiPlaGetVersion( strComputer, &version );
  1032. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus && version.dwBuild > 2195 ){
  1033. GUID guid;
  1035. dwStatus = UuidCreate( &guid );
  1036. if( !( dwStatus == RPC_S_OK || dwStatus == RPC_S_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY ) ){
  1037. return PlaiErrorToPdhStatus( dwStatus );
  1038. }
  1039. dwStatus = RtlStringFromGUID( guid, &strGUID );
  1040. if( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ){
  1041. return PlaiErrorToPdhStatus( dwStatus );
  1042. }
  1043. dwStatus = RegCreateKeyExW (
  1044. hkeyLogQueries,
  1045. strGUID.Buffer,
  1046. 0,
  1047. NULL,
  1048. 0,
  1050. NULL,
  1051. &rhKeyQuery,
  1052. &dwDisposition
  1053. );
  1054. RtlFreeUnicodeString( &strGUID );
  1055. pdhStatus = PlaiErrorToPdhStatus( dwStatus );
  1056. }else{
  1057. dwStatus = RegCreateKeyExW (
  1058. hkeyLogQueries,
  1059. strName,
  1060. 0,
  1061. NULL,
  1062. 0,
  1064. NULL,
  1065. &rhKeyQuery,
  1066. &dwDisposition
  1067. );
  1068. pdhStatus = PlaiErrorToPdhStatus( dwStatus );
  1069. }
  1070. if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ) {
  1071. PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue( rhKeyQuery, szCollection, REG_SZ, strName, 0 );
  1072. dwValue = PLA_QUERY_STOPPED;
  1073. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue (
  1074. rhKeyQuery,
  1075. szCurrentState,
  1076. &dwValue );
  1077. if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ) {
  1078. // Initialize the log type to "new" to indicate partially created logs
  1079. dwValue = PLA_NEW_LOG;
  1080. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue (
  1081. rhKeyQuery,
  1082. szLogType,
  1083. &dwValue );
  1084. PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue( rhKeyQuery, szLogBaseName, REG_SZ, strName, 0 );
  1085. memset (&stiData, 0, sizeof(stiData));
  1086. stiData.wTimeType = PLA_TT_TTYPE_START;
  1087. stiData.wDataType = PLA_TT_DTYPE_DATETIME;
  1088. stiData.dwAutoMode = PLA_AUTO_MODE_NONE;
  1089. stiData.llDateTime = MIN_TIME_VALUE;
  1090. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryPlaTime ( rhKeyQuery, szStart, &stiData );
  1091. stiData.wTimeType = PLA_TT_TTYPE_STOP;
  1092. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryPlaTime ( rhKeyQuery, szStop, &stiData );
  1093. memset (&stiData, 0, sizeof(stiData));
  1094. stiData.dwAutoMode = PLA_AUTO_MODE_NONE;
  1095. PlaiWriteRegistryPlaTime( rhKeyQuery, szCreateNewFile, &stiData );
  1096. dwValue = 0;
  1097. PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( rhKeyQuery, szRestart, &dwValue );
  1098. dwValue = PLA_QUERY_STOPPED;
  1099. PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( rhKeyQuery, szCurrentState, &dwValue );
  1100. dwValue = PLA_DISK_MAX_SIZE;
  1101. PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( rhKeyQuery, szLogMaxSize, &dwValue );
  1102. dwValue = 1;
  1103. PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( rhKeyQuery, szLogSerialNumber, &dwValue );
  1104. dwValue = 1;
  1105. PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( rhKeyQuery, szLogAutoFormat, &dwValue );
  1106. PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue( rhKeyQuery, szComment, REG_SZ, NULL, 0 );
  1107. PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue( rhKeyQuery, szEOFCmd, REG_SZ, NULL, 0 );
  1108. if( PlaiIsStringEmpty( (LPWSTR)strComputer ) ){
  1109. LPWSTR strDrive = _wgetenv( L"SystemDrive" );
  1110. if( strDrive != NULL && wcslen(strDrive) < 5 ){
  1111. WCHAR buffer[16];
  1112. wsprintf( buffer, L"%s\\PerfLogs", strDrive );
  1113. PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue( rhKeyQuery, szLogFolder, REG_SZ, buffer, 0 );
  1114. }
  1115. }else{
  1116. PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue( rhKeyQuery, szLogFolder, REG_SZ, L"%SystemDrive%\\PerfLogs", 0 );
  1117. }
  1118. }
  1119. }
  1120. return pdhStatus;
  1121. }
  1123. PlaiCreateCounterQuery( HKEY hkeyQuery )
  1124. {
  1125. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
  1126. DWORD dwValue;
  1127. dwValue = PLA_BIN_FILE;
  1128. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szLogFileType, &dwValue );
  1129. PLA_TIME_INFO stiData;
  1130. stiData.wTimeType = PLA_TT_TTYPE_SAMPLE;
  1131. stiData.dwAutoMode = PLA_AUTO_MODE_AFTER;
  1132. stiData.wDataType = PLA_TT_DTYPE_UNITS;
  1133. stiData.dwUnitType = PLA_TT_UTYPE_SECONDS;
  1134. stiData.dwValue = 0x000F;
  1135. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryPlaTime( hkeyQuery, szSampleInterval, &stiData );
  1136. PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue( hkeyQuery, szPerfCounterList, REG_MULTI_SZ, NULL, 0 );
  1137. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryLastModified ( hkeyQuery );
  1139. PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szDatastoreAttributes, &dwValue );
  1140. PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue(hkeyQuery, szPerfCounterList, REG_MULTI_SZ, NULL, 0 );
  1141. return ERROR_SUCCESS;
  1142. }
  1144. PlaiCreateTraceQuery( HKEY hkeyQuery )
  1145. {
  1146. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
  1147. DWORD dwValue;
  1148. dwValue = 0;
  1149. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szTraceProviderCount, &dwValue );
  1150. dwValue = 128;
  1151. PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szTraceBufferSize, &dwValue );
  1152. dwValue = 8;
  1153. PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szTraceBufferMin, &dwValue );
  1154. dwValue = 32;
  1155. PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szTraceBufferMax, &dwValue );
  1156. dwValue = 0;
  1157. PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szTraceFlushInterval, &dwValue );
  1158. dwValue = 0;
  1159. PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szTraceMode, &dwValue );
  1160. PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue( hkeyQuery, szTraceProviderList, REG_MULTI_SZ, NULL, 0 );
  1161. dwValue =
  1168. PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szDatastoreAttributes, &dwValue );
  1169. PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szTraceFlags, &dwValue );
  1170. dwValue = PLA_SEQ_TRACE_FILE;
  1171. PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szLogFileType, &dwValue );
  1172. PlaiWriteRegistryLastModified ( hkeyQuery );
  1173. return ERROR_SUCCESS;
  1174. }
  1176. PdhPlaCreateA( LPSTR /*strName*/, LPSTR /*strComputer*/, PPDH_PLA_INFO_A /*pInfo*/ )
  1177. {
  1178. return PDH_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
  1179. }
  1181. PdhPlaCreateW( LPWSTR strName, LPWSTR strComputer, PPDH_PLA_INFO_W pInfo )
  1182. {
  1183. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
  1184. PDH_STATUS pdhWarning = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  1185. HKEY hkeyQuery = NULL;
  1186. HKEY rhkeyLogQueries = NULL;
  1187. BOOL bMutex = FALSE;
  1188. VALIDATE_QUERY( strName );
  1189. pdhStatus = PlaiScanForInvalidChar( strName );
  1190. CHECK_STATUS(pdhStatus);
  1191. pdhStatus = PlaiConnectAndLockQuery( strComputer, strName, hkeyQuery );
  1192. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1193. bMutex = TRUE;
  1195. goto cleanup;
  1196. }
  1197. pdhStatus = PdhPlaValidateInfoW( strName, strComputer, pInfo );
  1198. switch( SEVERITY(pdhStatus) ){
  1200. goto cleanup;
  1202. pdhWarning = pdhStatus;
  1203. pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  1204. }
  1205. pdhStatus = PlaiConnectToRegistry( strComputer, rhkeyLogQueries, TRUE );
  1206. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1207. DWORD dwStatus;
  1208. dwStatus = WAIT_FOR_AND_LOCK_MUTEX(hPdhPlaMutex);
  1209. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus || WAIT_ABANDONED == dwStatus ){
  1210. bMutex = TRUE;
  1211. pdhStatus = PlaiInitializeNewQuery (
  1212. rhkeyLogQueries,
  1213. hkeyQuery,
  1214. strComputer,
  1215. strName
  1216. );
  1217. switch( pInfo->dwType ){
  1218. case PLA_COUNTER_LOG:
  1219. pdhStatus = PlaiCreateCounterQuery( hkeyQuery );
  1220. break;
  1221. case PLA_TRACE_LOG:
  1222. pdhStatus = PlaiCreateTraceQuery( hkeyQuery );
  1223. break;
  1224. }
  1225. }else{
  1226. pdhStatus = PlaiErrorToPdhStatus( dwStatus );
  1227. }
  1228. }
  1229. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1230. pdhStatus = PlaiSetInfo( strComputer, hkeyQuery, pInfo );
  1231. }
  1232. if( bMutex ){
  1233. RELEASE_MUTEX(hPdhPlaMutex);
  1234. bMutex = FALSE;
  1235. }
  1236. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus && (pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_USER) ){
  1237. pdhStatus = PdhPlaSetRunAsW( strName, strComputer, pInfo->strUser, pInfo->strPassword );
  1238. }
  1239. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1240. DWORD dwStatus;
  1241. dwStatus = WAIT_FOR_AND_LOCK_MUTEX(hPdhPlaMutex);
  1242. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus || WAIT_ABANDONED == dwStatus ){
  1243. DWORD dwValue;
  1244. bMutex = TRUE;
  1245. switch( pInfo->dwType ){
  1246. case PLA_COUNTER_LOG:
  1247. dwValue = PLA_COUNTER_LOG;
  1248. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szLogType, &dwValue );
  1249. break;
  1250. case PLA_TRACE_LOG:
  1251. dwValue = PLA_TRACE_LOG;
  1252. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szLogType, &dwValue );
  1253. break;
  1254. }
  1255. }else{
  1256. pdhStatus = PlaiErrorToPdhStatus( dwStatus );
  1257. }
  1258. }
  1259. cleanup:
  1260. if( bMutex ){
  1261. RELEASE_MUTEX(hPdhPlaMutex);
  1262. }
  1263. if ( NULL != hkeyQuery ) {
  1264. RegCloseKey ( hkeyQuery );
  1265. }
  1266. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1267. pdhStatus = PlaiSynchronize( strComputer );
  1268. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus && (pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_BEGIN) ){
  1269. PlaiUpdateServiceMode( strComputer );
  1270. }
  1271. }else if( PDH_PLA_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS != pdhStatus ){
  1272. PdhPlaDeleteW( strName, strComputer );
  1273. }
  1274. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1275. pdhStatus = pdhWarning;
  1276. }
  1277. return pdhStatus;
  1278. }
  1279. /*****************************************************************************\
  1280. PdhPlaDelete
  1281. Deletes an existing log query
  1282. Arguments:
  1283. LPTSTR strName
  1284. Log Name
  1285. LPTSTR strComputer
  1286. Computer to connect to
  1287. Return:
  1289. \*****************************************************************************/
  1291. PdhPlaDeleteA( LPSTR strName, LPSTR strComputer )
  1292. {
  1293. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
  1294. LPWSTR wstrName = NULL;
  1295. LPWSTR wstrComputer = NULL;
  1296. VALIDATE_QUERY( strName );
  1297. pdhStatus = Plaiatow( strComputer, wstrComputer );
  1298. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1299. pdhStatus = Plaiatow( strName, wstrName );
  1300. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1301. pdhStatus = PdhPlaDeleteW( wstrName, wstrComputer );
  1302. }
  1303. }
  1304. G_FREE( wstrComputer );
  1305. G_FREE( wstrName );
  1306. return pdhStatus;
  1307. }
  1309. PdhPlaDeleteW( LPWSTR strName, LPWSTR strComputer )
  1310. {
  1311. DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  1312. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
  1313. HKEY hkeyLogQueries = NULL;
  1314. VALIDATE_QUERY( strName );
  1315. pdhStatus = PlaiConnectToRegistry ( strComputer, hkeyLogQueries, TRUE );
  1316. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1317. dwStatus = WAIT_FOR_AND_LOCK_MUTEX( hPdhPlaMutex );
  1318. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus || WAIT_ABANDONED == dwStatus ){
  1319. DWORD nCollections = 0;
  1320. DWORD nMaxSubKeyLength = 0;
  1321. dwStatus = RegQueryInfoKey(
  1322. hkeyLogQueries,
  1323. NULL,
  1324. NULL,
  1325. NULL,
  1326. &nCollections,
  1327. &nMaxSubKeyLength,
  1328. NULL,
  1329. NULL,
  1330. NULL,
  1331. NULL,
  1332. NULL,
  1333. NULL
  1334. );
  1335. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ){
  1336. LPWSTR strCollection;
  1337. LPWSTR strQueryName = NULL;
  1338. DWORD dwQueryName = 0;
  1339. HKEY hkeyQuery = NULL;
  1340. DWORD dwSize = (sizeof(WCHAR)*(nMaxSubKeyLength+1));
  1341. strCollection = (LPWSTR)G_ALLOC( dwSize );
  1342. if( strCollection ){
  1343. BOOL bFound = FALSE;
  1344. for( ULONG i = 0; i<nCollections; i++ ){
  1345. dwStatus = RegEnumKey( hkeyLogQueries, i, strCollection, dwSize );
  1346. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) {
  1347. dwStatus = RegOpenKeyExW (
  1348. hkeyLogQueries,
  1349. strCollection,
  1350. 0,
  1352. &hkeyQuery
  1353. );
  1354. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus && !PlaiIsStringEmpty( strCollection ) ){
  1355. if( !_wcsicmp( strCollection, strName ) ){
  1356. bFound = TRUE;
  1357. }else{
  1358. PlaiReadRegistryStringValue( hkeyQuery, szCollection, READ_REG_MUI, &strQueryName, &dwQueryName );
  1359. if( !PlaiIsStringEmpty( strQueryName ) ){
  1360. if( !_wcsicmp( strQueryName, strName ) ){
  1361. bFound = TRUE;
  1362. }
  1363. }
  1364. }
  1365. if( bFound ){
  1366. DWORD dwState;
  1367. dwStatus = PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue(
  1368. hkeyQuery,
  1369. szCurrentState,
  1370. &dwState );
  1371. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ){
  1372. if( PLA_QUERY_RUNNING == dwState ){
  1373. PlaiGetServiceState( strComputer, dwState );
  1374. if( dwState != SERVICE_STOPPED ){
  1376. }
  1377. }
  1378. }
  1379. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ){
  1380. RegCloseKey( hkeyQuery );
  1381. dwStatus = RegDeleteKey( hkeyLogQueries, strCollection );
  1382. }
  1383. break;
  1384. }
  1385. dwStatus = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
  1386. if ( NULL != hkeyQuery ) {
  1387. RegCloseKey ( hkeyQuery );
  1388. }
  1389. }
  1390. }
  1391. }
  1392. G_FREE( strQueryName );
  1393. G_FREE( strCollection );
  1394. }else{
  1395. dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
  1396. }
  1397. }
  1398. }
  1399. RegCloseKey ( hkeyLogQueries );
  1400. RELEASE_MUTEX(hPdhPlaMutex);
  1401. }else{
  1402. return pdhStatus;
  1403. }
  1404. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ){
  1405. PlaiSynchronize( strComputer );
  1406. PlaiUpdateServiceMode( strComputer );
  1407. }
  1408. return PlaiErrorToPdhStatus( dwStatus );
  1409. }
  1410. /*****************************************************************************\
  1411. PdhPlaSetItemList
  1412. Sets the list of Items for a log query
  1413. Arguments:
  1414. LPTSTR strName
  1415. Log Name
  1416. LPTSTR strComputer
  1417. Computer to connect to
  1418. LPTSTR mszItems
  1419. Multistring of the Items for the query to collect. Any
  1420. existing Items will be overwritten.
