* * Log.c - This module handles the Logging. * * Microsoft Confidential * Copyright (c) 1992-1993 Microsoft Corporation * * ****************************************************************************/
// Includes //
#include <stdio.h>
#include "perfmon.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "fileutil.h"
#include "owndraw.h"
#include "pmemory.h" // for MemoryXXX (mallloc-type) routines
#include "perfmops.h" // for SystemAdd
#include "perfdata.h"
#include "playback.h" // for PlayingBackLog
#include "status.h" // for StatusUpdateIcons
#include "system.h" // for SystemAdd
#include "utils.h"
#include "fileopen.h" // for FileGetName
#include "command.h"
// Funtion Prototypes //
BOOL LogWriteStartBookmark (HWND hWnd, SYSTEMTIME *pSystemTime) ; BOOL LogWriteBookmarkData (HWND hWnd, PBOOKMARK pBookMark) ; BOOL LogWriteSystemBookmark (HWND hWnd, LPTSTR SysName, BOOL DisConnect, SYSTEMTIME *pSystemTime) ;
// Constants //
#define LogNameMinLen 15
#define LogObjectMinLen 20
// This is set to 1 min
// Log Class //
#define dwLogClassStyle (CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_DBLCLKS)
#define iLogClassExtra (0)
#define iLogWindowExtra (0)
#define dwLogWindowStyle (WS_CHILD)
// Local Data //
int xStatusWidth ; int xNameMinWidth ;
TCHAR szClosed [ShortTextLen] ; TCHAR szCollecting [ShortTextLen] ; // TCHAR szPaused [ControlStringLen + 1] ;
// Macros //
#define LogEntryN(hWndLogEntries, iIndex) \
((PLOGENTRY) LBData (hWndLogEntries, iIndex))
// Local Functions //
void LogAddEntryToList (PLOGENTRY *ppLogEntryFirst, PLOGENTRY pLogNewEntry) { // insert the new entry at the beginning
pLogNewEntry->pNextLogEntry = *ppLogEntryFirst ; *ppLogEntryFirst = pLogNewEntry ; }
void LogDeleteEntryFromList (PLOGENTRY *ppLogEntryFirst, PLOGENTRY pLogEntryDel) { PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ;
if (*ppLogEntryFirst == pLogEntryDel) { *ppLogEntryFirst = pLogEntryDel->pNextLogEntry ; } else { for (pLogEntry = *ppLogEntryFirst ; pLogEntry ; pLogEntry = pLogEntry->pNextLogEntry) { if (pLogEntry->pNextLogEntry == pLogEntryDel) { // found, remove this entry from the list
pLogEntry->pNextLogEntry = pLogEntryDel->pNextLogEntry ; break ; } } } }
// LogDeleteIndex - delete the log entry specified by iIndex
// and do memory clean-up
void static LogDeleteIndex (HWND hWndLogEntries, INT_PTR iIndex) { PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ; PLOG pLog ;
pLogEntry = (PLOGENTRY) LBData(hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ;
if (pLogEntry && pLogEntry != (PLOGENTRY)LB_ERR) { pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
if (pLog->pLogEntryFirst) { LogDeleteEntryFromList (&(pLog->pLogEntryFirst), pLogEntry) ; }
MemoryFree (pLogEntry) ; }
LBDelete (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ; }
void LogEntriesChanged (HWND hWndLogEntries) /*
Effect: Perform any actions needed when an entry has been added or removed from the log. In particular, determine if a new "Object" column width is appropriate. If it is, then change the width and redraw the log entries list. */ { int iIndex ; int iIndexNum ; int xCol1Width ; HDC hDC ; PLOG pLog ; PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ; PPERFSYSTEM pSystem;
pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ; xCol1Width = 0 ;
hDC = GetDC (hWndLog) ; iIndexNum = LBNumItems (hWndLogEntries) ;
// clear value Strings for all systems
for (pSystem = pLog->pSystemFirst; pSystem; pSystem = pSystem->pSystemNext) { if (pSystem && pSystem->FailureTime == 0) { RemoveObjectsFromSystem (pSystem); } }
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < iIndexNum; iIndex++) { pLogEntry = LogEntryN (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ; xCol1Width = max (TextWidth (hDC, pLogEntry->szObject), xCol1Width) ;
pSystem = SystemGet (pLog->pSystemFirst, pLogEntry->szComputer); if (pSystem && pSystem->FailureTime == 0) { AppendObjectToValueList ( pLogEntry->ObjectTitleIndex, pSystem->lpszValue); } }
xCol1Width += 2 * xScrollWidth ; xCol1Width = max (xCol1Width, TextAvgWidth (hDC, LogObjectMinLen)) ; if (xCol1Width != pLog->xCol1Width) { pLog->xCol1Width = xCol1Width ; WindowInvalidate (hWndLogEntries) ; } ReleaseDC (hWndLog, hDC) ; }
LPTSTR StatusText (int iPMStatus) /*
Effect: Return a string representation of the log status iPMStatus.
Note: Since these are globals, we can just return a pointer to them. The user of this routine should not free these pointers or modify the string. */ { switch (iPMStatus) { case iPMStatusClosed: return (szClosed) ;
case iPMStatusCollecting: return (szCollecting) ;
// case iPMStatusPaused:
// return (szPaused) ;
default: return (szClosed) ; } }
PLOG AllocateLogData (HWND hWndLog) { PLOG pLog ;
pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
pLog->iStatus = iPMStatusClosed ; pLog->bManualRefresh = FALSE ;
// let's not give it a filename
FileCombine (pLog->szFilePath, szDefaultLogDirectory, szDefaultLogFileName) ; !!*/ strclr (pLog->szFilePath) ;
pLog->pSystemFirst = NULL; pLog->lFileSize = 0L ; pLog->iIntervalMSecs = iDefaultLogIntervalSecs * 1000 ;
pLog->pLogData = (PPERFDATA) MemoryAllocate (STARTING_SYSINFO_SIZE) ; pLog->dwDetailLevel = PERF_DETAIL_WIZARD ; LogEntriesChanged (hWndLogEntries) ;
return (pLog) ; }
void FreeLogData (PLOG pLog) { MemoryFree ((LPMEMORY)pLog->pLogData) ; }
void UpdateLogSize (HWND hWnd) /*
Effect: Set the size value to the current size. Also change the size entry in the status line. */ { PLOG pLog ; TCHAR szSize [ShortTextLen + 1] ;
pLog = LogData (hWnd) ;
LongToCommaString (pLog->lFileSize, szSize) ; SetDlgItemText (hWnd, IDD_LOGSIZE, szSize) ;
if (!PlayingBackLog()) { StatusUpdateIcons (hWndStatus) ; } }
HANDLE LogAppendSetup(PLOG pLog, PLOGHEADER pLogFileHeader) { PLOGHEADER pHeader ; LOGPOSITION LP ; DWORD lPreviousIndexBlock ; DWORD lNextIndexBlock ; PLOGHEADER pPlaybackLogHeader ; HANDLE hMapHandle ;
pHeader = (PLOGHEADER) FileMap(pLog->hFile, &hMapHandle) ; if (!pHeader || !strsame(pHeader->szSignature, LogFileSignature) || pHeader->wVersion != LogFileVersion || pHeader->wRevision != LogFileRevision) { if (pHeader) { FileUnMap((LPVOID)pHeader, hMapHandle) ; } return 0 ; }
*pLogFileHeader = *pHeader ;
LP.pIndexBlock = FirstIndexBlock(pHeader) ; LP.iIndex = 0 ; LP.iPosition = 0 ; lPreviousIndexBlock = pHeader->iLength ; lNextIndexBlock = LP.pIndexBlock->lNextBlockOffset ;
// since inside NextReLogIndexPosition would eventually call
// PlaybackSeek for large log file, we have to temporarily
// setup PlaybackLog.pHeader. Not a good fix but it works...