  1421. ULONG length
  1422. Length of the mszItems buffer
  1423. Return:
  1425. The query does not exist or pItems->dwType != Log Type
  1427. \*****************************************************************************/
  1429. PlaiIsKernel( LPWSTR mszGuid, BOOL* pbKernel, ULONG* pnCount )
  1430. {
  1431. DWORD dwStatus;
  1432. LPTSTR strGuid = mszGuid;
  1433. UNICODE_STRING strKernel;
  1434. *pbKernel = FALSE;
  1435. *pnCount = 0;
  1436. dwStatus = RtlStringFromGUID( SystemTraceControlGuid, &strKernel );
  1437. if( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ){
  1438. return PlaiErrorToPdhStatus( dwStatus );
  1439. }
  1440. if( NULL != mszGuid ){
  1441. while( *strGuid != L'\0' ){
  1442. if( ! wcscmp( strGuid, strKernel.Buffer ) ){
  1443. *pbKernel = TRUE;
  1444. }
  1445. strGuid += (wcslen( strGuid) + 1 );
  1446. (*pnCount)++;
  1447. }
  1448. }
  1449. RtlFreeUnicodeString( &strKernel );
  1450. return PlaiErrorToPdhStatus( dwStatus );
  1451. }
  1453. PlaiSetItemList(
  1454. HKEY hkeyQuery,
  1455. PPDH_PLA_ITEM_W pItems
  1456. )
  1457. {
  1458. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
  1459. DWORD dwValue;
  1460. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szLogType, &dwValue );
  1461. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus &&
  1462. (dwValue != pItems->dwType &&
  1463. PLA_NEW_LOG != dwValue) ){
  1464. pdhStatus = PDH_PLA_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH;
  1465. }
  1466. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1467. switch( pItems->dwType ){
  1468. case PLA_TRACE_LOG:
  1469. {
  1470. BOOL bKernel;
  1471. ULONG nCount;
  1472. pdhStatus = PlaiIsKernel( pItems->strProviders, &bKernel, &nCount );
  1473. if( ERROR_SUCCESS != pdhStatus ){
  1474. return pdhStatus;
  1475. }
  1476. if( bKernel ){
  1477. if( nCount == 1 ){
  1478. DWORD dwFlags = Plaihextoi( pItems->strFlags );
  1479. DWORD dwInternal = 0;
  1480. pdhStatus = PlaiTranslateKernelFlags( &dwInternal, &dwFlags );
  1481. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue(
  1482. hkeyQuery,
  1483. szTraceFlags,
  1484. &dwInternal
  1485. );
  1486. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue(
  1487. hkeyQuery,
  1488. szTraceProviderList,
  1489. REG_MULTI_SZ,
  1490. NULL,
  1491. 0
  1492. );
  1493. }else{
  1494. return PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
  1495. }
  1496. }else{
  1497. DWORD dwFlags = 0;
  1498. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue(
  1499. hkeyQuery,
  1500. szTraceFlags,
  1501. &dwFlags
  1502. );
  1503. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue(
  1504. hkeyQuery,
  1505. szTraceProviderList,
  1506. REG_MULTI_SZ,
  1507. pItems->strProviders,
  1508. PlaMszStrLenW( pItems->strProviders )
  1509. );
  1510. }
  1511. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue(
  1512. hkeyQuery,
  1513. szTraceProviderFlags,
  1514. REG_MULTI_SZ,
  1515. pItems->strFlags,
  1516. PlaMszStrLenW( pItems->strFlags )
  1517. );
  1518. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue(
  1519. hkeyQuery,
  1520. szTraceProviderLevels,
  1521. REG_MULTI_SZ,
  1522. pItems->strLevels,
  1523. PlaMszStrLenW( pItems->strLevels )
  1524. );
  1525. break;
  1526. }
  1527. case PLA_COUNTER_LOG:
  1528. {
  1529. if( PLA_ENGLISH ){
  1530. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue(
  1531. hkeyQuery,
  1532. szPerfCounterList,
  1533. REG_MULTI_SZ,
  1534. pItems->strCounters,
  1535. PlaMszStrLenW( pItems->strCounters )
  1536. );
  1537. }else{
  1538. LPWSTR strCounter = pItems->strCounters;
  1539. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue(
  1540. hkeyQuery,
  1541. szPerfCounterList,
  1542. REG_MULTI_SZ,
  1543. L"\0",
  1544. sizeof(WCHAR)
  1545. );
  1546. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus && NULL != strCounter ){
  1547. PDH_PLA_ITEM_W Counter;
  1548. Counter.dwType = PLA_COUNTER_LOG;
  1549. while( *strCounter != L'\0' ){
  1550. Counter.strCounters = strCounter;
  1551. pdhStatus = PlaiAddItem( hkeyQuery, &Counter );
  1552. if( ERROR_SUCCESS != pdhStatus ){
  1553. break;
  1554. }
  1555. strCounter += (wcslen(strCounter)+1);
  1556. }
  1557. }
  1558. }
  1559. }
  1560. break;
  1561. }
  1562. }
  1563. return pdhStatus;
  1564. }
  1566. PdhPlaSetItemListA(
  1567. LPSTR /*strName*/,
  1568. LPSTR /*strComputer*/,
  1569. PPDH_PLA_ITEM_A /*pItems*/
  1570. )
  1571. {
  1572. return PDH_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
  1573. }
  1575. PdhPlaSetItemListW(
  1576. LPWSTR strName,
  1577. LPWSTR strComputer,
  1578. PPDH_PLA_ITEM_W pItems
  1579. )
  1580. {
  1581. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
  1582. HKEY hkeyQuery = NULL;
  1583. VALIDATE_QUERY( strName );
  1584. pdhStatus = PlaiConnectAndLockQuery( strComputer, strName, hkeyQuery );
  1585. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1586. pdhStatus = PlaiSetItemList( hkeyQuery, pItems );
  1587. }
  1588. RELEASE_MUTEX(hPdhPlaMutex);
  1589. if ( NULL != hkeyQuery ) {
  1590. RegCloseKey ( hkeyQuery );
  1591. }
  1592. return pdhStatus;
  1593. }
  1594. /*****************************************************************************\
  1595. PdhPlaAddItem
  1596. Sets the list of items ( counters or providers ) for a log query
  1597. Arguments:
  1598. LPTSTR strName
  1599. Log Name
  1600. LPTSTR strComputer
  1601. Computer to connect to
  1602. LPTSTR strItem
  1603. A single item to be added to the list of Items or providers
  1604. the query will collect
  1605. Return:
  1607. The total list of items will not fit in the available
  1608. memory.
  1610. The query does not exist
  1612. \*****************************************************************************/
  1614. PlaiRegAddItem(
  1615. HKEY hkeyQuery,
  1616. LPCWSTR strList,
  1617. LPWSTR strItem
  1618. )
  1619. {
  1620. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  1621. LPWSTR strOldList = NULL;
  1622. LPWSTR strNewList = NULL;
  1623. DWORD dwNewDataSize = ( wcslen( strItem ) ) * sizeof(WCHAR);
  1624. DWORD dwOldDataSize = 0;
  1625. DWORD dwTermSize = sizeof(WCHAR) * 2;
  1626. if( PlaiIsStringEmpty( strItem ) ){
  1627. return PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
  1628. }
  1629. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1630. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryStringValue( hkeyQuery, strList, 0, &strOldList, &dwOldDataSize );
  1631. strNewList = (LPWSTR)G_ALLOC( dwOldDataSize + dwNewDataSize + dwTermSize);
  1632. if( NULL == strNewList ){
  1633. G_FREE( strOldList );
  1635. }
  1636. ZeroMemory( strNewList, dwOldDataSize + dwNewDataSize + dwTermSize );
  1637. if( dwOldDataSize ){
  1638. memcpy( strNewList, strOldList, dwOldDataSize );
  1639. memcpy( (((PUCHAR)strNewList) + (dwOldDataSize-sizeof(WCHAR))), strItem, dwNewDataSize );
  1640. }else{
  1641. memcpy( strNewList, strItem, dwNewDataSize );
  1642. }
  1643. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue(
  1644. hkeyQuery,
  1645. strList,
  1646. REG_MULTI_SZ,
  1647. strNewList,
  1648. (dwOldDataSize + dwNewDataSize + sizeof(WCHAR))
  1649. );
  1650. }
  1651. G_FREE( strOldList );
  1652. G_FREE( strNewList );
  1653. return pdhStatus;
  1654. }
  1656. PlaiAddItem(
  1657. HKEY hkeyQuery,
  1658. PPDH_PLA_ITEM_W pItem
  1659. )
  1660. {
  1661. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
  1662. DWORD dwValue;
  1663. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szLogType, &dwValue );
  1664. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus && dwValue != pItem->dwType ){
  1665. pdhStatus = PDH_PLA_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH;
  1666. }
  1667. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1668. switch( pItem->dwType ){
  1669. case PLA_TRACE_LOG:
  1670. {
  1671. BOOL bKernel;
  1672. ULONG nCount;
  1673. pdhStatus = PlaiIsKernel( pItem->strProviders, &bKernel, &nCount );
  1674. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1675. if( bKernel ){
  1676. DWORD dwFlags = Plaihextoi( pItem->strFlags );
  1677. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue(
  1678. hkeyQuery,
  1679. szTraceFlags,
  1680. &dwFlags
  1681. );
  1682. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue(
  1683. hkeyQuery,
  1684. szTraceProviderList,
  1685. REG_MULTI_SZ,
  1686. NULL,
  1687. 0
  1688. );
  1689. }else{
  1690. DWORD dwFlags = 0;
  1691. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue(
  1692. hkeyQuery,
  1693. szTraceFlags,
  1694. &dwFlags
  1695. );
  1696. pdhStatus = PlaiRegAddItem( hkeyQuery, szTraceProviderList, pItem->strProviders );
  1697. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1698. pdhStatus = PlaiRegAddItem( hkeyQuery, szTraceProviderFlags, pItem->strFlags );
  1699. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1700. pdhStatus = PlaiRegAddItem( hkeyQuery, szTraceProviderLevels, pItem->strLevels );
  1701. }
  1702. }
  1703. }
  1704. }
  1705. }
  1706. break;
  1707. case PLA_COUNTER_LOG:
  1708. {
  1709. if( PLA_ENGLISH ){
  1710. pdhStatus = PlaiRegAddItem( hkeyQuery, szPerfCounterList, pItem->strCounters );
  1711. }else{
  1712. LPWSTR strLocaleCounter = pItem->strCounters;
  1713. LPWSTR strEnglishCounter = NULL;
  1714. DWORD dwSize = MAX_PATH;
  1715. strEnglishCounter = (LPWSTR)G_ALLOC( dwSize*sizeof(WCHAR) );
  1716. if( NULL != strEnglishCounter ){
  1717. pdhStatus = PdhTranslate009CounterW( strLocaleCounter, strEnglishCounter, &dwSize );
  1718. if( PDH_MORE_DATA == pdhStatus ){
  1719. LPTSTR strBuffer = (LPWSTR)G_REALLOC( strEnglishCounter, (dwSize*sizeof(WCHAR)) );
  1720. if( NULL != strBuffer ){
  1721. strEnglishCounter = strBuffer;
  1722. pdhStatus = PdhTranslate009CounterW( strLocaleCounter, strEnglishCounter, &dwSize );
  1723. }else{
  1725. }
  1726. }
  1727. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1728. pdhStatus = PlaiRegAddItem( hkeyQuery, szPerfCounterList, strEnglishCounter );
  1729. }else{
  1730. pdhStatus = PlaiRegAddItem( hkeyQuery, szPerfCounterList, pItem->strCounters );
  1731. }
  1732. G_FREE( strEnglishCounter );
  1733. }else{
  1735. }
  1736. }
  1737. }
  1738. }
  1739. }
  1740. return pdhStatus;
  1741. }
  1743. PdhPlaAddItemA(
  1744. LPSTR strName,
  1745. LPSTR strComputer,
  1746. PPDH_PLA_ITEM_A pItem
  1747. )
  1748. {
  1749. return PDH_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
  1750. }
  1752. PdhPlaAddItemW(
  1753. LPWSTR strName,
  1754. LPWSTR strComputer,
  1755. PPDH_PLA_ITEM_W pItem
  1756. )
  1757. {
  1758. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  1759. HKEY hkeyQuery = NULL;
  1760. VALIDATE_QUERY( strName );
  1761. pdhStatus = PlaiConnectAndLockQuery( strComputer, strName, hkeyQuery );
  1762. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1763. pdhStatus = PlaiAddItem( hkeyQuery, pItem );
  1764. RELEASE_MUTEX(hPdhPlaMutex);
  1765. }
  1766. if ( NULL != hkeyQuery ) {
  1767. RegCloseKey ( hkeyQuery );
  1768. }
  1769. return pdhStatus;
  1770. }
  1771. /*****************************************************************************\
  1772. PdhPlaRemoveAllItems
  1773. Removes all entries for the list of Items the log query will collect
  1774. Arguments:
  1775. LPTSTR strName
  1776. Log Name
  1777. LPTSTR strComputer
  1778. Computer to connect to
  1779. Return:
  1781. The query does not exist
  1783. \*****************************************************************************/
  1785. PdhPlaRemoveAllItemsA( LPSTR strName, LPSTR strComputer )
  1786. {
  1787. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
  1788. LPWSTR wstrName = NULL;
  1789. LPWSTR wstrComputer = NULL;
  1790. VALIDATE_QUERY( strName );
  1791. pdhStatus = Plaiatow( strComputer, wstrComputer );
  1792. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1793. pdhStatus = Plaiatow( strName, wstrName );
  1794. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1795. pdhStatus = PdhPlaRemoveAllItemsW( wstrName, wstrComputer );
  1796. }
  1797. }
  1798. G_FREE( wstrComputer );
  1799. G_FREE( wstrName );
  1800. return pdhStatus;
  1801. }
  1803. PdhPlaRemoveAllItemsW(
  1804. LPWSTR strName,
  1805. LPWSTR strComputer
  1806. )
  1807. {
  1808. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
  1809. HKEY hkeyQuery = NULL;
  1810. VALIDATE_QUERY( strName );
  1811. pdhStatus = PlaiConnectAndLockQuery( strComputer, strName, hkeyQuery );
  1812. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1813. DWORD dwValue;
  1814. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szLogType, &dwValue );
  1815. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  1816. switch( dwValue ){
  1817. case PLA_TRACE_LOG:
  1818. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue(
  1819. hkeyQuery,
  1820. szTraceProviderList,
  1821. REG_MULTI_SZ, L"\0",
  1822. sizeof(WCHAR)
  1823. );
  1824. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue(
  1825. hkeyQuery,
  1826. szTraceProviderFlags,
  1827. REG_MULTI_SZ, L"\0",
  1828. sizeof(WCHAR)
  1829. );
  1830. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue(
  1831. hkeyQuery,
  1832. szTraceProviderLevels,
  1833. REG_MULTI_SZ, L"\0",
  1834. sizeof(WCHAR)
  1835. );
  1836. break;
  1837. case PLA_COUNTER_LOG:
  1838. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue(
  1839. hkeyQuery,
  1840. szPerfCounterList,
  1841. REG_MULTI_SZ,
  1842. L"\0",
  1843. sizeof(WCHAR)
  1844. );
  1845. break;
  1846. }
  1847. }
  1848. RELEASE_MUTEX(hPdhPlaMutex);
  1849. }
  1850. if ( NULL != hkeyQuery ) {
  1851. RegCloseKey ( hkeyQuery );
  1852. }
  1853. return pdhStatus;
  1854. }
  1855. /*****************************************************************************\
  1856. PdhPlaGetInfo
  1857. Fills the PDH_PLA_INFO structure with the properties of the requested
  1858. log query.
  1859. Arguments:
  1860. LPTSTR strName
  1861. Log Name
  1862. LPTSTR strComputer
  1863. Computer to connect to
  1864. PPDH_PLA_INFO pInfo
  1865. Information block
  1866. Return:
  1868. The query does not exist
  1870. \*****************************************************************************/
  1872. PlaiAssignInfoString(
  1873. LPWSTR strName,
  1874. HKEY hkeyQuery,
  1875. PPDH_PLA_INFO_W pInfo,
  1876. LPDWORD dwTotalSize,
  1877. LPWSTR& strCopy,
  1878. DWORD dwBufferSize,
  1879. DWORD dwMask,
  1880. DWORD dwQueryMask,
  1881. LPCTSTR szKey,
  1882. DWORD dwRegFlag
  1883. )
  1884. {
  1885. LPWSTR strKeyValue = NULL;
  1886. LPWSTR strInfo = NULL;
  1887. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  1888. DWORD dwKeySize = 0;
  1889. BOOL bRead = TRUE;
  1890. VALIDATE_QUERY( strName );
  1891. if( pInfo != NULL ){
  1892. if( !(dwQueryMask & dwMask) ){
  1893. bRead = FALSE;
  1894. }
  1895. }
  1896. if( bRead ){
  1897. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryStringValue( hkeyQuery, szKey, dwRegFlag, &strKeyValue, &dwKeySize );
  1898. if( (ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus) &&
  1899. (!PlaiIsStringEmpty(strKeyValue)) &&
  1900. (dwKeySize > sizeof(WCHAR)) ){
  1901. *dwTotalSize += dwKeySize;
  1902. }else if( dwMask == PLA_INFO_FLAG_USER ){
  1903. G_FREE( strKeyValue );
  1904. strKeyValue = (LPWSTR)G_ALLOC(PLA_ACCOUNT_BUFFER*sizeof(WCHAR) );
  1905. if( strKeyValue != NULL ){
  1906. dwKeySize = LoadStringW(
  1907. (HINSTANCE)ThisDLLHandle,
  1909. strKeyValue,
  1911. );
  1912. if( dwKeySize ){
  1913. dwKeySize = BYTE_SIZE( strKeyValue ) + sizeof(WCHAR);
  1914. *dwTotalSize += dwKeySize;
  1915. }
  1916. }else{
  1917. bRead = FALSE;
  1918. }
  1919. }else if( (dwMask == PLA_INFO_FLAG_LOGGERNAME) ||
  1920. ((dwMask == PLA_INFO_FLAG_FILENAME) && (ERROR_SUCCESS != pdhStatus)) ){
  1921. dwKeySize = BYTE_SIZE( strName ) + sizeof(WCHAR);
  1922. *dwTotalSize += dwKeySize;
  1923. strKeyValue = (LPWSTR)G_ALLOC(dwKeySize);
  1924. if( NULL != strKeyValue && !PlaiIsStringEmpty( strName ) ){
  1925. wcscpy( strKeyValue, strName );
  1926. }else{
  1927. bRead = FALSE;
  1928. }
  1929. }else{
  1930. dwKeySize = 0;
  1931. }
  1932. }
  1933. if( pInfo != NULL && bRead ){
  1934. if( dwKeySize && (dwBufferSize >= *dwTotalSize) ){
  1935. memcpy( (void*)strCopy, (void*)strKeyValue, dwKeySize );
  1936. strInfo = strCopy;
  1937. strCopy = (LPWSTR)((PUCHAR)strCopy + dwKeySize );
  1938. }
  1939. switch( dwMask ){
  1941. pInfo->dwMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_COUNTERS;
  1942. pInfo->Perf.piCounterList.strCounters = strInfo;
  1943. break;
  1945. pInfo->dwMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_SQLNAME;
  1946. pInfo->strSqlName = strInfo;
  1947. break;
  1949. pInfo->dwMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_FILENAME;
  1950. pInfo->strBaseFileName = strInfo;
  1951. break;
  1953. pInfo->dwMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_PROVIDERS;
  1954. pInfo->Trace.piProviderList.strProviders = strInfo;
  1955. break;
  1957. pInfo->dwMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_LOGGERNAME;
  1958. pInfo->Trace.strLoggerName = strInfo;
  1959. break;
  1960. case PLA_INFO_FLAG_USER:
  1961. pInfo->dwMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_USER;
  1962. pInfo->strUser = strInfo;
  1963. break;
  1965. pInfo->dwMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_DEFAULTDIR;
  1966. pInfo->strDefaultDir = strInfo;
  1967. break;
  1968. }
  1969. }
  1970. G_FREE( strKeyValue );
  1971. return ERROR_SUCCESS;
  1972. }
  1974. PdhPlaGetInfoA(
  1975. LPSTR /*strName*/,
  1976. LPSTR /*strComputer*/,
  1977. LPDWORD /*pdwBufferSize*/,
  1978. PPDH_PLA_INFO_A /*pInfo*/
  1979. )
  1980. {
  1981. return PDH_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
  1982. }
  1984. PdhPlaGetInfoW(
  1985. LPWSTR strName,
  1986. LPWSTR strComputer,
  1987. LPDWORD pdwBufferSize,
  1988. PPDH_PLA_INFO_W pInfo
  1989. )
  1990. {
  1991. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
  1992. HKEY hkeyQuery = NULL;
  1993. DWORD dwSize = 0;
  1994. LPWSTR strCopy = NULL;
  1995. LPWSTR strKey = NULL;
  1996. DWORD dwKeySize = 0;
  1997. DWORD dwMask = 0;
  1998. VALIDATE_QUERY( strName );
  1999. pdhStatus = PlaiConnectAndLockQuery( strComputer, strName, hkeyQuery, FALSE );
  2000. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  2001. if( NULL != pInfo ){
  2002. dwMask = pInfo->dwMask;
  2003. pInfo->dwMask = 0;
  2004. }
  2005. DWORD dwType = 0;
  2006. dwSize = sizeof(PDH_PLA_INFO_W);
  2007. if( pInfo == NULL ){
  2008. *pdwBufferSize = 0;
  2009. }else{
  2010. strCopy = (LPWSTR)( (PUCHAR)pInfo+ sizeof(PDH_PLA_INFO_W) );
  2011. }
  2012. PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szLogType, &dwType );
  2013. if( pInfo != NULL ){
  2014. if( dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_TYPE ){
  2015. pInfo->dwMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_TYPE;
  2016. pInfo->dwType = dwType;
  2017. }
  2018. if( dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_AUTOFORMAT ){
  2019. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szLogAutoFormat, &pInfo->dwAutoNameFormat );
  2020. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  2021. pInfo->dwMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_AUTOFORMAT;
  2022. }
  2023. }
  2024. if( dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_SRLNUMBER ){
  2025. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szLogSerialNumber, &pInfo->dwLogFileSerialNumber );
  2026. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  2027. pInfo->dwMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_SRLNUMBER;
  2028. }
  2029. }
  2030. if( dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_REPEAT ){
  2031. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryPlaTime( hkeyQuery, szRepeatSchedule, &pInfo->ptRepeat );
  2032. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  2033. pInfo->dwMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_REPEAT;
  2034. }
  2035. }
  2036. if( dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_STATUS ){
  2037. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szCurrentState, &pInfo->dwStatus );
  2038. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  2039. pInfo->dwMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_STATUS;
  2040. }
  2041. }
  2042. if( dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_FORMAT ){
  2043. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szLogFileType, &pInfo->dwFileFormat );
  2044. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  2045. pInfo->dwMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_FORMAT;
  2046. }
  2047. }
  2048. if( dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_DATASTORE ){
  2049. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szDatastoreAttributes, &pInfo->dwDatastoreAttributes );
  2050. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  2051. pInfo->dwMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_DATASTORE;
  2052. }
  2053. }
  2054. if( dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_CRTNEWFILE ){
  2055. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryPlaTime( hkeyQuery, szCreateNewFile, &pInfo->ptCreateNewFile);
  2056. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  2057. pInfo->dwMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_CRTNEWFILE;
  2058. }
  2059. }
  2060. if( dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_END ){
  2061. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryPlaTime( hkeyQuery, szStop, &pInfo->ptLogEndTime );
  2062. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  2063. pInfo->dwMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_END;
  2064. }
  2065. }
  2066. if( dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_BEGIN ){
  2067. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryPlaTime( hkeyQuery, szStart, &pInfo->ptLogBeginTime );
  2068. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  2069. pInfo->dwMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_BEGIN;
  2070. }
  2071. }
  2072. }
  2073. pdhStatus = PlaiAssignInfoString( strName, hkeyQuery, pInfo, &dwSize, strCopy, *pdwBufferSize,
  2074. PLA_INFO_FLAG_FILENAME, dwMask, szLogBaseName, READ_REG_MUI );
  2075. pdhStatus = PlaiAssignInfoString( strName, hkeyQuery, pInfo, &dwSize, strCopy, *pdwBufferSize,
  2076. PLA_INFO_FLAG_USER, dwMask, szRunAs, 0 );
  2077. pdhStatus = PlaiAssignInfoString( strName, hkeyQuery, pInfo, &dwSize, strCopy, *pdwBufferSize,
  2078. PLA_INFO_FLAG_DEFAULTDIR, dwMask, szLogFolder, READ_REG_MUI );
  2079. switch( dwType ){
  2080. case PLA_TRACE_LOG: // Trace Fields
  2081. if( NULL != pInfo ){
  2082. if( dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_MODE ){
  2083. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szTraceMode, &pInfo->Trace.dwMode );
  2084. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  2085. pInfo->dwMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_MODE;
  2086. }
  2087. }
  2088. if( dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_BUFFERSIZE ){
  2089. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szTraceBufferSize, &pInfo->Trace.dwBufferSize );
  2090. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  2091. pInfo->dwMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_BUFFERSIZE;
  2092. }
  2093. }
  2094. if( dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_PROVIDERS ){
  2095. pInfo->Trace.piProviderList.dwType = PLA_TRACE_LOG;
  2096. }
  2097. }
  2098. pdhStatus = PlaiAssignInfoString( strName, hkeyQuery, pInfo, &dwSize, strCopy, *pdwBufferSize,
  2099. PLA_INFO_FLAG_PROVIDERS, dwMask, szTraceProviderList, 0 );
  2100. pdhStatus = PlaiAssignInfoString( strName, hkeyQuery, pInfo, &dwSize, strCopy, *pdwBufferSize,
  2101. PLA_INFO_FLAG_LOGGERNAME, dwMask, szTraceLoggerName, 0 );
  2102. break;
  2103. case PLA_COUNTER_LOG: // Performance Fields
  2104. if( NULL != pInfo ){
  2105. if( dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_COUNTERS ){
  2106. pInfo->Perf.piCounterList.dwType = PLA_COUNTER_LOG;
  2107. }
  2108. }
  2109. pdhStatus = PlaiAssignInfoString( strName, hkeyQuery, pInfo, &dwSize, strCopy, *pdwBufferSize,
  2110. PLA_INFO_FLAG_COUNTERS, dwMask, szPerfCounterList, 0 );
  2111. pdhStatus = PlaiAssignInfoString( strName, hkeyQuery, pInfo, &dwSize, strCopy, *pdwBufferSize,
  2112. PLA_INFO_FLAG_SQLNAME, dwMask, szSqlBaseName, 0 );
  2113. break;
  2114. }
  2115. RELEASE_MUTEX(hPdhPlaMutex);
  2116. }
  2117. if ( NULL != hkeyQuery ) {
  2118. RegCloseKey ( hkeyQuery );
  2119. }
  2120. *pdwBufferSize = dwSize;
  2121. return pdhStatus;
  2122. }
  2123. /*****************************************************************************\