pPlaybackLogHeader = PlaybackLog.pHeader ; PlaybackLog.pHeader = pHeader ; while (NextReLogIndexPosition(&LP)) { if (LP.pIndexBlock->lNextBlockOffset != lNextIndexBlock) { lPreviousIndexBlock = lNextIndexBlock ; lNextIndexBlock = LP.pIndexBlock->lNextBlockOffset ; } }
// get the last system time from this log file
if (LP.iIndex > 0) { SYSTEMTIME localSystemTime ;
if (LogPositionSystemTime (&LP, &localSystemTime)) { pLog->LastLogTime = localSystemTime ; } }
PlaybackLog.pHeader = pPlaybackLogHeader ; if (!pLogIndexBlock) { pLogIndexBlock = (LOGINDEXBLOCK *) MemoryAllocate (sizeof(LOGINDEXBLOCK)) ; } if (pLogIndexBlock) { *pLogIndexBlock = *LP.pIndexBlock ; } pLog->lIndexBlockOffset = lPreviousIndexBlock ; pLog->iIndex = ++LP.iIndex ; pLog->lFileSize = FileSeekEnd(pLog->hFile, 0) ;
FileUnMap((LPVOID)pHeader, hMapHandle) ; return pLog->hFile ; }
void LogRemoveCounterName (PLOG pLog) { PPERFSYSTEM pSystem ;
if (pLog->pBaseCounterName) { MemoryFree (pLog->pBaseCounterName) ; } pLog->pBaseCounterName = 0 ; pLog->lBaseCounterNameSize = 0 ; pLog->lBaseCounterNameOffset = 0 ;
// clear all the system marker to indicate they have not been
// saved
for (pSystem = pLog->pSystemFirst ; pSystem ; pSystem = pSystem->pSystemNext) { pSystem->bSystemCounterNameSaved = FALSE ; } }
int CreateLogFile (PLOG pLog, BOOL bCreateFile, BOOL bSameFile) { HANDLE returnHandle ; LOGHEADER LogFileHeader ; long lCurPosition ; LOGFILECOUNTERNAME CounterNameRecord ;
pLog->lFileSize = 0 ; memset (&(pLog->LastLogTime), 0, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME)) ;
if (!pLogIndexBlock) { pLogIndexBlock = (LOGINDEXBLOCK *) MemoryAllocate (sizeof(LOGINDEXBLOCK)) ; } if (pLogIndexBlock) { lstrcpy (pLogIndexBlock->szSignature, LogIndexSignature) ; } else return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
pLog->hFile = FileHandleOpen (pLog->szFilePath) ; if (pLog->hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // if this is a pre-existing log file, set up to append to it
returnHandle = LogAppendSetup(pLog, &LogFileHeader) ; if (!returnHandle) { // this is not a log file...
CloseHandle (pLog->hFile) ; return (ERR_BAD_LOG_FILE) ; }
pLog->hFile = returnHandle ; }
if (bCreateFile && (!pLog->hFile || pLog->hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { // Create a new log file if needed.
pLog->hFile = FileHandleCreate (pLog->szFilePath) ; if (!pLog->hFile || pLog->hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return (ERR_LOG_FILE) ; lstrcpy (LogFileHeader.szSignature, LogFileSignature) ; LogFileHeader.wVersion = LogFileVersion ; LogFileHeader.wRevision = LogFileRevision ; LogFileHeader.iLength = sizeof (LOGHEADER) ; LogFileHeader.lBaseCounterNameOffset = 0 ; if (!FileWrite (pLog->hFile, &LogFileHeader, sizeof (LogFileHeader))) { CloseHandle (pLog->hFile) ; return (ERR_LOG_FILE) ; }
pLog->iIndex = 0 ; pLog->lIndexBlockOffset = FileTell (pLog->hFile) ; FileSeekCurrent (pLog->hFile, sizeof (LOGINDEXBLOCK)) ; pLog->lFileSize = sizeof(LOGHEADER) + sizeof (LOGINDEXBLOCK) ; pLogIndexBlock->iNumIndexes = 0 ; pLogIndexBlock->lNextBlockOffset = 0 ;
// get rid of any previous counter names and get ready for start
// if (!bSameFile)
// {
// LogRemoveCounterName (pLog) ;
// }
LogRemoveCounterName (pLog) ; } else if (bCreateFile) { // this is an existing log file, setup the counter names
// LogFileHeader already has the header info filled in
// by LogAppendSetup
if (!bSameFile || !pLog->pBaseCounterName) { // get rid of any previous counter names
LogRemoveCounterName (pLog) ;
// read the new names and get ready for start
lCurPosition = FileTell (pLog->hFile) ;
FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile, LogFileHeader.lBaseCounterNameOffset) ;
if (!(FileRead (pLog->hFile, &CounterNameRecord, sizeof (CounterNameRecord)))) { FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile, lCurPosition) ; goto EXIT ; }
FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile, CounterNameRecord.lCurrentCounterNameOffset) ;
if (!(pLog->pBaseCounterName = MemoryAllocate ( CounterNameRecord.lUnmatchCounterNames))) { FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile, lCurPosition) ; goto EXIT ; } if (!(FileRead (pLog->hFile, pLog->pBaseCounterName, CounterNameRecord.lUnmatchCounterNames))) { MemoryFree (pLog->pBaseCounterName) ; pLog->pBaseCounterName = NULL ; FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile, lCurPosition) ; goto EXIT ; } // we got the data, fill in other info
pLog->lBaseCounterNameSize = CounterNameRecord.lUnmatchCounterNames ; pLog->lBaseCounterNameOffset = LogFileHeader.lBaseCounterNameOffset ;
FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile, lCurPosition) ; } }
return (0) ;
void LogWriteIndexBlock (PLOG pLog) { FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile, pLog->lIndexBlockOffset) ; pLogIndexBlock->lNextBlockOffset = 0 ; FileWrite (pLog->hFile, (LPSTR) pLogIndexBlock, sizeof (LOGINDEXBLOCK)) ; }
BOOL LogWriteIndex (PLOG pLog, UINT uFlags, SYSTEMTIME *pSystemTime, LONG lDataOffset, int iSystemsLogged) { LOGINDEX Index ; long lNextBlockOffset ; BOOL WriteOK ; //=============================//
// Add Index Block Entry //
// Index Block Full? //
WriteOK = TRUE ;
if (pLog->iIndex == LogFileBlockMaxIndexes - 1) { lNextBlockOffset = FileTell (pLog->hFile) ; pLogIndexBlock->lNextBlockOffset = lNextBlockOffset ; FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile, pLog->lIndexBlockOffset) ; WriteOK = FileWrite (pLog->hFile, (LPSTR) pLogIndexBlock, sizeof (LOGINDEXBLOCK)) ; if (WriteOK) { FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile, lNextBlockOffset) ; // Fake file end until we really write the block
pLogIndexBlock->iNumIndexes = 0 ; pLogIndexBlock->lNextBlockOffset = 0 ; WriteOK = FileWrite (pLog->hFile, (LPSTR) pLogIndexBlock, sizeof (LOGINDEXBLOCK)) ; if (WriteOK) { pLog->lIndexBlockOffset = lNextBlockOffset ; pLog->iIndex = 0 ; pLog->lFileSize += sizeof (LOGINDEXBLOCK) ; } } }
// Add Index Block Entry //
Index.uFlags = uFlags ; Index.SystemTime = *pSystemTime ; Index.lDataOffset = lDataOffset ; Index.iSystemsLogged = iSystemsLogged ;
pLogIndexBlock->aIndexes [pLog->iIndex] = Index ; pLog->iIndex++ ; pLogIndexBlock->iNumIndexes++ ;
// write out the index block if the log interval if too large
if (pLog->iIntervalMSecs >= LARGE_INTERVAL * 1000 ) { LONG lCurPosition ;
// save the current file position
lCurPosition = FileTell (pLog->hFile) ;
// flush the index block to the file
LogWriteIndexBlock (pLog) ;
// restore previous file position since
// LogWriteIndexBlock has messed it up
FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile, lCurPosition) ; } return (WriteOK) ; }
BOOL LogWritePerfData (HWND hWnd, PLOG pLog, PPERFDATA pPerfData, SYSTEMTIME *pSystemTime, DWORD iNumSystems, BOOL bWriteIndex) { LONG lSize ; BOOL WriteOK ; LONG lCurPosition ;
lSize = pPerfData->TotalByteLength ;
lCurPosition = FileTell (pLog->hFile) ;
// Write Perf Data //
WriteOK = FileWrite (pLog->hFile, (LPSTR) pPerfData, lSize) ; if (WriteOK) { pLog->lFileSize += lSize ;
if (bWriteIndex) { WriteOK = LogWriteIndex (pLog, LogFileIndexData, pSystemTime, lCurPosition, iNumSystems) ; } } if ( !WriteOK ) { CloseLog (hWnd, pLog) ; PrepareMenu (GetMenu (hWndMain)) ; UpdateLogDisplay (hWnd) ; DlgErrorBox (hWnd, ERR_LOG_FILE, pLog->szFilePath) ; } return (WriteOK) ; }
// Message Handlers //
void static OnSize (HWND hDlg, int xWidth, int yHeight) /*
Effect: Perform any actions necessary when the log window (dialog) is resized. In particular, move and resize some of the dialogs controls.