  2124. PdhPlaSetInfo
  2125. Sets the information in the log query to the parameters in the
  2126. PDH_PLA_INFO block according to the info mask.
  2127. Arguments:
  2128. LPTSTR strName
  2129. Log Name
  2130. LPTSTR strComputer
  2131. Computer to connect to
  2132. PPDH_PLA_INFO pInfo
  2133. Information block
  2134. Return:
  2136. The query does not exist or pInfo is NULL
  2138. \*****************************************************************************/
  2140. PlaiSetInfo(
  2141. LPWSTR strComputer,
  2142. HKEY hkeyQuery,
  2143. PPDH_PLA_INFO_W pInfo
  2144. )
  2145. {
  2146. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  2147. DWORD dwType = 0;
  2148. DWORD dwFormat = 0;
  2149. DWORD dwDatastoreAttributes = 0;
  2150. // General Fields
  2151. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_AUTOFORMAT ){
  2152. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szLogAutoFormat, &pInfo->dwAutoNameFormat );
  2153. }
  2154. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_REPEAT ){
  2155. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryPlaTime( hkeyQuery, szRepeatSchedule, &pInfo->ptRepeat );
  2156. }
  2157. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_RUNCOMMAND ){
  2158. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue( hkeyQuery, szEOFCmd, REG_SZ, pInfo->strCommandFileName, 0 );
  2159. }
  2160. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_CRTNEWFILE ){
  2161. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryPlaTime( hkeyQuery, szCreateNewFile, &pInfo->ptCreateNewFile );
  2162. }
  2163. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_MAXLOGSIZE ){
  2164. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szLogMaxSize, &pInfo->dwMaxLogSize );
  2165. }
  2167. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_FORMAT ){
  2168. dwFormat = pInfo->dwFileFormat;
  2169. pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  2170. }else{
  2171. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szLogFileType, &dwFormat );
  2172. }
  2173. if( (ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus) && (PLA_SQL_LOG == dwFormat) ){
  2174. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_SQLNAME ){
  2175. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue( hkeyQuery, szSqlBaseName, REG_SZ, pInfo->strSqlName, 0 );
  2176. }else if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_FILENAME ){
  2177. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue( hkeyQuery, szSqlBaseName, REG_SZ, pInfo->strBaseFileName, 0 );
  2178. }else if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_DEFAULTDIR ){
  2179. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue( hkeyQuery, szSqlBaseName, REG_SZ, pInfo->strDefaultDir, 0 );
  2180. }
  2181. }else{
  2182. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_SQLNAME ){
  2183. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue( hkeyQuery, szSqlBaseName, REG_SZ, pInfo->strSqlName, 0 );
  2184. }
  2185. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_FILENAME ){
  2186. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue( hkeyQuery, szLogBaseName, REG_SZ, pInfo->strBaseFileName, 0 );
  2187. }
  2188. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_DEFAULTDIR ){
  2189. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue( hkeyQuery, szLogFolder, REG_SZ, pInfo->strDefaultDir, 0 );
  2190. }
  2191. }
  2192. }
  2193. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_TYPE ){
  2194. // Do not write it to the registry because it may be a new collection
  2195. dwType = pInfo->dwType;
  2196. }else{
  2197. PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szLogType, &dwType );
  2198. }
  2199. switch( dwType ){
  2200. case PLA_TRACE_LOG: // Trace Fields
  2201. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_FORMAT ){
  2202. dwFormat = pInfo->dwFileFormat;
  2203. switch( dwFormat ){
  2204. case PLA_BIN_FILE: dwFormat = PLA_SEQ_TRACE_FILE; break;
  2205. case PLA_BIN_CIRC_FILE: dwFormat = PLA_CIRC_TRACE_FILE; break;
  2206. }
  2207. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szLogFileType, &dwFormat );
  2208. }else{
  2209. PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szLogFileType, &dwFormat );
  2210. }
  2211. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_DATASTORE ){
  2212. if( ! (pInfo->dwDatastoreAttributes & PLA_DATASTORE_APPEND_MASK ) ){
  2213. if( dwFormat == PLA_SEQ_TRACE_FILE ){
  2214. pInfo->dwDatastoreAttributes |= PLA_DATASTORE_APPEND;
  2215. }else{
  2216. pInfo->dwDatastoreAttributes |= PLA_DATASTORE_OVERWRITE;
  2217. }
  2218. }
  2219. if( ! (pInfo->dwDatastoreAttributes & PLA_DATASTORE_SIZE_MASK ) ){
  2220. pInfo->dwDatastoreAttributes |= PLA_DATASTORE_SIZE_MB;
  2221. }
  2222. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szDatastoreAttributes, &pInfo->dwDatastoreAttributes );
  2223. }
  2224. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_BUFFERSIZE ){
  2225. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szTraceBufferSize, &pInfo->Trace.dwBufferSize );
  2226. }
  2227. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_MINBUFFERS ){
  2228. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szTraceBufferMin, &pInfo->Trace.dwMinimumBuffers );
  2229. }
  2230. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_MAXBUFFERS ){
  2231. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szTraceBufferMax, &pInfo->Trace.dwMaximumBuffers );
  2232. }
  2233. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_FLUSHTIMER ){
  2234. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szTraceFlushInterval, &pInfo->Trace.dwFlushTimer );
  2235. }
  2236. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_MODE ){
  2237. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szTraceMode, &pInfo->Trace.dwMode );
  2238. }
  2239. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_LOGGERNAME ){
  2240. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue( hkeyQuery, szTraceLoggerName, REG_SZ, pInfo->Trace.strLoggerName, 0 );
  2241. }
  2242. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_PROVIDERS ){
  2243. pdhStatus = PlaiSetItemList( hkeyQuery, &pInfo->Trace.piProviderList );
  2244. }
  2245. break;
  2246. case PLA_COUNTER_LOG: // Performance Fields
  2247. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_FORMAT ){
  2248. dwFormat = pInfo->dwFileFormat;
  2249. switch( dwFormat ){
  2250. case PLA_CIRC_TRACE_FILE: dwFormat = PLA_BIN_CIRC_FILE; break;
  2251. case PLA_SEQ_TRACE_FILE: dwFormat = PLA_BIN_FILE; break;
  2252. }
  2253. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szLogFileType, &dwFormat );
  2254. }else{
  2255. PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szLogFileType, &dwFormat );
  2256. }
  2257. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_DATASTORE ){
  2258. if( PLA_SQL_LOG == dwFormat ){
  2259. pInfo->dwDatastoreAttributes = (pInfo->dwDatastoreAttributes & 0xFFFFFF00) |
  2261. }else{
  2262. if( ! (pInfo->dwDatastoreAttributes & PLA_DATASTORE_APPEND_MASK ) ){
  2263. if( dwFormat == PLA_BIN_FILE ){
  2264. dwDatastoreAttributes |= PLA_DATASTORE_APPEND;
  2265. }else{
  2266. dwDatastoreAttributes |= PLA_DATASTORE_OVERWRITE;
  2267. }
  2268. }
  2269. if( ! (pInfo->dwDatastoreAttributes & PLA_DATASTORE_SIZE_MASK ) ){
  2270. dwDatastoreAttributes |= PLA_DATASTORE_SIZE_KB;
  2271. }
  2272. }
  2273. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szDatastoreAttributes, &pInfo->dwDatastoreAttributes );
  2274. }
  2275. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_MAXLOGSIZE ){
  2276. DWORD dwMaxSize = pInfo->dwMaxLogSize;
  2277. PlaiReadRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szDatastoreAttributes, &dwDatastoreAttributes );
  2278. if( (dwDatastoreAttributes & PLA_DATASTORE_SIZE_MASK) == PLA_DATASTORE_SIZE_KB ){
  2279. dwMaxSize *= 1024;
  2280. }
  2281. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryDwordValue( hkeyQuery, szLogMaxSize, &dwMaxSize );
  2282. }
  2283. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_INTERVAL ){
  2284. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryPlaTime( hkeyQuery, szSampleInterval, &pInfo->Perf.ptSampleInterval );
  2285. }
  2286. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_COUNTERS ){
  2287. pdhStatus = PlaiSetItemList( hkeyQuery, &pInfo->Perf.piCounterList );
  2288. }
  2289. break;
  2290. case PLA_ALERT:
  2291. break;
  2292. }
  2293. if( (pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_BEGIN) || (pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_END) ){
  2294. PDH_TIME_INFO info;
  2295. ZeroMemory( &info, sizeof(PDH_TIME_INFO) );
  2296. if(pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_BEGIN){
  2297. info.StartTime = pInfo->ptLogBeginTime.llDateTime;
  2298. }
  2299. if(pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_END){
  2300. info.EndTime = pInfo->ptLogEndTime.llDateTime;
  2301. }
  2302. pdhStatus = PlaiSchedule(
  2303. strComputer,
  2304. hkeyQuery,
  2306. &info
  2307. );
  2308. }
  2309. return pdhStatus;
  2310. }
  2312. PdhPlaSetInfoA(
  2313. LPSTR /*strName*/,
  2314. LPSTR /*strComputer*/,
  2315. PPDH_PLA_INFO_A /*pInfo*/
  2316. )
  2317. {
  2318. return PDH_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
  2319. }
  2321. PdhPlaSetInfoW(
  2322. LPWSTR strName,
  2323. LPWSTR strComputer,
  2324. PPDH_PLA_INFO_W pInfo
  2325. )
  2326. {
  2327. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
  2328. PDH_STATUS pdhWarning = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  2329. HKEY hkeyQuery = NULL;
  2330. VALIDATE_QUERY( strName );
  2331. if( NULL == pInfo ){
  2332. return PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
  2333. }
  2334. pdhStatus = PdhPlaValidateInfoW( strName, strComputer, pInfo );
  2335. switch( SEVERITY(pdhStatus) ){
  2337. goto cleanup;
  2339. pdhWarning = pdhStatus;
  2340. pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  2341. }
  2342. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_USER ){
  2343. pdhStatus = PdhPlaSetRunAs( strName, strComputer, pInfo->strUser, pInfo->strPassword );
  2344. }
  2345. CHECK_STATUS(pdhStatus);
  2346. pdhStatus = PlaiConnectAndLockQuery( strComputer, strName, hkeyQuery );
  2347. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  2348. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  2349. pdhStatus = PlaiSetInfo( strComputer, hkeyQuery, pInfo );
  2350. }
  2351. PlaiWriteRegistryLastModified ( hkeyQuery );
  2352. RELEASE_MUTEX(hPdhPlaMutex);
  2353. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  2354. pdhStatus = PlaiSynchronize( strComputer );
  2355. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus && (pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_BEGIN) ){
  2356. PlaiUpdateServiceMode( strComputer );
  2357. }
  2358. }
  2359. }
  2360. cleanup:
  2361. if ( NULL != hkeyQuery ) {
  2362. RegCloseKey ( hkeyQuery );
  2363. }
  2364. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  2365. pdhStatus = pdhWarning;
  2366. }
  2367. return pdhStatus;
  2368. }
  2369. /*****************************************************************************\
  2370. PdhPlaValidateInfo
  2371. Checks the PDH_PLA_INFO structure for valid fields. Only checks the fields
  2372. specified by the mask. Returns on first invalid field and set the mask
  2373. to the invalid field
  2374. Arguments:
  2375. LPTSTR strName
  2376. Log Name, if NULL checks for valid argument only
  2377. LPTSTR strComputer
  2378. Computer to connect to
  2379. PPDH_PLA_INFO pInfo
  2380. Information block
  2381. Return:
  2383. One of the fields is invalid. Specified by the pInfo->dwMask
  2385. There is a mismatch between log type and specified parameters
  2387. Arguments passed are not valid
  2389. \*****************************************************************************/
  2391. PlaiCheckFile( LPWSTR strFileLocation, BOOL bDirOnly )
  2392. {
  2393. DWORD dwFile;
  2394. DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  2395. LPWSTR strFile = NULL;
  2396. if( strFileLocation == NULL ){
  2397. return PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
  2398. }
  2399. dwFile = BYTE_SIZE( strFileLocation );
  2400. strFile = (LPWSTR)G_ALLOC( dwFile+sizeof(WCHAR) );
  2401. if( NULL == strFile ){
  2402. dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