Internals: The rightmost control, the log status, contains one of only several values. These values are all within xStatusWidth, computed at init time. Put this control one scroll width away from the right edge at fixed width. Move its associated text prompt with it. Then use the remaining space for the filename control, which can probably use it.
To Do: Need to consider minimum first. */ { int xStatusPos ; int xStatusTextPos ; int xNameWidth ; int xMinWidth ;
// Enough space for minimums? //
xMinWidth = xScrollWidth + // margin before prompt
DialogWidth (hDlg, IDD_LOGFILETEXT) + // width of prompt
xNameMinWidth + // width of name
xScrollWidth + DialogWidth (hDlg, IDD_LOGSTATUSTEXT) + DialogWidth (hDlg, IDD_LOGSTATUS) + xScrollWidth ;
xStatusPos = xWidth - xStatusWidth - xScrollWidth ; DialogMove (hDlg, IDD_LOGSTATUS, xStatusPos, NOCHANGE, xStatusWidth, NOCHANGE) ;
xStatusTextPos = xStatusPos - DialogWidth (hDlg, IDD_LOGSTATUSTEXT) - xScrollWidth ; DialogMove (hDlg, IDD_LOGSTATUSTEXT, xStatusTextPos, NOCHANGE, NOCHANGE, NOCHANGE) ;
xNameWidth = xStatusTextPos - DialogWidth (hDlg, IDD_LOGFILETEXT) - 2 * xScrollWidth ; DialogMove (hDlg, IDD_LOGFILE, NOCHANGE, NOCHANGE, xNameWidth, NOCHANGE) ;
DialogMove (hDlg, IDD_LOGSIZE, DialogXPos (hDlg, IDD_LOGFILE), NOCHANGE, DialogWidth (hDlg, IDD_LOGFILE), NOCHANGE) ;
DialogMove (hDlg, IDD_LOGENTRIES, xScrollWidth, NOCHANGE, xWidth - 2 * xScrollWidth, yHeight - DialogYPos (hDlg, IDD_LOGENTRIES) - yScrollHeight) ; WindowInvalidate (hDlg) ; }
INT_PTR OnCtlColor ( HWND hDlg, HDC hDC ) { SetTextColor (hDC, crBlack) ; // SetBkColor (hDC, crLightGray) ;
// return ((int) hbLightGray) ;
SetBkColor (hDC, ColorBtnFace) ; return ((INT_PTR) hBrushFace) ; }
void static OnInitDialog (HWND hDlg) { HDC hDC ; PLOG pLog ;
hWndLogEntries = DialogControl (hDlg, IDD_LOGENTRIES) ;
pLog = AllocateLogData (hDlg) ; if (!pLog) return ;
StringLoad (IDS_CLOSED, szClosed) ; // StringLoad (IDS_PAUSED, szPaused) ;
StringLoad (IDS_COLLECTING, szCollecting) ; UpdateLogDisplay (hDlg) ;
hDC = GetDC (hDlg) ; xStatusWidth = max (TextWidth (hDC, szClosed), TextWidth (hDC, szCollecting)) ; // max (TextWidth (hDC, szPaused),
// TextWidth (hDC, szCollecting))) ;
xStatusWidth += xScrollWidth ;
xNameMinWidth = TextAvgWidth (hDC, LogNameMinLen) ; ReleaseDC (hDlg, hDC) ; }
void static OnDestroy (HWND hWnd) /*
Effect: Perform any actions necessary when a LogDisplay window is being destroyed. In particular, free the instance data for the log.
Since we really only have one log window and one global log data structure, we don't free the structure. We do, however, delete the objects allocated within the structure. */ { PLOG pLog ;
pLog = LogData (hWnd) ; FreeLogData (pLog) ; }
void static OnDrawItem (HWND hWnd, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDI) { HDC hDC ; RECT rectComputer, rectObject ; PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ; PLOG pLog ; COLORREF preBkColor = 0; COLORREF preTextColor = 0;
pLog = LogData (hWnd) ;
pLogEntry = LogEntryN (hWndLogEntries, DIIndex (lpDI)) ;
// LogEntryN (SendMessage) will return LB_ERR for error, have to
// check for that case
if (!pLogEntry || pLogEntry == (PLOGENTRY)LB_ERR) { return ; }
hDC = lpDI->hDC ;
SelectFont (hDC, hFontScales) ;
if (DISelected (lpDI)) { preTextColor = SetTextColor (hDC, GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)) ; preBkColor = SetBkColor (hDC, GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)) ; }
rectObject.left = lpDI->rcItem.left ; rectObject.top = lpDI->rcItem.top ; rectObject.right = rectObject.left + pLog->xCol1Width ; rectObject.bottom = lpDI->rcItem.bottom ;
ExtTextOut (hDC, rectObject.left + xScrollWidth, rectObject.top, ETO_OPAQUE, &rectObject, pLogEntry->szObject, lstrlen (pLogEntry->szObject), NULL) ;
rectComputer.left = rectObject.right ; rectComputer.top = lpDI->rcItem.top ; rectComputer.right = lpDI->rcItem.right ; rectComputer.bottom = lpDI->rcItem.bottom ;
ExtTextOut (hDC, rectComputer.left, rectComputer.top, ETO_OPAQUE, &rectComputer, pLogEntry->szComputer, lstrlen (pLogEntry->szComputer), NULL) ;
if (DIFocus (lpDI)) DrawFocusRect (hDC, &(lpDI->rcItem)) ;
if (DISelected (lpDI)) { preTextColor = SetTextColor (hDC, preTextColor) ; preBkColor = SetBkColor (hDC, preBkColor) ; } // RestoreDC (hDC, -1) ;
// Exported Functions //
INT_PTR APIENTRY LogDisplayDlgProc ( HWND hDlg, UINT iMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) /*
Note: This function must be exported in the application's linker-definition file, perfmon.def. */ { switch (iMessage) { case WM_INITDIALOG: OnInitDialog (hDlg) ; break ;
case WM_CTLCOLORDLG: case WM_CTLCOLOREDIT: case WM_CTLCOLORBTN: case WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC: return (OnCtlColor (hDlg, (HDC) wParam)) ; break ;
case WM_DRAWITEM: OnDrawItem (hDlg, (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT) lParam) ; break ;
case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: SendMessage (hWndMain, WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, wParam, lParam) ; break ;
case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: DoWindowDrag (hDlg, lParam) ; break ;
case WM_SIZE: OnSize (hDlg, LOWORD (lParam), HIWORD (lParam)) ; break ;
case WM_TIMER: LogTimer (hDlg, FALSE) ; break ;
case WM_SETFOCUS: SetFocus (hWndLogEntries) ; break ;
pLog = LogData (hDlg) ; if (StartLog (hDlg, pLog, FALSE)) { UpdateLogDisplay (hDlg) ; PrepareMenu (GetMenu (hWndMain)) ; } } break ;
case WM_DESTROY: OnDestroy (hDlg) ; return (FALSE) ; break ;
default: return (FALSE) ; }
return (TRUE) ; }
HWND CreateLogWindow (HWND hWndParent) /*
Effect: Create the Log window. This window is a child of hWndMain.
Note: We dont worry about the size here, as this window will be resized whenever the main window is resized.
*/ { HWND hWnd ; hWnd = CreateDialog (hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE (idDlgLogDisplay), hWndParent, LogDisplayDlgProc) ;
return (hWnd) ; }
void UpdateLogDisplay (HWND hWnd) /*
Effect: Set the values for the various controls in the log display.
Called By: OnInitDialog, any other routines that change these values. */ { PLOG pLog ; WCHAR szSize [MiscTextLen + 1] ;
pLog = LogData (hWnd) ;
DialogSetString (hWnd, IDD_LOGFILE, pLog->szFilePath) ;
// position the cursor at the end of the text
EditSetTextEndPos (hWnd, IDD_LOGFILE) ;
DialogSetString (hWnd, IDD_LOGSTATUS, StatusText (pLog->iStatus)) ;
LongToCommaString (pLog->lFileSize, szSize) ; DialogSetString (hWnd, IDD_LOGSIZE, szSize) ;
DialogSetInterval (hWnd, IDD_LOGINTERVAL, pLog->iIntervalMSecs) ; }
BOOL LogInitializeApplication (void) { return (TRUE) ; }
void SetLogTimer (HWND hWnd, int iIntervalMSecs) { PLOG pLog ;
pLog = LogData (hWnd) ; pLog->iIntervalMSecs = iIntervalMSecs ;
KillTimer (hWnd, LogTimerID) ; SetTimer (hWnd, LogTimerID, pLog->iIntervalMSecs, NULL) ; }
void ClearLogTimer (HWND hWnd) { KillTimer (hWnd, LogTimerID) ; }
BOOL CloseLogStopTimer (HWND hWnd, PLOG pLog) { CloseHandle (pLog->hFile) ;
pLog->hFile = 0 ; pLog->iStatus = iPMStatusClosed ;
ClearLogTimer (hWnd) ;
return (TRUE) ; }
BOOL CloseLog (HWND hWnd, PLOG pLog) { LogWriteIndexBlock (pLog) ; CloseLogStopTimer (hWnd, pLog) ; WindowInvalidate (hWndStatus) ; return (TRUE) ; }
BOOL StartLog (HWND hWnd, PLOG pLog, BOOL bSameFile) { int RetCode ; SYSTEMTIME SystemTime ;
if ((RetCode = CreateLogFile (pLog, TRUE, bSameFile)) == 0) { pLog->iStatus = iPMStatusCollecting ;
GetLocalTime (&SystemTime) ;
// write a dummy record.
// this is needed because when playingback log
// it will skip the first index from the first
// index block.
LogWriteIndex (pLog, 0, &SystemTime, 0, 0) ;
if (!PlayingBackLog()) { // write out a bookmark to indicate start of new data
if (!LogWriteStartBookmark (hWnd, &SystemTime)) { RetCode = 0 ; goto ErrorExit ; }
if (!(pLog->bManualRefresh)) { SetLogTimer (hWnd, pLog->iIntervalMSecs) ; WindowInvalidate (hWndStatus) ; } } else { // check if time if OK
LOGPOSITION LP ; SYSTEMTIME FirstSystemTime ; int TimeDiff ;
LP = PlaybackLog.StartIndexPos ;
if (LogPositionSystemTime (&LP, &FirstSystemTime)) { // we don't want to append data to the log file if
// the time is not in order. So, forget it if the
// last log time in the Log file is greater than the First
// log time of the playback log file.
TimeDiff = SystemTimeDifference (&(pLog->LastLogTime), &(FirstSystemTime), FALSE) ; if (TimeDiff < 0) { // error , time not in order
CloseHandle (pLog->hFile) ; RetCode = ERR_CANT_RELOG_DATA ; } } }
if (RetCode == 0) { // write counter names if needed
LogWriteSystemCounterNames (hWnd, pLog) ; return (TRUE) ; } }
ErrorExit: pLog->hFile = 0 ; CloseLogStopTimer(hWnd, pLog); PrepareMenu (GetMenu (hWndMain)) ; UpdateLogDisplay (hWnd) ; if (RetCode) { DlgErrorBox (hWnd, RetCode, pLog->szFilePath); } return (FALSE) ; }
DWORD LogFindEntry(LPTSTR lpszComputer, DWORD ObjectTitleIndex) /*
Effect: Returns the index of the specified Computer/Object if it already exists in the Entries List Box, otherwise returns LOG_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND */ { DWORD iLogEntry ; DWORD iLogNum ; PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ;
iLogNum = (DWORD) LBNumItems(hWndLogEntries) ; for (iLogEntry = 0; iLogEntry < iLogNum ; iLogEntry++) { pLogEntry = (PLOGENTRY) LBData(hWndLogEntries, iLogEntry) ; if (pLogEntry->ObjectTitleIndex == ObjectTitleIndex && strsamei(pLogEntry->szComputer, lpszComputer)) { return iLogEntry ; } } return (DWORD) LOG_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; }
BOOL LogAddEntry (HWND hWndLog, LPTSTR lpszComputer, LPTSTR lpszObject, DWORD ObjectTitleIndex, BOOL bGetObjectTitleIndex) /*
Effect: Add an entry in the log structure for the computer and object to be logged.
Returns: Whether the operation could be performed. */ { PLOG pLog ; PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ; SIZE_T iIndex ; PPERFSYSTEM pCurrentSystem = NULL ; DWORD CurrentObjectTitleIndex ;
pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
pCurrentSystem = SystemAdd (&(pLog->pSystemFirst), lpszComputer, hWndLog) ;
pLogEntry = MemoryAllocate (sizeof (LOGENTRY)) ; if (!pLogEntry) return (FALSE) ;
lstrcpy (pLogEntry->szComputer, lpszComputer) ; lstrcpy (pLogEntry->szObject, lpszObject) ;
pLogEntry->ObjectTitleIndex = ObjectTitleIndex ;
// if reading from a log setting file, get the
// latest Object index by the perfdata itself.
// There may be case that the id has been changed
if (bGetObjectTitleIndex && pCurrentSystem && pCurrentSystem->pSystemPerfData) { if (pCurrentSystem->pSystemPerfData->Signature[0] == TEXT('\0')) { UpdateSystemData ( pCurrentSystem, &(pCurrentSystem->pSystemPerfData)) ; }
if (CurrentObjectTitleIndex = GetObjectIdByName( pCurrentSystem, pCurrentSystem->pSystemPerfData, lpszObject)) { pLogEntry->ObjectTitleIndex = CurrentObjectTitleIndex ; } }
iIndex = LBAdd (hWndLogEntries, pLogEntry) ;
if (!bDelayAddAction) { if (iIndex == LB_ERR) { iIndex = 0 ; }
LBSetSelection (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ; LBSetVisible (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ;
LogEntriesChanged (hWndLogEntries) ; }
LogAddEntryToList (&(pLog->pLogEntryFirst), pLogEntry) ;
return TRUE; }
BOOL ToggleLogRefresh (HWND hWnd) { PLOG pLog ;
pLog = LogData (hWnd) ;
if (pLog->bManualRefresh) SetLogTimer (hWnd, pLog->iIntervalMSecs) ; else ClearLogTimer (hWnd) ;
pLog->bManualRefresh = !pLog->bManualRefresh ; return (pLog->bManualRefresh) ; }
BOOL LogRefresh (HWND hWnd) { PLOG pLog ;
pLog = LogData (hWnd) ;
return (pLog->bManualRefresh) ; }
BOOL CheckUnusedSystem (LPTSTR lpszComputer) { BOOL bStillUse = FALSE ; PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ; PLOG pLog ;
pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
for (pLogEntry = pLog->pLogEntryFirst; pLogEntry; pLogEntry = pLogEntry->pNextLogEntry) { if (strsamei(pLogEntry->szComputer, lpszComputer)) { bStillUse = TRUE ; break ; } } return (bStillUse) ; }
int SelectLogObjects(LPTSTR lpszComputer, PPERFDATA pPerfData, PPERFDATA *ppLogData) /*
Effect: This routine copies the header from pPerfData to pLogData and initializes the byte length and the number of objects. It then copies the previously selected objects from pPerfData to pLogData. If pLogData must be enlarged to accomodate the new data, this routine will enlarge it.
Returns: An updated pLogData, and TRUE if at least one object was copied.
{ PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ; PPERFOBJECT pObject ; DWORD TotalBytes ; DWORD NumObjects ; PBYTE pNextObject ; DWORD MaxLogDataSize ; PLOG pLog ;
if (!*ppLogData || !pPerfData) return -1 ;
memcpy ((LPVOID)*ppLogData, (LPVOID)pPerfData, pPerfData->HeaderLength) ; TotalBytes = pPerfData->HeaderLength ; MaxLogDataSize = MemorySize((LPMEMORY)*ppLogData) ; NumObjects = 0;
pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
for (pLogEntry = pLog->pLogEntryFirst ; pLogEntry ; pLogEntry = pLogEntry->pNextLogEntry) { if (strsamei(pLogEntry->szComputer, lpszComputer)) { pObject = GetObjectDefByTitleIndex(pPerfData, pLogEntry->ObjectTitleIndex) ;
if (pObject) { if (MaxLogDataSize < TotalBytes + pObject->TotalByteLength) { *ppLogData = MemoryResize((LPMEMORY)*ppLogData, TotalBytes + pObject->TotalByteLength) ; if (!*ppLogData) return -1 ;
pNextObject = (PBYTE) *ppLogData + TotalBytes ; memcpy ((LPVOID)pNextObject, (LPVOID)pObject, pObject->TotalByteLength); TotalBytes += pObject->TotalByteLength ; NumObjects++; } else { } } }
if (!NumObjects) return 1 ;
(*ppLogData)->TotalByteLength = TotalBytes ; (*ppLogData)->NumObjectTypes = NumObjects ;
return 0 ; }
void LogTimer (HWND hWnd, BOOL bForce) /*
Effect: Perform all actions necessary when the log window receives a timer tic. In particular, if we are collecting data, get a new perf_data_block and add a header entry. If the header block is full, write the data to disk.