  2403. goto cleanup;
  2404. }
  2405. wcscpy( strFile, strFileLocation );
  2406. if( bDirOnly ){
  2407. LPWSTR sz = strFile;
  2408. sz += wcslen( strFile );
  2409. while( sz > strFile ){
  2410. if( *sz == L'\\' ){
  2411. *sz = L'\0';
  2412. break;
  2413. }
  2414. sz--;
  2415. }
  2416. }
  2417. dwFile = GetFileAttributes( strFile );
  2418. if( (DWORD)-1 == dwFile ){
  2419. dwStatus = GetLastError();
  2420. }
  2421. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus && bDirOnly ){
  2422. if( ! (dwFile & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ){
  2423. dwStatus = ERROR_DIRECTORY;
  2424. }
  2425. }
  2426. cleanup:
  2427. G_FREE( strFile );
  2428. return PlaiErrorToPdhStatus( dwStatus );
  2429. }
  2431. PdhPlaValidateInfoA(
  2432. LPSTR /*strName*/,
  2433. LPSTR /*strComputer*/,
  2434. PPDH_PLA_INFO_A /*pInfo*/
  2435. )
  2436. {
  2437. return PDH_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
  2438. }
  2439. #define VALIDATE_TYPE( type, flag ) \
  2440. if( dwType != PLA_NEW_LOG && dwType != type ){ \
  2441. dwErrorMask |= flag; \
  2442. bTypeMismatch = TRUE; \
  2443. }else{ \
  2444. dwType = type; \
  2445. } \
  2447. PdhPlaValidateInfoW(
  2448. LPWSTR strName,
  2449. LPWSTR strComputer,
  2450. PPDH_PLA_INFO_W pInfo
  2451. )
  2452. {
  2453. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  2454. DWORD dwWarningMask = 0;
  2455. DWORD dwErrorMask = 0;
  2456. DWORD dwType = PLA_NEW_LOG;
  2457. DWORD dwFormat = 0;
  2458. PVOID pBuffer = NULL;
  2459. PPDH_PLA_INFO_W pCurrentInfo = NULL;
  2460. BOOL bTypeMismatch = FALSE;
  2461. if( NULL == pInfo ){
  2462. return PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
  2463. }
  2464. if( strName != NULL ){
  2465. DWORD dwInfoSize = 0;
  2466. if( wcslen( strName ) > PLA_MAX_COLLECTION_NAME ){
  2467. pdhStatus = PDH_PLA_ERROR_NAME_TOO_LONG;
  2468. }
  2469. CHECK_STATUS(pdhStatus);
  2470. pdhStatus = PdhPlaGetInfoW( strName, strComputer, &dwInfoSize, pCurrentInfo );
  2471. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  2472. pCurrentInfo = (PPDH_PLA_INFO)G_ALLOC(dwInfoSize);
  2473. if( NULL != pCurrentInfo ){
  2474. pCurrentInfo->dwMask = PLA_INFO_FLAG_ALL;
  2475. pdhStatus = PdhPlaGetInfoW( strName, strComputer, &dwInfoSize, pCurrentInfo );
  2476. if( pCurrentInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_USER ){
  2477. if( !PlaiIsStringEmpty( pCurrentInfo->strUser ) ){
  2480. if( ! (pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_USER) && wcscmp( buffer, pCurrentInfo->strUser ) != 0 ){
  2481. pdhStatus = PDH_ACCESS_DENIED;
  2482. }
  2483. }
  2484. }
  2485. if( pCurrentInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_TYPE ){
  2486. dwType = pCurrentInfo->dwType;
  2487. }
  2488. }
  2489. CHECK_STATUS(pdhStatus);
  2490. }else{
  2491. // collection does not exist yet
  2492. pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  2493. }
  2494. }
  2495. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_FORMAT ){
  2496. dwFormat = pInfo->dwFileFormat;
  2497. switch( (pInfo->dwFileFormat&0x0000FFFF) ){
  2498. case PLA_CSV_FILE:
  2499. case PLA_TSV_FILE:
  2500. case PLA_BIN_FILE:
  2501. case PLA_BIN_CIRC_FILE:
  2502. case PLA_CIRC_TRACE_FILE:
  2503. case PLA_SEQ_TRACE_FILE:
  2504. case PLA_SQL_LOG:
  2505. break;
  2506. default:
  2507. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_FORMAT;
  2508. }
  2509. }else if( NULL != pCurrentInfo ){
  2510. if( pCurrentInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_FORMAT ){
  2511. dwFormat = pCurrentInfo->dwFileFormat;
  2512. }
  2513. }
  2514. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_TYPE ){
  2515. VALIDATE_TYPE( pInfo->dwType, PLA_INFO_FLAG_TYPE );
  2516. switch( pInfo->dwType ){
  2517. case PLA_COUNTER_LOG:
  2518. case PLA_TRACE_LOG:
  2519. case PLA_ALERT:
  2520. break;
  2521. default:
  2522. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_TYPE;
  2523. }
  2524. dwType = pInfo->dwType;
  2525. }
  2526. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_COUNTERS ){
  2529. __try {
  2530. LPWSTR strCounter = pInfo->Perf.piCounterList.strCounters;
  2531. DWORD dwCounters = 0;
  2532. if( NULL == strCounter ){
  2533. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_COUNTERS;
  2534. }else{
  2535. pBuffer = G_ALLOC(1024);
  2536. pdhElements = (PPDH_COUNTER_PATH_ELEMENTS)pBuffer;
  2537. if( pdhElements == NULL ){
  2539. }
  2540. CHECK_STATUS(pdhStatus);
  2541. while( *strCounter != L'\0' ){
  2542. DWORD dwSize = (DWORD)G_SIZE(pBuffer);
  2543. ZeroMemory( pdhElements, dwSize );
  2544. pdhStatus = PdhParseCounterPath( strCounter, pdhElements, &dwSize, 0 );
  2545. switch(pdhStatus){
  2546. case PDH_MORE_DATA:
  2549. case ERROR_SUCCESS:
  2550. pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  2551. break;
  2552. default:
  2553. pInfo->dwReserved1 = dwCounters;
  2554. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_COUNTERS;
  2555. }
  2556. if( ERROR_SUCCESS != pdhStatus ){
  2557. pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  2558. break;
  2559. }
  2560. dwCounters++;
  2561. strCounter += (wcslen(strCounter)+1);
  2562. }
  2563. }
  2564. } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {
  2565. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_COUNTERS;
  2566. }
  2567. }
  2568. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_PROVIDERS ){
  2570. __try {
  2571. LPWSTR strProvider = pInfo->Trace.piProviderList.strProviders;
  2572. if( NULL == strProvider ){
  2573. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_PROVIDERS;
  2574. }else{
  2575. while( *strProvider != L'\0' ){
  2576. strProvider += (wcslen(strProvider)+1);
  2577. }
  2578. }
  2579. } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {
  2580. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_PROVIDERS;
  2581. }
  2582. }
  2583. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_DEFAULTDIR ){
  2584. __try {
  2585. ULONG dwSize;
  2586. dwSize = wcslen( pInfo->strDefaultDir );
  2587. if( dwSize > MAX_PATH ){
  2588. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_DEFAULTDIR;
  2589. }
  2590. } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {
  2591. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_DEFAULTDIR;
  2592. }
  2593. }
  2594. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_FILENAME ){
  2595. __try {
  2596. ULONG dwSize;
  2597. dwSize = wcslen( pInfo->strBaseFileName );
  2598. if( dwSize > PLA_MAX_COLLECTION_NAME ){
  2599. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_FILENAME;
  2600. }
  2601. } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {
  2602. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_FILENAME;
  2603. }
  2604. }
  2605. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_CREATE_FILENAME ){
  2606. DWORD dwSize = MAX_PATH;
  2607. WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH];
  2608. __try {
  2609. DWORD dwOriginalType = 0;
  2610. BOOL bHaveType = (pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_TYPE);
  2611. if( ! bHaveType ){
  2612. pInfo->dwMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_TYPE;
  2613. dwOriginalType = pInfo->dwType;
  2614. pInfo->dwType = dwType;
  2615. }
  2616. pdhStatus = PdhPlaGetLogFileNameW( strName, strComputer, pInfo, 0, &dwSize, buffer );
  2617. if( !bHaveType ){
  2618. pInfo->dwMask &= ~PLA_INFO_FLAG_TYPE;
  2619. pInfo->dwType = dwOriginalType;
  2620. }
  2621. } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {
  2622. dwWarningMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_FILENAME;
  2623. }
  2624. switch( pdhStatus ){
  2625. case ERROR_SUCCESS:
  2626. {
  2627. if( PlaiIsLocalComputer( strComputer ) ){
  2628. if( PLA_SQL_LOG != dwFormat ){
  2629. pdhStatus = PlaiCheckFile( buffer, TRUE );
  2630. if( ERROR_SUCCESS != pdhStatus ){
  2631. dwWarningMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_FILENAME;
  2632. pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  2633. }
  2634. }
  2635. }
  2636. }
  2640. pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  2641. break;
  2643. default:
  2644. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_FILENAME;
  2645. pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  2646. }
  2647. }
  2648. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_MODE ){
  2650. switch( pInfo->Trace.dwMode & 0x0000000F ){
  2655. break;
  2656. default:
  2657. dwErrorMask = PLA_INFO_FLAG_MODE;
  2658. }
  2659. if( (pInfo->Trace.dwMode & EVENT_TRACE_REAL_TIME_MODE) &&
  2660. (pInfo->Trace.dwMode & EVENT_TRACE_PRIVATE_LOGGER_MODE ) ){
  2661. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_MODE;
  2662. }
  2663. }
  2664. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_REPEAT ){
  2665. LONGLONG llBegin = 0;
  2666. LONGLONG llEnd = 0;
  2667. PPDH_PLA_INFO_W pCheckInfo;
  2668. if( pInfo->ptRepeat.dwAutoMode == PLA_AUTO_MODE_CALENDAR ){
  2669. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_BEGIN ){
  2670. pCheckInfo = pInfo;
  2671. }else{
  2672. pCheckInfo = pCurrentInfo;
  2673. }
  2674. if( NULL != pCheckInfo ){
  2675. if( pCheckInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_BEGIN ){
  2676. if( pCheckInfo->ptLogBeginTime.dwAutoMode != PLA_AUTO_MODE_AT ){
  2677. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_REPEAT;
  2678. }else{
  2679. llBegin = pCheckInfo->ptLogBeginTime.llDateTime;
  2680. }
  2681. }
  2682. }
  2683. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_END ){
  2684. pCheckInfo = pInfo;
  2685. }else{
  2686. pCheckInfo = pCurrentInfo;
  2687. }
  2688. if( NULL != pCheckInfo ){
  2689. if( pCheckInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_END ){
  2690. if( pCheckInfo->ptLogEndTime.dwAutoMode != PLA_AUTO_MODE_AT ){
  2691. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_REPEAT;
  2692. }else{
  2693. llEnd = pCheckInfo->ptLogEndTime.llDateTime;
  2694. }
  2695. }
  2696. }
  2697. if( 0 == llBegin || 0 == llEnd || ((llEnd - llBegin) >= FILE_TICS_PER_DAY) ){
  2698. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_REPEAT;
  2699. }
  2700. }
  2701. }
  2702. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_DATASTORE ){
  2703. switch( pInfo->dwDatastoreAttributes & PLA_DATASTORE_APPEND_MASK ){
  2704. case 0:
  2706. if( (dwType == PLA_TRACE_LOG && dwFormat != PLA_SEQ_TRACE_FILE ) ||
  2707. (dwType == PLA_COUNTER_LOG && dwFormat != PLA_BIN_FILE ) ){
  2708. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_DATASTORE;
  2709. }
  2710. break;
  2712. if( dwFormat == PLA_SQL_LOG ){
  2713. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_DATASTORE;
  2714. }
  2715. break;
  2716. default:
  2717. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_DATASTORE;
  2718. }
  2719. switch( pInfo->dwDatastoreAttributes & PLA_DATASTORE_SIZE_MASK ){
  2720. case 0:
  2724. break;
  2725. default:
  2726. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_DATASTORE;
  2727. }
  2728. }
  2729. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_SQLNAME ){
  2731. if( dwFormat != 0 && dwFormat != PLA_SQL_LOG ){
  2732. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_SQLNAME;
  2733. }else{
  2734. dwFormat = PLA_SQL_LOG;
  2735. }
  2736. __try {
  2737. wcslen( pInfo->strSqlName );
  2738. } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {
  2739. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_SQLNAME;
  2740. }
  2741. }
  2742. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_LOGGERNAME ){
  2744. __try {
  2745. wcslen( pInfo->Trace.strLoggerName );
  2746. } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {
  2747. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_LOGGERNAME;
  2748. }
  2749. }
  2750. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_USER ){
  2751. __try {
  2752. wcslen( pInfo->strUser );
  2753. if( NULL != pInfo->strPassword ){
  2754. wcslen( pInfo->strPassword );
  2755. }
  2756. } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {
  2757. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_USER;
  2758. }
  2759. }
  2760. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_INTERVAL ){
  2761. LONGLONG llMS;
  2763. pdhStatus = PlaTimeInfoToMilliSeconds (&pInfo->Perf.ptSampleInterval, &llMS );
  2764. // 45 days in milliseconds = 1000*60*60*24*45 = 0xE7BE2C00