Called By: LogDisplayDlgProc, in response to a WM_TIMER message. */ { PLOG pLog ; PPERFSYSTEM pSystem ; BOOL bWriteIndex ; DWORD iNumSystems ; SYSTEMTIME SystemTime ; int iNoUseSystemDetected = 0 ;
int NumberOfSystems = 0 ; DWORD WaitStatus ; BOOL bNeedToStoreName = FALSE ; HANDLE *lpPacketHandles ;
pLog = LogData (hWnd) ;
if (pLog->iStatus != iPMStatusCollecting) return ;
if (bForce || !pLog->bManualRefresh) { if (pLog->NumberOfHandles == 0) { pLog->NumberOfHandles = MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS ; pLog->lpHandles = (HANDLE *) MemoryAllocate (pLog->NumberOfHandles * sizeof (HANDLE)) ; if (!pLog->lpHandles) { // out of memory, can't go on
pLog->NumberOfHandles = 0 ; return ; } }
iNumSystems = SystemCount(pLog->pSystemFirst) ; bWriteIndex = TRUE ;
for (pSystem = pLog->pSystemFirst; pSystem; pSystem = pSystem->pSystemNext) {
if (pSystem->hStateDataMutex == 0) continue ;
// lock the state data mutex
WaitStatus = WaitForSingleObject(pSystem->hStateDataMutex, 100L); if (WaitStatus == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { ResetEvent (pSystem->hPerfDataEvent) ; pSystem->StateData = WAIT_FOR_PERF_DATA ;
if (NumberOfSystems >= pLog->NumberOfHandles) { pLog->NumberOfHandles += MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS ; pLog->lpHandles = (HANDLE *) MemoryResize ( pLog->lpHandles, pLog->NumberOfHandles * sizeof (HANDLE)) ; if (!pLog->lpHandles) { // out of memory, can't go on
pLog->NumberOfHandles = 0 ; return ; } }
// add this to the wait
pLog->lpHandles [NumberOfSystems] = pSystem->hPerfDataEvent ; NumberOfSystems++ ; }
// Send Message to thread to take a data sample
PostThreadMessage ( pSystem->dwThreadID, WM_GET_PERF_DATA, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0) ;
ReleaseMutex(pSystem->hStateDataMutex); }
Sleep (50);
// wait for all the data
if (NumberOfSystems) { // increase timeout if we are monitoring lots of systems
// For every additional 5 systems, add five more seconds
lpPacketHandles = pLog->lpHandles ; do { WaitStatus = WaitForMultipleObjects ( min (NumberOfSystems, MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS), lpPacketHandles, TRUE, // wait for all objects
DataTimeOut + (NumberOfSystems / 5) * DEFAULT_DATA_TIMEOUT);
if (WaitStatus == WAIT_TIMEOUT || NumberOfSystems <= MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS) { //if (WaitStatus == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
//mike2(TEXT("WaitTimeOut for %ld systems\n"), NumberOfSystems) ;
break ; }
// more systems --> more to wait
NumberOfSystems -= MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS ; lpPacketHandles += MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS ; } while (TRUE) ;
for (pSystem = pLog->pSystemFirst ; pSystem ; pSystem = pSystem->pSystemNext) { if (pSystem->hStateDataMutex == 0) continue ;
// lock the state data mutex
WaitStatus = WaitForSingleObject(pSystem->hStateDataMutex, 100L); if (WaitStatus == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { // check for system disconnect/reconnect
if (pSystem->dwSystemState == SYSTEM_DOWN || pSystem->dwSystemState == SYSTEM_RECONNECT) { BOOL bDisconnected ;
GetLocalTime (&SystemTime) ; if (bDisconnected = (pSystem->dwSystemState == SYSTEM_DOWN)) { pSystem->dwSystemState = SYSTEM_DOWN_RPT ; } else { pSystem->dwSystemState = SYSTEM_RECONNECT_RPT ; } if (!LogWriteSystemBookmark ( hWnd, pSystem->sysName, bDisconnected, &SystemTime)) { pSystem->StateData = IDLE_STATE ; ReleaseMutex(pSystem->hStateDataMutex); return ; } }
if (pSystem->StateData == PERF_DATA_READY) { if (pSystem->bSystemCounterNameSaved == FALSE) { // we have not written the system name to log file. This
// is the case when this system is down when we first
// start logging data...
bNeedToStoreName = TRUE ; }
if (bWriteIndex) { GetLocalTime (&SystemTime) ; }
if (SelectLogObjects(pSystem->sysName, pSystem->pSystemPerfData, &pLog->pLogData) == 0) { if ( !LogWritePerfData (hWnd, pLog, pLog->pLogData, &SystemTime, iNumSystems, bWriteIndex) ) { CloseLogStopTimer(hWnd, pLog) ;
pSystem->StateData = IDLE_STATE ; ReleaseMutex(pSystem->hStateDataMutex);
return ; } // write an index for only the first system
bWriteIndex = FALSE ; } else { if (!bAddLineInProgress) { pSystem->bSystemNoLongerNeeded = TRUE ; iNoUseSystemDetected ++ ; } } } // if PERF_DATA_READY
else if (!bAddLineInProgress && CheckUnusedSystem (pSystem->sysName) == FALSE) { // we don't need this system any more
pSystem->bSystemNoLongerNeeded = TRUE ; iNoUseSystemDetected ++ ; }
pSystem->StateData = IDLE_STATE ; ReleaseMutex(pSystem->hStateDataMutex); } // wait for StateDataMutex
} // For each system
} // if NumberOfSystems
if (!bWriteIndex) { UpdateLogSize (hWnd) ; } }
if (iNoUseSystemDetected) { DeleteUnusedSystems (&(pLog->pSystemFirst), iNoUseSystemDetected) ; }
if (bNeedToStoreName == TRUE) { LogWriteSystemCounterNames (hWnd, pLog) ; } }
BOOL NextIntervalIndexPosition (PLOG pLog, PLOGPOSITION pLP, int *pNumTics) { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime1 ; SYSTEMTIME SystemTime2 ; LOGPOSITION LP ; PLOGINDEX pIndex ; DWORD TimeDiff ;
LogPositionSystemTime (pLP, &SystemTime1) ;
LP = *pLP ;
while (NextReLogIndexPosition (&LP)) {
*pNumTics = *pNumTics - 1 ;
pIndex = IndexFromPosition (&LP) ; if (pIndex && IsBookmarkIndex (pIndex)) { *pLP = LP ; return TRUE ; } LogPositionSystemTime (&LP, &SystemTime2) ; TimeDiff = (DWORD) SystemTimeDifference (&SystemTime1, &SystemTime2, TRUE) ; if (TimeDiff * 1000 >= pLog->iIntervalMSecs) { *pLP = LP ; return (TRUE) ; } }
return (FALSE) ; }
BOOL ReLogTimer (HWND hWnd, PLOG pLog, LOGPOSITION lp, BOOL *pWriteBookmark) { PPERFSYSTEM pSystem ; BOOL bWriteIndex ; DWORD iNumSystems ; SYSTEMTIME SystemTime ; PPERFDATA pPerfData ;
bWriteIndex = TRUE ;
// First count number of systems to be logged
iNumSystems = 0;
for (pSystem = pLog->pSystemFirst; pSystem; pSystem = pSystem->pSystemNext) { pPerfData = LogDataFromPosition (pSystem, &lp) ; if (pPerfData) { if (SelectLogObjects(pSystem->sysName, pPerfData, &pLog->pLogData) == 0) { iNumSystems++; } } }
// Now we can log the data
for (pSystem = pLog->pSystemFirst ; pSystem ; pSystem = pSystem->pSystemNext) { // for
pPerfData = LogDataFromPosition (pSystem, &lp) ; if (pPerfData) { // write an index for only the first system
LogPositionSystemTime (&lp, &SystemTime) ; if (SelectLogObjects(pSystem->sysName, pPerfData, &pLog->pLogData) == 0) { if (*pWriteBookmark) { // only need to write the start bookmark once.
*pWriteBookmark = FALSE ; LogWriteStartBookmark (hWnd, &SystemTime) ; } if ( !LogWritePerfData (hWnd, pLog, pLog->pLogData, &SystemTime, iNumSystems, bWriteIndex) ) { CloseLogStopTimer(hWnd, pLog) ; return FALSE ; } else { // write the index for only the first system logged
bWriteIndex = FALSE ; } } } }
return TRUE ; }
void ReLog (HWND hWndLog, BOOL bSameFile) { PLOG pLog ; LOGPOSITION lp ; // SYSTEMTIME SystemTime ;
PLOGINDEX pIndex ; PBOOKMARK pBookmark; int iDisplayTics ;
// bWriteBookmark tell relogtimer to write start bookmark
BOOL bWriteBookmark = TRUE ;
pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ; if (StartLog (hWndLog, pLog, bSameFile) == FALSE) { return ; }
lp = PlaybackLog.StartIndexPos ; iDisplayTics = PlaybackLog.iSelectedTics;
while (iDisplayTics > 0) { pIndex = IndexFromPosition (&lp) ; if (pIndex) { if (IsBookmarkIndex (pIndex)) { pBookmark = (PBOOKMARK) PlaybackSeek (pIndex->lDataOffset) ; if (!LogWriteBookmarkData (hWndLog, pBookmark)) break; } else if (!ReLogTimer (hWndLog, pLog, lp, &bWriteBookmark)) break ; }
if (!NextIntervalIndexPosition (pLog, &lp, &iDisplayTics)) break ;
} UpdateLogSize (hWndLog) ; CloseLog (hWndLog, pLog) ; }
// SaveLog is diff than other because we are not saving a "Line"
// We are actually saving an entry in the hWndLogEntries listbox.
// It only contains the system & object name.
BOOL SaveLog (HWND hWndLog, HANDLE hInputFile, BOOL bGetFileName) { int iIndex, iIndexNum ; PLOG pLog ; PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ; LOGENTRY tempLogEntry ; HANDLE hFile ; DISKLOG DiskLog ; PERFFILEHEADER FileHeader ; TCHAR szFileName [256] ; BOOL newFileName = FALSE ;
pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ; if (!pLog) { return (FALSE) ; }
if (hInputFile) { // use the input file handle if it is available
// this is the case for saving workspace data
hFile = hInputFile ; } else { if (pLogFullFileName) { lstrcpy (szFileName, pLogFullFileName) ; } if (bGetFileName || pLogFullFileName == NULL) { // if (pLogFullFileName == NULL)
// {
// StringLoad (IDS_LOG_FNAME, szFileName) ;
// }
if (!FileGetName (hWndLog, IDS_LOGFILE, szFileName)) { return (FALSE) ; } newFileName = TRUE ; }
hFile = FileHandleCreate (szFileName) ;
if (hFile && hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && newFileName) { ChangeSaveFileName (szFileName, IDM_VIEWLOG) ; } else if (!hFile) { DlgErrorBox (hWndLog, ERR_CANT_OPEN, szFileName) ; } }
if (!hFile || hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return (FALSE) ;
iIndexNum = LBNumItems (hWndLogEntries) ;
if (!hInputFile) { memset (&FileHeader, 0, sizeof (FileHeader)) ; lstrcpy (FileHeader.szSignature, szPerfLogSignature) ; FileHeader.dwMajorVersion = LogMajorVersion ; FileHeader.dwMinorVersion = LogMinorVersion ;
if (!FileWrite (hFile, &FileHeader, sizeof (PERFFILEHEADER))) { goto Exit0 ; } }
DiskLog.dwIntervalSecs = pLog->iIntervalMSecs ; DiskLog.dwNumLines = iIndexNum ; DiskLog.bManualRefresh = pLog->bManualRefresh ; DiskLog.perfmonOptions = Options ; lstrcpy(DiskLog.LogFileName, pLog->szFilePath) ;
if (!FileWrite (hFile, &DiskLog, sizeof (DISKLOG))) { goto Exit0 ; }
for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < iIndexNum; iIndex++) { pLogEntry = LogEntryN (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ; if (pstrsamei (pLogEntry->szComputer, LocalComputerName)) { tempLogEntry = *pLogEntry ; lstrcpy (tempLogEntry.szComputer, LOCAL_SYS_CODE_NAME) ; if (!FileWrite (hFile, &tempLogEntry, sizeof(LOGENTRY)-sizeof(pLogEntry->pNextLogEntry))) { goto Exit0 ; } } else { if (!FileWrite (hFile, pLogEntry, sizeof(LOGENTRY)-sizeof(pLogEntry->pNextLogEntry))) { goto Exit0 ; } } }
if (!hInputFile) { CloseHandle (hFile) ; }
return (TRUE) ;
Exit0: if (!hInputFile) { CloseHandle (hFile) ;
// only need to report error if not workspace
DlgErrorBox (hWndLog, ERR_SETTING_FILE, szFileName) ; } return (FALSE) ; }
BOOL OpenLogVer1 (HWND hWndLog, HANDLE hFile, DISKLOG *pDiskLog, PLOG pLog, DWORD dwMinorVersion) { int iIndex, iIndexNum ; PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ; LOGENTRY LogEntry ; PPERFSYSTEM pSystem;
pLog->iIntervalMSecs = pDiskLog->dwIntervalSecs ; if (dwMinorVersion < 3) { pLog->iIntervalMSecs *= 1000 ; }
pLog->lFileSize = 0L ; if (dwMinorVersion >= 5) { lstrcpy (pLog->szFilePath, pDiskLog->LogFileName) ; } else { strclr (pLog->szFilePath) ;
// fixed the file pointer for backward compatible with older version.
// FileSeekCurrent (hFile, -((int) (sizeof (pDiskLog->LogFileName)))) ;
pLog->bManualRefresh = pDiskLog->bManualRefresh ; iIndexNum = pDiskLog->dwNumLines ;
LBSetRedraw (hWndLogEntries, FALSE) ;
bDelayAddAction = TRUE ;
for (iIndex = 0 ; iIndex < iIndexNum ; iIndex++) { if (!FileRead (hFile, &LogEntry, sizeof(LOGENTRY)-sizeof(LogEntry.pNextLogEntry))) { break ; }
if (pstrsame (LogEntry.szComputer, LOCAL_SYS_CODE_NAME)) { // convert it back to the local name
lstrcpy (LogEntry.szComputer, LocalComputerName) ; }
LogAddEntry (hWndLog, LogEntry.szComputer, LogEntry.szObject, LogEntry.ObjectTitleIndex, TRUE) ; }
bDelayAddAction = FALSE ;
LBSetSelection (hWndLogEntries, 0) ; LBSetVisible (hWndLogEntries, 0) ;
LogEntriesChanged (hWndLogEntries) ;
LBSetRedraw (hWndLogEntries, TRUE) ;
for (pSystem = pLog->pSystemFirst ; pSystem ; pSystem = pSystem->pSystemNext) { if (pSystem) { RemoveObjectsFromSystem (pSystem); } }
for (iIndex = 0 ; iIndex < iIndexNum ; iIndex++) { pLogEntry = LogEntryN (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ;
pSystem = SystemGet (pLog->pSystemFirst, pLogEntry->szComputer); if (pSystem) { AppendObjectToValueList ( pLogEntry->ObjectTitleIndex, pSystem->lpszValue); } }
if (!strempty(pLog->szFilePath)) { if (pLog->pLogEntryFirst && pLog->pSystemFirst) { // PostMessage so it will start logging
PostMessage ( hWndLog, WM_START_LOGGING, 0, 0) ; } else { HANDLE hLogFile ;
// get the file size.