  2765. if( (ERROR_SUCCESS != pdhStatus) || (llMS > (0xE7BE2C00)) || (llMS < 1000) ){
  2766. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_INTERVAL;
  2767. pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  2768. }
  2769. }
  2770. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_BUFFERSIZE ){
  2772. if( pInfo->Trace.dwBufferSize < 1 || pInfo->Trace.dwBufferSize > 1024 ){
  2773. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_BUFFERSIZE;
  2774. }
  2775. }
  2776. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_MINBUFFERS ){
  2778. if( pInfo->Trace.dwMinimumBuffers < 2 || pInfo->Trace.dwMinimumBuffers > 400 ){
  2779. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_MINBUFFERS;
  2780. }
  2781. }
  2782. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_MAXBUFFERS ){
  2784. if( pInfo->Trace.dwMaximumBuffers < 2 || pInfo->Trace.dwMaximumBuffers > 400 ){
  2785. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_MAXBUFFERS;
  2786. }
  2787. }
  2788. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_FLUSHTIMER ){
  2790. if( pInfo->Trace.dwFlushTimer < 1 ){
  2791. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_FLUSHTIMER;
  2792. }
  2793. }
  2794. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_MAXLOGSIZE ){
  2795. if( pInfo->dwMaxLogSize != PLA_DISK_MAX_SIZE ){
  2796. if( dwType == PLA_COUNTER_LOG ){
  2797. if( !( pInfo->dwMaxLogSize >= 1 && pInfo->dwMaxLogSize < 0x00000400) ){
  2798. dwErrorMask = PLA_INFO_FLAG_MAXLOGSIZE;
  2799. }
  2800. }else{
  2801. if( !(pInfo->dwMaxLogSize >=1 && pInfo->dwMaxLogSize < 0xFFFFFFFF) ){
  2802. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_MAXLOGSIZE;
  2803. }
  2804. }
  2805. }
  2806. }
  2807. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_AUTOFORMAT ){
  2808. switch( pInfo->dwAutoNameFormat ){
  2809. case PLA_SLF_NAME_NONE:
  2810. case PLA_SLF_NAME_MMDDHH:
  2811. case PLA_SLF_NAME_NNNNNN:
  2812. case PLA_SLF_NAME_YYYYDDD:
  2813. case PLA_SLF_NAME_YYYYMM:
  2817. break;
  2818. default:
  2819. dwErrorMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_AUTOFORMAT;
  2820. }
  2821. }
  2822. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_RUNCOMMAND ){
  2823. __try {
  2824. wcslen( pInfo->strCommandFileName );
  2825. if( NULL == strComputer ){
  2826. if( PLA_SQL_LOG != dwFormat ){
  2827. pdhStatus = PlaiCheckFile( pInfo->strCommandFileName, FALSE );
  2828. if( ERROR_SUCCESS != pdhStatus ){
  2829. dwWarningMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_RUNCOMMAND;
  2830. pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  2831. }
  2832. }
  2833. }
  2834. } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {
  2835. dwErrorMask = PLA_INFO_FLAG_RUNCOMMAND;
  2836. }
  2837. }
  2838. cleanup:
  2839. G_FREE( pBuffer );
  2840. G_FREE( pCurrentInfo );
  2841. if( 0 != dwWarningMask ){
  2842. pInfo->dwReserved2 = dwWarningMask;
  2844. }
  2845. if( 0 != dwErrorMask ){
  2846. pInfo->dwMask = dwErrorMask;
  2847. if( dwErrorMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_FILENAME ){
  2848. pdhStatus = PDH_PLA_ERROR_FILEPATH;
  2849. }else{
  2850. pdhStatus = PDH_PLA_VALIDATION_ERROR;
  2851. }
  2852. }
  2853. if( TRUE == bTypeMismatch ){
  2854. pdhStatus = PDH_PLA_ERROR_TYPE_MISMATCH;
  2855. }
  2856. return pdhStatus;
  2857. }
  2858. /*****************************************************************************\
  2859. PdhiPlaRunAs
  2860. Authenticate as saved user
  2861. Arguments:
  2862. LPTSTR strKey
  2863. Guid string
  2864. Return:
  2866. The query does not exist
  2868. \*****************************************************************************/
  2870. PdhiPlaRunAs(
  2871. LPWSTR strName,
  2872. LPWSTR strComputer,
  2873. HANDLE* hToken
  2874. )
  2875. {
  2876. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
  2877. LPWSTR strKey = NULL;
  2878. LPWSTR strRunAs = NULL;
  2879. DWORD dwKeySize = 0;
  2880. DWORD dwSize = 0;
  2881. HKEY hkeyQuery = NULL;
  2882. HANDLE hUserToken = NULL;
  2883. VALIDATE_QUERY( strName );
  2884. if( hToken != NULL ){
  2885. *hToken = NULL;
  2886. }
  2887. pdhStatus = PlaiConnectAndLockQuery( strComputer, strName, hkeyQuery );
  2888. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  2889. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryStringValue( hkeyQuery, szRunAs, 0, &strRunAs, &dwSize );
  2890. if( PDH_PLA_COLLECTION_NOT_FOUND == pdhStatus || PlaiIsStringEmpty(strRunAs) ){
  2891. // The key is missing so return success
  2892. pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  2893. goto cleanup;
  2894. }
  2895. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  2896. BOOL bResult;
  2897. DATA_BLOB crypt;
  2898. DATA_BLOB data;
  2899. LPWSTR strUser = NULL;
  2900. LPWSTR strDomain = NULL;
  2901. LPWSTR strPassword = NULL;
  2902. LPWSTR strScan = strRunAs;
  2903. strUser = strScan;
  2904. while( *strScan != L'\0' ){
  2905. if( *strScan == L'\\' ){
  2906. *strScan = L'\0';
  2907. strScan++;
  2908. strDomain = strUser;
  2909. strUser = strScan;
  2910. break;
  2911. }
  2912. strScan++;
  2913. }
  2914. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryStringValue( hkeyQuery, szKey, 0, &strKey, &dwKeySize );
  2915. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus && !PlaiIsStringEmpty( strKey ) ){
  2916. HANDLE hNetToken = NULL;
  2917. crypt.cbData = dwKeySize;
  2918. crypt.pbData = (BYTE*)strKey;
  2919. bResult= LogonUserW(
  2920. L"NetworkService",
  2921. L"NT AUTHORITY",
  2922. L"",
  2925. &hNetToken
  2926. );
  2927. if( bResult == TRUE ){
  2928. bResult = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( hNetToken );
  2929. }
  2930. if( bResult != TRUE ){
  2931. pdhStatus = PlaiErrorToPdhStatus( GetLastError() );
  2932. }
  2933. bResult = CryptUnprotectData( &crypt, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN, &data );
  2934. if( bResult == FALSE ){
  2935. pdhStatus = PlaiErrorToPdhStatus( GetLastError() );
  2936. }else{
  2937. strPassword = (LPWSTR)data.pbData;
  2938. pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  2939. }
  2940. bResult = RevertToSelf();
  2941. if( NULL != hNetToken ){
  2942. CloseHandle(hNetToken);
  2943. }
  2944. }else{
  2945. strPassword = _T("");
  2946. }
  2947. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  2948. bResult= LogonUserW(
  2949. strUser,
  2950. strDomain,
  2951. strPassword,
  2954. &hUserToken
  2955. );
  2956. if( bResult == TRUE ){
  2957. bResult = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( hUserToken );
  2958. CloseHandle( hUserToken );
  2959. if( bResult == TRUE ){
  2960. bResult= LogonUserW(
  2961. strUser,
  2962. strDomain,
  2963. strPassword,
  2966. &hUserToken
  2967. );
  2968. if( bResult && hToken != NULL ){
  2969. *hToken = hUserToken;
  2970. }
  2971. }
  2972. }
  2973. if( bResult == FALSE ){
  2974. pdhStatus = PlaiErrorToPdhStatus( GetLastError() );
  2975. }
  2976. if( NULL != strPassword ){
  2977. ZeroMemory( data.pbData, data.cbData );
  2978. }
  2979. if( data.pbData ){
  2980. LocalFree( data.pbData );
  2981. }
  2982. }
  2983. }
  2984. }
  2985. cleanup:
  2986. RELEASE_MUTEX(hPdhPlaMutex);
  2987. G_FREE( strRunAs );
  2988. G_FREE( strKey );
  2989. if ( NULL != hkeyQuery ) {
  2990. RegCloseKey ( hkeyQuery );
  2991. }
  2992. return pdhStatus;
  2993. }
  2994. /*****************************************************************************\
  2995. PdhPlaSetRunAs
  2996. Set the security for to run as when the log is active
  2997. Arguments:
  2998. LPTSTR strName
  2999. Log Name
  3000. LPTSTR strComputer
  3001. Computer to connect to
  3002. LPTSTR strUser
  3003. User to run as
  3004. LPTSTR strPassword
  3005. Users password
  3006. Return:
  3008. The query does not exist
  3010. \*****************************************************************************/
  3011. BOOL
  3012. PlaiIsNetworkService( BOOL bLogon )
  3013. {
  3014. //
  3015. // If bLogon is TRUE this function will try to Impersonate the
  3016. // NetworkService if you is not already running that way.
  3017. // RevertToSelf() should be called after you are done being the
  3018. // NetworkService
  3019. //
  3020. DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  3021. BOOL bResult;
  3022. HKEY hkeyQuery = NULL;
  3023. HANDLE hProcess;
  3024. PSID NetworkService = NULL;
  3026. HANDLE hToken = NULL;
  3027. DWORD dwSize;
  3028. PTOKEN_OWNER pOwnerInfo = NULL;
  3029. bResult = OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken );
  3030. if( bResult ){
  3031. bResult = GetTokenInformation( hToken, TokenOwner, NULL, 0, &dwSize );
  3032. dwStatus = GetLastError();
  3033. if( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == dwStatus ){
  3034. pOwnerInfo = (PTOKEN_OWNER)G_ALLOC(dwSize);
  3035. if( NULL == pOwnerInfo ) {
  3036. bResult = FALSE;
  3037. goto cleanup;
  3038. }
  3039. bResult = GetTokenInformation(
  3040. hToken,
  3041. TokenOwner,
  3042. pOwnerInfo,
  3043. dwSize,
  3044. &dwSize
  3045. );
  3046. if( bResult ) {
  3047. bResult = AllocateAndInitializeSid(
  3048. &NtAuthority,
  3049. 1,
  3051. 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
  3052. &NetworkService
  3053. );
  3054. }
  3055. }else{
  3056. bResult = FALSE;
  3057. goto cleanup;
  3058. }
  3059. }
  3060. if( bResult ){
  3061. bResult = EqualSid( NetworkService, pOwnerInfo->Owner );
  3062. }
  3063. if( (!bResult) && bLogon ){
  3064. HANDLE hNetwork = NULL;
  3065. bResult= LogonUserW(
  3066. L"NetworkService",
  3067. L"NT AUTHORITY",
  3068. L"",
  3071. &hNetwork
  3072. );
  3073. if( bResult ){
  3074. bResult = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( hNetwork );
  3075. }
  3076. if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hNetwork ){
  3077. CloseHandle( hNetwork );
  3078. }
  3079. }
  3080. cleanup:
  3081. G_FREE( pOwnerInfo );
  3082. if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hToken ){
  3083. CloseHandle( hToken );
  3084. }
  3085. if( NULL != NetworkService){
  3086. FreeSid(NetworkService);
  3087. }
  3088. return bResult;
  3089. }
  3091. PlaiSetRunAs(
  3092. HKEY hkeyQuery,
  3093. LPWSTR strUser,
  3094. LPWSTR strPassword
  3095. )
  3096. {
  3097. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  3098. BOOL bResult = FALSE;
  3100. if( LoadStringW( (HINSTANCE)ThisDLLHandle, IDS_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT, buffer, PLA_ACCOUNT_BUFFER ) ){
  3101. bResult = ( wcscmp( buffer, strUser ) == 0 );
  3102. }
  3103. if( strPassword == NULL || bResult ){
  3104. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue( hkeyQuery, szKey, REG_SZ, NULL, 0 );
  3105. if( bResult ){
  3106. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue( hkeyQuery, szRunAs, REG_SZ, NULL, 0 );
  3107. }
  3108. }else{
  3109. DATA_BLOB data;
  3110. DATA_BLOB crypt;
  3111. HANDLE hToken = NULL;
  3112. bResult = PlaiIsNetworkService(TRUE);
  3113. if( bResult != TRUE ){
  3114. pdhStatus = PlaiErrorToPdhStatus( GetLastError() );
  3115. }
  3116. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  3117. data.cbData = BYTE_SIZE( strPassword ) + (DWORD)sizeof(UNICODE_NULL);
  3118. data.pbData = (BYTE*)strPassword;
  3119. bResult = CryptProtectData(
  3120. &data,
  3121. NULL, NULL, NULL, 0,
  3123. &crypt
  3124. );
  3125. if( bResult == TRUE ){
  3126. DWORD dwStatus = RegSetValueEx( hkeyQuery, szKey, 0, REG_BINARY, crypt.pbData, crypt.cbData );
  3127. pdhStatus = PlaiErrorToPdhStatus( dwStatus );
  3128. if( crypt.pbData ){
  3129. LocalFree(crypt.pbData);
  3130. }
  3131. }else{
  3132. pdhStatus = PlaiErrorToPdhStatus( GetLastError() );
  3133. }
  3134. RevertToSelf();
  3135. }
  3136. }
  3137. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  3138. pdhStatus = PlaiWriteRegistryStringValue( hkeyQuery, szRunAs, REG_SZ, strUser, 0 );
  3139. }
  3140. return pdhStatus;
  3141. }
  3143. PdhiPlaSetRunAs(
  3144. LPWSTR strName,
  3145. LPWSTR strComputer,
  3146. LPWSTR strUser,
  3147. LPWSTR strPassword
  3148. )
  3149. {
  3150. //
  3151. // Only make this call if you are sure you have no better chance
  3152. // of being logged on as the NetworkService account. If you are
  3153. // not the NetworkService and can not log on as the NetworkService
  3154. // this call will fail.