hLogFile = FileHandleOpen (pLog->szFilePath) ;
if (hLogFile && hLogFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { pLog->lFileSize = GetFileSize (hLogFile, NULL); CloseHandle (hLogFile) ; } } }
return (TRUE) ; }
BOOL OpenLog (HWND hWndLog, HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwMajorVersion, DWORD dwMinorVersion, BOOL bLogFile) { PLOG pLog ; DISKLOG DiskLog ; BOOL bSuccess = TRUE ;
pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ; if (!pLog) { bSuccess = FALSE ; goto Exit0 ; }
if (!FileRead (hFile, &DiskLog, sizeof (DISKLOG) - sizeof(DiskLog.LogFileName))) { bSuccess = FALSE ; goto Exit0 ; }
if (dwMajorVersion == 1 && dwMinorVersion >= 5 || dwMajorVersion > 1) { // read LogFileName
if (!FileRead (hFile, DiskLog.LogFileName, sizeof (DiskLog.LogFileName))) { bSuccess = FALSE ; goto Exit0 ; } }
switch (dwMajorVersion) { case (1):
SetHourglassCursor() ;
ResetLogView (hWndLog) ;
OpenLogVer1 (hWndLog, hFile, &DiskLog, pLog, dwMinorVersion) ;
// change to log view if we are opening a
// log file
if (bLogFile && iPerfmonView != IDM_VIEWLOG) { SendMessage (hWndMain, WM_COMMAND, (LONG)IDM_VIEWLOG, 0L) ; }
if (iPerfmonView == IDM_VIEWLOG) { SetPerfmonOptions (&DiskLog.perfmonOptions) ; }
UpdateLogDisplay (hWndLog) ;
SetArrowCursor() ;
break ; }
if (bLogFile) { CloseHandle (hFile) ; }
return (bSuccess) ; }
BOOL LogCollecting (HWND hWndLog) /*
Effect: Return whether the log associated with hWndLog is currently collecting data (writing performance values to disk). */ { PLOG pLog ;
pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
return (pLog->iStatus == iPMStatusCollecting) ; }
int LogFileSize (HWND hWndLog) { PLOG pLog ;
pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
return (pLog->lFileSize) ; }
BOOL LogWriteSystemBookmark ( HWND hWnd, LPTSTR lpSystemName, BOOL bDisconnected, SYSTEMTIME *pSystemTime) { BOOKMARK Bookmark ; TCHAR NewSystemBookmark [MiscTextLen * 2] ;
memset (&Bookmark, 0, sizeof (BOOKMARK)) ;
NewSystemBookmark [0] = TEXT('\0') ; StringLoad ( bDisconnected ? IDS_SYSTEM_DOWN : IDS_SYSTEM_UP, NewSystemBookmark) ;
lstrcat (NewSystemBookmark, TEXT(" - ")) ; lstrcat (NewSystemBookmark, lpSystemName) ; Bookmark.SystemTime = *pSystemTime ; lstrcpy (Bookmark.szComment, NewSystemBookmark) ;
return (LogWriteBookmarkData (hWndLog, &Bookmark)) ; }
BOOL LogWriteStartBookmark (HWND hWnd, SYSTEMTIME *pSystemTime) { BOOKMARK Bookmark ; TCHAR NewDataBookmark [MiscTextLen] ;
memset (&Bookmark, 0, sizeof (BOOKMARK)) ;
NewDataBookmark [0] = TEXT('\0') ; StringLoad (IDS_NEWDATA_BOOKMARK, NewDataBookmark) ; Bookmark.SystemTime = *pSystemTime ; lstrcpy (Bookmark.szComment, NewDataBookmark) ;
return (LogWriteBookmarkData (hWndLog, &Bookmark)) ; }
BOOL LogWriteBookmarkData (HWND hWnd, PBOOKMARK pBookmark) { PLOG pLog ; LONG lDataOffset ; BOOL WriteOK ;
pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ; if (!pLog) return (FALSE) ;
lDataOffset = FileTell (pLog->hFile) ; WriteOK = FileWrite (pLog->hFile, pBookmark, sizeof (BOOKMARK)) ; if ( WriteOK ) { pLog->lFileSize += sizeof (BOOKMARK) ; UpdateLogSize (hWndLog) ;
WriteOK = LogWriteIndex (pLog, LogFileIndexBookmark, &(pBookmark->SystemTime), lDataOffset, 0) ; } if ( !WriteOK ) { CloseLog (hWndLog, pLog) ; PrepareMenu (GetMenu (hWndMain)) ; UpdateLogDisplay (hWndLog) ; DlgErrorBox (hWndLog, ERR_LOG_FILE, pLog->szFilePath); } return WriteOK ; }
BOOL LogWriteBookmark (HWND hWndLog, LPCTSTR lpszComment) { BOOKMARK Bookmark ;
memset (&Bookmark, 0, sizeof (BOOKMARK)) ;
GetLocalTime (&Bookmark.SystemTime) ; lstrcpy (Bookmark.szComment, lpszComment) ;
return (LogWriteBookmarkData (hWndLog, &Bookmark)) ; }
BOOL AnyLogLine (void) { if (LBSelection (hWndLogEntries) == LB_ERR) { return (FALSE) ; } else { return (TRUE) ; } }
void ResetLogView (HWND hWndLog) { PLOG pLog ;
pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
ChangeSaveFileName (NULL, IDM_VIEWLOG) ;
if (pLog && pLog->pSystemFirst) { ResetLog (hWndLog) ; } }
BOOL ResetLog (HWND hWndLog) { INT_PTR iIndex ; PLOG pLog ; INT_PTR iEntriesNum ;
pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
if (LogCollecting (hWndLog)) { CloseLog (hWndLog, pLog) ; }
LBSetRedraw (hWndLogEntries, FALSE) ; iEntriesNum = LBNumItems (hWndLogEntries) ;
// only need to zero out the list head
// each item will be deleted by LogDeleteIndex via the listbox
pLog->pLogEntryFirst = NULL ;
// delete each line
for (iIndex = iEntriesNum - 1; iIndex >= 0; iIndex-- ) { LogDeleteIndex (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ; }
LBSetRedraw (hWndLogEntries, TRUE) ;
if (pLog->pSystemFirst) { FreeSystems (pLog->pSystemFirst) ; pLog->pSystemFirst = NULL ; }
MemoryFree ((LPMEMORY)pLog->pLogData) ;
pLog->pLogData = (PPERFDATA) MemoryAllocate (STARTING_SYSINFO_SIZE) ;
LogEntriesChanged (hWndLogEntries) ;
pLog->iStatus = iPMStatusClosed ; UpdateLogDisplay (hWndLog) ;
return (TRUE) ; }
BOOL LogDeleteEntry (HWND hWndLog) { INT_PTR iIndex ; PLOG pLog ; BOOL retCode ; int iEntriesNum ;
pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
iIndex = LBSelection (hWndLogEntries) ;
if (iIndex == LB_ERR) { retCode = FALSE ; } else { // remove the current selection
LogDeleteIndex (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ;
iEntriesNum = LBNumItems (hWndLogEntries) ;
if (iEntriesNum == 0 || iEntriesNum == LB_ERR) { // delete the last line or something bad happened,
// then reset the window.
ResetLog (hWndLog) ; } else { // set selection on the item above the deleted item.
iIndex-- ; if (iIndex < 0) { iIndex = 0 ; } LBSetSelection (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ; LBSetVisible (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ; }
LogEntriesChanged (hWndLogEntries) ; retCode = TRUE ; } return (retCode) ; }
void ExportLog (void) { HANDLE hFile ; PLOG pLog ; PLOGENTRY pLogEntry ; int iIndex ; int iIndexNum ; CHAR TempBuff [LongTextLen * 2] ; TCHAR UnicodeBuff [LongTextLen] ; TCHAR UnicodeBuff1 [MiscTextLen] ; int StringLen ; LPTSTR pFileName = NULL ; INT ErrCode = 0 ;
if (!(pLog = LogData (hWndLog))) { return ; }
// see if there is anything to export..
iIndexNum = LBNumItems (hWndLogEntries) ; if (iIndexNum == 0 || iIndexNum == LB_ERR) { return ; }
if (!FileGetName (hWndLog, IDS_EXPORTFILE, UnicodeBuff)) { // user cancel
return ; }
pFileName = StringAllocate (UnicodeBuff) ;
// open the file..