  3155. //
  3156. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
  3157. HKEY hkeyQuery = NULL;
  3158. VALIDATE_QUERY( strName );
  3159. pdhStatus = PlaiConnectAndLockQuery( strComputer, strName, hkeyQuery );
  3160. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  3161. pdhStatus = PlaiSetRunAs( hkeyQuery, strUser, strPassword );
  3162. RELEASE_MUTEX(hPdhPlaMutex);
  3163. }
  3164. if ( NULL != hkeyQuery ) {
  3165. RegCloseKey ( hkeyQuery );
  3166. }
  3167. return pdhStatus;
  3168. }
  3170. PdhPlaSetRunAsA(
  3171. LPSTR /*strName*/,
  3172. LPSTR /*strComputer*/,
  3173. LPSTR /*strUser*/,
  3174. LPSTR /*strPassword*/
  3175. )
  3176. {
  3177. return PDH_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
  3178. }
  3180. PdhPlaSetRunAsW(
  3181. LPWSTR strName,
  3182. LPWSTR strComputer,
  3183. LPWSTR strUser,
  3184. LPWSTR strPassword
  3185. )
  3186. {
  3187. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  3188. BOOL bResult;
  3189. VALIDATE_QUERY( strName );
  3190. bResult = PlaiIsNetworkService(TRUE);
  3191. if( bResult ){
  3192. bResult = PlaiIsLocalComputer( strComputer );
  3193. }
  3194. if( bResult ){
  3195. pdhStatus = PdhiPlaSetRunAs( strName, strComputer, strUser, strPassword );
  3196. RevertToSelf();
  3197. }else{
  3198. pdhStatus = PdhPlaWbemSetRunAs( strName, strComputer, strUser, strPassword );
  3199. }
  3200. return pdhStatus;
  3201. }
  3202. /*****************************************************************************\
  3203. PdhPlaEnumCollections
  3204. Set the security for to run as when the log is active
  3205. Arguments:
  3206. LPTSTR strComputer
  3207. Computer to connect to
  3208. LPDWORD pdwBufferSizer
  3209. [IN] Size of buffer in TCHAR's pointed to by mszCollections.
  3210. [OUT] Size required or number of characters written.
  3211. LPTSTR mszCollections
  3212. Multistring of the existing collections.
  3213. Return:
  3215. \*****************************************************************************/
  3217. PdhPlaEnumCollectionsA(
  3218. LPSTR /*strComputer*/,
  3219. LPDWORD /*pdwBufferSize*/,
  3220. LPSTR /*mszCollections*/
  3221. )
  3222. {
  3223. return PDH_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
  3224. }
  3226. PdhPlaEnumCollectionsW(
  3227. LPWSTR strComputer,
  3228. LPDWORD pdwBufferSize,
  3229. LPWSTR mszCollections
  3230. )
  3231. {
  3232. DWORD dwStatus;
  3233. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
  3234. HKEY hkeyQueries = NULL;
  3235. DWORD dwTotalLength = 0;
  3236. DWORD nCollections = 0;
  3237. DWORD nMaxSubKeyLength = 0;
  3238. DWORD dwSize;
  3239. LPWSTR strCollection;
  3240. LPWSTR str;
  3241. dwStatus = WAIT_FOR_AND_LOCK_MUTEX( hPdhPlaMutex );
  3242. if( dwStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS && dwStatus != WAIT_ABANDONED ){
  3243. return PlaiErrorToPdhStatus( dwStatus );
  3244. }
  3245. pdhStatus = PlaiConnectToRegistry( strComputer, hkeyQueries, TRUE, FALSE );
  3246. CHECK_STATUS( pdhStatus );
  3247. dwStatus = RegQueryInfoKey(
  3248. hkeyQueries,
  3249. NULL,
  3250. NULL,
  3251. NULL,
  3252. &nCollections,
  3253. &nMaxSubKeyLength,
  3254. NULL,
  3255. NULL,
  3256. NULL,
  3257. NULL,
  3258. NULL,
  3259. NULL
  3260. );
  3261. CHECK_STATUS( dwStatus );
  3262. dwSize = (sizeof(WCHAR)*(nMaxSubKeyLength+1));
  3263. strCollection = (LPWSTR)G_ALLOC( dwSize );
  3264. if( strCollection ){
  3265. if( mszCollections != NULL && pdwBufferSize > 0 ){
  3266. ZeroMemory( mszCollections, *pdwBufferSize * sizeof(WCHAR) );
  3267. str = mszCollections;
  3268. }
  3269. for( ULONG i = 0; i<nCollections && ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus; i++ ){
  3270. LPWSTR strQueryName = NULL;
  3271. DWORD dwQueryName = 0;
  3272. dwStatus = RegEnumKey( hkeyQueries, i, strCollection, dwSize );
  3273. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ){
  3274. HKEY hkeyQuery = NULL;
  3275. dwStatus = RegOpenKeyExW (
  3276. hkeyQueries,
  3277. strCollection,
  3278. 0,
  3279. KEY_READ,
  3280. &hkeyQuery
  3281. );
  3282. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ){
  3283. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryStringValue(
  3284. hkeyQuery,
  3285. szCollection,
  3286. READ_REG_MUI,
  3287. &strQueryName,
  3288. &dwQueryName
  3289. );
  3290. if( pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS &&
  3291. strQueryName != NULL &&
  3292. dwQueryName > sizeof(WCHAR) ){
  3293. dwTotalLength += dwQueryName;
  3294. if( NULL != mszCollections && dwTotalLength < *pdwBufferSize ){
  3295. wcscpy( str, strQueryName );
  3296. str += ( wcslen(str) + 1 );
  3297. }
  3298. }else{
  3299. pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  3300. dwTotalLength += wcslen( strCollection ) + 1;
  3301. if( NULL != mszCollections && dwTotalLength < *pdwBufferSize ){
  3302. wcscpy( str, strCollection );
  3303. str += ( wcslen(str) + 1 );
  3304. }
  3305. }
  3306. G_FREE( strQueryName );
  3307. }
  3308. if( NULL != hkeyQuery ){
  3309. RegCloseKey( hkeyQuery );
  3310. }
  3311. }
  3312. }
  3313. G_FREE( strCollection );
  3314. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ){
  3315. if( (dwTotalLength + 1) > *pdwBufferSize ){
  3316. pdhStatus = PDH_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
  3317. }
  3318. *pdwBufferSize = dwTotalLength + 1;
  3319. }
  3320. }else{
  3321. dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
  3322. }
  3323. cleanup:
  3324. RELEASE_MUTEX( hPdhPlaMutex );
  3325. if ( NULL != hkeyQueries ) {
  3326. RegCloseKey ( hkeyQueries );
  3327. }
  3328. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  3329. return PlaiErrorToPdhStatus( dwStatus );
  3330. }else{
  3331. return pdhStatus;
  3332. }
  3333. }
  3334. /*****************************************************************************\
  3335. PlaTimeInfoToMilliSeconds
  3336. Converts the PLA_TIME_INFO structure to ms in a LONGLONG
  3337. Arguments:
  3338. PLA_TIME_INFO* pTimeInfo
  3339. LONGLONG* pllmsecs
  3340. Return:
  3342. The pTimeInfo->wDataType is not PLA_TT_DTYPE_UNITS
  3344. \*****************************************************************************/
  3346. PlaTimeInfoToMilliSeconds (
  3347. PLA_TIME_INFO* pTimeInfo,
  3348. LONGLONG* pllmsecs)
  3349. {
  3350. if( PLA_TT_DTYPE_UNITS != pTimeInfo->wDataType ){
  3351. return PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
  3352. }
  3353. switch (pTimeInfo->dwUnitType) {
  3354. case PLA_TT_UTYPE_SECONDS:
  3355. *pllmsecs = pTimeInfo->dwValue;
  3356. break;
  3357. case PLA_TT_UTYPE_MINUTES:
  3358. *pllmsecs = pTimeInfo->dwValue * PLA_SECONDS_IN_MINUTE;
  3359. break;
  3360. case PLA_TT_UTYPE_HOURS:
  3361. *pllmsecs = pTimeInfo->dwValue * PLA_SECONDS_IN_HOUR;
  3362. break;
  3363. case PLA_TT_UTYPE_DAYS:
  3364. *pllmsecs = pTimeInfo->dwValue * PLA_SECONDS_IN_DAY;
  3365. break;
  3366. default:
  3367. *pllmsecs = 0;
  3368. }
  3369. *pllmsecs *= 1000;
  3370. return ERROR_SUCCESS;
  3371. }
  3372. /*****************************************************************************\
  3373. PdhiPlaFormatBlanks
  3374. Replaces blanks with the character specified by:
  3375. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SysmonLog\Replace Blanks
  3376. Arguments:
  3377. Return:
  3379. \*****************************************************************************/
  3381. PdhiPlaFormatBlanksA( LPSTR strComputer, LPSTR strFormat )
  3382. {
  3383. return PDH_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
  3384. }
  3386. PdhiPlaFormatBlanksW( LPWSTR strComputer, LPWSTR strFormat )
  3387. {
  3388. HKEY hkey = NULL;
  3389. LPWSTR strScan = strFormat;
  3390. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
  3391. LPWSTR strBlank = NULL;
  3392. DWORD dwSize = 0;
  3393. if( PlaiIsStringEmpty( strFormat ) ){
  3394. return ERROR_SUCCESS;
  3395. }
  3396. pdhStatus = PlaiConnectToRegistry( strComputer, hkey, FALSE );
  3397. CHECK_STATUS( pdhStatus );
  3398. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryStringValue(
  3399. hkey,
  3400. L"Replace Blanks",
  3401. READ_REG_MUI,
  3402. &strBlank,
  3403. &dwSize
  3404. );
  3405. if( ERROR_SUCCESS != pdhStatus || PlaiIsStringEmpty( strBlank ) ){
  3406. pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  3407. goto cleanup;
  3408. }
  3409. __try {
  3410. while( *strScan != L'\0' ){
  3411. if( *strScan == L' ' ){
  3412. *strScan = *strBlank;
  3413. }
  3414. strScan++;
  3415. }
  3416. } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {
  3417. pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
  3418. }
  3419. cleanup:
  3420. if( hkey != NULL ){
  3421. RegCloseKey ( hkey );
  3422. }
  3423. return pdhStatus;
  3424. }
  3425. /*****************************************************************************\
  3426. PdhPlaGetLogFileName
  3427. Arguments:
  3428. Return:
  3430. Not all needed fields we set in the passed info block
  3432. The final path contains invalid characters
  3434. \*****************************************************************************/
  3436. PlaiScanForInvalidChar( LPWSTR strScan )
  3437. {
  3438. LPWSTR strCheck = strScan;
  3439. if( PlaiIsStringEmpty( strScan ) ){
  3440. return PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
  3441. }
  3442. if( PlaiIsCharWhitespace( *strCheck ) ){
  3443. return PDH_PLA_ERROR_FILEPATH;
  3444. }
  3445. if( PlaiIsCharWhitespace( strCheck[wcslen(strCheck)-1] ) ){
  3446. return PDH_PLA_ERROR_FILEPATH;
  3447. }
  3448. while( *strCheck != L'\0' ){
  3449. switch( *strCheck ){
  3450. case L'?':
  3451. case L'*':
  3452. case L'|':
  3453. case L'<':
  3454. case L'>':
  3455. case L'/':
  3456. case L'\"':
  3457. return PDH_PLA_ERROR_FILEPATH;
  3458. case L'\\':
  3459. if( strCheck > strScan ){
  3460. if( PlaiIsCharWhitespace( *((WCHAR*)strCheck-1)) ){
  3461. return PDH_PLA_ERROR_FILEPATH;
  3462. }
  3463. }
  3464. }
  3465. strCheck++;
  3466. }
  3467. return ERROR_SUCCESS;
  3468. }
  3469. long PlaiJulianDate( SYSTEMTIME st )
  3470. {
  3471. long day = 0;
  3472. BOOL bLeap = FALSE;
  3473. static int cDaysInMonth[] =
  3474. { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
  3475. for( int i = 0; i < st.wMonth - 1 && i<12; i++ ){
  3476. day += cDaysInMonth[i];
  3477. }
  3478. day += st.wDay;
  3479. if( st.wYear % 400 == 0){
  3480. bLeap = TRUE;
  3481. }else if( st.wYear % 100 == 0){
  3482. bLeap = FALSE;
  3483. }else if( st.wYear % 4 ){
  3484. bLeap = TRUE;
  3485. }
  3486. if( st.wMonth > 2 && bLeap ){
  3487. day++;
  3488. }
  3489. return day;
  3490. }
  3492. PlaiGetLogFileName(
  3493. DWORD dwFlags,
  3494. PPDH_PLA_INFO_W pInfo,
  3495. LPDWORD pdwBufferSize,
  3496. LPWSTR strFileName
  3497. )
  3498. {
  3499. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  3500. DWORD dwExpanded = 0;
  3501. WCHAR buffer[128];
  3502. LPWSTR strExpand;
  3503. DWORD dwSize;
  3504. DWORD dwSwitch;
  3505. SYSTEMTIME st;
  3506. GetLocalTime (&st);
  3507. LPWSTR strWhack = L"\\";
  3508. LPWSTR strUnder = L"_";
  3509. DWORD dwTotalSize = 0;
  3510. LPWSTR strLocalFileName = NULL;