hFile = FileHandleCreate (UnicodeBuff);
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // can't open the file
ErrCode = ERR_CANT_OPEN ; return ; }
SetHourglassCursor() ;
// get header
StringLoad (IDS_REPORT_HEADER, UnicodeBuff) ; ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, UnicodeBuff) ; StringLen = strlen (TempBuff) ; ConvertUnicodeStr (&TempBuff[StringLen], LocalComputerName) ; strcat (TempBuff, LineEndStr) ;
if (!FileWrite (hFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff))) { ErrCode = ERR_EXPORT_FILE ; goto Exit0 ; }
if (!(strempty(pLog->szFilePath))) { // export filename is there is one
StringLoad (IDS_REPORT_LOGFILE, UnicodeBuff) ; ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, UnicodeBuff) ; StringLen = strlen (TempBuff) ; ConvertUnicodeStr (&TempBuff[StringLen], pLog->szFilePath) ; strcat (TempBuff, LineEndStr) ;
if (!FileWrite (hFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff))) { ErrCode = ERR_EXPORT_FILE ; goto Exit0 ; } }
// export interval
StringLoad (IDS_CHARTINT_FORMAT, UnicodeBuff1) ; TSPRINTF (UnicodeBuff, UnicodeBuff1, (FLOAT) pLog->iIntervalMSecs / (FLOAT) 1000.0) ; ConvertDecimalPoint (UnicodeBuff) ; ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, UnicodeBuff) ; strcat (TempBuff, LineEndStr) ; strcat (TempBuff, LineEndStr) ;
if (!FileWrite (hFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff))) { ErrCode = ERR_EXPORT_FILE ; goto Exit0 ; }
// export Labels
StringLoad (IDS_LABELOBJECT, UnicodeBuff) ; ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, UnicodeBuff) ; strcat (TempBuff, pDelimiter) ;
if (!FileWrite (hFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff))) { ErrCode = ERR_EXPORT_FILE ; goto Exit0 ; }
StringLoad (IDS_LABELSYSTEM, UnicodeBuff) ; ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, UnicodeBuff) ; strcat (TempBuff, LineEndStr) ;
if (!FileWrite (hFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff))) { ErrCode = ERR_EXPORT_FILE ; goto Exit0 ; }
// export each counter
for (iIndex = 0 ; iIndex < iIndexNum ; iIndex++) { // for
pLogEntry = LogEntryN (hWndLogEntries, iIndex) ;
if (!pLogEntry || pLogEntry == (PLOGENTRY)LB_ERR) { continue ; }
ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, pLogEntry->szObject) ; strcat (TempBuff, pDelimiter) ;
if (!FileWrite (hFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff))) { ErrCode = ERR_EXPORT_FILE ; break ; }
ConvertUnicodeStr (TempBuff, pLogEntry->szComputer) ; strcat (TempBuff, LineEndStr) ;
if (!FileWrite (hFile, TempBuff, strlen(TempBuff))) { ErrCode = ERR_EXPORT_FILE ; break ; } }
SetArrowCursor() ; CloseHandle (hFile) ;
if (pFileName) { if (ErrCode) { DlgErrorBox (hWndGraph, ErrCode, pFileName) ; } MemoryFree (pFileName) ; } }
LPTSTR MatchSystemCounters (LPTSTR pBaseSysCounter, long lBaseSysSize, LPTSTR pSysCounter, long lSysSize, long *pMatchPortion) { LPTSTR pNotMatch = NULL ; long i, lSizeToCompare ;
*pMatchPortion = 0 ; lSizeToCompare = min (lBaseSysSize, lSysSize) / sizeof (TCHAR) ;
for (i = 0 ; i < lSizeToCompare ; i++, pBaseSysCounter++, pSysCounter++) { if (*pBaseSysCounter != *pSysCounter) { pNotMatch = pSysCounter ; break ; } }
if (pNotMatch == NULL) { if (lBaseSysSize < lSysSize) { // the new system has longer counter names than base system
// setup the extra portion.
pNotMatch = pSysCounter ; } else { // new system counter name is shorter than or equal to
// the base system counter names
*pMatchPortion = lSysSize ; } }
return (pNotMatch) ;
void LogWriteSystemCounterNames (HWND hWnd, PLOG pLog) { long dwArraySize ; PPERFSYSTEM pSystem = pLog->pSystemFirst ; LPTSTR pMatchLen ; LPTSTR pCounterName ; long lMatchLen, lMatchPortion ;
for (pSystem = pLog->pSystemFirst ; pSystem ; pSystem = pSystem->pSystemNext) { if (pSystem->bSystemCounterNameSaved == TRUE || pSystem->CounterInfo.dwLastId == 0) { // we have either wrote out the counter name for
// this system, or this system is not connect when
// reading in the setting file, skip it then.
continue ; }
dwArraySize = (pSystem->CounterInfo.dwLastId + 1 ) ;
if (!pLog->lBaseCounterNameOffset) { LogWriteCounterName (hWnd, pSystem, pLog, (LPTSTR)(pSystem->CounterInfo.TextString + dwArraySize), 0, pSystem->CounterInfo.dwCounterSize, 0 ) ; } else { // check for matched characters between this system and the
// base system
pCounterName = (LPTSTR)(pSystem->CounterInfo.TextString + dwArraySize) ; pMatchLen = MatchSystemCounters (pLog->pBaseCounterName, pLog->lBaseCounterNameSize, pCounterName, pSystem->CounterInfo.dwCounterSize, &lMatchPortion) ;
if (pMatchLen) { // This system matches part of the base system
// (all if it has more names)
lMatchLen = (long) (pMatchLen - pCounterName) * sizeof (TCHAR) ; LogWriteCounterName (hWnd, pSystem, pLog, pMatchLen, lMatchLen, pSystem->CounterInfo.dwCounterSize - lMatchLen, 0 ) ; } else { // This system matches the based system
LogWriteCounterName (hWnd, pSystem, pLog, NULL, lMatchPortion, 0, 0 ) ; } } } }
BOOL LogWriteCounterName (HWND hWnd, PPERFSYSTEM pSystem, PLOG pLog, LPTSTR pCounterName, long sizeMatched, long sizeOfData, BOOL bBaseCounterName) { BOOL ReadOK ; BOOL WriteOK ; SYSTEMTIME SystemTime ; LOGFILECOUNTERNAME CounterNameRecord ; LOGHEADER LogFileHeader ; long lDataOffset, lCurPosition ; TCHAR Dummy [sizeof(DWORD)] ; int PatchBytes = 0;
if (pSystem->bSystemCounterNameSaved == TRUE) return FALSE ;
GetLocalTime (&SystemTime) ;
lCurPosition = FileTell (pLog->hFile) ;
lstrcpy (CounterNameRecord.szComputer, pSystem->sysName) ; CounterNameRecord.lBaseCounterNameOffset = pLog->lBaseCounterNameOffset ; CounterNameRecord.lCurrentCounterNameOffset = lCurPosition + sizeof (LOGFILECOUNTERNAME) ; CounterNameRecord.lMatchLength = sizeMatched ; CounterNameRecord.lUnmatchCounterNames = sizeOfData ; CounterNameRecord.dwLastCounterId = pSystem->CounterInfo.dwLastId ; CounterNameRecord.dwLangId = pSystem->CounterInfo.dwLangId ; WriteOK = FileWrite (pLog->hFile, &CounterNameRecord, sizeof (CounterNameRecord)) ;
if (WriteOK) { pLog->lFileSize += sizeof (LOGFILECOUNTERNAME) ;
if (sizeOfData) {
WriteOK = FileWrite (pLog->hFile, pCounterName, sizeOfData) ;
if (WriteOK && (PatchBytes = sizeOfData % sizeof(DWORD)) > 0) { // ensure the file is in DWORD boundary.
WriteOK = FileWrite (pLog->hFile, Dummy, PatchBytes) ; }
if (WriteOK) { pLog->lFileSize += sizeOfData + PatchBytes ;
if (!pLog->lBaseCounterNameOffset) { // this is the first counter name data block
// then update the log file header
lDataOffset = FileTell (pLog->hFile) ;
FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile, 0L) ;
ReadOK = FileRead (pLog->hFile, &LogFileHeader, sizeof (LogFileHeader)) ;
if (ReadOK) { LogFileHeader.lBaseCounterNameOffset = lCurPosition ; FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile, 0L) ; WriteOK = FileWrite (pLog->hFile, &LogFileHeader, sizeof (LogFileHeader)) ; } else { // flag an error
WriteOK = FALSE ; }
// retore back to current file position
FileSeekBegin (pLog->hFile, lDataOffset) ;
if (ReadOK && WriteOK) { // allocate memory to save the base system counter names
if (pLog->pBaseCounterName) { MemoryFree (pLog->pBaseCounterName) ; } if (pLog->pBaseCounterName = MemoryAllocate (sizeOfData)) { memcpy (pLog->pBaseCounterName, pCounterName, sizeOfData) ; pLog->lBaseCounterNameOffset = lCurPosition ; pLog->lBaseCounterNameSize = sizeOfData ; } } } } } }
if ( WriteOK ) { WriteOK = LogWriteIndex (pLog, LogFileIndexCounterName, &SystemTime, lCurPosition, 0) ; }
if ( !WriteOK ) { CloseLog (hWndLog, pLog) ; PrepareMenu (GetMenu (hWndMain)) ; UpdateLogDisplay (hWndLog) ; DlgErrorBox (hWndLog, ERR_LOG_FILE, pLog->szFilePath); } else { UpdateLogSize (hWnd) ; pSystem->bSystemCounterNameSaved = TRUE ; }
return (TRUE) ; }