  3511. LPWSTR strBaseFileName = NULL;
  3512. LPWSTR strDefaultDir = NULL;
  3513. LPWSTR strSQL = L"";
  3514. TCHAR strBuffer[MAX_PATH];
  3515. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_FILENAME ){
  3516. strBaseFileName = pInfo->strBaseFileName;
  3517. }
  3518. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_DEFAULTDIR ){
  3519. strDefaultDir = pInfo->strDefaultDir;
  3520. }
  3521. if( (pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_FORMAT) &&
  3522. pInfo->dwFileFormat == PLA_SQL_LOG ){
  3523. if( (pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_SQLNAME) &&
  3524. ! PlaiIsStringEmpty( pInfo->strSqlName ) ){
  3525. strDefaultDir = pInfo->strSqlName;
  3526. }else{
  3527. strDefaultDir = strBaseFileName;
  3528. }
  3529. strBaseFileName = L"";
  3530. if( ! PlaiIsStringEmpty( strDefaultDir ) ){
  3531. BOOL bBang = FALSE;
  3532. BOOL bLogSet = FALSE;
  3533. LPWSTR strLogSet = wcsstr( strDefaultDir, L"!" );
  3534. if( ! PlaiIsStringEmpty( strLogSet ) ){
  3535. bBang = TRUE;
  3536. if( wcslen( strLogSet ) > 1 ){
  3537. bLogSet = TRUE;
  3538. }
  3539. }
  3540. if( pInfo->dwAutoNameFormat != PLA_SLF_NAME_NONE ){
  3541. if( !bLogSet ){
  3542. strUnder = L"";
  3543. }
  3544. }else if( ! bLogSet ){
  3545. pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
  3546. goto cleanup;
  3547. }
  3548. if( ! bLogSet && ! bBang ){
  3549. strWhack = L"!";
  3550. }else{
  3551. strWhack = L"";
  3552. }
  3553. if( StrCmpNI( strDefaultDir, L"SQL:", 4 ) != 0 ){
  3554. strSQL = L"SQL:";
  3555. }
  3556. }else{
  3557. pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
  3558. goto cleanup;
  3559. }
  3560. }else{
  3561. WCHAR fname[_MAX_FNAME];
  3562. WCHAR ext[_MAX_EXT];
  3563. if( PlaiIsStringEmpty( strDefaultDir ) ){
  3564. strDefaultDir = L"%SystemDrive%\\PerfLogs";
  3565. }else if( strDefaultDir[wcslen(strDefaultDir)-1] == L'\\' ){
  3566. strWhack = L"";
  3567. }
  3568. if( PlaiIsStringEmpty( strBaseFileName ) ){
  3569. if( (pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_AUTOFORMAT) &&
  3570. PLA_SLF_NAME_NONE == pInfo->dwAutoNameFormat ){
  3571. pdhStatus = PDH_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
  3572. goto cleanup;
  3573. }else{
  3574. strBaseFileName = L"";
  3575. strUnder = L"";
  3576. }
  3577. }
  3578. _wsplitpath( strBaseFileName, NULL, NULL, fname, ext );
  3579. if( _wcsicmp( ext, L".etl" ) == 0 ||
  3580. _wcsicmp( ext, L".blg" ) == 0 ||
  3581. _wcsicmp( ext, L".csv" ) == 0 ||
  3582. _wcsicmp( ext, L".tsv" ) == 0 ){
  3583. if( wcslen( fname ) < _MAX_PATH ){
  3584. wcscpy( strBuffer, fname );
  3585. strBaseFileName = strBuffer;
  3586. }
  3587. }
  3588. }
  3589. dwTotalSize = 32 * sizeof( WCHAR ); // padding for cnf suffix and sql prefix
  3590. dwTotalSize += BYTE_SIZE( strBaseFileName );
  3591. dwTotalSize += BYTE_SIZE( strDefaultDir );
  3592. strLocalFileName = (LPWSTR)G_ALLOC( dwTotalSize );
  3593. if( NULL == strLocalFileName ){
  3595. goto cleanup;
  3596. }
  3597. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_AUTOFORMAT ){
  3598. dwSwitch = pInfo->dwAutoNameFormat;
  3599. }else{
  3600. // default
  3601. dwSwitch = PLA_SLF_NAME_NONE;
  3602. }
  3603. switch( dwSwitch ){
  3604. case PLA_SLF_NAME_NONE:
  3605. wsprintf( strLocalFileName, L"%s%s%s%s",
  3606. strSQL, strDefaultDir, strWhack, strBaseFileName );
  3607. break;
  3608. case PLA_SLF_NAME_MMDDHH:
  3609. wsprintf( strLocalFileName, L"%s%s%s%s%s%02d%02d%02d",
  3610. strSQL, strDefaultDir, strWhack, strBaseFileName, strUnder, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour );
  3611. break;
  3612. case PLA_SLF_NAME_NNNNNN:
  3613. wsprintf( strLocalFileName, L"%s%s%s%s%s%06d",
  3614. strSQL, strDefaultDir, strWhack, strBaseFileName, strUnder, pInfo->dwLogFileSerialNumber );
  3615. break;
  3616. case PLA_SLF_NAME_YYYYDDD:
  3617. wsprintf( strLocalFileName, L"%s%s%s%s%s%04d%03d",
  3618. strSQL, strDefaultDir, strWhack, strBaseFileName, strUnder, st.wYear, PlaiJulianDate( st ) );
  3619. break;
  3620. case PLA_SLF_NAME_YYYYMM:
  3621. wsprintf( strLocalFileName, L"%s%s%s%s%s%04d%02d",
  3622. strSQL, strDefaultDir, strWhack, strBaseFileName, strUnder, st.wYear, st.wMonth );
  3623. break;
  3625. wsprintf( strLocalFileName, L"%s%s%s%s%s%04d%02d%02d",
  3626. strSQL, strDefaultDir, strWhack, strBaseFileName, strUnder, st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay );
  3627. break;
  3629. wsprintf( strLocalFileName, L"%s%s%s%s%s%04d%02d%02d%02d",
  3630. strSQL, strDefaultDir, strWhack, strBaseFileName, strUnder, st.wYear, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour );
  3631. break;
  3633. wsprintf( strLocalFileName, L"%s%s%s%s%s%02d%02d%02d%02d",
  3634. strSQL, strDefaultDir, strWhack, strBaseFileName, strUnder, st.wMonth, st.wDay, st.wHour, st.wMinute );
  3635. break;
  3636. }
  3637. if( (pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_CRTNEWFILE) &&
  3638. PLA_AUTO_MODE_NONE != pInfo->ptCreateNewFile.dwAutoMode ){
  3639. dwFlags |= PLA_FILENAME_USE_SUBEXT;
  3640. // default the CNF number.
  3641. if ( 0 == pInfo->dwReserved1 ) {
  3642. pInfo->dwReserved1 = 1;
  3643. }
  3644. }
  3645. if( dwFlags & PLA_FILENAME_USE_SUBEXT ){
  3646. if( dwFlags & PLA_FILENAME_GET_SUBFMT ){
  3647. wcscat( strLocalFileName, L"_%03d" );
  3648. }else if( dwFlags & PLA_FILENAME_GET_SUBXXX ){
  3649. wcscat( strLocalFileName, L"_xxx" );
  3650. }else{
  3651. swprintf( buffer, L"_%03d", pInfo->dwReserved1 );
  3652. wcscat( strLocalFileName, buffer );
  3653. }
  3654. }
  3655. if( pInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_FORMAT ){
  3656. dwSwitch = (pInfo->dwFileFormat & 0x0000FFFF);
  3657. }else{
  3658. dwSwitch = PLA_NUM_FILE_TYPES;
  3659. }
  3660. switch( dwSwitch ){
  3661. case PLA_CSV_FILE:
  3662. wcscat( strLocalFileName, L".csv" );
  3663. break;
  3664. case PLA_TSV_FILE:
  3665. wcscat( strLocalFileName, L".tsv" );
  3666. break;
  3667. case PLA_BIN_FILE:
  3668. case PLA_BIN_CIRC_FILE:
  3669. wcscat( strLocalFileName, L".blg" );
  3670. break;
  3671. case PLA_CIRC_TRACE_FILE:
  3672. case PLA_SEQ_TRACE_FILE:
  3673. wcscat( strLocalFileName, L".etl" );
  3674. break;
  3675. case PLA_SQL_LOG:
  3676. break;
  3677. }
  3678. if( NULL == strFileName ){
  3679. strExpand = buffer;
  3680. dwSize = 128;
  3681. pdhStatus = PDH_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
  3682. }else{
  3683. strExpand = strFileName;
  3684. dwSize = (*pdwBufferSize)/sizeof(WCHAR);
  3685. }
  3686. dwExpanded = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( strLocalFileName, strExpand, dwSize );
  3687. if( dwExpanded == 0 ){
  3688. DWORD dwStatus = GetLastError();
  3689. pdhStatus = PlaiErrorToPdhStatus( dwStatus );
  3690. }else{
  3691. dwTotalSize = dwExpanded * sizeof(WCHAR);
  3692. if( NULL != strFileName && *pdwBufferSize < dwTotalSize ){
  3693. pdhStatus = PDH_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
  3694. }else{
  3695. pdhStatus = PlaiScanForInvalidChar( strExpand );
  3696. }
  3697. }
  3698. cleanup:
  3699. G_FREE( strLocalFileName );
  3700. *pdwBufferSize = dwTotalSize;
  3701. return pdhStatus;
  3702. }
  3704. PdhPlaGetLogFileNameA(
  3705. LPSTR strName,
  3706. LPSTR strComputer,
  3707. PPDH_PLA_INFO_A pInfo,
  3708. DWORD dwFlags,
  3709. LPDWORD pdwBufferSize,
  3710. LPSTR strFileName
  3711. )
  3712. {
  3713. return PDH_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
  3714. }
  3716. PdhPlaGetLogFileNameW(
  3717. LPWSTR strName,
  3718. LPWSTR strComputer,
  3719. PPDH_PLA_INFO_W pInfo,
  3720. DWORD dwFlags,
  3721. LPDWORD pdwBufferSize,
  3722. LPWSTR strFileName
  3723. )
  3724. {
  3725. PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
  3726. PPDH_PLA_INFO_W pLocalInfo = NULL;
  3727. LPWSTR strFolder = NULL;
  3728. LPWSTR strLocalFileName = NULL;
  3729. DWORD dwSize;
  3730. if( pInfo == NULL ){
  3731. DWORD dwInfoSize = 0;
  3732. pdhStatus = PdhPlaGetInfoW( strName, strComputer, &dwInfoSize, pLocalInfo );
  3733. CHECK_STATUS(pdhStatus);
  3734. pLocalInfo = (PPDH_PLA_INFO)G_ALLOC(dwInfoSize);
  3735. if( NULL != pLocalInfo ){
  3736. ZeroMemory( pLocalInfo, dwInfoSize );
  3737. pLocalInfo->dwMask = PLA_INFO_CREATE_FILENAME;
  3738. pdhStatus = PdhPlaGetInfoW( strName, strComputer, &dwInfoSize, pLocalInfo );
  3739. CHECK_STATUS(pdhStatus);
  3740. }else{
  3742. goto cleanup;
  3743. }
  3744. }else{
  3745. pLocalInfo = (PPDH_PLA_INFO)G_ALLOC(sizeof(PDH_PLA_INFO) );
  3746. if( NULL != pLocalInfo ){
  3747. memcpy( pLocalInfo, pInfo, sizeof(PDH_PLA_INFO) );
  3748. }else{
  3750. goto cleanup;
  3751. }
  3752. }
  3753. if( !(pLocalInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_TYPE) || PLA_ALERT == pLocalInfo->dwType ){
  3754. if( *pdwBufferSize > sizeof(WCHAR) && strFileName != NULL ){
  3755. strFileName[0] = L'\0';
  3756. }
  3757. *pdwBufferSize = sizeof(WCHAR);
  3758. goto cleanup;
  3759. }
  3760. if( ((dwFlags & PLA_FILENAME_CURRENTLOG) ||
  3761. ((pLocalInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_STATUS) &&
  3762. PLA_QUERY_RUNNING == pLocalInfo->dwStatus)) &&
  3763. !(dwFlags & PLA_FILENAME_CREATEONLY) ){
  3764. if( NULL != strName ){
  3765. HKEY hkeyQuery = NULL;
  3766. pdhStatus = PlaiConnectAndLockQuery ( strComputer, strName, hkeyQuery, FALSE );
  3767. if( ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus ){
  3768. dwSize = 0;
  3769. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryStringValue( hkeyQuery, szCurrentLogFile, 0, &strLocalFileName, &dwSize );
  3770. RELEASE_MUTEX(hPdhPlaMutex);
  3771. if( NULL != hkeyQuery ){
  3772. RegCloseKey( hkeyQuery );
  3773. }
  3774. if( pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS ){
  3775. if( strFileName != NULL && *pdwBufferSize >= dwSize ){
  3776. wcscpy( strFileName, strLocalFileName );
  3777. }else{
  3778. if( NULL != strFileName ){
  3779. pdhStatus = PDH_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER;
  3780. }
  3781. }
  3782. *pdwBufferSize = dwSize;
  3783. goto cleanup;
  3784. }
  3785. }
  3786. }
  3787. }
  3788. if( !(pLocalInfo->dwMask & PLA_INFO_FLAG_DEFAULTDIR) ||
  3789. PlaiIsStringEmpty( pLocalInfo->strDefaultDir ) ){
  3790. HKEY hkeyLogs = NULL;
  3791. pdhStatus = PlaiConnectToRegistry( strComputer, hkeyLogs, FALSE );
  3792. CHECK_STATUS( pdhStatus );
  3793. dwSize = 0;
  3794. pdhStatus = PlaiReadRegistryStringValue(
  3795. hkeyLogs,
  3796. L"DefaultLogFileFolder",
  3797. READ_REG_MUI,
  3798. &strFolder,
  3799. &dwSize
  3800. );
  3801. if( hkeyLogs != NULL ){
  3802. RegCloseKey ( hkeyLogs );
  3803. }
  3804. CHECK_STATUS(pdhStatus);
  3805. pLocalInfo->strDefaultDir = strFolder;
  3806. pLocalInfo->dwMask |= PLA_INFO_FLAG_DEFAULTDIR;
  3807. }
  3808. pdhStatus = PlaiGetLogFileName( dwFlags, pLocalInfo, pdwBufferSize, strFileName );
  3809. if(ERROR_SUCCESS == pdhStatus){
  3810. pdhStatus = PdhiPlaFormatBlanksW( strComputer, strFileName );
  3811. }
  3812. cleanup:
  3813. G_FREE( pLocalInfo );
  3814. G_FREE( strFolder );
  3815. G_FREE( strLocalFileName );
  3816. return pdhStatus;
  3817. }